HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-1-31, Page 1'PTY-FMST, YEAR No. 2.0 '1A1•111111•11 ,33 MIRMISF IMMOlam 1 3 ; 4 • 3 • , 'Ammo.* , YQVK:::(),PPOjt NEW OVE EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY :0 get HEAP MEN'S $25 OVER- COATS ON SALE $20 MEN'S $30 COATS ON SALE a $25 $23 OVERCOATS ON SALE $17.50 8_ ONLY YOUNG nfEN'S COATS 410 EAC M.E.Nt$ 13.LK. OR GREY COATS ENGLISH. MEL'TONS, PLAIN OR VELVET COLLARS $22 25 Boy's Overcoats on sale at $6 and Bargains in Boots an hoes Bunks of Slippers and.Shoes Must be Cleared EMPRESS SHOES SIZES 2 ih TO 4 $10 EMPRESS SHOES Louis Heels, All Ses 34.98 VirOnIENtS CUSHION* SOLE SHOES $3.75 mud $2.98 WOMEN'S., JULIET SLIPPERS" (CD WOMEN'S FELT, SHOES Ex/ 2A9 , LADIES', HOCKEY sgoE8 @ SIZES '2 1,6: TO 5 $3.50 BARC-AINS OXFORDS AND STRAP SLIPPERS BARGAINS IN - CHILDREN'S SHOES WOMEN'S KID BEDROOM SLIPPERS 8 MEN'S FINE SHOES @ 3 50 30 PAIRS, MEN'S FINE' SHOES, MEN'S FELT SHOES Cr .7 C cent 011 aii tag n erwear for IV during e ruar en ONE 3 ecial- for this Week 13IG GRANITEWARE SALE OF, lst QUALITY POTATO POTS . • .5.0:IMPE11IAL GI NITE P0TATO'T.97s,SPEpIALii,99c , . PLUE and 'It-till:ET RANITE PO,TATO,p0TS \SPECI:4 isc QUA,LITY, NO 'SECONDS' . We still have a few pairs of .,,Auto Skates, Nothing better. FALCONS' LADIES' AUTO MEWS TO .1. OTO • ..... 50 0 .. $3.50 4.00 $5.50 Hockey Accessories .'erif Ankle Supports 41.25 ' PUCKS .... 15 AND 25c S'PRAI),5 25e, I-10CIKEY sai,gics 3o6 1-100IcE)tr 65c TIOCKEY ST/(ItS . . . 90c H()CREY sTic),(s• $1.33 TIRE 'I'APE per ROLL 5 ,k 10c - KNEE l'ALS .......,. . SITIN PADS . .. .. . . ..,....., 45c 10 per cent Reduction n a Stoves and Heaters insniithing and Plumbin ,aman •101111.10, AN,VARY. 3lst., 1924 , fXETEP COUNCIL • E.,;:oter, illonday, Jan. 28, 1921 A i'egular meeting of the Munici- pal Council Avas --hceld, in- the oflice of the Clerk. -Mettibers' all present. The minutes of the ,meethig held Jan'y 14 were read and confirmed. , Corresponaance was rea(t as fol- lows: Circular letter,from the = pipal World, ,St. Thothas, re nIunici- 7Z-, 'nal World Journal. Per Hooper-- = Coultis; ,That flLC Ciotti order four copies for the year% Carried, = 1 ette1'.4 from Canadian DesMoirtes = ptoi Conipany, =Chatham, re'... -Water- = Worke,system and the painting of the water -tower. Per Sou.ilicott-----Coultis Tliat.tlie Clerk secure prices tor the = paintiitg of the water -tower and tank. 411MMII = Carried. Letter from II. G. Rees, Lunch, re Seth Then -Lai Tower'Clock. Per Coul- = tis-s.I.loonern". The • Clerk to secure --,-**" pi -ices Carried. = Mr. Richard fru,ntex. waited on, the Connell regarding his appointntent as --ea-r; assessor, asking an increase in pay E for the extra'labor'-th be performed. = Per Hooper--e-,Cpuitise That the mo- tion as made Jan'y 14th, fixing asses- fiOr'S SalarY, be rescinded. Per liocnier.-1:000ltis: That Mr. = Hunterereeeive 811.5. and $10 for pre- paring truant officer's book. Carried. Per Davisi-Coultis: That Thos Eloulden be „allowed half yearly tele ephoneorent re attendance to water Wheel. Carried.' ' Mr.,jas, Weekes on behalf of Mr. Sohn:Taylor made in. requeSt that alr. Taylor be,a,llowed to move the frame - sitribrnd on AlainSt. to a - space ivithin 1 0 feet of Ann street, 4=We ..1•=11. = reporting that the same would be •••••• covered with fire„proof niaterial. Ac- tion deferred.' , , Per Heopern-Coultist That the , IIIMEW Reeve, and Treasarer are hereby im- powered to ,liorrew the necessary funds required fpr current expendi- tures for the year. Carried Thenreport ; of nthe Striking Com-- = inittee was received and is as fol- lows: Cemetery. „gommitteee-Coun- cillons ;Davis- andSeSoutlicott; Roads 1•••••• IMMO artyggi MIMS MINIM =MOO PHONE 32ri-7.4 --=- TENDER.S.;WANTED-For 9,cord' of two-foota-wood beech and maple, delivered at Thames Rd. Church on or before -April lst. Also tenders Lor cleaning the church. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secty 'Treas, oinor before Feb y 4th. K H. Brown Sec' y-Trea s, BORN CASE -At Mrs. Patterson's Hospital, Herisall, on Saturday January 26th, to Mr. aml Mrs. Ben S. Case, . MORGAN -In 'Ushorne. on -Jan. 28th, td Mr. and Mrs....Archie Morgan,. a , daughter. ' PEARCE.ne•-.At ,Jan." 3 '7 th,to Ilfr.. 114111 \U5. W. C. Pearce, a son. CARD OF THANES Mrs. Bertha 'Dowell and, Mrs. Smith desire to expresenheir sincere ', thanks and aPpreciation to the many ,frieriiIS and.' neighbors for theie kiad- nees and sympathy miring the recent illnesS and fleath of die late Mrs. Hy. Makins. 19ying nieniorY of Wil- liam: Coultis, -tvli.O passed away at Toronto, January 25th, 1523 There is a link death cannot sever, Love arid reinembrance, last forever. Sadly missed by his wife and family. WILLIAMS--In loving in.einory of our dear inot1n3r. alrs. Richard W. 'Williams, who died a year ago tO- day. Jan. 28tk, 1923, at Fillmore, , Saskatchewan. Peaceful be thy sleep, dear niotIter; Ti is sweet to breathe thy name, In Life We loVed yon dearlY, En death we do the same. Oft we thinlcof you, dear mother; And our hearts are sad with pain Olt! this tvorld would be a heaven, Cotild We hear your voiee 4ta,ln. You aro gone, but not forgotten, Never shall your- moniory facie. Sweetest thoughts ehall oval' linger lInind the grave Where you fir laid. lIer lonely children. .and 33,riflges," Ochinoillorn 11.0oPer and .COultis; Property,Coultis and Davis; Finance ; Southentt and: Hooper; the Reeve ..21niner51ber.1 of: all. cominitteen Approved �n motion aN'..is.:n-doul, S. .; Mr. Ste -Wart, ; through the 9161.-jr",,lina.."..nia„".kenttbat. to .haveiaetree ...,. • • 'his garderne, Referted tO Property Cothilittee. ' -".The Tender for the Municipal- prin- ting was let to the Advocate, Print, ing 'Co: Motion. of Hooper-anDavis. e • •Carried. - • The following accounts were read and ordc.red paid:a-Donation. Hosp.:nil for Sick Children. Toronto,. $10; do- natifon. Chiitclrexi's• Aid and 1-11-Mlaine So- cietV, Godertoln, $1.0-*; ROSS -Taylor Co, lumber eeineter;Ves.-$33.60 Cecil Ford, labor, $3; R. ,NatKandic & "Son, sup- . ores, $4.40; Bielr'Telephone, phone; 3 months, cenre,tery,. $4.62,'-Bissett's $6.15 D Ru.ssell, blacksmithing, $4.10;.R. G. 'Seldon, coal, charity, ,$18.40, T. 11. $12.40, Library; 1100.05, $1,30.8:5 s -Mrs. labor 5.00; C., I-1. Skelton, .repairs " to. furnace in Library 3.50; Frank Matte ett, labor' 4.50 firing Library, .20.00;$ Clyde Heywootn'teaffi''iabor 14.00; F..1 Cornish, do 1:00'; P. Hewitt, do 1.00 James Parsonsselabor 8.00;' T. Web- ster, do. 4.00; N. Vain, do. 4.00; Jam- athan Kydd, tenni' labor 16.50; Wm,. Brimacambe, lator .1.00; John Parsons 5,38; Peter Coleman, tearn labor 2,00; Rich Quance, 'labor,' 4.75; .Thos. San- ders, labor, 2.6.3s Chas. 2.00;- It. E, Davis, team labei 2 10- II Wer- , ling, labor 4.95,', D.R.0; officer 2,50- T. Conangwoodelahor '1.50; B. Treble D. R. 0 , 2 50 -. Sidney Davi- '" sagton Johns, Fraink*Wood; Jphin, Wrn. Ilbdg er t, .Gz.-$.:Anclers on, Alfred GambriIJ,'John.`10dd, '2.5.0 each, dut-' tes t Munichiat."..."Electinir;" herb., Handfard; and Mark , 2.00 each fOr booth; T Ach,e.drinfor -Meals 3.00; ' 11,\,rein.."-Mitchnn tor -meals 3.75; S. Cann, constable duties 2.50, - Passed an, matt:are:of Sou hoot and Adjeurninent by, Conitis A. Codmore, gravel, $2; C. Harvey, ADDINGEW EQUIRM 'rite S. M. Sanders anufticturing„ Co. have made very marled in res Since taking over the Jackson I.Wart- ufacturing Co, The output lias been steadily increasing and new aquip- , mesa is being installed to add to the efficiency of the factory. The latest adition, is 'a, new cloth laying mach- ine which is being installed tills week. rChis machine lays the cloth two layers at a time doing lhe worlt more economically than can be dorie by hand. BY COAL OIL HEATER a. coal oil heater in the north show window of 3. A. Stewart made a. very bad mess of the window and the articles an display on Monday morning of this week. The heatetr had been placed in the window to. melt the frost from the glass. An hour after the heater had been plac- ed there it was working, f-tlright, but later it began to smoke, becoming one black mass. The articles on dis- play which consisted of lathes coats and wearing apparel had to be all sent to the dry-eleaners. HARRISON---MENZIE WEDDING A quiet wedding took place at the )3elgrane Presbyterian. manse, 0 R Wednesday, january 23rd, \vilest Mies Mary Isabel Menzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Menzie, of Wingham, was united in marriage to Mr. James Cecil Harrison, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.; James H. Harrison, of Hibbert, 'The eereniony was per- formed by thee pastor, Rev. C. G. Jones. Immediately afterwards they left by train for Kitchener, Hamilton and other points. On tneir return they will take up their abode on the. groom's farm,.' Fullarton Township. We extend best wishes for a happy and prosperous,married life. ANNUAL'VIBE Ern/G.': • • . The Annual Congregational "Meeting of Caven Presbyterian ,Church was held on Monday everting, with Mr. J. A Stewart in the chair. The . Secretary - Treasurer, Mr. j. H. Grieve gave the financial report,winieli was the nest' for yearn. all obligntions being, met, a,nd a -substantial balance on," band It was deeided to decor ate the in- teror of tlye Re'2Pon‘ atternEi-°tulo'tlin-lia.fel-fri%hittnisrbilne;gtlecsanhd4•3itiOencli All the old officers were re -elected - To the managing boardaG, S'. Howard, Reg. Knight; as secretaary,njames IrI Qrseare; as an ditors, Dr. Kinsman,and R. Horton.- Refn,:shirien s were ved by the ladies after the business -ad bean concluded, ..-- • ',- EXETER LOOSES TO CLINTON The Exeter Juniors went to Clin- ton Tuesday evening to ,play the re- turn game in the Jr. 0. I. A., and were :put out of the running for !group -honors:' when Clinton defeated !them 2-0. The, 'genie was fast at times, but the ice was somewhat stic- ky. A large CTOW4, witnessed the game, a number of fans having gone up from Exeter. The first period was a battle from start to finish; the first count coming at the end of the period, scored by Nadiger, star of the Clinton team. Hey and Hovey were both penalized for minor offences. The 'second period was a little slower owing to, the heavy ice. There was'noscoring in this period. The Exeter team had the edge on the shooting but the Clinton goalie prov- ed a stone wall. Two penalties were imposed in this period, Hind and Cole decorating the "boards. The third per - Lod 'was fast. Statham and Hey made individual rushes getting through but failed to score. Naclager Statham were both off for tripping. About the middle of the period Nad- iger scored the second tally for Clin- ton. Wainer in the Exeter goal turn- ed in a good game and Hey showed up well. The Line-up Jos. Senior, Clerk. EVANGELISTIC 'SIsRniiCES DRAWING. GOOD' CROWDS The Evangelistic services ' being held in Main street '114,ethodist church ,are increasing -in attendance and in- . terest. The seabed week is now in prOgress, with a record attendance on ,Tuesday night, .Some of the con- . , gregation having 1.9., find seats in the gavery. The preaebers .are deliver- ing. heartestirriag; ehalionging Ines, sagas whielt, according to tne popular verdict are having an, impression on their hearers. A special" Service for Young Pi;mple was held' on Tuesday night and on Friday night there' Wilt (1>iet ea. sOtonry.517n1:::;311:eeve01:11dIgrenn'e' t.Eavle. 1.7Y night there is a ineeage for Otiery- o'clock a special :ter:vice for men °toy vill be"cenducted in James street ehurch by 1e0 W E. Donnelly and a special 501 130 for women only at the same hour in Maia street 30 1011 by Rev. In E. Olyedale. Each week night servide,begins at 7.45 With a rousing eoreg.44y,too MAO (A,ch service s worth a OA, e o rt to attend, The public ,rApy ityifQa to at - end and WeA, e)tt, Von 1.3 evening the ..86,1413es will be contin- ued in James street, Church, Exeter , . . , "Wainer goal Rey .L. defence Brokenshire R defente .Rind Centre" - O'Brien L wing Statham R wing Subs Kellar Rau Clinton Elliott j " CountY C senabled for the initial sessjon 192, on Tuesday afternoon, the first oort- an t item being the °Yee tion of , War -- den. The lot falling this year to the Conservative representatives of the council to "name the man" the inan- tle settleii on the shoulders of Reeve Alfred E. Erwin, of 13ayfield. Reeve Alex. H. Neeb, of Stephrt was limner - up, the final vote standing 10 to 8 favor of Reeve Erwin,, Ileeve Wirt. Coates, of Ilsborne, and Reeve Fran- cis J. lVfcQua.id, of alcKillop were the Uy other names balloted on. In ()Pen eduncil tbe motion that"Council- tor Erwin be elected Warden was Moved by ,Coancillors Neeb 'and Ode tes. "Warden Emviies Address Ex -Warden, 13. "V.Vr. F. Beavers, of Exeter, conducted 'VSrarden Erwin to tire chair. In his inaugural address, which was brief, but to the point, the newly elected 'Warden thanked the members of the council and expressed his appreciation not only of the hon- or they had done him, but aleo of the trust they had placed in his hands. I41 assuming, this office, said the Wardell, I follow me11 who have fil- led the position With credit to them- selves; their municipalities and the county. I hope, with your help, to fulfill the respOnsibilities and dis- charge the ditties of the office faith- fully, conscientiously and impartial- ly. The taxpayer is sqnealing; I be- lieve n ecouomy and I prefer re- trenchmentawherevr possible, but our good roads system must be 'main- tained to the necessary standard for the exceeding heavy.automobile traf- fic of the day. I am not taking office as a man who knows everythingby any means, hut I will do my utmoat 'oSe Nor IVIEA: OFTEN MEANS . TO,' SE "WITH LESS., STRAIN' IT IS AvrxiLL To ItE1).1- 13MBEit THA'r . THE ONE PAIR OF EYES HAVE TO • LAST , YOTJYOUR 1.1 111 TIME AND InT 0111)30110111)3011To' GIVE 11HEINI .1-111.1 BEST CARE, ALL EYE STRAINTe .SIIOULI), BE REMOVED.,- WIII.D0 ERLYA.DJUSTED GLASSES WHEN NECESSARY. S ATI SPACTIO 41.1AR.,AINTEV FITTON Registered Oiatornetrist RAND CONCERT , + Dashwood and Exeter Bands will; give a fine concert;consisting of 01%. chestra Selections, Quartettes, Sol'ozo Monologue, etc., in_ the Opera, Hose, to furnish you. with any information' that you may require. .In closing, 62n50 Tauriuddl-a5Yo'I ; R'eelDs'e'riv5etdh's'ieaAtsal4110sCs„illah't tWheardpenasstrgivionif Judge Dickson, madelgl:er 6reneeato r Huwes Drug store' war tax extra. i- 'gocid fellow and a noble citizen." Mr. Charles K. Saunders, chief of the Lions Club was present and ex- tended an invitation to the conncil to . , attend the regular luncheon of the Club, Friday noon at the Bedford Hotel. The cordial invitation was ac- on FFriday-6vening Jan. is a 3:1 cePRteeed.veanki.d•Isit. aNPel:bu,se0-1 Stephen, and her of -neighbors and friends g' ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs - Clerk, G. W. Holman, were appointed. to the. Board- of Criminal Audit on being their sciflivrersb-w°~1endediritttge,tas°flelfiavseili::J,A, motion of Councillors McQuaid and au., Mr. and a.,fes„. Hicks wereeaway Coates. ' at, the time- andn'Wee. ;00 -ed- 11 °me' . , Middleton and B. "C. lvinxinings Reevb- ' ,. On motion 'Pr- Connell/ors O. 0-. ,AnanAzieroy,ensociab;e..6r..e14nn' Win. Coates; of Uskorne, Reeve F....T. aiaphraoymipnga,yreo.rygranal‘ao,il jonytrl•A snort at,eQMoaid„ 9f„, 'eKili op, and;Reeve jrntup en 0110 Thos. Englis, of HoWick, were ap- ing the course of which .Ail ,003- Mrs. pointed as the Good ;Roans Coinmis- Hicks were present„ed \vith sion.tor 1 92 4. . ' . 114) - Ori motion of Councillors 0. Geiger) 1.ress and a cabinet of sil.lel'-' The address was read by mr. woo, and E. F. Klonn, Albert Whitesides, Moodie, while Mr. Wm. ,ta' ydd made of Hensall, was re-elected as high the 'Presentation: The following- was county„constable at a salary of $200. the address. Alex _McEWen, -- ef Stanley, :and ' Robert I-liggins„ of Hensall, were ap- pointed as county auditors, ori. infr- - Mr. Hector -R,onfcliffe is 1/1011311 to the house of Alr: SnParsens, on the Lond.on, Rd. south.", , ' SILVER 'WEDDING -.).1..NNIVERSARIC. a,nd Mrs. ',Alfred I-liclea.- As W. Boefactteienneinidic'rcs o'Diti.'necileilog4.e.ar, W. 1). DJ:: np11:t , -tp - cOrigratulate fpue.on fine> illicel , . 1. ,:e: id. il: Uy ,., .-Ff.:, ti t iv el r:::.2.4A 1111 el Tr urb ec):, 7 :Srns:;:03 ..:11.. 1,ra Nol lefo-\1 ''"i: 1,,,, 1 sesy- --1 a ri 1 it 10 - tion „ , - Sanders and A. II. Neel), respectively. -wedding. Some of us have lived be- --- to the Exeter Board of Edunatien "cntY iiiy- 'T '• "iiiitiv''e l'ecul IsIn- W. A. Turnbull.,..was appointed,' sinidg0.t;eltijvr.sa:"rni"igalli:nrs'clvi'llifr:u.g sotirthee taking the place of 'W. G. Medd, e s not -0 iineor . w n nso - , 01 1.1 S , .. e a .. ie \ c you whose term was out tills year. have livied happily together,' and have On 114011011 of Councillors H. A. 1be'rrooa.ePmeateon.eaieooiicrlacEwaa and J. W. McGibbon tint; be sometimes differences of op:it-lions ceeommitnniitttteeees Lor tile erikyeear the s satpapnocliinnig- i tt ., ,_, 13 1 ., d , , in any !home, yet, we believe those .... pe y g,r1....rancss a,y nn. us eraser ed' as follows:-Cortneillors F. J. mc- together, and give - us nenewed 'confide Quaid, B. C. Munnings, A. C. Baeker,lenne to no on and build up 'happier Oewn Geiger and Thos. Inglis. 'homes for ours'alvns and bur familie,s. . i As neighbors wie bane•.s,s 's' ‘a.- fo ncl ,,,I.r. Executive -Sohn Hayes, STANDING COMMITTEGEeSo. B. ; ptYii°71)1:e,,sraec:fdd YmI.c'taneci:1,,, t.kilv:31....111el'it"nh'I'1,;:,'01(..>",0.1.3:.]:.‘1,1,::1)ourz-k;:s oaoirr Halli6Y, ' 10014 Jamieson Elm,ore eF11l-r-a emi..encarimlaln'o 5'Y11 1,0 tc'lo'ua-.r R , °11 whnly patreioppMathew Arun; nisu"ra;rvasleac3'0,' .3n' Own arit yoi'beie-chaIircPtld,Wel.i1: Geiger; C. G. Middleton, J. WesleY d •other qualifidationa whichsort Beattie, 'Thos. McDonald, have shown •,u, (.1% Pittance -A. H. Nreeb, Chas. CWOCi15 the' Robertson, John Douglas, 14. J. :Sic-0113fl0S5 that till's ,r0000000. hood can boast of, and we ill bolo,' riLIU"'IU that God win spare you to each other, Education -Dr. W. j. Milne, Roln. "to• You family and to your 1'e': 0: a d ilsItionoiritijoiegesd: nj-.7.1ilic\ INcacuugtiolotooloio. 33 g t es ytoll:;:f133Tailmolsiriiiicll b.‘ A.e3dcial innge, , 'alsa a ft token. of our esteem ;vve aek Road and Bridge ---j. Franklin you to acc,ent this case or eilvees and . • 3r . C. Daeker, John L . McEwcni. Signed by your friends end ig neh- 9.inston. John Hayes, Den. S. Nay- 003.1 you will long li,v,e to enjoy then). County Properl.y--J IL Ewen, C. A. Roher-M-011, W. Sall --1 ders, John Mclanghteit, Oswald 111'1Vi3:" lett(If Ginn. i Inflt,i)--; 'its; 's; , o Nadiger Cole O'Rourke Roberton v ey Cook Higgins (nris:G vrii-or-r.,E anc,,ANIZE i -/\, very enthusiastic meeting took place in the ifrivitt Memorial Hall, 011 3O:01103Y evening, when it wasi de- cided to establish, a braneh tof the Angliean Young People'e Aseciation, IIithertotile young lle0P1.8 liatio only been organized for definite mission- ary work, but thie ergailizatien for their social, educational anti in-, tellectital welfare. 'Pilo election 0f_ oilicers was as ..follows: ---Patron, noy. A, A. Truniner; President, Mir. Henry Dotvers; Vide-Prott, Mr. Don- ald 1). 'Davis; Treas., Miss I.Iettie Sweet. A Front-a/nitre; Social and Loolco et. Colitraittee 33734. al.so appellit- led 'under eac11 of those 011111.0", The 1 (fret meeting will take place on Evi- day, Feb, 810, at 8 p.niand on eaela Succeeding Friday aliening. County Horne- Robt. Buchanan, i Owen Geiger, B. C. niunningS, Dr -W. 3. Milli Wftrden's Conurtittee----.F. J, Mc- Quaid,' Win. II. Coates, Thos. Englis, Elnio)e F. 101app, A, E. 'Backer, Good's Roads Committee - -'\V. H. Coates, hi, J. :McQuaid, ThoS. Engine. Proposed Gvante to Voriotie Organ - i /Arlon S Start :keel 411i not' Debate, Por snore than two liouY'S and a (31' 11109'3 1-1101 e '3131 4:1.0 "14-3V al the "Vlitirsday aft rra0011 eft -tine- of the ("tiancil, The .,i,,i"eetztititi Coreittiit- te 0011.131113' of 1)t,313,1:7 13' (0 llaYeS of )3Welton, (Ci(alreiit)an) 'Reeve, Geo. II. Hartley of.:41.tittie2', TICIO*,"0 Jainiesen, of Aelifir'itl. RiteeVe n. Klopp, of I1a-j7 81.1a ,\...-vinetronef, 01 lefullett, bear- ing iligh the standard of e0one013', ltroright i exceedineoly 300( 0(4: t,Con t 1Su pao fetal' • The twenty-fourth a 133101 - 1)0111e." of the Hare)) Old Boys' As- siociatinn of ieorout.i \v -e held in the Oddliellt)fes Tcriple. Cetilege 421,0 5, Pridive night' and v.ifte attetid ed by old boys anti representing :tiniest eiery Dee nf tile old 301101y of iturtn. Many bappo,r old. -lime association. were re-uewed. The hall 'was tastily decorated., caxtle representing the difieffentmui hies pit tite (00 1..' ot Germ> 'being 111(33. tile •salle r rovid- foot, 1130 pceeitiefie, inlet( at, matt daring the eoncert1nirie ately follerwing to coneee,t, ahe (12( 1104 program IVa0 coot m eine'teJ, Sitit continued ij11111 2 o'clack, fIOdI the dtrection, Of floor 1.1 '1.t13.01 3 .A. Cainerote 301Soeliciliro to- rt of, o 90 gr in , whielt 0400 ciputed in by trially of floe 010 100101313 V 211(01110rize)e33("iigf t.81113 at,'--a)On.tativn ror 0111 ,conlpotisc)rs,