HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-03-20, Page 688a - The Minn Billion. Week of Man& 28, 1885
Don't make hasty decisions when selecting alfalfa variety
Don't make hasty decisions when selecting
Alfalfa varieties. There are many varieties on
the market, so growers should carefully
consider which ones have the best Marader`
istics for their particular forage program.
"Choice of an alfalfa variety should be bas-
ed on criteria like yield potential, maturity,
regrowth and winter hardiness," says moms
Sagriff, sales agronomist for Pioneer Hi -&ed
Limited. "Select varieties which closely
match forage program goals and local
growing conditions." He also suggests select-
ing more than ons alfalfa variety when large
acreages will be planted.
Developing a long range management
program is helpful in variety selection. "Well
defined yield needs and desired rotation
lengths are useful criteria for making variety
selections," Sagriff points out.
"There are advantages and trade Offs to
early and medium maturity aflalfa varieties.
It's important to understand how each fits
into a forage program," he adds.
'' Early Maturity Varieties
Early maturity - or Flemish - alfalfa
varieties are moderately winter hardy and can
begin vigorous early growth when spring soil
temperatures are relatively cool. This allows
them to flower three to four days earlier than
medium maturity alfalfas.
"Fbr dairy managers managing their
alfalfa intensively, this is particularly import-
ant since they are ,interested in producing
maximum yields of high quality alfalfa
silage," explains Sagrifff. "Fbr high yields,
growers should plan on a five week scheduled
harvesting program that includes three cuts
per year. The quick regrowth characteristic of
Flemish verities is an important feature that
allows growers to enjoy the three cut harvest
Flemish varieties are very temperature
responsive, says the agronomist. They cap
produce more forage than medium maturity
varieties because of their ability to lepgtheu
the growing season. With " high prevailing
temperatures after ratting in early June and
July, regrowth is extremely rapid. "Although
early maturity alfalfa grows longer into
fall," Sagrift explains, "they retain enough
carbohydrate root reserves to maintain a high
yielding stand for two to three growing
Medium .Maturity Varieties
Medium maturity alfalfa varieties range
between moderately winter hardy to winter
hardy. They begin growth slightly later in the
spring and recover less wieldy after cutting
than early maturity alfalfas. 'Yearly forage
yields of medium maturity alfalfas normally
are less than early maturity alfalfas.
Mediunh maturity varieties reach the flow-
turn to page 18a
Consider characteristics of alfalfa varieties
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