HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-09-12, Page 61t Thurs. Fri. Sept. 20, 21 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. Sept. 22 9 a.m.-4 p.m. *CLEARANCE PRICES on our 4 acre inventory of NEW & USED travel trailers, park models, motor homes,. 5th wheels, and fold down campers. * New and used MOBILE HOMES (10, 12 and 14' wides in stock). * WINTERIZING SEMINARS daily, learn how to winterize your trailer. * 10% DISCOUNT on new parts and ac cessories in our new 1,200 sq. ft. showroom. MOBILIFE RV CENTRE No. 8 Hwy. be 5e9) 863hener and Cambridge 9 Crossroads -Sept. 19, 1984 -Page 13 3 ... CKVR Barrie 4D ... MEW Detroit 5 ... CBC Toronto 5D ... WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 .,. WKBW Buffai - 7.D ... WJBK Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ... CFPL London 11 ... CHCH Hamilton 1Sat., Sept. 22 MORNIN(, 5:30 News 5D ° 00 Open Doors 5D Frightenstein 3 Adventure Outdoors 11 University of the Air 13 Seneca Telecollege 6, 57 A Better Way 7 6:25 Newsworthy 5D Strllssk/rqr INSULATION The Energy Answer People SERVING THE PUBLIC AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SINCE 1949 • Urethane sprayed in place • Cementitious thermal barrier for over urethane • Cavity Wall Insulation • Ener Seal that•controls air leakage C.H.I.P.APPLICATIONS Up to $500 grant on ��� homes built before Sept. 1177 CANADIAN GYPSUM RED TOP BLOWN MINERAL WOOL CEILING INSULATION Canadian General Standards Board CERT. a GNT, - 24 - 116 • AGRICULTURAL • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL .. trf55furger Ali litai 5 U I._ -r O ti 8864380 Waterloo, 646 Colby Drive 885-6380 or Toll, Free 1-800-265-4717 6:30 Circle Square 11 Ask a Silly Question . 5D In View 13 4 Agriculture USA 7 7:90 Rocket Robinhood 57 Kidbits 5D Oceans Alive 3 Zig Zag 11 Third Story 13 Woody Woodpecker 7 Hammy Hamster 6 Muppet Show 7D, 4D 7:30 Captain Kangaroo 7D, 4D Hercules 6 Audubon Wildlife 8, 10 Little Rascals 5D Circle Square 3 ° - Willy and Floyd 13 Flipper 11 Sesame Street 5 8:00 100 Huntley Street 8 Flintstones 5D Harrigan 11 Sport Billy 10 Snorks 6. Treehouse 13 Japanese 57 Kids Inc. 7 Third Story 3 Shirt Tales 7D, 4D 8:30 Get Along Gang 7D, 4D Voltron 10 Sport Billy 3 Storytime 13 Counterpoint 11 Shirt Tales 5D Jackson Five 7 The World Tomorrow 6 9:00 The Smurfs 6, 5D. Let's Go 13 Sign of the Times 8 Greek Panorama 11 Ukranian 57 Happy Days Again 7 Sesame Street 5 Waterville Gang 3 Jim Henson's Muppet Babies 7D, 4D r Cornpafly.Westernrn Found ylimited cordially { invites you to attend our at 454 Industrial Drive Wingham, Ontario on Saturday, September 29, 1984 from 10a•rn.to2p.m• Plant Tours - Product Information Display Refreshments Served R. W. LeVan President B. Leachman President Local 207 INCL 9:30 Saturday Supercade 7D, 4D You Can't Do That On TV 13 ° Nugget 3 Beetle Bailey & Friends 7 Circle Square 8 - East Indian 57 10:00 Third Story 8 Hispanovision 11 Dragon's Lair 7 Movie "Badman's Territory" 5 Harrigan 3 Zig Zag 10. Oopsy Daisy 13 10:30 Pole Position 7D, 4D Kidsworld 13 - Movie "The Muppet Movie" 10 Forest Rangers 3 Wolf -Rock TV 7 Harrigan 8 Italian Panorama 11 Alvin and the Chip- munks 5D Frightenstein 57 Alvin and the Chip- munks 6 11:00 Mr. T. 5D Skipper and Company 8 Kidd Video 6 New Scooby Doo Mysteries 7 Kidsworld 3 Rocket Robin Hood 13 Dungeons and Dragons 7D. 4D , 11:30 Ready, Set Grow 11 America's Top Ten 5D The Littles 7 Special: Crisis Report 57 100 Huntley Street 6 Celebrity Tennis 8 Frightenstein 3 Stann Kann C3 All Star Wrestling 57 ' Pryor's• Place 7D, 4D AFTERNOON 12:00 NCAA Football 7D, 4D •` • Movie "TBA" 5D This Week in Baseball 13. • Creative Hands 11 Maja the Bee 5 Wrestling 8 ABC Weekend Special 7 12:30 G"reek Paradise 6 Going Great, 5 Red Fisher .57 Challenge 7 This Week in Ontario 3 Western Gardener 10 Woody's Woodshop 11 Blue Jay Banter 13 1:00 Aging. Is For Everyone 7 Reach. For the Top 10 World Alive 3 The Achievers 5 Wrestling 11 Portraits of Power 57 Inside Track 8 This Week in Football 13 1:30 The War Years 57 Your Wealth 3 Reach for the Top 8 Kidsbeat 6 Western Gardener 5 Celebrity Tennis 10 CFL_Football 13 Behind the Scenes 7 2:00 Sports 5D Backstage•Pass 10 Wrestling 3 Star Trek 5 Foufouli 6 Landand Sea OUAA Footb• ll 11 2:30 Hot Cuts 57 . Going Great 8 Kangaroo Club 6 Sport Goofy on Water Sports 7 3:00 Strawberry Shortcake 6 Sportsweekend 8, 5, 3, 10 Toronto Rocks 57 Buffalo Bill's Hi-Lites 7 3:30 Wait Till Your Father ' Gets Home 6 World Championship Boxing Special 7 Sports 7D, 4D 4:00 Scooby Doo, 6, Toronto Rocks 57 4:30 He -Man 6 Wide World of Sports 13 Fifth Avenue Mile 7,• 5:00 Master of the Martial Arts 5D Wide World of Sports 7 Mister T 6 Special: Leacock at Leisure 11 The Chum 30 57 5:30 Wolf Rock TV 6 All in The Family 5D p 6:00 6:30 EVENING News 11,1D, 4D,, 5D, 13, 8, 10, 5 Saturday Report 6 Citypulse 57 Reach For The Topli Simon and Simon 8, 10 News 10, 7, 5D J.P. 7D, 4D Everybody's Business 6 Bowling for Dollars The New Music 57 Muppet Show 5 Show Biz 3 The Dick •Beddoes Show it Thrill of a Lifetime 13 Dance Fever 5D News 7 Airwolf 11 Barney Miller 5 Jennifer Slept Here 3 Partners in Crime 6 Entertainment This Week 71), 4D 0 Saturday Night Music Machine 51) Pueblo 7 Movie "The .Poseidon Adventure",.,67 Family Ties 10 Happy Days 3 Jeffersons 8 Front Page Challenge 5 Just Kidding 13 00 Special: Overdrawn At The Memory Bank 5, 8, 3 Miss London Pageant 10 Love Boat 6, 7 .. St. Elsewhere 11 Cover Up 13 " 'Different Strokes 5D Airwolf 7D, 4D 8:30 Gimme A Break 5D- 9:00 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D Hot Pursuit 11 • Bosom Buddies 5D 9:30 Mama's Family 5D Finder of Lost Lover 6,7 • ' This Is Hollywood 10 Two Ronnies 5 :00 Citypulse Tonight 57 CFL Football (Sask. at Vancouver) 5, 8, 3, 10 Swing Sensation 13 • TBA 51) 10:30 Newscope 13 Music Special 57 11:00 News 7D; 41), 5D„ 11, 13,7 Lottario 6 13 7:00 7:3 8: 10 1 ,e• 1:05 News 6 1:20 Ontario Report 13 1:30 Saturday Night Live 5D, 57 Sportsline 6 Just Jazz 11 Movies "TBA" 7D, 41); "Attack" 7 ' 12.00 Movies "Travis Logan, D.A." 6; "All The President's Men" 1:3 Entertainment Tonight 11 1:00 New York Hot Tracks 51) Movie "Loose Change ' (Pt. 2) 11 Newsf'inal 5 Good Rockin' Tonight 8, 10 - Muchmusic 57 1:15 Highlights 5 2:00 Movies "The Family" 3; "Police Story" 13 2:30 Entertainment This Week 51) 2:45 Kung Fu 6 Challenge 7 3:00 Dick Van Dyke 3 3:15 News 7 3:30 Phil Silvers 3 Movie "TBA" 5D 4:00 Bionic Woman 13 Movie "I Married A Woman" 3 5:( 'The Waltons 13 The Rat Patrol 7D, 413, Fires, insects costly In Canada, where the total annual forest harvest aver- ages 128.4 million cubic me- ters, losses due to insects are estimated at 14.3 million cubic meters, and fires de- stroy about 10.5 million cubic meters annually. To- gether they account for loss - 4, es equivalent to nearly 20 percent of the harvest. 400,000 from a pair The German ,.cockroach, which can squeeze into a crack a sixteenth of an inch wide, is very prolific. A pair of them and their offspring could, in one year, multiply to 400,000 insects. •••1.1••••••••111•••••••• • •' •: • • •• • • • • • • • •. • • • • •• +� .• . `or •••• irll:lrl ••1••••••••••••••••••••••• Considering all the times you turn on the television these days and. see something demoralizing, violent or sick, what a wonderful experience to watch something as, positive and uplifting__ as "Special People", shown last week on Detroit's 2 channel. This American production was of special interest to us`riecause 'it is OUR special people and this • group, under the' • guidance of a wonderful gal named Diane. Dupuy, was born and first performed in Toronto. The Famous People Players went on to play • in major North American night clubs. Dupuy is working with a grbup of mentallyhan- dicapped young adults when Movies on Channel 57 she gets this fantastic idea for a 4heatre group of pup- peteers. She believes the. only .way she can bring out the best in these kids is to become involved - and boy; does she become involved! , She lives, talks and breathes - theatre to her student- and - for everyone she finds a job, whether it is performing, dratxing or making props. What Diane tolerates would be enough to make anyone quit. One girl locks herself in a washroom' and throws temper tantrums, reducing most of the props to rubbish. A young man becomes depressed- and refuses to come back because he is in love with Diane and knows she does not return his love. He can't read or write or tell time but she tells hien there are lots of - people around who can read and write and make great THURSDAY, 7:30 P.M.-"M.A.S.H.". Starring Donald show but tey don't know Sutherland, Elliot Gould, Tom Skerrit. A pair of surgeons how to love like he does. She in Korea during the war create havoc with their martini wins him back but rehear- parties ehear parties and the practical jokes on nurses and doctors. • sols are still plagued with THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M: "MAROONED". Starring Greg- bles. At oneepoint of utter ory Peck, Richard Crenna, James Franciscus. The story of tr, trouutreion, Dane sreamr astronauts unable to return to earth, while the head of the ' fr and asks them space agency tries to cover up the crisis. • ,"What themdo you think you are, FRIDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"SUMMER LOVERS". Starring Peter ,"bunch of RETARDS?" think ou Gallagher, Daryl Hannah, Valerie Quennessen. A young When they are finally American. couple vacationing in the Greek Isles become ready to give their first involved in .a menage a trois with a beautiful French girl. show,' it ' FRIDAY, 11:30 P.M.- is a disaster. The"SUMMER LOVERS". Starring audience loves it because Peter Gallagher, Daryl Hannah, Valerie Quennessen. A theyaudidon't know these kids. young' American couple vacationing in the Greek Isles be- But Diane knows they can do come involved in a menage a trois with a beautiful French girl. better. She bursts into tears, tells them they were terrible, SATURDAY, 7:30 P.M. -"THE. POSEIDON ADVEN- they didn't eare enough, they TI/RE". Starring Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Shelly didn't wbrk together. And Winters. The S.S. Poseidon is capsized by a tidal "wave on she stomps off in tears. SUNDAY, 3:00 P.M. -"ROCK ALL NIGHT". Starring Dick` her last voyage, sending the survivors on a struggle to live. together is a newspaper ad. What brings them back Miller, Russell Johnson, Abby Dalton. A short guy, who Liberate, thesubject of their hates all tall guys, falls for a singer ata rock 'n' roll joint little stage performance, is where murderers and robbers hang out. He finally subdues coming to the O'Keefe the big shots. Centre to give a concert SUNDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"HONKY TONK FREEWAY".Star- they ask Diane to take themand. ring Beau Bridges, William Devane, Howard Hesseman. She giVed es, of course, new spa k. She n bypassed by a freeway bugs the star until he agrees nd this The citizens of a small Florida tow build an off ramp in order to provide access to the town by to watch their performance and five months later, they are on the bill with him at a Las Vegas night club. That was in 1975 and they have never looked back, con- tinuing to thrill audiences with much more sophisticated entertainment and finely tuned talent. tourists. MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"BON VOYAGE, CHARLIE BROWN" (AND DON'T COME BACK!). Voices of: Daniel Anderson, Casey Carlson, Patricia Patts. Charlie Brown and company travel to France as exchange students. MONDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"HELLO, DOLLY!" Starring Barb- ra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford. Dolly Levi, a matchmaker for her friends, sets her head on con- quering and taming a skittish, tight fisted Yankee mer- chant for herself. TUESDAY, 8:00 P.M. -'BANG THE DR M SLOWLY". Starring Michael Moriarty, Robert DeNiro, Vincent Gar- denia. A fictionalized account of what might happen to a big league New York baseball team if one of its key mem- bers were suffering from a fatal disease. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"FUNNY LADY". Starring Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford. The sequel to Funny Girl. The story of Fanny Brice's years with famed showman Billy Rose. WEDNESDAY, 7:30 P.M. -"CANNERY ROW". Starring Nick Nolte, Debra Winger, Audra Lindley." Against the backdrop of the California Monterey waterfront of the %1140'x, a marine biologist with a mysterious past and a feisty young drifter fall in love. WEDNESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"UP FROM THE DEPTHS". Starring Sam Bottoms, Dorothy Buhrman, Susanne Reed. Terror strikes a Hawaiian resort when an unknown and lethal species of man-eating fish emerges from the depths. 5 Seven of Diane's students played themselves - and beautifully. And actress Brooke Adam is outstanding as Dupuy - always giving, trying harder, encouraging these special people to be something no one else could or would -see in them. Watching the hour before as Pope Paul ministers to severely handicapped children, blessing them and loving them, then seeing Dupuy, loving and helping these young people, makes one see that these people are really more special than anyone realizes. G'