HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-1-24, Page 511111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - ix THE AMBITIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE OF TIES C07,1111,kliN1TY ICNOW THAT THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario ranges classes to accoMmodate Students 'wishing tc),-- live at home and cOominute daily by train? •'That, on a 22 week's course, ono month is given free of feeS, to insure student having full tinth at school? t 'That, thia school has the Most highly qualified leaching staff of any Private Commercial School in the Province? TH,AT THESE', PACTS l'ilEAN YOUR OPPORTUNITY Winter Term; VVEDINIESI)A.Y,..3ANUAIIN 2, 1924 STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY '1'IME COURSES STENOGRAPHIC, COMYIERCIAL, SECRETARIAL AND „SPECIAL Write or PhOne 198, ror full information. . A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIS'it, Vice Principal 1. P. iValittD, B. Pricipai DR. G. L. SMITH DENTIST 'Two doors east of the Molsons Bank, Hensall Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons, PROUDFOOT, ICILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors, &c. Office on the Square, - 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Priv ate funds to loan at lowest rates, proudfoot, K.C. , J: L.,Killoran, D. E. Holmes ' Mr. Holmes, milk be in Hensall ariery Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER. OSCAR' KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - ten School, Special, course taken in. egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, •Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with 'prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- -. =red, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or *ire 18-93, Zurich. , DR. A. MOIR, Physieian and. Surgeon 3Plione 70 HENSALL DR. T. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, gdeGill University, Montreal; Member HEMSALL Mr.- Cr.Cantelon, ot Clinton, was in town' on Tuesday of this week. 1VIr. _Hugh \tc1)onaic, of Clinton, Spent the. week -end at his home in town. Mr. William Harlon, of Stratford, is visiting relatives in town this Week. McKay is at p?esent vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Valker, of Guelph. , M'r[und Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of Toronto, recently visited ..-relatives . „ in Hensall. Miss T. J. Pe4ound, of the West; is at Present the guest of Mr. and • Mrs. R. Pollick.• Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ester are here from. the „West, the guest of Mit-and Mrs, Fred „ Preparatory serviees will be ',held church. anointed for 1924' 'Minister's warden, Jas. Simpson; PeoPle'S war- , den, 13. 0: Edwards; Vestry Clerk, A. L. Cast); Auditors, A. L. ease aud M. Case; lay delegate, Q 0 Potty; sub. 'lay delegate, W. Fee; eharch council, G-,,' Armstrong, G.,M.‘ Case, L. Clark, W. Fee, Geo. Case, H. Brad- shaw; envelope secretary, 1-I, Brad- shaw; rep, to cemetery 'board,' 0. Petty; organist, MSS Gladys Petty; Asst. organist, Mrg. E. Drtrinnaolid, suocEssFUL CARNIVAL The ,carnival 1t1U on the loCal rink en Tuesday evefting,Aaet • was very well attended, nearly everyone arriving in costume, which inade the scene very lively and the large- as- sortment' of 'costumes present caused the- judges no' little trouble 'th pick out the p11210 winners. After the different classes of costumeS had par- aded before the judges the races were held which ,eaused no small excite - meat on the part of the spectators. Skating was resumed- after these events were over,. and the ice being in ideal condition the latter part of the evening was fully enjoyed by the skaters. The laillowing 'were -the prize winners: Ladies' charaCter co - tame, 1st, D. Welsh; 2ncl, Mrs. ,Sang - in the Presbyterian church on Friday' • IVIr; and Mrs., 13, Hartoil, 0iai1- dard, Alta., are visiting friendS' Hensel), this Week. - s • -."-• Mr. O.- Tassmore WAS in' To -rent° this week- on ` business in connection with, the hydro sYstem '; Mr. Wes. Nichols and Wes: Green- , have oretm-nfr ed from Detroit where Mr. m. -S." .Cua°1e, 011 15 theY'-have been spending:a few weeks Kippen. pressing hay in: this vicinity. '1Ir. Owen .Geiger, of town; and reeve of Hay ,Tp., ,are at- HAY COUNCIL' tending the C01111[Y. Council at Gode- • rich this week. 4 The Council of the TownSidi of Owing td- the snow storms of 'the 1 -lay, ,met according to ,,the, Municipal past few days the trains lia-,Ven not, Act, on Monday, Jall l4th, in the been running justas promptlY ,on TOwnShin Hall, Ziirloh, when the fel- time as usual. ' lowing subseribed to,the declaration ASIIWOOD ;H: Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At MeCormick's Block, 'Zurich Thursday -and Saturday. t 31/UN' 041T -ICE tleib's ;Block. Dash`Wood, Ont ss A, 13ec1ie1, of Baden, is 'visit - lug her cousin Miss GladysGuenther .Mr. W. Meyer left on Monday for Detroit. Alias Ida Routledge, of Zurich, is visiting triende in towns. ed at the home of Mr. J. K. Goetz fo:visrt.u:snia,o. 0,4meintr, of. To:oi:to,,Y,i,site over the Week -end. Mt. Lea Eveland left on "Monday Mr. Henry •Callfae has returned, from Morriston, where be attended the funeral of his aunt. every Gunria g. An nteref th lotige WaS given by W. 3. Diuemore from its beginning in 1854 twill the 'present, with references also froqn 'Rev. .1, Hunter and .0. J. WestIna n ,ilti, 181, 'Dinsmore, win) has been a memt)er for 45, years, and iu thb,t time line lever missed an animal colebratiOn, WAS made an honorary 1 s niember, arid a locket beo.ring the' signet and //umber of the lodge was presented to' him. Lunch was srved. REDITON ;(iJAII REDUCTION 8A.I.1.4; In order to make room for our spring stock and to bridge us over, the, slack settson, we are ' offering twenty (20) Snits at greatly reduced prices for two weeks only, 0011/10011C- ing with Jan. 24111, 1924. The reg- ular, price of those suits was $35 to $40',; Salo price $30. No more and no less, hand tailored and the yery best, of trimmings.' All. other Suits 10% oft'., Come early and get First Choice, 1 g lii parelW2, Alt, uud 21io. .101111 21128 Agri lear r 1 et" ,1-3Vil111;c4hu;'\•41-1.', is visit:tug 4 1 110111C here. Iliessro A. ,) 21008011 and c, Manson, of the Goshen ino, noith, wero at Toronto the pait'l tending the fitnor,i1 or their tile late Audrey,. 10)202. —11fOlf dd 1,f7oe'Ll(l1-3,1 vat11'r iyethlii)aer:L111:3'00T111:2V,3e af! Nt. gig2112 1110 2 rSi ° flay Tp., n AVi.:dneselay Jan. 9111, when their eldest dtingirter. Vora Estella Was united in tilarriag3 10 Wm. Lloyd Ct'Brieli, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Brien, of Zailolt, Tho ceremony was performed by ltev, A, Sinclair, of Ifoiasall. The young couple, who are boil/ veily populaiin - ail., and mrs, '..Eda.asorner of- Baat ,- 1 11 Beltzinann, Credtten, Ontznaic-a, here hi ing take„ field called on Mr. and Mrs. George 2101(20111Tailor rooms in part of Mrs. C. Wagner's ,21r. J, G. YOung is under the doc- residence, Merner one day last week. ' - Sidney and Loreeu Baker left'an \,4011daYfr1oi- Detroit. Mr. C. Stade who has been on 1110 sick list for sometime is 01)10 to be 02)and around. , Mr. D. Pedersen is on the sick list. ,Mr. Lloyd Edighoffer d has returne to Leamington after spending a few days with•his parents. ,Mr. Wm. Mason left last Thursday for Detroit. / The band concert held ("),-,.r," Friday e'vening last proved to be a decided ed Pat- success. ,-, The hall was filled to its ster; gents' comic cost utmost )acit ard 011 enjoy -ii time was lerson:,- 2nd, Jas. -Sangster; Girls' l 'Ote ancy costume, 1st, L. Staceyn. 2nd spent 1)y all. L. l)runimond; I3oys' comic costalme lst W. Dadsoa; 2rid T. Iledde.'ni La- , dies' race, I -I. "Whiteside; ' 2nd D. Welsh; one little racel.'Heciclen. „ • . DWELLING FOR .SALE , . One Story Priafe .Dwelling, north side King, Street,' Hensall; 4 -rooms, 2 village lots, well SmalL fruit§ and-gdod water.=Apply ,GeOrge Bro:wri, ia,n. & Stanbury.. tor'S care atopresent. We hope for a speedy recovery, ' The yenng people are making use Of the Outdoor -skating 'rink, which has recently 1)00)1completed and, is being very much enjoyed, the 'Official opening 'taking place on. Thursday evening of this week. - The weather man is making him- self felt ha this locality the last,few , days. Frozen feet and faces were . ay- unae, . (Mite. a common occurrence Tues - (1 r 1\1r, 1-1. Carson, Mateer, , General I Seerelary.of the Christian Endeavor Societ3t, for Ontario,' Will address 11 Union Rally Service of the Zurich, THAMES ROAD Dasliwood and 'Crediton Leagues, on Friday evening', 'Jan, 25th, at the (too late for lastnweek.) Evangelical church, Crediton. Idr. Jacob Sweitzer suffered a 'Wira Pollen was in Sarnia slight stroke recently but we are glad few days- last -week on business. I to report that he is improving grad - Mr. and. Mrs. Gleason. Gill spent I u ally. Tuesday last with and Mrs. F, Golling,s: '- Mr. Jas. Walks visited friends in or Gladit our hurg•on, Thursday last. CHISELHI1RST -Spas ' Aggie :Logan,. of Eli m. vill e,_ . . eisited- :friencis,•around Chiseriturst this"we'elc-.• ' , -; Mr: GordOn• Pyln1102 the West, is visiting with his la„rothr, 'Wm. P3.- Rev. Mr, DOnnelill from James St. :church Eadeter, prec12ed a fine sea mo'n Sanda,y aftermion in the Meth- odfSt church,. on Social' Service and Evangeliam. Mr, Walter Culbush Mrs. Jas. Gardiner and Miss G. MOrgan and friend vbsIted with Mrs. McKaig.' of CroMarty, Thursday Mrs.' 0. Duncan visited with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Passmore recent- ly. * Mr_ and Mrs. Wm. Pollen and fannly spent,Sunday Stage, with the latt,er's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuffin, Sr. Master Garnet Coward spent a few days lasit weeIe with his gra,nclanother, Smale. Mr. and Mrs. T. MeCiArdY, of Exe- sang tWo verV Pleasing' solgs• ter, .-Were visitors on Sunday with Mr. Donald 1\icKinnon, of Cromar- office and propel' qualification:— trade'with our local barbers, left -fast hag the barber Reeve,' E. Klopp; Councillors,— L."E"..,Rader, J. P. Rau, W. R. Doug- ty, who ha's been, learn' Sur eons C°"aga of PhYsiciana and g week Lor Detroit. et Ontario; 'Licentiate of Medical • . - all A Reichert. The council was then organized for the year 1924. • .TheUnnual meeting of the subscri- bers of the Hay Municipal"Telephone 'System Will be held on Saturday, Jan. 26th, 1924, at two o'clock, p.m. 'The Township Clerk was instruc- prominent citizens, has, been confined ted to subscribe for seven copies of The job of caretaker of•the Hensall Vouncil of Canada; Post Graduate - . ember a Resident 1VIedical staff M I' • d Ben of school was given to r. -tie - Paneral Hospital, Montreal, 1913,4-15; gough, who will commence his duties tke first of February. .. 9 de, 3 doors east_ of Post Office. Phone 66, Ilensa,l1, Ontario. ' Mr. R. I-liggins, one of Hensall"s to his home for sonie time suffering the Municipal World, one cony for from an attack of rhilematism. We are pleased to state, however, that he is improving greatly the last few , days. Lumber has Adva ced But we are still selling White rine dressed on both sides at 345.00, per 1.,honsancl, ' Up dressed and matched white gylne. 350.00 per M, , B.C. No. 1 XXX Shingles B. 0. No. 1 XXXXX Shingled Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles 731atd's Aslapiaalt Roll Roofiiag 18 in. wide, the heaviest made. one No. -12 C,LATIVORTIIY. ,Q13,AINTTON 'VERY sorim or+ JOE' FEINTING W21,PRINT'--PoStera, Dodgers, En- velopes, Letterheads, ViSiting Cards, ;Shipping Tags, and anything at all, . at • , erver Printing ()Dace, Holman. . -Orders taken for Daily, and Weekly ITapex•e, Toronto and 'London papers , $4175. In club with the Exeter Timoo 1,3.25'. Leave; your order at the Ob- irer ()Moe, --^ each- of the following: Reeve, Coun- cillors, Clerk and Assessor. The following were appointed offi- cials for the Township of Hay for the A euchre and dance will be hela year 1924, at the salaries stated, in the Town Hall, HenSall, by the and that a .By-Lawbe prepared con - Board of Trade on Thursday, Janfirming the same; 'Clerk and Treas- 31s1. It was formerly announced urer, A. F. 'Hess, re Township $360; Lor , Friday, Fel)ruary 1.st. The re Township roads, 320; re Tele - last one was a good success and this phone, 3180; Assessor, W. H. Edig- Promises to be the same. llofferc $120; Collector. R. Miller, Considering theweather a very $45; Auditors, Wm. S. Johnston and good attendance prevailed at Cainnel John A. Smith, $12 each; Caretaker Prsbyterlailochurch on Monday Oven- of Hall, Mrs, L. Rupp, $40; Member ing last when the Rev. D. C. McGreg- Of Board of Health, ..A... 1-leicleman; or, of London, addressed an aud.i.ence Sanitary Inspectore, Eastern Div., B. In favor of church union., His speech 'C. Edwards, Western Div., C. Eilber. was very enlightening and helpful ll'he following aceounts were pass - and pointed out the ina,ny advantages 0c1:—Ontario Hospital, re C. Rupp, to be derived by the proposed union. $39; Municipal World; dog tags, sub - 011 Friday evening,iat by 7 young! inat,ion expenses, $,P; E. F. Klopp, re Thos. tastow to County Home' $5.2 5; Ilensall., ladies, proved a, decided suc- cess, Dancing commenced. at 8.30 L J. Routledge, re Boarcle.of Realth, and continued until .11.30, wheu 35; meisens Bank 'Exeter; Revenue liinch was served, after which* danc- stamps, $1.36; a Shirra17, Com. work road 1, $20; .A. Dick, teaming ing was resumed. A novel "Cinder- ella" (lance was gi'ven after -lrinch, gravel rd 14, $7.50; Children's Aid when a large bUsltot was Passed to Sr- fillin. S"., Godsrlell,' grant .$10; , the ladies, Who each contributed a Sie...Ortildren'eillespital, 'Toronto, grant $5; Can, 'Bank. Com, Dashwood. slipper end when these were 'thor- oughly iniaced up, they Were paSsed 10 fees re tall: CP1leCt10110' 37.75; H. Ho- wahl, labor telePilone office $21.75; 1120. men, who, upon receiving one, R. Cudmore, lime for telephone. office proceeded to find the fail: possessor and enjoycd a dance with her. • Tile 35".2 0 ; North, Elioctric Co.; Supplies, $(3.17; Stroanberg4Carlson Co., Sup- inusie, was very satisfactorily furnish- ed by the Chesney orchestra, of' Sea- Plies, $2 "1; B01,1 Tole. Co. tolls, forth. We hear that the young la- 33022; 117- G. Da11'4, 3 rnOliihe SalarY $412.50; P. Maisano, 3 11-2011.2,11;2 sal - dies intend to put on another dance ;;,,, anyhow. in Ole 1'2 ear future. Let's hope so arY, 4 6 2:°v• The council. adjourned tO nice1 a- ge in in Men d ay, Feb., 4111. at 1. 3 0 V.IllS9.11Y 1111:1 (4 _their daughter, Mrs. N. McGill' Mr, and Mrs. W. MCN1C01 spent 'Friday with Mr. a,nd Mrs. L. D. Ful- ton'in•Exeter. The following letter has lieen re- ceived from the .Hospital for Sick 'Children, Toronto: , : December '26th 19,23. Secretary Women's Institute, Farqulia,r-, Ont. Dear IVIadani.:— Many thanks for your gift of one box offruit. Your kindly -remem- brance of the needs of this cha.rity is heartily appreciated by all connected - with the 1-lospital. With -the Compliments, of the Season Yours very truly, Jjoolhain't ,AiRlaogrIferc,k,EtEizricrii nI-Igain, r.h.o7rs14, W. Swanie, Supertindent. Geo, •DOWL11., Austin Hayter. ' Found Keepers Wm, Moffatt, Hi- ram Shanion, W. B: Gaiser, 'Theo. Dietrich, Da.vjid Eaagisson,, Geo. Wal - per Alvin Baker, Arthur Amy, Chr. Fink-beinier Arthur Baker,' Jos. Bren- ner, Fred P.teeter, Silas Stanaake,L01-li8 Kraft, David Steepei, jerry Brophey Cow Tag Inspectors -Nelson I3aaker, Grins.' 1 to 7, inclusive; Mat. S-weit-- zer, Con. 8 to 15, incl.; Wm. Hicks, Con. 16• to West:pt.-Li 13oundary. The dance held in the Town Hail, and supplies 35417; Nom- The o'clock 141 -in The annual yet -dry 'meeting of St. .; 11,I13 ID NS "l"ZOli 1)9N'll 'Paul's Anglican el:tut-ell, was hold in 1 yon see OlivVr "Twist, Aunty. ,,Tan. 21st, vtith Rev. II. l'Iaytor it tho 11 -: ' c 'au, Inn financia, 0,0.).it ,, 0 odorn dances."' clim'all ,,,,.11.o-sit's a „slight &silica oi! 355. -i,11.,11oti.gli all the other branches euch as the Sunday School, W.A.,111.S. anci; Woolen's antild of the church. are la' a flourish it:1g condition a,.; wa,1 ovi- d.0Tacod. by their splendid reports. 'tb,e cittireit base:1cent on i\to:ailn:y eve, 0140 fact ti)..r0-.. a, I led 111S 712110V.- 1020 00,110g6 dolyating team doesn't ho 11-1.11 of •gOodi gets the gicl he m 11 10110Wing v.'ere the officers of" the ;Tess, Cleric., STEPHEN COUNCIL s 1;1 1.21 (12 tot., yb.' 1n991 wir '43 6kOfii 1l3iet 0111 free alogt e 211 111 learn somethhig oat 0g1 fferent Opat't- 221222 2 IVICLILUghII1 , '1'ot/del's aro lierebY asitea for e arunlicipal printing for Village ef Exeter, fol.: the year 1924. Tentaers to 'be iii the bands of the Clerk not ANNUAL 1111011141TING 17atrTin. ,than Iklonalay, Jan'y 2Sth, 0. S BO BNB & 1-1I1.313111 Id11 TIT AI, FIRE INSITRAliCCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that 1110 ,Atinital meeting oa the member', in the Usborne and 1-Ilbhert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will he held in the Hall, Farquhar. Monday, Feb- ruary 4th, 1924, at 1 p.nt, for the purpose of 1•eceiving the reports of Directors and Auditors for tin) past year and for the election of two Di - neon' and two Auditors and for any other business. The Directors whose term of office expires, but who are eligible for re- election are: Thos. Ryan and Wm. •Brock11%.I. A. TURNI3T,TI,L, Secretary, Vargithar, January 22, 1924. Add.itional LAS1:,-qf Officers o ci , from ,1Ist published lftst wt'o.clo for the 1 Township of SterplOn.-- I School' Attendanee Office.r8- H.. F. 11'111)er, Nos. 1i, .2, 3 .4t 5, 14 Union Schools 9 and 13; W. B. Oliver, 8, 10 and 12, Unions 8, 15, 17, anrd 18; Hy, L. Kraft Nos. 6, 7, alnd 11, Union 16 " Path mars ters -Gor don WiAs on, l -I sr - man POWC,, Pned, HoE,"art11,, Sam Joiy, Sanders Wint Ron",ne, Win WPte John. EdWards, Geo: I-Iirtzel I 11 TrIebilar jr Sims B 13rown* Wm. Bowman, Lt.' Gt Smith T Klutnpp "'Thus Chatilbc.re, Robt.:Go,,,wer Jacob Finicheimr, Ifdtr6o 1-i"ahner, Win r'tock, Henry Martone, Jas. Flynn, Ronald Hill, Henry Smith, Robert Davy Jonah Ne.s;le, Jos Glay1n, Michael Mad -- den, Dan 13arry,,palr,id I.,ipp,ert, Louis • Ziler,. in, Stade,: .i4ii!Sx; McLellan, New- -ten .C.lark, Ernest Hutchinson, Link, Ed‘v, Disjardrine, I-Joulahan Nelson, _Shenk., Ratz, Arthur Fink b e.ine r, R us srell Warner,' Pia cid e Desjarciln,- Sam Webb .Roy- -Alderson- Alex Fraser, Albert Deaanca- .-Arttfur Baker' :William Ricks."' David Ertg,leso.n •Humplarey„ Webb, "Ed.' Wainer, Elgin Webb, Ed. -.G111, George Down, Austin Hayter, Chid:ley Woodburn, Thoma s Isaae, Byron Ilicics, Lewis, Lovz, Jos. Ryan, Pat IVIcCarthy, Edward. Ab. +1).esjaraine, -Rich, O'Rourke, Da, vid Stereperr, Jerry Broplle3r, Fenoe-Viewiers-Daniel McCurdy LATE W. J. LEWIS "'Two ell the old residents of lItilett 1.011/11E; 1111 lemeen away on rid ay al the persons oi William Dempsey; n.nd WililaN Watson.. Tito fornter was at one time ' resident of :Ellyn, being a, merchant 0.1016..,,:111f11111101al 10011 Place tinder the Masonic Order on i8unday. The funeral of W1111am Wateon, was held on Monday,- The funeral of the late W. J. Lewis took place on Monday of last week at - St. James' cemetery, Clandeboye. Mr. Davis was in good health until a couple of weeks ago, when he was suddenly taken ill. He was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, where Pc passed away. lie was in his 54 year'and is survived by his'Wife ,and three ;children, all at 'home. Mr. Davis' was a loyal member of the L.O.L. No. 493, Biddulph, and has occupied all the offices of -the lodge„, Mcluding past district master and county master. The funeral was un- der the direction of the L.O.L. 493, Biddulph, which over 150 members attended. The pallbearers were his nephe-ws: Gordon Davis, Heber Davis Phin Dickens, Gordon Washburn, Frank Smith. and Mervin Eisen. Chas. Haskett, WM., conducted the service at the grave, assisted by Jos. Armitage, chaplin, and Jas. ,Patton, D.M. Service in the church was con- ducted by Rev. K. IVfcGoun and ReV. Connors. GRANTON. 21o,17TOYABLE 11011,:fE"."'"' 012. (MANTON ,Taricle.Y evening, og last week was one ;Of Unusual, interest:and onjOy-" Inent 131 Cranton, when the .13.0,13. 210 592, gave a pleasant evening to their friends. • In response to special invitation tlie attentlatice, was'large, creWrling: the' spactette hall,The chttir 'man' waa' Mr. W. R. Switzer,• bast county Master .trom • BlauSharcl. The nteal,,ing 12112 1)011.02 With prayar' by Rev. ,T, "E. IIttnter. The l'albowing prograin One then, presented:2101112 •;',01, Mr, McClyinot a000mp.1.1102 1 25 Visa solo' by Miss Doris lilain0s; greeting, from the, Royal "Spelt Preeebtory bY; Geo. ("look ;: from the L.0.:11,.A. by Mrs, Jaanlitson ; front :LILL. No, 890, by J. Leslie; quarto; by Miasee 13. Uankin, b. :tz..aine$ and lioisS J.' M. WasSaud and W-„, I am content with what havo Little be it ,or much And, Lord, contentment still I crave, "' "Because Thou savest such. SE/WORTH OFFICERS . The annual meeting of the , Sea - forth Agricultural Society was held in the Carnegie Library. The reports wesented by the secretary and treas- urer were most encouraging,ethee being a balance of $4'6'In'the treasur- ery. The directors intend making a speCial effort this time to double the membership. The followig were elec- ted: President, Dr. 'Harkin; first vice president, T. Livingstone; sec- ond, vice Pres., R. Dorrance; third vice pres., G. McCartney; directors, McKercher, J. Carlin, J. Eckhart,. of McKillop; J. Hay, W. Johns, W. S. Broaclfoot,. of Tuckersmith; T. c4.. meNichol. j. Dale, •W. Mason, for :Hallett; .T. McIntosh. A. D. Suther- land, 'W. Hartry, for Seaforth; sec- retary, 21. Pa'oderMk; Treasurer, R. M. Jones, The spring fair will be held as usual on April 2nd ancl the fall fair on the Thursday and Friday following the London Exhibition: Wm, McDonald, youngest son of iald, Lor m 05 3 cola Seallorth Presbyter-, in Detroit, 'on Jan'y an attack of 1)11011- 20111 111 111101'a, 1131 a' wife and. a family Rev. A. 13 ililcDoi years, pastor of inn church died I2th following inento, •iier waS 1311. and leaves of ,foltr, RLIIIIi1 4221 5107. 2i12)0E3 1 4)' In 7.,tir[d.....1.1:1•.--.1fr•.•'!'.111.eli.-. , • , ".1.1 •• : i.hetri••,".W.••••41.1O-•••••""TlitY•••• Of . Mrs,: • H6221:, • .was..: •cs•-• litaidy t••ect.o.ciri at •Parkhill ,,and 30 112)011112'- 2, 111 121204 yesmoct. C T' 03 3F---N10B, .11251214 Exeter Times 31.60 a .32.00 to the United States. Times and London ,kdvertisor $6..25 Times and London Free PreSS $5.25„ Times and ',Toronto Globe Times and Mail and Empire $6-2 "rinies' and The Toronto Star ....$6.2 5 Time & Family Berald e.r. Star $3.2 Times and Farmers' Advocate 811110 Time and The Farmer's Sun....$2, Times a,nd Christian Guardian $3.4 Times Sc Presbyterian 'Witness $3.40 Time & Canadian Countryman $2.40 Times and World Wide............. Times arid Montreal Witness $3.4 I Times and Saturday Night 5 TiameS and McLeari:s Magazine 34..25 The above publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in conabination, the pirce for any pub -j lication being the figure given, less $1•50, representing tile Price of The • tiler Williarris" of Broadvva "••••".."14.0aists 4.4.4:se,44:44:44.4•: "Nagler Willis' ima" with har New C nadi Pacific Windsar Station. Sraric. friends, and (2) at tho a au CF course you have viSited New York, 'and if You 'have been to New York you have been to Times Square; but.while you were ,there did you notice the neat little old lady who was act- ing as sales agent for the -"MD-. board" outside t'he- Putnam Build- ing?, If net yon are not in the shoW business becauSe everyone in the show business knows gfMother " Likewise the police, for it is known to all of . thein ,that "Mother Williams" is an speaking terms with. Commis-, sioner RichardEnright, and more than one "Cop" indebted to the old lady—she is seventy-two years- old—for her intercession with tbe commissioner on their bell'ihalef. candles she burns at the "Chnrch of Mother Divine" for her proteges are innumerable. Many a heartsick girl has, been stopped by "Mother 1-Villiants" and sent on her way with enough money to tide her over until the long- sought -for- engage- ment was secured, and the same is applicable to actors, for on more than one occasion she has , been seen to "slip them change."' Nor has ah s cause to regret it, 1.032 with her it is always "just a little loan until you sign an." Today she Probably knows and is known by more pro- ducers and actors than any Oilier wonian in the country, tor few, if any '011 l'OadWay, eserpass Wi U1,01,it a word of greeting for "1\/Iotber Wil- liams" and a "God bless you" -1".tonl heri }lei kind old Irish heart will re - Spend to every tale el sufferiiiy; for ",?-11othcr 1)1 ia1115" 12211020712Mary Bridget Ann WiSiame was horn in Toronto seventy-tWo years ago, the daughter of a prominent 'coal esllto man. At the ago of eight she lost her mother, after whote de0c020 ;;Ila ecompanied 110r fathor on a tour of Furopc tha', inelmled a stay in Ire- land and a rout- yoor to Lon, Pteturning 1111 r latei boaame v. 'awn '2succeSsful 1011Jier 018 mush, and it is with great pridr that to several of the preSent; 8ti C6 brities who receiVcrl mentai training at her hands. 2' In 1837 'Miss Wiilicims -fctin sdlf alone in "the' world. rtitte;., ing' year sliewcnt to Now where she supported herself music until advancing age ni impossthla to continue as a 161 From 'then on, 11n21 shc be" sales, agent for the "Billbei was takentina08 thc witg6± 15 prietor, she "did as best: slle Put al-whyS smiling,,, and gtvipt chi/v)s,.8clinfolroenitoitt'ae thrui ,4; Redently she took a little .1511 under. the protecti(m et the C dian. Pacific, Railway. 1004, two slut ViSited lier old f-iol'Ltg 23e1 whenec she hat '2)111 1rtiavee the primary [151001 of e g) 21)21 11'1`Z.1 1102.011C0 'WI -1N%)31111 iawa 1 50511112111, cii0q7,0 11 (101 that tfter'•dalt vtn ng" on T11,011,iw,..1.?