HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-1-31, Page 5ilijiiiptoomituillionomummilmoommomounimminnituiniiliiiiiiimmisiiiithomommononionomtmo Hensal DO THE AMBITIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE OF TIM COMMUNITY KNOW TRAT THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario Arranges classes to accommodate Students wishing to live at home and commute daily by train? That, 03,1 a 32 week's course, one month is given free of fees, to InSnre student having full time at school? That, this school has the most highly qualified teaching staff of any PriVate Commercial School in the Province? THAT THESE FACTS MEEAN YOTJR, opponTti-Nrty Winter Term WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2,1924 _ 'STUDENTS"---''MAY',ENTERa,'AT ANY TIME COURSES. STENOGRAPHIC, . cOMMERCIAL,, SECRETARIAL AND SPECIAL Write or Phone. 193, or tall information. . A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice PrincipalFvincipal B. F. 'WART), 11.A., DR; G. L. SMITH DENTIST Two doors east of the Molsons Bank, Hensall Ont. .Away Wednesday afternoon 1700././Man PRQUDFOOT, -KILLORAN & 1-i0LMES _ Barristors, &c, Office on the Square, 2nd door Ifni= Hamilton St, Goderich. Private iuiids to loan at lowest rates. W. Prouclfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, E. Holmes • Er., Holmes will be in Plensall very Friday from .9 until .6. AUCTIONEER, OSCAR KLOPP &loner Graduate Carey Jones' Au - Ron School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (ail Breeds,), \Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm ales, etc. Rates •in keeping with vretrailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, -..write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Or ire 8-93, Zuiich DR. A. MOIR, L. MC. C. Phrikian 7110ite and Surgeon . IIENSALL DR.J. W. -PECK 'Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University? Montreal; Member I College of Physicians and Sur,geons • of OntariorLicentiate of Medical raouncil of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident -Medical staff 'of asueral Hospital, 1VIontreal, 191445; -Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Phone 54, Hensall, Ontario. Lumber has Advanced Butswe are still selling White Pine dressed. on both sidea'nt $45.00 per ltihousstarl.-- 116 dressed and matched white le $59.00 per M. • B.C. No. 1 ..XAX Shingles B. C. No. -1 XXXXX Shingles Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles HENS1LL Mr. Frank Hunter, of the West, is Visiting relatives in town. Mr. D. A. Cantelon was in Clinton on Tuesday of this week. Miss Nora Follick spent the week- end with friends in Zurich. • Communion will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sabbath morn- ing. Don't forget the euchre and dance in the ,Town Hall to -night (Thurs- day.) ' Miss J. Kendricks, of Pt. Huron, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Nicol of town. ,Mr. Jack Steacy, of „the Sterling Bank, Varna, visited at his home, here on'Sunday. , Ashplaalt, Roll. Roofing 18 in. wide, the heaviest made. 113tone No. 1.2 A. Jr ATWORTI1Y GRANTON Y kiORT Cilf) JOB, PRINTING , NT.—,Posters, Dedgers,,E11- 7elopes, •Letterheads, Visiting Card::, at,q,ping Tags, and anything aL all, at e Observer Printing Office,' Hensall. 'ders taken for Daily and Weekly Toronto and London papers 5, /n club with the Eileter TIVJOS 15 Leave your order at the Ob - Office. — „Mr. and Mrs. T. Zufle have been visiting for the past two weeks with relativein. Parkhill. Mr. Thos.. Simpson. has 'been sur- fering for the -past few days from an attack of pneumonia. In the Methodist church next Sun- day Morning the Quarterly Sacra- ment service will be observed. . Mr: W. C. PearcG iitin line for con- gratulations .bn• the arrival of a bouncing -baby boy af his 'home. Messrs..I3onthron (a; Drysdale have added, a stock_ of Ra,dioeetippties and •One au:a* Frame Dee -ening, north these .11. town, wishing Pafts will not side King street, Hensall; 4 Teems, /hid it necessary tO.lsend'for sul)133-ies, 2 village lots,. well situated. Small - fruits and good, water. Apply George thus wasting etime? WON. lasiora *Wu Mrs. C. L. 'Case spent Tuesday in London with friends. Wiles Versa •Ginger is at present visiting with relatives in London and other points. Carmel Presbyterian church choir are putting on a concert in the near future, the proceeds of which will go to music for the choir. The Oddfello-we are looking fore ward to an oyster supper next month when it will be known 'which side in a competition wins out. The 1.0.0.F. 'irecently elected the following officers for the incoming term:-L-Sam'l Dougall, Noble Grand; Jas: Grassick, Vice Grand; Wm, Dou- gall, Recording Secretary; Wm. Kay, Financial Secretary; Geo. Petty, Treasurer, and D. Fos, Caretaker. The monthly meeting of the W. rd. S. ot Carmel Presbyterian church will be held on Thursday next, Feb. 7th, at 3 o'clock. The' ladies of the congregation are asked not to torget this important moeting. A ,new study book for this year, has been introduced, entitled "The Island Beautiful' which is very'interesting, A portion of this book is read at each meeting. A Very well attended and interest- ing meeting of the Meth. League was held on Monday eventng last.. The program was arranged by Miss Flora Higgins, 4t1i vice-pres., and was in- deed a credit and a, god start for the new officer. • The •Topic which was on "Success" was giVen by Mr. S. Benglas, • 'rand *as very instructive andinteresting and was listened to with strirt attention. Miss Ella Shad - dock conducted the service. A. duet bY Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. Sinclair was enjoyed by all. After the service the Executive `of the League arranded the program for the next three months. 'During the past ',week or so the - mail couriers ,/ on the rural routes haVe-hadtcansiderable trouble in, get- ting through' on accountof :the large drifts at'sraine••plaCes _along the, conn - try roads.' It ,worild make the ,Mail service mach Mare Ptomprand also much more, convenient if the farmers inefrontecrelieee property the drifts blow, . 'would:. break the road. 'course „some- of the noble tillers of the soil do' break a trail but those are not -'who w&haveereferenceatcrl • D‘VELLING FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. A.'iacrett who tiave Brown, or Gladman & Stanbury. been visiting .fOr.:seme weeks with • =— intends and relatives 'in Hensall le.ft for -home on Monday morning. They intend .making the trip through the States. Diopizis y91.3..00Nvy. ZURICH A 'very enjoyable evening was spent by the Meth. Choir oileFriday Agricultural Society—The fiftieth annual meeting of the members of the last -when the menibers gathered at Zurich Agricultural Society 'a'as, held the home of their leader, Mr. E. Ren- nie. After the regular' practice tire in le TeY'n Hall, Zurich; evening wee spent in games ee yeee, Mr. W. S. Johnson, the president, 'old- cupied the chair.celiThe financial re - was kinds and a jelly hour or so in-' dulgeti in by th.e guests'. Lunch -Was Port of the tree•suree showed a hal- served. at the close of the amusements ance Orl hand of $83.42, which a - by the hostess.mount, includes 77 Paid up irl'embers `• • • " • - for 1924. The society had one of The Scotch concert and chicken the best fall fairs in its history last pie supper given by the ladies or Car- September; the total amount of „ex - mel church on Friday evening last, hibits being 138,2 and Cash and gods proieed a decided. success. After a paid out for prizes amounted to bountiful, varied and apetizing sup- $-542.75. Departmental judges will per, all, repaired to the auditorium of be .secured for the following elaSses the church where an excellent pro- for the 1924 exhibition: Horses, cat -- gram was given consisting of solos, tie, swine, sheep, poultry and ladies' readings and addresses. The chair work. It was also decided to entbr was -very ably taken In, Rey. Flet- the society in the Combined. Standing 'cher and ev,eryoue left for their Field Crop and Grain Competition if nomesAeeling that they had paid:aka enough entries can be secured. The en of P rare treat,- •prizes iP this competition total' $250 and the entries should pour into the secretary's hands. -The 'result of the RE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY election of officers was as follows; THE EXETER TIM DASHVIO0 Dr. I-1. Cowen, L, D, S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, ever • Thursday and Saturday. • ajtAIN OFFICE Ilartleib's Bleck —eDa.eliwood, Ont. ' Mr. E Tiernan and Wm. Zimmer ire busy ,thee days putting in their supply of ice. Rev. Mr. Graapner as attending conference , at New Hamburg this week.• „ 1V1r. A. Bean, of London is visiting - in this vicinity. . Mr. S. Gottschalk, or Seaforth, is visiting with friends in town. Earl Gaiser has opened up a skat- ing rink' which is -being weryouluch enjoyed by the young people. Miss Clara Kraft -is visiting'in Lon - Miss M. Held is visiting" ill Detroit. Communion services were held in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning. - Miss Clara Gra.upner, ot Fort WayneeInd., is spending a few days with her parents, here. Mr. Clayton Pfile spent Tuesday in London. CREDITON • ..ery, interesting, letter as 'been • received liy Mt.. and Mrs,' NV,in, Walk., er, of Exeter North, •trool• their son Rev', J• -11: 'Walker, 'Of 'China and will be read with much interest by , , our ,many readers. GREAT IlEI)UCTION SALE In order to make room. for our spring stock and to bridge us over the slack season, we are offering twerhy (20) Suits at greatly reduced prices for two weeks only, commenc- ing with Jan 24th, 1924. The reg- ular price of those suits was $85 to $40, Sale price $30. No more and no less, hand tailored and the very best of trimmings. All other Suits 10% off. Come early and get First Choice. J. H. Ileltzmann, Crediton, Out, Merchant Tailor -Mrs. John, Wein Jr. is doing nicely after laer operation in Victoria Hos- Pitaii: Ms. G. W. Sweitzer left the past week to join her husband in Hernia. - stead, N. Y. • Mr. Harry Eilber attended the an- nual meeting or, the Hay Township, Farmer's Fire Insurance Co., in Zur- ich on Monday. - , Mrs. T. Mawhinney and Mrs. Chris Heist are attending the funeral of a relative in Kitchener. Mrs. Chas. Eilber is very ill at her home. We hope fora speedy recov- 'CENTRALIA Mrs.' Ernie Abbota has returned. from Windsor. bit Intends going back again within a week or so. Meisrs. packer ,and Gaiser, who have the contract of putting in the supply of ice for the Creamery are busy dompleting the work.. The chopping mill is quite busy just now. Mr Smith ground 2'75 bags in the commercial 140 -tel, Hensau, President, W. S. Jeilinstoli; • I.st vice- Inron Agricultural Society was held The annual meeting ot the South pros., J. P. Rau; 2nd vice-pres., Dr.- A' J.' MacKinnon; Direet(31:s' 5‘ A. Smith, A. ReicheK. rt, M. Rader, P. with the largest attendance of mein- 1 Klonp, G. Surertia, J. Pfaff, 0. IClopp, hers present in some years. The au- Nwv.a..sj.rep_ao„,,pvpsooitr;twedar , sseitaie:ekiy_t ..A.;eay,$.1.1i1i:i e,e, ditors' statement ,showed a balance in tile treasury of nearly 3300, so fol• the year. .Lliat the Society is'',in a•good position financially. 'It was .decicled to hold KOEHLER—At Goaten Line, Hay the annual Seed Fair in the Town Tp. an Jannary 1 9th, to Mr. and, f-Iall, 1-Ieusall, on Friday, Febrnary Mrs, .-Win. ,ROoltier, .a daughter. -- 2 9th. The seed fair IS the only oho' IlEY—L-Ai Zurich, on ,Ta,unarY 23rd; held in the county. and is becoming tol'il, more popular every year and with a dtva:t.e!;',11ci MTS. 'Thiln 1 -ley, Jr' a : • Ibberal 'prernium list, this year should, see the best Seed Fair in the history of the Society,illie minim!' Spring 4155 you see'Olirer Twist, Aunty?" “Tinsh child. Iron know I don't at. nit those modern, dances.' on Monday. The Epworth League will put on a debate Thursday ,evening. Re- freanments will be served and a sil- ver. collection taken. A community party was held at the home of Mr. Gordon Wilson Friday evening where all enjoyed a good time. The .W.M.S, will have a quilting bee at the Personage Thursday afternoon. • China, Doc. 2nd, 1923 Dear Mother and riad: 1,Ve are glad to report, that we are getting along about as well as usual the past while without an: war in our immediate . neighborhood, no, earthquakesor epid'ernics, so we can report things going as per usual. Everybody bas been so quiet, we con- sidered it a good opportunity for me to hike down to Chefigtn and get 0111' Christmas shopping done. Marjorie and Donald did not go, as the "auth- orities" still tell us to do as little travelling as possible, so they decid- ed to stay right, here. r was only two days in Chengtu and as I had quite a few to interview, lots 'of shop- ping to do and slopes to get mendea-, it kept me on the ran, in spite, of my rush, I was able to see Rev. Alfred Johns, for a little while in the 'hospital. As 1 meetione r,• ,,vere he 0 graduate from el their work now is worth a aztd money that has bum spe them. Two splendid Olin. 'ea• iierl-s, etl?IlenYinagreofth !,ukeinwd,dtahyatillInaciehlitiv.111, t A third teaeher 'i the School, MP. 11. N. Si, is also acting as inspector of our' Lower 1,,1'intary Day St:h001S p.:td although younger than the other two inen,lie already has three years o splendid service to 1112' Credit in our Mission. Then all through the Dis- trict in the Day Schools, are 'ether boys who have come through , om school here, ani the younger preach ers, now coming oa, are also boys o this. school. We could not do very much in the church without the ,right kind of leaders to holp us anti ,ive could never get. the right kind of leaders without training them our- selves?. thus keePing, them free from the superstitions and,fatilts that they would otherwise grow into. When I started to write this letter it was not my intention to wax elo- quent over the work our schpol boys are - doing, but once I Mentioned the :subject, 1 could not help miti(ing a few. rein -arks.' '1:'ri1:"fv' we had our Quarterly ed in my last letter, he lias)been- hav:'-' Bparalemeeting and had a'fine turn- ing a bad timo with hire eyes this' out 'We had a good' time together, fail and. lias spent most .Or'-'11:15,..tia,envao ,and as tre heard the reports from the in the dark roorn. He, gotaeorueektIMe„ 'ya,rieuk nlaces, we began to' realiae of infection in thenl just- wieri. Col: that L 'weweremalting progress. In lege was opening for ‘the' fair term; vete 2f the unsettled, conditions, the and being Ilegistrala, he felt that lgee 'preachers and tenehers have lt-ept on ought to keep oil with . has work, lite-ieola and' the results Vill speak for themselves. ' To -day ' there has been a great those days instead of laying off then., The result was pretty serionS,''and he mightha,ve leat,the sight of his eyes. • He has been laid up all' fade but .1 understand he is enough'impreved to , , return home now, also saw ldrs. ZION • Mrs. Hector Taylor is in St. Joseph hospital, London, where she under- went a successful operation on Fri- day of last week. Her sister, Mrs. Stanley, of Oilcan, is keeping house for Mr. Taylor during, her absence. Mrs. R. E. Feeley, is spending the iweek with her parents at Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock have moved to their new home in Granton. The Graeton baker was not able to make his rounds on Saturday and the ladies had. to resort to other me- thods. ELINIVILLE stock Show will' be .h9ld on Tuesday A.pril 811, for -which a specially liber- airs. -Chas. Johns is able t3 get al prize list is being arranged. Tills, around nicely noiv, bit? 'Aliss Mary will include a boys' ' coiripetitida in Efern is s oclillinuf both horses and cattle, a feature 1 -fern ltilt confined to,hor bed', which 'was olio of tire best drawing lairssrs, :Tolle. and Ed, Johns were cards last spring. G-overninent j'ildges in London last weelt." will be secured tor 1)oth. the Spring Our storeiteoper •liaa 'hoop. kept Pair and 1ileed Shoiv Tito following bitsy all tlirough i.he'stornly weather. officers were cle-ctoti: President, Wm, `51r, Lewis wood, of Lomlon spent Cormitt; inst Donald fov,- days at his lionia here. nti B. 11 Bell" 1)irect6iis, 'NeXt Sacrement , ' be 0. 2.01(ta,b, 0. Klopp, C, ,Canipl)ell, administered at the-e-siening serVire'e, T. Sherri tt, Ttobt, -McLaren , W 15. Mr, So niucl I -Tun -air is recovering oanticrs, John McEivon,. 1\fclilweri, .froin his recent illnerts. 1 1 01,13501.1. NT , 1 te feet chat. a man -fed los victor-, -,i'-0 , ni. altint c." It Pi lati, college debating team. doesn't PoPJ)eli, CarnPbelly W tie"\Ilister, who have been 111 with scarlet fever itn a, bit of good, "tvlion he gets 1- m(Vatig111011, 0. Auditors, are improving., but Miss Ruth. has 113'W -1 -Mont With 'Cho gili hoP1 ArliolU ''ind Seti- not got along a$ ta,st, as tile yOunger •, (es e.S., Keith Mcli,eali. ones, ..id.1.!,,.li.L„aai;,1-1,..1.ii,M;d4s&C.Wm • Nerrie , There passed away at her home in Bayfield, One of the village's most kindly rgarded and highly respected citizens ill the Person of Frances England, beloved wife of Henry W. Erwin, ,aged 59 years and. 5 months. The funeral service: -which was .hold in the late residence of the deceased, was- oats:n(1,0 by many sorrowing frinds, and was conducted. by Robt. A. Parkinson, formerly of Granton, paator of 'Bay -field Methodist church, to 'which the late Mrs. Erwin belong- ed. -Rev. Alfred McFarlane, at St. Andrews Presbyterian 'church, friend of -the family, assisted in the. service, The late ' Mrs. ErWill was born at Sutton, Ont., on Augnst 8, 1804 and eame to Bayfield abont 42 years ago, and two years baler married Mr. Er- win.- deal of "pressing coolies" by the sol- diers. The usual thing that happeas before there is a moveniciitof troops. 'They make the coolies carry loads Johns for a few. ininuees and - she toy, theme , and are usually P1e113' rough with them. No one seems to know what this -movement of troops means,arat rammer says that the Nor- therners aA on tbeir Way back again pers and said he 'hat- intended to hake ate troops are being moved up into sent it off long beinre this, but other theline to try to stop them. We, -a-ill work has intervened., • He cerla111)-7 Probably hear tomorrow what the handles a lot of hard work at the . . Uniyersity, and we all. kn'ow' .how eard it is to get extras done. -We are going to gGt the'. locat photog- rapher to take the pictur this nseek, and it willsbe sent off soon. ' He was pleased to hear that the attendance at the school was double this year what it had -been last year. There are .good. days ahead, for the school and the fine building certainly helps with 'the. work. It is a /beautiful building and a splendid g,ifinroin the young people of the Exeter District to . the' young people -of Penghsienn District. There are eighteen. boys i first year of High School and five of them lave definately volunteered for the ministry. The whole class IS an exceptionally -,fine handl and' I am looked. well, but of eOurse was.wor-, ried about ldr. Johns' eyes. .' He was asking. 'Inc about, a write up of tlie' school for tile Eiceter pa-' SHOUD LTiro, LOYCO". It ) 0011 1, 0 very pretty girls niet en the streat rind. kissed eatob other raptor- onsiy. Two young 113011 watehed the Le -alba -a "There's another theao thirigs that are so unfair,- said (me: is tlintl'' said, basIviends, Ile aot te d seene TWoittoU n sure, as the first Higa. Soho°1 class the new school, -will bring great credit to theh- Alma. Mater. At tile present time- the- „Principal, air.' T. G Yang and the Procter, Mr. S. C. news is., 'Donald and- Marjorie are lima •looking well and enjoying the cold ,,yetitheih Donald will likely enjoy Christmas this year' • for he is Via enough eow 1.0 take things in More. 11 12 getting late now- and as I have a long rido tomorrow, I had better -ring- off, Love to you all from us all here. -Remember is to the many friends in Exeter. As over, Jack. Many a man who complains that tite,werla isn't getting any better', isn't doing a thing himself to make it better. - 1:iprtly be ma 1.7a -a' 12 UI0'2i0 wil1aeol .e, bout,sud hou the'e on Tiie ate Judge ' 001t,1/4s,i,d5101-5w;: is to 1st v a. 1 in, the, estate,' 0-14 On her deciV property passes t his,OnlY dauglitier, Dorothy -L. Ditliso0 In ddition to this both' the 'Widow and daughter -re- ceive substantial StlinS.by way.of 'life, , • , iiisu .anc 11. !I • NiD P01901 If life were all sunshin ses We'd weary, T.think of the glare; The petals would ,cuinber our P t , way, , Te perfunie would burdon -L So give ps the storm alid tb.4- trout)/ Let rains lvith•our Phan--i'sinarfera, ThRt we 'may i'OJOiOe itt tl ie Season When roses aud sunshine nre here. For none ..of us cares, for the deadly Monotonous samenesii OE things To rob as anticipation ---- The hone that everything springs. Scientist claims' he can make ev- ery body six feet tall, but even at that a lot of us would be as short as just before pay day. - And so while, we worra, through terp We AhoW theae 1,5 b Wheu blossoms, and waiting uiingSl hit'ds 11 To 011001' 112 -again On 011/7 way, To the place or Gte thing, -we are , seeking, Though 1.11e 0131110103 taneied real Are placed for 11)Inds o our lunacies.. To conquer, surmount or canoed By bltiff' or dtermination so keep as forgingalieati, rn search of the sunshine ,and rosees . Pc brighten the trail that we tread. • CLUBBING II 'TES Exeter Tirnes $1.5O a Tear; 2,00 to the United States. Times and London Advertiser $6.25 Times and London Free Press $6.25,._ Times and. Toronto Globe .... $6.25 Times and IVIail and Empire ..-.. $6.25 Times and Tise Toronto Star ....$6.25 Time & Family Herald & Star $3.25 Times and Farmers' Advocate $3.00 Times and The Farnrer'e un .,..$290 Times and Christian Guardian 33.40 Times & Presbyterian Witness $3.40 Times ta, Canadian Countryman $2.40 Times and World Wide .....„.. Times and Montreal Witness' $3.4 Times and Saturday :Night . TAP, co.ohmtal3iriineadtibpyia,Ttimh'sisirtiobeselreirberasini),nunbi._ liCation being ,the Uuret-given;+1:ess• $1.50, representing the price •Of the xceptional Kills tr) ebee an aro ITH cm the oing oi the frost and the 'Moon of the . Failing Leaf" comes also tlie hunting sea. son for caribou, moose and deer. For the pagl -ton months, thousands m oi sportsmen have been longing' for the return of ths season And 'o- • day the season in Quebec, Ontario, 11`.-rew •Brum'sv,:icli, Nova 'Scotia, • Al- berta and 13ritish Columbia is hi full Swing, Once more the naked woods Iare echoing. With the eracIt of the 'hunter's rifle and the rod blood or ,Canada and the thliEed States is pit - king itself against the monarchs of oil]: native wilds. itt Queiu.tc, good chaTirte,t' .for doer are reported from Lake illog,antic, the Iianrcntians, Oniineati Val- ley, along the branch line of' the Canadian. Pacific, Timislcain- ing-Kipawa distriot and other points, white in Ontario, Parry Sound, , 1. A good bag from Northern Ontario hunting grounds. 2. The head of the bull which c,,swered tho guide's call 3. Paget (for the Trout Lake County), Lake Penage, Massey, Blind River, Thesselon, I)esbarats, Mattawaa North Bay Sturgeon Falls and Oar - tier 'are well favored, Moose are plentiful in Ontario in the country along the main line of the Canadian Pacific from Sudbury' to the Mani- toba boundary, especially near IVIeta, garna, Biscotasing, Chapleati, sariable, Franz, Sa6k•Fls11, Schreiber, Rossport, Nipigon, Savanile, Ignace, Dinorwic, Wabigoon, and Keuora, and, in Quebec, in tile St., Maurice, Lake Edward, Lake 1VIegantic, Mani- Timiskarning and. KiPaWa di8- Caribot1, to (•licheri, may now be found onlv in the remote northern sections, and, in Ontario, On the islanciS of Lake Superior and' roluld Rossport, Schreiber and Niplgon, On t,lie inabtland From, all these clizirictS coat stories of wolulerfal lurk which wilf firrill the plASt'S 01 trety lynnter, Take the good 1o'rtun af )r, C. 1-1 1\ifc:Creary, of 'Montreal, and Mr, A, J, O'Keefe, of Now Roehelle, Nme York reoeular re...aro/is of _ the Ste, rovite cusirat of the Laurcritians, Quebec, Penctratio.a sonic davs ago from Grey Rocks Inn, Byng. Inlet T'alesie.y. RtVer, at Ste, JoVite, to Big Devil's Lakol sometimes refeered to as Lac to Croix, they met eeveral cow moose am"! immense bull. Rut the clinerix came when •another splendid bull obligingly took up a position within 50 yards of their tent, The first shot frOnl the doctor's trusty rifle brought hint clown and Mr, O'Keefe finished him off. , Again,-froin W, Arnottas Tem - Kip Caine., 30 miles up Lake' TisruiS•,t lianythe f real Timiskaraina Station, at the mouth of Kipawa River, word conies of how lir, 3. A Cavainia„-h, of New Ynrk, got his moose within an house 'and a half Of' inving eamp, and lents bacit \vithin holirs anti a half- Next morning, while Lim animal was being sltinned, another, big moose calnily watched the Opera- tion for five ntinntos from a point close by, After that, 34C4ti 01111 Ot-t hWid Off your rale? 4 01