HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-04-10, Page 17Page 2—Crossroads—Apr. 10, 1985 FOR SALE QUANTITY of hay and straw. Phone 887-9409. JAYCO camper for pickup truck has wind-up roof, sleeps four adults, fridge, stove and heater. Call Listo- wel Chrysler. 291-4350. 10,17,24 POOL tables all sizes. Phone 291-3270 or 291-3617 evenings. FIR plank 2" x 10" x 13'. 95 cents a lineal foot. Quantity of large timbers. Phone (519) 422-1081. HOUSEHOLD goods, wash- ers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, living room suites and more. Call 669-5024. CUTTER or buggy robe, ap- proximately 56"fix 56", made in Berlin, Ontario. Very good condition. Phone 334-3613 after 6. CAN YOUR audience .find you? Have a speech, demon- stration or performance to sell? We'll help you reach the audience that's searching for you. Register before April 5 for the Spring `85 issue and receive a 20 per cent ($15) discount off the $75 Registra- tion Fee for IN TOUCH - the Who's Who Directory of On- tario's;speakers and demon- strators. IN TOUCH, Water- loo, 885-4409. 3,22 12 x 60 MOBILE home in good condition. Also has a 12 x 16 addition easily movable. Contact Lievis Miller, Con. 11, Mormngton Township, just east of Millbank high- way. 27,3,10 FOR SALE WE HAVE Progressive Euchre score cards; Court Whist tally cards; and Bridge score pads at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. TF BICYCLES, tricycles, 3, 5 and 10 speeds, standard, used, reconditioned, will take trade-ins. 323-4766. 20,27,3,10 SEED grain, N -K seed corn, Trumpetor alfalfa and grass seed mixes. Call 595-4837. 20,27,3,10 PRE -SEASON sale new and used Prowler, Golden Falcon and Starcraft. Morry's Trailer Sales & Rentals, Highway 4 between Hanover. and Walkerton. Phone 364- 3748. Closed Wednesdays and Sundays. rrb POOL SALES - Leading manufacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regu- lar price $2,095, reduced to $1,295. We will beat anyone's price; call anytime 1-653- 0176. tf WEDDING supplies — Pom- pons, plastic, available in yellow, pink, white and light blue; 41/2" white, silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also Guest Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all other occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. AUCTION SALE of 68 acre farm, machinery, feed & misc. items for. Estate of . Gerald W. O'Grady. East part. Lot 9, Con. 1, Maryborough Twp. located 4 miles west of Dorking or 8 miles east of Listowel on Hwy. 86, corner at Moorefield Road on Sat. April 20 1. p.m. PROPERTY: 68 acres with approx. 55 workable acres, 8 acres of mixed bush, open ditch crosses back of property. On the property is a bank barn 60' x 65', set up for hogs or beef. Small work shop, drilled well, hydro, well drained, tiled where needed. Good productive land, good location, all seeded to grass. TERMS ON PROPERTY: are 10% cheque or cash of purchase price payable sale day. Balance paid on 30 days closing. Property will be sold by auction, subject to a very reasonable reserve bid at approx. 1:30 p.m. For information on property, phone GARRY O'GRADY 291-1029 or BOB GILMORE 291-3489. MACHINERY: MF 165 gas tractor, p.s. remote good cond.; Case 1951 gas tractor good cond.; MF 3 pt. h. dyno balance 8' mower; MF 3 pt. h. 3 furrow plow 12" bottoms, trip beams; MF 203 power spreader with top beater; Kongskilde 3 pt.h. 9' cultivator; Allied 41' 6" grain auger, p.t.o. drive; gravity grain box on Case H.D. wagon; Case WTD:-- wagon with 15' hay rack; - 44 section drag cultivator with stretcher; 5 section harrows & stretcher; 5 ton wagon gear (new); 3 drum land roller. FEED: Approx. 4000 square bales of good mixed hay; approx. 250 square bales of straw. MISC. ITEMS: 2 wheel farm trailer; 200 gal. water tank on trailer; 200 gal. fuel tank; steel water trough; 3 Surge milker units; used 2x4's & lumber; cedar posts, some cement blocks 8"x 10 scrap iron, plus misc. items. SALE ORDER: Misc. items at 1- p.m. Property at 1:30 p.m. Machinery to follow, then feed. TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss or property sale day. ' Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE Phone 291-3489 DOUG GILMORE Phone 291-3421 crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros Limited as the lifestyle and, entertainment section 'in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advan®e - ..limes. TherMount-r-orpi-eontederate-and The-MilvertorrSurr Members of- the fthe Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council Controlled distribu- tion in Arthur. Drayton. Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston. Elmira, St Jacobs and Wallenstein Display and Classifrod advertising deadline _ 5 00 p m Thursday week prior to publication date Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave N P O Box 97, Listowel. Ont N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance.Times Josephine St , P 0 Bdx 390, Wingham. Ont NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance.Times 3572320 The Mount Forest Confederate 323.1550 The Milverton Sun 595.8921 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1981 CHEVETTE, door, white with blue interior, 64,000 km., standard, lady driven, radio. 69872469. 10,17,24 1975 FORD Mercury, Monarch, 4 ' door; power steering, power brakes; automatic, console, bucket seats, 71,000 miles, asking $850. Phone 357-3012. 1978 VOLARE station wagon, 6 cylinder automatic, power steering, power brakes, excellent condition, asking $2500 certified. Phone 335-6156. 3,10 1978 FORD Courier, good mechanical condition, needs some body work. Phone 335- 6156. 3,10 HELP WANTED MATURE person to babysit in my home on 3rd of Morris. Phone 887-9409. 10,17 1VMOTORCYLES FOR SALE MOTOCROSS : 1981 HT da CR 125, never raced, only used as farm toy, excellent condition, no rips in seat or cracks in fenders, etc. For more information phone Steve at 357-3229' or 357.3812. 1975 YAMAHA 650 Chopper, lots of extras, good chrome, best offer. Phone 357-1828. 27,3,10 YEAR ROUND WORK AVAILABLE Full and Part Time (shorter hours for students available) Call: BRIAN'S POULTRY SERVICES LTD. 367-2675 or Call Free 1-800-265-3009 SCOTT McLENNAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS Specializing in Concrete Telephone GLEN 357-3267 Wingharn, Ont. SCOTT 335-6261 Wroxeter, Ont. FARM IS SOLD -. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of livestock, full line of farm machinery, feed, ,,car, household effects, antiques and misc. items for Roy and Ellen Maicho to be held at Lot 28, Concession 10, Ellice Township, 11/2 miles west of the Village of Rostock or 6 miles southwest of Milverton on Sat. April 13 at 11 a.m. MACHINERY: MF 165 diesel, 2800 hrs., power steering, multi power, cab, 16-9-28 duals (sold separately); MF 35 gas with Freeman loader; Case 500 gas tractor; MF 15 run seed drill with fertilizer; MF 4 furrow 12"' plow; MF No. 10 baler with thrower; IH 7' hay mower; IH No. 56 corn planter; New Idea crimper; MF No. 129 10 ft. chisel plow, like new; McCormick No. 80 pull type combine with Innes pickup and cut bar; Allied 121/2' cultivator; John Deere 111/2' cultivator; New Idea No. 202 spreader; Rex harvester wagon on Joe's wagon; 6' scraper blade; Spraymotor 3 p.h. sprayer with roller pump and hand boom; Turnco gravity box on Joe's wagon; gravity box and wagon; 34' 6" grain auger on wheels with 11/2 h.p. motor; John Deere 10' wheel disc; Midwest 3 p.h. 4' one way; 14' cultipacker; IH side rake; John Deere double disc; 4 section harrows; 2 - 20' bale thrower racks on Joe's wagons; 24' pipe elevator; and Nuhn V -type snowblower. LIVESTOCK: 18 beef cows most of which have calves at side born in January. and February and balance due at sale time. These are mostly Here- ford-Charolais cross cows and bred,to a Charolais bull with very good calves .at side; 6 .yearling steers approx. 700 lbs.; 25 heavy feeder pigs ap- prox. 150 lbs.; 1 Bay Gelding horse; very quiet with children and excellent saddle horse7Cattle. will be blood tested prior to sale. FEED: Approx. 18 tonne of mixed grain; approx. 15 tonne of barley; 500 bales of straw; and a quantity of ensilage. CAR: 1977 Dodge Monaco, selling as is, in good shape, 67,000 km. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ANTIQUES: Singer sewing machine; .school desk; school slate; wicker fern stand; beds; dressers; washstand; mantel clock; encyclopedias; cupboard; wet -dry shop vac, like new; kerosene heater, Tike new; quarts; bedding; pictures; mirrors; etc. MISC. ITEMS: Jamesway 12' silo unloader; 30' of 9" silo pipe in 10' sections; hood for silo; 50' end- less belt; 6 pig feeders; water trough; 2 wheel- barrows; feed cart; 8 wire gates from 12-18 ft. long; tractor umbrella; cutter; utility trailer; 2 hydraulic cylinders; four section harrow pole; 6 section harrow pole; sausage grinder; 3 post jacks; bicycle and normal wagon load of small farm items. NOTE: This is a very clean auction with the machinery in very good working order and has always been stored under cover. - TERMS: Cash- ar ctieq es_witn pro r_ I D: pro _. prietors or auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents on day of sale. LUNCH BOOTH provided by the Parents' Com- mittee for Monkton Guiding. Proprietors: Roy and Ellen Maicho 393-6501 Auctioneer: JOHN NICHOLSON Milverton, Ont. - 595-8596 MEZIEEMS "A GREAT PLACE TO TAKE A LEAK" QUALITY "RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING • RECORING • REPAIRING • HIGH PRESSURE REVERSE FLUSHING • AUTOMOTIVE ® TRUCK • INDUSTRIAL & FARM SERVICE 31 Arthur St. E. Harriston, Ont. 338-2636 YODER ROOFING CONKLIN PRODUCTS Specialty roof coatings for flat or sloped roofs. Urethane roofing and coatings. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Paul (519) 335-6497 Al (519) 335-6228 P.O. Box 117, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Holstein cows, heifers, calves, 2 tractors, full line good machinery, hay, straw, barley, misc., some household effects, etc. for Harry & ..Ruth Winslade Lot 11, Con. 5; Egremont Twp. Go 3 miles east of Mount Forest, on Highway 89 to Woodland Springs Rd., go north to first farm on right on Monday, April 15 11:00 a.m. sharp CATTLE: 20 good Holstein cows of which 10 are fresh, balance various stages of lactation; 10 good size Holstein heifers, bred from 3-5 months; 5 good open Holstein heifers approx. 700 lbs.; 4 good Holstein heifer calves approx. 200-250 lbs.; 4 good Holstein steer calves approx. 200-350 lbs.; 10 small calves. The above cattle are free listed cows and heifers. All bred to Al sires. Pregnancy checked, selling all in good clean condition. MACHINERY: MF 275 diesel tractor, PS_ remotes, has light cab, chains,: 1400 hrs.,, one owner tractor„ in real g9o4.,CfIAat_ acond ' MF diesel tractor, PS; chains, with MF 100 industrial loader, 2 buckets, remotes, good clean cond.; MF 300 SP combine, cab, pickup, reels, real good clean cond.; MF 36 10' SP swather, good clean cond.; MF 12 hay baler with thrower, good cond.; MF 160 p.t.o. manure spreader, top beater, good shape; MF 3 furrow 3 pt. hitch 16" wide bottom plow, automatic resets, like new; George White 7' single auger, back .up snow blower, like new; Westfield 41' 6" p.t.o. grain auger, top cond.; 2 16' homemade bale thrower, racks & gears; good cond.; IH 12' vibra shank, 3 pt. hitch cult., good cond.; New Idea 299 mowdi- tioner 9', good shape; Agro -Power 25 kw generator on trailer with 30' heavy cable, Tike new; IH 15 run seed drill on steel, good shape; MF 7' 3 pt. hitch scraper; MF 7' dyna balance hay mower; New Idea roll bar side rake, good; Danhauser 14" post hold auger, good; Co-op 100 gal. 3 pt. hitch weed sprayer, good; 13' set of chain harrows; Ferguson 10' 3 pt.h: cult.; gravity grain box and wagon gear; 26' Skeleton bale elevator, good cond.; 2 wheel swath turner; Gehl crop chopper, good cond.; Ford harvester 612, 2 heads, good; Ferguson 3 pt.h. buzz saw, good cond.; round bale fork; 20' Zero grazing rack with Martin wagon gear; Ferguson 3 pt.h. 3. furrow 12" plow; flat rack and wagon gear; 5 sec- tions of harrows, no stretcher; 2 wheeled trailer; Ford harvester for parts. FEED: Approx. 30 tons of good Bruce barley; ap- prox. 10 tons of feed barley; approx. 1000 bales good hay; approx. 1000 bales of straw; 32 large round hay bales outside; 15 large round straw bales outside; small pile of fertilizer. MISC., TOOLS, ETC.: 3 good round bale feeders; MF quick -tach tractor pulley; Champion oat roller, rebuilt like new 3 h.p. motor; 3 h.p. motor rebuilt; old wagon box; cement mixer and motor good; old potato plow; cattle clippers; approx. 60 cedar fence posts; 12 milk cans; 6' water trough; old can cooler; tires; sap pans & buckets; farrowing crate; feed cart; tractor weights; mineral feeder; electric fencers; 2 grain augers, 4" 5" 21' 34', no motors; odd scrap; barn defogger; 200' plastic hose; milk scales; odd lumber; wheel barrow; forks, shovels, chains, new bolt bin & bolts; other small items not listed, wagon load, etc. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: RCA 17 cubic ft. deep freezer, good cond.; 35' TV tower and rotar; 6' cherry harvest table, legs cut short; wheelbarrow weight scales with original stencil, good cond.; chrome table, 4 chairs; couch and chair; treadle sewing machine, good; odd wooden chairs; small odd tables; old flour bin; child's wagon, good; odd pots & pans, dishes, other items not listed. TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. only. Farm is SOLD. Lunch Booth. Auctioneer's Note: A real good clean offeri_ng_of____ TiveSTocknd a . machinery. Sale order: TT 1 a.m. household then wagons, misc. Machinery sells 1 p.m.. Cattle at 2:30 p.m. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents, injury, deletions or loss of property sale day. Proprietor: Harry & Ruth WInslade 323-1818 Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-4058 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 4 Tractors, 2 SP Combines, Machinery, Hay, Straw, Misc. For: JIM SEIFRIED Lot 4, Con. 14, Proton Twp. From Dundalk, go 9 miles west to Hopeville, go north to first cor- ner, turn left, fifth farm on left on: Saturday, April 13/65 at 1:00 p.m. Sharp MACHINERY: Case 930 85 h.p. Comfort King diesel tractor, cab, PS dual remotes, real good hind rubber, 3800 hrs., in good clean cond.; MH 44 gas tractor, good running order; IH W4 gas tractor, good shape; IH 5275 diesel tractor with loader, running, order; MF N.O. 410 SP combine with pickup and reels, cab, good running order; MH SP No. 82 combine, has rebuilt motor, runn- ing order; Versatile 103 1 2' SP swather with cond., good shape; New Idea 7' cut conditioner, good; Oliver 14' 44 plate wheel disc, good cond.; JD 5 furrow 14" semi mount plow, good shape; IH 18' vibra shank cult, with levelling harrows and cylinder, good shape; Gehl No. 95 mixmill, good shape; 2 6 ton Joes wagons with 18' flat racks, all top cond.; MF 4 furrow 12" trip beam 3 p.h. plow; New Holland 67 hay baler; MF No. 33 17 run seed drill, good, with grass seed box; JD No. 495A 4 row plate corn planter, good shape; 60' 6" p.t.o. grain auger, good; MF 5 bar side rake on rubber, .good; Mayrath 40' bale enclosed elevator and 1 h.p. motor, good shape; IH 9' cult. on rub- ber; Calso 200 gal. trail weed sprayer; dual wheeled dump trailer, 12' deck with good hoist; set 9' chain harrows; MF 3 p.h. hay mower; IH 2 row trail corn planter; 2 Ford forage harvesters for parts; No. 612 7' rear end scraper blade; New Idea fertilizer spreader; old farm trailer; 3 drum land roller, good; 20' feed rack, needs repair; 2 wagon loads of small items. MISC., MOTOR BIKE, ETC.: Kawasaki 250 bike, running order; 2 walking plows; 40' 4" blow pipe; small rolls of cable; used plywood; 2 15' grain augers with motors; pile of scrap; motors for scrap; old milk cans; hyd. hose; electric motors; 2 grain aerators; 18' 434 tractor tire, good; Homelite chain saw; old batteries; farrowing crates; Sunbeam cattle clippers, like new; logging chains; rabbit cages; 2 18" stable fans; 2 cattle water troughs; other misc. farm items not listed. HAY, STRAW: Approx. 3000 bales of good hay; approx. 2500 bales of good oat & wheat straw. TERMS: Cash sale, day. Cheques with I.D. only. Farm is sold. A good useful offering of machinery. Sale order: 1:00 p.m. wagon loads, misc., machinery sells approx. 2:45 p.m. Owner or auc- -, tioneer not responsible for accidents, injury, dele- tions or loss of property sale day. Proprietor: Jim Seifried Dundalk 923-5271 or 323-2246 Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-4058 qr- AUCTION SALE Of appliances, furniture, antiques, some dishes, ,gas, engines, carpenter shop tools & misc: items ""' , a tor' Mrs. Betty Krotz RR 1, Gowanstown Plus Additions. Sale will be held in the Kurtzville Community Centre located 3 miles north of Listowel on Hwy. 23, turn west at Gowanstown & go 4 miles on Wed. Evening, April 17 at 6:00 p.m. APPLIANCES: Viking 24" electric white stove; Viking frost -free refrigerator (white); Gibson up- right white freezer; Gibson white refrigerator; Simplicity spin-dry washer; Coronado 15 cu. ft. chest freezer; toaster oven; small electrical appli- ances; Westinghouse portable, green, butcher - block dishwasher; Westinghouse electric clothes . dryer (white & good); Westinghouse auto. washer (needs repair). FURNITURE: :Kitchen suite with table & .6 chairs (chrome); platform rocker; hall seat; space saver; Lazy -Boy chair with massager ,(older); card table; Lloyds radio & record player; pictures & frames; table lamps; speakers; records; china cabinet with glass sliding doors; chesterfield &. chair; brown vinyl Lazy -Boy chair; pole lamp; drop leaf chrome table & 4 chairs; small tables; bathroom shelf unit; step stool; occasional chair; fireplace acces--- sories; Sears electric adding machine; attache case; luggage; electric clock; brass head single bed; dresser; chest of drawers; single wooden bed; Raymond treadle sewing machine, con- verted to electric; change table; love seat; bed- ing & linens. ANTIQUES: Round top trunk; blanket box; bridge lamp; round parlor table; square parlor table with glass„ ball.& claw fe.e.t;. pine table. with.drawer.;--odd---- chairs; vanity dresser with winged mirror; coal -oil lamp. DISHES: Everyday dishes assorted & some good pieces. TOOLS & ENGINES: Int. 21/2 h.p. water cooled gas engine running; Briggs 11/2 h.p. air cooled gas engine running; wood lathe with 18" swing, 44" bed complete with motor; floor stand drill press, '/2" chuck, complete with motor; power hack saw, 12" with motor; Plumers fire pot; blow torch; Pioneer Holiday chain saw; rotary pump; copper pipe fittings; assortment of hand tools & tool boxes; T.V. antenna; steel tool cabinet; alum. step ladder; wooden ext. ladder; wet -dry shop vac; fluorescent double light; wheelbarrow; lawn fert. spreader; 2 gas push 'lawn mowers; garden seeder; garden tools; shower cabinet; 2 men's bikes; bathroom sink; vanity top; charcoal barbecue; exercise bike; wooden picnic table; 2 electric heaters; fishing tackle; lawn chairs; baby stroller. _-owners or Auctioneers not responsible for ac-� cidents or loss of property sale day. TERMS: Ccash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. NOTE: This is the first sale of the season in the arena, please dress warm. Auctioneers: BOB GILMORE Phone 291-3489 DOUG GILMORE Phone 291-3421