HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-11-07, Page 17I C SE ' V UNWANTED HAIR? Permanent hair removal by Electrolysis • Private Facility • Graduate Technicia Free complementaryr}con- sultation. - Please call for an appoint- ment. UNISEX HAIRSTYLING 124 Davidson Ave. Listowel 291-2966 PHASE 3 UNISEX Zehrs Plaza Wingham 357-1992 *TREE mendous FALL IS AN EXCELLENT TIME FOR TREE PLANTING AND MOVING, CALL US NOW! 'The Tree Mover' John Gibson RR 2, Seaforth 482-3229 • Landscape Design • Trees Bought and Sold Radio Authorized IhaekSales Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton. Toutttrg 'pErtarlp,e '• Prescriptions filled ° Cataract prescriptions filled • Repairs on premises " Sunglasses • Safety lenses ° Complete Optical Service DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LATEST IN OPTICAL FASHION! No appointment needed, R. R. 1, Listowel, Hwy. West. Phone 291-3089 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5:30, Saturday 9.12 Sorensen Music Centre °Fender - Takamini - El Degas Guitars and Banjos •Traynor - Peavey - Fender Amplifiers •Hammond Organs •Lesage'- Sherlock Manning Pianos • Sheet Music - Music Books - Records = Tapes Piano Tuning and Repairs Phone 2913341 204 Main Street West Listowel kARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a•call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs • Tues Beef Thurs. 338-3330 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music tor weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties etc Phone, Brussels evenings 667-6169 CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do-it-yourself Installatign • costs less titan you think • 3 year warranty • Money -back guarantee ' DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, Hwy. 86 E. 698-2605 MAGNETIC' SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates costly lettering Removable when tracing or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES STONE'S TV and Appliances Electrohome Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos, Freezers, Washers, Dryers • Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all make.s" TV Towers Installations and (Repairs STONE'S For Rock Bottom Prices Gorrie 335-6374 Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. • 15, 25 and 40 ton hydraulic' mobile cranes reach up to 175 feet. • 1 yard backhoe • 15 years experience 357-3.721 RR 2, WINGHAM DURHAM MOBILE HOMES & PARK LTD. Mobile Horne Sales New & Used Dry Wall !Modular Housing Hwy. 6, South of Durham Douglas St. W. 369-3723 When you need a special service in a hurry give one of these businesses a gall today! Repairs to all makes of SEWING MACHINES FREE ESTIMATES 4 , ALL WORK �_ _ _ GUARANTEE Dt"" � i_ _ SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie St. (2 doors S. of Hudson's) STRATFORD 271-9660 Closed Monday J3aMaa1, DIAMOND. CENTRE *Watches •Diamond Rings •Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China •Crystal 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 GOODYEAR, MICHELIN, FISK TRUCK TIRE RETREADING TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service CaII 291-2521 Cleaning & Service Chimneys Oil & Wood 'Furnaces B&M CHIMNEY SERVICES 291-2876 Brian Dinsmore Mike Dinsmore LUCILLE'S ELECTROLYSIS featuring "THE BLEND" A modern, efficient form of permanent hair removal. Certified Electrologist Confidential consultations at no charge. Tuesday or Thursdays ' and other days by chance. - 343-2261 Order your WEDDING INVITATIONS from us. Visit one of our offices today and choose from a wide selection of styles. The Listowel Banner The Wingham Advance -Times The Mount Forest Confederate The Milverton Sun THE TV MAN Sales and Service 887-9472 Prop. Jerald Hayden ••O Video, Stereo, Antennas, Audio Installations, Computers. 2 -Way. Radios, Satellite Dishes Located halfway between Listowel and Wingham, just off Hwy. 86. Sideroad 10 & 1. 1, Grey Twp. L BLAKE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Specializing in Septic Tank Cleaning Phone (anytime) (519)887-6800 FREE ESTIMATES APEX REFINISHING BATHTUBS, SINKS, TILES Wroxeter, Ont. (519) 335-6437 Long Distance Call Collect FOR SALE VACUUM CLEANER, 1979 model Kirby Classic III, all attachments included, new condition, $1000 new, will sell for $325 or best offer. Phone 335-6496. ONE, TWO and three inch Northern hemlock and spruce lumber, full sawn. Ervin B. Martin, Con. 2, Egremont Township. 7,14 EIGHT wooden storm win- .dows in good condition: 341/2x55 inches and one at •281x391/2. Phone ,343-2292 after 5 p.m. • LADY'S Munari downhill ski boots, size 7, excellent condi- tion, $50. Phone 291-3440. 0 CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: Tho Wingham Advance -Times -- 357-2320 The Listowel Banner 291-1860 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 WINCHESTER GUNS, com- memoratives and others, F.A.C. required. Phone,357- 3689. 31,7 TRI-COUNITY Tire, now has 750 next -to -new tires in stock, snows, radials, bais, sizes range from 13" passen- ger tires to 16" truck tires. All tires guaranteed. Tri - County Tire is located be- tween Brussels and Walton on Con. 16. Phone 887-6932. 31,7,14 SUPER SAVINGS on new pianos and organs. More than $600 off on some models during stock reductionsale at Hap's Keyboard Korner in Wingham. Evening appoint- ments arranged. Phone 357- 2185. rrb WE HAVE Progressive Euchre score cards; Court Whist tally cards; and Bridge score pads at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. TF .GIVE a little Dutch windmill for a Christmas gift. Phone 357-1403. rrb 1982 23 FT. Golden Falcon trailer. In excellent condi- tion. Sleeps 7. Includes brand new awning, large refrigera- tor, furnace, water heater, dual propane tanks, three- piece bathroom. Must sell. $8,800. Phone 291-1626 after 7:30 p.m. •tf WEDDING supplies - Pom- pons, plastic, available in yellow, pink, white and light . blue; 4'/2" white, silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also Guest Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all other occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel 'TF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED 5 -year Arabian with all tack. Call any time after 12 noon, 356- 2509. 7,14 HAND MILKED Holstein cow, bred, good producer. Call after 6:30 p.m. 335-3259. 31,7,14 PERSONAL BELLY GREETING Professional Belly Dancing available for Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Get -Well, Conventions, So- cial Clubs, any occasion. Call Najwa 744-1354. (tf) FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE NEW HOG and cow stabling, plumbing, welding and tool supplies. Used equipment, Berg stable cleaner, 500 foot chain, 64 head rail type cow stalls, automatic feed con- veyer from silo to manger. Fat hog feeders, three augers 21/2" diameter with drops for automatic feeding, 30, 40 and 50 feet. New and used heated waterbowls, concrete, stainless steel, and regular steel. Also, some used farm equipment. Call Andy's Farm Supplies (519) 291-3382. CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1981 'PONTIAC Lemans, V6, auto, P.B., P.S., cruise, certified. 1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass, V8. Phone 356-2333. 7,14,21 1981 MALIBU', power steer- ing, power brakes, AM -FM cassette, cruise, tilt wheel, delay wipers, good condition. Certified, $5,500 or best offer. 343-3713. 31,7 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, VANS & 4x4's 22,1'180-1983 Fords, Chevy tlets and Plymouths. 8, 1978-82 Aspens, Vo- lares and Fairmonts. 2, 1981-82 Oldsmobile Re-' gency Broughams, loaded. 5, 1978-81 station wagons. 4, 1978 Subur- bans and vans with seats. 1, 1978 Ram Charger. 4x4. 1, 1976 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton 4x4. 1, 1977 Ford %-ton 4x4 with plow. 14, 1977- 79 1/2 and %-ton pickups and -crew cabs. 1, 1976 GMC 1 -ton wrecker. 7, 1 974-77 1 -4-ton cab, chassis and dumps. 1, 3 -axle Tag -A -Long trailer. 8 Van bodies and utility bodies. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover or 4 miles west of Durham on Hwy., 4. 1-369- 3136. WANTED TO BUY - CARS 'Wanted''to Buy: Cash money paid for used cars, trucks, recreational vehi- cles, motorcycles, etc. Vehi- cles with mechanical, and -or body defects - OK (bonus money paid for "clean" used cars and trucks). Bonded and licensed dealer. Allan Caudle 343-2803, anytime, Highway 23 North, Palmer- ston. tf WILL BUY used' pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 rrb OLD BRICK • BUILDINGS Wanted ,for 'wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact. Ross Lumley: Kitchener 749-7095. (Alt.) BUYING FOR CASH Gold and silver coins, jewellery, sterling silver- ware, trays, tea sets, an- , tique clocks, pocket watches, old post cards, documents. All scrap gold and dental gold. WM. J. GRANT COINS 1125 King St. E., Kit. 576-4840 8 Water St'. S., Camb. 621-0430 WORK WANTED WOMAN desires housework. Reasonable rates and refer- ences available. Phone 343- 2988. 7,14 COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday of week prior to publication: INSULATING??? IS THE TIME 1040 Homes built prior to Sept. 1, 1977 are now eligible for a C.H.I.P. Grant up to a maximum of '500.00 off your insulating costs. FREE ESTIMATES • Blown Cellulose • Urethane Foam • Fibreglass • Air Seal Testing "Satisfaction Guaranteed" CGS.G Cert. No. Ont. 250. Hunter insula -tion Ltd. 214 - 10th St., Hanover Call Collect or Evenings 364.4494 369 sasf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Crossroads—Nov. 7, 1984—Page 3 THIRTY-TWO acres with clear land and bush with a e-rooframe house with 2 bel- rooms. ms. I'll renovate. New wells and new hydro. Locat- ed between Molesworth and Ethel. Asking $45,000; lot in Listowel, almost 2 acres, permit for one house, asking $45,000. Please no agents. Phone 887-9583. 7,14 FARM for sale: Part Lot 14, Con. 7, Mornington Town- ship, Perth County. 85 acres with approximately 73 work- able; 1'/2 storey block house, barn. Asking $115,000. Con- tact Andy van Niekerk at 291-3450. 31,7 PRIVATE sale. Two bed- room bungalow ' in Moles- worth, low heating costs, good condition, large lot. Phone George Hayden, 335- 6293. 24,31,7,14 MORTGAGES WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Greg Cowan now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. TF COMING EVENTS "THE HAMILTON SCOURGE" The Queen's Bush Historical Society of Listowel, invites the public to come to their next meeting on Wednesday, November 14th at 8 p.m., in the library of Listowel Dis- trict Secondary School, Maitland Ave. S., Listowel. Special guest speaker will be Claus Breede,lcbrator of the Bruce County Historical' Museum, who will be giving a talk and slide presentation on the "Hamilton Scourge Project". The Scourge is a British warship, which was sunk during the war of 1812 and now lies at the bottom of Lake Ontario, near Hamil- ton. Attempts are now un- derway to raise and restore the ship. Free admission. In- formation call 291-1598. LIVE THEATRE The Grey -Wellington • The- atre Guild presents "On Golden Pond" at Harriston Town Hall Theatre, Main. Street, Harriston on Nov. 15, 16, 17 and Nov. 22, 23, 24. Curtain time:. 8:30 p.m. sharp. For tickets: Ron Owers Office Outfitters, Brown's Guardian. 'Phar- macy, Acheson Pharmacy; Wallace's Discount (Sears), Moran's Pharmacy; Sted- mans and Stewart's Phar- macy: 024,N21 COMING EVENTS CRAFT AND BAKE SALE The Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 180, Royal Canadian Legion, Wingham is sponsor- ing a craft and bake sale at the Legion Hall, Victoria St. W., Wingham, Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m: to 6 p.m. Many area crafters will be present. Door prizes and draws. Admission 50 cents. Everyone welcome. 7,14 SERVICES CUSTOM combining, soy- beans and grain corn or cob meal, $26 per acre. Cornhog for rent. Phone Dan 881-0227. 31,7 FARM Taxation Service (Registered), Edward Street, Fordwich. Phone 335- 6363. Specializing in farm re- turns since 1968. No individu- al returns accepted. tf CUSTOM combining, corn and soybeans. Call Glenn Myer, 338-5650. tf CUSTOM plowing — ready for your fall plowing. Phone 335-6146 or 291-2155. tf • IMPACT OF COLOR an International Company . that Specializes in Color Analysis Needs consultants for this area. We train you for your own business. Write: Box 301 North Branch, Michigan 48461 U.S.A. OBILIFE • • RECREATIONAL VEHICLES MOBILE HOME SALE 48x10 $4,500 52x10 $5,995 68x12 $9,995 Usually 10-15 units to choose from. OBILIFE • • RV CENTRE No. 8 Highway between Kitchener & Cambridge 1-519-653-5788 Since 1969 S. G RAF' S GLASS SERVICE All Types of Glass Available Business & Residential. Renovation of stained glass and church windows. Lead and brass framing to your specifications. FREE ESTIMATES 3 miles east of Mount Forest on Hwy. 89 323-4558 or 323-1584 Bids Required For Demolition Bids will be accepted for the demoli- tion and removal of the former Ontario Hydro office building located . on Wallace. Avenue South in Listowel. The structure contains many valuable • materials including brick, lumber, etc. For more information please contact: JACK O'MARA Hay Lumber and Pro Hardware Tel. 291-2610