HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-10-03, Page 6Page B Tkte, WingOam-Advaa, T nt , Oc I, 19M SRIIAL NOTICE RATES Engage ent Notices(with picture) .. $5.00 plus 51.70 for 10 words; 8' a word thereafter Engagement Notices(without picture) $4.00 Graduation Pictures ... ... .... $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and ver No Charge Wedding Write Ups . No charge if 'bony is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is ... ....... . .. $5.00 After Third Week Write`t1p$5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks• but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of . .. . . $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format . . No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is 51.70 first 10 words; 8' a word thereafter. FQR SALE MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20rrb FRANKLIN stove; Briggs and Stratton motor, 5, hp. Phone 357-1251. ONIONS, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini. Bluevale Garden Centre. Phone 357- 1434. PRE-CUT Log Home 1867 Confederation log homes offers log home°git, pre-cut to your building specifications. Immediate delivery. Call (705) 738-4131 -for your nearest represent- ative. GUN Bargains-- Save up to 40 per cent by subscribing to "The Gunrunner." The Canadian monthly news- paper for buying, selling and trading modern and antique firearms and accessories. Subscription: $15 per year to: Gunrunner, Box 565T; Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1.50. Don't delay. Get on our subscrip- tion list today! FOR SALE WHOLESALE - Log Split- ters, Home -owner -Commer- cial. Five HP, 2 stage from $899. Farmi 3PTH Winches from $1795 (Ontario shipping included). Monette Sales & Service, Carleton Place, K7C 2E4. (613) 257-1661. ACORN heater, open faced. Phone 357-2373. AIRTIGHT cookstove - Large firebox holds fire 24 hours. Cook your meals and heat your home. Information $1. Suppertime Stoves Limited, RR 4, Aylmer, Ont. N5H 2R3. USED Railway Ties - pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, office hours. MOBILE Kitchen - Fish & Chips unit, mounted m a tandem trailer. Fully equipped: Ideal for Service Club. Must be seen. Passed by health department. Phone (705) 457-2504. FOR SALE FRICTION AIRE Furnaces - No fuel or chimney required. Fully automatic, maximum efficiency, easily installed in any room or basement of home, cottage, or shop. „CSA approved. Also, a new and large selection of USA fab- rics available now. Linwood General Store, Box 39, Lin- wood, NOB 2A0. Phone Bus. 698-2600 or Res. 669-2032. 12,31 COMMUNITYsports minded individuals increase your income $200 plus Spare time weekly. Sportswear and Jackets. Phone, write in- formation (416) 248-6181 - Highgear, 15 Belfield Rd. C, Rexdale, Ont. M9W 1E8. HOCKEY Jackets $16 and up. Buy direct from the, factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. USED RAILWAY TIES - Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, office hours, ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $2.95; presson 200 for $4.25; transparent 200 for $5.75.; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Phone The Wingham Advance - Times; 357-2320. 16rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. . 9r.rb YEAR -old laying hens, California grey X leghorns. Phone 357-3778. 12,19,26,3 LAMB for your freezer, by the half or whole, cut and wrapped, $2.50 per pound. Also Iamb pies. Walter Ren- wick 367-2504. ALMOST new woodstove in excellent condition, with wood, at reasonable price. Phone 357-1268. 3,10 VINYL chesterfield with matching chair and recliner; wooden table and 5 chairs; small chrome table with one chair; Flip -Flop chair: coffee table, priced reason- ably for quick sale. Phone 357-3008. PIANO made by Heintz - mann, 3/4 size, good con- dition, $500. Phone 343-5825. 3,10 DISTILLERS for purifying water in the home. Slightly used display models. High quality stainless steel. Full warrantly, big discount. Call Harry (416) 639-0503, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, L7R 2G6. 29,31 CANOES for rent. B & M Rentals' and Sales. Phone 3574666. 16,rrb WALKER jogger, as sold in Sears catalogue, regular price $289, like new asking $100, only 92 km. Phone 357- 1165 evenings. 3,10 LITTLE Dutch windmills. Phone 357-1403. 2,rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1:11 GRANADA, 4 door, with leather roof, V8 motor, power seats, power windows, power steering, power trunk, power radio booster, air con- ditioned, electric clock. Will sell reasonable. Phone 357- 1268. 1966 FORD 1/2 ton pick-up truck, as is. Phone 357-2373. 1972 HALF -TON Chev with cap, running condition, good motor. Best offer, as is. Phone Keith Pletch 357-1596. BERG stable equipment. Barn cleaners; manure pumps, vertical and hori- zontal; 8" to 15" PVC or SBT Ductile cow and calf tie stalls; loose housing; bunk feeders; ventilation equip- ment; hog confinement. equipment; Ritchie heated waterbowls; farrowing crates; weaner decks; plass tic slats and farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood, Ont. Phone 395- 5390. 22rrb MAN'S medium Cooperall, used three times, Yamaha 80 motorcycle. Phone 357-3101. 3,10 SATELLITE television equipment by Channel Master. Prices starting at $2795 for complete systems capable of receiving all satellite channels. Jarvis TV, Teeswater 392-6616. OIL furnace, Holmart 600, 93,000 BTU, duct work, 100 gal. tank, 100 gal. of oil. Picked up $250. Phone 357- 3593. URINE -erase guarantees removal of urine (dog, cat, people), stains, odors, from carpets, regardless stain age. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 75100, London, Ont. N5Y 4X8. 3,10,17 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 1974 PLYMOUTH Valiant, slant 6, in good condition, will certify. 324 Frances St., Wingham 357-1842. 1977 DODGE Aspen R -T, metallic black, 318 3 speed standard, spoiler, window louvers, wheel flares, cragers, factory sunroof, Alpine AM -FM cassette with amplifier and Alpine speakers. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone after 7 p.m. 356-2889. TF READY to lay pullets, white and brown egg varieties; also laying cages. Fisher Poultry Farm Inc., Ayton, 665-7711. 27rrb 7rrb WOODWORKERS. Seasoned hardwood lumber, Com- petitive prices. Visit or call evenings, or weekends, 528- 5644. Jack Mali, M and W Wood Products, RR 3, Holy - rood. (6th of Kinloss). 19,26,3 SNOWSUIT, excellent quality, size 3 to 4, 2 pc., never been used, gray - burgundy combination, suit- able for girl or boy. Phone 887-6340 after 6 p.m. DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket elassi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2329. 16rrb 1974 AMC JAVELIN, good winter car, rebuilt motor, new tires and exhaust, $1200 or best offer. Phone 357-3335 after 6 p.m. 19,26,3 1972 CHEV V-8, four door sedan, Phone 335-6321 after 6 p.m. DRY FIREWOOD. Carl McClenaghan, 357-1988. 19,26,3 MISCELLANEOUS, 1925 oak dining room suite; 8000 BTU air conditioner; single door refrigerator; bathroom space saver; Browning BLR .308 rifle; 1967 Chevelle 2 door. Phone 357-3745. 3,10,17 BEET pulp. Now taking orders at Belgrave Co-op. Phone 357-2711 or 523-4454. 3,10 26,3 imminimemismommonlignin McCREERY Auto Wreckers RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USES AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 SERVICES GARDEN'S plowed or tilled. Reasonable rates. Phone Charles Trapp 357-1962. 3,24 CUSTOM combining, 2 machines, beans, corn etc. Have cob meal sieves and corn hog; ,trucking avail- able. Quality work at com- petitive rates. Phone Dan 881-0227 or Scott 881-2757. FORMER Electrohome fac- tory service representative now repairing Electrohome Color TV and stereo in the Wingham area. For service and sales, call Middleton's Home Furnishings 357-1411. PETS TO GIVE AWAY CUSTOM sewing, alter- ations, and Cabbage Patch doll clothes. Jean McBurney 357-1786 TWO male pups, light brown, medium-sized dogs when full grown. Phone 335-3443. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BAUER Goalie skates, Size 5, good condition, $50. Con- tact Steven Coultes, 887-6124. 19,26,3 20 PUREBRED Charolais females bred polled.,' Charolais and Chianina bulls. Also S -Case tractor. Fisherlea Farms, Harriston, Ont. Phone (519) 338-2832.. 19,26,3,10 HARDWOOD ends, all White Ash. McGlynn's Sawmill 357- 3777. 19-D19 LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin- ated and pregnancy tested. Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wing - ham. Phone 35/-3495. DO YOU have a favorite re- cipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance. -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 18rrb 13 -YEAR -old bay quarter horse mare, good to ride and drive. Phone Jim Hunter 357- 1420. 31:rrb 3,10 SADDLE horses and ponies for sale. Phone 392-6173. 26 rrb ( FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 22,rrb UPHOLSTERING . of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Qual- ity workmanship. Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery, Blyth Phone 523-4272. 27,rrb MISCELLANEOUS JEHOVAH'S Witnesses Only - Our next escorted tour to Japan and China. For info.: write or phone Peter Janzen, Suite 201 - 5560 Minoru Blvd. Richmond, D.C. VOX 2A9 (604) 273-3775. Res (604) 271- 0024. "Don't delay call today." , PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used „appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. WANT gpTO BUY :COMIC BOOK collections .- Send short • description of quantity, age, bulk price, to Box 183, .Kincardine, Ont. NOG 2E0. 5rrb FAMILY TAX planning - Learn loopholes to decrease taxes. Free brochure. U & R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2B6. CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb OLD BRICK buildings want- ed for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, Kitchener 749-7095 anytime. PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. SMALL calves, either dairy -or beef, also small stockers and vealers. Phone 357-2861. ATTENTION FARMERS. Now is the time of year to re- place that worn barn cleaner chain. Husky Pintle chain $7.99 per foot, hook -link chain, $11.30 per foot. We also carry Bauman Manu- facturing Company chain for conveyors, manure spreaders, cornheads, etc. Lowry Fermi Systems at Amberley. Call 395-5286. 19,26,3 MASSEY Ferguson 510 Combine with grain pick up and corn head. Phone 887- 6794. 26,3 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE EARN extra income - Learn to prepare income tax returns by correspondence. Local franchise available. For details write: Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4. 18rrb NOW available Photocopy- ing. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times . office. Phone 357-2320. 19,10 • 31,rrb 4, VICTORIAN bed and break- fast with workshops. For newsletter send stamped self addressed envelope to "Gables School of Arts" 433 Norfolk Street South Simcoe, Ont. N3Y 2W8. CUSTOM corn picking or husking. Phdne 357-2838. 26,3,10 FIRST -CUT timothy alfalfa clover, horse quality, cash at barn. Phone Bryan Tone 369- 5918 or Ron Throckmorton (904) 237-4925. 1960 ARCTIC Cat El'Tigre, 6,000. Excellent condition. Phone 887-$794. 26,3 26,17 Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD A& ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances. anniversaries, parties, etc Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 REGAL representative tak- ing orders new. For more in- formation Phone 357-2143. 26,3 NOTICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $10,000 SECOND income - Be a part-time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory. Become independent. Be your own boss in a growing industry. Excellent possibil- ity of becoming ful-time area distributor. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, Ont. L7R 2G6 (416) 639-0503. FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 16,rrb DO YOU want to look better and feel better? Join the Diet -Rite club on Thursday nights M Turnberry Central School at 7:30 p.m. Eyeryone welcome. Phone 357-2359, or 357-2855. 3,10 Wanted EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR for evenings, wade based on experience Apply to Box 2338 clo The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 30rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive or an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. NOTICE ishereby given that M. L. Gilroy Limited, in- tends to dissolve by filing Articles of Dissolution with The Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations, pursuant to The Business Corporations Act. -DATED the 27th day of September, 1984: M. L. Gilroy President rrb OAREER in trucking - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For in- terviews contact Mery Orr Transport. London (519) 432- 1726, Cambridge (519) 623- 2430. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED payroll clerk will do all payroll record keeping fqr put 'company, large or aa><aalli Excellent refel'tttces: Phone 357-3457. . HELP WANTED RESPONSIBLE person re- quired to babysit our two children in our home in Bel - grave. Phone 357-1461 after 6 p.m. 3,10 IN MEMORIAM ERB - In loving memory of Norman Ingram Erb, who passed away Oct. 2, 1983. Little did we know that morning The sorrow that day would bring. God's call was sudden to part with one, ' We loved so dear. The memories of a husband, father and grandfather Keep him so very near to our hearts. -Always remembered by wife Lottie, Dorothy and David; Laverne and Don; Eileen and Winston and grandchildren. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacKenzie, Kincardine are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Christine Marie to Paul Gordon Dickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson, Bel - more. The Marriage to take place Saturday, Oct. 13 at 3 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincardine. WE- ARE LOOKING for ex- perienced people for our es- tablished Marketing System which is designed specifical- ly for You. Don't deny your- self the opportunity. This all - Canadian corporation is looking for your expertise, both in the field and corpor- ate management level. For appt. call Blue Maple Pro- ducts Inc., (416) 673-0747, 9 - 19,17, I WILL , do „housework one day a week or one day eveky other week. Phone 357-1858. 12,19,26,3 PERSONAL PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 3574066, 357=2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect: rrb 5. SUB -BRANCH manager for local agribusiness. We are looking for an aggressive person with experience in this field. Send resume to Box 2337 c -o The. Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 by Oct. 10, 1984,1 LOSE weight now. Call Herbalife Distributor, Carl McClenaghan 357-1988. 19,26,3 PART-TIME bartender for Legion •to -start Oct,. 1. Contact Bob Richardso c -o Brussels Legion. 26,3 NOTICE Wedding notices., en. gagements • in memonams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY We cannot accept such notices by •telephone Please remember that no classified advertising is ac• cepted atter noon Monday Take part in the October 1984 • "HARVEST OF BETTER VALUES" at Schuett's of Mildmay featuring * Chairs, including La -Z - Boy "Reclina-Rocker" chairs * Suites of furniture * Pianos Settuett's Deliver Godfrey K. Scijtictt Ltd. Mildmay, Ont. 367-2308. NOTICE GEORGE'S CAR OILING Wingham NEW HOURS October -and November Afternoons 1 to 5 p.m. Evenings 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday's 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 357-1995 BEA HAIRSTYLIST. Classes starting monthly.. HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St.. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6. 745-5641 _ COULTER'S CORNER Gorrie, Ont. 335-3345 Thanksgiving Fall Fair SALE Misty Super Special ea. $1.00 Diana 1.75 Shetland Chunky 1.45 10% OFF other articles with this ad Christmas Craft Class starting soon See you at the Fair Oct. 5 and 6 CHUNCEY'S HAIRSTYLING is introducing the:PaciCsiocr Exercise classes begin October 9. ' Introductory cost $25.00 for 10 sessions. Instructors: Barb Alkemade and Joan Chandler For further ' information call 523-9722 or 523-9679 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL In the Township of Morris During the 1984-5 Season. Required is one grader or one tandem dump truck (fully equipped) Clearly marked, sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned on a form supplied by the road superintendent until 5 p.m., Y, October 9, 1984. of the All tenders are subject to the approval Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted. Lloyd Michie, Road Superintendent, Township of Morris. AUCTION SALE OF Business, Trucks & Farm Equipment FOR Brindley Auction Services aiturd Du Ont. 6th SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9230 A.M. See last week's paper for details AUCTIONEERS: BARRY GRAY BRIAN RINTOUL 1