HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-11-29, Page 3BUILDIN NS1�NS P Attempt l'air German J ke2toF» e Tcwrts and Cities to Oppose Chsancelior Streseinann's Meillods by Stoppage of Food Suliplies Causes Invasion of Barons' Dornains „,. by Starving v ictims. , A•despatelt from Berlin says :-;--The net dieturbcd, At the big srank.er ee,, •,,, •, „fismo with estates aimed farmhands tried to sky a German MI the invaders, but thi latter the reflection ef thousands of burning burned one• f arm building- after an- farrnhouses and barns. other. Houses were plundered and In the lurid, light of this as fire, everything taken, _valuables 'as Well whieh is licking up in flames the lair- as food. Scores were killed, • thee - , -ati—S , are still! ost fields in GerIllarlY, innumerable 1: Tiiiii'sdaY t3' ' 'h. d . burning and plundering lonely estates, bands of unempleyed from -the tovvns and cities of Siles,ia are plundering but the lun„lcrg arta P°lics gradually fOrming the still smoking housee, and are drc iv-' are _- columns aguinst (t11 lu-- ing off cattle. ' I ondiaries. . At Waldenburg troops ' clashed i,vith returning bendits, and Along the roads the rifles of the' - plunderers, 'killing one and, wounding, police are spitting lire and lead at the ixteen' The police -suffered one dead. continuous proc'ession of plunderers s ( A meeting at Breslau of the Silesian, , - I Landbund - deliberately decided to _booty I starve out the cities and towns ' Until moving -toward the towns with their soeiation, which is intensely National:, inhet, Thceeg:ilatsoncbt,,atit.teelinjaannkee.'lrb;', -The Silesian Landbuhd, or, farm as- they went a i t -el ''' • - ' ietic, 'declared a food boycott at, Brc..- ' 0 are mostly country squires With lau on ThursdaY night against all •who 'estates, declare, with. the land- , -toNvus in Silesia until Chencellor' builds in other- German States, tat Stresemana and h'' 0 i ' ' . '' '1 ..,...,14,1:1efj, y etoiswn ed,),,t1„,icit,- I:I:es/gra( they. . cannot support Streseman be- -----,T 'atel ib A ,-, le e - an I cause he lacks public confidence and! particuirie.1,,v'tbe, unemplOYed, met this(' must be replaced by a National' Gov- ' challenge i` -di fire. the only weapon i ernment, in which they would partici_ , ..,. rAKING BIG PART IN ELECTION CAMPAIGN' Most of the Criadian Can dates in field Having a 'Hard Fight. A desPateb from London The Drripire in one way or another , ttlyroelt leys sP:rlicemes tiloroili g e,,,B1(plail>ildlivciihrial.tsi 0,1 icliaasmh eplo.'ilei gleansi been receiving from the Dominions,'t (afatrieardllsoirn(neelradpdparcIll'otrdwal317ea/vden;1),11)°haks'''• now plumped in his newspaper for en; out, and out policy of Imperial prefer euro, no matter by v --born. expounded. I Canadian candidates are in the field ' for election and most of them a having a hard fight. There will now probably ,be a tliree-eornered contest in the Isle of Wig,lit- where a straight fight between General Seely and Peter WHEN DEATH WIPES OUT POLITIOA.1213A'ARIERS Pheisettedy*earC°1;nalViteahueral? eSoultel-ixNavialdfletr'flv.C•M Gr at 13ritain are grouped around the- heir to the tlitoir,e. '..-Th'e"-Pilice 0,-! Wales IS SOnVerSing With ,a,rhiSa-3 t‘ chi Labor by 2,000 votes, is running . ( _ A significant picture at Bonar Law's funeral,,iiii which the leaders of the ' three great polltlea,1 parties_ ' t:, 1 f the Liberal party ----- - t the left, and 'against his defeated empenent' eel' Hamilton Gault, has set himself a hard , playing,a big part in the general el IVIac.Doriald, a Canadian had lyeen ex- ,Donaidrthe lea,der of the ltritish ,Laho r -Socialists, ,H. H. Aequi Ipplem er o 4 the 'right " is aniictu re which "could searcely, be ' duplicated 'is defeated a — t ' T t n where Sir / e , A •thur Natu Th. n caotir ligence Service of the Pe 1.5,nr,veyli,:; 0 ,tbe Interior Ota prod jia61,r9,1;180111e0in0e fd:1: oageiltle* :colvci Last year t, was There nra5 tons of hli'di•ated, lime 'of which Ontario ie-wilde 408 tons, Outside Of building industry, the priticipal uses for linie are in the sugar, glass, pulp and paper t,ariiieries and gold mining and milling/ 10 these industries Ontario las, Year consul/led 9,371 tons in the'," inanirfactare of sugar, 1,778 tons in tbe glass industry, 0,928 tons in niaiag heavy cheenic-- ale, 5,798 tons in pulp and pa- per production, 3,400 tone in gold mining/ arid milling and 7,420 to in the me,nufacture of eand-lirne brick. There wel-e 3a1ucl)nlagn1tsirnie0 the province Pro - Preinier. Baldwin, leader of the Conse-iatative , o , •. . Where 'd il -y„.. „ ',,.,ancl 'a - small operating campaigning must bring about a t'ur.'n- \ ;tuy country in. the world., for Britis h etatesmen of rival part,the ere 'often good friends in -private life. Griffith-Bosca-wen a 1,500 votes. If persoliality BY CANADIAN P The preparation of insulin is con- counth for anything Co . au g In WORLD CHALLENGE „ yenr ago C 1 Cault in three weeks' 11 ere an ow ,if:T.. sfloll Is 112 eh- room is nea.i, at hand. • over -----.----- ' 1^'w, `,,,n trolled by patents a'pplied far in var- !h -a37 entS a: licked away iii a ii on spare c orner .pbtBoitieossidietnisieicltsaasirsceible,uhatioiLen,cdole;iellaisl,Caietgonuieittdnieaoyangthdocaettlpn::therAtm,e1,2:reerairiaaa-ti 1000,:i gsTi. ::::.-un nti not vraieensstdiga,afe7,0tilihlsra,.e it\Tvteohree,lsdaer bpyotinttheed nnwramol haPeke of the University of Toronto. , Mr. , have. been assigned tO the' University -- . nal. fait in the price ,of insuun, In,: by the Board of. Governors, is respon- Mac 5 cents per unit in June at 3 cents' . was sold at1sible for the administration of patent eral May, I-923, the material and other rights and for the promo - per unit'and tow at 2 cents per- unitition of efficient production and distri- The ‘distrihutien of insulin is ef_i bution of insulin in all countries of the . 1 , 1. world. The original investigators, fected through two channels. The Dr, Banning and min Best, receive no rst is li°sPitals whi.ch have organ -i finamcial 'benefit from the patent but ized departments for the administra-1 desired to prevent the filing of °other not prove ,altogether a forlorn es 1;0 good. fvfrilenirillvsniladadeallv.;liPilligynothees Eljkes' Irlt").°111rrs of FarobrtorW'alistaablis raver he goes. He is waging his Quick Loading Record ‘, paign with the assistance•of Gen. A despatch from Fort, Brien, Chief of the Canadian' Gen- rii Staff. says :—A world record for all time date is being established by the el vators of the Fort Willi -on -Po Arthur harbor in the loaaing of left to them, 2,1,1y hogan their op- pate All of the big 7errri . of the University •of Toronto grounds, ,-, erations in the mog. The proud , and most of .the smaller farmers are overshadowed by -the new electrical establishinents of scoi'aa,,,,of Jur kersiNatiOnalist and Morlarohist• These, engineering building" and flanked by and farmers are only ast,{`s, From', farmers are opposed " bitterly to the a row g Venerable elms, stands a two towns of Wornderf, ..faiCele 1 lag -1 towns 'where there are strong' Seeial-'t storey, red -brick building • forme.rlY nitz and Brieg, particularly, tin,' un-; ist factions supporting Chancellor( occupied by the University Y.M.C.A, employed angrily streamed in.tOntahe' Streseinan. These landlords' have been'. A year 'or two age it- was planned to countryside with blazing torches , fighting Chancelloi St esanail ,,liY1 remove the building, as it was not the thousand. l'withholding their .foodstuffs, thereby suitable for any university' purpose. An -few frightened, lonely farmers I causing starvation and dissatisfaction, Ini-day housing as it dOes 'the- only. who aurrende,red all their _food_ and which directs itself against the Gov:- "Insulin laboratory" -in Catia-da; the all their cattle without a. fight were! eminent. building, togetheia-tvith its recently , installed equipnient;ais worth upwards KING GEORGE'S SONS, ' of $35,000: TO BE CREATED DUKES The Insulin label -ataxy is one of the tion of insulin. The second is through, patents tvhich might restritt the pre - 'physicians trained in the use of in-; paratian of insulin. In Great Britain sulin. For these latter a special short, complete patent rights have been as- iatesi chapters in the romance of In- couree of instruction was provided at signed to the British Medical •Re- . the success of the research of Dr. F.1 under the direction of Professor Dun- States the Ely, Lilly 'Company of --------Charles-H. Best, IVI.A. Its man- The preliminary stages in the pre- University of Toronto to manufacturel sulin. It stands as a confirmation of the University of Toronto last JulY search Council and in. the united GaaBanting and hisniellow-invesLiga- ran Graham. , Indianapolis has been licensed by tile Younger Meiabers of Royal Household to Succeed to Ancient Tides. A despatch from London says:— King George will create two more royal dukes irr. the 'Persons of , young,er sons, Prince.. Henay and Prince George, it is sta.ted by some court intimates. This step has been urged ,for smile -time, as there 1-mve, been royal dukes in. England since the days Of George III., whose anaple fam- ily supplied seven holders of duke- doins. This number" gradually dwindled until in -the latter part of Queen Victoria's reign they -were confined_ to her, three sons, and at the coronation, of George V. there were only two—the Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, ancl the Dulte of Connaught. At pres- --41f-this hafSeeard -beer, Ismi,lemented _who is by the creation of t'rince Albert in I and. on his, return -will 'be' a -visitor at and four chemists, e 1920 as Duke of Yorknand the exist -1 several canadian ertfes, technically' Untrained. During 'dieaTheaparnied product is ing number is barely sufficient to offi- , summer months five medical students', then sterilized, standardized and filled tl ' extract insulin. The licensing of other firms agernent and operation are in the cap- paration of the heal g able -hands of Mr. Best, who has, from are coriducted in a large laboratory in', in the United States is at present the beginning, been in 'charge of the the north-east corner 'Of,- Inc insulinl under -Pensideration. Rights in all large -•scale PrOduction,of :insulin. The building 'where beef, and po-rk pan- coun , t Great Britain have laboratory is operated -a.s a division of creas' (sweetbreacIS), fresh from the been retained by the T_Tniversity of ' the famous' Connaught Anti-ToXinbattoirs are first minced. in a large' Toronto" The patents for- insulin laboratories, of which Dr. J. G. Eitza. meat-grintier, diSsolved in vats of have been obtained largely through . a gerald is director and Dr. R. D. Del- alcohol, -and then placed in a large the efforts of C. H. Biche,s, a patent ries, associate director. , The bu.sinessabasket centrifuge. The liquid is 'drawn lawyer of Toronto, who has given his administration is in charge of Dr.1 off from . the centrifuge and ffirther services to the University without , Fitzgerald and Dr. Defries. Mr. Best I clarified by filtration through paper charge. ' , is assisted in the new laboratories by in ' glass Tunnels. This liquid, con- • In addition to carrying out his du - D.' A: Sdott; M.A., as assistant direc- tainirig the soluble constituents of the ties as director of the Insulin Labora- tor, and a s-taff of twenty-six people' pancreas,ns 'reduced to a small volume. tory, Mr. Best is continuing the fifth working night 2ind day shifts. Virit1.1 by `evapoyation of .the alcohol ancl year of his course in 1VIedicine, which the exception of three trained chem-; water content in a large vacuum. still. he interrupted in 1921 to collaborate ical technicians,, under direction of I The residue confains the insulin. The with Dr. F. G. I3a.nting in the re - Mr. Aanthur Wall, who was the first( solution is purified 'in two chemical searches which led to the discovery of 14aila,_ Earl of Cavan , aft, technician to assist Mr. Best when labolatolies, one on the main floor and the insuliri treatment of diabetes. in ore( the mannfacture of insulin was begun, one On the second floor, by chemical g 1 ' ' ff • 1 - el , procedures' known as "fractional pre- r,...............41,-.................. politics worth of furs and- a numberof pas- sengers, the Hudson's Bay Company steamer "Baychirno" arrived at Van- couver recently from Arctic water's. The vessel, which operated as -a pas - into shipe. • Between mit:night or, I,Vecincs and midnight on Thursday 6(300,000 bushels were loaded into boats from stocks in store by elevators in filling' orders distributed during the day by the :Lake Shippers' Clearance Associa- tion. The previous record of' the port, was about 6,000,000 bushels and that was the record for the world. There is no other port Whieh can compete with the dne 2.t the. Canadian head of the lakes in the rapid hand- ling of grain. About tbe best that ca Chief„,of the ImPerial - General St 1 or visit to Singap elate at the opening of Ipazaars and, Has Engrossed Nineteen • were employed i • n the laboratories ancl, into vials for distribution by the Con - the unveiling of monuments and to at- during the winter two students are. naught Laboratories. tend- ate the- other' duties a -Which • ' engag.ed in part-time 'work. • But the :equipment of the Insulin ' Royal. Wedchng Licenses TI t" f ' uch a, Completely Laboratory. 'embraces more, -than the about,. 4 million dollars t Current rumors have opened up A despatch fronlal has equippe plan ma possible mere processes necessary to produce( senger carrier during- the summer .011 t W`IS de fisaY•sli:—ed, d speculation as to the titles which tirMlBenjam.in Bates Bu as pa,s nti.s o,rithrough the Ontario Government'e1the serum. A distilling room on theTthe Siberian coast, penetrated into be chosen from the list of those which( e?Igrossing on hea17_, halhe;11 . ncibel grant of $25,000, the remaining 1� mai floor contains a large rectifying the Arctic as far as North Cape. -with Innieteenth royal wedding license sin 000 to $15,000 being secured fro -nil still, vacuum pumps, and condensers al fa -mil -Y., The title of pnitei taking up his duties sixty-one years1 ' the faculty -office of the Arch- vate 'donations. The plant is now 'pro- I An oil -burning furnace in the base - funds of the laboratory and from pri- which the used aloohol is reclaimed. have been connected generally ment supplies steam for the vacuum upon royal shoulders, , erec ion o s 1110 of Edinburgh is a concession to Scot- . go , tish pride 'and for several centuries' bishop of Canterbury. Mr. Bull si clueing in the neighborhoo o , has "always fallen upon some royal' Soi•iPt is as fine and regular now at :771 (units a week for distribution through - son. This title probably evill be ehosenIas it Was when he took *a clerlcship, lout Canada, :Ireland, South Africa, boy of 16- He drew up the -wed-I Central and South America, New Zea - for Prince Henry. It was last borneb secorid sof Queen Victoria I( ding c°ntracts- for the marriages of t land, Australia, and other countries the on Pri ess Max -y and the Duke of York where` plants, have not been eitablish- ed: The average dosage for the cliaa bettc patierits for whom sue i a aage quantity of insnlin is being prepared varies from 15 to 20 units- a day. The Trice for which insulin is dis- and discarded when he assumed the . , German title of his` father, the Duke of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha. The titles Duke of Kent and Duke of Susselt, which were borne by Queen and hopes it will be his privilege be- fore retiiing to prepare the license for the Prince of Wales's wedding. Mr. Bull believes the deterioration in hand writing ,,to -day is due to the , • ly, and Duke of Gloucester and. Duke'. • engrossing a roya.1 marriage lice/ abandonment of quill pens. He egi of Clarence, all of which are now m abeyance, are expected to furnish thel in a verY methodio'al way, the first necessary appellation for prince operation bcing the preParation of a Victoria's father and uncle respective- George -unless his MajestY(decides - to give Varying degrees of shadia - to L dozen quills, which are fashioned e-) aes; , , l LI,. . The license he had just completed is , lonthe wedding of Princess Maud. - Influence is more than power. Influ- ence holds/ er 'but powbreaks.---Lord Burnham. •' break new ground- with,a-hitherto un- used name for his youngest son. ' The: greatest sin: is, laziness; second greatest sin is too great Self2 'eatisfaction.--4VIr. Gordon Selridge. tributed is, as with other product of • the Conlia.ught Laboratories, governed entirely by .costs of material and of Canada from Coast to Coast Halifax N.S.—Coal produetion of and actual work is under way on the Nova Scotia this year will, reach at, foundation. With a continuation of least 6,000,000 tons, according to the good weather the work will be so well Hon. I-1. E. Armstrong, ,Premier of advanced by Christmas that it can be Nova Scotia and iNlinister of Alines carried Corward all winter, as is the Inerease this year ' be more than withstands dratii,ht '41-14 rust bette for the province. As the total proclue:=:, present intention. 'thin last year was '3 64c? 196 tons, the; Brandon Man r -that it rj one and one-half million toa's.. he than:wheat sown iti the springfarm- . collieries ,are in 'good condition and, ors o'f thisdistrict, are experimenting preparations are in progress for the with fall wheat. `• Thefall wheat,Ma- ,opening of -new mines. •; tnves earlier and gives a heavier Quebec, Que.—The Canadian Grain planted in this distric1, this fall hition train now in Paris will ',rob-, is, making rapid progress and already ably be brought to London, 1Diaglancl,; is, froni 'four to five inches above 'before its return to this country, Tilts ground. move has been adv.ocated by some Edmonton, • A 1 ta.—P r el i min a ry ar- Canadian manufacturers, -whose bieoods rangeinents :are being made bY has been taken up by the Canadian' ter'slogging operations in the North form, part of the train'S display. It Northwest' LuMber _Co, 'for the Win- Chat/Aber Of Comm-erce in. London,' and Twenty-five Million. feet of logs , brought before 'the Canadian tlelege.-"„ be. taken, out,this winter to be sawn tion at the -Imperial Conference, It is at ,the :Dunxegan yard milts. Six hint - 'understood they are sympatlietie; and': dred .11100 .Will be 'employed in ihe the train .will probably, telly -.Britain ; ,wbodS. ,. after concluding its inissiet'in Eraneci, Vict•orin,..-The. whaling Sea.son, t.,„"rid ei.gitirn,,, . , ' - - ' this year di'd'llot come up to exPecta--: • buge plant,,of the Great 'Lakes T'apei.'bethber spei2,ed witat'might,.have'been Co. at t,110 we:Stern:limits of IrortWil-i:a0 ,ilufustuilly :.: successful year .:' The liam has paSsed the preparator';CStag,,Nh'total catch ikis year .,\Vas 454'W:ha1es; Fort'William, Ont.—Erection of the tions. Bad 'weather in. September and still and a refrigeration machine cm )1s fan is kept' $1.0414. • ' tures cakes of ice for small TORONTO.- , the alcohol condenser and manufac- ators. A large „electric refriger- Manitoba -wheat----Ni. 1 Northern, running continuously to ventilate the \ Manitoba oats—No. 3 CW, 421/0; laboratoris and clear the air of al- No. 1 extra feed, 41c. cohol fumes. Manitoba barley—Nommal. On the second floor, in addition to All the above", track, bay ports. a laboratory in which two chemists No. 2 yellow, $117. American corn --Track, Toronto, the purification labOratory, there is are employed on research work in con- Ontario barley -58 to 50e. nection with insulin. Clean, 'well- BOunektarwihoerayt—e—NN0o..22,7723 to o� 7755cei r ventilated rooms are provided for, the Peas--Samp e, $ . $1.55. millfeeci--Del., Montreal. freights: ba s included: Bran, per ton, $27; Chi go could do --old he about 2,-, 000,0420. bushels in the sarna.1ength a, time. Duluth. has one very. fast. -' ele- vator, the 'Great NortherraChat here there are many just as -fast fel- a short time, :and nearly as fast under- ' a.,32 opportunity • for ...Continuous op- eration Cutting Eggs for,Sandwiches. Most city dwellers are familiar with machines in delicatessen shops that cut meats and cheese to waferlike thinness. many who buy. sand ii-iches; ready made comPlain of the scanty reat wa,r, who, ig PulyulaTe.Theau-se it was next ariderto f cline °tillh fis lane "ibrilcoheie:Yes ahthaevgi n'ge Hamilton Gault a hard as a supporter et the proten ter.. ion polity. 'mnsvs is gone - . ever, for a macialA abaut t-ssianensir • The prodnetion of lumber M. -British a small -toast' vacik will ,cut an egg Columbia for the first eight months( to •rdne slices -with one metionnanine of 1923:was' twenty per cent., higher slices, .count -'ent • than the best previonS record. This • will easily be the best., year in the Poor Guide. tory of the lumber industry in the A mininster was appointed to a ' province. kly a "You halm often tional honor,", "True, ,,m y d r But. w 01 Ifranee." One' Statee anfl Britain the -French war ' -debts), THE, ALLIED .oesTs iroeh4med that he payment 11 dent,a ia natt Spetilcing always. 01 licitly press for the payment of ilorley-60-1b: tins, 12 to 13c per • 101b -:22, to 13O ; C,e. many • $36 shorts,. per ton, $30, mi , good feed flour, $2.05. Ontario wheat—No. 2 white, 94 to 96c, outside. -Ont. No, 2 white oats -38 td 40c. Ontario corre—Nominal. Ontario flour --Ninety per cent. pat, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt ship- bintrict; se$a4b.705a;r4, T$or.ont.o basis, $4.75; Manitoba flour--lst pats., in jute ners and cutters, $1.50 to $ . , sack,$6.30 per bbI -. 2nd pats $5.80- cher bulls good 7•3 50 to 74 50- do \ Hay---Extrai.N0- 2 timothy, Per ton, cam. $2.50 to $3-56; feeding steers/ track, Toronto, $14.50 to $15; No. 2, good', $5 to $5.50; do, fair, $4,50 to $14.50; No. 3, $12.50; mixed, $12. $5; stockers, c;o0d, $4 to $5; do, fair, Straw—Car lots, per ton. 89. 1',3.50 to $4; milkers and springers, \ Cheese ---New,• large, 23 to 24e; $130 to $110; calves, choice, $10 to twins, 24 to 25c; triplets, 2;5 to 26c; $1.1; do, med., $8 to 79; do, come $4 Stilthns, 25 to 25c. Old, large, 30 to to $5; -do, gr-issers, 83.50 to $4.50;" to 43c-- No --1 creamery, 38 to 40c; No- 48.50; sheep, light ewes, good, "Eggs.--Extraa, 'fresh, in,aartons, 70, culls, $2 to 72.e0; hogs, thick. moo , .chureh in a Tyneside town. A few days after his arrival be -had occasion to go'out to post some letters. Nat rket Report being'sure of the road to the post -of- f flee he asked* a little boy whom lie • inet,-tO direct comb honey, per dot:, No.?, $3.75 to , . "Take the first turning to the right, $4; No. 2, $3.25nto 83.50. theri. first to the left, then again first to the right and the Post -office will be Smoked. meats ----.,Hams, med., 26 to - 27c; dooked. hams, 39 to 41c; smoked ,; faring you, said the boy. rolls, 21 to 23c; cottage rolls, 22 to ‘i you," replied the minis ter; 24c; breakfast liacon, 25 te 27o1 sPc- 1 ,, you are' a sharp little chap. Would ial brand breakfast bacon, 30 to 33c ;1 I you. inind- coming to my charch cm backs, boneless, 30 to 35c, Cured meats --Long clear bacon, 50' Sunday?" to. 70 lbs., $18; 70 -to 90 lbs., $17.50; "What would: I come theie for?" said !o0itisl,bsin and up, 3$1366.5;0; heavyweight tie boy I could tea° ji you the read 10 rolls, ,, - • v Heaven, rephed the, minister. tubs, 181/2' to 19d; pads 19 to 191/2c, Lard pure tierces, i$ to 18 ,2o; ' • „ `Get -away," - said the bay. "I -lo could you do 'that, when, you do not even know the road to the post-offiee?'' pr Ti tierce, 151/4, to 15Y.ic; tubs, 151-h to 16c; pails, 16, to 161/2c; prints, 181/1 to ,18%c. Heavy, steers, choice, $6.75 to $7.25; butcher steers, clioice, $5.75 to 76; do, com, 73 to 74; butcher heifers, choice, $5.75 to 76.25 do, med.. $4 to 5; do, 201A to 211A shortening corn., 3 to $3.50; butcher cows, choice, can- . • The Spillers Milling and Associated Industries, Limited, London, England, may establish a -large flour mill and heat exporting business in Wester Canada, according to a statement made by L. Lloyd Tanner, secretary of the company, who was rettently in, Winnipeg investigating conditions in. • the grain trade. The company are ono of the largest concerns of their kind in England and are heavily interested. in the Western Canada wheat in - 76 to 31ci twins; 31 to 32o- 'lambs, choice, o ' , Butter ----Finest cree.merY prints, 41. bucks, $9 to $9.25; do, -cam, $8 to -10 , do, fat, heavy, $4 to $5; do, duistry. ............-0....—_,...... . More .than double the number of ..immigrants tame to Canada :during . . ,. the past six months, as compared with \Ithe 'similar ' Peri.° a year -ago. The 'figures', according to the Departirient;,, to 47c; extras, 42 to 4P'el firsts' 38' oottntrY points, 77.50. do selects 0, Immigration, slim 94,333 PeoPlo Srptember` 1923 while the number Oats, Can.MW°eNsTt.R, b0C, () 3, was 46,331 for the same period in 54m; extra No. 1 feed„ 521/2c; No 2 1922 ritisib. immigration during the local white, 51V2e, Flour, Man. spring nuansi"tte" saixs:tnalotenthis8,aorn5,50,71ed to 51,961, wheat pats., lsts, 86.80; 2lids, S5.80; + strong bakers, $5.60; winter pots., 'choice, $5.75 to 85.85, Rolled oats, The s,ale col.; bags, 90 lbs., $3.05; Bran, $27.25. $16, I, by 1,, D. Wilgress, Canadian Trade Cheese, funest, westerns, 1914 to; CommiSsioner at Hamburg, in a re- wi e 4xet4itaon+•.+ of ten barrels of 130 ctao r3n7cer811420 Leouctle cr3s0, t7o„, 3t2oc .$2 tilo best grade sold to a Berli.o. deaTto.r. to 74m; extras, stor.ager'lli eartoa$:, 45 F,w $8.25- do 1 o b $7J5• do 1$9.05. tO'' 39c; seconds, 3 o -. lbs. and over, 25c; ----- -chicltens Ibs., 22c-; bens, over '5 lbs., 22c; do, 4, to 5 -lbs., 15c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 1.5e,, 1;9usnteg:;s1.' 01-lbes;.' danu:_dckluipng, ..2,:..Se(*).ve.1: 5 lbs.,, ; Dressed poultvy----.Syn ing cnickena, 4 I 20c. do' 4 to 5 lbs., 1.8c; turkeys, lbs.' and' °Ver. 33c. chickens 3 to 4 lha.;;800;:hens,:over,5 lbe., :28e; do, 4 to' 5 lbs:, 24c.,. :do, 3 'to 4 Ihs:, 13e; rooters, -18c; ':ducklings, over 5 lbs., 28e- '.do A , to 5 lbs 25-c- turkeys ybung,•10.1bs, 'and up, 33e. of .13eansee•-Canadia.-ii hand-picked, lb., • 7'1211/1(1)alpilui.epsi;•odtie..ct.S---,S.,yrup,' nor Irv:: 'Ver , ,; r . , ,,,„„ . , glil.,:4.50,; Per J -gal. 4n, , -,--4i-i Pa gal,; maple sugar,. lb., 5c. , Live poultry—Spring chiels:ens, 4 of all 'nationalities, to . 'en bired , ; Canada &tiring the SIX months, April- sigilmOfl GethuOi sliort8, s:..39,25,. middlings, ,73165L,:t5(.;:ifornfa: rCkii.eiti; \cvliiialltii.n.aptwploe,s:veoanr:i'thie Hay,, No. 2; per ton, car letS, • • • re rf'e 18ic. port- to the Dcpameflt o. Trudd 011(1 1t91,1%tteel;.,,fix,/)„e0S.tin!fl.c12.teCaliiiI\leirS,:y1,83.1.1t',00 rEgga, eXtras, 4.0.to 41e; No, 1 .stocli:,' with bulls, 72.25 to, 32.75; good Teal.cafve-4, ‘,..14.10. caters; to, the smelt' hotel' tratleP., 8104 grasserS, 88; liogs, thick smooths ih° huYers 'were, •Seandinavians':o d but:eller 78,50; „SoWS, $6.50 to $7', 'ether tins, 14 to ,t1