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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-12-24, Page 29
W y W If you're between the ages of 11 to 16, you're eligible for the St. John Ambulance Ca- dets. Learn how to do first aid. Le3fln health care and safety. Earn badges in 39 subjects. Help serve your community. For information call the .St. John Ambulance number in your local phone book, or contact the Provin- cial Cadet Officer, Sit, John Ambulance, 46 Wellesley St. Fast., Toronto, M4Y 1G5. Kurdish diff$ On March 18, 1/1184 Kurd- ish tribesmen rebel1ejd against the Iranian govern- ment and over 109 people were killed in fighting that .. continued for several days. In business . Please send contributions to: USCF Canada Founded by Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, C.C., in 1945 Managing Director: Raymond ven der Buhs Thanks to a USC $50 interest- free loan, Rokiya Hashruddin and her husband buy and pro- cess rice for market, increas- ing their family income by $260 a year. Enough to cover basic needs and save. Enough to break the pattern of poverty. ca °A, -4.:s° 31111.' e‘‘‘ .-lriERS "' 56 Canada To USC Ottawa, K1 P 5B1 My contribution $ Mr. Mrs. is enclosed. (Postdated cheques welcome) Miss Ms. Address: (Please print and indicate apt no, and postal code) Registration number 006 4758 09 10 DD ,Rt 0 5 S 0 R D s ACROSS i„ Thick Oleo ®a Altercation: quararel: hyph. wd. 11. 13e unsuccess- ful with: 2 wds. 12. Perfumes 14. Plotting together: 8 wds. 16. Commotion 17. Roster 18. Railroad track timber 19. Torrid 20. Indolent 21. Navy member 22. Confine; enclose 23. Subsequently 24. Lifting device 26. Is concerned 27. General,p movement 28. - shop, auto repair sal 28. Corrosion 30. Weak; sickly 31. - and haw 84. Baseball "ref" 35. Sudden strong breeze , 36. Persian fairy 37. Reveal a se- cret inadver- tently: 3 wds. 40. Start ton a trip) : 2 wds. 41. Italian port near Vesuvius 42. Short - tampered 43. slag MAME AMMO UMMOMMUMMINIMM EM MO= MEM MUM i�i �iiii AMINIM �iii=•iii MEM UM iii�� �i MOM MUMS= lo 40 Arthritis Who says It's only a disease of the old? Call the Ontario Division of The Arthritis Society for more information. (416) 967-1414 DOWN 1. - Domingo, now Ciudad Trujillo 2. Lawful 3. Winged 4. Word of scorn 5. Business of a warehouse 6. Shabby; unkempt 7. - Major, the Big Dipper 8. At present 9. Copy 10. Original inhabitants 11. Grouper, for one 13. Diaphanous 15. Seep slowly 20. Disembark 21. Cautious 22. Jargon 23. Wife of a air„ 24. Kin to an English muffin 25. Short rest period 26. Cope 27. Tie up thoroughly 28. Shrub 30. Windowpane sealer 31. Cures 32. Sea eagles 33.' Fajl to hit 35. Oversupply, the 36. as Fruit off the gourd family 38. - Alamos 39. 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Limited quantities on some items. Over 60 Great Super X Drug Stores Serving You in Southern Ontario. 1 1 1 Josephine Street (next to Zehrs), Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-1243 Super X Dregs 4 SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM DECEMBER 26th TILL DECEMBER 30, 1984. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAME Crossroads -Dec. 24, 1984 -Page 5113 The concept of three' By Rev. Lee Truman I started out with one ... two ... poettarrarorin- coaroac. It is a real word, but I doribt that it is in your vocabulary. You are right when you guess that I have never pronounced it, so I would rather write about it than say it. To a tribe in the Amazon jungle, "poettarrarorin- coaroac" means the num- eral 3, no more, no less, just the concept of three. What is stranger than, this, the Yancos have no word' for any number be- yond three. After poettar- rarorincoaroac, there is only a word for "a bunch." Once they count to three, that ends it, and if three were spelled like that, in our language, I believe I would tend to concur in their judgment. Personally, I do not think it is really a word at all.' At least it cannot be a word as we think of words i3ecause then. numeral 3 seems to be 4 way of look- ing' at things. If anything goes beyond the three limit of the Yanco mind, it is just too much to handle mental- ly, and they prefer to end it right there. To put it another way, they do not think very big in Yanco. They shrug their shoulders and say, "Poet- tarrarorincoaroac." My contention is that in the Amazon jungle, and in many a household, poettar- rarorincoaroac is really an attitude of mind. It causes my mind hurt to think of people living in a world of "three" in an age of astronauts and mil- isecond infinity -minded computers. Somewhere in the past the forebears of the Yancos chose to do it in that way, and they like it that way. It saves an awful lot of thinking, curtails an awful lot of dreaming and takes a great deal less ef- fort to arrive at a conclu- sion. It would be nice to think that this curtailed kind of thinking is limited to the aboriginal native in the primeval forest of the Am- azon Basin. But how often I have met the seemingly ed- ucated, civilized people who found it much more comfortable to grunt out an unimaginative poettar- rarorincoaroac than to dream any dreams or think beyond their little self-im- posed limitations. The Yancos are living and ac- cepting the world that their forebears had given them, without thinking new thoughts and bumping into mental walls that had been handed to them, never wondering what was on the other side. A staggering amount of educated and civilized people have never dreamed or tried to think about any of the spiritual or mental big things. "Don't bother me with anything beyond the spirit- ual three, please." "Do not disturb mental tranquillity and peace of mind. I can't think of four, so leave me alone, etc. ..." A district manager told me a story of an astrono- mer who put down a cler- gyman by saying he had confined his religious faith to the very simple forms he had learned at his mother's knee. It pleased him a great dealto tell the pastor that his faith was summed up in: "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep ... etc." The pastor said, "Well, that certainly is my own attitude toward astronomy, which can be summed up in: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. ...'° People who have never read the Bible seriously to see what it says have many fascinating opinions con- cerning the Bible. Martin Luther, I am sure with his temper on edge, wrote with a sense of annoyance 'that many people who have never learned the Ten Commandments wish to in- struct him in religion. When people make a major financial investment back- ing their religious convic- tion, I am far quicker to listen than if they have a cheap opinion that has cost them little in time, talent or means. When they go be- yond the normal human limitations of where we re- ally do forgive an offense or a wrong done, I pay par- ticularly close attention. As for doing something to help the work of their own house of faith, such as sing, teach, call, serve, greet and in some way fill a responsi- ble place, for most people it lies way beyond the num- eral 3. One of the things Jesus consistently pushed was for people to go beyond where they thought possi- ble and to dream and work and reach out beyond the limits of themselves. He taught all of us to pray ... "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." How is that for an unlimited, impossi- ble idea? It may be that the numeral 3 is the material- ist's attitude toward 4 the world in which they live. This week, take time to look at the people about you and at yourself, and see how many are saying, "If it is past poettarraro- rincoaroac, Brother, forget it!" HEY KIDS! LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUGHLAN de_ � ^1 T")) D4Uiy p lgpy 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! Got Arthritis? Get The Facts! Arthritis is Canada's number one chronic disease. It affects more than three million Canadians, 30,000 of them are children under 15 and nearly a million are between 30 and 45. Get the facts about arthritis! Contact the office of The Arthritis Society nearest you. THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY