HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-04-10, Page 29, Page 14 -Crossroads -Apr. 10, 1985 • • • • • • • • • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••••*••••••••il••••••• • 5 ... CBC Toronto 5D ... WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 ... WKBW Buffalo 7D ... WJBK Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ... CFPL London 11 ... CHCH Hamilton ••••0••0•*000i•00• •••••i)i••••• • • • • . • • • • r . CKCO Kitchener . TSN . City TV Toronto ?iri••••rir•••••• • • • • • • • • Weekday Mornings 5:4,0 Jimmy Swaggart 6 5:50 Ontario Report 13 6:00 Frightenstein 10 Seneca Teleeollege 6, 57 News 7D, 4D Camera•on Canada 11 News 3, 5D News This Morning 7 6:30 Western Gardener 5 Bodytalk (starts Mon.) 5 Morning Exercise 3 Canada AM 13 It Figures 11 McGowan's World 11 Hammy Hamster 6 CBLT Morning 5 20 Minute Workout 57, 10 Today Show 5D 100 Huntley Street 3 Good Morning America 7 7:15 Fitness Break 8 7:30 Curious George 8 What's New (Fri. on- ly)8 Body Moves 11 Toronto Rocks 57 FYI - First Edition 10 Hercules 6 7:45 Friendly Giant 8 8:00 Elegant Appetites 11 Polka Dot Door 3 20 Minute Workout 8 Scooby Doo 6 8:30 All In The Family 8, 10 Celebrity Microwaves 11 Sesame Street 3 The 700 Club 6 - Rocket Robinhood 57 9:00 Entertainment Tonight 7D, 4D Northland (Thurs.-Fri.) 5 Hobbledehoy (Mon. -Wed.) 5 ) Romper Room and Friends 13 Good Morning Workout 11 EdAllen 6 . Phil Donahue 5D, 7, 57, 10, 8 9:30 The New You 11 Mr. Dressup 3 • 100 Huntley Street 6 What's Cooking 13 Muppet Show 5 Love Connection 7D, 4D 10:00 Time Machine 5D Curious George 5 Trivia Company 13 General Hospital ' (Tues. only) 13 Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 Friendly Giant 3 100 Huntley Street 8 The New You 10 New $25,000 Pyramid 7D, 4D, 57 10:15 Fitness Break 3 Friendly Giant 5 10:30 Sale of the Century 5D Be My Guest 13 Celebrity Cooks 6 Mr. Dressup 5 Good Company 3 Fitness Break.10 Press Your Luck 7D, 4D, 57 10:45 Friendly Giant .10... 11:00 Citypulse Tonight 57 Citylife (starts Mon. )o 57 Trivia Trap 7 Pizzazz 6 Polka Dot Door 8, 10 I Love Lucy 3 Sesame Street 5 One Life To Live 13 The Price Is Right 7D,4D Wheel of Fortune 5D • Cherington 11 11:30 Scrabble 5D What Will They Think of Next 6 My Three Sons 3 Mr. Dressup 10, 8 Ryan's Hope 7 20 Minute Workout (starts Mon.) 57 7:00 Thurs., Apr. 11 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7D, 5D, 4D, 7 Flintstones 13 Beaver 3 My Favorite Martian 8 Ryan's Hope 57 Midday..s .....__; --- Shazam 10 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 13 News 8. 3 Loving 7, 57 Every Second Counts 5D Super Pay Cards 11 FYI Noon Edition 10 1:00 Soapbox 11 All My Children 7, 8, 3, 10, 5 Don Harron Show 13 Cityliffe 57 Days off Our Lives 5D, 6 1:30 City Lights 57 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 11 2:00 Let's Make A Deal 6 Parenting 3 Midday 8, 10 20 Minute Workout 57 Dallas 5 One Life to Live 7 Another World 5D, 13 2:30 Capitol 7D, 4D Do It For Yourself 3 Rituals 11 Micro, Magic 57 Pitfall 6 3:00 Laverne & Shirley 57 Do It For Yourself 10 The.New You 8 Coronation Street 5 Fitness Break 3 Santa Barbara 5D, 11 Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 13, 7 3:30 The Jeffersons 8 All In The Family 5 Kids World 3 Batman 57 Barney Miller 10 4:00 Anything For Money 7D,4D Haef To Hart 13 Soapbox 11 Love Boat 7 Beverly Hillbillies 3 The Young and The Restless 6 Video Hits 8, 10 Do It For Yourself 5 Toronto Rocks 57 ' Jeffersons 5D 4:30 Jeffersons 3, 10 Divorce Court 7D, 4D MASH 8 What's New 5 Eight Is Enough 11 5:00 The People's Court 7D, 4D Sale of the Century 6 . Hogan's Heroes 13 Video Hits 5 'News 5D ' The Price Is Right 8, 10,57 ' Three's Company 3 Jeffersons 7 5:30 Taxi 11 'Jeopardy 7 News 3, 7D, 4D, 6 Three.'s Company 5 WKRP In Cincinnati 13 EVENING 6:00 News 6, 7, 8, 11, 5 Citypulse 57 Ripley's Believe It or • Not 3 Scan Newshour ' 13 FYI at 6:00 10 . . 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Jeopardy 5D. Entertainment Tonight 11, 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 7, 6 MASH 57 Family Feud 13 • I Love Lucy 3 One Day At A Time 8, 10 This Week In Ontario 5' 7:30 NHL Playoffs 5, 8, 3, 10 MASH 57 Pizzazz 6 Family Feud 7 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Detroit 7D, 4D Littlest Hobo 13 Backstage 11 8:00 Magnum P.I. 7D, 4D, 13 Cosby 5D Movies "Who. Has Seen the Wind" 57 Wildside 7, 6 . Niagara Rep. Co. 11 8:30 Family Ties 5D, 11 9:00 Simon and Simon 7D, 4D, 11 Cheers 5D, 13 Kate and Allie 7D, 9D Wintario 6 Eye to Eye 7 9:30 Profiles of Nature 6 Night Court 5D, 13 10:00 Hill Street Blues 5D, 6 Knots Landing 7D, 4D 20/20 7, 11 Citypulse Tonight 57 Matt Houston 13 10:30 National 3, 5, 8, 10 10:50 Journal 3, 5, 8, 10 11:00 SCTV 57 News 11, 7D, 4D, 5D, 6, 7 CTV National News 13 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Movie "Spy With the • Perfect Cover" 57 Tonight' Snow' 5D Taxi 7D, 4D Sportsline 6 Nightline 7 Newsfinal 5 News 8, 3 FYI Final Edition 10 11:50 National Update 5 12:00 Entertainment To- night 8, 3, 10 Barney Miller 5 Mery Griffin 7 Movies "Revenge of .the Stepford Wives" 11; "Mr. Ricco" 13 Benson 7D, 4D Benny Hill 6 12:30 Late Night 6' Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D Love Boat 5D Movies: "Daughters Courageous" 5; "Darker Than Amber" 8; "Sante Fe Passage" 3 Dallas 10 1:00 Eye On Hollywood 7 1:25 Movie "Rude Boy" 57 1:30 Welcome Back, Kot - ter 6 - The Saint 7D, 4D Late Night 5D News 7 2:00 Chico and the,man 6 Nightwatch 13 Medical Centre 11 2:30 Maude 7D, 4D Telling Secrets 5D Highlights 5 3:00 Eight Is Enough 7D, 4D Flipper 11 3:30 News 5D 3:50 Movie "That'll Be the Day" 57 4:00 Nightwatch 7D, 4D Movie "TBA" 5D 5:35 Here's Lucy 57 5:50 Abbott and Costello 57 Fri., Apr. 12 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7D, 4D, 5D, 7 Fat Albert 8, 10 Beaver 3 Ryan's Hope 57 Midday 5 Flintstones 13 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Wheel of Fortune 13 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D News 8,'3 Loving 57, 7 Every Second Counts 5D Super Pay Cards 11 FYI Noon Edition 10 1:00 Soapbox 11 All My, Children 7, 8, 10, 5, 3 Don Harron Show 13 Citylife 57 • Days of Our Lives 5D, 6 1:30 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 11 Citylights 57 2:00 Let's Make A Deal 6 Parenting 3 Midday 8, 10 20 Minute Workout 57 Dallas 5 Another World 5D, 13 One Life to Live 7 2:30 Micro Magic 57 Capitol 7D, 4D Dolt For Yourself 3 Rituals 11 Pitfall 6 3:00 Laverne & Shirley 57 Do It For Yourself 10 The New ,You 8 Coronation Street 5 Fitness Break 3 Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 13, 7 . Santa Barbara 11, 5D 3:30 All In The Family 5 Charles In Charge 8, 10 Kids World 3 Batman 57 4:00 Do It For Yourself 5 Anything For Money 7,D, 4D The Young and the Restless '6 Soapbox 11 Love Boat 7 Beverly Hillbillies 3 Video Hits 8, 10 Hart To Hart 13 Jeffersons 5D Toronto Rocks 57 4:30 Jefferson 3, 10 Divorce Court 7D, 4D MASH 8 Eight Is Enough 11 Zigzags 5 5:00 The People's Court 7D, 4D Sale of the Century 6 Video Hits 5 News 5D Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 Hogan's Heroes 13 Jeffersons 7 5:30 Taxi 11 Jeopardy 7 News 7D, 4D, 3, 6 Three's Company 5 WKRP In Cincinnati 13 EVENING 6:00 Citypulse 57 News 11, 6, 7, 8, 5 Silver Spoons 3 Scan Newshour 130 FYI at 6:00 10. 6:30 Jeffersons 3 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Jeopardy 5D MASH 57 Entertainment Tonight 11, 7D,.4D Wheel of Fortune 7, 6 One Day At A Time 8, 10 Family Feud 13 The Facts of Life 5 Stars with Steinberg.3 7:30 Oceans Alive 11 Too Close For Com- fort 5 Movie "The Idol - maker" 57 Circus 13 Three's Company 8, 10 Pizzazz 6 Family Feud 7 •Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Detroit 7D, 4D 8:00 Detective in the House. 7D, 41? , Hardcastle and McCormick 3 Code Name: Foxfire 5D Detective. In the House 6 Webster 11, 7 T. J. Hooker 8, 10 Murder She Wrote 5 Fit For A King 13 8:30 Snow Job 13 Mr. Belvedere 7 Gimme A Break 11 9:00 Dallas 7D, 4D, 5, 8, 3, 10 Benson 7 Half Nelson 5D, 11 Riptide 13 Love Boat 6 9:30 Off the Rack 7 10:00 Citypulse Tonight 57 National 5, 3, 10, 8 Miami Vice 5D, 11 Falcon Crest,7D, 4D, 6 Scarecrow & Mrs. King 13 Me and Mom 7 10:20 Journal 5, 3, 10, 8 11:00 FYI Final Edition 10 CTV National News 13 News 7D, 4D, 5D, 5, 3, 8, 6, 7, 11 News -final s SCTV 57 11:20 Ontario Report 13 National Update 5 11:30 Sportsline 6 Entertainment Tonight 3, 8, 10 .., Taxi 7D, 4D Tonight Show 5D .Good Rockin' Tonight. (Pt. 1) 5 Movie "Harry and Tonto" 57 Nightline 7 • •1111111--- • riTc When you speed, you waste SO and gasoline! fr Energy • Ontario Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications 12:00 Benson 71), 4D Dallas 10 Rock Wars 5 Movies "With Six You Get Eggroll" 8; "Five of Me" 3; "Desperate Mission" 11; "Con- corde '79" 13 Mery Griffin 7 Benny 'Hill 6 12:30 Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D, 6 Love Boat 5D Good Rockin' Tonight (Pt. 2) 5 1:00 ABC Rocks 7 Rat Patrol 6 Movie "Omar Khyyam" 10 1:30 The Saint 7D, 4D Highlights 5 Friday Night Videos 5D News 7 Welcome Back, Kot - ter 6 1:50 Movie "The Idol - maker" 57 2:00 Medical Centre 11 Dick Van Dyke 3 Chico and the Man 5 Movie "Escape From Angola" 13 2:30 Movies I"TBA" 7D, 4D Perry Mason 3 3:00 Flipper 11 Telling Secrets. 5D 3:30 In Search Of... 13 Phil Silvers 3 4:00 Fantasy Island 13 Movies "Avalanche" 57; Crawlspace" 3 News 5D 4:30 Sergeant Preston 5D 5:00 The Cisco Kid 5D . The Waltons 13 5:20 Here's Lucy 57 5:30 Honeymooners 3 More ,Real People 5D 5045 ,Abbott & Costello 57 r JOEY SAYS... "PLAYSAFE"! Joey was only fair when the toboggan he was riding slid into the path of an oncoming train. The toboggan was moving so fast, He couldn't stop it or Jump off in time. His left arm Was severed below the elbow. Joey, a member of The War Amps' Child Amputee Program, doesn't think his artificial arm works as well as his real arm did. PLAYSAFE 11: Don't Let It Happen To You is an award•winntng film featuring Joey and Champs from across Canada. In a kids -to -kids approach to safety awareness, the young amputees describe in detail how their accidents happened. In order to avoid danger, children must first team to recognize it. Joey and his friends wam ail children to PLAYSAFEt PLAYSAFE 11 Is available on film or videocassette, free of charge. Contact The War Amputations of Canada for further Information. Wish to call u.7 Dial toll free: Metro Toronto residents: 1416) 488.0600. Area Codes 519, 619, 705: 1.80Q-268.8821. AU other code.: 1-800.268-8917. The War Amputation. of Canada I. a regis- tered cbarttable organisation operated on a non-profit basis, under the control end direction entirely of our owe members. Charitable Institution Registration number. 0286891 09 10. The War Amputations of Canada, National Headquarters. 2277 Riverside Drive (Suite 207), Ottawa, Ontario. KSH 7X6. Sunrise 4 I. Milk DAIRY 2% & Skim JOIN THE BULK FOOD REVOLUTION Iie,OZEN 2.99 MIIIbanK Medium Cheddar Millbank 'Colby Cheese Millbank Marble Cheese Millbank Mozzarella Cheese Millbank Fresh Curds Ib. 3.05 Ib. 2.79 1b. 2.85 Ib. 2.79 Ib, 2.9`5 BULK PRODUCTS Regullal Everyda Ib..99 2.19 Salted or Unsalted Peanuts Unsalted Mixed Nuts NEW PRODUCTS Stone Ground 2.5 kg. Whole Wheat Flour Stone Ground Whole Wheat 2 k Pastry Flour Corn Flour Ib • 9• 1.99 1.99 ib .69 Frozen Concentrate , Honeydew 341,1..99 Omstgad (Approti 3.6 Ib. per bag) In Tempura Batter Boston Bluefish Ib. 1.55 .Crab Legs Ib 3.99 McCain 5 lbs. Super Patties 2.99 Omstead 5 Ib. Four Bean Salad 3.75 (pre-packaged) 'y Low Prices Redpath 2 kg. Brown Sugar Redpath 2 kg. White Sugar Redpath 2 kg. Icing Sugar, Walnut Crumbs Bran Sultana Raisins Can No 1 Liquid Honey Club House Black Pepper Ground Cinnamon Robin Hood (New Pack Size) 5 kg. All Purpose Flour • only 3025 Lowney's Oh Henry Bars 1b,1.79 1.39 1.39 ,1.59 1/21b. 1..49 Ib. .29 Ib. ■88 Ib..99 %16.1.90 .78 75 gr. . * NAME BRAND PRODUCTS AT NO NAME PRICES * 995 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-4777 Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m. PRICE ' :r7.4o�34.8,1S041a40' f f i,,).5, BUSTERS 11,7.y:;.1. r.. We're busting out front with BEST BUILT NORTH AMERICAN QUALITY and our BEST PRICE BUSTER DEALS. cOMISiO • Combine the F-150 Workmate Package with the Explorer Package and SAVE -UP TO We have a selection of 30 in -stock models to choose from or order your own to meet your needs. SAVE UP TO .,s Based on M.S.R_P jl We have in -stock or own to meet SAVE 5 models order your your needs. UP TO 'vyv■ " Based on M:S.R.P. with. purchase of Explorer Package 1 5 0 • Canada's best -built, best-selling, 1best on -WS, en-�. R . f' . --pr ie ed - s arida -q ui pp with purchase of Explorer Package compact trucks. Built Ford Tough Harvey K Ford Wallace Ave. North, Listowel Car City. 291-3520 Where the lights'burn bright till 10 each night, Saturdays till 5 p.m. A