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Next Course Starts
Wednesday, September 19
7:30 p.m.
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Halfway between Listowel & Wingham, Sideroad 10-11
Crossroads—Sept. 19, 1184 --Page 11
Thur., Sept. 20
7:00 Energy: Search for an
.7:30 Down to Earth: Lawn
Care (Fall)
8:00 Polka Dot Door
8:30 Tell Me a Story: Sleep-
ing Beauty
8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh-
9:15 Math Patrol 2: Frac-
9:30 Cucumber: Art
10:00 Kidsworld: Actor Ron
Howard; singer Rene
Simard; a New Eng-
land harbor seal; an
11 -year-old pianist;
Suzuki -method violin-
ists; Antarctica;
championship soccer;
karate and drum
groups; and tornado
10:30 The Stationary Ark:
11:00 Voices of Early Can-
ada: Explorers in the
11:3Q Talking Film
12:00 Realities: A Thatch-
erite Conservative
12:30 People and Pets: The
Family Pet
1:00 The World in Your
Kitchen: Hungarian
1:30 Media and Methods of
the Artist: Mural
Techniques 1
2:00 Down to Earth: Hyd-•
roponics 1
2:30 For the Record: Gene
Brown and Nadine
3:00 The Music of Man:
New Voices for Man
4:00 Vue globale
4:30 Kidsworld: Water
rescue dogs; a 7 -year-
:, .how
peanut butter is made;
three kids who wrote a
book about soccer;
and some blind
parents who take their
two sons on long sail-
ing trips.
5:00 Sesame Street -
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Today's Special:
Boxes and Boxes
7:00 Doctor Who: Full
Circle, (Final)
7:30 Magic Shadows:
Where the Sidewalk
Ends (Final)
8:00 Realities: British
Social Democrats
8:30 People Patterns: By
9:00 Speaking Out: Sug-
ar'n;Spice vs Muscles
10:30 Options: The Perils of
Publishing — Pro- ,
gram 3 of 13
11:00 Realities: British
Social Democrats
11:30 To Be Announced
Fri., Sept. 21
7:00 Faces of Culture: The
Nature of Anthro-
pology — Pro-
gram 1 of 26
7:30 Le Tourisme, c'est
votre affaire
8:00 Po1ka„Dot Door
8: 30 Tell Mea Story: Harry
the Horse
8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh-
9:15 Math Patrol 2: Sub-'
traction 1
9:30 Cucumber: Music
10:00 Kidsworld: Cartoonist
Terry Mosher; the
wild -animal trainer
with the Ringling
Brothers Circus; an
Illinois family that
lives in a modernized
Gave; antique -plane
pilots simulating a
World War I dogfight;
a.wet wl o. imakl ;; sa-.
calls.; a girl On a boys'
soccer team; and
Arizona children who
build mini -gardens.
12: 30
"Come See What's New
for 1985"
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• the exciting new IH 385 tractor
• the options available on the new heavy duty 84
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• the latest advances in conservation tillage
This will be a fun day, so bring the whole
family and enjoy the refreshments and Red
Power Demonstrations.
See you at Red Power Progress Day
Friday, September 21
Stoltz Sales & Service
HWy. 23 N. Ustowel
10:00 a.m. '4:30 p.m.
Hwy. 23 N. Listowel
55 Main St. S. Milverton
Simply More Productive
The Stationary Ark:
The Zoo Staff
Voices of Early Can-
ada: The Truant Of -
Talking Film: Cin-
Realities: British
Social Democrats
Pins and Needles:
Continues work on the
altered skirt.
The World in Your
Kitchen: Indian Cook-
Media and Methods of
'the Artist: Mural
Techniques 2
Down to Earth: Hyd-
roponics 2
For the Record: Henry
Taylor '
3:00 The Music of 1'an:
The Age of the Com-
De fil en aiguille
Kidsworld: A 16 -year-
old computer prog-
grammer; the City of
Halifax; a female foot-
ball coach; and an 11 -
year -old wrestling
champion. The pro-
gram also features an
interview with actor
Gregory Harrison.
5:00 Sesame. Street
4c-00 Polka Dot Door
6.'0 The Adventures of°the
Llttle Prince •
7:00 Wild World: Arctic
7:30 Magic Shadows: Flash
Gordon's Trip to Mars
8:00 Money$worth (Season
13i30 Testament to the
Bushmen: Program
eof 6
9:00 The Living .Planet: A
Portrait of the Earth
1000 ••Portrait of the.. Rrtist,,,_
• AS an diel` La*
10:30 ,Images of the Wild: A
Portrait of Robert
11:00 Money$worth
11:30 To. Be Announced
George Seaton. Stars
Montgomery Clift and
Paul Douglas.
12:05 Conversations, Part 2
Sun., Sept. 23
8:00 Polka Dot Door
8:30 Cucumber: Sports
9:00 Fables of the Green
Forest: Tom and Bob
the Quail
9:30 Sesame Street
10:30 Doctor Snuggles: The
Astounding Treacle
11:00 Read All About It!.:
The Stranger
11:15 Music Box: Tone Color
11:30 KidsBeat
12:00 Le Tourisme, c'est
votre affaire
12:30 De fil en aiguille
1:00 Octo-puce
1:30 Octo-puce plus
2:00 Les Ontariens
2:30 C'est demain la veille
3:00 Profession: ecrivain
3:30 Vue globale
4:00 Logiciel
4:30 Entre deux nuages
4:45 Colargol
5:00 Passe-Partout
5:30 Charlie Brown
6:00 Le Robinson suisse
6:30 Nova
7:30 La Troisieme Vague
d'Alvin Toffler
9:00 Cinema et Cinemas
11:00 Le Depart de 89
11:30 Vue globale
8:30 Tell Me a Story: The . 8:
Three Little Pigs
8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh-
9:15 Math Patrol 2: Solids
9:30 Cucumber: Acting 9:
10:00 Kidsworld: Logroll- 9:
ing; the police marine 10;
patrol; a western Col-
orado shepherd; a his-
toric fortress in Louis-
bourg, N.S.; a hula
hoop competition; a
Florida snake hand-
ler; a lighthouse keep-
er's daughter; a black-
smith artist; an alpine
slide down a Vermont
rnountain; and a
chamption roller
10:30 The stationary Ark:
11:00 Canadians in Conflict
11:30 Talking Film: A Por-
trait of George Stev-
ens, Part 1
12:00 People Patterns: By
30 The Half -a -Handy
1:00 The World in Your
Kitchen: Chinese
1:30 1..cdia and Methods of
the Artist: Acrylic 2
2:00 Down to Earth: Hyd-
roponics 4
2:30 For the Record: Gil-
bert Templeton
3:00 Les Ontariens
3:30 C'est demain la veille
4:00 Elle est finie, la guerre
4:30 Kidsworld: Basket-
ball; a taxidermist;
synchronized swim-
ming; the art of birch
bark biting; family
life on a hog farm; and
Kingston's Fort
;00 Sesame Street
:00 Polka Dot Door
:30 Today's. Special : Ears
:00 The Half -a -Handy
:30 Magic Shadows:
Broken Lance -
Part 2 of 4
8:00 National Geographic:
The Great Mojave
9:00 Freud: In the Name of
the Gods — Pro-
gram 1 of 6 ,
10:00 Flasha: Agony of the
Black Jews. (Special)
0:30 Everybody's Business
1:00 The New Literacy: An
Introductionvto Corn-
puters ' '
11:00 To Be Announced
30 -Tell Me a Story: The
Elephant and the
8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh
15 Math Patrol 2: Shapes
30 Cucumber: Comedy
00 Kidsworld: Global
television news crew;
a young ventriloquist -
filmmaker; optical il-
lusions; a 12 -year-old
car racer; Texas
crawfish catchers;
horse -vaulting gym-
nasts; and a chain- d
pionship cutting -horse
• rider.
10:30 The Stationary Ark:
Pheasants and Pea-
11:00 Canadians in Conflict:
The Conscription Cris-
is, 1917
11:30 Talking Film: A Pot
trait of George Stev-
ens, Part 2
12:00 Talking Film: The
Cinema of Henry King
12:30 Pins and Needles:
Dress forms
1:00 The World in Your
Kitchen: Ukrainian
1:30 Media and Methods of
the Artist: Serigraphs
2:00 Down to Earth: Hyd-
roponics under Lights
2:30 For the Record: Ralph
3:00 The Music of Man:
The Parting of the
4:00 Age de la machine
4 30 Kidsworld: Popsicle -
stick dollhouses; a s
wildlife rescue team;
a 13 -year-old karate
teacher; tile OPP
marine patrol; a blue-
grass group; and
Alexander Graham
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30, Doctor. Snuggles: The
Astounding Treacle
7:00 Algonquin Trilogy: In-
trodus, (Final)
7:30 Magic Shadows: Bro-
ken Lance — Pt. 3 of 4
8:00 Realities: Labor at the
Crossroads 1
8:30 Breakthroughs: Faces
from the Grave — Pro-
gram 3 of 13
9:00 FutureWork: Future
Jobs — Program 5
of 10
9:30 FutureWork: Retrain-
ing —Program 6 of 10
10:00 Energy: Search for an
Answer; Forgotten
Fuel — Program 2 of 9
10:30 Faces of Culture: How
Cultures Are Studied:
Program 3 of 26
11:00 Realities: Labor at the
• Crossroads 1
11:30 To Be Announced
Mon., Sept. 24
7:00 The Academy on Mod-
ern China: Epi-
8:00 Polka Dat Door
8:30 Tell. Me a Story: The
Rooky River. tega_ . 5
:$:45 Mister'1togert*a s Neigh- 6
borhood 6
9:15 Math Patrol 2: Sub- 7
traction 2
9:30 Cucumber: Building- 7
10:00 Kidsworld
10:30 The Stationary Ark:
11:00 Voices of Early Can-
ada: Sage of the.
11:30 Talking Film:. Hooray
for Hollywood •
12':00 Money$worth
12:30 Pins and •Needles:
Custom-made shirt- . 1
waist. J 1
1:00' The World in Your
• Kitchen: Danish Cook-
ing '
1:30 Media and Methods of
the Artist: Acrylic 1
2:00 ' Down to Earth: Hyd-
roponics 3
2:30 For the Record: Mel-
vin Hill •
3:00 The Music of Man:
. The Age of the In-
4:00 Profession '
4! 30 Kidsworld: Sri Lankan
elephants; Banff hot
-springs; Thai kite
fighting; and a Big
Brother who built a-.,
model railway that
covers most pf his
apartment. They also
.present an interview
%with singer Tanya
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 The Adventures of the
Little Prince
7:00 Not Another Science
Show: No Sweat! —
7:30 Magic Shadows:°Bro-
ken Lance (1954)—
Pt. 1 of 4. Spencer
Tracy gives another
fine performance in
this western drama
about a strong-willed
head of a ranch empire
and the eXuptive con-
flicts in his family.
Starring Richard Wid-
mark, Robert Wagner,
Jeal► Peters, Katy
8:00 Men in Transition
9:00 One Man (Special) '
10:30 Butterflies: Episode 2
11:00 Yes Minister: The Of-
ficial Visit
11:30 To Be Announced
Sate, Sept. 22
8:00 Polka Dot Door
8:30 Cucumber: Comedy
9:00 People and Pets: Kit-
tens and Pups
9:30 Media and Methods of
the Artist: Oil Pig-
10:00 Pins and Needles
10:30 Championship Bridge:
Kay Rhodes and Marg-
aret Wagar vs Lew
Mathe, and Edward
11:00 The Half -a -Handy ,
11:30 FutureWork: World
without Work — Pro-
gram 2 of 10
12:00 Understanding Behav-
ior in Organizations:
How I Feel Is What I
12:30 Understanding Be-
havior: The Brain
1:00 The New Literacy: An
Introduction to Com-
1:30 Music of Western Civ-
ilization: The Middle
2:30 Understanding the
3:30 The Body in Question:
Program 2 of 13
4:30 KidsBeat '
5:00 Sesame Street
6:00 Polka Dot Door
6:30 Not Another Science
Show:- No Sweat! —
7:00 Doctor Who: Castro -
valva, Pt. 1 of 4.
(Season premiere)
7:30 Dick Turpin: The
Capture Program
8:00 Movie, "The Search"
(1948) . Montgomery
Clift, in one of his early
film roles, stars in"this
poignant drama, dir-
ected by Fred Zinne-
mann, of an American
soldier caring for a
war orphan found in
the ruins of postwar
Berlin, while the boy's
mother desperately.
searches all the refu-
gee camps for him.
9:50 Conversations
10:05 Movie, "The Big Lift"
(1950) When the Rus-
sians blockade Berlin,
British and American
airmen get supplies
there via a massive
airlift. Directed by
Tues., Sept. 25
7:00 The Academy on Mod-
ern China: Pro-
gram 2 of 6
7:30 Tourism Is Your Busi-
ness:.Financial Man-
8:00 Polka Dot Door
Wed., Sept. 26
7:00 Tlae New Literacy: An
Introduction to Com-
• puters
7:30 FutureWork: World
without Work — Pro-
gram 2 of 10
8:00 Polka Dot oor
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