HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-3-13, Page 8ItrA AL.1.44.iii".4% -1,---oh•zete "'"'7.7.&`1. The Spring Suits and Coats AreHere „ • Come in and try on some of the new Spring Coats o, Suits. They are peasing- ohange ia tyles this season and a- big range Of new cloths, • Our coats are priced Much lower than you would • expect, See our special range of new coats at Silk Crystal Crepe This is the newest siik. knitted material nd athe new shades are in 'steak. For blouses, skirts and dresses this Crepe will sell quickly- at $2.25 a yard. For Spring Dresses Retitle Ginghems Anderson's Gingliams Normandie Voiles . Fancy Ratines Virool Crepes* Egyptian Crepes Dress Flannels liomesmins Brocaded Canton Crepes H1 use -Furnishings Linoleums Congoleums Wall Paper Curtain Materials -Window Blinds Tapestry Rugs Wilton Rugs Grocery Bargains Thoinson's Seedless Raisins 12 ihc. lb. Large pkge. Seeded Raisins 15.c. Royal Yeast Cakes ......,... 05-c. 3 bars any laundry soap' 20c. 7 bar -.pure Castile soap 25c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes. 3 pkgs 29c. A. Stewart IMEIEZINZT.M1125271====e24220.. • .„IMIEirtannomia .1.12r4511.16fer.6.971.91118. .aleaCitt.:6142626.S31147. -10110111111,10,01.• • VM104 ' '• t.t4 P4, Eif=102221342=291=====maguRgr he Store that Keeps Good Furniture OUGHT TO BE A GOOD PLACE TO GO WHEN THERE IS FUR- NITURE TO BE BOUGHT. WE DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN FIND A BETTER ALL ROUND PLACE TO FIT OUT THE HOME, THAN RIGHT AT THIS 'STORE. LARGEST STOCK LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER SERVICE THE HOME FURNISHER 44 Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse aluiprnent LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call '74W 411 4C44''4'4 Satisfaction or Money Refunded Popular Prices. Mean Bigger Business PUBLIC SENTIMENT IS ALL FOR LOWER PRICES, WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THEM, TOO. WITH 'THE CONTINUED HIGH COST OF LABOR AND A FIRMER TONE IN THE TEXTILEMARKET„GETTING PRICES DOWN HAS BEEN LARGELY A MATTER OF PUTTING THEM DOWN. BUT WE HAVE DONE IT. THE WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE ALL WOOL SUITINGS WHICH WE ARE NOW SHOWING - GIVES ELOQUENT EXPRESSION TO WHAT WE, 'HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IN THE WAY OF MAKING FINE CLOTHES COST LESS.' Suits at20 $259 $35 and $40 9 LEAVE. YOUR ORDER NOW TAMAN PHONE 8 ffa 7 fie' ref17.41. "4.4. . NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, Ottractive, modern bungalow, centrally loCated, .Apply Gladman g4' Stanhury, - Seed Oats for Sale— Sheffield. StaininrCk' also reed Oath and 11 head of yoltng cattle, dehorned. Ap- ply to John H. 1yde, Kippen., Lot 84 don. 2, Stanley,. Phone 11 on 86, HenSall. ; 44 741.• 1 A, Tu. TENNANT Veterinary Sturgeon Offic87-1VIcDonnell's MaTplefs johyti St. Phone calls recelv'e prompt attention. Phone 261V ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn- ty of Thirdn. Correspondence arrange - )(newts for sales can be made by call- , • Animpseamoramie, 4, ^ • • TH " • •.;- TIIHRS))AY„ x1n 13t1, 1904 Market report ---"Phe fOri0Wilag CANEN PRESBYTEHAN CHURCH rzu the report of the Exeter market 'Wheat $1,00 - Oats 480 *Barley 550- Manitoba Flour $3.45 Pastry Flour $3.05 Family Flour $3.30 Feed Flour $1.75 Bran $1,50 Shorts $1,50 ;Dairy Butter 40e Creamery 'Butter 49c New Laid Eggs 25e, Held Eggs 22c. Lard 17 to 20c 1-Iogs $7150 ofipo,o --CAL Itie0e4peo.•$ • • **ea..* • On Thursday, March 20, Mr. Dawson of Royal' Garments, Toronto, will be ..at Southeott Bros. - with a complete showing of dresses. .eol i JAMES STREET lateTnonist cuunbit Rev, W. E.,Hounelly, B. A. Pastor' SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY- Rev, Frank Langford, B.A., Gen- eral Secretary of Toronto, will preach both morning and eyening. 3 p.m.—Special mass meeting of, the Stinday ' School at which Mr: Langford will speak. Seals and dip-, lamas will bepresented to those who *ere faithful in their attendance ladle 10 a•rn.—Sutiday School ad Bible GlaSS. .• li a.11.1• -"—The Fteligien- ofRear' apd Torment, The 'Minister' Stone of Stitnihling and of Offence. The Minister. ,Boy Scoutmeet Friday evening. Beautiful Floor Coverings E at Reasonable Prices s are ti.>it) ed. 4' ast year. Rev.. A, A. Trumper spent a few FOR SALE' days last week in Wingham. Mr. J. Handford who has been on , the sick list for, some time is iinprov- •vacuum dian.er.. Good 5 H.P. Gas Engine. Miss Battersby of Stratford has taken a position at Kahler's bake shop. Mr. Walter Dearing who has been on the sick list is able to be around again. , Mrs. Thos. Dinney was in London Wednesda.y visiting her father, Mr. R. N. Rowe. Mrs. Rousom of visiting her parents W. J, Bisset. Miss Mayhew, of taken a position a.s North Bay, Is , Mr., and Mrs. Wiarton; has milliner with Miss Yelland. Mr. Win. Nay of Detroit is spend- ing a week with his family on Well - • Hand crating box, cheap • liONVer Cutting Box, Bargain. 2 Iiicubators,, very cheap. Electrical hall 'fixture First class couch. Rug to Good 3 -way Iron Pump. Collapsible Baby Buggy. Barn, Timber frame, 24x30 Washing :Machine and. cheap. Geed range; very cheap. • wringer Old Fashioned Walnut Rocker. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? Information re above articles • at POWELL'S 'BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. ington Street. 1VIr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and Miss Evelyn visited friends in Hen- sall On Saturday-. The doctors of town had -a very busy time on Saturday vaccinating the school children. .' Mrs. J. Morgan and Mrs. Fowler attended the funeral of a friend at Kippen on Saturday. • Miss Jean Ross. of Wingliarn spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis. Miss :Mildred Norry of Isondon and friend Mr. Norman' Ward, spent' the week -end at her home here. ' Mr. Mervin Camm returned to St. Thomas Friday after visiting for a few days with Inc parents here. Miss Edith Davis left Saturday evening last for Ingersoll, where she intends to, remain for some time. Mrs. Harvey Perkins has returned home after visiting for a „reek with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Butler, of Lon- don. * ' The many friends of Mrs. Eli Counts will regret to know that she has not been as well the past few days. • (-A Mr. C. T. Brooks is back on the express wagon after being off for about threee months through indis- position. Mrs. Crockett, of St. Johns, thas returned to her home after visiting for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Robertson of Stratford visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. T. G. Creech over Sunday. • Mrs. T. 0. Southcott was called -to Brantford on Friday last, her sister Mrs. H. Hutton having. fallen and broken her ankle. Mr. "Wm.Davis left Wednesday - evening for London where he will take a two\ weeks' course at Tecumseh Barracks. • Mr. Willia,rn Smith, wife and family have Moved to Maple Lodge farm near Alisa Craig, taking pos- session o fthe Smith homestead. The many friends of Mrs. John Frayne, who has been ill will regret to know that she is not improving, but is gradually growing weaker. A'number from town were pleas- antly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing of Stephen on Wednesday evening af last week. Mr. and M'rs. Wrn. Sweet of London and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sweet of Cleveland, were called to Exeter owing to the death of 'IVIr. Thos Sweet. Mrs. G-eo. I-Iertherill of Pigeon, Mich. died on Monday, March 10 at the home of her daughter at Owens - dale, Mich, The deicea.sed is a sister of 1VIrs. R. R'owcliffe of town. • Mrs. Routledge, of Gederich Town- ship, and Mrs. Ford, of Holmesville, are spending a couple of Weeks with the latter's sister and brother, Miss Murphy and Mr. Rich'd Murphy, of town. Mr. Stephen Powell., who has been visiting in London Township has rettirned .home. While there he met, with an accident and had a small bone in the left. forearm broken. MrS. R. N. Rowe and daughter, Miss Reta were in London 1VIonday to -visit Mr. Rowe w-lio 's 111 in Vs e toria hospital. Mr. Rowe underwent a preliminary operation last week and expects to undergo another this hg up the Central Hotel, EXeter, • woek. 1416S Vera Roble visited Itith Charges moderate satiSfaction on Saturday. Ile is doing a8 Let us :help brighten your home this season by selling you an end of, one of our neY Pattel'IlS of Lin.oletim. • They are bright new designs. , You will slimly like them. Congoleurns Rugs ' In all sizes in the new pat- terns for this season, Which are suitable for i,lino,st any room, in your home. It is a pleasure to show them. Wall Papers- Wall Papers We are carrying a big range of the newest designs and coloringS for this season. You will be -surpris ed how little it will cost You. to paper a few room. Ask- to see the New Polychromes.. ' • i • -0- • -7.7, • ' • • ,R="^-"-'"-- New Spring Coats Including niany iiew cloths made in, very Sinart Models. The early buyer will find a splendid assortment to choose from. , • ••- • Priced at $18.50 to $35.00 Special for One Week Enough paper to cover an ordinary bedroom, 4 different patterns to. choose from. For One week only room lot for $1,93. Southcott )111' 011.3 1 m R. CAR'''" I"' • Barrister, Solicitor, &c., . • WE DELIVER FREE Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter TENDERS WANTED, Tend•erg wil4l be received by the ura- dersigtnied up- to ;ripen of March 15 . for rental ef the • Exeter Agricultural grounds: For terms and c on,di apply to Secretary, R. G. Seldon. FOR SALE—Barn, size 36x56. Timber in good shape. Cheap for quick sale. Apply at Times Office! Will Edmonds returned to Aylmer Monday, . after visiting . in Exetei, • BABY -CHICKSE--Barred Rocks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C. Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandotte. I am iow booking orders. Get your, order in and • make sure of getting your- chicks wheu yon want them. Garnet Hey- w.00d, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Six goodgrade cattle one year old in April. Apply to Pat Flanagan, Lot .6, con. 8, Stephen, Creditor/4 P.O. and telephone. NOTICE We pay the highest cash prices for Hides, Rivers' Meat Market, FOR SALE—A .5,0 -foot Pumping Mill, at a bargain: Apply at the Times Office. FOR SALE—Four Cows, due to freshen in Feby' anti March; 2 pure' bred Shorthorn bills 11 and 14 months. A quantity' of home-grown Alfalfa seed and •aViantity of home- grown soya beans..„, -Apply to J. N. Ratcliffe, Lot 7, N.T.R., R.R. No. 3, 'Exeter. ' 2-1434) SCOTCH. LABORERS COISIING Farmers in need Of help should ap- ply at. once to the Exeter Times; as a number .of young''Scotch Laborers will arrive. here to work in surround - Ing townships. 1„,.. Bargains in 54444 ?FURNITURE 'Everything down in Price R. N. -ROWE THOMAS' DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone Bis, 20W House 20J. G. S. Atkinson,, DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sur•-eone of Ontario and Uni- versity of Toronto. • Late District Dental Officer, Mill- atY DistrIct Number One, Loudon, Ont,, Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont, Plione• 34, Exeter; Iletirs 9.00 a.m. to 5,30, p.m. Office, hours at ZtTEIOH01-C.1%, Tues. onIV at 10.00 ',l to 5:00 •• Phone 79. - guaranteed • as Can be ex e ted c ock .a., • . o P.1)2 ros. •, •••••301. PHONE 8 MEM?? ?1; It. IS' EASY TO SAVE AT 'DOMNION. STORES AVE without sacrificing. Save to-morrOw as well as to -day, Make consistent - saving ---day in and day out—your hobby—as do the million and more customers a week at the 300' DO1VIINION STORES. • RAISINS SEEDED OR SEEDLESS, 1. -Oz. packet - COFFEE LEMONS • RICHMELt0 /sr, eb 1 lb. - - - - - UDC Dozen - RICHIVIELL6 qt.% l/2 lb. - - ..1.5c NEW CHEESE (Save the-Coupos) lb. - - - 13c OLD CITY CURRANTS, 10 -oz. packet D.S.L. BAKING POWDER, 1 -lb. tin ' - • ROLLED OAT 10 lbs. - - • SPECIAL HEINZ SPA - _17c . BLEND TEA, 59c GHETTI, md. .25c SHELLED PERFECTION 19c BREAD tl Ao WALNUTS 29c FLOUR, 98 lbs.1711•Pertl (Piecs), lb. CLARK'S TORIC 5'39c''HEINZ SPA- GHETTI, small - C 14c All Prices at Dominion Stores Are HORSESHOE, CLOVER LEAF • or MAPLE LEAF SALMON,. 22' 1/2 -Ib. tin - - - - - C 1-1b. tin BRUNSWICK• SARDINES, 3 tins for ,.. .21c PURE LARD A fly,, No: 3 pail - -`2'0(7. BLUE ROSE c.% RICE, 3 lbs. for -Lift; Bargain Prices EAGLE or TIGER SALMON 1.c 1-1b. tin - - - - I/2 -lb. tin, 2 for - - -25c CROSSED FISH SAR- DINES (in olive oil or 20c tomato sauce), tin - CALFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 33c and 45c it,044.,1,',1 ,t,4t7 A, Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster jarneS St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and l'he- ory, Instructor of Music in thePtibli• School. TERMS MODERATE I3ex -57, ' Exeter. NoTtcp TO Tgamsr.uEns Tenders will receivet1 by the un- dersigned up to ,7 p.m. •on 1Wenday, Marek 10th, 1924, for tite position of teamster for a terni of 7 months, beginning at the option of the Coun- cil. Teamster ,to trirnish team, liarL: neSs,and Wagon.. • ,tate price per menthe By Order, Jos. Senior, Clerk. • A GOOD REPUTATION Gained by handling reliable and guaranteed goods et REASONABLE PRICES • endeavor t6 carry out this policy SERVICE AND REALIBILITY Spring goods Sale now in full swing., ELLIOTT AND ;JOHNS Expert Tailors We OF JAMES W WATSON LTC ENS ED AUCTIONEER • Sales conducted in any. localty. Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis- faction guaranteed. Clia.rges mod- erate. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. R.R. No. 1, Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 541'2, FARMS FOR. ALE --A few choice' Parma in the 'Townhips of Usborne,:i Tuctersmith ' and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mare', kets. Pricd right. Apply to Thos.,' Cameron, Ana.: Box 154, Exete3i, IIOTIST2, FOR SALE—Two stop", brIck, electric light, batlirooni, tvatOi work, first class well and geed cel-, lar. First class' stable and garage. EVerything complete 111 houe and barn. 'Aply to Box 115, Exeter. Wood for Sale We have a limited supply of good cord wood for sale. CARS FOR AT ALL TIMES, 1{3 ed.4 ilc1W• gb& EOStOiti