HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-12-19, Page 1511.
Page 14—The Wingham Advance -'Pones, Dec. 9aJ, 1984
Whitechurch WI members
enjoy a Christmas dinner
Whitechurch — A bountiful
Christmas dinner was
served at the Salvation
Army Citadel, Wingham, on
Thursday, December 13, and
enjoyed by 25 members of
the Whitechurch Women's
Institute. As roll call, the
ladies participated in an
exchange of Christmas
cookies and the recipes that
produced them.
•The president opened the
Meeting with carols, with
piano accompaniment by
Mrs. Don Ross. Minutes
mere read and the roll called
by secretary Mrs. Garnet
Plans were made to attend
the national convention to be
held in June in London. Any
member wishing to attend
may contact the secretary -
treasurer. Plans to raise
money for the new hospital
wing will be discussed at the
next meeting. The Secret
Sister draw for 1985 was
A Christmas reading,
"Last -Minute Rush", was
given by Mrs. Alan Falconer
and Mrs. Russell McGuire
sang a solo, "Wonderful
Jesus". Mrs. Lorne Durnin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Daer,"Terry and Patricia of
Wingham held Christmas on
Sunday, Dec. 16. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Daer of Blyth, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Craig, Debbie,
Doug and David of Blyth,
Miss Joyce Rettinger of Kit-
chener, Steven Webster of
Blyth and Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hanna held Christmas for
their family on Sunday, Dec.
16, with 34 present. Those at-
tending were from Kitchen-
er, Goderich, Blyth, Londes-
boro and Belgrave.
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Robinson in the loss of her
father, Bill Rintoul, who
passed away at St, Joseph's
Hospital on Monday, .Dec. 10.
lights become
theft targets
gave a reading, "The Secret
of Christmas", and Mrs. Rod
Lamb sang two solos.
Carol singing was enjoyed
by all and some carols were
played by Russell McGuire,
violin, Mary Hehn with
guitar and Mrs. Farrier at
the piano. Mrs. Dan Tiffin
also played two Christmas
instrumental numbers and
some Christmas jokes were
fold by Mrs. Currie. Mrs.
Don Ross played 07 medley of
carols on the piano and Mrs.
Dave Gibb told "A Christ-
mas Story".
Santa Claus arrived and
gifts from Secret Sisters
were distributed. Committee
members in charge of the
Christmas banquet were
Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. Elgin
Johnston and Miss Mary
White Gift service
held at Knox United
United Church, last Sunday,
the Sunday School observed
the annual White Gift Serv-
ice with Sunday School Su-
perintendent Bill Coultes
conducting the service as-
sisted by Sunday School
Welcoming the congrega-
tion at the door were Corey
McKee and Patrick Cull,
while Katherine Procter and
Paul CouItes ushered and
handed out programs. Scrip-
ture lessons were read by
Jennifer Procter and Sharon
The regular offering was
received by Chris Michie,
Robert Gordon, Allison Coul-
tes and Heather .Morton
while Dean Vincent and
David McKee collected the
White Gift offering in wicker
,baskets. This money gift will
be used .to support a foster
child in the Philippines for
another year.
An important part of the
' service was the dedication
by RPv .John G. Roberts of a
fi.esidents of the Town of
Wingham are being urged to
keep an eye open in helping
police to curb a rash of thefts
of Christmas lights and
decorations around the town.
Chief Robert Wittig
reported that over the past
weekend there were a
number of complaints of
tights, extension cords and
other objects being, taken
from properties.
He is asking people to be
alert to possible theft or
vandalism of their own or
neighbors' property over the
holidays and to report any
suspicious incidents to the
A picture in last week's
edition incorrectly identified
Lloyd "Casey" Casemore as
being nominated for a
bicentennial medal by the
town of Wingham. Mr.
Casemore lives in Turnberry
Township and was
nominated by that township
projector bought for the use
of the Sunday School and
church with money from the
Memorial Fund of the
church and -a screen which
was a gift of Mrs. Catherine
MacDonald in memory of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Keating, former
members and leaders in
Knox United Church.
The Junior Choir sang the
anthem "What Child Is
This?" Mrs. Elizabeth Proc-
ter, organist, and Mrs.
Freda Johnston, pianist,
supplied Christmas music
for -the service.
Rev. Roberts spoke to the
children of the origin of giv-
ing White Gifts and remind-
ed all of Jesus words, "Inas-
much as ye have done it unto
one of the least of these, ye
have done it unto me."
Afterward a delicious
lunch was served in the
church schoolroom to a large
number of the congregation
who stayed to enjoy more
fellowship together.
Mrs. Florence Delmage heads
St. Paul' vening Guild
The Evening G'ui'I-d' of St.
Paul's Anglican Church,
Wingham, met;.,last Monday
evening for the December
meeting in the parish hall.
Mrs. Robert Gavreluk and'
Mrs. Edna Davis were in
charge of the devotions.
Mrs. Gavreluk gave• the
invocation, followed by the
hymn "While Shepherds
Watched". Mrs. Davis read
the scripture from the first
chapter of the Book of John.
The meditation was from
The Living Message and
kept with the,Advent season.
The president, Mrs. Edith
Lockridge, was in charge of
the business part of the
meeting. Fourteen ladies
answered the roll call and
another new member was
Mrs. J. King gave the,
minutes of the previous
meeting and the treasurer's
report. which showed a very
successful year. The
proceeds from the bazaar
May the blessings of
th.e holy season fill
you with peace.and joy.
A(1ROMAR.1 1,11).
♦ at the Wingham
Public School
Editors: Jeff Wall
Nikki Reavie
The drama club has been
busy preparing for its sur-
prise presentation for the
youngergroup of children at
the school. The choirs have
.been singing it out lately.
The senior,choir went to the
Wingham Armouries to show
off its talent in front of an
audience. I'm sure all the
people enjoyed watching our
carolers singing beautiful
Christmas hymns.
The junior choir also en-
tertained a group last Thurs-
day. The members sang for
the Friendship Club at the
United Church. If you never
have heard our choirs, why
not take this opportunity and
hear them Thursday? The
assembly starts at 1:15 p.m.
Talking about beautiful
things, our Christmas tree is
up in the corner of the gym.
It is a giant tree decorated in
lovely homemade ornaments
that students have made. It's
all ready for us to put our
Christmas gifts under. These
gifts will be donated to the
Salvation Army for the
needy. Keep on Christmas
shopping and have a superb
were $1,201 and the winner of
the afghan and cushion was
Mrs. Steve Trapp. The group
had a new carpet installed in
the vestry and back entrance
during the past year. New
curtains were made for the
rectory sunporch and $1,500
was voted to the board of
Some plans for the new
year include . a Valentine's
tea and catering to small
The president turned the.
meeting over to Rev. Madge
for the election of officers for
1985 with the following
results: past president, Mrs.
Lockridge; . president, Mrs.
Florence Delmage; first
vice, Mrs. Terry Nethery;
secretary, Mrs. Lockridge;
treasurer, Mrs. King; and
convener of cards, Lois
The meeting closed with
grace and Mrs. Delmage and
Mrs. King served lunch.
Whitechurch Personals
Kathy and Kendra Purdon
spent the weekend -at home
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Purdon:
Visitors last Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Emerson were Tom Inglis
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross of
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson
were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tiffin
of Wingham.
Karen Beecroft of Kit-
chener and Ken Sinnamon of
Wingham visited last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Beecroft.
Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer of
Waterloo spent a few days
recently with Mrs. Bill
Rintoul and Mrs. Harry
Gutowski of Kitchener is
spending a few days with her
this week.
Mrs. Joe Ducharme of
Goderich spent Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of
Wingham were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin.
Hector Purdon of
Strathroy spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Mrs. Mary Lou Glover of
Sarnia spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Milligan.
Those attending , the
funeral of the late Bill
Rintoul from a distance
were: Bill Lee and Allan,
Burlington; Jack Hallman
and Denise, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Graham,
Welland; Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Wettlaufer, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Weatherdon, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Oberholtzer
and Mrs. Bob, Voisin, all of
Kitchener; Rev.) Iris Ford,
Waterloo; Mrs. Cliff Sch-
weitzer, New Dundee; Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Dudack,
Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Sproul, Mississauga;
Mrs. Don Gaunt, Chatham;
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Schlupp,
Conestoga; Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Powers, Oil Springs;
Gordon Stiles and Donelda,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Wade, Chatham; and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Reid,
WI holds
pot -luck
—Ria Linardatos
Congratulations to John
McCormick, the high bowler
for the week vyith 165 and the
high bowler for the month of
The staff and students at
the Golden Circle School
hope you h.. ve a safe and
happy holiday.
—Charles Trapp
Mrs. Schedler's class was
really excited about getting
a visit from Santa Claus.
Santa took the letters they
wrote and said he would try
and write back before
The boys and girls really
are enjoying the Christmas
electives. They are looking
forward to taking home the
Christmas decorations they
—Darryl Daw
was raised is being put into
the fund-raising account to
support things like visits by
authors, field trips and
extra -curricular programs.
A dark room has been set
up for the What's News?
staff to develop pictures they
have taken this year. After
we develop these pictures we
will be putting them on a
bulletin board for people to
—Heidi Robertson
After I interviewed
Michael MacKay, Clement
Wai, Linda Harkness and
Lori Crawford, 1 found out
they are learning about
maps in social studies.
Speaking of maps, they did a
great bulletin board. It is a
map of the world with pic-
tures of people around it.
They saw a movie called
"Red Chief". It was about a
boy who was held for ran-
som. He drove the two men
who stole him bonkers. The
kidnappers brought him
back and quickly left.
—Adam Armstrong
Mr. Thomson from CKNX
came to Mrs. Kaufman's
class and interviewed the
Grade 3 studen'ts about
Christmas in other places.
They sang "Away in a
Manger" for him,
—Jeff Good
The results of the
Remembrance Day poem,
story, essay and poster
•contest are back. In the
Mr. Morton hada book fair poster division, Kara Neil
last week and it was very ~-,and Matthew Elmslie placed
successful. Each class went first and second. They both
in at a different time and are in Mrs. Szarek's class.
bought books or just Congratulations!
browsed. The money that—Christa Curzon
.Turkey bingo
held at Legion
BLUEVALE — Christmas
was celebrated by 24
members and guests of the
Women's Institute last week -
at a potluck luncheon, hosted
by Mrs. W. Peacock.
Following a brief business
period, Mrs. Carl Johnston
read a thought-provoking
message, "The True
Meaning of Christmas".
Those present told of how
they had celebrated On-
tario's bicentennial this
year. Some local events
included a tree planting at
the hall, the Queen's visit,
the Tall Ships, the town
crier, many beautiful books
about Ontario and bicen-
tennial medal. It was
mentioned that Mrs. Doris
Bushell of Wingham won a
bicentennial quilt contest
and presented her quilt to the
A Christmas song contest
was won by Mrs. D. Street. A
small gift exchange caused
DEVELOP OWN PHOTOS—The budding photographers and reporters from the
What's News column at the Wingham Public,School got a chance to develop some of
their own pictures Friday afternoon. Sharing darkroom responsibilities are Charles
Trapp. Jeff Wall, Rose Good, Nikki Reavie. Ria Linardatos and Anna Sakasov.
Librarian Mr. Morton supplied all the photo -processing equipment..
BRUSSELS — Another
turkey bingo was held last
Friday evening at the
Legion. Rita Johnston, Nella
Blake, Merle Cousins, Hope
Lowe, Mabel Bauer, Viola
Adams, Lois Whittard, Doris
Matheson, Jean Bewley,
Debbie Riley, Kathy
Burkholder, Eluned McNair,
Mary Bradshaw and
Margeurite Krauter won
Other prize winners Brad-
Whittard, Mary
Connie Jamieson, Cal
Krauter, Kate Wilson, Ella—
llaGraber, Louise Hislop, Jean-
ne Irelandm, Jean McNeil,
Don Sholdice, Barb Mar-
shall, Marion Laws, Dorothy
Dilworth, Joanne McDonald
and Barb Mutter.
The final turkey bingo will
be held this Friday evening
at 8 at the Brussels Legion.
\ hem
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We herald the Child
born in the manger
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