HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-04-03, Page 8Page 8—The, Wingham Advance -Times, Apr 3, 1985 DtkiW: Ry3'A"' X1PY. •-WfYEllIS4 P. r WPM( 04401400 IP • tom` mOfiYAMY (: 40..4+ ai fort iO N/ yYt 1 cls 4/3 e .40 ,y. a;4 444 !0.!K -d0irir.�.;51�l►itt�!:;a�d; �6'oi3dR;.iCF;::�i�,ipfiigR • xp7 "'" ".coi`cif 'l$ • cN 'ge a e r • •,,• �ieff9 mold, A t zs y^•a' s: st.t. sw�o t,ats�?�:i6�ao>ytoltxmtGe iltNt,05T 4.. O • • YY ` ne nm a..ar .sera : t. xy6 A€1MIMSTRAT it st; lZV `!`,"1,4,-,••••400 44.44 rra osr.Y a� .,,,, . „s"' wn �. .MENT s o:aarc.+0 e6d 9Ei4 �15I Wi�,t uw9l�cyvkwr`a�0 >I`h� xa�.<,>.'. :,... �:I!~�:lN$okL A40k SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices(with picture) $5.00 plus '1.70 tor 10 words; 8' a word thereafter ` Engagement Notices(without picture) $4:00 Graduation Pictures $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over No Charge Wedding Write Ups No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5.00 After Third Week . Write Up$5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format . No Charge additional information or a change in the wording, charge is '1.70 first 10 words; 8' a word thereafter. FOR SALE STEEL buildings; 4 only Quonset models,-- order cancelled. Immediate de- livery. First come first served: 25 x 44, 35 x 52, 46 x 94 and 55 x 260 complete with large sliding door. Call toll free 1-800-387-4932. Miracle Span Buildings. WHOLESALE steel build- ings. Factory direct prices. No middleman. Quonset and straight wall buildings. Won't be undersold. Guaranteed best value on market today. Call (416) 221- 7353. NORTHERN food trees; Old-fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut • trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. WATER problems? New technology to Canada. CSA approved. Eliminates chemical contamination, nuisance and coliform bac- teria, staining, smell, iron, bad 'taste and . more. No messy chemicals. Main- tenance free. Tested and proven in over 10,000 rural installations. Free 30 -day trial offer. Try it out. See the results for yourself. Abso- lutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 - year written warranty; If you want better water for better country living call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 624-4344 or write Water Puri- fication Systems, - 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Mississauga ,L4W 4B6. ONE stop building shopping centre. All steel, wood frame, straight -slant, half round cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers. Call Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends. SMART, simple and very profitable. Pedal Powered Pedicabs. High tech, light weight, 3 wheeled,.6 speed, 2 passenger vehicle for hire. Transportation for city, tourist, etc. Brochure avail- able. TransCanada Pedicab. 628 East 5th Street, - North Vancouver, •BC •V7L-: 1M7 (604) 984-9635. LADY'S 5 speed touring bike, still under one year warranty until July, $100 or best offer. Phone 392-6782. D� YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb SWIMMING POOL SALE Pre -Season SALE on above grounds by one of Ontario's largest dealers, Complete with filter, pump, skimmer, deck, fence, Regular $2095.00 Clearing at $1295.00 While supply lasts No one beats our price guaranteed Phone 416-523-6467 FOR SALE FIREWOOD, all hard maple. Delivery available. We take orders for summer or fall delivery. Phone 887- 6511. 3,24 FRESH homemade farmer's style sausage, garlic or plain. Delivery Thursday, April 4 afternoon. Free draw on Easter ham with $10 order. All meat government inspected. Phone Richard O'Malley 392-6560 or 392-6163 evenings. ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges,' desk signs. Easy to' read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb USED kitchen cupboards, counter top, sink, taps. Phone 357-3753. FABRICS shop by mail; Spring, summer fabrics available. For information and sample swatches, please write: Fabric Finds; PO Box 70, Station M, ,Toronto, Ont. M6S 4T2. COLLECTORS plates. Trains, Sunday best series. Spring Innocence, Cookie Tastings, hundreds more. Free plate magazine with order. Send for good prices. Pedden Antiques, Strathroy, RR 6, Ont. N7G 3117 (519) 247- 3341. TRUSS for sale; 6' wide by 6' deep x 104' long. Triangular hollow structural steel. Truss centre support and I= Bean A -frame and supports 29.2' high. Best offer. Call Marcel Aitoro 1-800-387-4910. PIANOS wanted. Give name, height, number found under top lid. Or have your piano refinished, restored. New low rate! Village Piano Shop, Elmira. (519) 669-2280, 669-2311. ALL steel bale racks, orders preferred. Light and heavy grader blades; trailer .bunk feeders. Owen Martin Manu- facturing, RR 3, Wallenstein, Ont. NOB 2S0, (519) 699-4144. ANTIQUE refinishing supplies. Wholesale retail. For catalogue, send $3 (re- fundable with first $25 or more order) to Double D Enterprises, Box 183, Kin- cardine, Ont. NOG 2G0. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING Put Your Best Face Forward, Call for a " complimentary facial - in your own home or mine -and see why we say.. Mary Kay is "The Cosmetic That's More Than A Cover -Up" COLLEEN SCHENK 357-1066 FOR SALE PINZONYA! Does your club, organization need lapel pins, medallions for fund raisers? Receive, a free brochure and sample. Canadian manu- facturer. Emblematic Jewellery, Box 70, Rodney, Ont. NOL 2C0. ADDRESS labels; gummed 200 for $3.25; press -on 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. Phone 357-2320, The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. 24-rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St.; Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb FRESH maple syrup, 4 litres, 3 litres, 2 litres and 1 litre. Phone Glenn Casemore 357-1498. 3,24 CHICKS, mixed, roosters, egg layers and turkeys. Order before April 16, for de- livery May 16. Phone Bel - grave Co-op, 357-2711. 3,10 PRINCESS style bed com- plete with -3 drawers, bed- ding included; night table; desk with 7 drawers plus chair; double dresser with 6 drawers and large\mirror, white with gold trim,ex- cellent condition. Phone Carol Edgar 335-3245 after 4 p.m. any day. FOR all your spring needs; seed grain, grass seed, bean seeds and fertilizer. Phone Keith Black 357-1092. 3,10 POOL sales; Leading manu- facturer with a limited num- ber of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, sand filer, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular price $2.095. Reduced to $1,295. We will beat anyone's price; call anytime 1-653-0176. 27,28 ANTIQUES bought and sold, quality furniture or rough goods, iron and brass beds, quilts, oriental rugs, Indian,, artifacts, .paintings, post cards, etc. Appointments only. Phone Smallacombe Antiques 392-6840. 20,24 MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20-rrb FOR SALE DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31:rrb CHECK out these super Video specials. NEC` Video Tape Recorders, Model N-20, now only $599.95, save $50, and model N-40 now only $699.95, save $90. Both feature full function wireless remote control. Blank L-750 BETA tapes now only $7.99. Best price in the area. VHS - T -120 blank tapes only $8.99. NEC televisions 14" to 26" all with 5 year warranty at no extra cost. Many new rental . movies in stock. "Gone With the Wind", "Revenge of the Nerds," "Star Trek III." Coming soon "Supergirl," "Cotton Club," "The Terminator" and many more. Wingham Video, 160 Park Drive, 357- 2233. 27,3 SELF -propelled lawn roller, John Deere lawn tractor. Phone 357-1967. 27,3,10 HARDWOOD slabs pick up or will deliver. Phone McGlynn Sawmill 357-3777. 13,26 WEDDING invitations: 20 per cent discount with this ad. Marcon Studio, House of Photography, 343-2201, Palmerston, Ont' 27,24 WEDDING photography, New for 1985, Highlights coverage starting at only $82.50. Call us now at 343- 2201. Marcon Studio, House of Photography, Palmer- ston, Ont. 27,24 WANTED ' SCI-JOOL pictures of Bel - more school students, of SS 12 Culross, Belmore, years 1920-24. Photos, snaps, copieg or negatives. Will purchase, borrow or copy. Write PO Box 906, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2WO. 3,10 CAMP Off TRAILERS Sales • Rentals i Parts • Service Your Headquarters For: • ,Hardtop tent trailers • Travel trailers • from Lightweights right up to Park Models • Truck campers and caps Dealer for: Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel Hwy. 8 W. Stratford 393-5938 ..rte.. _ i SHOE REPAIR DEPOT HILL'S SHOES - Wingham 10 % off with this ad Quality repairs to shoes, purses, winter boots, coats and suitcases. Canadian Tire in Wingham Requires MECHANIC 'S HELPER Excellent working conditions. Five day week. Staff discount plan. Profit sharing `pian. Apply to: Gordon Marr or Terry McKenna 357-3714 MOTORCYCLES ' FOR SALE 1982 HONDA 450, Night. Hawk, 3700 km, excellent - condition. Phone 357-3429. 1982 HONDA 185 ATC three wheeler, new 'tires, chain and sprocket, in good cqn- dition. Phone 335-3280. RV 125 Suzuki Enduro, 2314 km., $325. Phone 335-3079. 3,10 1982 HONDA 250 cc, like new. Phone 357-1864. 27,3 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1975 PONTIAC Grand Prix, excellent condition, very de- pendable, no rust, certified, best offer. Phone 392-8206 after 6 p.m:" 1976 FORD Granada, 302 - motor, automatic, power steering, power brakes in excellent condition. Phone 335-3354. 1978 CUTLASS Salon Brougham, 305 V8 engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Phone 335- 6263. GRAND Marquis, tilt wheel, leather interior, air condi- tioning, never winter driven, only 24,000 miles, priced at $5900. Phone 357-1268. 1976 FORD pick-up, 3/4 ton heavy duty, sold as is, $950 or best , offer. Phone 357-1866, Saturdays if possible. 1980 OMNI 2 door hatchback in good condition. Phone 357- 1864. 27,3 PETS TO GIVE AWAY PART Lab and part German Shepherd puppies, free to a good home. Phone 887-9512. 3,10 WORK WANTED WILL make flower -girl dresses, samples available or will make to your specifi- cations. Marion Schefter phone 335-3864. 27,3 HONEST, reliable, exper- ienced woman will do house- cleaning anytime. Reason- able easonable rates, references avail- able. Please phone after 6 p.m. 357-3004. 20,27,3 Help Wanted ESTIMATOR, draftlman, and scheduler for aggressive machine and fabricating shop. Salary negotiable. Send resumes to Busch's PO Box 294, Fort Frances, Ont. REMOTE Mountain Hotel now accepting applications part-time and full-time for summer season. Diningroom waitresses, front desk, clerks, housekeepers, cafeteria, Mft shop cashiers, gas station attendants, and cooks. Please send self- addressed stamped envelope for application to John Galt, Glacier Park Lodge, Roger Pass, BC, VOE 250. PHARMACIST wanted. Well established Guardian af- filiated drug store in S. W. Ontario town. Computerized dispensary. One nursing home 40 hr. week. No Sun- days or holidays. Good salary and working con- ditions. Benefits negotiable. Accommodation if needed. Apply in writing Mrs. C.E. Forster, Pharmacy Limited, 140 Queen St. E., St. Marys, Ont. NOM 2V0. RELIABLE babysitter re- quired in Belgrave for two pre-schoolers. Please apply by phoning 357-1461 after 6 p.m. SOMEONE to work on farrow -to -finish' operation, experience necessary. Apply to Box 2370 c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2WO. APPLICATIONS for the position of secretary - treasurer of the Belgrave Community -''Centre Board will be accepted until April 19, 1985. Send applications to Lloyd Michie, RR 4, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1110. 27,3 TREE planters, April 10 to May 5. Location -Kinloss, Culross, Turnberry, Huron, Ashfield townships. Horton Forestry Services, 416-888- 1610 after 6 p.m. 3,10 RELIABLE person required to help with spring work around the 15th of April. Seeding and plowing. Must have own transportation. Wrtie to Box 18, Teeswater, Ont. NOG 2S0. 3,10 LOCAL SUB -TRADES INVITED TO BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW HEAD OFFICE BUILDING FOR CANADIAN AGRA- Coftact the following general contractors: Ball Brothers (519) 742-5851 Ellis Don (519) 455-6770 Freure Construction (519) 578-7771. Gilvesy Construction ' (519) 842-8421 Logan/,Contracting (51 '9) 271-8800 Tender closing — Friday, April 12, 1985 3:00 p.m. k JOIN US AND FIND HOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Cut down your driving and operating expenses, we ask no cover charges, membership fees or any other kind of aggravative costs. Be informed this is a first time to this area. An information seminar solely designed to protect your expenses while providing your peace of mind on the highway. DATE: Monday, April 8, 1985 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Wingham Legion John R. Lyons (an associate of Fuel Savers International) 52 Queen Street Harriston, Ontario NOG 1Z0 338-2150 CHAMBERMAIDS, Wingham Motel. Please apply in person. No phone calls please. - STOP stop. Start a Watkins Product Distributorship business from a small in- vestment in your area. Direct sales minded people needed. Unlimited income. Write . or call M. Carrier, Watkins Inc., 2200 Marie Anne East, Montreal N2H 1N1 Tel. (514) 598-8630 or Toronto (416) 283-3001. UPHOLSTERS wanted; 10 to 15 years experience in re- upholstering. Full time, year-round work, top wages, 10,000 sq. ft. shop. Stones Upholstering, 14 High Street, Barrie, Ont. 1-705-726-5721. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY late model tractors for wrecking burned, damaged f just tired. Fawcett'rr ctor Supply Ltd. RR 2, St. ys, Ont. NOM 2V0 (519) 284- 379. OLD postcards used or un- used by private collector. Will pick up. Evelyn Masters Biller, Grimsby, Ont. Phone Collect (416) 945-4541 after 6 p.m. 3,10,17 SMALL calces either dairy or beef; also cows or stock- ers. Phone 357-2861. 23rrb Ei44"43„ (per ' LIVESTOCK FOR SALE IOP tested boars, sound, ag- gressive Yorks, Ramps, Duroc, Hamp x Duroc, and York x Hamp. Reasonably priced. Call' Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton 345-2317. 3,24 LARGE selection' of bred gilts with due dates, vac- cinated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albright, RR 1, Wingham, 357-3495. 20,10 .LOST FEMALE German Shepherd with turned -down ears, answers to name of Cher, lost in Fordwich-Gorrie area. Phone 335-3454. ACCOMMODATION RESIDENTIAL taking ap- plications for admission to our new residential addition. For further information please call 338-3700. Opening soon. 3,10 Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 SCOTT 'McLENNAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS Specializing in Concrete Telephone. I GLEN SCOTT 357-3267 335-6261 Wingham, Ont. Wroxeter, Ont. 'BARRY'S AUTO BODY Auto Body Repair & Refinishing Pinstripe, .Side Moulding & Glass Installation RR 4, Wingham 2nd Line Morris Twp., 4th Place On Left From Hwy. No. 4 Bus. 357-2266 Res. 357-9937 WANTED PAYING GOOD CASH!! Collector is looking ,for good stamp or cover collections and accumulations. Call Collect after 5 p.rn. (519) 89.-4198 or (51 9) 885-2309 Avian SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH 10 Decorator Aluminum Colours to Choose From Also: • Accord Vinyl Siding • Alcan Aluminum Siding • Soffit, Fascia, Shutters • Aluminum Storm SEAMLESS SS GUTTER MACH1Plf Doors & Windows • Replacement Windows & Doors • Patio Doors, Awnings • Porch Enclosures • Sun Rooms • Custom -Made Aluminum Railings CALL NOW — RUTTAN ALUMINUM LIMITED Just off Highway 86 East of WINGHAM Bus 357-1077 Res, 357-3854