HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-2-21, Page 3tgr Cool in Warm !Circumstances.
rel Boy ; Scouts ' were patrolling I
1.1oi1;, the si,reet, in ,a provineaal town 1
recently when theirlteen eyes quickly
utittGe4 snuck! zseuing froth the near-
by building, investigation revealed i
the .beginnings of a serious fire. Being
used""to-"quicie thought and action it
did • :Dot' Lake these Scouts many
sceentls to realize what was'necessary'
to be donein this emergency. ' As
Scouts too they had received training
for just Lids event and were fully eon -
versant with the method of entering a
burnin • building rescuing the oeGu-
pants and employing reecusitatioia if
time try t � ' aqst ' gr ade—
Prrvineiai Board eta Health; Ontario
Or., Middleton will be ,;lad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
ters:'througli thle-eolumn. . Address him at Spadini), House, Spading
Crescent, Toronto:
In Deeds He Takes Delight.
Fc.ir still the Lord is Lori l aY. might;
In deeds, izi deeds, he talrea delight;
'i'he planate the elle r; the 1<.deni barks, . .
The field, the founded city, marks;"
He marks 'the smiler of the• streets,
The singer upon;' g 1-i den ,seats ;
Flo Seee. the • climber! in the reeks;
To tim tlhe siteplierd folzls his flocks;
For those he loves. that underprop'
With daily virtues Heaven's tong,
And bear -tire failing.sky with. eaae,
Unfrewn ng caryatides.
'hose he approves that ply` the. trade,
That sock the' child,° that wed the maid,
That with weak virtues, weaker hands,.
Sow gladness on the peopled lands,"
And , still with laughter, song and
shout, , ,
Spin the great wheel, of earth about,
-R. L. S. k
L �.� ' .,E S
Left weak Nervous and -Broken
while the d '1 te which
One Scout 'immediately runs to, the
hall etfte intheb ilding mi ee .. at in teeth disease tonsils, etc.
lire 1 a _ C;llilc', P;rel,faxe ijllples are •a great Down -:
liter the building amid dee- - need ilimecliate attention lout Which DoIvflt=-•Healt�3.Regained.
Miler two e
' I•e: and fumes, boon to :nior}?ers throughout the Pro- often neglected through lack of „ Miss Fran-.
ger and stti iiging: sine .
ifocatien, vii ee Not only do these meeting's knowledge �e neglec d thr f the parent; "A few years ago, . saYs.1\ s m
and rescue a mon from su z�v gof Sask., y
_> i-. 1 '. previously blown to
provide a Aeolis for discilss'iiig wrtll . as to clic serious results _ -which may cos Flanl.la' , It r Plenty, Sask.,
1 beep assistance, 4I.
'1, IL,t.e_'liac�;t.•lon' . ,. ' :.. e i well-Ualsies arise froizt ne�leetecl treatment; These mother,. Mrs. 'GI `t e ,
tthe enc eddy tbeTo, g we11• l h e how to l,e l many other uestions of interst, stricken with Influenza, which was
on the ter ail is the most Im- and „sines a
', -:.. ` lie Troop are ell :.wh2ch� as
z also
lso ready of 1po , -, to mothers and their children are dig then.:epidemic, and for a time was ..in:
quick action and ,errantpoint, but they afford an op ; moth a Clinics'•
the<., o tyfor nportant meet other:'. cussed- at the Child Welfarecritical canclltton, She appeared to
y , ` � °�allotted. them. was the lio'ttuiltY� for mothers to �, e Province, � •' 'Prominent inept s m totes �af
pts -first ',duty iecuss many interesting throughout, the get over the prom Y P
mothers,.and d , orfs are re
heaping of a burning cat,,., from the ipoints rich may be_ of mutual
Many interesting ,lop r the trouble but did not regain her
little elpiwl .' • , from time to time giving some
heated building, ;; i Urtn in^ of thele . cels ed ix strength. Some weeks later her weals
,sell -help In ,the tip g g_. being carried g
With the fire, engine, now on; the, #1 ,; The: important point about idea of.how t
clI.dei,.. p 1 bl s
thrice these nese
he wollc, >s e hr es deveio "ed- into sinking spells in
which she would 'almost smother. Not-
withntanding medical aid these spells
continued and she was constantly'
growing weaker, until she was prat.
7 d th^t quickly
scene acco'nlpanied by the usual these Qin-lies-is that they tend to pro on, and NV hat va ua ease i
crop• In is
g«chess fro fa 1 h 'childhood, by the Child Welfare Clinics ai in a corn
- sti - munity, Following
in mote healthy, happy c i c i • a.re ort front
In -
Co n
s stance as � = I ns; The children are all weigh-! the Pt
bticlz ttie'cro:vfi at a s�J.e d , i,c.sto 1Il ilt�Wood.
and near, the tactful job of keeping g• i•
ving of advice and by offering g i Public Health
e and e 011?1 ;ell; l the c Is r held,
urevent the work of tb eel, , clinics have been
well as' :to _ t the another' is 1 This year 52
'ed ..wasgiven to 'good physical condition , r� „ ' have been weighed, neas-
Azenlsu ben,;haliiiiet ntecl. If the, ot2 babies l_a
1 r and complimented, ails
e ' tically reduced to: skin and bone, Hoe
�o e lips and gums' were colorless, she was'
the' troop, talc or: cared and examined, and 2037
is below normal in any Way, called up- nervous, and suffered From indigestion
At this rapper Ino stage - that are in e1-- ma d su fe the heart. this
A .. '' .: s any -defects b. and palpitation.
1 togranher busby occupied. a ,.-
tlle photographer .,
} we found child h' d de over 100 of the cases ca h t At
If it
lin- y arenatal - A number of ba
• d t i being l
ing sn.ins 'irons saviour points of want -
eels who lived
ing its progress,
chattel def ies ze visited regularly who lived stage a friend of mother's w
-..:out to the ':trent and' advice! res we slcl. came to see her and
pointed parent ,• lit either too fur away or vTexe too at a distance,
reguary w °
curiosity was aroused.- ,bias. givenlave the matter put r.ig ea e oftryoDr. and
and cillo 5 without
�to have. to bring to the clinic. A- number strongly advised her'to
to our amazement we,dsscavered lila without delay. e :found and b
1 defects were
whole thin, was a "put ap )nb;" and ,A, child may complain of pains, a.
the. babies so liams'. Pink Pi11s",.which, she said, had
greatly helped her in a critical illness.
i,Ve got these pills and mother began
taking them. The .improvement was
slow at first, hut we could see that the
sinking spells were growing less fre-
fluent, and that strength was return-
in . The.treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills was° continued, and day by
day health and: strength returned, un-
til she was again able to go about, and
help 'with the weak of the house. The
improvement this medicine made in
her' case was simply remarkable.
"I niay also say," adds Miss Hankla,
"that in my own case these pills were
of the greatest benefit. Last winter I
was in a badly run-down condition,
and very nervous. My appetite` failed
and 'I'had no color. Knowing what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills had done for
i� :ng up vague and indefinite perhaps, but still affected were referred to the family
file pictures -were for advei t ,. a p g � loss h sician.
and Y
regard; Milk supplied
ear in i' - a s these as "growing pains,"andpay,
ire it abilit istrated the readiness little thinkingof course foods given them. Ten -mothers were`
Gat heed to, them,
and adaptability of the Scout cad his that} e occur naturally in childhood, attended at time of birtic and was
p t I were looked after till recovery
Tributes, to the Valiie=of Scouting. 'tc.alar: Yet these painsrouUle ahead, was given to eleven babies, and eight
great an authority as Lord Pose- infieant—they point to t
As b e • .o" a rheumatic character and others had:• part outfits given. 1 to
clue very likely to some the
! r • their valuable as
my country, it `would be this, that it This focus of infection may be decay- , sl
should be
poses. 1 'e were not disappointed In sufficient to cause
annoyance : M,lk pplred to fifteen babies
theleast 't being a mock ai it• he of sleep. be mother may and six others have had prepay
willingness to 1111 any useful role, and that they mean nothing In psi i
'are ver slag complete A complete outfit of clothes
the Scolh st idealfo they are f focus of in Many thanks are due the Daughters
berg .has said of 1
" If.I was to foini the highest ideal for fection which is poisomr g the system, of the l;mpire at all times."
* 'stance given.
-a nation o[ wasun the, man...
hood was exclusively composed of men! r''.
sz fro I.° RE
who were Boy Scouts P a • a
who had been or ,
and who were trainedin he. 3 > a France
g s
I'oy Th ' have been made in ran
b t '1 the distillation with a
eatest`mor'al force that.the world metalloids, One autherlty concludes,
Scout theory. Such a nation would
e experiluen 3 n.
f mankind. It would be the- the electric arc, of various metals and r 6
the honor o .
has ati e1- known. as the results of these researches; that ,
The healthy child sleeps well and
Another .eminent authority on edu-1 there exists no known substance that during its waking Hours is never cross mother, I began taking them with the
a i declared the Boyr , nnot bo di tilled in ells laboratories, but always happy and laughing It •is that' they soon made me as
national methods s liar Gtech c c1
"thet sig-
, ebullition of iron is very difii-'
only the sickly child that is cross and result d'fnll of vigor as the oilier
Scout movement to be mos g The ebo Y strong an
of t. to uroduce, -yet one experimenter
peevish. Mothers, d
niiicamt educational contributioncubp g
otliexs, if your • children do
girls of my age. I may just add thatI
think we Owe • mother's life and my
good health to the pills and I hope our
experience'' will be of benefitto some
our' time. The naturalist," he says;! claims to have distilled 400 grams of not sleep well; if they are eros.
u cess. in Put -j.... iron in twentyminutes- with an elec., cry a. great. deal,. give them, Baby's
ma,, praise it for its euc p i o
tine the boy close to nature's heart; ' trio current of 1,000 amperes at -a preS-• Own Tablets and they will soon be
the moralist, for its .splendid code.. of sure of 110 volts. In :all cases, it is well and happy, again. The ,Tablets
ethics • the hyog.. einist for its physical . said tile varioli•s of the metals con. are �a mlId lint—thorough laxative which'
training; :'the parent for its ability to !dense in the form of a crystalline dust,
keep his boy out of mischief; but from, possessing, all the•cliensicai properties
the standpoint of the educator, it has of those metals when reducedto the
marvellous botency for converting the form of powder.
restless, irresponsible, self-centred boy The Trench experiments -are thought
Into the straightforward, dependable, ta,thraw,.light ,on the_ probable tem -
helpful young citizen. To the bay,'perature of the sun,w:wh'ere iron and
who will give himself to it, there is the other chemical elements,eexist' in
plenty of work that looks like play, ,,a state of vapor. The maximum tem -
standards of excellence which he can peraturs of the electric arc- is about
regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and in-
digestion and promote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from. opiates and may be given to the
new-born babe • with perfect safety.
The new sales tax will not Increase
the price of Baby's Own :Tablets, as
the company pays the tax. You can
still obtain. the , Tablets through any
appreciate, rules -of conduct which; he 3,5o0.degrees centigrade. But, awing medicine dealer at 25 Dents a box, or
must obey, positions of responsibility to the greater pressure produced by by Iitail, post. paid, from The Dr. Wil
which he may occupy as soon as he gravitation on the sun, it is probable hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,
Leap -Year Customs.
There are ,twenty-nine days' 'in
February this year, for 1924 is a leap
,A leap year is one whose uuln-
ber in the Christian era can be divided
by four, without remainder, century,
900,' and so on—being, except
you're slow,
e sure you're. not t ,
you re; quite ,3 , .
qualifies- himself -in a word, a pro- that the temperature of ebullition of
gramme that appeals to:the boy's in- the elements there - is :higher than on
stinets, and. a method adapted to a the earth. ' ,
boy's nature '--
oun est bo
man and they g y
oug Ways Of Seekingcider
Soft slippers are craved by the
Slumber. first thing we. do when we lie
The fI s
down to sleep'. is to close our'eyes.
Fish,owever, being without. eyelids,
h ,
ire obliged to sleep—when they
sleep -with their eys open.
There,has been considerable discus-
sion as' to whether fish da or do not
sleep,, -.and scientists say that some
Milt, such as the salmon and the pike,
never sleep at all. On -the oilier
certain fish have been noticed` resting
amorig the weeds in an attitude which :.
at Ieast-suggests-that they are asleep.
There are insects' 'which certainly'
never sleep; while snakes Inhabiting •
tropical' countries, though they rest in
a torpid condition after a heavy meal,
do not sleep in the ordinary sense of
the word.'
Many horses never lie down to sleep.
The horse that sleeps in a standing
position rests one leg at a time, de-
• pending upon the lother three to she-
tain theweight of the body.
d'o --n in its stall,awe
other _sufferer ,w. '..,,,.•
You. can get -these. pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50c, a
box from The Dr: -Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Sloe and •sttre'” is,• all right if. 1-s :.
,.... leap years lie)) in
The necessity„ for
the solar r ear. cons
that y
the fact
of 364 days 5 hours ,48 minutes,
therefore periodic readjustment is
The most famous custom associated
with leap year is the one which gives
women the' privilege of proposing
on every 29th of February.
This privilege is legendarily -said
to have been cajoled out of St. Patrick
by St. Bridget. • In more recent times
the right has, apparently, been extend-
ed to cover the whole year.
Though it is a woman's. privilege to;
propose during leap year, there is a
certain etiquette to' be observed. .Ac-
cording 'to one old authority, should
the man to whoni she offers her hand
decline it she may claim from him a
silk dress, but only if at:. the time of
eware of.
proposing she' is wearing. a scarlet pet -
r, ffi. ticoat, and shows it ,to hien.
Never buy a horse that will not lie your, name and address now."
'According to a s 1+enteenth=century
H ver good It ---=
"I3 • ekwhen a woman exercises, her ` ^--�•
No. '325
Chance Foretold
E?t�r�, cards hidden,
')ac'i l to trtc card,
The apparatus .for the trick is
a box like that in which some
brands of little cigars come. Thla
is just about big enough Lo hold a
packot t,ards•-
' The cards are slanill.ed by a
spectator and placed in the box:
A spectator is asked to hold the
box. The performer then, toile the
names of the three or four cards
which are on the top of the pack.
When the box is opened aria
these cards examined the trick-
ster is found to have spoken truly,
The box nay then be examined.
A second 'box : is used. The
label is soaked oft, the inner, part
of: the cover and is nasted on the
no- card. On this
back' of a playing G
card half a dozen'cards are placed
and the little packet placed in, the
cover of the boa.' . The trickster
keeps the hidden cards from fall-
ing, by, presstite of his fingers on
the trick card and tit„casual in-
spection, the label peiub-,in view,
there is. nothing alrciut „the box to '
excite suspicion. , When,the 'cards
are put in,the box ,and the cover
ut on, thecards,fall on the pack.
the Y2 1a:
Always ''-- .fragrant
-- C
S i'1
Always -in '
good condition
Wherever and wheneveryeu buy it.
f .
. wF
As the performer knows "which
cards he put on the trick card, it
is asi easy matter to bring the
trick to a conclusion. The box
may be examined, oi't.course, but
the trick card should be removed
from the pack at the earliest op-
(Clip this out and paste it, with.
other of the series, in a scrupbook,)-
Next to Come.
Wifie-"Now that we've gotten the
dining -room completely furnished,
what will come net?"
Flubby-"The collectee.",
Evidently .Worth a Lot.
"Always thought Jones didn't think
g 3,
worth < much; but I hear he's
bought her a'' Sine. pieceofground."
"In that case, he evidently thinks
she's- worth a lot." , -
Wild' Oats, for .Him....
Little Percy was -always carefully
guarded against germs. The
was sprayed, -the drinking utensils
sterilized and public conveyances- and
places were forbidden to him for fear
of lurking bacteria. -
"Father," he said one- night in a
of desperation, "do you know
tone °
what I am going : to do when, I grow
"What?" asked the father, preparing
for the worst,. ,
"I am going to eat a germ."
If you rule gasoline engines in cold
weather, ail them up swell after they
stopand before they get cold, and you
get hot
I need not'fear that they will
i w
in s upon starting. Bust see 1?0
;bearings I�
much oil you get into a -bearing • when
the thermometer is at 10 lir 20 deg.
{ Fahrenheit.
A Wish.
Parrot --"Gee, -I wish I didn't live
With an old maid—I'd like to learn a
few real cuss words:"
A tree that for a long time held
superstitious natives in fear is the
"sneezewood," of South Africa. It
makes no particular noise, but has the
same effect as snufr -upon vany one who
saws into it. Even the little dust pro-
duced by planing will sometimes throw
the workman into a violent fit of
Insects f very mind let
Ask for iM inard's and take no other.
The man who is wronged can for-
get it; the man who wronged him
never can. -
Ciassified'Adver Advertisements
wool manufactured or exchang-
xchan -ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario.
Chinese game. ! Complete set,
I with full instructions, one dollar
postpaid. W. Aslett, Sarnia,,Ont.
e n 10:'minute0.::
Charges batteries i
Gallon free to Agents. •-Rad.iolite Co.;''.
St. Paul, Minn.
i e
Gaud !reuses abouitd',in the service
of evil ,intentions
�.{M 'Keeps
, Kee s EYES -
Brightand Beaviti 'sZ-
•---e1844t1 Co„Chicago,forEyeCateL ok.
Is Ycur Bloo
sueezmg, nsec a o e f�
this tree severely alone. It's a tree or
to be sneezed at.
, • ' ' ..
n Express Money
Send a Dominion 1
everywhere.an o rn.�:
Order.- They are payable5 @
F t f 1
For quick relief heat Nlinard's and
inhale. Splendid ° for cold In head,
throat or chest.
Motorist—"It's,prepostereus to say I
was driving dangerously. I'm an ex-
pert driver. What I know about driv-
ing would fill a book." .
Constable—"And what. you don't
It is not in Heaven that we find
God, but in God that we find Heaven.
--H. M Stansifer.
know would fill a hospital Give us
may be, it will not last as long as otic Unless You, set? the nate ay writer,Baby
• j�aii&ielc, Givesick '
that rests properly. You, nizy often Cass" -- package• or on tablets You leap year privilege "no man will be e> 1
tl genuine 'Bayer As titled to the b clergy
cure a horse of this standing -up habit
by turning it out to grass for a time:.
Tlie elephant in • a wild°'state lies
down to sleep, but In captivity it re-.
fuses to do MS:, It would spam tbat the
beset never gains sufficient confidence
to lie clowll in: a closed place. In any
case an elephant requires very little
Sleep, It finds four, of at most five,
hours a day suillelent.
Storks •sled- all long-legged birds
r 'enefit of who dot
are not getting reN
pirin proved safe by millions and pre- In any wise treat her proposal with
three years fol. In parts of New England there ling.
scribed by 'physicians •
s over twenty- dight or contumely.”
colds • Ileaclaehe era a curious- superstition that in leap
Toothache Lumbago year: beans grow on'the wrong side of
Neuritic Itheulnatisra the pod,
Neuralgia, Pain. Pain
Aecppt "I3ayel' Tablets of .Aspirin„
only. Each . unbroken package con-
tains proven directions. Handy bo}ea'
;sleep standing 011 one leg, .and most of twelve. tablets cost few cents. Drug-
llirdS whau asleep tuck their kends gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100."
between the ` bed:r and one wing. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registeredde
Paints `eau Sleep soundl.Y when .afloat
en open water, anti cdrisiusl1Y enoti h
bei ee seem to drift
Sii'idcr is Big; Eaten
f Any spider cast conettme
eoiaai. ays- Cz
iii Canada) of Bayer a Manafao use
.Monoaceticacidester of Salicyllcacid.
While it to well known that Aspirin
Means Bayer .Manufacture, to_ assist
the tiublic against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be stamp
111 i11 sin,'', d:,' ,V a
inenriy' seat, aireaa Ito owe prtilght i ed with then' general trade mark, the
1-r. p. 'iAia4'>i."
The best way to get ahead is to
make good use of the head you al-
ready have.
It is better to show your neighbor
how to live than to tell him.
35 -Cent "Danderine" Does
Wonders for Lifeless,
Neglected "Hair.
A gleamy mass
of luxuriant hair
'�4�ca:. s• :;full of gloss, lus-
1 t
,:44.:j. -67,,,;',t -s. •etre and lieu short
vgrt ly fellows a genu-
h-, - inc toning up of
' neglected scalps
with dependable
rolling h a i r,
Itching scalp and
wt the dandruff le
corrected immediately. Thin, dry,
wispy or fading hair is quickly invig-
orated, taking on new strength, color
and youthful. beauty, • "Danderine" is
delightful on the hair; a refreshing,
stimulating tonic --- not sticky or
Without Plenty of Iron In Your
Blood You Don't Get the
Strength and Nourishment Out
of the Food You Eat.
When over -work, lack of !deep, improper" food and
impure air sap tile. Iron from your blood: and snake
you feel weak, nervous, irritable and •out -of -Berta,
it to important that 'you nhoitld at once put more
Iron into your blood,. Without Iron the blood loses
tho power to change food .into nrlt s . tissue and
therefore -nothing that you eat - does you the 111•o1'0er
amount 'of good because your don'tset the' full
strength out of it.. Your food merely passes through
your system like corn through it miti with the.
rollers :. so- 'wide apart that the mill can't at Ind.
Because of this steady starvation of the blood rind 1
rla3Ves' 'people often' become Weakened, tired -out, 1
t p all
nervous and rundown and . Treat enil Y develop
tome. But the m
cmcnt organic auta iron
of m
torts symptoms.
supplied a multitude of danger-
:-IZtuated -Iron-40 s<tnp
ohs symptoms disappear its :most, 00006. the Hersh
kocomos .firmer, the muscles act back their strength
and the rosea ofhealth .
Aalo 0.11(1 siclav looking. •
so-called remedies you
11 Cause of':.
EarlyOld. Age
The celebrated Dr. MYilohenhoifs'
an authority on: `early old., age;
,9q &poisons
$ � "caused cd
saysthat l I by P
.h generated In the, intestine..
r s s food �^p
When your stomach dlge ts,
Irg^b,orbecl without' ;h4
1t properly 14 is
forming poisonous matter,, • Pal-
ci rl old age and
�, !tons hrFng on da y g
rematuredeath."`16 to 30 drops
�� of d/Seigel s Syrup after mealzn �
�''{makes your di�gestlon sound. 10. ih
ivigs M1SENERT
1 ltd bloom In cheeks that 1081-0
No matter what other so A :'
v !roue, 1
not strong,
E �!/
n ACH . , 1
ti aro m A
may harp- well,
hearty and well, you owe it to yourself to make the
Any drugstore. i
"California Fig Syrup" UUN'T
Harmless Laxative to Gleam Liver and TH
Ha ��1It
Bowels of Baby or Child.
Even coasting, 7,
ed bilious, fever.
irks, 01- sick,
A Striking' fransformatton. Babies and chtakild-
'Without telling little Nellie, her
father had added a flren levo
nate male peacock genuine "Cantor " his ficdk :of fowls, , Soon after, nisi Flg Syrupto,','
breathless with haste, 8110 burst into No other :axative
the dining room and exclaimed: regelates the ten.
"Oh, Inzln via, come and see; gtiicki der little bowels, --
i i full bl i" sd nicely, ,It , ..
Ono sweetens Wire ,stronger than steel has been liver and bowels acting without grit)..
made: out of rock salt, according to lin Contains no narcotics or south-
f R !'cubit fug drugs, Say "California" ti your
Keep IVlinard's Liniment In the house. Obit 'Anon genuine "t aliforrila
of the chickens g u u Dom
rile stomach. and starts the
the elalni'o a U uraTT S 1
• druggist and- avoid ootazitecfeitst �n�
4"eart You Heart
.i: Place watch to ear then draw
i„, array, You .1,0eld hese oelt ta
1 56 ladies. Does n ringing' in your
insdrt in nostrils. Price $1.25
"Inforesliog descriptive folder
1 Setif upon. DOC",tieNt.
• New York
a k i1e
following : test: Seo how Iong.. you ran w w
tar you can waist without becoming' tire& Next, i.
take two tivo-¢rain tablets of ordinary Nuxated .Iron
three Limos per flay atter meals for, two weeks.
Then test your strength' again 0011 000 for yourself
lin* anuch.. you have- gained. fou can. obtain Ntha tud
Iron from.' your druggist on the distinct under
standing that if You ata not., fully satisfied your
Money will, ho refunded.
Children Delight in
Cuticora Soap Baths
peceuse they are sootbinEc
freshing for tender skins, especially
if assisted by Chticura Ohatment'on
stet signs of redness or roughness.
The Citticura 'Isalcutri also, delicately
medicated and exquisitely perfumed,
s excellent for little ones. 1
Soap shaves without MUM.
Vanished After Using Lydia
E. Pinldiam's Vegetable
to you 'for help fritt action was mostly
,prompted by curioS-
'11w1a); rbyalif tIhu, ate': wtmn eeIbP1rneeri ae*fivf Oftt
ever taken, I heart-
y aseure you, or
throngh its results II
am relieved of most '
of my Sufferings. 1
of Lydia
hani's Vegetable
Compotind Tableis and a bottle of Lydia
Pinkharri's Blood Medicine, and I can
honeetly say I have never been.so well
before. I had suffered front paioS arid
old, and during the 'Great War ' period
and, in the heavylifting which rny work
nalled for, I strained myself, causing
for SeVeral years' without getting per -
'Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi -
eine Cobourg, Ontario, fornfreecopy
a Lydia Pinkbam's Private Text.
130cik upon "Ailments of !Women " i