HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-10-03, Page 17CROSS A S SERVICE ECT � RY IRON -ON -LABELS Adhere permanently to clothing and linen. 50 labels for only '3.95 PRESS -ON LABELS Sticks to almost any dry sur- face. Identify your books, envelopes, etc. Featuring, a new transparent waterproof plastic. Available at The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel Cedar Springs Trout Farm Fall stocking brook trout and rainbow trout Call: Lloyd Bauman 742-2979 Open Mon. - Sat. Radio lhaek Authorized Sales Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES,, • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton Tounirg EopprfarlP,e • Prescriptions filled • Cataract prescriptions filled • Repairs on premises • Sunglasses • Ssfeey lenses • Complete Optical Service DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LATEST IN OPTICAL FASHION, No appointment needed! R. R. 1, Listowel, Hwy. 86 West, Phone 291-3089 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 6:30, Saturday 9 -12 Sorensen Music Centre • Fender - Takamini - El Degas Guitars and Banjos • Traynor - Peavey - Fender Amplifiers •Hammond Organs •Lesage - Sherlock Manning Pianos • Sheet Music - Music Books - Records -.Tapes Piano Tuning and Repairs Phone 291-3341 204 Muin Street West Listowel HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs Tues. Beef Thurs 338-3330 G. E. BREWER'S GARAGE 335-3690 Electrical troubles our specialty - alternators - generators - regulators - starters, etc. Farm and Auto We buy used cars tor' salvage RR 1,•Gorrie CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do-it-yourself installatipn • costs less than you think • 3 year warranty • Money -back guarantee DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, Hwy. 86 E. 898-2805 MAGNETIC SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates cosily lettering Removable when tracing or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES STONE'S T/ and Appliances Electrohome Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos, Freezers, Washers, Dryers Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations and Repairs STONE'S For Rock Bottom Prices Gorrie 335-6374 Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. • 1 5, 25 and 40 ton hydraulic mobile cranes rear up to 1 75 feet. • 1'z and backhoe • 15 years experience 357-3721 RR 2, WINGHAM DURHAM MOBILE HOMES & PARK LTD. Mobile Horne -Sales New & Used Dry Wall Modular Housing Hwy. 6, South of Durham Douglas St. W. 369-3723 Li MORTGAGES & INVESTMENTS 1st and 2nd Mortgages Ar- ranged, Bought and Sold on Residential, Commercial & Farm Properties. JIM ROLUFS agent for Dan MacDonald Investments Ltd. Kincardine 396-4353 Repairs to all makes of SEWING MACHINES FREE a rt -1 ESTIMATES ` ALL WORK _ GUARANTEEDt SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie St. (2 doors S. of Hudson's) STRATFORD 271-9660 Closed Monday DIAMOND CENTRE •Watches •Diamond.Rings *Wedding Rings eQemstone and Birthstone Rings *English Bone China •Crystal - 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 AuIlk 'GOODYEAR, MICHELIN, FISK TRUCK TIRE RETREADING TRIANGLE TIRE ,Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291-2521 Cleaning & Service Chimneys Oil & Wood Furnaces B&M CHIMNEY SERVICES 291-2876 Brian Dinsmore Mike Dinsmore DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries. parties, etc Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 LUCILLE'S. ELECTROLYSIS featuring "THE BLEND" A modern, efficient form of permanent hair removal. Certified Electrologist Confidential consultations at 'no charge. Tuesday or Thursdays and other days by chance. • 343-2261 Order your WEDDING INVITATIONS from 'us. Visitone of our offices today and choose,/ from a wide selection -sof styles. The Listowel Banner The Wingham Advance -Times The Mount Forest Confederate The Milverton Sun THE ' TV MAN Sales and Service 887-9472 Prop. Jerald -Hayden 0400 Video, Stereo, Antennas, Audio Installations, Computers, 2 -Way Radios, Satellite Dishes Located halfway between Listowel and Wingham, just off Hwy. 86. Sideroad 10 & 11, Grey Twp. BROWN'S RABBITRY & DEPOT We ship every other Saturday till noon. Reasonable prices paid per Ib. Rabbit feed and supplies also sold. Phone 356-2761 or 356-2358 for further information FREE ESTIMATES APEX REFINISHING BATHTUBS, SINKS, TILES Wroxeter, Ont. (519) 335-6437 Long Distance Call Collect CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, a actiye—desk sets. Also engraving of na on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times The Listowel Banner The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 357-2320 291-1660 3 FOR SALE FRICTION AIRE furnaces — no fuel or chimney requir- ed.. Fully automatic, maxi- mum efficiency, easily in- stalled in any room or base- ment of home, cottage or shop. CSA approved. Also, a new and large selection of USA facbric available now. Linwood General Store, Box 39, Linwood, NOB 2A0. Phone Bus. 6W-2600 or Res. 669- 2032. 3,31 TWO bedroom mobile home, 12' x 60', with verandah. Phone 887-6031. JAMESAIAY-BUTLER silo unloader, 12'-16' complete unit. 291-1998. 1982 23 FT. Golden Falcon trailer. In excellent crI'ndi- tion. Sleeps 7. Includes brand new awning, large refrigera- tor, furnace, water heater, dual propane tanks, three- piece bathroom. Must sell. $8,800. Phone 291-1626 after 7:30 p.m. tf '71 FORD -pickup, 302 engine, 50,000 original miles; Ford 4000 tractor, 2400 hours. Phone 323-2307. 3,10,17 NEW Idea 325 picker, 314 shelter narrow row, priced reasonable. Also an Arctic Cat 399 Panther snowmobile. Phone 291-2037. 26,3,10 GAYTOG outerwear and clothing, Buster Brown socks and clothing, Osh Kosh overalls, Manhattan and Chuckles dresses, Sassoon sportswear, available at Kids World Recycled, 154 Broadway, Orangeville (519) 941-8733. 26,3 CENTRAL VACUUM Brand new Central vacuum system complete with can- nister, hose, tools, motor and brush. Regularly priced at $699, on sale now for $299. Call now'4or information: 623-0251 K.W.Surplus Bargains 5000 sq. feet of retail space with thousands. and thousands of items at bargain prices. Pkg. of 1'0 Garbage Bags ..89 Dexion Angle , Iron . per foot.95 Refurbished Telephones from9.95 Car Radio and Cassette 49.95 Quartz Fog Lamps . ' each9.95 Swivel 3'/z" Vise .. 31.95 Drill Press 5/8 chuck motor . Bench model .. 299.00 New items arriving every day. Don't let others get the bar- gains. Come by yourself, bring your wife or the whole family. High speed Drill Bits Humidifier Pads Masking Tape 3 rolls . from.25 1.95 2.25 2 sizes Fireplace Screen . . 9.95 8 -Track Tapes 4 for2.00 TV coan Cable per foot.l 2 13 oz. spray can Touch Up Paint . 1.50 We are a clearing house for mfrs. sur- plus, bankruptcy stock, liquidation, etc. Bargain prices on almost every- thing imaginable. K. W. SURPLUS 666 Victoria N. Kitchener (near Expressway) Tel. 744-6660 FOR SALE SPECIAL price per square on steel roofing and siding. We make our own ridge vents and trim. Eldon Al- brecht, 1 mile -northwest of Milverton. 26,3 VACUUM cleaners — Sever- al reconditioned, excellent, fully guaranteed. Over twen- ty years' experience. Phone Elmor Parrish, 291-3212. 19,10 NEW 1984 Prowler -Golden Falcon, 23 to 34'; Starcraft lightweight; 30 used units in stock, 12' to 28'. All units at clearance prices. Winteriz- ing rates available, also storage. Closed Wednesday and Sunday. Morry's Trailer Sales, Highway 4 between Hanover and Walkerton, 364- 3748. 19,17 DUTCH windmills. Phone 357-1403. 13rrb TRI -COUNTY Tire, RR 2, Brussels, Ont. Next to new tires, high thread, $25 per tire guaranteed. Located two miles west of Moncrieff. Phone 887-6932 or 887-6968. tf MORTGAGES WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Greg Cowan now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. erl T21 MOTORCYLES WIR SALE 1981 YAMAHA motorcycle, 650 c.c. 4 cylinder, 10,000 miles, windshield, back rest, case guards, excellent condi- tion, reasonable price. Phone 357-3751 after 5 p.m. CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE BUICK Lesabre, , maroon, 1976, 4 door, only 60,000 miles, P.S., P.B., radio, ex- cellent body. To see in Moorefield, call Listowel 291- 1589 after 5 p.m. or. Elmira 669-5711 anytime. 1977 DODGE Aspen..:.R-T, metallic black, 318 3 -speed standard, spoiler, window louvers, , wheel flares, cragers, fao}ory sunroof, Al- pine A'1V1-F'M cassette with amplifier and Alpine speak- ers. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Phone 356-2889, after 7 p.m. ff NOTICE JEAN BLAKE wishes to thank all her customers for their patronage over the years and advise former customers ,that due to the death of her husband, Louis Blake, Blake Septic Tank Service is now under new management. For the same prompt efficient service call Gordon Johnston, 887-6800. £;crossroads—Oct. 3, 1984—Page 3 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE QUALITY swine, perform- ance tested, health approved gilts and boars from a herd with very good mothering ability. QS No. 1 York x Landrace gilts open or bred available on a regular basis. York, Landrace, Duroc, Duroc x Hamp boars, also commercial gilts. Contact Wayne Fear, Monoway Farms, Brussels. Phone 887- 6477. 13tf WANTED TO BUY WILL BUY used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 rrb CARS Wanted to Buy: Cash money paid for used cars, trucks, recreational vehi- cles, motorcycles, etc. Vehi- cles with mechanical and -or body defects - OK (bonus money paid for "clean" used cars and trucks). Bonded and licensed dealer. Allan Caudle 343-2803, anytime, Highway 23 North, Palmer- ston. tf FIRST -CUT timothy alfalfa clover, horse quality, cash at barn. Phone Bryan Tone 369- 5918 or Ron Throckmorton (904) 237-4925. 26, 3,10.,17 BUYING FOR CASH Gold and silver coins, jewellery, sterling silver- ware, trays, tea sets, an- tiqu-e clocks, pocket watches, old post cards, documents. All scrap gold and dental gold. 'WM. J. GRANT COINS 1125 King St. E., Kit. 576-4840 8 Water St. S., Carnb, 621-0430 PERSONAL. BELLY GREETING Professional Belly Dancing available fo'r. Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Get -Well, Conventions, So- cial Clubs, any occasion. CaII Najwa 744-1354. (tf) SERVICES SHALOM Counselluzg Serv- ices. Phone Ruth Anne Laverty at 291-2350 or 291- 1250. tff CUSTOM combining, corn and soybeans. Call Glenn Myer, 338-5650. tf COLOR CODING — Find out which colors complement you. Wardrobe and skin care tips, plus more. Trained Consultant, Lynn Cox 887- 6308 or Unisex Hairstyling 291-2966. 19,26,3 CUSTOM plowing — ready for your fall plowing. Phone 335-6146 or 291-2155. tf TURNBERRY Sales & Service. Repairs to all makes and models of lawn and garden equipment, snowmobiles, chain saws and farm equipment. Phone 357-2277. 19,3 OLD BRICK - BUILDINGS Wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley: Kitchener 749-7095. (ALAI REGISTERED NURSES REQUIRED Weekly and occasional part-time positions available DAY SHIFT ONLY Current Ontario Registration neces- sary. Long-term care. Experience is pre- ferred. For informa- tion and applications contact. Miss M. Patchett, Director of Nursing, . Brookhaven Nursing Home, 357-3430. WANTED Body repair person, must be able to do all phases of body work and collision repairs. Please apply in person to: Lloyd McLaughlin Body Shop Manager LISTOWEL CHRYSLER 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.rn. Monday to Friday HELP WANTED Expanding Chrysler Dealership SALES Sales Representative for Chrysler Dealership Experience Required Phone for Appointment Ask for Lyle Johnson or Larry McRae 291-4350 SERVICE Licenced Mechanic for Chrysler Dealership Also Licenced Body Repair Person Apply in Person to Roy Brockelbank Service Manager 291-4352. L1STOWEL CHRYSLER "Your Full Line Dealer" Listowel 291-4350 r)