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The Exeter Times, 1924-3-13, Page 1
I.PTY FIRST, YEAR No. 2056 ate. 011oolyor •nom, illatgan ralmaila :t 4.161. SWOONS EXETER,• ONT., TJ.I U TISDAY MORNING. ��s l 1ti1'� � �{ � � rt +ilii Iiil1111d 4 ! !I! Ii I m I II 1111 11111111 1111 I I1 N1N111111111oo .� ��, ,1 ! !!IlIIIIII11�a111111111111111Illllllllllll111111111.1118!. ISI � i11R 1 i 1 � !11,1.1 I Il ._.o. r ress atics. \hHAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER 1 L SHIPMENT OF 3kAUTIILSISUMMER iElDRESS FABRICS. WE IAV • NO THE LAR- GEST AND FINEST RANGE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN C MVTPOSING � Q DRESS LINENS, VOILES, DATIVES IN PLAIN AND, FANCY WEAVES, , BROCADED D CREPES 'KNITTED SILKS " ETC. COME ,EARLY AND ." LOOK 'l THESE OVER. s Ladies'�, Misses',Spring Coats at $15.00 For early buyers we are offering a nice range of- Spring Goats in plain and fancy weaves in --Northway slake, at the very special price of - $15.00. , These are going very fast and we will not be able to duplicate them; We also have a beautiful range of Suits and Dresses. LADIES'AND MISSES'SPRING'. SUITS —' Ask to see our special Suits at $25.00. They are wonderful valve: m Rugs. Spring . �Or1 01eLa � We wish to -call particular attentioiato Congoleum Rugs this month. This is' rapidly becoming, one of the most popular floor coverings. '::,\)Ve ;. have all popular sizes and patterns to select from. If we cannot save you money on Congoleum Rugs we will not expect you to buy from us. Special Hosiery`Values this Month 1N Ladies' Heavy Cotton Hosiery, the well-known Triplex brand; black only, sizes 9, 91l`; and 10. Very special values this month at 29c a pair. 10 Boz, .Ladies' dills Hosiery, slightly'. imperfect in weave colors, black, white,gray' and sand. Clearing at 69c. a pair.' 10 doz. blaek'Lisle Hosiery, beautiful quality, in -seconds, clearing'. 'at 25c a pair: Specials in Cotton and Linen Staples S 5 webs heavy quality Factory Cotton, 36 in.wide, extra value 25c yd 3 webs heavy quality bleached cotton 36 in. wide at 5 ,yds. for $1.00 5 webs pure limen towelling at 18c. a yd,• Heaviest quality Standard shirting. reduced this month train 45c: a yd. to 40c. a Yd. Hair Net Bargains Princess 'Pat Hair Nets either single or double mesh, 3 for 25c. Canadian Beauty hail nets single or dln ouble esh` 4 for 25c. WALL-PAPFIR . S In ' addition to .our, regular line of medium priced papers ` we are placing, in stock about ten patterns of Stauntons highest " grade living room papers. These are the same papers as carried by the large city stores: We -invite you to come in And inspect these" beautiful living room papers. .PHONE 32 h f% J � III I III Ill!{11111111lI{IIIIIIIIIIIIII I II LI 1 til!_ i I ! i 1{!1111{Ili11111{ILII{IHIIIIIIIl11�1�111�{1111�11l1111Ii411111Ni(1111111illlllllllllilll11111111191J Jones. & ' PHONE 32 insmoma YUMMY .0.1101.1 coolant EXETER COUNCIL Exeter • Monday, lilarch 10, 1924 A regular. meeting of the, On >ues dav Morning 1g .of this, week ci1al at un 11, absent Lon1cit to Mr. 22zornas 'Sweet, ane of. 'Exeter'S Southcott. -the mutates of the most highly esteemed. reeidelxts, meeting it , .1' CI) 26111 -awe read .passed away to the Great 13eyona , MARCH lat 1924 DEATH _ O' yJ1 THE IA JTHOMAS J0MS . 1,130E 7A1%`WESLEY 41 OY1. and approved: A leiter from H. G. The deceased was born in this com- a inanity, ty, n '1 x a :log• house on the Sweet farm just south of town. During his life he witnessed many transformations throughout this sec- - tion.. 1 i? until x ltrl fifteen -year's ago he °U - sided on the fart,. on which he was - born. At that time he retired d an d m moved into town. He was a t staundh Conservative and in ,religion was ii a� a Methodist," having been,con- .`_".' Hess, .Ztdrirlr, regards town clock wa read , and referred back fol: fa -tare consideration: The, munici pal ztuditor, Mr. . 1, G Maw;son addressed the Council re girding tho `auditing of the schoo ac onnts statin th i c , i � that b.eretofol'c 11e had nide' such audit` bythe he instruc tion of the Board, who now clai that they have ',not the appointment of an anditer, n tor: "'i'er. - C'olrltl'9 =Davis: that Ms. Ma-*isonn audit the school accounts as part. 01 his municipal a dude's, and that, hebe paid the stun of ten' dollars per annus!' for so doing. The same to be reported upon, quarterly.; Carried, • • Per Davis --Hooper: that a safety drawer be rented from the Molsons Bank for the safe keeping of muni- cipal papers. Annual 1 rental $2.50. Carried. Theodore Council- lor throughzl - 1o1• Davis askeci1 to have a couple- of trees removed from in front of his property situtaed south of the Lake Road and west: of the R. R. tracks. Referred to -Committee. .Councillor Davis reported as hav- ing option on the wagon.. No action, The property committee reported as to the condition of the prison cells in the :town !call, that the sanie were unfit for further use, and would recommend that : prices be = secured on newsteel cells. Report adopted. By-laws No. ,1 and No. 2 of 1924 Were given their third reacting and were finally passed. The Reeve and Clerk signing the sauce, The Auditors; report for the month of February was read and accepted on motion ''of Hooper—Davis. Carried. The following 'tenders were r eceiv ed and • read for the position of = teamster: Albert EtIrer'ingtoii, $;1.04 are per month; L. D, Fulton, $125; Thos. Houlden, $125; CIyde Heywood, $105;, Wm. Webber; $100. Per Hooper-Coultis: that we accept the .11121.1.4 1 =l = tender of Mr. •. William Webber at $100. Carried:- The .following accounts were read and ordered .pard: H. T: Rowe,. coal, $5.60; Janes Parsons •laboi; $3.1,3,;. Tiros,;,,, ,ganders labor, '=:;$7 63; R. E. 'Davis, teaiii, $1.65;'Nelson Vale labor. $6.38; ;Ernest Wells labor, $4.63; Bert Gardiner labor, $3.38; John FInnkin labor, $4.25; Thos: Houlder!.' .Labor, $4.68; S. !Martin & Son supplies, $2.00; John ,a Morley labor, $4.38; John Parsons labor, $5.5.0; Lorne Brinlacombe labor, $4.38; Bert Batton Tabor,. s $6.13; Bruce Rivers labor, $4.63; Czar Harness labor. -$+2.63; Percy Webber labor, $.2.40; Fred Cornish • ® $2 13. Two small accounts held ,- over. , Passed on motion of Hooper and Goultis. Adjourned by Coultis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. BY USING eBr®s Pamts & Varnishes FOR WALL FINISHING USE rs�7 ak an a 7 erbpackage IN . ALL SHADES CHI -NAMED AND CAMPBELL'S STAINS "FOR •INTERIOR DEC-' OiIATIONS or Stock or Poultry USE Royal Purple Steck Food 60c IIerbagetirz ......... •75c Sulphur 5 lbs. 25c Salts 5 lbs, 250 Salt Pe t1e 15c Ib Blatehford's Calf Meal USE Royal Purple Specific 60e Herbageiuu......... .......... ... 40e., Beef .Scrap s 1 Oyster sell .. . ; ..: a ba yi S $1.7T g Grit .1.75. �t bag g Blatchfor'd's Egg Mash$ 1.40 for 25 The. TM1 �.sni�t � z and, IRON PIPING VALVES AND FITTINGS. i, man's�. are Don't forget the entertainment in the Main St. Methodist Church on Monday, March .17. Good program. and lunch, Admission 25 and 15 cents. MARRIED BEC:KLER-SANDERS At the James St: 'Methodist parsonage; on Wednesday, March' 12 Miss Katie Sanders, 'daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. W. F. Down, to Mr. -Christian Deckles, son of Mr, and Mrs Joel Beckler,' all of Usborne, SWEET—In Exeter, a ph a '£uesclay, March 11th, 19;24, 'themes Sweet aged 80 years and 5 days,. STONE—In Exeter,. Sunday, March 9, John Wesley Stone, aged 33 years. . COOPER—In Tinian, ;on Thursday, March 6111, Grace MCGr'egor, be loved wife of Robert ,T. Cooper, in. her 4lst year. , t��l`) q fJ 011.. .kltl.N7lCS Mrs. Thomas Sweet and family de- sire to express their sincere ;.appre- dation 10 the many friends and neighbors for their, kindness and sympathy during the illness and sub- sequent death of Mr: Sweet. CARD OF 'T11JANIS 3VIrs. J. Wesley Stolle and family wish to thank the many neighbors. and friends, for their kindly syui- patty and consideration' during Mr, Stone's illness and death and also for the many beautiful' floral tributes. IN atrilMOli, A.M SfLLERY —itr loving memory of our daughter', 1 ' ii VXrs• ii g ti� 1 . wnllery (nee Carrie Leonie Copeland) who died 'at 11e1' home, •- J.iThvetcr, March 14th, 1922. God saw her weary foot steps And the hill grew reit •to steep; So he closed her ,weary eyelids, Mid. laid her down to sleep, TThetigh lost to sight to memory dear, Pares$",', i+ .and Fancily • USBORNE COUNCIL I1sborne Council held its monthly meeting on Saturday, March lst 1924 at. the Township Hall, pursuant . to adiournment. ATI members present. Minutes of the February meeting were react and approved on motion Iof Ballantyne --Hanna. ire correspondence: Letter' from 13idciulph Tp. Auditor, risking for in- formation re No. 3, Separ- ate School supporters in Usborne. Clerk's answer approved, Ont. Mao. Ass'n asking for annual membership fee. Na action. Contract Record soliciting .patron- age. Filed. Pamphlets from Forestry Lk-Tay :Placed. Copy of Resolution from :the ;titin: Electric Ass's ire'power development onathe St. Lawrence etc. Hanna--. Stewtirt: That the sante be forwarded as directed. Carried. Letter from John Roger, C.L.S. be instructed to examine the Elimvilla Drain in answer to a petition of .loslr.- ua Johns and others and prepare a report,n plans and profile of ,zame, re the remedying the trouble complain- ed o1, together Witli branch B of the same cl1•ain petitioned for by Wm: Ford and others. Carried. t wart— all S e B antyne:. That the fol- lowing pathrnasters be appointed for 1924, viz: Ward I Jno. Luxton; Clin- ton Sweet, Alex. McFalIs, Chas. Hay- man, Albert Penwarden, John Hunter Alfred Hicks, Daniel E. !Nicks, Wil- son Hawkins, Sarni. Hunter, Plenty Ford, I:tioh'd'Johns, Francis ,T.`1)avis: Ward II Lather Oke: J Jahr!; Down Geo. Ferguson, Andrew Moir, Itabt: Kydd, Geo, Illtlterirlgt:on., Robt, Bell, Jos. Ferguson, John Cann, Henry' Andereo11, Stewart McQliieeir. Ward III :Elpl riam :[Teri), Thos. Kyle, Horn, Beaman T�S lc, Fred Delbriclge, Sas, Prance, Franklin P.ocld,' Jas. 1101n, ilicli'd Cann. Lawrence Mills Jrto, Fletcher, 111111nnanr Hail1a.,Ias. e. Hail t Komi), Archie Dawson; Dari. O'Hara, Ward IV .Anther llodgert, Wizl, 3-1, Stone, Well. Kerslake, i3lrncr Stewart, W. 1VICNicol, Nelson ,Clark. Geo, liatarali Alex. Darman, Amos (Continued on page four) verted antler Crossly and Hunter about fifteen years ago and since which time he has been a. faithful • asci. esteemed member of James St: Church. For several years he has been in failing health tint`` early in January was taken to b.is bed, gradu- ally growing weaker, the breaking up of a robust constitution being the cause of his death. Forty -nixie years ago last November he was married to Mary Hamlin Prout, who with four sons and one daughter are left to mourn; 'William of London; Miss klettie at home, Clintons of 'Osborne, Victor o£ Cleveland and Harry at home. One brother and one sister also survive; Mr. Jas Sweet ,of town and 1VIrs. Jas. Hodgins of Crediton. The Funeral, private will beheld Thursday afternoon. PRESENTATIONS FOR BRI-I)E- TO-13E Miss Katie Sanders, whose mar- riage took place on \Vendesday to M`r. Christian Beckley, has been the recipient's of several presentations during the past week. On Thursday last the Lnrondale Women's ':Insti- tute presented the bride -elect with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Ila Mitchell. A very pleasant time was spent by all. On Friday evening 'the choir of James Street church of which Miss Sanders was a member drove to the home of Mr. W. F. Down in Usborne where a very jolly evening was spent, M1s8. Sanders • being presented with a. beatutiful linen table cover. On Monday evening Miss Sanders wa;; presented with. silver knives and. Posts .by a number of her young .lady friends of Sallies 'Street. Sun- day S`eliool. • SUCCESSFUL Br9NIQUET;":1 Another delightful event took place 111 James St, Methodist S. S. on Monday evening when the members of the 'Young Ladies' and Young, !Ten's Bible Classes, together with 'a number of invited ted guests took part in their annual banquet. It was one of those rare 'occasions from' which everyone goes home inspired and happy. The banqueters found their place at the tables and amid the 'nest con- genial surroundings enjoyed a de- licious and appetizing -oyster supper. A lengthy toast list was proposed and responded to with the Rev.. W. E. ' Donnelly very ably filling the position of toast master. "The King" responded: to by the singing of God Save the King; "Canada and the Empire," proposed by Grant Sanders and responded to by Verne Roulston, also by the singing of The Maple Leaf. Miss Amy Fisher gave a reading. "The Sunday School," pro- ; posed by Mrs. Donnelly and respond- ed to by the superintendent, • .I. Iliabert` Jones; a.' vocal duet was given by IIliss Mae Ford and Fred Ford. "The Young Ladies' and Young Men's Classes," proposed by 17x'. Roulslon and responded to by Miss Tonin and J. S. Ilarvey. Miss Treble then gave a reading. "The Ltcliee,"' proposed•by Ed. Chambers of Crediton, responded to by George Hind. Several musical selections were rendered by the orchestra of the S. S. and were mucic enjoyed by all. M. Southcott gave a short address and on behalf of the Young` Ladies' and Young en's Biblele 'Classes ex- tended their heartiest appreciation tothe pastor, Rev. W. E. Donnelly for his time and talent in giving his lecture on "Scraps." A very wise choice was anacle in. the selection of the speaker for the evening, being the Rev. D. Mace Ta,vish of Crediton, who gave a most helpful and interesting. address. No one could listen to the address. without going home inspired and helped by it,. - Re -a, MacTavish spoke helped ). of ideal life -a life of service and other ideals the attainment' of Which would be worthy of the most self- sacrificing and, consecrated efforts on the 'pari of Oar young people,. Tlis.pector Torn then gave a short address in which ho commented upon the . splendid add reeses - which had be given in 7opUsu ng gila ntsl7ond- 11g' to the toasts, after 'olrieh the happy event ' 'as Ina/tight to a (lase, Itev. E.' 1 a a 1 F. C yso: tri will preach Ir. 11 iin St. chnreh fro,.. Sunday I 'fit nlor'az;• ix1'" oil "Wine tar the Stomach's' pike." On Sunday last: the grin), reaper o death hrought to a close tlife' tlza 'ave g every promise o, ,c szt(oc..,slttl career, in the person of John Wesley Stone, aged 33 years. lir, St:onle`s i3lnees taltel about v,, , b s c tit i.z c, years ago, ur „ d'uring the "nu" epiderite. At that 1 A t time he wasengaged e a ia. r the diary and Carta' e iii,• e e 'n th g lx �r s r e city of Saskatoon, and laid a flourish - :x -1g businetss employing a number of Men. Blit he was forced through il health: to sacrifice his business an h d e returned to Exeter. The deceased was born in Osborne, being a son of lair, and Mrs. Edward Stone.. Elevenyears ec 1Sago `T�..'.. y he 1 a� married to bis bereaved widow', nee 'Eunice I ernick. After, their marriage they. conducted a store at Swanson Sas . k for two years, moving from there to. Saskatoon. Besides his widow, three little daughters survive, Raby E.,'Adeline and Gladys; He is also survived by. his parents, three brothers and two sisters; Edward, \\rill and Percy; Mrs. T. Fletcher and Mrs. B. Fletcher, all of Usborne. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, at which there was a large attendance. _Interment took place in. the Exeter cemetery. The bereaves- have the sympathy of many Wends. ds. [ KLEJ NI?1i1iS VLS A quiet 'brut pretty lyre -Mile.; • to(i , L place ' l a c Ott I;he•Jaines St. z\1 Ix ti e d t t i pax- ' a � 1 ' sonage on 1V'edne-day at noon, v iron Mies .l :ttze Sanilere, daughterM. air," and- I1li'S.,; W. 9'. Down, Was milted r: irra.ilagc to :1r. t;Itr�%si.izin l3ecle1ez�' $011 ot 1tMr. and Mrs. „fool Beckier, all. of Usborne Tp. The ceremony was Performed by laeV, \' . E. 1). -.rt -ll °; The b 1. bride was �d,iessedin�i � rar2: bine canton crepe and carried a, ))oruinet of roses. She wore the gift of the groom, a gold breech. following' the cel�monyt they 4 t o ticti tonne of Mr. and !Ors. Downy where -a wed- ding dinner '. 1vas served, the immed- iate late relatives be:'Ji being present:' r. andI Mrs. Beclzler left on the evening train far Iowa, where the forniee hes a',positiou. The bride travelled in a gown of brown velette, with :3 ,soa,t of castor velour and , slat to waters., They will have the best wisbe, at many `friends. IMN. STREET CONGREGATION OPPOSED, TO PLEBISCITE Last Sunday morning Rev F. E Clysdale spoke on the Prohibition situation in the province of Ontario dealing with enactment of the new act before the legislature providing for a new vote on the liquor question and .pointing out the futility of a plebiscite to register the sentiment of the people inasmuch as there is nothing definite for the consideration; of the people. He dealt most emphat- ically with the demand of the Moder- ationists for -"Moderation" and "Gov- ernment Control" pointing out that such a systeml meant increased priv- ile„ es and liberties with beverages of alcoholic content and that the pro yinces where such laws were in. oper- ation proved_ there was neither con- trol nor moderation. • He dealt With records a the re the attempt to compare a 1 Of Ontario with those of British Columbia and Quebec, showing that these records are notconipiled on the same basis anl.theref re are.us lens for comparison. For example the bueiness of the officers of the lazy in a Government control province is not to arrest persons intoxicated but only control there: and the official phrase used for the arrest of a per- son is "Lying drunk: in a public street or ` public place." While in Ontario.. ; anyone showing any evi- Bence at inintoxicationintoxication Intel be arrest- ed. 'Comparing the basis it might be expected there would be 'a wide dif- ference in the records but still the balance favors Ontario. The speaker tailed attention' to the actual benefits we have been en- joying under the 0.T.A. and urged his hearers against any backward step but rather to aggressive loyalty until there has been secured the pro- hibition of the exportation, importa- tion, sale and manufacture of alco- holics over• the whole of Canada. At the close of the address the follow- ing, resolution was enthusiastically carried and ordered sent to the Leg- islature: Resolution With. Respect to 0.T.A. Whereas the 0.T.A. after trial as a war measure became the subject of a,referendum of the people of Ontario and was sustained by such a large majority; And =.-h.ereas We b'Iie-re both the late and present Governments through their Attorneys General have acted in, ail, sincerity in their efforts to enforce the law, during what is as yet a transitional, period; And whereas the benefits derived from the operation of the act have been of incalcullable value in every way i11 the home, community and province; Ancl whereas we are convinced that our present 0.T.A. is the most effective manner of dealing with the liquor evil. Fie it resolved by this congrega- tion. of this plain Street Methodist Church that we deprecate the desire. on the part of a small minority to put this province to the expense a£ another referendum or plebescite so soon after the decisive votes of res cent years, and, trusting this splen- did pieoe of legislation will continue to receive the active support of the Government, arc wcit110 urge our con- viction that the prasent law strenath- ened:, safeguarded and enforced will Drove itself far superior to ,any Corin of Government Sale anti in- creasingly effective in the "Control' ',nil filial Sttpl'eesioni €}f. the liquor traffic, tlr. A. R. Glatio•111 n101111ger,of the Cta)mdia,n Dealt of (' omateree a+ 'C3asswood, Mate. in renrela;ii:' h ., ,?I' rrription Po 111,2 iiri es, says: V• 1i0d a n1c,;r•'.J' '''1' a:t-vinter iti 1ti7' itaba,; 1)rnet'erlle' ,1st strew Or at,- noupled with. Continuous bright, 221Y`,1. x weatll.eia 12'?o111 all eateeital it' " '' the edge on Ontario this year. Mr. and Mrs: Ii. A. Hoop ei• and two sons; of Rocauville, Sash., have moved to Exeter and are ta111113 urn` their abode in the residence , f th • a e late ivli•s. John Elliott. Mr. H �'7 Ual uz will be employed with his uncle, air; C. F. Hooper, BETTER ER• LIVE' S'.1`O("TC •TRAIN' 'l'he Ontario : Government Better Live Stock Train, ,,consisting of lip` cars of livestocia, poultry, etc:,' will be on ' exhibition at Exeter from, S a.m. until noon on Tuesday, March 25th. Demonstrations and lectures on stock raising and farming will be given by government representatives: A Under the auspices of the aliesiou Circle of &awes Street Church' in the TOWN HALL at., March 15thi Beginning at 3 O'clock b Sale of Aprons, Fancy Articles, Home-uratle Coolun1 and Candy. U TEUN©ON TEA, WELL :13 " SERVED 'Genuine D. L. and W. ScrantonCoal, All Sizes owe _armers and Dealers Get our p1•icCs. for Blatchford's Calf Meat Thoroughly Steam Cooked. The best known kIilk Substitute for Calv- es, and at our prices, the best value in Calf Meals: :Pe ;'lir: feeding now and get results. 1 e supply both, farmers and dealers. Exeter .Creamery ry Coe Limited Exeter and Winchelsea. t " - „ ���* r 9 Via,. PRESCRIPT!HEADAcHE en•.msa•-F �+s.>•a•=:x�,+.Wn rte . aq It is more than probable able that the + headaches fisein which you have not been able to o'€it any medical relief ere,cmlised b,' eye strain. Of course yOlt know 11 ' ..'w'e can prescribe for .. yolti a pair o. "!Sees that it 1 Will 1 abscr- lutely 1'eliev 'his' condition.. Let 1.1S iroetiga10 '2 111`i1' 01 TOM.` 3 Flyt? Peariieess ;i e will advise .yea a' tti year eye :: n,:;xls. ill ala t•.. ,. `Tw C71"1 C i4rl I O .r ,ng ilr1 Si;; Ex tel' 01114