HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-3-13, Page 3ERv�s
A Grateful Letter From a Yell
Known Vancouver Nurse.
• "In the, summer, of. 1922'' says;. Mrs. l
couting Comes to Molokai, • Mary Hill, $3iBt. Avenue West;. Van-
taeouting has come •ta1Vialokai,-bile- couvori I3.C.,,"1 became Yeer. anxiois
ly isle in the 1'aeiiic Ocean, and kerne about my young daughters, ,health.
for incurable lepers, whence the. lea- She was attending a commercial
tient never return. Six members of school, and between -her close, study
Troop 12, Ralihi Leper Receiving ,`"ata- and exceptionally�,.hot weather she be -
tion, Honolulu, recently made the Jour* • came very much' run down. I noticed
ney; "'Phe : -boys went willinglY," rune that elie looked white and scorned con-
e report, "knowing that their goingstantly tired, eras depressed, over her
was probably the only way Scouting studies, and irritable and peevish
would ever get started in the rock- • abdut the house, I got several tonics '
bound settlement. Members of Trout/ I had heard well spoken of, put they
12 Performed their laet.Geed Turns for did not seemto help her. 'At this`
their departing comrades by 1icking `D•vi1-Three bonny lassies,
their 'clots es. "'
The ' Parti ng.
sa, ago
False Magic
stage an a er Ontario.
lianas' Pink Pills, telling of a similar join Daddy at Guelph,
case, was brought to my attention, and ---
I decided'to give this 'medicine .a trial. 1
The Honolulu ,Advertiser tells the ,You naay judge of my surprise and de
story "Boy Scouts , business
nelilss many light when T noticed an improvement
other oe, and most, businem .ants in' her condition, " almost before the
the humane, and family,
younevermember old
first box was finished. She continued
ale have ups n young and d old . taking Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills for
duke, do ups and downs, and tile' some time, gaining in Health and
downs help Us generally to a better strength, Her headaches, bacliael�efi
un i.erstanieri and appreciation of the and depression headaches,
, and she
Milton experienoes. With this thought again looked well and happy. She has
in mind and also with the words of the since ani glad to say, kept perfectly
poet ringing in our ears, 'And to grow well and passed her' ezca nitrations with
means often to suffer, but whatever is, credit °
is best; we feel most keenly the blow „I must have worried more than I.
that has been dealt„ or rather series knew over my daughter's health, for
of hem, during the past week, to the
Maurice Deitches Troop' 12 at Hono-
lulu. We understood there was scene,
possibility of the 'troop .losing one' or
possibly two of `the Scouts in a• po-
osed shipmento
though 1 have 'earned. my living .as a
thet '12 years,;would then11 b'ibilrty
the most. trying cases c i � sem.
1 t f 11 , expenditure which not only 040 work
when I seemed to give k t toll but he human
life. Th aver- days per year r g
all, who travelled en the "'Montlaurier'
Provincial Board et'Health, Ontario,.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health 'mute
ters through this column. Address him at Spading House, Spading
Crescent,. Toronto
If sensible men and women through-, Whatever the cause, sickness re
out this province could,realize what stilts and we should know that it costs
n ss is to the corn- us dearly not only as individuals but
an expense o sickness e community and nation.
muruty it would open their
sir eyes. They as a
maternity nurse for Pas in a pro seek In the realm of industry, something
t i i d not e means to combat and reduce this of the loss through sickness can be
even l put in tangible form by explaining
seem to exhaust me untilas a ,heavy that approximately 3,300, wor -
�i out suddenly. to es its o m money, are lost through dis-
t Molokai but when suffering and human i e. e
I became so nervous that T had h de g without facts and ability by the 500,000 industrial work -
same did take place, it was not cline work and I suffered from head
'� to know ers in Ontario.
age man or woman wr o Of course "a consider-
eadin aches and a ,constant feeling of de- figures cannon be expected
ant Scoutmasterwhat a bill the community has to face able, amount of this loss is due is
wile went.and the Assist pression. 1 attxibuted my conditionto every year for sickness, and the worst accidents of various kinds, but never -
- the feature of the whole thing is that theless sickness takes a heavy toll.
A Leper Hero. ° much of this sickness is preventable. And now comes statistics from Eng-
ito ca , the climax one of the VV'll P nlr All classes of the community suffer lanlend is to showingnBritishwat an people.se Heresick-
very first Scouts to join the troop and ri much good as from preventable
thisVintablveryib broad sense to ;what the. despatch says: "Ill health
the first tobecome a first-class they had done her, and after a faithful n 11 these f ill -health made heavy- demands. "luring the past
Scout in the troop, has passeduse •
steadiness, and my general lea im-
proved so much that I felt able to un-
dertake my nursing duties again. I
have taken thep
one or two, but five of the leading
fact that I` was entering a critical
time of life.' It was my daughter who
suggested_ thatDr. r 1 iams i
Pills mightdo me
among re rs include a ose cases o
away. e of them fora time this proved to • 1- 12 months pexsons wth health tissue -
havethe passing of Scout Alex Auld we be the case. My nerves regained their 1 1 d lack of ed losmg-19,500,0
have joy in the knowledge that, handi-
capped with the constant suffering of
ail incurable disease, he faced the in-
evitable without so.much as a whim-
per, and though but 16, years of age
he suffered untold agonies with a smile
end never once lost his nerve."
Another Farewell,
that one sees and , meets witas atr0 weeks of work.
result of lack ofattention an 0 are not work.
often wondern in early lie. -People d experts saythe total would reach 30,-
aftcr. why a person dies avid-
denly, when in the ordinary course of 000,000 weeks of work lost to the
ills occasionally since, events he or she should have still country through ill -health of the
working population. At an average
and thanks to them have been able to many years of -life before the'comple-
On the day of the funeral, Scout-
Scout -
Master Frank Iiaihenui called the
troop together for .a special meeting,
'and after the usual opening ceremony,
Toop' Scribe Dawson called the roll..
The last name to be called was that of
Alex Auld—Scout. Auld for the second,
;and then for the last time. Whereup-
• on a brother ;Scout saluted and said,.
"Scoutmaster, our brother Scout Alex
Auld will ,meet with us 'no' snore, for
lie has gone to .dwell •with the chief
Scoutmaster of all good Scouts." The
• Scribe 'was then ordered to remove' the
name of Alex Auld. from the active
•troop roster and to place the name on
the honor roll of the troop, and ..then
;with bowed head Scoutmaster Tiaihenui
'delivered the following prayer: - "And
now, Good and Great Scoutmaster of
x all good Scouts, we, the brother Scouts
.of Alex Auld, while heavy-hearted be-
cause of his passing, take courage in
'the .knowledge that he is now a mem-
-'ber of your great troopAwhere dust
and decay are unknown and where we
hope to join him when we answer the
final roll call,"
stand the strain of my work splendidly tion of thewage allotted thi.ee score and of $10 per week, the figures
and still `feel as well as ever. I ani ten. If one inquires back into that 'mean $300,000,000 a year.
rateful to:Dr. Williams' Pink person's"history, it will often 1?e-found The same conditions apply to Can-
nery g
Pilin and am thankful to have found that they have had physical defects in 1 oda, though of course to a lesser de
1 1 f that went untreated He gree on account of our smaller teen -
such a reliable medicine for use in my h
home, and 1 can ' conscientiously -re-
commend it to any suffering woman or
girl comingunder my care or in-
Wake Up Your Mind.
What is your "thinking depth?" -Now
end again, in political controversy es-
pecially, one man describes another as
a "shallow thinker.""
The, expression, if justified, means;
that the process of thinking has been
too quick. This, that, and the other
factor heyetnot been considered. It
may not bo, that the shallow thinker
could not think deeply, if he liked.
"Shallow -thinking" may be due merely
to mental laziness. -.
In some eases too; conceit . Is re-
`sponsible. We have such a good opin-
ion of ourselves that we think that
our shallow thinking is as good as the
deeper thinking of others! But many
of us, though not at all conceited; are
still "shallow thinkers."
The sure and certain way'to become ages.
e deep -thinker is to do what a runner
aloes—he uses all his lungs! The me-
jority of ue':only use a portion all our
lives,, save on those rare occasions, in
Sunning, when we have got "our
second. wind.'
This merely means that, for once,
we have brought the whole of our
longs into action! We are breathing
deeply, and not shallowly:
To think deeply we mist bring all
our brain power into action, and that;
is done by going en thinking! There
always comes' a time while we are
thinking out something when we tire.
There seems nothing more to dosthen,
but cease thinking and accept the core
clusions we have c,rrived at. But if
we .went on we should bring all our
grey matterinto play. Deep thinking
would then begin, We should plumb
mental depths we never- thought we
Andjust as deep breathing becomes
a habit trem practice, so would deep
thinking, Not to think deeply is just
es bad In the -battle of lite as it would
be if, in warfare, a eoznmander witlr
heavy guns ,didn't use them.
A :marl more than 200 feet long,
clainted to be the largest in the world,
as recently recentlyexhibited in London.
ear i e
or she may have had diseased tonsils lation. But the point to,be emp asiz-
that for a long time«poisoned the'ed is that if the public can be brought
blood . and produced rheumatism, to realize the financial and economic
with sometimes heart disease result- I loss sustained by preventable ill -health
ing. Or he or she may have hadi an energetic public opinion will sup -
scarlet fever that developed into me-! port the Government in its efforts to
phritis or kidney disease and so led to reduce preventable ill -health both in.
an impaired and weakened state of, childhood and adult life and so bring
neumonia oe tub-! about not only a reduction in'expendi-
• You can get these pills frons any
mediciner- dealer -or or by mail at 50c'a
box from .The`- Dr.: Williams' Medicine
Co.,; Brockville,' Ont.
Drawing the Line.
"I like to be kind andhelpful to all,"
adrnited 3. Fuller Gloom, `..`but I draw
'the line at' cranking up flivvers for
ladies. lA7mo`sit every time I° try to do,
uo• the .infernal contraption kieks back,
breaking my wrist or the bridge of my
nose or the crystal of my watch, or at
least spraining something for me more
or lens severely; or the car starts sud-
denly and runs over me, or I only es-
cape' 'by reason of my marvelous
•agility—or if nothing else happens •1
get my clothes well muddied. And
Hien 1f I make any complaint about it
the lady I have tried to favor gives
me what may be called such a look,
and drives an.. Hereafter 'if I; can't
find a handy oaf who will do the job.
for a pittance I ,shall simply pass by
with my nose in the air and pretend
not to have noticed the car at all."
- Because tea deteriorates very rapid-
ly if exposed to `ale many tests and ex-
periments have been made to find an
efficient 'means of packing it so as to
preserve the flavor.` The "SALADA"
Tea Company first used lead packages
but some years ago adopted aluminum
foil, aluminum being more durable and
lighter than lead, besides, of course,
being absolutely sanitary and air -tight,,
This method of packing is admitted to
be the most effective known to ane-
nerve the, flavor of tea. Alt
is sold in air -tight aluminum pack -
erculosis is often the aftermath of- ture for sickness, but a raising of the
health. Or again, p
what was thought to be a simple case health standards among all classes of
of measles: 1 the community.
The ehi.rf rleiigii, in beauty is lost
if there is none itt t,hare i<t.
New Record Set by Sun Life
of Canada.
Evidence of widespread prosperity
is afforded by the statement published
by the Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada covering its transactions • for.
the year 1923. This Company, which
is international in its character, aper•-.
"T'ape's-Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest' relief for indigestion, gases,
flatulence, heartburn, sourness or
siting in over, fifty countries, reports stomach distress caused by acidity.
substantial advances in all depart- A few tabletsgive almost immediate
menta, • stomach relief; Correct your stomach
Of particular public interest iso the
fact that no fewer than 318,443 policy-
holders- are assured under ordinary
cantracts issued by the . Company,
while in addition 22,731 employees of
a great diversity of industries are pro-
tected under Group Insurance policies.
The business in force at December
31st last reached the -tremendous total
of '$703,765,243, showing an increase
for the year of $72,360,373. The new
business written during the year
amounted to $119,804,657, the policies
actually issued and, paid for being 35,-
975, for a total of $107,391,255. Dur-
ing the year the payments to policy-
holders and their beneficiaries in re-
spect to Death Claims, Matured En-
dowments, Profits, etc., amounted to
$22,145,979, bringing the total so paid
since the organization of the Company
to _ $151,916,489. This amount exceeds
the total business in force with the
Company fourteen- years ago, and af-
fords stirring testiniony to the degree
in which its furiction is being fulfilled.
Profits paid or allotted to policy-
holders, readied the amount of $4,417,-
068. After setting aside $3,500,000 for
unforeseen contingencies, the net Sur-
plus' over all • liebilities and capital
stock advanced by $3,603,447 to
The record is one in which the Direct,-
ors, of the Canipany express their, own
satisfaction --a sentiment which will
be widely .shared.- It is interesting to
and digestion • now- for ' -a. few, cents.
Druggists sell millions of packaged of
Pape's Diapepsin. -
Historic Site:
Much Cheaper, note that the Company, in order to
Bug ----"Why do you carry your house
around • on your back?"
Sunil—"'Cause it's -cheaper to move
than pay rent,"
Man's conscience when • rightly
touched is always on the side of truth,
There is no solace to the bitterness
of broken faith,
Young Men and Women
Who may be afflicted with pimples
and blackhelads or any other facial
blemish or skin trouble, ere Invited
to write us, For 32 years we have
been ottecessfully treating Skin,
.Scalp, Hair and Complexional Trou-
bles, including Superfluous Bair,
Moles, Warts, etc. We manufacture
the Princess Toilet Preparations.
Booklet "lC'+ mailed free.
61D College St,, Toronto
facilitate the constant quest for' new
business, and to maintain the high
standard of service to which they have
'accustomed their: policyholders, have
'established a number of new divisions
during the past year, and have further
developments of a similar character in
For the amateur trickster, prac-
tical jokes are very •useful. They
enable hint to effectively turn the
subject when some inquisitive
spectator wants, to know the se -
Orel of one of his pet tricks. Ttiey
are useful in silencing that annoy-
ing' individual who is only too
`ready to 'tell how every trick' is
A good stunt is to tell a specta-
tor that if he will clasp his hands
according to your directions and
will utter certain magical words..
he will bo unable to leave the
room without unclasping his
hands. This is done' •by causing
the victim to' • clasp his hands
arpund a piano leg. •
Another stunt is to ask a epee -
tater to . select any card he likes
from the pack. Make the selec-
tion of it as complicated as pos-
sable aid add all of the details
possible. Put the victim to a lot
of trouble, 'making notes, counting.
cards, etc. •When the, victim has
paid for exposing your pet trick,
say to him.
'What card did you select?"
He will give the nameof the
card and you will say, solemnly:
"That is correct."
Then go on with another trick
hoping that the victim will not
resent the practical joke too
much. -
/Clip the cut avid paste 4i, with,
other of the aeries. €ra;a scraVboo!c.}r
D ON 111111 ONES
Our Canadian- winters' are exceeding-
ly herd on the, health of little ones.
The weather is often so severe that
the mother cannot take the little one
out for an airi4ng.' Theconsequence is
that baby is confined to overheated,
badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and
becomes cross and peevish. Baby's
Own Tablets should be given to keep
the little one healthy. They are a
mild laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels and thus prevent
colds. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers ,or -by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Change.
The snow comes, softly sifting down
O'er mead and meadow, tarn and town,
But, somehow, it doesn't seem to me
To be as white as it used to be.
It's not ee deep and not?so cold
As snow was in •the days of old.
The wind that drives it does not roar.
As` wind did in the days of yore.
—Tennyson -3, Daft.
Avoid loss when sending money by
mail—Use Dominion Express Money
Orders—the safe, convenient, inexpen-
To lose a friend is to grow'old a
little. •
- -
The different lines of work carried:
on by the Department of the Interior
in the preservation •of places,- of na-
tional interest such as historic and
prehistoric, sites, the pr'otecseesn of old
arts and handicrafts, the creation of
bird sanctuaries', and the preservation
of many forms of bled and animal life,
are all serving to make Canada an in-
creasingly interesting place to live in
and, therefore, to enhance its attrac-
tions for tourists.' The possibilities',in
this connection have as, yet scarcely
been realzed but they can undoubtedly
be; made to play a large part in build-
ing up the prosperity of the country.
Why the Joneses Bought the Gar
They Did.
Because the salesman: .
Laughed at Mr. Jones' jokes.
Told Mass. Jones sb.e couldn't bave.a
daughter that old.
Told- Susie, she looked like Mary
:Pickford. •
Told Willie Jolles he had a build
slate Dempsey, •
Said tiro Tones 1) 6.153r took after both
parents. .
..And ()ply miller's when the Jones pup
nipped. hint.
Ask for Minard'o and take no etcher,
If Columbus had started• sailing for
the sun in an aeroplane instead of for
the new world which :he discovered he
would just begin to be getting under
way about this time -400 years later.
It would' only take a little less than
100,000 years at the rate.` of GO .miles
an hour to reach the nearest star.
The number of living organisms in
one single gram of soil exceeds '40,-
Mother! Give Sick Child
"California, Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative for a Bilious,
Constipated Baby or Child.
Constipated, bili �.
Ions, feverish,- or
sick, colic Babies
and Children Iove
to. take genuine
"California Pig
Syrup,," No'other
laxative regulates
I tender little
Sealed Pack
which keeps the tobacco
its original anal
The best recipe for
forget one's age.
A sense of humor
long life is to
is one way o
It sweetens the stOmeeh and starts the
liver and boesels acting without grip;
ing. ContaMs no narcotics or sooth-
ing drugs. Say "California" to yotir
druggist and avoid counterfeits! Ine
get upoe go -twine "California Pig
Syrup" Which contains directions.
Beware of Imitations!
You Know What
"It's as cold as—as—"
"Yes, just as In summer it's as hot
- Work Is impossible if one is not
prepared for
There are 40,000 unemplo ed s
and girls in London.
No remedy
ean cure all ail.
scents of the Int.
nnart body, but
an immense
number of peo-
Ie suffer front,
es, pains and die-
real trouble is lack of iron
In the blood. It is the iron
, in your blood that enables
you to get the nourishment •
oat of your food. Without
iron your food merely
passes through you With-
out doing you any good; yols
tIon't get the strength out
of it. There is orie univalve
ally known tonic that has
helped thousands because
it containairon like the iron
in fresh vegetables and
like the iron in your blood,
is an eminent physician's
best blood prescription,
estandardized. • It is recom-
mended for all anaemic and
run-down conditions. It
bus helped thousands of
others. It should help,
.Ask for it at any
drug (star&
A Boston man has offered a prize of
$50 for a nicer name than "old maid"
to designate a spinster. It is required,
that this word should "deserthe the
single state of woman as a condition.
c,i' triumph rather than defeat." No-
thing could be simpler. The word ob-
viously is scoffhusband.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
Classified Advertisements
7 7 wool manufactured or exchange
ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen..
Mills, Georgeto'wn, Ontario.
Rub the stiff parts with Min-
are's. It eases pain, relieves
Unless you see the name Mayer
Cross" cm package' or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine) Bayer As-
pirin proved safe by millions and pre-
scribed by physicians over twenty-
three years for
Colds . Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis etheuraatiem
Neuralgia 'Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only, Each enbroken package con-
tains proven directions, Handy boxes
giste• also sell beittleri of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
M Canada) of Bayer Manafacture of
While it is well known that Aseirin
:mew Bayer Manufacture, to assist
the patine against itnitations, the Tab,
tete of Bayer Company will be stamp-,
ed with their geheral trade mark, the
-Bayer Cross."'
Strong er es
Pure organic pla.osphate, 'known to
most druggists as Bitro-PhosphaM, is
what nerye-exhauseed, tired -out people
must have to regain earve force and
energy. That's why It's guaranteed.
Price -51 per pkge. Arrow Chemitial
Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont.
1,1 Ai.b.- advises: "Pereons who
suffer from sever•e Indigestion
1' and constipation should take af-
ter each meal and at bedtime, fif- ese
teen to thirty drops isf the Ex -re
tract of Roots khoWn to the Drug
Trade as "Mother 8eieel's Cure."
'five Syrup." Get the Oentline at ei
loft TOUR
Wholesome meal....21111efreshin
And Shoulders, Burne
Badly. Cuticura:kleal
breaking Out all ,over- my .'face sind
shoulders. The pimples
were large and red arid fes -
so badly that IE could not
sleep. They were very sate
and my clothing aggravated
"I read an advertisement
for Cuticena Soap and Ointeient and
me. I purchased More, and 'after
using four cakes of Cuticura Soap,.
I was healed." (Signed) eiVilliam C. •
Steen, 39 Peabody St, Buffalo, N. Y.
Use Cuticura eor all toilet purposes.
dtod, 815 St Paul St, W., MonteoaL," Sold every-
0.,2.re. Soap 2Ec.Ointrnept 25 and 60,s rralcurat26c.
Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's V q-
etable Compound Relieved Her of
inflammation and Great Weakness
general run-down condition following,
the birth of my twin boys. I had a great
deal of inflammation,' with pains and
weakness. Filially my doctor recoms
mended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. He said that your medicine
would be the only thing to build me up.
I am sure he is right, for I am feeling
much better and am gaining in weight,
having gone down to ninety-three
peands. I was in. bed for over amonth,
but am up again now. I ha.ve recom-
mended the Vegetable Corrippnd to my
friends and, give you permission to use
my letter.' —Mrs. ELMER A, Itreeetips
82 Rodney St., West St. John, N. B.
There are many women veho find their
household duties almost unbearable ow-
ing to some weakness or derangement.
06,:ot.f6,..A,11,1v The trouble may be Slight, yet eauSe
such annoying symptoms as dragging
pains, wealcness and a run-down feeling.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
paand is A splendid medicine for such.
conditions.Ithas in many rases relieved,
those symptoms by reineving the cauae
; of them. Mrs. Ritchie's experience
J but ono of many.
You might be interested in reading
Mrs. Pinkham'S Private Text -Book upon
the "Ailments ef Women." You eau
Ontario. 0