HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-09-26, Page 11of • t"lle ing . 11i1.. ,dvall egl,SePt.; 913il- Pege 11 KorC WM . SFIFADY COUNCIL 1507 krtiglits" f ' otrnbu5 GUELPH, UN I Aillo DREAM HOME—'84 $150 000"° IN N1ER( ANI)`;F ANYI) UV:0 DREAM HOME, '84 3130,000.00 •3 Bedroui , • Draw Nov. 1 7. 1984 Bathroom, •Mdm , •;),ruble �,d,,ryr' •r: drpeteti r�utrm •E (..t' +yr' 1) i i .Strive b F r dyt' •FOrmdi ) r,.r,,; '+ ,,,, pener •Mrr ruwdve •)ven •t- at -on Kilr hr' ' •Douhle A.,ph,i!t • •Dishw,rtilter Driveway •Hood Fdn •Ldndscdped & `,udded •Washer & Dryer Approx. Value $10,000 00 Bonus Draw — Motortrend Magazine RENAULT •Front Wheel Drive •Power Brakes •5 Speed With Overdrive •Quartz Digital Clock Oct. 20, 1984 1984 Car Of The Year ALLIANCE •Radial Tires •Electronic Ignition •Maintenance Free Battery •Carpeted Throughout (Fidler Auto Sales - Guelph) EARO-0BIRD DRAWS `&$-1 ,000.00 Draw - Oct. 6, 1984 • PLUS • $2,500.00 Draw on November 3, 1984 PURCHASE YOUR TICKET AT THE AMC/JEEP TENT AT THE PLOWING MATCH Sept. 25 to 29 at Teviotdale . • RULES OF THE CONTEST • est 'Only 4,000 tickets will be •Prizes must be accepted as •By entering Contestants sold awarded agree to allow the Knights of •Early Bird Winners are also •Cut off dates for (11) draws Columbus to print and/or t,J eligible for future draws and will be 9:00 p.m., day of draw. show their names and/or pic- Grand Prize Draw Except for Opening Draws on tures. • •Contestants may enter as July 14th,` Closing Time 12 •This contest is open to any- it often as 'they wish. Noon, ��� one over the age of''16. • t ,1:11 LIVRIMEAWCIWARTMUaoma,,Efax,, ST -• THE 2nd WINGHAM BROWNIE PACK went .for a nature hike last II Thursday afternoon and then gathered at the park for a weiner roast. • Brownie members include Laura McLennan, Tracey Richey, Erin • Skinn, Margaret Skinn, Diane Skinn, Leslie Pike, Angela Huffman, NOTE: •Tickets may be purchased by using the coupon as well MAJOR PROCEEDS TO NEW ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, GUELPH lot * Make Payments to: '.Send to: Thompson &•Brandow l' Knights of Columbus Insurance Brokers Ltd. 1 Knights Home Columbus 84 1,55 Suffolk St. W. breaGuelph N1 H 2J7 4A Please send , .. . draw tickets at $100.00 each to 1 4 Name 1 Address City Province 'Phone Postal Code , i Payment: Money OrderD ChequeD VisaD Master I` Expiry Date' *Draw Monitored & Audited by 1Signature ATJLJ �ws—.>�— Coopers & Lybrand Chartered Accountant � Prov. Lottery uc. No 448404 CardD No. Angie Ortlieb, Jennie Remington, Erin Whiteley, Maria Gibbons, Lisa Alexander, Alisa Curzon, Janette Cretier, Kelly Neil, Lisa Inwood, An- drea McBride, Kyla Irvine, Tara McDougall, Jennifer LaRose, Nikki Fisher, Crystal Fox, Tammy Adams and Natalie Chomyn. Hospital -board shorts The question whether the Wingham and District Hospital Board will open its meetings to the general public remains up in the air pending a recommendation from the board's manage- ment committee. Earlier this year the board voted downa proposal from an ad hoc commitee that the public be allowed to sit in on the meetings. However the matter was raised' again at the hospital association annual meeting ' in June when, by an overwhelming show of hands, association. members asked, that the board reconsider its position. Last week, at the board' first -regular meeting since negia Washer • 2 speed - 4 cycle • Fabric Softener Dispenser •. Bleach Dispenser • Suds Saver Model (Optional). Irma Dryer • 3 heats - 3 cycles • Automatic Dry & Time Dry • No Tumble Drying Rack //8/04 Dishwasher • In door cutlery basket • 2 level wash , • Portable & Built In Models 51995 199 from only LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE CAL BURKE Electric LTD • Wingham APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE 38 years built by quality and 'service the summer recess, member Hans Kuyvenhoven asked if the question would be discussed. Chairman Mary Vair said it would be placed on the agenda for the management committee, which did not make, a report at the meeting. Presently reporters are permitted to attend regular- ly -scheduled board . meet- ings, but members of the public are not, and special meetings are completely .r closed. Hospital bylaws provide that: ."Non -Board members may attend meetings of the Board only upon: (a) the invitation of the Chairman • through the' Executive Director; or (b') invitation of the'• Executive' Director with the ifilli at' 8r the -°hair - man." However the board has the power to change bylaws, provided the changes are then ratified at the next annual meeting of the association. 0-0-0 The management com- mittee, which is headed by. the board's vice chairman, Dr. Brian Hanlon, is also to propose' a set of • rules of order to govern board meetings. This is intended to remedy problems encountered earlier this year when, weeks after work on the project had started, the , board chairman conceded that a inhtion awarding the contract had been out of order and the board was asked to vote on a second motion, which was itself called into question since no discussion was allowed. Subsequent to this several board members asked that the board adopt rules of order•to which it can refer in cases of dispute. 0-0-0 Reporting for the medical staff, Dr. M. H. Corrin paid tribute to the late Dr. J. .C. `McKim, calling his death "a great loss to the staff and myself." Dr. McKim died recently //WOO Frost -Free REFRIGERATORS • 5 yr. warranty parts & labour on complete sealed refrigerator system. from 7.3995 3572450 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK following a lengthy illness which he had contracted through his work. The board also approved the admission to staff of Dr. Linda Gagnon, who, Dr. Corrin reported, is joining the Lucknow Medical Centre on a temporary basis. 0-0-0 In her report from the hospital auxiliary, Marilyn Wood noted there are no fewer than 157 volunteers working 4n the hospital through the auspices of the auxiliary. She also an- nounced the chase of various items for the hospital. She told' board members that the semi-annuaThospital rummage sale is coming up Oct. 18 and 19. Mrs. Vair added that' staff from a number of hospital departments are sponsoring a craft and bake sale at the Wingham Armouries on Oct. 20 to raise money for the hospital. 0-0-0 Board members were informed of a number of seminars coming up at Exeterand at the Sheraton Centre and OHA Centre in, Toronto, which they were encouraged to attend if possible. Asking whether members were expected to give reports on seminars and conferences which they attended at hospital expense, board member Robert Middleton noted. the board had not yet received any report on the convention which its executive director attended in Puerto Rico last spring. Norman Hayes responded with a . brief report, con- cluding that the conference had not been worth the money and that he had no. idea it would be that ex- pensive." The board was not told how much the conference had cost, and no one asked. MRS. GEORGE BROWN Gorrie Personal Notes Mr. and 'Mrs', Delmar. Gorslitz and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zuellig of Birch `Run, Michigan, spent - last weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayden. Mrs. Margaret Gilchrest and Nellie Adams of Regina visited recently for several days with Mrs: William Austin. Mr. and Mrs. James Austin of Elmira visited Sunday at the same home. Mrs. Frank. Earls of London visited Mr. and Mrs., Archie . Miller and other friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lobb of Clinton and Mr. and 'Mrs. Bev Injuries are minor in .car roll-over Two Wingham girls escaped serious injury Friday evening when the car in which they were riding . slid into the ditch and rolled over on a .gravel road in Turnberry Township. Debbie Hodgins and Angela Walker, both 16, received only minimal in- juries in the accident. They were checked at the Wing - ham and District Hospital and then released. Provincial police reported that Miss Hodgins was driving a 1983. Oldsmobile belonging to her father; NATURE BAG—Brown Owl Bev McBride collects a nature bag from Nikki Fisher of the 2nd Wingham Brownie Pack. The Brownies went for a hike last Thurs- day and them gathered at the park for a weiner roast. Larry Hodgins of Wingham, and was westbound on Concession 10-11 when the vehicle pulled to the right while cresting a hill and slid on the loose 'gravel into the north -ditch, where it rolled over onto its roof. The accident occurred at 7:55 p.m. about 1.4 kilo- metres west of Highway 4.. In a separate accident on Sunday evening, a Kitchener couple escaped•with minimal injuries when their car was struck from the rear while slowing for a stop at the junction of Highways 4 and 86 at the Wingham south 'limits. Police reported that Donald Allen Kraft, 56, and his wife Mildred, both of Kitchener, were eastbound on Highway 86 and slowing to a stop at the junction when their car was struck from behind by a second vehicle driven by Darren John Maurer, 19, of Kincardine. Damage was estimated at $100 to the Kraft vehicle, a 1978 Chev, and $400 to the Maurer car, a 1984 Chev. Mr. Maurer was not injured in the accident. Brears of RFI. 1, Listowel, were dinner guests Sunday at the same home. - John Van •de Kemp returned home last Friday frond' the'' Winghtinf ' saki District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mulloy, Kristie and Leslie of Paris, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Howes of Ottawa spent the weekend with Mrs. Cecil Grainger, as did Marcie Howes of Hamilton. Mrs. .Eva McCully of St. Thomas spent the week at the ' home .of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis. Lynne Earls and Mrs. Perrin Lewis and little daughter Kate of Toronto visited relatives of the late Mrs. Lillian Hastie last week at the Gorrie chapel of the M. L. Watts Funeral Home. Miss Earls and Mrs. Lewis were dinner guests last Saturday with Mr.. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mrs. Fred Baldwin, Mark and Kyle of Paris, visited last Wed- nesday at the Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Ayr spent Sunday with Mrs. Gordon E dear. Mrs. Mauna Squire of Sherwood Park, Alberta, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger; Mrs, A. L. Stephens, Mrs. Cecil Grainger and Gary Grainger of Allan Park attended the baptism of Craig Ryan and Erin Jillian, children of Murray and Donna Grainger . of Shakespeare on Sunday and were dinner guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKertcher of RR 1, Listowel. Rev. Juklca Saarinen officiated at the baptism. Approximately one-third of the forest land harvested each year produces naturally, one-third is treat- ed, and one-third is not re- generating adequately. ATTENTION HOG FINISHERS For Your Supply of Top Quality WEANER PIGS rpt 70.6 Contact LARRY BOTT & SONS 335-3234 or by appointment at -the farm Tuesday or Thursday afternoons 1 mile east of Gorda Hwy. 87