The Exeter Times, 1924-1-24, Page 7• nd Help' Others
rt. Is a tradition of the BoYel North
West :Mounted police that they always
accomplish the „taslt set their:, 110 mat-
, •
ter the difficulties faced, or the num-
ber against them, or the time required.
In Ilving up to this tradition members
Of the force have followed evildoers
by horsobaek' canoe by dog train, a.nd
on snowshoes clear to the Arctic
el Circle.
IL is a traclition of a city fire depart-
ment that wIlen an the way to a fire
and there is clanger of a street colli -
Bion, or of, running over a child, the
firemen sacrifice themselves. The fire
engine, or truck, is run into a wall, or
telephone pole, or over an embank-
illent—anywhere, so long as it le only •
the gretnea who are hurt- I Every day we are shocked by thet"pacify it, thus perhaps' spreading tho
Certain hockey,' football, lacrosse report of sOme mailmailor worrian dying gei•Ins 'of disease. Itcan apply in
and othef‘ teausS are traditionally first suddenly in the prime of lire. We other wayS, too. A child may develop
class sportsmen. They always play a
wonder why people should thus be ,cut' some communicable disease and its
hard, clean, thoroughly sportsmanlilte
ofr in the very heyday of their exis-; treatment be neglected ,so that corn-
tence, and for want of a better reason! plications set in. These complications
gam,e, that it is a pleasure to watch;
and they always play their hest u t ,ascribe the happening- to Act of God., may leave their mark on the victim
n when he or she has reached adult
the last niinute, no inatter, if there ' ndoubte lte rue is saying:
wl,:‘here is a Divinity that. shapes °lir Ille• How lnanY tines do we see 1 -leg=
"sliesse.ore against them taut tuuas,norpe ends; -rough-hew them how we wilm,rlect to have a simple ailment put
• but still we cur, go out and meee r1ght in the early stages. How often
The tradition of certain -old regiments trouble at times when pei'llaPs we do we allow' niirl°1'` ccmPlaillts to dee
of the British Army are well known?: could With. a little care have avoided' veloP into serious trOuble, all bedause
that they will go wherever they are 'it- or at least warded A bfr. we are not edUcated up to the point
' where we are able to see the possible
directed •or led, no matter if it means • 'When sickness comes tnere. is al -
certain death, -•ways a reason for it. The.reason maY. outcome of delay and rieglect. There
, , ,
extra goocl
Previncial Board of Health, Ontario
Or, Middleton will ,be.glad 'to artsWer. questions on Public Health mat-
tere through. tiiis column. --Address 'him at 'Spitdina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
. •
a_viont', Pilot Me."
In thec pe life, says au...A:inert
an, .te t ,0 learn to loye the grea
11-Yrr.ln. Lac" 19ag Jesus
Saviour, ilet Me, , by • heart; •
strange end trying circumstances
teciened to love t.
QU el, 13; eattitul Sunday morning 11
the summer of 1913, during the bloody',
Balkan War, • eight of we all Ameri-
cans, sat on. the upper deck of the
steaeter lehanaella On her way up the
Gulf ,of SmYriaag We sang a -nernber
of songs and last of all 'Jesus Savi-
ells, 'Pilot Me."
-None cif us. will ever forget the'fas-
eitattion of the; song on, that quiet
Morning. Overethe hells layethe ruins
of Ephesuct and the other cities to .
whose seven cliurcheS' John wrote,*
, }tacit beyond the headland stood the
j ocean -washed , melt. called Patmos,
where tlie, exiled apostle "was in the
.Spirit our the Lori's day.". N,Ve too
were in tire Spirit that morning in
1913:' -
The song ce'eSecl, and we all sat in
pensive silencel Then the steamer
They o Disappeared After
• Using Dr, Pink
• .
"What does 11 mean?" we asked
0110 ano ,
I hurried _below to make Inquiries.
"We have reached the edge 'of the
mine field," 'auSwered the chief en-
, .
gineer. ,
• "Can't We go on to Smyrna?" I
e "Yes, when the pilot boat conie.s out
and leads the Way through the mine
; • .
field:", '
• .
'Soon the, little- pilot bbat came out
to us.' Sometlines, in its winding
colirse:thelittle boat described the let-
_ .
ter -S.: The ISImiaelia being a long
steamer, „ireq:uently had to stop, re-
verse an manoeuvre in order -to
lowIthe- exact course of the pilot boat.
At oneplaceWe passed between two
- ships that had„struck mines the week
before and had, ,sunk; their masts
,sticking up -out' of the 'Water warned us
what would be ,our fate if We did not
follow,our pilot. Over and over :we re-
peated a prayer to the Great Pilot to
guide us, right. ;We got through safe,
but a ship. that was following 'another
pilot boat stiitck"a mine and •sank.
In troubled times since that day
have foetid:confidence and courage
froth, ;
Jesus, Saviour,, pilot me
'Over: life's te,napestuous -sea";
TenlcnowneWai•-ea 'before rae roll,
Teeltesageeedg et,taLtreech'rons shoal; . -
.0,Cehsaurst, anavcii0cuesra,j paiiSeSt`
'Niglitfallen: Snow. •
These nights et snow are loving o
the air '
As. the stillenicitber of a grieving bey;
For so they fill:the:air- With 'sett con-
s , are many people living to -day with
Similarly Scoutthc4,"•".s acquiring a .1,)e remote and obsoule, hut it s thele heart murmurs an ill -health whose
• tradition—PartioularlY-the tradition of Just the same. It may be due to condition can be directly traced to the
Public Service; of usefniness to P. . --, ..• --.. -: 'tact that they had decaying teeth in
neglect of our health . in our early .
n.fh,„. ,. , childhood, thereby leaving As indelible early youth which were not attended
---- ' titlark on our future. It may be dee to -
Hero are some stories of 'Canadian indiscretions and excesses in the
, it may days to.
FrsOninschwerethwehsiedecaabsorbed intongstoeebthwent
Scouts who were prepared, and Per- of, youth' and early adult life outnoi
the system and.ultimately fourid their
valuable Public serVice when be due to excesses in eating and wainto the blood opportunitY-came•-.' drinking, thereby paving the Way fy e ood strea;u, thus af-
or Y
During the -clis'astiGusr fire in Norih- a''broken-down system, when all the fecting the heart. It is not onltee,th
ern -Ontario last fall notable, public Physical cogs ' should- be rullning that are often neglected. Take the case of adenoids. This condition
service 'Was, rendered by eha seentsIsmoothly and without a creak.-
and Scout leaders of that diiirict. .eO'n considerathis mocauses month breathing because the
• tion of'st im- nasal passages are either 'wholly or
At North Cobalt, DistriCt Conirnis- P°1-tant Pr°blein—the inej'ease of the partially blocked. Mouth -breathing in
sionee Rev, 11. Ems Grtaley_ahe Raver span, of -life and the 'avoidance of turn has a tendency to bring on afe
physical infirmities that might be fections of the throa.t and lungs
Scout Bathwell, at the risk Of their
Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and
consumption are all waiting sometime
0 • eth to catch a -mouth-breather
and lay him -511--Er-k4.1_91 sickness -
There are many, many
preventable' ill -health and of condi-
tions _that will in time ,lead to ill -
health and premature death. There
is no reason why the span of life can-
not be lengthened, and it is being
lengthened health information is
prevented,' the first thing needed is'
S -,-'2'-22''''43.113.1'1-difilit'lliE3'1—WithOcir
fleeing to places of safety, remained 'world is beginning to recognize the
lives', with fire to the south, nokh and' ED u
flames, but when the•inhabitants were Hopeful signs are appearink that the
behind to direct and aSsist the people value of education. in solving t e
instrumental in saving inany Byes. . f`Goodwill without knowledge is
But for a change of the wind the Com- warmth without and how fore-
missioner and .40.ver very /3dbahi3,. ibly•this aPPlres to rnarlY mothers' who
, r_ With the best intentic,ns will moisten
would 'have. been lost. Both alter-
wards required'emedica.1 aid. •
, ,At Heileybury Scoutmaster Severt
of the 1st Cobalt Troop staYed„ to assist
-persons In clanger,aand it was stated
that but for- a change_ in, the wind- he
also w,ouid have, been 'burned, one'
case he had .to forcibly remove "a0h.
aged. lwom.anserorn her home, ea.rrying
her to a•plade of'safety. •
in their flight. They probably, Were world's problems.
an mte . bee boys , ote his troopin
ColdOlt were doing.splondid service tn,
looking after refhgees froth th.e bp:ru-
ing • district., They`, served treffeah.-
fais,nts,, "located missingchildren 'and
'restored ,theiii‘ "to .their parents.' and
Collected and-- -' distributed 'clothing.
They watchect'for, and put uut incipient
fires on the Outelcirts'"b1,_the tOWn.
4),' 'In julYbei9,19 two .Scouta Were seat -
on _
,,‘ed the slrore„at .Pureell'a,Cove, Hali-,
`lax PIahbort wheit.they' noticed. sonie
distance out a:Dian:Ina, canoe-, endeav-
oring' to reach land against:the' strong
wind and. heavy Sea running. As the
boys , watched the canoe:,sirdenly cap-
sized. The. Scouts quickly ecured
and launched a boat, and'pulled out to
the seenee The man was clinging to
the overtdrned- canoe.. The :Weight of
the man made, -the rescue very:difficult'
andtdangerouS in the reagh sea,but
finally by -cool-headedwatermanship
the two- boys got the unfortunate
safely 'into` their. boat. 'After ct, hard,
pull. against ..poth,.sea, and -wind they
Iegained, the shore. There, to",•cOrti-
pieta the work of ScOut service, they
revived their , rescued passengerwith
hot tea which .they Secured 'frons:a
nic party. Theetwo Scouts werei'Mur-
ray'„Fraser, 13; and Arthur Good.Win,
15, let Halieag: Troop. -
leer eveo weeks- duiting.thelfeSuMMer
holidays fikr.0 Ottawa Pat1*.eg4(31*
'Keeley and MCD,ougall; 91h Ottawa,
Troop—Svere on, duty- 'at the Ottawa
'Union Depot disti.lbuting fire Iprotece
tion painphiete for the Canadian P
a comforter in their ()evil niceiths arid more ail more, diffused aniong the
then put it into the• baby's -mouth to masses, of the people.
-• Paradise. KEEp LITTLE oNEs
tord, make my heaven plain and Isere, S • -
new' and: whole, with room ,tp
(No clutter 10 -it, anywhere! -
No shabby rugs across the floor,
NO rubbers flung behind the doer,
No Sunday papers any more!
No littered manelpiece to dust,
No crowded. ;closets; nothing mussed,
Nor any fear of moth and rust!)
With spaces clear and orderly; •
•Windsswept,'Iri sunshine—I 'would ,be
A singing. spirit, .strOng and free.
With Heaven itself in which to roam
(I wonder—would I feel at heme?).A.D
." The Scribe.
'12'7in-ter is a iiiOnkish .scribe.'
In a whlte ceii.
'draws black letters on a page
Marvellously well.- •
He draws 0 them out exceeding fine,
Blackboughson squares of sky,
And curious.thorny shapes of things
,Where white -snows -Ile.
, •
He' boedersallthe page about,
-His .brush illumes with red
TheeteXt of berries' crimson.bright
..In-place.of roses dead. .•
The edgehe gilds' with. dawn and dtisk,
.And lays liia. white page still
Where any man who passes by
May .read it, if he. Will.
. • • .:—..1.111cla Morris.
The -time that, yOu' are like like the
'inoney. that You Save, df3 useful only it'
• u know how to. spend it
estry Association. rn 'Ord. er ,to• cover -
all trains the-hoYs came.yo
, emeduti, at
daybreak. They accePted nothi' `
ng for
their service.
Sudden Dea,th, •
Let use hOts,go like a candle, bIt burn
Far through .the ntht,
Tortured and,Waverinde,flickering out
A pitiful light .: -0,
Lot me burn stcadLly, ray3
creeping, ,
Lighttnik the Place,
—Then let t,ho wind from 11 now -0 en
ed window come 'swooping
e out into epacet
, ----Elizabeth „WhEtneY
The City of LOUiden :has a night
population of 13,705, but. during the
4ay there ice,an influx f 402,446, with-':
tut counting casual v.h.tifors,
A device for neasuring the can's
depth by 'reflected 'sound ,waves hrbe-
ing tried.
Praise, tied net teen t -finding, is the
teacher's' best weave/1.7-4%e Risher/ of,
After seventy yearsl I still think
myself thrice fortunate to have been
horn,—General Sir •Ian Hamilton.
Waring old clothes is all right for
the, man whoknows he doesn't have to.
35 -Cent. "Danderine" Does
Wonders for Lifeless
Neglected Hair.
A. gleamy mass
Ne of luxuriant hair
j full of gloss, lee.
tre,and life short-
ly follews a genu-
ine , toeing '-uP of
neglected scalps
with dopondable
"Da n.derdin.e."
Falling' h a Ir,
itching scalp and
the dandruff jo
corrected immediately. Thin, dry,
wispy or fading hair is quickly Invig-
orated, taking en new strength, color
and youthful beauty, "Danderine"' is
delightful en the hair; a refreshing
sthnttlating tonic --- not Sticky, or
reeSyl Any , Ste
Winter is -a dangerous season for the
little ones The days are so change-
able—one bright, the next cold and
stormy, that the mother is afraid to
take the children out for the fresh air
and exercise they need so much. In
000sequenbe,t4ey are often cooped up
in overheated, badly ventilated r'ooms
and are soon seized with colds or
(grippe. What ,is needed to keep the
little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets.
They will regulate the stomach and
bowels and drive but colds, and by
their use the baby will be able to get
over the winter season in perfect safe-
ty. The Tablets are sold by Medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
She—"Are ,•you making any New
Wear's resolutiona';>" .
I-Ie—"Np----only adding a few arnend-
ments to inyold ones,"
Gas Concrete,
"Gas concrete," the invention of a
Swedish 'architect, is inadoof cement,
slate -lime and a secret subetance that
causes the water, vidien added, to gene-
rate a gn.s that re see the mixture 'as
yeast "raises' dough. The doecrete
hardens into a pumicelike substance
that is not fetich heavier than wood.
Thegroat poresity of . gas concrete
makes it an excellent insulating 'ma-
terial. Prost and moisture do not in-
jure it, and an eight -Inch wall of it has
proved to lie,of sufficient thicknese for
the Swedish climate.
Encore Not Appreciated,
A little girl who does not ender -
Stand encores found fault with thee
anclienco et a recent •children's don -
cert, inwhites she helped to sing a
. ,
"Iknow we didn't make one mis-
)take," 1io excialinod, on the way
onuicv,"aungd__,...ainY.e.ot they tn_aLle us sing
All the world loves a lover; but .c,w
people have any nee for the iself-lOVe.
Imponderable, ireeSistible,.
And draw the numbing hardness`slew-
- ly out,
And slowly weave -a
ness in;
So freely on its harsh and hungry
gloom „
They spend the last -calm silver penny
of love.
gradual , sweet -
0 perfect strength 'of soft unstrenuous
0 mouth of beanty whispering In the
2Eol'1an snow, that thrilLs against the
wind, .
That drifts on hidclerrogrAce, and lights
it up •
With shreds of many rainbows blend-
ed , white!
0 wild and revolutionary anew ,
That tosses utter newness round the
' world,
And lays it on the 'nations in their
—Sarah N. Cleghorn,
Would Secure a Ful Vote.
Wifiel—"How .cail the women ever
getezeut. a full vote?" .
• ,Hubby -L -"The suggestiOn that the
polls.; be, 'moved to department 'stores
would do the trick, I think."'
• '
A Joke.
S 1'011 ITEEKS
Every 'woman, a times, finds,' tile
routine of housetV6rk ieltsorne. But
hew znhc,h, mere difficult are,the daily
teaks of the liome to the wonian ,who
is nervous and rundown.? She pre -
'Pares meals for the familt- but has no
appetite for food, What she does eat
distresses her, headaches and dizzi-
ness follow, 'there IS a fluttering of the
heart; and. the complexion becomes,:
pale. In cases of debility of this. kindl
building up tlie blo,od, is generally ef-
fective. By improving the quality ofj
the blood and increasing, its qtantity, j
nottrishment, is carried to the Shatter -I
ed nerves. neeyes. 'The appetite thvarlablyi
improves and gradually the exhausted j
system Is toned Up and the whole out- I
leek of life Is brightened. I'Virs. Gee. j
Grant, R. R. ' No 1, 'Markdale, Ont
tells for the benefit of others the. greal
benefit Dr. Williams' :Pink, Pilla were
to her in a run clown 'cpndition Sh
sayse--"If ° anyone can strenglY ve.d
, • -
cornmen.d Dr. Williams' ,Ptuk -Pills I
feel I cats. Per over four years ,I had j
been troubled with my nerves,' and for
weeks, at a time 1 woutd sitffer. .ter-
rihly with headaches. My , blOocl'j was
very thin; I had, no appetite, could
hardly go about...,I we's afraid to -stay
alone in the house as tear,ed ,some-
thing would happen flte. Finally I de-
cided to try Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills
and the Y have made `Me a new Woman,
as I ant now- the picture of health.
have increased in weight, the head-
aches come no more, and my nerves
are as good as ever they were. Be-
fore I began .taking.1)r. Williams' Pink
Pills life was 'a burden; now I enjoy
living, and 1 hope some other Woman:
will talee courage from my exPerience,
for feel sure that what this'medicine
did for me 'it can do. for others."
• Poultry Mating .(pr 194.
gard. to age of. breeding stoccIt
no east iron rule, will liold good. But
• .
oin many df breeding, the gen-
1 ontnitin la that s',0Q911d year birds
are the best, Fiat If pellets haVe not
been "forced"' tor eggs, and fertile
eggs a ,not required before lelarch,1
very. geed. retsulte are laltely to be
yealized. It is when melted 'and breed-
ing earlier, in an unnatural Season,
that iimnaturity entails some degree
of wealtness. '
When •you liave secured' aft especial-.
'1-,y good mating it is well to Continue
o use - same male bird. for two or
--three sectsons; or. until same cau be
replaced 1)y a good son of his. go now,
-With` mating time right upon us, it is
'well to keep this In mind The breed-
ers of the heavy° type Rocks '`Wyan-1
dottes, 11. L Reds etc., should now
mate up their peps and have the's' own
hatch for winter layers off early in
March, This is not too.early, as it l5.
necessary to let the larger breeds have
six frtonjths to /nature in before they
are placed in. the laying houses.
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a
box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
WouldItnigh.t leave the prison that
And be some &her person for a day,
And feel the fireslif inind and paesion
play "
Beneath some other breast ----behold
thau my own, and
sigh -
With other anguish, yearn with otheet.
Oh, I would soar a/act-slug, aspire and
On patlia where alien spirits pant -end.
Who knows wha:t raPture,
• pestuons dream
Might then burn deep into my bone
and blood! -
With blue, perpetual spring my days
might bud,
And all the world I knew before might
seem .
But EIS an isle that,caught a sudden
gleam., •
From foggymaintands past the bridge -
less flood!,
-.--Stanton A. Coblentzi
what tem -
One Gu.arintee.
The Irishman had called at the farm
and had asked the farther to give him
a Job,
The. farmer at first refused to listen
to a word. he had to say; but after a
time,in response 10 the man's plead-
ing, he agreed to take him if he could
answer a ,number of questions satis-
t weli until the, farmer ask-
"Where do you come. from?" '
'"Ireland,", • replied the 'man quite
"Ireland!" cried the farmer. "Then
that settles it. 1 Gan have no more
'Irish People here; they all die,on 103t
hand's." -
'But, please, yer honor," said the
man, "I'll get you a certificate that I
hare never died on the hands of any
of my other four masters."
Ask for Minard'a and take 'no other,
Find New Fearl 'Bede In India.
Twenty' miles of' pearl oyster beds
that will begin to yield in 1926 have
beexi ' the Gulf- of Man-
nar, at the lower tip of India. British
Government officials in India predict
the largest' pearl flaheries of a century,
will deVelop. The new .beds are di-
rectly oPpoSIte the ancient fisheries of
deYlon exploited by the Greeks and
"You. plead 'guilty' to etealingethi
• "No your ,I-Ictor I took 1t for
, A thoughtful frown ,creased the edi-
ctal brow.
, -
"'low -far did you carry that•pig?"
"Iliet over to niv house ---a nieffer'of
two miles." • "
O "Yon carried that joke entirely too
'Donlinfon Express 'Money Orders
are on sale 10 flve thounand c,fdicos
throughout Canada. .
When a malt becotnes Old enough 'to
`know better, 1-1 is usually :tee lat,e.for
him to do better. .
,111 a hundred years the age bo 1ncli,
we now live Nvill bo' the Sublet of
latightet ,and jeers. Prof. A. M. Low,
Keep tdinr.rd's Linirnnt 10 th
Other!„ Give Sick Baby .
• "California -Fig ,Syrup"
rniless LaxstIve te Glean Liver and
Bowels of Baby, or Child.
Even constina-
ed, bilious, fever-
ish, or Edelt, colic
Babies and CLitil
reit -love to take
gvnulne "Califor-
nia Pig Syrup."
No other tagativa
regulates the ten-
der little bowels
So 11.1CCIY, 11 /7./
stteetens the stomach and etarta the
liver and bowelsacting witho'nt grip•
lug., Ccintalesno nercet.ics or sooth-
ing drugs. , gay 4cailtornia", to m11
druggist anti avoid counterfeits! In-
sist upon genalno "California Fig'
Syrup" whjcb ttaitie directionn.
C g Advertistn,
R Al- ,re
pound is fine ctire.d.
over Canada for •11,2,..
Leamington, Out,
An .1 Oen
81., as four years, old lt-al
littlo I rcither, the- son and,
rived, and great was her delig,ht itt the,
ebri.stening party, especially` in the
snowy cake, with the, little silvee
craele on.the top.,
Then w teee weelts later, sh
was taken, to a wedding, and et fho re
eentiOn afterwards' was.ciose 'to th
bride whets she began to c t the we
ding calte.
Her'face fell, and she rushed to. her,
mother, Calling at the top 6t her 'Nice:
:"Mummy they've forgotten thti
The average man in AnY coun
not gifted with extraordinary for
sight.—Cardinal Bourne.
Tho number •of hens to one matte "4
bird is of lmpottaxice, It is as great a
mistake to have too few hens as too
many hens with one male. A fair
average for "utility" breed is twelve
to fifteett hens to each cock or cock -
rel. Gvery year the more painstaking
breeder devotes time and thought to
what his next mating will be. He
thoughtfully scans his best chickens,
watching for their good points and
deficiencies, and if the latter is very
apparent he discards sucls birds from
breeding pens; breeding only from the
birds With good points—eggs; :size and
general conformation to the standard
of his .pa.rtfcular breed, observing one
rule always, "that no fault shall be
present in both male and female," for
Such a mating • will make the fault
more pronounced in the offspring.
*Remember, even if you have not got
a wonderfuldo,t of good hens, that you I
can greatly improve your stock with
a fine male bird, as it is a well known
fact that the male birdie over 50 Per
cent of tha. breeding pen.—S. W.
. .
Knipe, Orchard Park, N.Y.
The most,. devoted husband has mo-
ments when the only .company he
wants is that of his own sex.—Mr.
Duncan Swami.,
, It was an ancien,t belief -that mine
grains .of wheat .laid 'on a 4 -leaved
clover enabled One to see -the fairies.
Wh FoR Yogi? EYE
Refreshes Tired ,Eyes
Write Murine to;',diicitgo,for.EyeCarepook
Salm .Aaentn Tharold F, ratchie ai Co.. Lirnitad, Toroate
are' the forerunners of colds and
grippe. Inhale Minard's and rub
it on throat and chest.
A sure preventative,
mare of Imitati6ns1
Lydia E.Pinkham's VegetaMe Co
pound Brought' ReRef When
Other Medicines railed
PortMain, 8. C.— "I took Lydia a
Pinkham'sVegetable Compound because
was tired and run-
down. I had head-
aches and no appe-
tite and SVaS troubled
for two years with
sleeplessness. I tried
many medicines, but
nothing did me any
real good. While I
was living in Wash-
mgton I was recons-
to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Cornp6nrid: I am stronger aid feel
line since then and an ahi tied° rny
housework : I am willing for you to
iuse these facts as a testimonial."—Mr.
J. C. GREAVES, Port Mann„ 33. C.
Unless you see, the name "Bayer
Cross" on package or on tablets you
are nOt getting the genuine Bayer As-
pirin proyed sate by millions and pre-
scribed by physiclans over twenty-
three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache, Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia , Pain,, Pain.
Accept "Bayer Tablets .qf Aspirin"'
,onlY. Each unbroken package Con-
tains proven directions. 'Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents Drug-
gists a.lso sell -bottles of 24j and, 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of *Bayer Manufacture of
.IVIonoaceticacidester of • Salicylicacid.
While it is wellknown that Aspirin
means Bayer, Manufacture, to assist
the public against Imitations, the Tab-
lets- of Bayer Company will be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer CroPP."
• \ ‘ a
f EIWAy. You should bear tick at 1.
/Can You Hear?
• .,
4, Place watch to ear then draw N,
/ 56 inches. Does a ringing in your A
ease prevent your proper hearing? A
I relieves both Head Noises' and Deaf. i
1, 1nesoin.Iecrutsitnrnubostirti6b.ackiocc# $.er2ssatiet i
• F8ore:aulpeo:mqu,,
% Intoresang deacriptivo folde/
O No;112.0.C.000/
Feels New Life and Strength•.,-
Keene,N. H.—"I was weak and 1"11.n..
down and had backache and all Sorts of"
troubles which women have. 1 found ..,
eat relief when taking Lydia E. Pink- -
am's Vegetable Compound and 1 also '2,
.used Lydia E.. Pinlcham'S 'Satiatiee
Wash. am able to do my work and feel
new life and strength ffom tlie,Vegete.-
ble' Compound. 1 am doing all'I can to
advertise it."— Mrs. A. 1.',.,•,1-IANIVIoN-D,
TRY THE 72 Carpenter Street,KeeN.11.
` Sick and ailingcwomen 'eVerywbere
'TEST- in the Dominion should try Lydia E.
Pinkhant's,Vegetable Compound.
111C11( Relief
bir Real:ladle
A headache Li freinently cans 4'3cil
by badly digested vod; the gases
and adds feud Ong therefro ere
absorbedloyItho bh,odi which in
turn l'rrlitates the nerves Ana
p.;nfol symptoms called
1ieadaehe4 Seenralgia, rheum's.
tisrn, etc, Id to 30 drops a
Romer Seigers Syrup will correct
EmoltydIgolition aederdtsIief,
In the treatment of all shin irrita
tions bathe treely with Claticare
Soap and hot water, dry geetly; and
pply ,cuticera Ointment to tho af.
feeted parts. Always include the ex-
quisitely ecented Ctiticura Talent/1
in yont toilet preparations. •
Sp2h, Olatiennt 25 te,,,,es2ii4, Paid
1..rmnit, limited, 344'51. Paill'St.. W,....K4111,0at
Cuticura SOap shaveitSitnoitt tram,
, .
UE No. 3o.t4.