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Page 2 --The Wingharin Advance -Times, Oct. 3, 1984
Mn and Mrs. Kevin Irwin
now residing in Luck
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Eugene Irwin are residipg in
Lucknow following their
exchange of marriage vows
on Saturday, September 1, at
2:30 at St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge. Rev. Ed
Dentinger officiated for the
ceremony which took place
amid a setting of autumn
floral arrangements and
lighted tapers flickering in
Mrs. Irwin, the former,
Pamela Bernadette Ross, is
the daughter of Gerry and
Joan Ross of Goderich and is.
a graduate of the Registered
Nursing Assistants' program
at Fanshawe College, St.
Thomas Campus. The groom
is a son of Mrs. Jean Irwin of
Wingham and the late
Harvey Irwin.
Mrs. Ann Pritchard was
organist and special music
was provided by Mrs. Penny
McComb who sang "The
Rose" and "The Wedding
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a
floor -length gown styled with
delicate French lace bodice
with puffed sleeves and
white jersey skirt and train.
A wide white sash was tied in
a back bow and a Victorian
hunting -style hat trimmed
with French lace and flowers
was perched atop her
French -braided hair. She
carried a cascade of red
roses with baby's breath and
Mrs. Gillian Robertson of
London was her sister's
matron of honor. She wore a
Victorian style gown of
burgundy taffeta with
waistline sash. She wore a
headpiece of baby's breath
and pearl earrings and
necklace, gifts from the
bride and groom.
Glenn Irwin of Wroxeter
was his brother's best man
and guests were ushered by
brothels of the bridal couple,
David Ross of Goderich and
Jamie Irwin, Lucknow.
Dinner was served at the
Lucknow Community
Centre, followed by an open
receptloa,a . Out-of-town
guests 'Cape from Detroit.
and Windsor and honored
guests. were ,Kevin's grand-
mothers ;.Illus. E. Irwin and
Mrs L'Treleaven.
The bride's mother wore .a
floor -length 'gown of peach
jersey with peach lace jacket
and a corsage of champagne
tea roses. The 'groom's
mother chose a floor -length
gown of -soft rose chiffon and
jersey trimmed with pearls.
Her corsage was also
champagne tea roses.
For travelling to Niagara
Falls and the Thousand
Islands, the bride wore a
beige and cream chiffon
dress with cream ac-
cessories. Champagne tea
roses were arranged in her
hair at the base of the
French braids.
Brookhaven Events
A bus trip to Goderich was of September: The, honored
enjoyed by the residents of residents . were: Margaret
Brookhaven recently as well Carter, Minnie Linklater,
as those from the Brussels Ethel Bingham, Florence
Nursing Home. Several Langridge, Jack Cameron,
points of interest were noted Jean Kelly, Catherine
on the trip, including the old Renwick and Muriel
jail building and a boat Dowson.
loading salt. Before return- Sports events winners for
ving home, everyone enjoyed the month of September
some ice cream. were: ball -in -cup, Gus
Bev Domm entertained Renzetti; knock down
beanbag 19 at a singsong. castle, Pearl Hogg;
The Brussels Majestic toss, Ernest Uhler; hor-
Women's Institute held a seshoe toss, Margaret
Birthday Tea last Wed- Curtis.; bingo, Eva Jacklin;
nesday for those celebrating bowling, Mr. Uhler; and
birthdays during the month probe, Miss Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson
of Ashburn spent last
weekend with Mrs. Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Parker
Campbell celebrated their
40th wedding anniversary
with a family dinner at
Kitchener Saturday evening.
Those present were John and
Julie Campbell and their two
sons, Thomas and Adam of
Kitchener, Jean and Ron.
Wareing and son Donald of
Hensall, Gordon and Louise
Welwood of Wingham,
Robert and Jeannette
Campbell and daughters
Lynne, Tanya and Trisha of
Mississauga, Dorothy and
Fleming Johnston of
Church Directo
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, Oct. 7
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
1.1:00 a.m. - Thanksgiving
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.Div.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
Church - 357-2961
Manse - 357-1072
A number of area
residents attended the -In-
ternational Plowing Match
and Machinery Show last
week at Teviotdale. A social
evening for David McLellan
and Dianne Mole was held
last weekend, as was a buck
and doe for Don,Deitner and
Joan Simpson.
Edward St.,
Sunday, Oct. 7
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Family Worship
7:00 p.m. - Salvation Meeting
Everyone Welcome
Monday, Oct. 8
8:00 p.m. - Home League
for Ladies
Wlegbanl P.eetecostal Church
359 Centre Street, ,
Church 357.1340 - Res. 357-2865
Pastor: Rev. Douglas V. Whitelaw B.A.
SUN., OCT. 7, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
John Churchill, Thailand
7:00 p.m. - Family Service
Ray Faulkner, Thailand
THE IA/INGHAM KINETTES held a flea market last Saturday morning in the parking lot
at the Salvation Army. Citadel. Heather Loucks of Cambridge was visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Ruth Hustop of Wingharn, and decided to take in the sale.
Meeting three of the club
was held at the home of Barb
Graber. The president
opened the meeting, then the
leaders took the attendance
with everyone present.
Different names for the
club were discussed and it
was'decided finally to call
Doris Bushell presents
quilt to (queen Elizabeth.
The Bushell family of The Queen asked . Mrs.
Wingham long will remem- Bushell how long it took her
ber last Thursday, the day to complete the quilt and if
Doris Buishell presented her she designed it and made it
magnificent bicentennial all herself.
quilt .to Her Majesty, Queen Mrs. Bushell answered yes
Elizabeth II. to all three questions and
Mrs. Bushell, accompan- told the Queen that the quilt
ied by her husband Morley, represents pioneer life in
her six children and their Ontario. -
spouses, journeyed to Am- Mr. Timbrell pointed out
herstview, near Kingston,. to the large centre scene
make the presentation as depicted the arrival ; of the
part of the Queen's bicenten-
nial tour of the province.
The quilt, depicting scenes
'from Ontario's past, won
first prize over. 163 oth€r
quilts from all over the
province at a Ministry of
Food and Agriculture-spon-
sbred competition in June.
Mrs. Bushell was to have
presented the quilt to Queen
Elizabeth in mid-July, but
due to the federal election
call, Her Majesty's visit was
postponed until after the
Sept. 4 election.
,The Bushell family was up
and on the road by 6 a.m. last
Thursday. They arrived at
Amherstview at two o'clock
that afternoon.
The day was cold and
rather wet, but it went
the club the Fit Nuts. Then
quickly, said Mrs. Bushell.
while the members discuss -
Those present were ;err
ed and read over the meet Thos nod by the Bruce
ing, the cooks, Cherida Gar County Junior Farmers
niss, Dianne Hall and Tracy Choir, among others, and
McWhirter, made chili con they enjoyed a barbecue
carne. before the Queen arrived at 6
The leaders asked p.m. from Kingston.
everyone to make a picture The quilt was on display
for the cover. After that was and . Bushederyrs awning anll d stood
done, the members did some nearby greet Queen
exercises. The chili was Elizabeth and her husband,
sampled as well before the Prince Phillip.
president closed the The royal couple was in-
meetingg. troduced to the Bushells by
The next meeting will be Hon. Dennis Timbrell,
held at the home of Kathy minister of agriculture, who
Bridge. told the Queen about the quilt
United Empire Loyalists in
Ontario from the United
States. That was very much
in tune with the theme of the
day since Amherstview was
settled by Loyalists and later
the Queen renamed a section
of highway, "Loyalist Park-
Mr. Bushell said he was
impressed by the disarming
manner of the Prince who,
was very warm and friendly:
For example, he noticed Mr.
Bushell's Legion pin and
asked him if he had served
overseas during the war, to
which Mr. Bushell replied he
The Prince also joked that
they would be getting sun-
burned under the glare of the
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
Nursery and Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - St. Paul's
Holy Communion
1:30 p.m. -Trinity, Belgrave
Evening Guild
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 8 p.m.
Doris Bushell
Here ``i ,• -:;y, here tonnOrrO ► to
serve your hearing needs.
Beltone has been serving the hearing needs of
people in this area for more than 25 years.
More important to you, we expect to go on ser-
ving them for many years to come.
When you tiuy a hearing aid from us, you know
we'll b9 here to provide service when you need
Come in and see us at the regular monthly ser-
vice clinic at
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
J. D. FAIR Reg. O.H.A.A. Hearing Aid
Specialist -
Stratford Office _
145 Ontario St.
television lights and flash-
Finally Her Majesty
thanked Mrs. Bushell for the
quilt and told her it would be
"lovely to have". Then the
royal couple moved on to
greet other dignitaries.
The Queen is a smaller
woman in person than she
appears on television and in
pictures, noted Mrs. Bushell,
and she has a lovely peaches
and cream complexion.
Once the Queen and the
Prince had left, Mrs. Bushell. - .
posed for „ a number of
photographs and .was in-
terviewed by newspapers
and magazine reporters.
During all this, the quilt was
taken down and packed for
the trip to England. Mrs.
Bushell said she does, not
know where it will be
The day was a real whirl-
wind of activity for everyone
involved and will always be
remembered by the Bush -
ells. Mrs. Bushell said the
best part was being able to
take her family along to
share the experience.
Frozen 12.5 oz Old South 1 • n
Orange Juice .
Schneider's 175 gr. Chopped 1.
Cooked Ham
Schneider's 250 gr. Sizzle'n Serve .1 n
Schneider's 500 gr. Cello
Beef Steakettes 2.19
Puritan 24 oz. Beef or
Irish Stew 1.69
1vjcCorrnick' s 600' gr. Choc. chip'
Variety or Creme Variety
Cookies 1.99
Store Hours:
Monday - Saturday
7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Friday till 9:00 p.m.
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
Pick up the Bucket: 15 pieces of
delicious, Finger Lickin' good Chicken!
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
OCT. 6-7-8
ntuc Frie d Chicken
Corner Hwy. 4 & 86 Zehrs Plaza, Wingham
Phone 3572221
At ParticIpatin ntucky Fried Chicken Stores