HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-10-10, Page 5• r
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Elliott Tweddle
The Wingfnam Advance -Times, Oct. 10, 1984—Page 5..
Committee to. .recommend
Continued from Page 1
be a lack of awareness about
what zoning requirements
Monthly Instalments
Interest Free for
327 Josephine St, Wingham
Blue Spruce
Dig your choice from sod, lift
with undisturbed roots
Spruce - $1.501ft®
Blue Spruce - $3.001ft,
(tax included)
1 1/4 miles East of Wingham, Hwy. 86
Mrs. Marsh, second house east of school
Lucknow woman
injured its
car accident
A Lucknow woman is in
satisfactory condition in the
Wingham and District
Hospital after being injured
in a single -car accident in
Kinl;' s Township early
S +'ay morning.
Susan Thompson, 23, was
injured when her car skidded
off County Road 6, 100
metres west of Sideroad 20,
at about 3:25 a.m.
Provincial police at
Kincardine, reported that
Miss Thompson was east-
bound on the county road
when her car started to fish-
tail on the gravel. She hit the
brakes to control the skid but
lost control and went into the
ditch, where the car rolled
She was taken by am-
bulance to the Wingham
hospital for treatment of
neck and shoulder injuries.
Damage to the vehicle, a
1980 Toyota, was estimated
at $3,000.
are and there was no one to
translate and offer advice.
. In reviewing the zoning
bylaw, reference was found
to a zoning administrator,
and there were discussions
held at the planning advisory
committee and the finance
and management committee
about the merits of having
such a person as a municipal
employee, with both groups
generally favoring such a
course of action.
As a consequence, an ad
hoc committee was formed
with three persons repre-
senting the planning advis-
ory committee, the public
works committee and the fin-
ance management commit-
tee with a mandate to pre-
pare a job description. It was
this committee's report
which eventually came to
Council now has endorsed
the concept and empowered
the finance and management
committee to study it and
make recommendations,
Mr. Kopas said. However he
said he does not feel there
has. been a "firm com-
mitment" by council at this
point to create the position.
It also is not yetcertain
whether the position would
be full-time or part-time,
possibly including some
other administrative duties
in the town clerk's office, he
added. This must all be
studied as part of a promised
report on reorganization of
the clerk's office.
He said he is expecting a
full report on the'Z"eorganiza-
tion, which could include
purchasing a computer for
the Town Hall, Ifrom town
auditor Barry Reid and,
Clerk -Treasurer Bryon
Adams at the Oct. 25 meeting
of the finance and manage-
ment committee.
As approved by council,
the job description for the
zoning administrator calls
for someone with either a
community college diploma
or appropriate experience
and training, and preferably
with at least two years ex-
perience in a related field. "
"The primary function is
to ensure compliance to
Zoning By-laws and other
agrFements and approvals
for Building Permit applica-
tions, before permit issu-
ance, and to impart precise,
accurate and consistent zon-
ing information to profes-
sionals and the general pub-
lic," it says.
It also calls for "Mal i-
taining the integrity of la d,
use regulations through
consistent and thorough
interpretations and com-
munications with appro-
priate parties and by
initiating speedy and fair
In the absence of a zoning
administrator, apparently
these duties are assumed by
council as a whole, Mr.
Kopas said, with advice
coming from the planning
advisory committee and the
Huron County planning
department, which provides
its services to municipalities
free of charge.
celebrated at
St. Andrew's
A large crowd attended
Sunday's communion ser-
vices at St. - Andrew's
Presbyterian Church in
Wingham, ,conducted by
Rev. Paul Mills.
The front of the church and
the narthex were decorated
with a Thanksgiving display
of fruits and vegetables. The
choir sang the \ anthem,
"Praise the Lord with
Thanksgiving", and Mr.
Mills spoke on the types of
prayer before the sacrament
of the Lord's supper was
Murray Elston acclaimed
as Liberal candidate
Continued from Page 1 to prevent further damage
council had asked that they during the spring flood.
be included on the com- There also was a brief
mittee. discussion of possible
Mr. Beecroft told the sources of funding for this
committee that Mr. Baker type of project, with Mrs.
"came up with an idea that Bailey urging an immediate
got the ball rolling about application for funding
getting the dam back in under a federal works
there." program.
The idea, whicn Mr. ' Even if grants are not
Beecroft said had been available, the town might be
talked over with a couple of better off to go ahead on its
local contractors, is to ex- own, Tim Willis commented.
cavate down to a solid base He said that to qualify for
and build a new dam using government funding a
fieldstone, which is readily project must be "engineered
available around the area. to the nth degree."
"If it works it would sure
cut down the cost and get a
dam back in that pond," he
Cutting down or
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wires is dangerous. If you • .,1
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Your safety is our
"It strikes me that if we
want to fix it our way we
may have to pay for it
added. ourselves."
Mr. Baker explained that However he recalled that
when the pond was dredged a the last time the dam went
number of 'years ago, "I was out the MVCA wanted a
on the dredge and it's all study on it which would have
hardpan under there." By cost $17,000. Instead the town
using stone, he noted, the brought in a contractor who
town could get away from repaired the dam for. less
the expense of engineering than the cost of the study,
and cement., and that repair is still
Mr. Beecroft also reported holding.
that he had learned that There was only brief
Exeter has a dam which was consideration given to the
built the same way. He said possibility of removing the
he didn't know what it would dam. and landscaping the
cost, but noted .the. estimate .. mjllpondarea. .,. -
for building a concrete weir "If you could get grass and
contained $470,000 for the trees to • grow there it could
.concrete alone "and it would be a beautiful area," Mr.
sure cut it down." Baker commented, "but how
The committee went on to . long would it stay?" He
discuss the possibility of noted he has lived beside the
preserving the existing dam pond for 38 years and said he
and repairing the collapsed sees no way to keep fill and
section, noting that if this is grass in there in the face of
to be done work would have the flooding which takes
to start almost immediately place every year.
Murray Elston; Huron -
Bruce MPP, was acclaimed
as the Liberal candidate in
the next provincial election,
whenever it might be, at a
nomination meeting held last,
Thursday evening at Luck -
The decision to acclaim
Mr. Elston was endorsed
unanimously by the close to
300 supporters who turned
out for the meeting.
Most political analysts had
assumed that Premier
William Davis would have
called a provincial election
for Nov. 22 or 29, but his sur-
prise announcement Monday
to resign as premier means
that an election will not be
held for at least another six
In his acceptance address,
Mr. Elston .renewed his
commitment to the farmers
of Huron -Bruce, the riding's
young unemployed and the
Bruce Energy Centre.
"As good as we have it
here it can always be bet-
ter, lie said. "That's the
goal of the Liberal party and
my personal goal."
Mr. Elston paid tribute to
his "good wife Trudy" for
her tireless support since he
was elected to the
Legislature in March of 1981.
In closing, Mr. Elston
pledged to fight for the
preservation of his seat and
said, "I will do my best for
every one of you."
Sean Conway, an MPP
from the Ottawa Valley, was
the guest speaker at the
meeting. In an often -
amusing address, . he told
those present to 'prepare
themselvesfor an election
"whenever it comes" and to,
fight to preserve Mr.
Elston's seat at Queen's
Jack Riddell, MPP for
Huron -Middlesex, and Hugh
Edighoffer, MPP for Perth,
were in attendance and
endorsed Mr. Elston as did
Maurice Donnelly, warden of
Bruce County, a part Of the
riding Mr. Elston "serves
and serves well".
Mr. Donnelly also
presented Mrs. Elston with a -
spoon on behalf of his home
county. Earlier in the
evening Mrs. Elston was
presented with a gift and a
bouquet of flowers in, honor
of the birth of the Elstons'
fourth child, Gillian Anne, on
Sept. 28.
Riddell acclaimed
Liberal candidate
No election has been
called, but the Liberals and
Progressive Conservatives
M • Huron -Middlesex are Al-
ready challenging one
Liberals, MPP Jack Rid-
dell of Huron -Middlesex and
MPP Sean Conway , of
Renfrew North, last . week
took verbal swipes at the
MPP Conway. the provin-
cial Liberal opposition's
deputy house leader, was
guest speaker at the nomin-
ation meeting in Exeter, Mr.
Riddell was acclaimed as the
Both Liberals' speeches
referred to comments made
the previous week at the PC
nomination meeting in the
same location — South
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For your safety, and for your peace of mind, have your
heating system and chimney inspected and cleaned annually
by a qualified -contractor. You and your house will both breathe
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Ministry of Consumer
and Commercial Relations
Robert Elgie M.D., Minister
William Davis, Premier
Huron District High. School
in Exeter:
MPP Riddell said a PC
lawyer who . had criticized
the Huron -Middlesex Liber-
als has sent clients' to his'
(Mr. Riddell's) office for
The opposition's deputy
house leader said Huron -
Middlesex PC's "caboose" is
"attached tiNi the provincial
Tory gravy f'rain".
Mr. Conway poked fun at
many of.the provincial cab-
inet ministers and referred
to government back ben-
chers as a "collection of
Carrying on the cat theme,
MPP Conway said Premier
William Davis is like a cat
laying in a bay window — it
only needs to beturned over
Peterson acclaimed
as the NDP candidatg
every once in a while and
Mr. Riddell spoke about
his own record as a member
of Provincial Parliament. He
noted lilaefforts iti the area
of school bus safety and the
Occupational Health and
Safety Act. •
The MPP took exception to
comments made by local
PCs indicating his majority
has declined since he was
first elected in 1973.
Mr. Riddell said that • on
.the contrary, his majority
increased in the last election.
There was timefor more
than political speeches.
Kim McLean of Exeter,
the treasurer 'of the Huron -
Middlesex Liberal Riding
Association said money is
needed to run the Riddell
"The Tories have a war
chest full of money," said
Mr. McLean, noting the local
Liberals would need about
$25,000 for an effective cam-
Norma Peterson, a Kin- NDP has its round of cam- ,
cardine town councillor, was paign literature out and said
acclaimed the provincial he feels the Liberals are in
Huron -Bruce candidate for 'disarray.
the New Democratic Party The local riding associa-
at a meeting last Wednesday tion is in much better form
evening at Ripley. , than during the last provin-
The meeting was held to cihl election campaign when
nominate a candidate in the there was no association.
event Premier William That election spawned the
Davis might have called a association and Mr. McQuail
provincial election for this said the NDPs feel they are
fall. But the premier's an- better prepared.
nouncement Monday that he
is retiring from provincial
politics, puts an election on
Mrs. Peterson is married
- "We've come a long way in
four ways," he said.
with two children and has
lived in Kincardine since
1978. She was elected to town
council in November of 1982
and now serves as chairman
of the town's energy con-
servation committee and sits
on the public library com-
She also was the Bruce -
Grey NDP candidate in last
month's federal election,
losing that bid to the
Progressive Conservative
incumbent, Dr. Gary Gur-
Mrs. Peterson said she
stands "to ensure equality
for Ontario women. They
need accessibility to child
care and equal money for
equal work."
She also stated she is in
favor of restrictions against
extra billing and user fees.
Mrs. Peterson has stated
that she supports nuclear
Mrs. Peterson was nomin-
ated by Tony McQuail at last
week's meeting and the mo-
tion to nominate was second-
ed by Paul Machon.
Mr. McQuail reported the
To get the most nutrient
value from your 1♦ood dollar
most produce should be stor-
ed in a cool, humid place and
used as soon as possible,
says Food and Nutrition Spe-
cialist Monica Beaumont
with the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food's rural ,,
organizations and services
branch. When preparing
vegetables and fruits, trim
only where necessary, to re-
tain the nutrients.
Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life.
WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335-3525
Thurs., Oct. 11 to Wed. Oct. 17
Thurs. Oct. 11 Meeting of Huron County Branch of
A.C.O. at the Livery, Goderich, 8:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker, Dorothy Wallace.
Fri. Oct, 12
Sat. Oct. 13 Children's' Concerts, Blyth Memorial Hall,
2:00 p.m.
Medieval Feast, Blyth Mem. Hall, 5 Course
Meal, Entertainment, Costume Prizes, 7:00
Sun. Oct. 14
Mon. Oct. 15
Tues. Oct. 16 Turnberry Twp. Council, 7:130 p.m., `.
Municipal Office, Bluevale.
Wed. Oct. 17 Darts, Men's League, Warm -Up Night,
Brussels Legion, d 8:30 p.m. Everyone
Child Health . Clinic, Clinic Building,
Wingham, Adult Immunization as well,
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Great Family Entertainment
241 Josephine St., Wingham
Phone 357-3373
1/3 retrea. =1.2 052. eaffitte 424.1 2171.212 =MO Clamm a= mime e=n ¢1.2. torgieme= atm