HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-12-20, Page 3Some. C#tr[Semen Good •Turne. Scouts! Read this listover to the members oi'. your Patrol uext.meetingI night, check orf. the, Good Turns your boys" may be able' to duplicate this year; and: later kindly send to the Edi tor: a brief account ,of your°success as a suggeetio'u for rother patrols and' troops next' year. Gathered and repaired old toys for gifts to children of poor families. One troop last year gathered nearly two hundred old toys, freshened them up in their troop work shop, .and added them to Santa Claus' Christmas load, Put .on Scout demonstration to aid conimuuity Christmas fund. Gave a Christmas basket to a poor f n11y, 1\xadd up "Patrol•bas7,ets" of good things for four needy families. 1 oop divided into three groups, each of which secured food and other fl'if):S for poor, families, ;Put up co•innunity Christmas tree. clothing, candies, oranges, etc., eft by the town folkstinder the '' a; ; later'divided into ed by the Scouts i5 for Sun- ecoration church for ristruas parcel delivery_ of all ,eckages. ntrolling` trafficA ping corners. ers for Christmas eve 11 FREQUENT UENT 1I'1',IDACIIE A Sure Sipxe th9 Blood Is Watery and Iiupurre. People with thin blood ark nnenre'su1 , ject to headaches than fh)i-blooded persona and the form .of anaemia ;that afflicts growing girls is almost always accompanied by headaches, together with disturbances of the digestive or - gaps. Wlietleyer you have constant`. or t•e- ciil!•ring headaches and, pedlar of the ace, they show;'that the blood le thin and your 'efforts' should' be directed. toward building up your .blood. A fair treatment with Dr. Wilsiauts' Pink Pills will do this, and the rich, red bIoo4 made. by, these pills banishes the leadache., Mere disturbances to the health are caused by their blood than most peo- ple have ens?' idea of. When your blood, is impoverished, the nerves suf- fer from lack of nourishment, and you may be troubled with, insomnia, neur- itis, neuralgia or sciatica; Muscles subject to strain are undernourished and you may have muscular rheunaa- tiem or luiubago. If your blood. is thin and you begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try building up the blood with Dr. Williams' -Pin Pills, and as the blood is restored to its normal condition the trouble- evil disappear. There aro many' people who owe their present state of 'good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and most of them do not hesitate to,sayso. If you are suffering from any condi- tion due to poor, watery blood,- or weak nerves, begin taking Dr., Wil- liams' Pink Pills, now, and dote how your strength enol health will im- •prove. You can get these pills through' any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at," 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Iedicine :Co., Brockyille; Ont. EASY TRICKS No. 57. TVIagietic Silver Two matches- and a half dollar are used in .this triol, which can best ea performed' while you are seated at the table,. One match is placed across the other so that it is balanced,' with neither end touching. the table.' The performer explains that a naif dcil- eler acts toward a malch as a magnet acts toward a 'steel needle and pro- ceeds to prove, by demonstrating, that there is sense in that nonsense. The nail dollar , is held near the end of the upper match, .The. per - .former, slowly draws if towardlhim- k self—and the match swings 'round toward `,him. The spectators • sus- r-pect threads but'they can examine ". the matches and the coin alt they like. The coin has nothing to do with the. trick—except to provide an ex- cuse fur the toolishness about mag- netism. A real magnet or another matchwould do just as well, While the performer is holding the, coin near one end of the upper match, • he is breathing gently toward- the other end. That, of course? makes the match swing around on its axis- -and that's -the- triol,. (Clip this out and.paste it, with other of the series,- in a scrapbpolkJ. ewalks of snow, removed -oocl,,etc., for invalids and le who had•no one- to lookaf- n. candies and other good things rphanage and amused the child- ', nn h.ciur.with. Scout -games. pk some poor boys to a Christmas Ly and paid their car fares. Visited_ sick children,, especially boys, in the hospital.: ,• One Ontario troop hiked seven miles during zero weather to visit and pass as a Tenderfoot Scout au;inyalid boy living on a farm. Provided a big Christmas dinner for the birds winteringin the town wn park. Assisted churches in a censti.s of. needy families, each' -patrol taking a district. Thehido Season. �6i u t�0i3Sf31tn. The time of the year is at hand when the temperature and.; the. state of the atmosphere expose us more 'par- ticularly ttle diseases�i lite',:1)reath- ln- -dans; BtonchtIs itirdiYsegfres +c monia,' colds, pneumonia, pleurisy, and, all others of the relentless and merci- less pulmonary troubles. The number of ,people affected -by these diseases in- creases consideiabl- during the fall of the year, and -the-ravages made con- tinue to avast natal the spring. These diseases aro often very easily spread and they are 'always dangerous. If they do not- kill they cause misery and loss. •ire 'must not forget that these dis- eases are due to germs which aro transmitted from- one person to an- other and that therefore they aro often preventable..." Badly heated homes, lackof ventila tion, unsuitable clothing, threaten us with decreased powers of 'resistance, which_ render us more liable to. colds. Patients suffering from bronchitis, coryza (cold in the head), sore 'throat; even in a mild form, must at once re- ceive attention, otherwise they lay themselves ,open to .complications, as well as exposing to contagion the other ;persons with whom they come into contact. Some people have careless manners, and 'without .'consideration for their neighbors„ they Wcough' without cover- ing their mouthswith a handkerchief. They sneeze in the same -Manner or spit on the floor. Such facts are observed daily either , in public buildings, in the tramcars,' or in any other form of public ;convey convey- ance, not taking into 'account: what happens on the street. ]void these unhealthy practices, and you will_do your share toward the safe- guarding ;of ,your own and the` public health,,, Not'ra Tiger -Man :Reggie — "T—aw--do 't t,g n thick the brute likes me." Algto----"No, boy—you're boy y,ou're not of ;318 'stripe." There are three million t boostsin the of the. British Museum, lib,,arY h ants: if s v the bool.lteh es were laid out end to e:rtei '`c d they wotild1d to about'thirty- Ave h' t -:. �ntr y Ave .l7tiles. EveiY .sescn f} and onI3ta li It rivers • self may be seized byt t S e 11e; Crown 9 and beconie ate property, unless it bear is owner's mark. Al King's birds aro marked on the beak with the Royal initial. h v'i1R. of the Winds. We went to the Hill of the Winds On an amber afternoon .; Froin its crest we looked between ce- dar files Where a -river ran for winding miles By shelving banks,and sedgy isles Like a placid long lagoon, • here was never a -cloud in the vault— The aplt—The vast, blue vault of. the sky, or a winnowing wind swept cease- lessly Out of the west where the free winds e,,: And it sang sweet songs tows; and we Were glad as the ; wind went by. We were glad of the wind and sun; Of the heights• and the depths below— Of the ox -eyed daisies with beck and nod, Of the glint and•the toss of the golden- rod, Of the sheen of the moss • and the scent of. the sod;' With ,the joy thatiovers ;know.. Now is the age of the year. When the heavens are blurred with rain; When the airs are chill and the mists arera g y _ Sweet,let us take1 the u Award way, Let us go back to that perfect day And the Hill of the Winds again! Clinton Scollard, T P SAVED BABY'S LIFE M:rs. Alfred Trancheniontagne, St. Michel • des Saints, Que., writes:— "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They' saved: my baby's life: and I can highly recommend them to all mothers. " Mrs. Tranchemontagne's, experience is that ofthousands of ing out the most desirable birds for other '.mothers who have e .tested the nekt _year's breeders they can be worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The separated, allowed free range,' if it"s Tablets are a sure and safemedicine available, until real severe weather for little ones and 'fever fait to regu- sets in. Eggs from these Blida during late the bowels and stomach, thus re- the Winter months should be a second- iieving all the minor ills from which ary consideration --onI . The main children suffer, . , Theyy are, sold by point is to have them and in medicine; dealers; or. by mail ' at ,25 good vitality when eggs are required cents a box' from 'Theo Dr,- Williams' for. hatchtn ,.Therefore mash and Medicine .Co.- Br.ockvill-e, Ont... other egg. producing feeds should be' limited,•supplemented by a body and muscle building ration.Care must be pr pac TQC d 17.nil, CANADA'S NEW 'UNIFORMED CORPS' ' Boys of the Messenger Service Department of the Canadian National Telegraphs have_been placed in uniform. The uniforms are of grey wool serge; Macs[ leather leggings and grey uniform Caps. The crest of the. Com- pany adorns the left sleeve between the elbow and shoulder and is attached to the ,front of the cap together with the boy's number. In' wet weather the boys will wear oilskin capes and hats of olive color over their uniforms. No other Canadian owned telegraph .service e has uniformed .messengers. The photograph shows one of the boys in his new uniform delivering .telegram. Select Your Hens for Now. eding By Sam W. Knife. Too many poultry breeders leave the selection of their breeding hens till January or February, instead of se- lecting them in the Fall, when they go into their winter. quarters. Of course it is not suggested that they should be mated up then, but by pick - The Deciding Factor• "An expert says gas Will be the de- ciding factor in the wars to come." "Doubtless btless he has noted . how effec- tive - e tive it is in theolitical battles n 1 of the present." Ask'for. Minard's' and take no other., Dr. tJcATIO ¥' DR. J'.: J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Middleton will be glad toanswer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. ti High blood pressure is a condition we hearmuch about these days. It may be due 'in part to the strenuous life one leadsin these hectic times, but over -indulgence of one kind or another m the elasticity diminishes, V' the "wal s thicken and the inside width of the tube gets less. In consequence;. the blood flow in the tubes is under too uch pressure. There is an instru= makes the condition worse. I-Iigh blood pressure means several things: (1) That the heart is beating too strong- ly; (2) that the blood vessel walls are thickened and inelastic; (3) that the' person is obese or overweight. It may be caused by any or all of these con- ditions.` Nature provides blood vessels that are large enough and smooth enough for h for blood to flow thr gh without much friction. Every time the heart beats, the vessels being elastic, stretch like a rubber tube. As age advances, anent for measuring blood pressure. Symptoms suggest the need of this examination• are dizziness, ` cold extremities, albumin in the urine, ir- ritable heart. Thetreatment is to pre- vent constipation, and live temperate- ly in eating, drinking and in all other ways) avoid over -excitement or stimu- lation and take. plenty of rest and sleep. . A•. is t.o medicine that can hope to effect a Lure of this disease. It d.: pencls on the patient's habits and the way he lives from day to .day. Come to the Lectures? Delonstration s and Practices at the Cort roo roc ural Co 1.24 T COURSES'— 1924. Stock and, Seed Judging Two weeks)—January.8th - 19th. Poultry Raising — (Four .Weeks ,January ,8th - February 2nd. Horticulture' Courses Fruit and Vegetable Growing—Jan . nary 21st - February 2nd. Floriculture,a,ncl I,alidsean e Garden- ing --Feb. 4th,- Feb. 16th. , Dairy; Courses: Course for 'F'actory Cheese and l3uitermelters —"January 2iid -- March 14tH, Cow -Testing --Jan. 7tli - Jan. Farm Dairy—Jan. 21st - Feb, encl. Factory Milk and Crean".' Testing, including reactor Management urt geiuont 1 Weeks) ---Jan. 22 - Feb. 2. TTherme acn;r e sea aro planned A to ilLtet the t11© tFiniGP inbutilrf. roonlrernents t;,f _farmers, farmers' 6ons, •in" - mon. bee-lcro7crn,nnd horticillturlsfswho mny be able to' leave borne for but p:short nPerod during 111 courses are free, 'with, tin e r xcert.on of hie lana. courc f ..:: ,.:. ..,,.. Y. s, or;which n ririnll.rcals:rn.fon.. toe Ss cLnraeA;. A change c h n n e f rod:the borne m o turt ori dtn s meeting s Other rcorit o Interested d Dn the things In which 100 aro' interested, ezchnnsr of oxDoricnco and tl o rt ru c, odtjwc,(„•ot knu}raly, , do you, loo- t'lan to attend some course ,.,that np11w # n you, ISbGucGd tutu on rnli�ara. Write tot 'book- let deoctthln t1Lo. cosh a and a s a td dak for rnlltvny'':cortlhcato, :'. �qtr , B. REYNOLDS, k1.A � r�, STEVENSON,' ' A.nh rio�,rJLR, >.S.A., ' President Director. of'Extens!onRe r gist al and accounts—Feb, 1 Feb. 16. Market Milk, including Mechanical Refrigeration—Feb. 18 - March 1.' Condensed and ,Powdered Milk--. March 3rd - March. 15th., Ice-Oreani, including ” Mechanical Refrigeration--March,17 - Mar. 28 Creatneiy and Oheeselliaking Course, including Mechanical Re- frigeration-Mar. 24 - Mar, 28. Bee Keeping (Two Wcelts)—Jan- wiry 8th - January 19th.- Drainage 9th.-Drainage and Drainage Surveying (Two Weeks) -,Tan, 8 - Jan. 19. Farm Power, including d g .Tractors;.;. Gasoline hingines, etc, (Two Left it Unnamed, Perhaps "Yes, we've been, married for ten years and have never had what I'd call a quarrel." "What do you call it then?" How do you value your musical in- strument; by its market value or by the effect youget out of it? At a con- " cert, ,three young ladies were awaiting 171 breathless expectation the appear- ' ; ance of a well -known -violinist, ,and fill - lug in the ti nae ! , g e with excited—converse' tion as to their own experiences. They were ; evidently violinists themselves •and had learnt to play the principal 1 piecesin the programme, besides.play- in in r£' o essionai g P or amateur u e i oro hes- tras. But some of their ideas were not quite what they should be. "Do i you know," said on o re f th ani ,"I played on a £ 0 4,0 0 Strad the other day. Some friends of mine had this and an Arnett as well. The Amati only cost -2700; but wasn't it comic, the people then- g A�}! ,1 y p selves preferred to play on the £700 STION one!" She had not realized that mar- ket value is fixed byman things e Y efbe- taken not to over feed, - or by spring the hens;-will.be too fat, lay. ^If you have .any `Heins which have laved rtglrt,•up _to. October or.'Nevem': ber, hang Tight' auto them dao .1£ you have. trap -nested- .keep your 150 -egg birds and over. 'If you -have a surplus of hatching -eggs from such stock they are readily disposed of, and even if they only a.'con le of settings of eggs Yon'know y011 may'have chicks well wl rth -Whilefrom their eggs. :While your breeders should have good care -and attention; abundant ex- ercise is. absolutely necessary, with- out which you cannot expect the muscles,and functional organs to have the energy needed for subsequent utilization or the power to resist ad- verse influences. • Do not contemplate using pullets and hens which you have "forced" for eggs, under artificial lights, as the re- sults in `'fertility` are usually disap- pointing. Keep an eye on your cock- rels, pick out the quick maturing, large framed and good typed birds to - head your pens. .If two or more males are to be used in one pen, get them accustomed to each other before breed- ing season; this will insure peace and .pontentment in your breeding quarters. Breed only from good males,, for re member, the male bird is 50% of your breeding pen. Wood -Fold. Those who have lived near forests ever keep Something within them kin to every tree,' Something£ sun- shineo wind and rain and su shine free; Their vagrant thoughts roam far afield to deep And woodsy places where- Pan's goat - hoofs leap And dryads peer through boughs of ash end oak; Strange rustic memories their dreams invoke • And stray leaves rustle always through their sleep,. They never lose their love of wander ing, Though Fate should Stay for years their town -bound feet; They neverfailto hear'birds caroling, ng, Although no. `wingss-weep through. the street; And, hid within their 'tiniest souls apart, They Holli the magic of the forest's crest's heart, Charlotte Becker, It is estimated that the United States holds 4$er cent. Of ' 1?Othe �'Vbl,ICY" 1J,. total 01 gold 'Money. Of the remainder the BritishA '°Em ire holds 1 a lout 121/ Per cent; France, per ce t•, Japan, , r. 7' Cent:' S a°n- �. e 1 J.per Cerit': and Germany and 13olionc about 2 per cent, each. Keep Minard's t rllrvlbnt in thn house, If'yyou r _s ky:ruovm coxa (shear leLe)) - ) v d ` A. Study in Fitness. Light, I love thee 'When Day is here; And, Twilight, thou ' rhen Love is near. Come softly Twilight, I hear Love's coming; Get thee gone, Day, With your whirring wings and your humming. R. K. Dei;ky. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. The ideal world would be a world in which every man continued to go to school till the day of his death: lltr. Robert Lynd, the well-known author. 1 oRYost➢,, ES �, holoso e CIoa sthg' tela isle Eatraorl, a't3 Pioneer Dog i?ertaediera DOG • and now to freed t.':,1led Arco to arts Addreo by the Author. Li. CLAY GLOVER DD„ Ina, 926;. %Yost 24th Street -. Wow Yo: : u. Got r'. ,. Take a small pan of boiling water and put half, a teaspoon of MEN- THOLATUM in the hot water, then breathe the steam. It's the best and .also the quickest way to get relief. For sale at all II Drup Stores. Write for FreeSample. `THE MENTHOLATUM CO. Sridlebure, Ont. Box 63 SPIRIN "Bayer" and Inst ! "Pape's Diapepsin' is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or stomach distress eaused by acidity. A. few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages of Pape's Diapepsin. T E Peope Th'n nervous, : underweightpeople take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy and ambitious when Bitro-Phosphate as guaranteed by druggists is taken a few weeks. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical' Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. CHI LAIN5 Rub the feetell w with. Minard s. A Ecru applications and the sore- ness is gone. ilnles.s yea seethe name "Bayer" oh package or on tablets you arenot get- ting the genuine Basusea- product, proved. safe by milli -ns And prescribed by '.physicians over,• twenty-three years for Colds Ileadache Toothache Lumbago Earache Itheumatisni Neuralgia Pain, Iain Aricept "Bayer Tr,blets of Aspirin" only, Each unbroken package con- tains ontains proper diroctions. ' Handy bbxes of twelve tablets cost few cents: Drug. gists also sell .bottles ;of 24 and 100. Aspirin Le tho trade- mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer . Manufacture of n+ ''r r• „stor. a: S 1i ]11)8. tilea.id a t 11ca,cltL Y 011 known :tha Gilhilo it is w t Aspirin r c 71 calcars Bayerer Iola u_a ,t nro, to assist Inst imitations h the public" age � the Tab- lets of Bayer Company `will he stamp- ed With their general, trade Mark, th t "ilAkiteK a ?Ra,c other! Give Sick Child "California nia Fig'> Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Ch!!.!, Constipated ions, fe.,,,e °ash, or sick, colic Babies a,nd Children love to . talco genuine "California 1+0 i g S3rl,p." No tither is ath'e regulates' / the tender little boWE:lsso nice] sweetens s the toinach and s It 14 en he s tarty �w- ti liver and t,oivClS,acting w thou .ti . (✓ont;a!rs no narcotics o, griping., "California"sootlfin drugs.- Say to g your. druggist and 'avoid t:ollnaerfeits! Insist 'upon genuine "Calitorziia Pig $yrup'I which. contains' dirbctibut. About 500 species of, plants are carnivorous. Through modified leaves they imprison their prey, which is subsequently digested' and absorbed. Sundew, flytraps, ;pitcher -plants,. bladderworts, and butterworts are stinting the chief aminal -eating plants, KNITTING' MACHINE.. NITTING MACHINE TOOL, Self starter. Saves transferrin stitches. Price $3, • Agents wanted. They are easy to sell after demonstra- tion. Circular on reijuest. Booklet (40 cents) telling how to speed up knitting and toe -closing, how long it takes to knit a pair, :how much can be earned, hints on selling sox, etc. Jar- man, Woodland Park, Hespeler, Ont. PPLES • FOR SALE—GREENS in s Kings, ings, g , I,aldwins. Special prices to farmers' clubs' in car lots; Beaver Valley Fruit Growers, Camp- erdown, Ontario. EVERAL CARS DRY MILLI kJ Slab wood stove length. b :Reid. Bros., Bothwell, Ontario: Ooh ]poo poC:�i .=>ooQOC: g R.. a a h 1 ,a —Len_ LTi , =•s n I,, off. �m .. teeth;'�b�omuca,. cas suziciean'ttK bowels." wrels. 0 ur tee,' "r are . ;-.1.-Y our o0 rl look , 1 k to your digestive organs at once.. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup t a dnaaiY' sats 15to 341 drops a items .,� p meals clean up y aurod passage � . s .a e o ' and stop the a •bad breath odor. D' 50c. and $1.O0 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. shut cart.` Get e>the e nuine C1tk' y0o0�(l'•�'>OOli60il�fl�J' ; GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent `°Danderine`' 'Does Wonders far' Lifeless, Neglected Neglected Hair. A gleamy mass r' of luaiixoiae i,k;,I,.0 , g; full` of gloss, lus- tre and life short. 7rr' " ly follows a genu-' ane toning up of neglected scalps, with dependable "Danderdine." Falling ha1r,, itching scalp and the dandruff is ; dorrected immediately. Thin, dry,i wispy or fading hair is quickly invig. orated, taking on new strength, color; and youthful beauty. "Danderine" Is delightful I on the he-t r• a refreshing, fr eshf n g, stimulating ; tonic — not sticky or greasy! Any drugstore, CUflCURA RASH Spread To Neckand Arnls, Itched and Burned, Lasted.3 Montes. "My lrouhl.ems y Bogan s�itli a rads 1srealsing oit'e on myback. My cloth- ing aggravated it, and it kepi spread• ing to,rnsf nccTs a -ad emas It itched 'rind burned so that 1 spent a les ',night. r e any d;, siee p s . The trouble laskeck about three"luonths. 1 triers diiTercnt remedies without' sta'ccess, 1 read.an advcrtlsemezxt for Outic ' lira.Soap an Omtnicnt and sent for a free' sample which helped inc. 1 bought more and in three Weeks was healed," (Sighed) 11, M. Kramer 586 H Av ea tel' e.,. Buffalo, X.,.Jan. .?, 1922,x, Citict.r. a Scall to cieanriaa at -id u- I 1) zii'}, •C;ztticur:i Ointment to : scathe' and: heal and enticurat,7'alc arra to: bwdcr P and pe;ftiac are ideal for. daily toil • x toilet 9 r p o e 5 s d Dmd P .]. a En ar r s. ei, 7riS-11 iti e,. rt rom a n •tr,,.S Bt.Pool :ttt„fi,,Adrtiklst'.4rcb ever ”nnit,dXftCctre yu Soa' 'N dws..S without null?' ran