HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-09-26, Page 22BOOM 8000Q BOOM! ©It7000®© !=19061® ODOIr = �OUBO®u0-' ©OD i©©GooEM © ©n iso BOOM ©BODU MOOD ©IO© OMBO BUM ora 000® OD =BOO ounnuo® CUOMO BOOM =©I9© Page 8 {Cro rloatdti -Sept 26. 1984 Craft Tal By Louisa Rush This week I am featuring a square knitted cushion cover. If you feel you can use these instructions either now or in the future, clip them quick before the paper gets thrown out. If you do not keep the directions, please do not write to me, as I do not carry extra copies. The square cover consists of four triangles for each. side of the cushion, making eight in all for the back and front. You will need approxi - By Gene Gary as to the treatment. Q. In poor judgment, I had Try cleaning with a liquid parquet wood floor tiles in- cleaner for plastics, avail stalled in the kitchen. Now I ` able at houseware dealers, find that water drippings and following label directions spilling of liquids make it al- carefully. Or use an auto most impossible to care for cleaning wax, in cream or or, keep the floor waxed paste form, not liquid, and properly. also carefully follow the Can these tiles be var- manufacturer's directions. nished or lacquered to retain Gel -Gloss cleaner and a shiny look? - G.C.H. polish which is used on fibre- A. After thorough clean- glass, marble and synthetic ing, the floor can be var- marble could be used, which. nished with a spar or marine i cleans as well as polishes. type varnish, which is more Q. Front steps of my house resistant to water. are constructed off wood. If the present finish is in They lead to an enclosed poor shape, I suggest that porch, with trellis sides at you first sand the floor the foundation, giving plenty. before applying any varnish. of air circulation under the However, tiffs type of wood steps. .But' they donot hold floor is never suitable in paint for,any length of time. kitchen or bathroom areas. What do you suggest? I use Q. I have a 2 -by -5 foot top quality deck enamel. - mirror in the bathroom over Carl M.K. the sink. Water has splashed A. In spiteof ample air cir- up under the mirror, I think, culation, and ventilation and the reflecting agent on under the steps, there may If you wish, use a crochet the mirror has begun to peel be ground moisture rising, or hook and a dark contrasting away. cracks between the. stair colbr and join the two sides Can this be repaired or boards down which rain with double crochet, working must I buy a new mirror? - soaks into the wood. through the two thicknesses. G.R.M., El Cajon, Calif. Remove all ,remaining Insert the foam pad before A. It is possible to have a paint down to bare wood. Fill thefourth side is joined. mirror resilvered, but that any cracks between the If you need to brush up on would probably bemmore ex- boards with white lead or your crochet, my leaflet No. pensive than replacing the similar material., to keep out . 6870 Learn to crochet has mirrorwater from above. Run 'clear step by step directions, Resilvering is not a do -it- linseed oil into very narrow yourself project as it takes cracks. • special equipment. If possible, 'paint the un - Q. I have a Formica top on derside of the steps with my dark wood dining table. aluminum paint. th rface mately three quarters of an ounce of double knitting or knitting worsted for each triangle. The finished cushion will be about twelve inches scrim re. Incidentally, my friend Dianne from Vermont thought this was a terrific idea, and made a small af- ghan for the car to use when her little boy falls asleep! Shp made thirty-six triangles in her spare time from od- dments and the finished af- ghan was .about thirty-six inches square - just right for a toddler. 'You'll find them surprisingly simple and quick to do. If you have sufficient odd- ments, make a full size af- ghan, or if you are starting from scratch with regards to wool, you can plan to arrange the triangles in a design of two or more colors. To make one triangle, cast on fifty stitches using number eight needles, and knit.. one row. Working in garter-stitch,which is every row knit, decrease one stitch at both ends of the next row, then on every alternate row following until one stitch re- mains. Pass the end. of wool through the. loop of the one remaining stitch and fasten off. For a cushion cover, you will need seven more triangles. Press the pieces on . the wrong, side under a warm iron and damp cloth, Sew four triangles together, with the points to the centre. Join the'two squares formed. It picks up grease spots from handprints. I washed , the table with soapy water, but spots are still there. What can you rec- ommend? Is there a wax to protect Formica? - Mrs. E.H., Minneapolis, Minn. A. Best thing ,to do would be, to consult the dealer or manufacturer of the specific aminated plastic you have Finlsf, . with enamel on th C R 0 5 S w 0 R D S p quality deck following directions c ntainer carefully, e refinishing the steps, t!, •.ver the ground under the steps with over- lapping sheets (about a 6 - inch overlap) of polyethy- lene plastic or roll roofing paper, to act as a vapor barrier to keep dampness from rising out of the earth. ACROSS 26. Units of cotton DOWN 5. Door fastener 27. Shiny coating 1. Lighting 6. Hurls 28. Swing around fixtures 2. Greek 11. Sure-footed 29, "Smoothie's" marketplace ' 12. Romps insincere talk 14. Grinding tooth 30. Story line 16. Judge's formal ,31. Bird's bill statemeft 34. Choose 16. Crystal -gazed 18. Ghost's "cry" 35. Bit by bit 19. Downhearted 37. Common bird 3. Applied a cer- tain flooring . 4. Dressed 5. Birthright 6. Robbery: slang 7. Eager 20. Layer 39. "Angel of 8. Lamont, to 21. Author of "Lea mercy" Fred Sanford Mis4rables" 40. Straight-faced 9. Words of 22. Wrestlers' praise needs 41, Santa's helpers 10. "Second 23. Carried on bananas" one's back 42. Inclined 12 Doves' homes 24. "All the walkways 13. Hairnet world's a -" 43. Legal papers 00110 111111101111 11111111111111 1111101111111111 11■.■. ®■.■..11 101111111111111110 1101111 Iia 20 UNE ®10111 IMMO 111111111111 ®iiia sN� 11010111 1101111 10111111111111100110 11111111111110111 MN= ii1111111111111111 11101111111111 auu.■ ... ..®■uu■ 17. H 4monym of "sight" 21. - in one, ace 22. Labyrinth 23. Strained 24. Strapless ehoe 26. Trumpet's blare .26. Power group 27. High shine 28. Oodles 30. Seemingly virtuous 31. Brasst audacity 32. Mitigated - ,33. Say grace 36. Item on stage 96. Pack animal 38. Top edge BACK TO SCHOOL The sales are over and the children are once again away from home. On the first day of school, as in years past, parents de- livered their children into the care off a stranger - for five hours per day, five days per week for the next ten months. The parents know nothing about this stranger other than the surname, whether it is Miss, Mrs. or Mr., and that the school board considers him -her fit to educate children. The par- ents did not have an oppor- tunity to choose this person, nor will they have an oppor- tunity to request a change of teachers if this person should prove to be unsuitable for their child. Most parents will not even meet this person until three to five weeks after this transer of care has occurred. They ate fortunate elven then if they are able to have five to ten minutes df uninterrupted time before another parent wants his or her share. showing exactlY/the position of the hands, hook and thread, through each oper- ation of the stitches. You'll find -it. invaluable. It even has directions for left-handed people. This week's pattern is a crochet cheval set, buteither size of mat will makee, a charming doiley and the larger one is ideal as a place mat. To order this week's pattern No. 8055 send 75 cents Plus a stamped self. addressed envelope. If you do not have a stamp or en- velope, please enclose an extra 50 cents to cover the cost of handling .and print your name and address. Send to: Louisa Rush "Craft Talk", 486 Montford Drive, Dollard des Oriheauz, P.Q., H9G 1M6. Please be sure to state pattern numbers cor- rectly when ordering and Ito enclose your stamped return envelope for faster service. Heart Answers The Warning Signs The ch,ild's teacher, in most cases, remains a stranger to the parents, but very quickly becomes either a trusted and admired friend and confidant or an adver- sary to the child. The child develops one of these per- ceptions in the first few weeks of school and rarely changes this initial percep- tion throughout the year. Some children carry a nega- tive perception from one year to the next. Even a warm and caring teacher is helpless unless he or she is capable and prepared to ex- tend himself -herself well be- yond the expectations of the system and the demands of thirty other individuals en- trusted to his -her care. Parents of a child who sees only the negative side of school quickly recognize that this negativeness spreads to every aspect of the child's life. It is absolutely neces- sary that these parents act early ° and often to. ensure that their child's teacher does not remain a stranger At wit's end by Erma Bombeck r. I' was amused by the story of a 65 -year-old grandmother' in New England who wanted tobecome a scoutmaster and the attorney for the Boy Scouts contended thaly,a female would be "dangeroif's and anti -democratic," as i'1 year-old boys are entitled to an adult male role model. The thought crossed my mind that if it were not for women there would be..no male adults for role models . .. or attorneys . or fortiat matter, :BoySc'outsi..... Today happens to be National Grandparents Day. Maybe it's a good time to take a look at this group and try to imagine what a child's life would be without them. Kids would wander around forever trying to hustle all those cookies and all- purpose greeting cards. And who else but a grandparent would buy 20 chances on a live pony so they could go with the band to state final Who do . you think wo d take the time to listen to a child describe a movie he had just seen which takes longer to explain than it took to make the movie? Who would baby-sit them when they were contagious 1r' /( \ EIS AN AN ECG (EKG)? ECG (EKG) is an abbreviation f -or an electrocardiogram. which Is a graRhic record of the electric cur rents generated by the heart 6y i reading the graph a doctor can de terrn ne several facfs about the heart such as the heart rate, the heart's rhythm, ,whether the heart muscle is receArnq enough blond and whether there rs an enlargement of any of the heart's four chambers Contact your local Ontario Heart Foundation for more ,Aformation ONTARIO„HEART FOUNDATION GET GORGEOUS! By Antonia van der Meer. Silhouette Books, New York. (1-n • Canada : PaperJacks Ltd., Markham; Ont. $3.95) 192 pp. Paper. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX "Get Gorgeous!" by Antonia van der Meer is a book for women about their appearance, including such items as skin. hair, teeth, nails, hands, feet, posture, color, and clothing. Th ook contains information, direc- tions, advice, and sugges- tions, with a good section on sun tanning. The author's presentation is a fascinating one, making the 'book entertaining, and there are numerous draw- ings to illustrate various situations. Of course, one cannot remember every- thing in the book. Therefore, it is a good idea to have the book on hand for reference. It is more than a "how todo" book. INVENTOR BORN On Nov. 6, 1861, James Naismith, inventor of the game of basketball, was born at Almonte, Ontario, Canada. and throwing up and rock them until they went to sleep? Their world would be 'one long series of empty cookie jars, pianos with Do Not Touch on them ' and magazines you couldn't crayon in. There would be no more impractical gifts that parents say kids don't need,• no more ice cream Before dinner and no more going to bed with dirty feet. And who. do you think would tell them how parents messed 'up when they were little kids? For sure, not the parents. Only a grandparent car\ pass on to them some- thing so vital to their lives as their history. Who but grandparents could endure the pain of divorce ' when they get custody of -nothing ... but memories and longing? Grandparents are the only people who could survive the insults of their children -Who "allow them to baby-sit" and. send along five pages of instructions on what to do. Grandparents are a mystery to children.. They're married, but they don't have kids. They're too old to play games . . .''but they do. They're a part of the family, but they're ` not allowed to say anything. They standon the edge of a child's life with love and pride . . . and a camera to record everything they dp. It would never occur to a grandmother that she could not be a role model for the 'development of moral, spiritual and patriotic values in young boys. Fred Gore to them. If it becomes appar- ent that the teacher is not good for or with their chid, parents should take every action possible to have the placement changed. Parents continue to be legally and morally responsible for their child's pysical and emotional well-being, and the fact that the child now attneds school does not mean this responsi- bility is transferred to the personnel of the school' board. The parents I know take greater care picking a baby- sitter than is allowed to choose a teacher. The truth of the matter is that the pub- lic school syst-ri does not allow parents the same free- dom of choice that parents exercise to choose a sitter. Which is more important .. how well they are bathed by the sitter or how well they are educated by the teacher? If a sitter does not or cannot care for the child properly, the sitter is fired and re- placed. If the teacher does not or cannot educate. the child properly, the child fails. This is the way itis and al- ways was, but it need not continue to be. Many parents are opting out of the public school system because the private school system DOES allow choice. September's issue of Highlights magazine contains an interesting arti- cle entitled "Private Schools: They Are Here To Stay", which addresses this very issue. • Other parents, for many reasons, cannot consider the private alternatives. They must speak up to principals, directors and trustees, not as individuals but as a group to force this issue into the open. Perhaps this column can be- come the initial forum for change. Note: The "Highlights" 'magazine is. published by Fairway Press, 225 Fairway 'Road, Kitchener, Ont. The article mentioned above was the feature in the September - October issue. Fewer 'Wed is Norway Marriages in Norway in 1980 totaled only 22,000, the smallest number in 36 years, The average age for first marriages was 76:2 for men ad 23.6 for women. Almost 13 percent of those who mar- ried in 1980 had been previ- ously wed. Homes built prior to Sept. 1, 1977 are now eiiigibie fair a C.H.I.P. Grant up` to a maximum of s bO.00 off your insulating cost. FREE ESTIMATES CGS° et Blown Cellulose Cert. Na Ont 250 • Urethane Foam • Fibreglass • Air Seal Testing "Satisfaction Guaranteed" mite. Insutatlon Ltd. 214 - 10th St, Hanover Call Collect or Evenings 364-4494 369-6888 A new twist in writing instrument design. Introducing TRZ from Sheaffer. Precision ballpoints and matching pencils with a sleek new profile. In the Sheaffer tradition of fine craftsmanship. Choose from six distinctive models at prices starting from $5.95. Gift boxes singly or in sets, they're perfect for all your gift giving needs. TRZ contemporary writing ti instruments from Sheaffer. Quality and style at an affordable price. Priced from $5.95 to $12.50. Available at: The Listowei Banner. 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel, 291-1666, Now open Saturdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Other Sheaffer pens are available to suit your every need. Enter our monthly draw today. No purchase necessary. ,Regular - Premium Quality Corned Beef lb. 2.99 Bavarian Style Wieners ,b.1.89 Smoked and Fully Cooked Picnic Shoulder - Ib. 1.89 BAVARIAN DELI PACKERS Hans Mayer Klaus Bloechinger Winghani, Ont. 519-357-1705 Res. 357-1262 Make the most of your windows During our 20-20 Drapery Sale 2O0/ OFF ALL READY MADES Priscilla' - Shee'r Panels - Kitchen Sets Pinch Pleated Drapes 48"x64" wide reg. $42. '33.50 48"x88" wide reg. 557. '45.50 60"x64" wide reg. 547. '37.50 60"x88" wide reg. 562. '49.50 20 % OFF ALL "SELECTONE" WALLCOVERINGS e Best Quality Vinyl (Textures, damasks & co-ordinating patterns. 20% OFF ALL BEDROOM LINENS • Sheet Sets by 'Caldwell' • Bedspreads • Comforters & Accessories 20NOFF OUR "CUSTOM MAKING" RATES • Choose from our low priced stock of fabrics or wide range of samples. September 20th to October 20th F.FEE Matching Decorator Cushion FREE Tiebacks _ With your order for custom Drapes or Curtains Treii&{ 11%1TER,ORS 151 Main St. West Listowel 291-3150