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GORRIE — A petition station. Because the town- had fallen through when one village because he could see
opposing plans by Howick Council to makemoney to pay for the new refused to pay for the truck. Referring to the Bakalar
changes Township
own hi�`at this time" in the shed this year, the decision "I don't know what you fire on the evening off April 4,
township's fire protection Will involve the new council guys are trying to prove," Mr. Mino said he had
arrangements, was sent to which will take office on Dec. Mr. Ward said.' "I'm mad directed traffic and it took at
the Ontario Municipal Board 1. Therefore OMB approval now. least 35 minutes for the fire
(OMB) on Tuesday. The . isrequired. Pulling a bill from histruck to get to Gorrie from
heti ion was si d by 1092 According to David pocket, he declared, "Here's Win hg anfa
township voters. Henderson, OMB secretary; a hundred dollars as a start Larry Bakalar said the,
"It (the petition) went out the procedure the board will on a new fire hall and I think call that his store was on fire
this morning by courier follow will be to first see if there are a few more fellows was made at 6:30 p.m. and it
service," said Don Wilson of the township can pay for the who would like to throw in a ,"was'.'past 7:10 when the
Fordwich on Tuesday. Mr. new shed and then consider little bit too. Here, Norm, I (truck arrived".
Wilson is a member of the objections to the projects. want you to come and take . "You people say we don't
If the objections warrant, this.
Concerned Taxpayers off Mr. Henderson said, a As Howick Coun. Norman tment," Mr. Bakaiar
love people to look after a
Howick Township, the group hearing will be held in the Fairles came forward topick said.r "Butwhen that fire
which circulated the
petition. municipality. up the nibney, Mr. Ward was broke out I had six guys right
The sending of the petition In releasing the results of 1 11dly applauded as he there to help out and there
to the OMB followed a rowdy the petition, the Concerned returned to the back of the were 10 more waiting outside
meeting in the Village of Taxpayers' group said it had hall. for something to do."
Gorrie Thursday night, and been informed by the Gordon Mann of RR 2, Mr. Bakalar who lost his
action taken by Howick township office there were Wroxeter, a supporter of the home as well as his business
1086 households in Howick Concerned Taxpayers' in the fire added "I'll
ship does not have enough man who had lost a barn it was needed.
Township Council earlier
that same week also in-
volving the OMB.
At a special coui eil
meeting on Tuesday night,
April 9, Howick Township
Council' voted in favor of
making application to the
OMB for approval to pay for
a new township shed over a
two-year period. The motion
was opposed by Deputy
Reeve Gerald D'Arcey.
It is council's intention to
turn the present township.
shed into a satellite fire
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Township. However, group, said he should beina this to you guys. who live on
township clerk -treasurer prime location to favor the the border. If it's good for the
Marvin Bosetti informed the satelliterie,. "and I think I community, it's good for
press there were 2407 names could live with it". everybody. I'm just glad it
on the voter list for the 1982 However, Mr. Mann 'said, was my place and not Mary
election. In that election a "While the deal looks gol- Edgar's who couldn't run. I
total of less than 1,000 votes danged good right here, I don't want my place used as
were cast. wonder if it looks so good 10 a reason why we should or
GORRIE MEETING miles out?" . shouldn't have it (satellite
The meeting of the Con- He then asked Reeve Jack station), but it's a good
cerned Taxpayers in Gorrie Stafford and Coun. John example."
was the third public meeting Jacques if they would be Mr. Bakalar was ap-
held by the group. Previous happy with council's plans to plauded • by everyone in the
meetings were held in the build a satellite station in hall.
Village of Fordwich on Gdrrie and terminate Lyle Murray of RR 2,
March 21 and in the Village agreements with the Clifford, said he had agreed
of Wroxeter on March 28. Harriston and Listowel fire 'to help out with the petition
The melting in Gorrie took departments, "if you could beeause it was one way of
place one week after a fire in move your farm to finding out how people felt.
the village destroyed the Newbridge". "I can live with a fire
home and business of Larry When Reeve Stafford and department in Gorrie," he
Bakalar and family. During Coun. Jacques said they said, "but I just don't like
the weekend of April 6, 7, at would still be happy with the` that fire agreement with
least four members of the arrangement, Mr. . Mann Wingham."
Concerned Taxpayers replied, "That surprises In the fire agreement
received telephone calls me". signed with the Wingham.
blaming them for the loss of Reeve Stafford lives near and Area Fire Board in 1984,
the Bakalar building. Gorrie and Coun... Jacques, „,. Howick Township's share of
Mr. Wilson who described - near Clifford. support payments increased
the calls as "crank calls""Would you be happy with from 17 per cent to ,29,,,6 per
said the person or persons Wingham and the satellite cent on the understanding
making the calls did not give and nothing else?" asked that the township would get a
any identification. Besides someone. satellite station.
Mr. Wilson, members of the Coun. Norman Fairies of At the same time, Mr.
group getting such calls RR 1, Gorrie said he felt thea -Murray said, "There's no
included Jim Robinson of membersof the Concerned use people being, angry at
Fordwich, Harry Gibson of Taxpayers group "took too one another. That isn't going
RR. 1, Fordwich, and Doug much for granted" in stating to help anybody."
Bunker of RR 2, Harriston. in the petition that council When Reeve Stafford said
Members of the group said planned to terminate he'd never been approached
they considered cancelling agreements with Harriston regarding the petition,
the Gorrie ;meeting, but then :,and Listowel.' Harold Gibson said, "Well, I
I decided it would be better to • "As far,as.I'm concerned came to Gorrie. There were
go ahead with it as planned. that was just a proposal," those people who said I'd
anned. said Coun. Fairless. "I felt never come out of Gorrie."
When the meeting opened as though you guys weren't Mr. Gibson estimated he
at 8:30 p.m. with . ap- listening." • had visited two-thirds of the
proximately 100 people in However, a ,number. of people in Gorrie. "And I
attendance, Jim Robinson people in the audience -said don't think there were five
announced the purpose of the they had left a public per cent of those we did hit
meeting was to finish up the meeting, . held by the who were in favor of the idea
petitions and make a final township' on March 7, with of a new shed - they sure
tally of the names. the impression that council don't want a new shed," he
After two men at the intended to terminate the said.
meeting added their names agreements with Harriston Mr. Gibson added that
to the petition,'the members and Listowel at the end of Coun. Jacques had been
of the group sitting at the this year and cut back on the shown the petition befdre it
head table called for protection purchased from, was circulated, "and he
volunteers from the floor to the Clifford Fire Depart- agreed the figures were
assist in counting the names. ment. correct". •
Mt. Wilson then an- GOOD EXAMPLE Coun. Jacques said one
nounced the total as 1,092. Earl Mino of Gorrie said stipulation he made was that
"We tried to hit everybody in he was surprised Mr. Mann people should also be shown
the township," he said. was shocked to hear a break -down of the costs
"When we -found -people members of council believe and the grant system should
away, we tried to go back." the fire protection being be explained.
Mr. Gibson said he had planned is adequate. "Anywhere I went the
come to Gorrie with the "We voted these fellows in sheet was shown," Mr.
petition on two nights "But I and they got in quite han- Gibson replied. "And
figure we missed about a dily." Mr. Mino said. "I everybody taking around the
third of the people," he said. don't feel my vote was petition had a copy of the
Mr. Robinson said as far wasted." information."
as the Concerned Taxpayers Mr. Mino said when he Coun. Jacques said he is
were concerned the purpose moved.to Gorrie 12 years ago disappointed with the people
of the meeting 'had been he was determined to get a ' within five miles of Clifford
fulfilled. "The petition will fire department in the who signed the petition. The
Ontario Municipal Board.
We talked with the OMB this
morning and they un-
derstand what is going on
Mr. Robinson said if there
were no questions from the
floor, the meeting would be
adjourned. His statement
was .greeted wit . Fiou'£s of
protest and the meeting
lasted for another two and a
half hours.
While many people sat and
listened to the proceedings,
the meeting was dominated
by residents of the Gorrie
area who obviously opposed
both the petition and the
Concerned. Taxpayers'
The mood of the meeting
was set by the first man to
address it from the floor.'
Marching to the front of
the room with a piece of
paper in his hand, an angry
Bill Ward of Gorrie criticized
the members of the group
"for expecting other men to
fight our fires for us".
Then tossing the piece of
paper away, he said, "I don't
need this, I know what I'm
going to say."
Mr. Ward said years ago
people had to fight fires with
pails and ladders and at one
time people had to pay the
cost of the fire truck
themselves. This, he said,
FLAPJACK FLIPPERS—Randy Scott and Oscar Kief-
fer, both of Belmore, were in charge of the pancake flip-
ping at last weekend's maple syrup festival in the
hamlet. An estimated 2,000 people took advantage of
the clear, sunny day and made the trip to Belmore
The Wingham Advance -Times, Apr. 17, 1985—Page 11
township, he said, had been
paying for protection from
Clifford and he is disap-
pointed people in that area
now aren't willing to pay a
little extra so the people in
the middle off the township
can receive equal protection.'
Much of the meeting was
taken up by Coun. Norman
Fairies who was appointed to
council in January. Going
over payments for fire
protection for the past three
years, he said it is obvious
that Howick Township had
helped pay ffor new fire
departments in Harriston,
Clifford and Listowel.
"Now it's Wingham's
turn," he said. "Wingham
covers nearly half our
township, and anybody who
says Wingham didn't need a
new fire hall couldn't have
seen the old one."
Coun. Fairless criticized
past councils for "not
carrying any surplus, or
back-up, or whatever you
want to call it". Because ,
there was no reserve fund,
he said, council had no
alternative but to increase
taxes to pay for the new
township shed.
Council, he said, had spent
many hours studying the
situation and had reached
the conclusion the best deal
for the township would be to
turn the existing shed into a
fire hall and build a new
With its 17 per cent share
of the Wingham and area fire
board, said Coun. Fairies,
the township was paying
$47,000 per year for fire
protection. Under council's
Please turn to 1 --Page 17
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