HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-11-07, Page 26,r* Page 12 -Crossroads -Nov. 7, 1984 • • • • 0 ••••••••••••••`• ••••,•••ee•••••••••••to•Gs. •o• ••••to••••t•,•!•, • r • • IP 41 0,4 5 ... CBC Toronto 7D ... WJBK Dstrolt 5D ... WDIV Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 6 ... Global 10 ... CFPL London 7 .., WKBW Buffalo 11 ... CHCH Hamilton 3 13 ... CKCO Kitchener 17 ... TSN 57 ... City TV Toronto • • .040-000•00•11000••••••••••••• •.•••••••••••ee•••• Weekday Mornings ..5:00 News at Sunrise 5D 5:30 News 5D Jimmy Swaggart 6 5:50 Ontario Report 13 6:00 Frightenstein 10 Seneca Telecollege 6, 57 20 Minute Workout 7D, 4D Sonya 5D Mad Dash 11 News 3 News This Morning 7 6:30 Early Morning News 7D, 4D Morning Exercise 3 Canada AM 13 It Figures 11 Audubon Wildlife 8 RCMP 5 7:00 20 Minute Workout 10 Fitness Break 8 Hammy Hamster 6 CBLT Morning 5 20 Minute Workout 57, 10 Today Show 5D 100 Huntley Street 3 Dale Harney's Magic Palace 11 Good Morning America 7 7:15 Friendly Giant 8 7:30 Varied Programs 8 Body Moves 11 Toronto Rocks 57 FYI - First Edition 10 Hercules 6 8:00 Elegant Appetites 11 Polka Dot Door 3 20 Minute Workout 8 He -Man & 8:30 .All In The Family 8, 10 The New You 11 Sesame Street 3 The 700 Club 6 • Rocket Robinhood 57 9:00 Family 5D Romper Room and Friends 13 Good Morning Workout 11 Ed Allen 6 Donahue 7, 57, 10, 8 Eight Is Enough 7D, 4D . Elementary Brain Strain 5 9:30 Celebrity Microwaves 11 Take 305 Mr. Dressup 3 100 Huntley Street 6 What's Cooking 13 Muppet Show 5 10:00 Curious George 5 Facts of Life 5D - Trivia Company 13 Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 Friendly Giant 3 100 Huntley Street 8 The New You 10 New $25,000 Pyramid 7D, 4D, 57 10:15 Fitness Break 3 Friendly Giant 5 10:30 Sale of the Century , 5D ' Citypulse Tonight 57 Be My Guest 13 Celebrity Cooks 6 Mr. Dressup 5 Good Company 3 Fitness Break 10 Press Your Luck 7D, 4D 10:45 Friendly Giant 10 11:00 Trivia Trap 7 Pizzazz 6 Polka Dot -Door 8, 10 I Love Lucy 3 Celebrity Family Feud Special 7 Sesame Street 5 Guess What 13 The Price Is, Right 7D.41) Wheel of Fortune 5D (?herington 11 11:30 Definition 13 Scrabble 5D What Will They Think of Next 6 My Three -Sons 3 • Mr. Dressup 10, 8 Micromagic 57 Ryan's Hope 7 Thurs., Nov. 8 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7D, 5D, 4D, 7, 5 Flintstones 13 Beaver 3 Cartoons 8 My Favorite Martian 10 Ryan's Hope 57 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 13 News 8, 3, 10 Parenting 5 Loving 7, 57 Super Pay Cards 11 1:00 Soapbox 11 All My Children 7, 8, 3,10,5 Don Harron Show 13 Citylife 57 Days of Our Ljves 5D, 6 1:30 City Lights 57 ,As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 11 2:00 Let's Make A Deal 6 20 Minute Workout 57 Parenting 3 Dallas 5 You're Beautiful 10 The New You 8 One Life to Live 7 Another World 5D, 13 2:30 Pitfall 6 Capitol 7D, 4D" Soapbox 11 Quincy 57 You're Beautiful 8 Do It For Yourself 3 Parenting 10 3:00 Do It For Yourself 8, 1'0 Coronation Street 5 Fitness Break 3 Santa Barbara 11, 5D Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 13, 7 3:30 This Week's Music 57 The Jeffersons 8 All In•The Family 5 Video Hits 3 Barney Miller 10 4:00 The Young and the Restless 6 Video Hits 8, 10 Do It For Yourself 5 One Life To Live 13 Toronto Rocks 57 Little House on the Prairie 11 Jeffersons 5D Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D Beverly Hillbillies 3 Love Boat 7 4:30 Barney Miller 5D Jeffersons 3, 10 What's. New 5 .MASH 8 5:00 Video Hits 5 Hart to Hart 13 News 5D Scooby Doo 6 Rituals 11 Family. Feud 7D, 4D The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 Three's Company 3 Jeffersons 7 5:30 Taxi 11 Jeopardy 7 News 3, 7D, 4D, 6 Three's Company 5 11 1 :20 National Update 5 Oj►tario Report 13 1:30 Sportsline 6 Good Rockin' Tonite 5 Entertainment Tonight 3, 8, 10 Tonight Snow 5D Taxi 7D, 4D Family Brown 11 Movie "Casino Royale""57 Nightline 7 12:00 Dallas 10 Movies "Flower Drum Song" 8; "Bull- whip" 3; "S.H.E." 11; "West Side Story" 13 The Best of Saturday Night 7D, 4D Mery Griffin 7 12:10 Benny Hill 6 12:30 Rockford Files Love Boat 5D 12:40 Welcome Back, Kot,'" ter 6 1:00 Highlights 5 Eye On Hollywood 7 1:10 Chico and the Man 6 1:30 Entertainment Tonight 7D, 4D Late Night 5D News 7 1:40 Kung Fu 6 2:00 Mande 7D, 4D Hawaii Five -O 11 2:10 Muchmusic 57 2:30 Eight Is Enough 7D, 4D Movie "TBA" 5D 3:00 Nightwatch 13 Flipper 11 3:30 Classic Country 7D, 4D 4:00 Nightwatch 7D, 4D 4:30 Good Times 5D 5:00 Tic Tac Dough 5D EVENING 6:00 Ripley's 3 News 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 5, 10 Citypulse 57 6:30 CTV News Report: Economic Statement 13 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 One Day At A Time 8, 10 I Love Lucy 3 Joker's Wild 5D Entertainment ' • Tonight 11, 7D, 4D Wheel of Fortune 7, 6 MASH 57 This Week in Ontario 5 7:30 The Facts of Life 5 MASH 57 Charles In Charge 3 Pizzazz 6 Family Feud'7 'Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 41) Three's Company 10, 8 Littlest Hobo 13 Backstage 11 8:00 Movie "The Imposter'11, 7; Diff'rent Strokes 6 Cagney & Lacey 3 Magnum P.1. 7D, 4D Cosby 5D The A -Team 8, 10 Magnum P.I. 13 Special: The Wars 5 Niagara Rep. Co. 11 8:30 Family Ties 11 Profiles of Nature 6 Family Ties 5D 9:00 CKVR Spotlight 3 Simon and Simon 7D, 4D, 10, 8, 11 Cheers 5D, 13 Wintario 6 Kate and Allie 7D, 4D 9:30 Party With the Rovers 6 Night Court 13 Newhart 7D, 4D, 5D. 10:00 Special: Life's Most Embarrassing Moments 11 Hill Street Blues 5D, 6 National 5, 8, 3, 10 Mike Hammer 7D, 4D Citypulse Tonight 57 Cover Up 13 20/20 7 10:20 The Journal 3, 5, 8, 10 11:00 SCTV 57 News 11, 7D, 4D, 5D, 8, 3, 10, 6, 13, 7 Newsfinal 5 7D, 4D Fri., Nov. 9 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7D, 4D, 5D, 7, 5 Fat Albert 10 Cartoons 8 Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 Ryan's Hope 57 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Wheel of Fortune 13 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D News 10, 8, 3 Parenting 5 Loving 57, 7 Super Pay Cards 11 1:00 Soapbox 11, All My Children 7, 8, 10, 5, 3 Don Harron Show 13 Citylife 57 Days of Our Lives 5D, 6 1:30 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 11 Citylights 57 2:00 20 Minute Workout 57 Let's Make A Deal 6 Parenting 3 Dallas 5 You're Beautiful 10 The New You 8 Another World 5D, 13 One Life to Live 7 2:30 Soapbox 11 Quincy, 57 Pitfall 6 Capitol 7D, 4D You're Beautiful 8 Do It For Yourself 3 Parenting 10 3:00 Do It For Yourself 8, 10 Coronation Street 5 Fitness Break 3 Guiding .Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 13, 7 Santa Barbara 11, 5D 3:30 This Week's Music 57 All In The Family 5 Charles In Charge 8, 10 Video Hits 3 The Young and the Restless 6 Video Hits 8, 10 One Life To Live 13 Do It For Yourself 5 Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D Jeffersons 5D Toronto Rocks 57 Little House on the Prairie 11 Beverly Hillbillies 3 Love Boat 7 4:30 Jeffersons 10, 3 ' The Kids of Degrassi Street 5 Barney Miller 5D MASH 8 5:00 Video Hits 5 News 5D Scooby Doo 6 Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 57, 8, 10 Family Feud 7D, 4D Hart to Hart 13 Rituals 11 Jeffersons 7 5:30 Taxi 11 Jeopardy 7 News 7D, 4D, 3, 6 Three's Company 5 EVENING , 6:00 Citypulse 57 News 11, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 5 Foul Ups 3 6:30 Jeffersons 3 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Joker's Wild 5D MASH 57 Entertainment Tonight 11, 7D, 4D Family Feud 13 Wheel of Fortune 7, 6 Silver Spoons 3 Roger Whittaker in Kenya 5 One Day At A Time 8, 10 7:30 Ein Prosit 11 Snow Job 13 Movie "Man with the , Golden Gun" 57 People Do The Craziest Things 3 Three's Company 8, 'P0 izzazz 6 Family Feud 7 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D, 4D 8:00 T. J. Hooker 10, 8 The Master 5D Dukes of Hazzard 7D, 4D Hardcastle & McCor- mick 3 Tommy Hunter Show 5 Benson 7 Gimme A Break 11 "V" 13 Special: Neil Young 6 8:30 Webster 7, 11 9:00 Hawaiian Heat 7, 11 Dallas 5, 3, 10, 8 Movie "TBA" 5D, 7D, 4D Hunter 13 10:00 Miami Vice 11 National 5, 3, 10, 8 Citypulse Tonight 57 Falcon Crest 6 Matt Houston 7, 13 10:20 Journal 5, 3, 10, 8 11:00 News 7D, 4D, 5D, 6, 11, 5, 3, 8, 10, 7, 13 SCTV 57 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 National Update 5 4:00 2 Movies on Channel 8 11:30 Family Brown 11 ntertainment night 3, 8, 10 Taxi 7D, 4D Tonight Show 5D Movies "The Magic Christian" 57 Sportsline 6 Good Rockin' Tonight 5 Nightline 7 12:00 Dallas 10 Movies "Sergeant Ryker" 8; "House of Cards" 3; "From Hell to Victory" 11; "The Alamo" 13 The Best of Saturday Night 7D; 4D y Mery Griffin 7 12:10 Benny Hill 6 "' 12:30 Love Boat 5D Rockford Files 4D, 7D 12:40 Welcome Back, Kot - ter 6 1:00 The Best Of The Mid- night Specials 5 Movie "The Hard Way" 10 ABC Rocks 7 1:10 Chico and the Man 6 1:30 Muchmusic 57 News 7 Friday Night Videos 5D Entertainment Tonight 7D, 4D 1:40 Kung Fu 6 2:00 Highlights 5 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D Hawaii Five -O 11 , Bonanza 3 2:40 Wonder Woman 6 3:00 Land of the Giants 3 Flipper 11 Movie "TBA" 5D; "Maneater" 13 4:00 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D; "Cash On De- mand" 3 4:30 In Search0f...13 5:00 Tic Tac Dough 5D The Waltons 13 5:30 Call Mr. D 3 THURSDAY'MIDNIGHT-"FLOWER DRUM SONG". Stars, Nancy Kwan, James Shigeta, Jack Soo. Chinese girl and her brother arrive in San Francisco fot' her to be married to boy whose family selected her from photograph. Problems arise as she falls in love with another and her intended is already in love with a dancer. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT "SERGEANT RYKER". Starring Lee Marvin, Bradford Dillman, Vera Miles. Korea: Ser- geant faces court martial as a traitor. After being found guilty and sentenced to hang, a prosecuting attorney in the Judge Advocate's Office wins him a new trial on the grounds of inadequate defense. After a stormy second trial the case against Ryker is finally decided. MONDAY MIDNIGHT -"MIDNIGHT LACE". Stars Doris Day, Rex Harrison, Jonn Gavin. TUESDAY, 12:30 A.M.-"LEGEND OF LOCK NESS". The search for the world's r gest famous monster brought up-to- the-minute with the aid of advanced technology. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -"FOOL'S PARADE". Stars James Stewart, George Kennedy, Anne Baxter. 1953: Three convicts are released from a West Virginia prison with One carrying a cheque for $25,000. A prison guard and a bank president plot to kill them for the money. To smooth out acne scars without damaging the skin. scientists are suc- cessfully using a substance made from cowhides. It's collagen, the skin's own fi- brous structural material. After it's injected under skin craters, the body con- verts, the gel -like implant into. a latticework of living fibers that fill up the pits. The Easter Seal Society, oerr'tuo HON EVERY OF WHIRLPMOO&'SAVE P PRICES MWOFsI'TGET Y LOWER. � WhirlHomepool MerwoodC. Smith,Ltd. RR. 2 Listowel 291-3810 Highway 86 - 3/4 mile west of Listowel You'll be surprised how easy it 1985 .. ''''4 i istb... f4:1447' . °W9'V'''' ` ® r ,... , 0...... ....4/" _.........,,,,,44 '/'-'-'-'' ''V'''Z.,•;',4(.4,::` Cougar itYd� 2 door, auto., .+' ((�� P.S., P.B., AM -FM 36 7f 291 "`"°�`- Stereo. Per month 1985 Escort!Lynx -model FRadioeaturing,7896 Defroster Per Month .P.B., 1985 Mustang LX. 2 Dr. PAS., M/FM StereoDef., 47 Per Month 1 9 8 .. 1985 TempolTopaz L-4 Door RadioP B., Def 19847 Per Month Auto., P.S., P.B., 01 1985 .LTDIMarquis4 Door Sedan Radio, R. Defroster 2 5 8 Per Month 1985 Ranger Pickup Styleside Pickup 1 8486 Radio Per Month -Styleside Pickup. �! A 1985 F150 Pickup Radio, P.B.S Per Month 20939 .7 The above leases are based on a 48 month term 96,000 km. Lease price can be lower with larger down payment. HARVEY KROTZ FORD C '----D ILEASING Wallace Ave. North, Listowel Car City Phone: 291-3520 HON EVERY OF WHIRLPMOO&'SAVE P PRICES MWOFsI'TGET Y LOWER. � WhirlHomepool MerwoodC. Smith,Ltd. RR. 2 Listowel 291-3810 Highway 86 - 3/4 mile west of Listowel