HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-1-31, Page 31
Tuc Trti!citt; Tlive
It% Wornata'S Le
Tho.(Alree tryitig- time
'Pt-01MM 'S 14:4110-11 ,sbc is flAQed.
t, heart str,03,igthordog, aerve tong:ng
wad blood 'OSelling renied,y Snoii as
The rnulg giri just budding into
IT'omanhood has a special drain ou hos
isystem during this forrintion, period, -1
ad this is the time woon on moth,rs
thould look after them very earefullj';
, tb.e time when, if their health is
aegleated, many years of soffering
The woman about to become,
"Mothsr, is . pecidiarly liable to heart I
and nerve -dieter amies. • 3.0 i oftea '
�tful,'capricieus and ,,empored.
^ Bhe really an't help- it. Der neawe
energy isloging drawn on heavily, and
net heartis being overtaxed to supply
blood :fora new Ltfe.'
ThiS is the most serious period in a
,i'oman's life., and, as a rule, takes
place between the ages of 45 and 55.'
%At -this time there is often great ner-
vous prostration 'hysteria and melan-
cholla., palpits4ms, the
, arteries of the neck 'throb,- there is ,
dii.pliess,. rush of blood: to othe head,
...hot fleshes; - and. a general weals...nese
throughout the -whole :system• •
'During these three trying times all
women will glad that by taigiugo a
• course* of Milburn 's Hbart and 'Nerve'
Pills, their' hearts will be strength!
oiled,their, nerves toned up and their ,
, ,
"Iileodhenriebed, ,agob they will be kept
in -a perfect state efoliealth for tho„
years to _come. -
Price' 50e. 'a' box at all druggists
'or dealers, or mailed direct. on' receipt
, of- price by The T. Milburn Go., Ltd.,
Toronto,: Ont.
1 Cana0a s Supremacy
r•I •
at ‘....mcacro Show
The International Livestock Show
at Chicago, the great agricultural ex-
hibition of the year on the continent,
was quite up to its usual high stand-
ard, and in many respects exhibits
wore above the average. There is cer-
,A ancii.viNa TENDENCY FO 1 "The Danes hovia r one Market to
LI‘ANER., LIGIITER 1\114.1-A,TS. I produce bacon for, whore the Amer-
. I
The va000 of th,, Ilion class English icons have many, have been able to
toecle secured by the Dollish hog si-lecla-tize in breeding a hog that will
taissers has not gone without notice bring the highest pric,i on that mar -
in be United States. Their view of ket. They have developed on a -ration
t will e nistructIve to Canadia including skimmed iiiiil.., bailey, arid
swine orceders and feed -ars who too roots, a leaner pig than a sel cthd
often overlook the fnet that the Am- American pig of similar weight and
eeicarg fat lard hog trade carmot be with firmer fat than is Pr°duced by a
Profitable In Canada away from thecoim, ration with little Prote.in feeds
chea B
feeds of the Corn
Belt and Cat- added'
ering to a public with altogether dif-1 "Danish co-opoi.vt.sre
marketing so-.
ferent tastes. Recently Mr. Chas. E. cieties have gone so far as to send out
Ilierrick, president a the Institute,of bulletins to the producers, stating that
Ainerreali Meat Packers, made the they would accept for thipment that
following suminarized comments;
, ,, 4, weight,
rnonth Only „bk.'s of a certein
"Tire Production 'osufficient bacon say from 140 to 180 pounds, and that
type hogs in the United States to take producers who had hogs above or bee -
care of the ,English demand really i low the extremes .specified.would have
a matter of considerable- importance. s to slaughter their hogs at latome. - In
. ,
This is apparent to every one who this way, they can supply the .1Pritish
. A A
knows that- Danish bacon, produced - 1,,,,,' ,w „ „". watching the d - -
and pracess,ed especially for the Bid.. ca.,
-"ig ; .
tiSh trade,. is bringirig at this time in I-10WeVer, there isa growing ten-
, f ig .
the English market about t , i, hi. i
dency n this country or eaner pork
ins nibre per , hundred •O ' ht than chops, learfer bacon. Whether our
American taste for bacon will become
A.mericari bacon, and that at' t in. i es more like the British taste within the
during, -recent' months the Danish pro- -
duct has ,brought in excess' of forty next few years cannot, of course be
shillings more than ours.• o now. But packers have noticed
4,It seems strange that the English a growing tendency for leaner, light -
meats, and at times an increasing
Peolple, two minions ore
of work should continue whom areout cr
difficulty in disposing of the heavier
to pay so 4
much- nun.° fcr Danish bacon than "The producer could grow a larger
American- • • number of hogs arid market them at
"That they are willing to do so ap- an, earlier age. This would increase
parently is due to the fact that, the the supply of lighter, leaner cuts.
Danes- breed and feed their hogs to "In any event, it is worth while for
conform with she tastes and demands the American producers and American
of the British con.surner and are -able, packers 'to expand our- trade aloroad.
from their geographical proximity, to Would not the raising of bacon type
supply goods of the mildest -possible hogs in sufficient numbers to meet the
cure. Practically all of DermarkS' English, demand be one way of doing
• bacon is marketed in England. this?"
tainly; no lack ;of dliterest .arnongst and •orie-half for cooling ;milkFro
'breeders of livestock ; and growers of three to five tons are required for th
carload of Canadian Southdown 'lambs won the grand championship,
at the recent International Live, Stock Exposition, Chicago, the owner re-
, peatbig the, succe.ss of 1922. The lainbs averaged 92,8 lbs, each and sold
,for $28 per cwt. In 1922 the average weight of- the (shown -above)
• was, 87 1h, and the price $31 •per cwt, FOr,the packing trade. an. 80 lb,, lamb
is always demand.
A Handle -for Garbage Can.
Prorn an old spade or fork handle
cut a five -inch piece, drill a hole
through the Center also a small hole When hogs are fed well-balanced'
ttuhi°sneriesicdce, of thet rations' including aniMUI hy,',Oroducts,
through tlic`center hole, slip over the and either koed Pasture or , airalfa,•
bele of your garbage can, put screws hay there is usually no need of using
in thc esicnigaels1 holes, draw up, file the any inineral supprement except com-'
sharp • and you can mon salt. This StateMent is made as
carry the heavy can without pain to a result or experiments covering w
hands. years at an experimental station. Ofi
StrettCla.ing l'iarhed Wire. on grain with grain by products alone
In stretching barbed wire where or on grain an such s ip
the ether hand when hogs are fed
d; I u ) lements as
the stretch is made without (gutting linseedmeal, soybeans or soYbean oil -
the wire and not from a loose end, to meal, withont pasture or without les,
avoid making a kink in the wire slip glinle ay, then it willbe adoaritag-
ar i al ogo,p put
wire p thoivoeiri ghthae ohnoeo.kin of yuiantgo add a mineral an•PPlernelit suP-
acltlitional calcium or lime.;
the wire strethher and pull up as Even when a mineral suppleinent
and rain
desired.—J. S, W.
i Cold Weather Oiling Hints..
. Guard ,against too heavy oil, as ;it
will not circulate freely until warmed
up• then it is too late, for the clam -
a e oa la . wt
by-products, the, results, will be unsat-
isfactory coinpared„with ,these. from
a ration ineludinganimal 'by-products,
such as skirrimilk,.,./Mttermilk Or tank-.
age. This is becauseogg,am and grain
.age is already done. A small amount yp• t ' teerd lacking in
of: water in: the crank -case will freeze minera.1 matter, -eSpeciilly, l;ime,„ but
and stop the pump; then there is no are als• o deficient in .proteins: of good
circulation. quality, which are reqUired to pro-
. , — .rapid .grerwth and,. thrifty ,
:About half a ton of ice per cow is spring. Pigs frequently become' criP-'
required, for cooling cream, and a ton pied or stunted during grovvtla, or be-
-m come crippled on shipment to market.
O ice.
down while,
feet of storage room will store a tone dBureooidn psaowrts, a,otftleena'stb,r-teeal; p:h-iimoinyege,tens.lomr,uPtuhsrahet.alotf not INn7enisp...thebot.hrsimo,erwith the a„lrireallgueldloar
average household. Forty-five cubic suckling their pigs. These tronbles are
era's in their rations. ' 8. Tho SeriesBlue Lai,e and
Altbiu,h,en+ hoijds,
9. Thou shalt not gossip. ' Before regular monthly meetings on Satur-
you anything think thrice: (1) Is day to enable the school girls th at -
it necessary? (2) Is it true? {3.) Is tend. They exchange programmes
It kind? •fluently vrith the Women's Institute,
10. Thou. -shalt not covet they neigh...! Some -interesting features at 'their
loter's beaux, thou shalt not covet thy', meetings have been a "spelling
neighbori clottes, ,nor her ° leisure match," a "geof,,raplay match," and
time, nor her jewellery, nor her car,,Ipapers by members on such suhjec
Ithr iatno:thhienigd a
thatveirsyhesruse. cesstui St. I as cecanadcan Women of e"
, "Little - 'rhings in the Horne
F'atrick's concert in. March, the pro- i Make Things Beautiful," "The Se
gram being given entirely by the as a Centre of Influencee' "Am
Full Of
hulanced rat' ent- of
and play which del/610Pa, the fo
square girl of which Ontario is justly fjid'e
proud, the records from the Girls' Ia uusist thern for o
istitutes continue to come in C-rr ' drihl4 au. d
ling on iii conjunction withparte taintnent, 11"4ey
ment whose chief superinteadeilt,IS`.a
Irian of wide sympathies and great sick fuhd. They
executive ability,' an assistant 'Super- wards prizes for'
'intenclexit who is herself a young wo- Judging Competi,,,ti
'Ian Of brilliant achievements and with the other •
availing themselves more and more of County, took fehn
College and Departmental Extension the Agricultural' College h
services, the girls of' the country are County Judging Competition.
vataxctuhQenest osic:thanodobiaesseaohiltli,d,n‘gL,a, :doteueridrastte.ehc,t,iin jazo.e(sl, tl ogn avvn,idthonteheinj Ini/nli161 iritetprayr.11 col-loepsegrfQ,a
making historY, • filiTsbi.erg has had a course id
Institute, in sewi" iag f,se"r. -the ,2;0,1S,,,te.hnoir0;.; jUupdag pn a y 'tool: part e Colin y
Competition. They contribat-
Ontario fire sufferers contributed to ad to the Northern Fire Relief, also
the London S'anta sufferers,
fund and ni-ade a layette.
Children's Hospital, held a lawn fete Paisley held a banquet with over
or garden party also a corn roast to, two hundred guests present. They got
which other young ° peopie of the up a social evening in SU4 of tbe Sol -
neighborhood Were invited. This In- diei's' Monument; also assisted in.
Bstirteleiztee,,,isescuiletsedabypatplieerin'ecrmlbieerisoTmileeltiar The jfeernr ey Pciagi,gii2otc, fkosir (tilzeiratoci:ixtne,)
"Ten Commandments" are aLso of tertained the district annual conven.
spelc.itrrilhoinutesrhesatlt. nTehte.ymaalic"eei,circ'sc tion this year. With the Junior P'arm-
ers they had a motor ex'cursion to the
pchineeftuvailoist,37t . Keinptville _Agricultural School Field
• cultivate the habit' of a'y' heY their annual
- many
1104213.:01R:hebmoi "euemms,hbheaoil;tnitnahoketetnifil'Mrrksitedifcatuinined. of thtihryd hdhaoolFdsei n crit:hieeti °di:nue:n-1 Cyolift.firstetillmllea a
club, for the club will not hold her Y°11ng Pe'sPle attending college or
Tuesdays of each month 10 keep They ayeadonation, to the se:11,pol to
tliem, buy pictures and are maintaining a •
apart, All other nights thou shaltil room in an °:Uttl-Wa 110SPital.
spend as thou desirest, but the tiratt Clinton organized at the clos'e of a
course In Home Econonucs last osin-
ter; hold§ a nun -ibex of its meetings
yy have
edited bthe
and third Tuesdays are the nights of
thy club. In them th.ou shalt not"pre-
thnd headache, nor. make foolish
excused, for it taketh but a few hours
and thou shalt surely be rewarded
with what thou shalt get at thy meet-
ings. es a good exaMple of cooperation with
dem5jaHn dosn,o:t'htalti thybd se 1 rimb earys baendlonlIgs ttuneteS'ehrld'as°--raZalnist°iNtl-unteg. TehleetaSie'enionlrallisitaie-
as a. valuedsaanldt laoc:etduinseemsblaern.g, nor and the girls assist in lurnisilillg
Inn6idTerh:utheh English iangua,e music while the pictures are being
by showiri. At the Women's Institute an-
sP-7eakin. ThgoulillP• srh°aPletrlY'think beautiful 'tniulealsPplfrictnsi.e the .1r3's t°" charge
thoughts. Refuse to liSten to any- Gig/ took part e County
St; Geor,ge Jurilor Institute urrusn-
good seed, either in the United States
or Canada. The competitions were
extremely keen, especially in the grain
classes, and these were the outstand-
ing features of the show. Interest is
accentuated from the fact *that in
these awards there is the keenest of
rivalry belweeri the United States and
Canada demcristrated her ability to
lead the world in seed producticm by
'capturing Afteen of the twenty-five
prizes for wheat, twenty-eight of the
thirty-five for oats, and a similar per-
centage of high awards in other grain
classes. In livestock the Dconinion
produced the outstanding bull of the
show,: the splendid animal of J. D.
Ways to Beautify the Home
Of all shade trees for the back yard,
or garden proper, is there anything Hens do not require much doctor-
comparable to the apple? Of course ing when .properly managed but a
you cannot have inuch shade until the handy medicine chest may save sev-
, .
tree is a few years old, but if .you have eral birds each year. Iodine is useful
a suitable Position for such' "a, shade in treating wounds that need a strong
.t.ree by all means plant one this disinfectant. The Commercial coal tar
spring._ . disinfectants are of value for s _ay -
Should the garden be so' modest in ing the roosts to keep cloym red mites
size that it not aceommoda.te- and .deStroy disease germs.'
many,' shrubs „we can have at least Epsom salts sometimes come 10
some floever borders, filling these pre- handy to tone up a flock that has been
fera.bly with hardy perennials. The bee:oily-forced for eggs. The salts are
ideal flower border is one that is used at the rate of a peund for each
,backed by shrubs; here the greenery 100 hens and can be given in a moist
of the' latter accent.nates the' gay col- mash. Sodium fluoride or -blue pint-:
0 I
y Less()n
The Stiri(1
What 'Israel Learned at Sina.i, Exod. 1 A.c. 24 -8; ch.
Deut. 4: '3241 ' golden Text-ThOu lckve
the Lord thy God With all .thine heart, -and' with:all- thy
• Sett, and 'with all thY inight.HPeut... 'Thou
, lOve' thy neighbor as thyself.:LeV:19...:
- TION OF '1-1E. 'STORY —T116- aidc- in./oz.". It was 'just' in' the dark
rnembers. During the sin -rimer they' noen with. Dickens,'" The SocAa'S
made rh t ilt rid 1 Fa. Li e", "Rec F ti ri
McGregor,. the ; veteran, Aberdeen raise funds In the fali they hid a' Fa <-3/13P. ' - 717WP:T'1"'S Still
breeder of Brandon, ,Manitoba, which sewing course, and at Chrcstrnas ti..,......):Y,2% 'An VI
was(-soldf for $15,000 ,. to a California
purchaser.' In Clydesdales, Ca.n.ada, for donations of anti the
, . giri- Personality,' and Papers on
. - . . .
awards were noteeCorthy, particularly
.. .
ors in front, and these in' turn lighteh raent should' always.. be ,, en hand t - -- .
0 l book at Exodus ;carries the story Of i years of the seventh 'century, B.C.,
11P•the rather sernber green°rY be: treat' an Y hens found infested with ; the journey of the escalling Israelites [that' the PeaPld -of 'Israel needed rriost
hind, them.. A splendid etrec` t may be lice. Regular treatment of the entire! as far as the, encampment at Mount to learn this lesson. (See 2 Kings ch.
had by growing 'free -climbing roses flock every spring and fall ill us Horeb oi_ Mount Sinai Chapters 17 21 )
on a nineefeet-lig alone the ually keep down the lice w
1 h trellis' f ' '
- tells o' the oppression of the people • Vs 36 38 7'7 t h ' • 1 •
, - • - . ta e Inv i,t mstruet
back Of the ,herbaceous border, plant.. keep a medicia, dr.0 „. • ti the call of 1Vloses his interviews'with thee • This theh-
., . pi. op lc wri. er e -
medicine chest. P araoh, t e begnining of -tire great 'heves to .have been Geci's great pur-
pper 111 le
SO'llietalleS a bird with journey, the crossing of the sea, and Pose in all Israel's history. All that
a slight cold canhe promptly cured by other incidents by the way. Chapter has happened whether of good or,evil,
trils with tissue paper and.injecting r1e8ntnells of the visit of Jethro and the hasbenmade by him to be a•discip-
removing the mucous' from the nos-
cOmmerciar disinfectant or potassium c' 1 ren at ount-Horeb, anticipating prophets interpreted the eventsf
ion of Moses with his wife and line a me . 't
, means of ins ruction, So the
the account of his 1 there the theird ' •' - o
s arrive ere in e own, ay.
first verses of ch. 19. The reMainder ' Vs: 39, 40. Know therefon re :this day;
of the book (chs. 19-40) and Number's -and consider it in th,s'ne h,eart. Knowl-
(ch. 1-10) tell the story of the events edge which is not laid to the heart i
at Sinai, the giving' of the law, the, of little value: Here -the reat" 1 Oti
building of 'the -sanctuary, 'or tent, is that .of the'uniquenes,s -gaud- s u persesrun-
" ay of Goa. -He alone is Lord of
heaven and of earth. Therefore should
they "keep his statutes and, his dem-
mandritents"; and so it would go well
with them. '
The people of Israel were learning
the first and simplest lessons of faith
and obedience. Through them, we
they asked people in the nei hborimo-d Care,:7 e'138 a$ an exPres
made these garments over into chil-Iquette'"o
those secured by the University -of dren's clotliing for needy farritlies:
They added to.this clothing ba k t
homemade candY; fruit' and nuts and - Beautiful Snow„.
distributed it With the complitnents of; Oh, the S -120 -NV, the beautiful snow,
the, Junior insti:tute. the sky and the earth below;
Watkertot took part in a judging Over the house -tops, over the street,
contest arranged by -the Agricultural; Over the heads of -the people you meet;
Representative, and went with - the' , Dancing,
Junior Farmers and 'Junior Insti-
tutes'„ excursion to the Agricultural Skimming along,
College. They held a garden party, Beautiful snow! It *Can do nothing--
$as1C-atellew"ane (); 13og'ge; of DaYs-; nig various 'perennials in masses of
; land, Alberta) Made a very Creditable' from three to five of a kind: A scheme
showing in Hereford classes.
Sheep classes were stronger than
ever in 1923, and that consistent ex-
hibitor Col Robt McEwen of Lon-
• don Ontario once more cleaned up
the show with his Southdowns, whilst
• other breeds of sheep' secured out-
standing awards. The Province of
Ontario -was supreme in sheep classes.
In the hog classes, considering that
• Canadian exhibits were small, the re-
sults were entirely Satlifactory. To
the faculty of the Ontario Agricul-
such as this, to look its best, neceSsi.-
tates a border at least ten feet wide,
for the planting to look natural
should be rather irregular and this
requires plenty of room if we are to
get away from a crowded and arti-
ficial effect. Do not plant in straight
lines; formality should riot find a
place in the hardy border. The dis-
tance to plant "will clepend,upon the
. .
variety, alWays reniembering that the
majority of these pererinials in
the course of a year make rluite large
'permanganate solution with the medi-
cine dropper.
Crop -bound birds can often be cured
qiiickly by opening the crop to remove
the matted contents. Then sew 11D
both the inner and outer skin separ-
ately with silk thread and keep the tem of g.overnment and "adininistration
bird on soft feed until healing results.
The value of a few handy remedies
should not be neglected.
tut -al College must be -given greatgclumps, so that in most cases one foot
credit for the college's continued suc-' will be the minimum distance though
cess in the student judgieg competi- many should be set quite 'eighteeni -Prizes for Finished Sters.
°temple, and„the orgamzation; of, a sys,
tions,. a -Member of its -63am taking inches apart.
first place and- the .entire representa.-1 When the border is Wide full ad --
tion second against hall the, ;great
United 'States colleges and tiniversi-
ties. • -
One scrub hull will easily spoil the
whole herd.
Bone -meal for cows: If you are
feeding timothy, oat straw or mixed
grass hay to cows ,(and you ought to
be ashamed if yod are), add two or
three pounds of ;steamed bone -meal to
each 100 pounds of the grain ration. in spring..The charming long -spurred
No bone -meal is needed if the cows; eahlmhmes should flud place, and
are getting alfalfa or „clover hay.
vantage -can be taken .of such tail-
. ,
growing plants as hollyhocks, del-
phiniums, heliantlius-.--sunflower; hi-
biscus, ,leesestrife.— lythrum; rucl-
beckia.--.-cone flower; bocconia—plinne
poppy; boltonia and tall hardy- asters.
Phlox should ,be• used freely, -mass-
.ing;three five plants .of one variety
together.. 13,1(Annifig over such' an ex-
tended4reriod,: they are invaluable in,
the 'flower garden, Peonies, of 'course,
'will be represented; no- other' 'hardy
„ ;
'perennial; niakes quite' such a she -Wing
also campanula, Shasta daisy,, coreop-
A Persistent
,Vicod's Ner,way :Pine , Syrup
The constant htieking, ,racking, per-
sistent ceugh that sticks to you in
epite; of eyerytlii,ng you bays done to
get rid of it, means danger, - and the',
longer the eoUgh sticks, the inoro
serious menace it becomes to your
health. ,
Get rid. of it at the outset by using
Dr. Wood's' Norway Pine 'Syrup:,
Mrs. L. W. 1`)Tewconibe, Onoway,
Alta. writesi—"e'everal years' ago
was greatly- troubled with a, persis-
fent, cheoeid 'cough '1,,bat one doctor
atated 'was tuberculosis: tried sev-
eral remedies Without benefit unttlf
used Dr. Wood'e NorWay.Pine Syrup,
which relicvs(1 3110 at once,,,and by
continued use entirely removed the
r;rouble. I ear., irgort heartily' recom-
;mond it for. any tilt -eat or bronchial
treuble.'1 •
•.„` Prie`e 35e: a hottl,c;. aro,c fanaliy
size 60c,,, op reily by The T; '1;111 -
brill,: Go
sis, bleeding heart, foxglove, erigeron,
with its purple -daisylike flowers.
Among lower -growing plants suit-
able for the front of -the border, choice
may be made from the old pink—
realriifig; over $60. They have had! wrong.
a number a debates -and conceits byl Flying to kiss a fair lady's cheek -
of justice, and of a priesthood. .
valuable work in the wa'Y of personal PealitifaL 8110W, frOX11 the hes-Term
local talent and have done some_yeryi Clinging to lips in a frolicsome freak.
ini vodse ersi nIsrael's owafka'i aesaiarPstbirPoaoueneftaalliGlioalwindaf,dess . asttnGhhedroeevdalfgnu°wr"t‘idea.gnasedt- ,ekiliaannwog ;d1- . . , . c 0'7 i rosTi tie,du nt; 10' t yr d'.' 91huotici... 1 n a" pmi members
be e rosn do'fi 8 twi-lie, .P 1 1 i*e as ab a na'v e' angel and tickle as love'.
• . learn to recognize in every taw 0*.g fete and a nfunben, of ciebates The Ohl the snow the beautiful snow:
Announcement has been made of a I • national life. To this, the righ ousness, thi .1) P, lurve also had an apron contest. How the Attires gather and taugh as
te eve •rinci le' of Y
- This was the un ymg on o .
series of special Prizes to be offered justice and of kindnese, the law a
by the Dominion Department' of Ag- mony, for it was Jehovah's visible
sanctuary of the wilderness bore testi-
Ood. And in Christ that West °I's have started a club Pa they ist c,re _learn at the fulfilling of all lawthe highest •
edited by ;the memb,ers. They have Whirling about in its maddening fun.
ricultUre at the Edniontm Live Stock dwelling place 'in the midst el the.en- and crowning law, is /-ove. 811 active bisketball team; they make It plays in its glee with every onte,. ,
Show :to be held 'next April. • The campmene. Attd Israel s richest in -
d the richest gift she had
a specialty 4 demonstmtiolls at their Chasing,.
cattle sections include groups of 15 heritance, an APPLICATION. ,.. regular meetIniegs work.
. have made a
I - tt f rel. f k Laughing,
pounds. In each case five prizes are / t . past. There is some reason ?
pounds, and five finished steers 1 100 'mac - -- --" - th .
five finished steers 1,100 to 1,300 ItIolgs'ilieewatlt, hi.e.wg:viernd'was :114: "rise of • ic ,,.., 'a c c,
ence with them, and his law
discuss here, but there as good Pshing
u that t " W - -• P‘ :
o -the Ilebrevirs, depressed by the "in- the close a a course in Home
eon and, life is tee) large a : i +-13 fe-a't-un-es -- A
os ream- e trace t ing rt lights up the face and it s arki0m
nnished steers, 1,100 to 1,400 pounds; The effect of environment on reit-
Ruzgying by,
g'llietten71:rrom.. One of the outstanding
' Deut 4:32. Ask now of the days
Pthat this book of Deuteron- ferioritcomplex" ' t '
y of slavery, through o organtozfe :emelt:le:1v: ns ass work
rvok NursingIwunatseeart l'Ild•°Tthalle ethyeeld'°gs' 'with a b4rk
offered, raPging•frem $250 to $7,5 for tc,"I'helaiereee
the discipline of the wilderness rigor, nursing brigade, ready to go into the Snal? at the crystals that ed.cir around,
the fifteen group, and $100 to $40 orny is, in its present form, the work
for each of "the,.ather gro,ups. The of prophets a the seventh , century, and note the hardening of moral,fibre. homes to do emergency nursing as The town, is ,a/iye; and its heart 1.0 0,,
animals rriust have, been actuallY disciples of Amos and Isarah, wir Hardshap, dependence, reverence, obee :wei,e inf
they are needed. This fall, when they glow• '
o ed by the exhibitor for at least wrote for the instri3etion 9f the PcoVie dience, become master words in. their
orm a a 'woman w o a
ed th t _ h h d._ To welcome the coming. ot heautitet
one hundred days before the opening of their day. :They gather thekteries voeabulary. They tell us the line of
of the past,"mt7re esleciallY.Ofnileses civiliz' ation- is -mo-ving ever steeglily ust coine to the neighborhood had not •
a new edition of the ancient Mosaic of the lotus lands becomes a non.. baby that was coming, they set to ---,
of the show. en able to prepare a layette for the • --Jo hirakor Watson,
and the Exodus, an join them with northward. To it because the languor•11.
Feels• 1007' Better
0 .
Since 'He Took
dianthus plurnarius; gold dust
-alyssum;' reek cress---nrabis; Carpa- Milburn's Laxa-LiverPilis
harebell----caniPanala; 611017V 11 - .
• If you are fooling out of sorts, have
summer cerastium; rock reap -
- , contrtipation; iiligestion„, pains or ge-s
nefiantnernutn,;moss pink ppiox sim-
' in the stomacb; bilious spells, sic.k and
iarird-rose and soapwort sa- 11. ho t
, , , us C, 11,C. 7,11111, "Wit er
.ponaria ocynioides, brash etc. You will be surprised to
, .
Live Stock and Products
• Exports.
In. the eleven months ended with
November, 1923, compared with , the
same period last year there was an
increase in exports of live stock and
live stook Products to Britain from
Canada of 36,580 cattle, of 3,428,700
pounds of bacon and 1,884,500 lbs. of
pork: There was a decrease of 19,100
lbs. of beef,- the figures being 5.559,000 ,
ihs, 1923 eompared with 505784100
lbs. in 1922, and a. decrease of 5,400
lbs, of mutton. To the United States:
there was an increased shipment of
bacen and pork, and a decrease of
cattle cal es theep beef an4 Mutton
see hew quickly a kg* doses of Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver Palls will you
up. , •
Mr. jos. Hand, 354 Gilead Ave.,
Toronto, Ont., writes:—' 4Having had
cod results from usieg your Mil -
burn's LaxgoLiver Pills for indiges-
tion and constipation, and knowing the
misery' attending same, think it only
right to tell' others of the benefit
deriv-ed from their- use.
I was very much troubled with gas
on my stoinac a tor oat d t
many a night's sleep but alter using
two v els of your P la I eau truth-
fully say that I fee1 100% better.''
Price 2,5c, a vial, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of pliee by
The T, Milburn Co., Limited, ToroutO,
laws. TheY are. particularly anxious conductor- orthe divine voice, and that work ,end in one afternoon had the
in so doing,' to ixnpress upon the peo- men in hardship find God because they garments ready for her.
ple the goodness, of their God, his need him- and soaking ever, find? per-
ergtes contributedaaye e an
1 tt d
great love, and his guiding; hand, re- haps the ideal will be found in a con- $25 to the Northern Ontario Fire.Re_
vealed in the story. Here, in t e Pas- dition of wholesome tom amid sur- Hof. They hold their meetings with
sage before us, Moses is recalling the roundings of sublimity, amid a "won -
giving of 'the law at Sinai. (Set vs• derful out -of -doers of inspiring metin- the junkr Fa4riller8 on altern.at*
8-14.) How , wonderful it all was! tains, virgin lakes and Strea.S 'and months throughout the Year. They
Was ever such• a story told laefore? wild flowers, where people' are happy tOolC pari in the County -Judging Cern
Hasany other nation such a God? lat: their work, play with enthusiasm, petition; held a bazaar and had a
V, 33 Out of the niidst of the ,fire, and seem to have absorbed some ofibooth at the ichool fair. .„
Compare Ekod." 19: As 'told in the fineness, the -beauty, and t.he large- "Scotc4 Sett/sr/tent" • 'Pradford)
Exodus, a great storm of lightning ness of the land in which they liye.
and thunder accompanied the revela-} • 4 People of Destvity. If Sinai gives
tion of the law in the mountain. To us a revealing glimpse of the 'truth
the Hebrews, the thunder was always that in the laws of na.ttre "the hand
the voice of Cod, and that was hte of God bath w-ritten legibly.," even
name by which he called it, while the more clearly does' it show that Goa
h:uodu,va.y course y i,n,..seerw-lingnyeagluidaamade a
layette for relief work. They had a
s"14 b the necessary t-
i evening and dante to -raise
li htning was the flaming fire which Works through history, "If Ye will ing17:11td.c1.1hrirgdpallatti'ai the yearmaotiei riaacli
, flashed forth froin his presence, obey my voice . . . ye shall be an hol.y count of sickness in the neighborhood,
; through t le lcNv clouds le v.
_- ... . W tn 1 ie I , . L.
I e308nt:278J.steiccilgheim5.::4,Se5e. Pc. 18:7-14.
4:4.1141 anildi t.,,;,opgo'cktchnerwe".‘aviilil tdhna,,to titilicere Iv-ionis•d inlaivatgh 1..,,locir"foo itIir 5yloarocohgiaptoodptlooloyafttho: naeit)glahy_ 1
I tiles° tremendous 'phenomena of na- urated the beginning of civil 111"rtY, in \flay,
' t , Mosesrecognizes the evidence of and of democratic rule. Step by stop ,zutora packed a box a clothing for
God's controlling; power and to his Israel is prepared- become the peo-
unique revelation to Israel, pie of God, Lei the benedt of tlie r, hole Northern Ontario fire sufforers; made
1 Vs. 34, 35. Pe rocal'k also the great world. Inspired by Ood, organl;iation, a layette fer the North, and pneu-
fore their escape from that country, in the birth arid .g,rowth of a reatiozat
' eatxt-ildi2ctdeiiindfyingEgypte-s,(+107,nxtos ci.weibii,,c.h5-fittil • isole_c- icliltsitizetnustihoirjps, ocifywil orti,ihdiprnbeereaolt."1.177r).,,etTIrds m,lioi Intcri;i01.1.1rzyjia;,acailtrneint she rof3.tedrdrialf.liupn'ig'o nptia,ho Lei veltri tt, sli. 1 tile
an_ cl declares that all these. things were commonwealth, from which all pop- aontid,c,a ,very auct.tetsxua., baz
done that they might know "tha1,
t 1te ular government, such as we have in
1. Lord he is (lud; there i4 -IWne else be- Canada, had mince) emanated, ,e bla?
Pimples and ,$oi
• Were emus d b
niam 'lltnene A. Matthews, StaTnor
Ont., writesi.—fq thought 1 woula
write ancrtellyou of the ben
derived fro.in, Burdolok BioxL3litIera
Some few -months ago 1 wal trots.
bled with bad blood which broke ou4
on my face in the nature ofpiinplesy
boils and" ringworm, arid 1. -got so bad
really did not know what.1.0-dt>, r
was ashamed_to go anywhere; ani tb•
itching; and barnin.g caused snob a
terrible sensntion 1 could get no relict
clay or xright. One day a friend
adeised mo to use Burdock Blood:
ten, 1 used one bottle and felt qui -6S
a relief, and by tile tire.1 1: had f::,101.,
three bottles' I' wea completely
lived. I cenrieel•I'vtatse
and, T, hope anyone bgliood :alto 1 waft,
Tw,illmgeittbtithr: c: 70:1)::::::Teii:roe:: •
B,B.B, manufftetured only by 5