HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-11-07, Page 6Page 6-r,The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 7, 1984 Af� sr /ffff ••,•:// toe +wtiieer�ens+�+s+ >.4t![i�1Y knrx3 �{'Ar aare�f oN% SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices(with picture) $5.00 plus °1.70 for 10 words; 8' a word thereafter Engagement Notices(without picture) . $4.00 Graduation Pictures ... .. .. , .. $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over No Charge Wedding Write Ups . . No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is ... $5.00 After Third Week Write Up$5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of ... ....... $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format . . No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is s1.70 first 10 words; 8' a word thereafter. FOR SALE AMERICAN Standard oil fired boiler complete with circulating pump. Good con- dition, phone 887-6240. FIBREGLASS cap for half - ton pickup in good condition. Phone 357-1343. 35 MM Pentax cameras; one ME Super, used once, $250 with case; one K-1000, ex- cellent condition, $185; one SP -500, $125. Lens, filters, developing equipment also for sale. Photographer going out of business. Phone Blyth 523-4455. VISIT This & That Shoppe, Lucknow for used and an- tique furnitfire, dishes, etc. Phone 528-3723. 7,tfc ALL our yesterdays! A`hard- bound 432 page, 850 picture history of Culross Township and Teeswater. A lasting, enjoyable Christmas gift. Available at Culross or Tees - water Clerk's offices, $20, or for direct mailing at $22. Contact Mrs. John A. Fischer, Teeswater ,392-6008 and Mrs P Lorne Fischer, Teeswater, 392-6552. DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specifid areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb WARM your kitchen with Beatty wood -burning cook - stove, $50. Phone 357-3758. SATELLITE television equipment by Channel Master. Prices starting at $2795 for complete systems capable of receiving all satellite Channels. Jarvis TV, Teeswater 392-6616. USED.. railway ties, pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi -load lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, office hours. NEW York style earrings, Hypoallergenic, fantastic assortment, single carded. $7.50 per doz. Distributor inquiries welcome. Lake Village Merchandising Inc. 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, Mississauga, L4X 2E6. (416) 625-8412. HOME video catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Colorful boxes. Call toll free 1-800-663- 6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N5. WARNING — Wait. This ad may save you money on your next building purchase. Three Quonset buildings available at unbeatable prices. No gimmicks. Call Bob at (416) 486-5149. STEEL buildings. Direct factory clearance. Up to 40 per cent discounts. Widths 30' to 120' any length. Limited quantities. Act now save. Call toll free 1-800-461- 7689. HOCKEY jackets, $16 and up. Jerseys, $10 and up. Buy direct from the factory and save. Peter Upton Jacket Works. Toll free 1-800-661- 8461 for your free catalogue. CHOICE grain fed beef, cut, wrapped, frozen and de- livered. Phone 335-3754, Bob Kreller. FOR SALE ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers; name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb BERG stable equipment. Barn cleaners; manure pumps, vertical and hori- zontal; 8" to 15" PVC or SST Ductile cow and calf tie stalls; loose housing; bunts feeders; ventilation equip- ment; hog confinement equipment; Ritchie heated waterbowls; farrowing crates; weaner decks; plas- tic slats and farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood, Ont. Phone 395- 5390. 22rrb LOW-PRICED antiques. We have dressers, chairs, bureaus and lamps. Phone 357-3427. 7,14,21,28 MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For 'ftirther information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20rrb READY to lay pullets, white and brown egg varieties; also laying cages. Fisher Poultry Farm Inc., Ayton, 665-7711. 27rrb CENTRAL Vacuum manufacturer with limited amount of central vacuum systems complete with can- nister, motor, all tools' and necessary parts to install. Regularly $699. on sale for $299, while supply lasts. Call 1-623-0251 anytime. 10,28 THREE snowmobiles, one extra double wide trailer. Two new extra belts for each snowmobile, extra plugs, $700. Phone 357-3509. 31,7,14 TRI -County Tire now have 750 next to new tires in stock, snows, radials, bais, sizes range from 13" passenger tires to 16" truck tires. All tires guaranteed. Tri -County Tire is located between Brussels and Walton on Con 16. Phone 887-6932. 31,7,14 DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31:rrb HARDWOOD slabs, all White Ash. McGlynn's Saw- mill 357-3777. 19-D19 RIDING lawn roller. Phone 357-1967 after 6 p.m. PIANO. Phone 357-1980. 31,7 GIVE a little Dutch windmill for a Christmas gift. Phone 357=1403. 24,rrb ADDRESS labels; gummed 200 for $3.25; press -on 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Add 7 per cent p.s.t. to all prices. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. 357-2320. 24,rrb Otlif FOR SALE WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb VEGETABLES — cauli- flower, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. Phone 887:6870. 21/2 miles north of Brussels and 11/4 miles east. 31,7 N.E.C., VCR'S Model N-20 $649.95, Model N-40 $789.95. Top quality, full featured pre-recorded movies for sale. as low as $29.95, BETA or VHS. New rental movies (BETA only) Moscow On The Hudson, Empire Strikes Back, Cannonball Run II, Yentl and many more. Wingham Video, 160 Park Drive, Phone 357-2233. 31,7 1979 SKIDOO Citation 300, $900; 1970 Skidoo Olympic, $150; child's spring horse, $10; stereo, cabinet model, AM -FM, record changer, $50; Gibson guitar amplifier, $125; 18 hp Rotax engine, needs work $50. Phone 357- 1086. 31,7 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SADDLE horses and ponies for sale. Phone 392-6173. 26 rrb LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin- ated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wing - ham. Phone 357-3495. 18rrb SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1983 YAMAHA Bravo 250, $120Q. Phone 357-2806. 7,14 SKIDOO 1981, 9500 Blizzard, very low mileage, excellent condition, must be seen. Phone 357-2599. 17,7 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1981 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door, 2 tone brown, V8, in excellent condition. Original owner. Phone 887-6240. 75 POLICE cars, trucks, station wagons, vans and 4 x 4's; 22, 1980-83 Fords, Chevs and Plymouths; 10-1978-82 Aspens, Volares, Fairmonts, 6 cylinder; 5 1978-81 station wagons; four 1978 Suburbans and vans with seats; one 1978 Ram Charger 4x4; one 1976 Chev t/z ton °4x4; one 1977 Ford 3 ton. 4x4 WITH plow; 14, 1977-80 r/z, 3/4 ton pickup and crew cabs; one°1976 GMC one ton wrecker; seven 1974-78 one to 4 ton cab and chassis and dumps; one 3 axle tagalong trailer; 8 van bodies and utility bodies,.Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover on Hwy. 4 or 4 miles west of Durham on Hwy. 4. Phone 1-369-3136. 1977 FORD station wagon, certified, $1500 or best offer. Phone Brian Taylor 357-2864, 4:30-6: 30 p. m . 7,14 McCREERY Auto Wreckers RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS 8 TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL 291.4159 GORRIE 335-3314 SERVICES WILL DO furniture refinish- ing, free estimates. Phone 357-2628. NOW available Photocopy- ing. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31,rrb PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Qual- ity workmanship. Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery, Blyth. Phone 523-4272. 27,rrb CUSTOM sewing, alter- ations, and Cabbage Patch doll clothes. Jean McBurney 357-1786. 22,rrb WANTED SOMEONE with facilities to custom feed 40 cows for the winter. Phone 357-1651. 7,14 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ' FULL RANGE C8F FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers. FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers. WEST EEL-ROSCO--Grain Bins, 1,350 to ,250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. HOULE—Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trusses, B & L, Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER — Liq- uid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. ALSO Parts, Electric Feed carts; straw choppers; fibre - funnels ; ibre-funnels; Ritchie heated bowls; Hurst equipment. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST Lowry Farni Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 Disc J• ey Stevens COUNTRY DI & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 WINGHAM LIBRARY First Meeting . Friends of the Library Wednesday November 14- 8 p.m. SPEAKERS: Mr. W. Partridge Chief Librarian Huron County Mr. R. Spurr Ministry of Natural Resources NOTICE The Salvation Army Thrift Store has moved to 288 Josephine St., (formerly Readman's Cleaners). New hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Closed 12 noon -1 p.m. Used clothing for all ages. 17,7 CAREERS EARN extra income. Learn to prepare income tax returns by correspondence. Local franchise available. For details write: Tax Time Services Limited. 1304 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4. ARE you adventurous? Crave Success? Love Travel? Yes? 'Join Us! Now establishing our corporate management staff in this area. Nationally and inter- nationally We pay top dollars for top people. Commission period, salary and expenses if qualified. Call Blue Maple Products today (416) 673-0747. CASH in on income tax. Earn money doingtax returns. Learn Money -saving tax tips by correspondence. U & R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2B6. CAREER in Trucking, — Transport Drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For interviews contact Mery Qrr Transport. London (519) 432- 1726, Cambridge, (519) 623- 2430. • 'HELP WANTED 'SOMEONE to do cleaning and housekeeping in Wingham home, one or two days a week. Reply in writ- ing stating experience and references to Box 2343 c -o The Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. 7,14 RESPONSIBLE babysitter required, two children, in our home, Wingham, five days per week, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Reference requested. Phone 357-3794. 31,7 LIVE-IN housekeeper. Apply to Box 2341, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. 31,7 PHARMACIST. Ontario licensed full time, benefits, high prescription computer- ized pharmacy. Apply in writing. Coward Pharmacy Limited, 143 Broadway, Till- sonburg, Ont. N4G 3P7. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 1%�`:.Y:'.v :,;:;Q;:•Y::<f%ii'� i'::%:35:'r,:•r;:r' :: F,•j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROUND floor opportunity, rapidly expanding multi-, letr�l .company. Manufac- turing and distributing Car Care, Household, Nutritional and Personal Care Products are looking for Supervisors to open your area with op- portunity to expand through- out North America. Exceptional M rketing Plan. Energizer 506 P.O. Box 123, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5M6 (416) 871-8600. $10,000 SECOND income. Sell high quality distillers and filter kits for purifying water in the home. For more information Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant St. Burlington, Ont. L7R 2G6 (416) 639-0503. THOUSANDS have read our ads and wondered, "Could I really earn extra money easily?" We've proved they can! Write Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 637, Toronto, M4G 2L6. NEED Above average in- come and prepared to work hard to get it? Product giving proven savings to equipment -vehicle fleets. Enthusiastic, self -motivated salesperson wanted for your immediate area. Write OKO, 1128 Speers, Unit 7 Oakville, Ont. L6L 5M1. COMMUNITY sports minded individuals increase your income $200.plus, spare time weekly. Sportswear, jackets. Phone -write for personal appointment. High - gear, 15 Belfield Rd. C, Rexdale, Ont. M9W 1E8. QUALIFIED dealers, 1867 confederation Log Homes require additional dealers, highest commissions paid. Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ont. KOM 1AO, (705) 738-4131. SATELLITE T.V. From $1499 Wholesale prices Complete systems, Choice of dishes, Quality electronics Cantel Communication Systems Wholesalers, Distributors and Manufacturers LUCKNOW Phone 528-2900 New and Used ' Systems Available Over a decade of antenna installation and service. Authorized service centre for many brand name electronics. LEASING AVAILABLE CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON. The Advance -Times is open on. Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads. just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 Filter "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA 482-7103 WANTED TO BUY USED fish tank, not too large. Phone 357-1845. SMALL calves dairy or beef, veal or stockers; cows either dairy or beef. Phone 357- 2861. 31-28 WORK WANTED SECOND -year university student is looking for part- time employment over Christmas holiday season, available December 12 to December 28. For more in- formation phone 357-3809. PROFESSIONAL typing service provided at competi-' tive rates by experienced typist. Will type reports, books, manuscripts, term papers, etc. Call 357-1554 any time. 7tf 20 YEAR old ma I needs job, willing to work fir minimum wage. Phone 335-3452. 7,14 MATURE responsible man (age 25) willing to do odd jobs. Phone 357-1227. PERSONAL PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb MISCELLANEOUS IF' YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Farb' y Group may be able to hep you solve your side of th problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 30rrb FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 16,rrb IN MEMORIAM WILLIE—In memory of Mrs. Mary Willie who passed away November 22, 1976, Mrs. Emily Donaldson November 13, 1977 and Percy Willie October 30, 1980. Not dead to us who loved you, Not lost, but gone before; You live with us in memory, And will forever more. —Ever remembered by Michael and Dorothy Willie and family. PIDGEON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William J. Pidgeon, who passed away November 11, 1983. -sForever remembered, forever missed by Edith and family. OF OVER 50 Tractors plus t} NUMEROUS SMALL ITEMS I many pieces of General Farm Equipment Saturday, November 17th 10:00 A.M. Brindley Auctions Dungannon S19 -S29 -762S AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY Cars, Trucks, Snow Removal, Agricultural & Office Equipment LIQUIDATION AUCTION to be held at BRESLAU AIRPORT RD. AUCTION COMPLEX Waterloo Regional Road 17, Breslau, (Kitchener). Saturday, Nov. 10 10:00 a.m. FULL RANGE Construction, shop & office equipment. CARS, TRUCKS & VANS includes '82 Cavalier; '80 Chev C30 Stake; etc., etc. FARM EQUIP.: Ford '8600 tractor; Gleaner 'F' combine; corn harvester; etc. etc. Partial list only. Lunch on premises. Viewing Friday, .Nov. 9/84 (1 - 4 p.m.). TERMS: $200 cash deposit on major items. M.R. JUTZI & CO. INC. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers & Auctioneers Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises 69 Sydney St. S., Kitchener (519)743-5286 (519)648.2111 TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 20, 19$4 from Electrical Contractors for Electrical, Mechanical and General Trades Work at the Court House, Goderich, Ont. re Computer In- stallation. Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms may bo obtained from the undersigned. A certified cheque or bid bond will be requlrod. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1- B.G. MANLY Clerk -Treasurer & Administraat r County of Huron. Court Holli Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2 Tel. 524-8394 (Area 519)