HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-2-21, Page 6Starting Plants Indoora.
Plants may easily he started. in the
Women,S Lesson he Cotdd Not Veep
heuse by -osipse a t" dr an old soapl`, . ntoid ?Agony
inehes deep, should hay° heles ,ht,the , • .
I- small ertougli so that liana, etaaal - tram •,svealsg iemo and aehing: beeka
box. ,The box should be three or four Fronl aatc14,:acho
bateau to Permit drainage, and should Women ere the greatesl traffer'ers
owneg to the continual stooping, bend -
be handled when filled with eoil. , l, jag. and lifting o necessary to pea.
Fill the box to within one-half incle for.m theirshoileelsold duties and these
':... ..\ a Of the top with fine loam, then arm backaches are caused, without a CONTINUATION ..oF Ti STORY -The victory could. lie onl in clever 'stre-
ss ...--- ...,___ ,......_ ....... the soil,and have it perfectly level and ka)..?au4bety., s,,Ye.osr°T; tadeeiro''wgeou'reenitiot°fIsotall: bfooltalof Jaidgea eofnt,ainis hot the and
tes,y arid with pecl,e hien He choee
o le perioda ter os ua, an an a way to test and pick the men he
OPERATING AN INCUBATOR. or immature birds seldom hatcli as free fr0m stones' sticks °r lunlys be- weal no ' th • tl backwould b
Given a enitabie reem the nret \ad.). as eggs from aliatuaa birds, Our fore seed planting. Mark' tile rows atrong anal well.e Intetpretation or the story. . It telle us wanted ' .
• I , • ,
s ss , ele le
t as the box is wide, making the rows feet relief. and comfort' to all weak,
and after every hatch. Brush the nia-, e m earlY hate ed Pullets oath. of an anch deep and hack chi, a • e, in the bistory, tb ' t 1 t n e i but 1 t d l'ft 1
ae sus and ye 1 rc - pone, , who sieope , i ec e
water, then spray or wash, it with a went through a Partiarl mt ol-111•T trhten about °I.le-f,° •
that he two inches apart make th ir household' pi s ' '
: . _ q.,,, •., .1.", a long and coangeful'recard.of evil drank, was the Inan he chose and set
duties a eas are . • , • -
Centreville, of rest, of defeat and of victory.
ano of good, of times of conflict and aside. The other who sprawled on all
' ci fro h
, a -lee surreling \vlo-sen, and,' 'lad dealing of God with his people It water in the hollo f li.' h d ed
chine clean, 'wash it out vaith hot laid well In the eallY sa in er d .w o. is an al
from p inlas in nms lemeirrneacil nkeisdneys(aL'ears ed .as Plinialiplent for their evil' present task. He would be used later
disinfectants , The next operation 18 Pullets hatched in early Febre.9.rY Tile Seed sbeuld be eevered YerY 1115 n1
ear, a' burClen. '.'
, srdan PreeSker,. The fours, bowing on• his knees and.hands
to set the mechine level. The there have, tho. following spring, produced lightly, and they should not be over- .....-Yiers. I
IN L ) writes: -"I aux eied everything calsnialtiee 'which befell them are re- to drink, was mot the man for the
monleter inust be accurate, aud to as-) remarkably good eggs for hatching. watered, as that causes we plants.
II b •-ed ullets hatched in 1.e.y: Place the box near a window, prefer- I triode 11 l i cly f li i but- ods and their deliverance as on in the pur•suit of the fleeing eneray,
he Sunday
The Period of the 'Jude, Judges chs. 2-16. Golden Text -
I wilt hl tlieii 14,4111 lovethein freely -1 -
Hosea 14: 4.
V. 5.-8. Rive,ry, one, that. ialpiieth. The -
thing, is to ,clean maciaine laefgre best hatching eggs have been Predue- with a sti':ai.ght stick flu:4 . as 1,eng •Idpeetjedw".. IleiZtb.1%Par'PeealleedihiendirivinhdY Otf. ti,171..' nem who did t 1 I h''
poan s x• -tone. tn,us N7311 gave per-
eure accuracy it should be tested• a -
, produced the Peorest hatching, anly on _e smith side of the hens°, failed' to find' any 'cure. At last 1 , wrOught by the divine. corapaisiOn. Al -,13y the chosen three hundred, and by
leaet once or better, twiee during the, have
Year. The tempesature given is analle eggs. , will get
- to try, Doan's Kidney Pinta. - wee,
to - I • • ' for th ' d ' did
snwheil in their dietress they cry' his faith in God, Gideon would ,and
• • ' •er, land turn the box every two or three
ally one hundred and. three degreesI Eggs from birds out of condition, days so that plants will get equal am- and after taking four box" , / ani , God, le lames up am a de-
1 conquer. ,
- . 'AearainAgioN.
Fahrenheit -throughout the hatch.' whether
, from ,feeding, housing, or, o-usats of sunlight from all sides.
eelPI'LIP•ii:ete51:L12elaiel>oexd.'a't all dealers, Or" ,i liv(ToeTrE' s : Ch. 2 :16-18., The Lord rais- '
Our experience has. been that it is The time of planting the, seeds de- ,
"ailed cliteet on re ; '
' receipt of pliCe by ed its, judges. This is the Writer's; 1. 'The Next Generation,. Vito. faith
. management, produce eggs difficult to i
'Ont. iii :a.: personal inatter. We cannot live
better to take an objective of one hatch. ' It is also true that the hatch- pends upon the approximate date of 142
he T. Milburn 0o., Limited, Toronto, . summary 'explanation of. all .that hap-
iun le an one or one e . transplanting to the garden. Lettuce pened.. The, peopse sinned,. the Lord
- : on .inherited virtue • The faith of our
two degrees, and if the machine creeps Vary,
d d in power of eggs in a day or two will
the -cause of which at times is or cabbage can be set out of doors -__, es. was tinges/. with them and gave them fathers relent be living still, in us, if •
' . •
very early ad therefore call be start- ,
Into the hand of their enemies. In
, • - tl. 1 f il ' d ' f
le morais o e individualan o
up to One hundred and three degrees difficult to locate.
, ed before tomatoes or peppers. As ' Value of Dairy Exports. , their distress thely rePented. and` Cried ' the natsione, are not to ,dechnir;e e Joshuaiw
we have no cause for worry; but given • •
AND soon as the plants seem crowded in Canadais exports of dairy products to him for deliverance, . He had cone-
' . ' ' ` ' ' his -,d , good ip who
a temperature of one hundred and POTATO INSPECTION
the be: inade'so deep an inapress upon the na
s they should be transplanted in the month of 'November, 1.923, am- Passion upon them and delivered there.
. ,
three degrees, when the inachine 'goes CERTIFICATION.
' The agents 'whom, he employed were tional life that "the people served the
up to one hundCed and font or aboye; Although potato inspection and cer- or thinned se that they will not be- minted to 21,970,898 lbs, valued 'at $4,-.
these me e .both . warriors Lorcl -all the days :of Joshua," Then
usually either the hatch is small or tification has rapidly increased in conic spindly. In from six to eight 636,639, of 'which 17 133 809 lbs Val- n .wh° we followed great neg,lect of personal
• . •
its incep-
. ataira 1;954,776 lbs. worth $731?4,64 Vitl jci hti a 1 ' "the Loq ligion. Naturally and aneyitahly thgae
araily training, and family re -
the chicks hatched are hard to rear. seope and usefulness ince i p weeks plants reach the traneplanting teed at $3,440,104- went to Great l3ria. in peace , And, as With -Moses and faith, "'
Low, 'temperatures are not so fatal as tion in Canada in 1915, there are na- size. . • ai i a a, s IOW b '7( teas
worth $75,936 to the British West In-, of the kand of their enemies. Col ,
knew not the Lord."
soo:n developed "a generation. which
are high temperatures, turally many potato growers throogh- Wh.en .it is necessary to . provide to the. United States and •384,682 lbssl with; the fudge, and detivered them out
The amount of moisture required in out the 'country to whose 'attention it more epace for the growing seedlings eir l "' n- , '
they m dies. Besides the foregoing the Up.- pare PS: 78: 32-39: ., ; '• , 2. i he Salt of the Earth. From the
ited States took 217,000 gallons ,of: It may be argued that all this is too vaganelci-agg•rooTseedr\l'dhitshfealiss;sh., rti.,imal.d.cllilied-
an incubator depends upon- thei make leas not yet been drawn. It is there- may be thinned out in the box •
and the room. Generally it is best to fore desired at this time briefly to in which they are grown, thinning, to
fresh creArn at $359,315, and 198,103 , mechanical, and that it -does not per- moral decline of his - people. And t u
Hatching by the Natuaal Method, the methods followed, in order that i
I. Early
plants can also be secured by
808 bringing the total value Of the nation,thisthat sinsisotal.FaYrseAunntiasnht- tri000nt.,caTisar .owftrlei.e.national prosperous
, . r e
follow the manufacturer's directions. enumerate the aims of the work and, two inches between plante.
one or
e;allone of fresh milk valued. at $39,- ec .y ehinesen e ways o . o spa, c ponclaie deeply - ...
Setting the hen -It is generally all growers interested in the produc- t. planting seeds out of doors in a hot-' ---,
'dairy .product e taken by that countryed in
j nation alwaye delivered. The people All round him in Esdraelon were wav-
y enough.
agreed that in order to secure a good tion of seed potatoes reasonably free
up to $1,134,085. ' - away,nor i the ..e • , , bed.
of Israel faced this-fact.themselves in
hatch, the hen, must bp placed Where from disease may be kept informed,
Di a pit 3x6 or 6x6 feet, two feet
the days of Aseyrian and ,Babylonian ful ,yme . r Is lr • ev d
in glwheaytia,ficel,c1s0,i hreeclegal orchards, earide, .f.g.lty-
other hens are not likely to disturb with regard to this phase of, agricul-I --g
deep, on the sunny side of a builcling. . s'ans-4"------ '
oppreseiora. The .book of Job' strug- gardens, •one of the most .beautifeil
her; for, as a rule, we seldom get good tural activity and if they- desire to do
. ,
Line inside of pit with old' hoards, held In balancing the debits and. credits 'glee with its problem of the sufferinc, pastoral scenes in the world. But
hatches when other liena, lay in •the a '
' ao make application for an inspec-'
in place by stakes: Make boards along oe.the -months on of the righteous and' the. prosnerity of • Gideonie ' heart "was heavy. ' It was
nest with 'the . sitter. Smile farmers - back of pit extend six inches' hig,her get that the greatest assets of all are the wicked, and leaves it at last a literall"a land1Icivaing with milk 'and
years, let us not for- ''''' za. " - - • -
tion of their fields during the coming
do not set n hen until one becOrnes season. than in front, so that sash wall slope --FRIENDS. - mystery ,in the , hand of omnipotent • honey." But the independent courage
broody on a nest where, me others lay, The airns of the above work are:
when placed on top, Get a load Of • .
a Wisdom. Fundamentally, however, the. and glory of the people had departed,.
,. potatoes free from fresh horse manure, let it heat a few writer of this 'history .is right. Itis leaving them in weak and servile fear'
which oftea nece-ssitates late cluckt. (1.) To encourage the giea e.i. pro -
The difficulty .can be overcome by duction of seed t days, fork it over, let heat again and ,-- ,Fly speaks on gilt and bronze we'll, nti:ithiewiiiretcp.oilis.rrht signs
goofneifuslitiatii`iarliesdillnfi'!,iv,riaitetiA inEhvieciriin,gGIfiedn;
making a new nest for the broody hen. -disease. put into the pit, tramping firmly, until frames of *pictures and mirrors, and ill 'T
God's wrath are net,, always present ianites, traveling Merchantmen of. the
A box. about twelve inches square and (2.) To -Make known to the grow-
• manure is eighteen inches deep. Place also on the electric fixtures are un -
and, visible, but his .wrath.a.gainst sin desert •had long .63-Yeted the riches of •
six inches deep; some earth, or an ers the various diseases affecting po-
sash over pit, bank -firmly with earth' sightly. Scrubbing compounds will is inevitable. ,None can escape it. And therich corn fields' of Israel, Veate,hing
overturned sod in the bottom, .with tatoes, their economic importance,
and a few days later place a four -inch clean them off, but take the lacquer -car jt as sore. as his ' wrath, so aure is like vultures . the jealousiee, divisiOas,
care to have the corners very full so and accepted methods for their con -
layer of soil over the manure. Plant' finish off, too. A saturated solution of " his -mercy to • the distressed and the weakening Morale -and failing emirage
that no eggs can roll out from the seeds in this when temperature gets: washing soda, applied to the surface penitent. Iiiteritret history - as you a the people until the time was ripe I
hen and get chilled; next,about two (3.)
(3.) To recommend to the growers,
to 90 deg. F. and stays there -1 with a soft cloth, will remove theefly- will, the, vision of faith will still see for them' to f;ill."into the -hands of the
inches of straw or chaff, and then a in the event of a change of seed being clown
hand of, God. - . •- 1 ,
nye .
I specks without -injury. in it eVerywhere the working of the . spoilers,". In the endless fights and
few earthen eggs put into the nest. found necessary, sources of disease- abouts.
_ 'skirmishes ' 'of., the - period, Gideon' -
where nothing can disturb the hen eliminating undesirable stock. Ch. 7: 2, 3. The Lord said unto bi-othrs had lost their liyes.. , The
' The nest should be placed in some pen free seed potatoes, thus gradually
• .
, • . Gideon. , We turn froin the genaral times -are.troulded, but, here is ''a rnan
and put her on after dark. Feed and, • (4.) To assist the growers -whose Resit! s of Spray Experm-mrits- m 1923 statement :of , God's way with Israel,: who still retains his deep Piety,' anci.
water must be within easy reach, and shack upon inspection is found to mea- -- . to the story of one of the . judges. the heieic Courage of a tide,- son of ,
• . , •
a dust bath should also. be convenient. sure up to the standards set, in secur- ,Gideon is raised up. ,by 'God to' de-'' Abraham: The Spirit Of Joshua still
If the hen is, sitting quiet the next ing favorable prices for their seed, BY -L. CAESAR, ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL 'COLLEGE.
. . ,. , liver Israel from the Medianites,-- ries, not in the nasion it is tame but
day, you Will be safe in putting the, by the issuance of official certificates It should be kept in Mind that the l 16. The. .cheaspest spray mix -hire. Arab' horde§ from the eastern Wilder-, in the individual. It is a sad time in
vouching for its quality. lime -sulphur, hydrated lime and ness, who had held the land in sub: the nation's history, but it it far from
eggs under her. In our experience orchard -10 acres -was composed of I was
We get ninety, per cent. of the hens,
1 The methods applied in carrying' alternate rows of Snow and McIntosh I arsenate- . Of Bane. This cost 25 per jection for seven years. Two .of Gi- hopeless, for have we not 'the charm -
to sit by following this Method. I out inspection and certification of po- apples about 20 years old. cent. less than lime -sulphur and ea:sen-
them..Called of God to be the nation's Hannah; and Samnel, and . Gideon? 1
deon's • brothers had been slain 1):y ing stories of Ruth, and Elkanah, and
It should be remembered that thei
i tatoes are as follows; The following are the Most imper-late ot lead. AThe hydrated lithe 'was -
deliverer he first of •all, made war en I The cause of the, people needs
hen will be in better condition if dust- (a) The fields are inspected at tent results obtained: • added to prevent the arsenate of lime the idol -;:vorshi which bad Its Seat in S championing to -day. There arP spoil -
-ad ,w1th insect powder. when set, and blossoming time, and again about a 1.. Check trees averaged 91, per cent.iburning,foliage.) The next' Cheapest his 'own tow's' liof °phials.. • Then h • i • heritage.Canadai 'suffer -
p ere n our s month subsequently, in order -to ascer- scab.rallied the men of the northern tribes, ing acusely from wrong use and ban
' • . (was Bordeaux mixture' and arsenate-
asg„.r., lice thin what' diseases (if" any) affecting. • 2. Trees eprayed-only °neer namely,' of lime, which'coat '2.5 per cent. more •Manasselp and Asher and Zebulun and distribution of her Wealth. Market
-Paw, , . ,_ re theehatch comes
... • the growing plants, are present. as Inids were Isursting, . averaged ;46, than lime `seilaslitirAiSadrated 'Hine anN
d 'laphtalissa. against , .,thesaenemy..- IThe, .neanipulations, trade . restrictions, ex- '
• (b) ,Failure of any fields' to -measure per cent. scab; ' arsenateI. f - '''' d .g5 t less Midianite army made ite .cainp in the-pbeiting'inehepolies,',Aegeneratingain-
off. This -will usually keep
. la .
up to the standards set for these two 3. Trees.sprayed only once hat later l'than BordeauX mixture and arsenate valley of Jezreel. .Its forces. far out- . usements, self-interested politics, an
numbered the •fOrces which Gideon trafficking' in -the blood -guiltiness of
inspections disqualifies them for any than above, namely, as blossorn bud; of lead: The deareat•epraat was Bore
Selection of Eggs. further consideration for seed pur- clusters were just appearing but were: deaux and arsenate of lead. In the
The Lord's word to him was a Word host Of Midianites. More destructive
led, and some of his men were afraid. human weakness and Vice; a whole
Select for color, size and shape, the t Showing pink (this stage. is i above it must be remembered -that the f • d ' -
o wis orn. The battle was not to be than
poses. a flight of locusts, --challenge the
kind of eggs you want for market. (c) The crops of 'fields which. pass known as the pre -pink stage),. aver- strength of the lime -sulphur for tbe,won by men who were "fearful and sturdy patriotism, and ' consecr•a
not ye
Continuous selection, year after year the two field inspections are inspected aged 28.7 per cent. scab. ' -first application was- 1 gallon to •35 afraid." When permission was given, cornmeal sense, and shrewd bravery of
will give results. Do not select dirty rees sprayed twice, namely, at gallons ,water as there Ives no scale a great number turned back .and GI- . modern Gideon's. . .. - •,-. • e ,, ,
eggs, nor do not handle eggs unless if found reasonably free from disease' either of the above times and again present. .. • ae ''. 'dame had but ten thousand left. , 3. A ,Call to Revival., 'iThe great
. .
. ' at harvest time, or subsequently, and, 4. T
your hands are clean. The shell is affecting the tubers, are passed as as , e blossomsd t bursta 17. "Some dusting was done but ow -
understand. the story mean that practically, a revival of religion.. No -
V. 4. Yei too many. We -may fairly work to which.Gidecin Was Called was
..• . , I reliable 'results could be infera-ed as Gideon again and again sought ceun-; thing tithes and nothing. ess could
.T '
porous, hence there is possible con- worthy of certification as Extra No: 1.1 -the pink stage --averaged 16.8 per: ing to a breakdown. of the duster. no
'Eggs deteriorate, in hatching qual- (d) A final inspection is made -if' 5 Trees sprayed three times with; to its efficiency. • . • , I
' woad was spoken in his mind and ' as • peOple to -day can be :brought t
- a o
tamination. • ' I cent. seal). ' , sel of the Lord in prayer. The divine.' save the nation. . And only in so far
seed potatoes. ,
ity with age... When you hold eggs for so requested by the grower -of an lime -sulphur . and either arsenate of SOME INFERENCES FROM • THE ABOVE. !heart. God worked through the mind . the love and service of God is there
hatching keep them in a cool place' such crops when .sold, and a dertifica; lead or arsenate of lime, averaged 2.61 (a) The best time to applythe first and by the hand of his chosen man lany hope. Pure religion inspires the.
tion -tag attaehecl by the inspector to per cent.I spray this year was at the pre -pink while Gideon ascribed all his strategy , aoul, corrects the judgment, clears the
heit. Be sure the place is clean and every bag at the time of shipment. 0. Trees sprayed with drY lime -1 stage, though the semi-dorrnant stage. and skill, and his final vietory, to God. 'vision, ennobles tile motives, leads to
1 d resultst , , . ,I right decisions, ' , '
about fifty to sixty degrees Fahren- scab.
not inusty. Eggs for hatching should! These tags are issued by the Damian, sulphur, not soluble sulphur, at the 1, gave goo too. a ,
' ' ' ' • h
Here then he was made to see that and kindles victorious
... . .
he Was $o Niary
Sleopleseaess is caused by the nor -
Vous oyster,' beeomiag deranged, ane,
to those -whose rest is broken by
frightful dreams, nightmares, sinking
and smothering seneritione; to these
who reels() up in the morning dIi
as tired as ahee they weal. to b
we can offer the old peaceful, undis
turbed, rafreshing sleep back -
if they will onlY use Milburn 's Beast ,
mdThNeseervIesille'disbring the much-needed
night's rest hack ba- improving the
tone of the nerves and strengthoning
wthheoileiesa;stt,ezeunwdortihceirnebhyartilmoacklying the
Mrs. W. J. BryCO, Port Arthur,
Ont., writes: --"I was eo nervous I
could not sleep at night. I watt
troubled with faint and dizzy spells,
nerve -11s headaches, would start up in
. .
my sleep ,and seream and sump, up,
and ibo ‘- • l'ttl yrould put
1117 nerves on edge. I went to 'see my
, - .
doetor and tried his me lett e, ,a •
didn't seem to do inc any good. Al
last I went to the dreg store and got
' • d N
ox o
Pills, earl when. I found they were
doing me good I continued their use.
I have talaen four, boxes, and' eau nom
lie down and al,eop without any frost
blo, and.liasse TIOTU) of those dizzy ani
nervous spells. I 'have eertainla
found your remedy to be a Wonder
fill one."'
Milburn's Heart end Nerve Pill!
are 50c. a box at all clealets, or mailed
direct on teeei.pt of price l'he !II
laralletren Co., .Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
The Treatment of Mange.
Every domestic animal is subject
to that obnoxious and contagious 'dis-
ease mange, scabies, or itch, says Dr. .
Hilton, Chief Veterinary Inspector of ,
the Dominion Health of. Animals
Branch in a bulletin "Mange in Cat-
tle Horses and Sheep." The Animal
'Contagious Diseases Act requires
that every owner, breeder, dealer and
veterinary surgeon, suspecting the
existence of the disease,. shall inime-
diately notify the nearest yeterina.ry
Mange is caused by a -minute' par-
asite commonlyknown as a mite liv-
ing on or in the skin and reproduc-
ing- a -
itself by 'gleans of eggs. •When
it is stated that the female can pro-
duce a million. and a half descendants
inethe.three months or less, and that
they swarm off dead animals •to lie
in wai foe hying ones, it will he seen
how terribly ravaging the disease may
become. In his bulletin, which can. be -
had free on applying to the Publica-
tions Branch, Dept. of Agriculture,
Ottawa, Dr. I-Iilton concisely .but min-
utely describes the characteristics and
nature of the disease, and. prescribes
treatment which includes in the ease s;
•-or horses and cattle, first washing; ,
with hot water.and castile soap, tilos-
onghlY drying and then applying a
Mixture composed ,of two pounds of
sulphur, eight ounces of oil of tar,
and one gallon of raw linnSeed
When the outbreak comprises a large .
number o animals, dipping as recom-
mended in a mixture composed of 24
pounds of sulphur, ten pounds of fresh
unslaked lime, and a hundred gallons
of water. The treatment -must be ap-
plied under the supervision of a vet-
erinary inspector. A hat of disinfec-
tants, with instructions as to prepare. -
tion and use, can be obtained free4,
charge on application to the Veterin-
ary Inspector General, Ottawa.
in check, especially if some tansy or
mint leaves are used in making the
be kept not longer than ten days. b Department of Agriculture and all maximum
cays. ,
The eggs from late hatched pallets, ()ear the official seal of the Plant Dis-' the manufacturers, four applications
ease Inspection Service. This seal en- beisag given and all well timed and
sures the Nralidity of any tag upon thorough, averaged 18.1 per cent. scaba
in conflict with so powerful an enemy, •fait
strength recommended by (b) Each of the: • three regular
Any. of the following bulle-
tins, giving titnely information
of value to farmers, will be
gladly sent anywhere frets on
request. No postage required.
Simply tear out this advertise -
anent, check bulletins you de-
sire, and slip it in an envelope
addressed to -
Publications Branch,
Depattsnexit of Agriculture,
Ottawa, Canada.
Vest -Varieties of Grain. ,
Feeding Beef Cattle in Ontario.
Co-operation In Marketing Poultry
Grading. and Marking FIggs.
Feeding Influence on Type of Hogs.
Swine Husbandry in Canada.
Dairying. in New Zealand and Auatralia.
Milking Machines. '
he Corn Borer.
Ilardy Roots,
Storage of Ice.
Modern Orchard Practices.
'The Maple Saar IndustrY.
Fox Ranching in Canada.
Bees arid How to Keep Thera.
The Strawberry in Canada.
guitry 'Keeping in Town and Gauntry,
rtoh Fruits.
eadv and Wead Seedg.
Fertinern for ripia Cropo.
Lint of 300 Pubileatione.
ogt Offic
..... 4,40
sprays helped in the control of scab.
No one can afford to omit any of these
sprays. .'• •
which it appears, and should be looked' 8. Wettable sulphur was shippedl (e). The best combina.tion of sprays
. • , .
for by all purchasers desiring to se -1 too late to use on. Any but the third .or taking ' everything into aecount was,
,. .
cure bona -fide Extra No. 1. certified calyx spray,. lime -sulphur being, used ' for this Year at lea*t, Bei'deallaa. -(3,9%
seed potatoes. . . . ' , I in the first and second' spray. Trees , 40 formula) flea theafirst spraY, •B6r-
. , . . • .
All growers of potatoes intended, thus treated averaged 3 per cent. scab., adteearigise.Ifiinthee 1s7np•oeusutdre;egrththanedE.,aeerosnend-,
, . . . .•
for seed .purposes, .who have not yet, 9. Trees sprayed . with Bordeaux
received a practical demoristration of throughout showed an undesirable .
the work arid who desire to have their amount of russeting of the fruit but lons water, hydrated lime 2 or 3 the whole problem is in the breed or to 10,218 lbs. milk and .340 lbs. fat,
Pounds, and arsenate of lime Pound, strain; avhile others think that ,the New Brunswick' a herd in which
Profitable Cow Testing.
Cow -testing has shown animprove-
three years in Ione herd in
• -•
'Prince Edwaid Island from an aver-
age per ',cow of 5,,p0 lbs. milk and
211.6 lbs. fat' to 7,884 lbs. Milk and
280.1 lbs. at and in another herd
from 7,416 lbs. milk and 252.9 lbs. fat
fields inspected during 1923 are urged the foliage was good. The russet,ed
Many people appear to believe that
the secret of getting eggs, particular-
ly in winter, is in the feeds given and
the methods of feeding; others believe
to cornmunica.te with the Dominion fruit averaged 33 per cent, scab.
I for dA the thiad or, ealyx spray. n • ,
housing is Inc problem 3' to aolvethe system was followed increased
. All
Botanist, Central Experimental ;Farm, 10. Where Bordeaux was use .0iits chesi
, (rsenate °f lime en ace°unt these are important, but the main rea- fromantal.nvdera2gie9;Gpeni;s.cofl of
fo 5‘,15'3977
oness, its making no precipfa
Ottawa, as early in the season as poa-; the first two sprays and lime -sulphur
tate or black sludge with lime-salphor
f I ad It must not
into poultry keeping and Luck need
not be considered.
Check That C
son for poor results is a lack of care -
lbs. milk and 275.9 lbs. fat. A Nova.
v rk n °hrii sy obue fa°rree ctohleeg
g thers a'''''nceativaerhaegred 0, c4°,0rd4d4e i bean. miniickreaansd7, r6°9a.1
'high-priced winter. eggs you should lbs. fat to 5,554 'lbs. mills and 234.7
be malting careful plans to secure the lb§. fat. In Quebec One herel inereas-
11. Arseretremosfaisimaersegria;tee asgoodigeoaodd, bh101,ctvevoenii,,or bituii,s.edB,(1;•,,:dit,eilau.,,;ater alone, crops of pullets for next season, so ed from an average per cow, of 6,682
control of r iime_ says Prof' W' Graham, Poultry lb ilk and 254.2 lbs. fat to 3,164
1 C 11 s• hi •
nihie In order that arrangements maY ' for the third, the foliage was greener
its equal killing yalue coin-
be made in good time to meet their and better than where Ihne-sulphur and of
pared with arsenate of leaa should, so
requirements. wasused in all thre.e applications, the, far as one caii judge, be substituted
Put Push, Pluck and Perseverance fruit too was but little russeted. f arsenate
etheneta. yerage for both plots being 4 Per Y
veorray apples, all being due to sulphur and with the latte: 2 or 3 Dept., Ontario lAgsdicutltula o e
ge'd lbs. milk and 820.3 lbs. fat. Another
herd in the same province developed
added to ever,: 40 gallons of liquid Where 'eggs hhcl‘ wiatInit-e t
pounds of hydrated lime should be
made only surface injuries and did io insure against burning. doubt, the, one to dePend upon.
1 h d those older are verY 26 b.a. I Othi a
199 4 lbs fat th 7,06'7 lbs. milk and
. jag ens ail 4.1 1 s. f t. n n ran average
side Worms of whiah more than half to
early hate e e w nn, from an average of 5,240 lbs. miak and.
• • - • ,
succeed in entering the fruit. (6) Some have thought that stone
during N°" iricaease'per'cow wee registered from
some. people get a nasty (:)u.g11, ing-Bercleaux mixturesseerns ,e making ,Bordeaux hot. th re scorns.. o in January and, I, ebrua,ry
rarely geed producers
6 432 lbs end218 lbs. fat to,10,-
235' .The milks and' 346 4 .116§ 'fat an
12. A large ex,aess of iiMe ir;'. maks lime was, superior to hydrat,ed lime in bar and December. They are timer_
cold and don't pay muck attention to as there was almost no yellow leaf or
a with
good reason why hydrated lime should 1 1 ... , ,
• • • ,
it, saying, "Oh, it will wear away in leaf drop this Year compare a not be used especially as it is much 80( 11 re9:11Y "vcri:fttebee::: ipnetr°celitntY. (wiuer1_3; Aacitbuearltainearneaatevetil.largoeugphercocw-o-wtoswtiansgiunf,
sier to proctiro, store and handle. until March, Whero, the egg prodoe- 8,803 lbs, ?urns and 128.4 lbs. fat! In
a short time!" bat while it maY wear heavY drop la.st, year when .71ess lime ea
was :used. The formula this fear was ,, (f) It does not seem safe to substi- g11' ftlaileisybnenater months, one ig not ,
a f 4 19" lbs milk and 168 2
off, serious injury may have been done
to tho rospiratbry organs by the prea
longed, harah, racking toughing.
On the first sign of a cold or a
cough get a bottle of Dr. 'Wood's NOT -
way Pine Syrup and SOO how quickly
your trouble will disappear.
ISIes, Ge,. McComas, Sbell Brook,
3 lbs. hluestoner 9 lbs.• hydrated lime, tute dry lime -Fads -ilia'. for the ordinary
and 40, gallens. water" I liquid lime -sulphur. Some years it
.1.3,-'1-1ydrated lime gave just.ae sat-' will doubtless work well, but in a year
isfactory results as stone lime in mak...! favorable foa ;scab it, seems inferior:
ing Bordeaux mixture and was, of! (g) There It no teed o using le e-
cOutsie, muck more -convenient fo USO sulphur •strOnger than 1 gtillon to 35
ab. stor6: or ,..40 gallorisl of water for the first
14. The addition of 3 lbs. hydrated spray ,unless'Scale is, present.
Sask. writes. --"We have used Dr. lime to lime -sulphur before adding In conclusion it may •he of interest
every. arsenate of lead lessened greatly the to know (1) that on an average about
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
.wiii.ter lune, „rre earn, to Canada, aud amount of sludge or blackish' PlecIPI- 6 gallons of epra,y per tree was found
ana it the beet we earl get for eoide tate but seerried AO make little Or no necessarY: :the. trees being about 20
difference in the efficiency of the years old, tlitc,ftylancl capable'of bear -
And coughs. It just seems to heal t
a, s le 'in about 5":15arreia each* and (2)
re'PirattlrY 'Paailges and e"en'Ila 15. Four spray§ this year were no that the main trlfeetI011 per10 for sca
checks the cold almost at ewe- It better 'than three in Noifolls County this year 10all parts.of the province
' • .... • ° , .
certainly is a wonderful medleine." tvliere the experiments were conduct- was before the Isloaseorns burst, There
Price 35c, a bottle; large family ed. Last year a fourt,h spray' was fore any perfion, who omitted tile early
size 80e.; pot up only by The T. Mil- very 'valtivtile, especia.1 y pr ven - sprays ehould riot 'lame the spray for
burn Co. Liraited, Toronto Ont. trig scab. not controllifiit ocab.
crease tope .. •
making much profit. The age at nba. fat ts! .8;59, and 254.8,
which most Pullets begin .laying 'las: fat:an itiCrease df 3,766 lbs, milk
from six to- sevKI, mcmt,11'i '-s°rne 'lay and 36.4 lbs. -fat. '
at four and one-half to five months, !
and milers ot anti eight or nine
:geed- colony of bees at the begin- ,
• , .
months. of age. This mean, that; if, a
l• ring .of the main honey flow sliould
I solder an inverted tin pan (which
can be bought for ten cents) to the
bottom of my lanterns. It prevents
upsettingjust. as well as a cement
base, arid is much lighter to carry. As
It presents a ring on the bottom it -
stands steady on runeven floors. -
John Gornali.
For smoked meat, we find an empty,
clean barrel_ an ideal storing place.
By putting strings through all pieces
of meat one can hang over 200 pounds
in one barrel. We drive two or three
rows of nails around the barrel at
-different heights for the bacon to
hang from and let the sausages and
hams h_ang on different length strings
fsorn rods (preferably metal) across
the top. In "thia, way the whole sum-
mer supply, can be kept' in a small
space and no two pieces need touch,
to cause mold. Cover tightly and
flies can't get at it.
ted in con eigt . of one selected- queen and .75, -
fifty per cent, egg yield le wan
November the pullets shoeild.behatelis
000 to 100.000 workers. There should
ed during. at ch o April; May
be ae few drones as peasible.
hatched pullets will lay a little, but,l
es a rule, not forty or more per cent.
'eek' and offer ea em.
Water rises in. the soil by means of aeoyin
at "infrt
a oar complete and ex.
capillary attraction. That is, the clualve lines of whole t trehdiig-
water passes from each particle of tosircler trees and plante.. Best steels
soil to the next, the same as kerosene and service. We teach arid equip you
in a IsimPewiels risea from fibre to/ iruekee. BArottearneelN`inursaletlrniegs, amPl())0nattreelaliti.iY.
any -goad At last I Unopenedid
, • .
on the track of Burdock Blood Bit- ••
' tore, and fi,fter ;using it for a short
time I 4iilt a er
let bett' so continued
lis iie uNutoilwi
mend it to anyone troubled ttfi yeas."'
B.B.B. is taftnittnettrfal liy Tho
" Milburn co., Limitd
e, Toronto, cu
Thousands 5uffer
Untold Agony from
All those who suffer, from dyspepsia
09,.n take. oiir assurance that I3urdock
ach, stlimuhito secretion of the saliva
Banlodod,ga:titriteersjuliVelell,troeguazItiitei StOla-
btw clone :11''-da'o°13'..1v1;3eS.batana (1. enia4deat,ittit71 Tfro.anentff'dil ee.teo.s'ikv:310711d tgnhetis.;r
anything yOU like
writes: --“Some ,ago T ,had
very ;.erious attack or dyspepsia, an,
'was also troubled with gas on my
stomseh. I could hardly cat, any-
thing, and very often lied painaafter
ale I load "used different
tl ,t seem to do a