HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-11-29, Page 1.o„ aV.,i XF .I -FI RST, YEAR No. 2556 E ET'E+R,' ONT., T 1JR DAY MOO NINo,, NOV MBER 29nth, x923 . ��#�11��;���;�lIlE1��lf�llil��lli�fliiilii0i111lIiIlLrll�f��lllllllilllll�ili(i[l�ltlll ;:. tll�I�Ih��ilill1p�iil�111141111111IIIlII�IIiIII11�II�II�II�I�f � �.�'�� ���r�� • lying ,.:,.• Alomctit' Nov��av 2tr r+ 192 \Valerkic z tth s held, n rilia s >office - lar e Of tlr,e 1 in nutes. of till' .. ^ p P, lit„ 14 zn�et tans field '� 14 Our stock of Christmas merchandise is now -nearly complete and 6n dislilay for your inspection. - We have an immense stock of useful gifts to select' from, such as Neck Scarfs for.Ladies' and Men,Ties I -land- b=Lars, handkerchiefs, Bath Robes and "Icirnonas, Fur Sets, etc, etc, Come ar;y while: the stocks are complete. s t',11F1'•••<-,, -rte Ladies' and Misses B .. 1irber�ry Style Coats at 19.00 Ladies' and Misses extra heavy Cloth. Coats in' Burberryberry style, good -. g of.,Beather and Lovat, etc only a' fete to sell at the 'very special price "of $19.00' each. Clearing Sale of Dress es We are piacing on sale this week a number of Ladies' and Misses' goodtiquality Cloth. Dresses in Serges and:Tricotines. These are odd lines and sizes but good.stylesa To clear at greatly reduced prices. Men's .All- oolr1.T.nderwear.at $1.50. a garment 7 Dozen Men's all Wool Ribbed Shirts' and Drawers, sizes 36 to 42, a real bargain at $1.50 a garment.; Silk. Remnants at $1.00 per yard to clear, still lh have a "ya mber of silk remnants, worth up to $3.00 a yard FURS-Renlenrber we are clearing all our Fur Sets at exactly liaif'price.. Op�lla1` Prices ten's at$12" 17 $20: 25 $28 Boys' ats7e(l0, o 17.00 -�' ..0 mall Boys' vercoats rc 0.000 0 :Our nza tr boys' Coats; made of -the same ,cloth as the lien's are un- beatable. ° The. prices,ai°e Iow $5,00 Cr 0 0-1 New Style Boys' Bloomer Suits o Just received -3 dozen New Styles Smart Tweed. and Worsted SuitsFZ for Boys. The new style- fancy back Suits; just the kind your boy want. PHONE'; 32 ake your Xmas ,Gift -Selection FROM OUR BIG HINES' ROASTERS, MOPS, SKATES, ETC. 'WE WILL HOLI) TI-IEM 'UNTIL CALLED FOR. or Poultry USE Royal Purple Ponitry Food '50c •and 95c 1?tirple Lice Killer Roan Cure 3 Oc OYSTER SHELL BEEF.' SCRAP GRIT ZENNERGY $1.00 per pkg Stock Feeders Royal 'Purple Stock Foods 50c and " 95c Epsd 5 lbs for 25c 5 /Us for 25c Sulphur - Royal Purple Ca/f Meal, Blatchford's Calf Meal tenoleum for disinfecting all StOck and Poultry Buildings' 35c, 50c and up to $2.25 A very serviceable Saw, garanteed, Ammunition at Low Prices CI•own Shells 130x. Canuck Shells $1.25 Box Imperial long Range $1.50 13ox For the Barn, LANTERNS $1,25 and $2.25 Good Stable SHOVELS 75c. Good Stable BROOMS 75c., 90c. $1.10 emereemoimmememie PHONE 32 <wc,c reicl amd a Nov. �pp�ron�ed. lNe'anal:tor'.s ,rsport for October tl t. read and a'cueptcd. =1' A -',•••20.t of $25 was made to the ``'`` Steplion' and Usborne --gr t ultura' So- =,,, elle ly all, rapt,ion. of, Francis, and Moon - ,e Carrsl ti �= 1' 2 e 1 oilo\v nb a.oausct� wiere o.. an -1 saekl rad wI ': -J. Sear or, pxli•-d a4 ---; cornrt !re InSnsctin,„ oaf W'eirg�h-soaIes ;a tel i}borne message, 100 , H. „Be,oriing extra atr et 'v'<fteiln,g 2.20, Ce,oil Rowe; 'sand 39c.; "E.: Treble; repair: aco^)unt 515; Well H!e'rm, pacjntting :11.39; T} =t Jewell, mason work town•liall 25.10: ' r js 1:1 onan &.' S,on, src,pacrs.5.O0,• Cecil Ford labor cein tery 1.75; john Kydd do 8,75. I4.. \_1a,cKe,rici{s "c&' Son, sii6- nn --St i p1 ie . CenzePert' 29(1: G, A• I awcin '": j suppl,re.` I,Lbrary 1'.85, !roads i,n;d bridges I �i ?2.89, town iha11 17'.73,'0 eni tei;y 1.0 55 1 +3.112 Idllary, 'Horton, pep 7.60; Div - i�rsron Cour; Clerk .and bail,iif.t:, f,s'es, j 4 .QQ; Advocmte ,Prattniting Co,'printiing 'apa'rcirintistnpngpdui'81 ;'282.45,,B .42oard; Tinn.. ofs biPrieandtinth gY.4Co'J; . ' "'- —90.35; Frank Mallett, part salary, 18.00; T Dr.' �J. W.BrowsinBrowsing,1II,.It.O. .= 5il i3O C. 1 ] Sar`nders, clia:',rniaui; Beard of Health, 10.00`; T. Co1iing's-ood`tru.- ant ofintcer0.00,. . Adj. by Davis.IJ, Jos. ,Seriior, Clark. -111OOPEia^-OKE; N�T`.I'�tILS A quiet, wedding took place in Centralia Methodist parsonage ,on Saturday evening; *hell Miss Grace Oke was united- iinrnarriage to' Mr. ;William Hooper, of Exeter, The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. I iteley. Mr., and Mls. Hooper have taken up their residence in Exeter. Their many-frinds will join with The Tirnes in• extending congratulations., of EVER NOTICE Pius? Did you ever pause in a post oilice long enough to take a squint at the floor shortly after' a number of peo- ple have received their mail? If you have you were probably struck by the - number of circular and form letters and hand bills that littered it up?. In fact, you doubtless were struck vvith the fact that many of them had been thrown in the basket: as soon as they •were removed from the envelope, _the recipient never even taking; the trouble to give them a second •glance. 'But dill you also notice that: you don't see anyone throwing the newspapers and espec- ially the home town newspapers in. the waste basket or on the floor? Did: you notice that newspapers are always carried away instead of toss- ed away?•Well, right there is a mighty good argument in. favor of advertising in the newspaper. • The circular letter—a costly form of ad- vertising --goes into the waste bas- ket. The home town paper goes in- to the. borne. Remember this and spend your advertising money ac- cordingly. DR. RJ3ULL DY115 R r,Y`�Inoiv.['() 1t Tr. Win. Turnbull left Last Friday for Toronto owing to the serious ill- ness of` his brother, Rev.' J. A. Turn hull, who died in that city on Mon- day after a. brief illness;, aged' 70 years The deceased was horn in Usborne; being a son of the late Day - id and -Isabel Turnbull. He entered tithe University of Toronto, and at the age of 25 graduated in Arts as. a sit - ver medallist. He graduated from Knox College in 1881 and two years later secured the degree of L.L.D. *In 1905 Knox CoIlege presented .him with` the honorary degree of Doctor GRAVEL BOX A\ I) ; IARNESS ' DESTROY1 D s • Sometime during Thursday. night Si' of daSt weelt; ITeriterBrcis.' place near gravel ,box was -taken off a 1i-iragoli: •They were takezi.:1,:iack, the lane near the,);irsli where the -harness and col- = lar were cut in Meces about a foo long and the gravel box was cut in two_in.. the middlen* The neck yoke Was -also taken: -lc-lira/ill-ie.-of dast- ardly acts have' been- committed in this commtunity and the municipal council is being urged to offer a re- ward "for the ,captive of the ariisere- row winong arrow 13azder and good supper of chic- * ken, scalloped potatoes, pie, etc. *- * TO‘i Hall, Friday, Dec. 7th. * • p.m. Supper served from 5.30 to *1 The Willpig Woi•liers, Mission Cir- cle of Tames St. Churchnheld a rain - hew :tea on Wednesday evening • of last week. •Six tableewere provided, each' accommodating ten, persons. Beginning at the first table where the color scheme of brown was car- ried out and where beans and- biown bread constituted the menu, the folks nioye. 'from table to :table until six cou.r s had been served, each table haying its celor combination. While suPper, was being seryed a, -musical program was prhvided. Nearly two hundred persons partook of the bountiful. repast, the proceedc a- mounting, to $76'.00. KEN .CONG-REGATION HOLD SOCIAL EVENING Dr. Turnbull's,-first pastorate wa,s at Knox Church, Goderich, where he Ihewas inducted in 1881. The same year - Presbyterian chureh. He resigned married Miss Annabel Steep, of ,.Clinton, Three years after his mar- riage he accepted a call to ,First Presbyterian church St. Marys where . he ,remained. „until 1_89J, when he ti °in the active ministry in 19 2 1, after 30 Years of faithful.service with this congregation, which remenikeins him as. a devoted pastor and' a min: ister of extraordinary ability. Dr. Turnbull is surViv.ed by an only daughter, Mrs. W..' V. Roberts, of Toronto; one brother, W. A. Turn- ull, of Exeter and one sister, Mrs. G. Puller of San Francisco. His wife predeceased him in 1 9 05. LOCALS Tnesday on business. - 'Messrs. Harold Himter and Verne Pincombe left Monday for Detroit. Warden B. W. F. Beavers was in Goderich on: Tuesday on county business. , Messrs, :Wm: Etherington and Chas, Jeffrey returned home from the West on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson, of Stephen, have returned home after spending the summer ,in the West. Mr. Ernest Racher and Miss Bea - ice Clark, of London, visited at the onie BAGA IN Pearl bead Necklets Green Gold Necklets setrwith Thurl3oline and Pearls Same as above with YellOw Gold $8.50 Gents Cuff Links in Velyet Case, pr. $4 Gents Watch Fobs (Gold Filled) $6 Gents Black Ribbon Fobs (Gold Filled Mounts) $2.75 5 Solid Gold Bar Pin set with real Pearl $6 $. Solid Gold Brooches with real Pearl $10 6 Sterling Silver Bar Pins set with These Goods are Going Fast Do not Loose Your Opportunity Se Fitton Registered Optometrist AVe pay special attention to the testing and fitting o Children's sight. Regular Price a number of friends to stand for -an- other term. ' The Mission Circle of Main Street Methodist.cliurch held a most succes- sful bazaar in the Town, Hall, on. Sat- urday last. They had a very attractive array of 'useful articles on sale most of which were disposed of. The home-made cooking was quickly picked up. Afternoon tea was serv- ed. The proceeds amounted to a - The short courses in. Elementary Agriculture and HOme Economics, opened in Exeter on, Monday with. a -fair--attendaudel of -young _men and young women. The meetings ing held in Senior's hall and will continite for several weeks. It is eZ- ,liecte..d;.:Chat'al)pre. -young people will- jOlif t'Ve'.cotritee'after the -fall work is completed on the farms. The Yonng Men's Class of Main St. Sunday School met at the home of their teacher; Mr. W. G. Medd, ow Friday evening of last week and elected the officers,, for the ensuing year as follows: Pres. "Arthur Run- dle; Vice -Pres., Bruce Tuckey; Sec., Maurice Ford; Treas., Edgar Run- dle. Three committees were ap- Peinted, the convenors being as lot - Social, Benson Tuckey; Missionary, Mr. -Ed. Irwin, of London, son -in law of Mr. Thos. Bissett, of Exeter, has, been appointed to the position of superintendent of agencies of the Ontario Equita,ble Life and Accident Insuranee Company, and will make his• headquarters at Waterloo after January lst. Mr. Irwin was the gen- eral agent at London of the Ontario Equitable and his agency has been the leading one of the company ha g produced over $1,000,000 of Siness in each of the past three ars. ernoon tea 15c, supper 50c * me of Mr. and Mrs. John Hind on 111 Sunday last - k children 35c. 'Under auspices -of 4,1 Mr. J. T. Miners is visiting in To • Ye tfie Ladies' Guild of the Trivit't 4111 tion numbering, dyer one hundred 1` Memorial Church. [ gathered in. the Pa,rlars of the church The regular meeting of the No. 924, will be held on Friday, Nov. ed a very fine atmosphere among the L•0<la manner and humorous stories creat- sw.ceakeafmoraun,iriteheweloolcKasl ubnodye;ieknlatillaliily).: an sen 7th. Ele'ction and installation of of- , men. A sing song of fifteen. minutes ing had their last drill on Moitela °ffi" en mehday evering for a few hours tair, at whichlis son G-arnet Miners, ''''wanrsday evening last, about fifty 8 held in Boyle's barber shop on iable tithe was engaged by'everyone Yorkshire hogs. fan present, The .paster with his happy After drilling for two nights a' 1° s.' being present. It was dicided . enter a junior team in the 0.11.A. d there are prospects of entering a ior team in the Northern,. League. cers were elected a s. sident, Major W. J. lieaman; Vice •guson; manager and .coach, F. M, co , Lee Hoffahan, and L. en form 'the committee. opened the progra,na followed by sev- present. Win. Littman, W.M. I.eral numbers from the orchestra; a The James St League will present Ford, P. Taylor a,nd E. X. Shapton; a 'humoro.us playlet "The Old Maid's 1 SCSbil by Mr- TaYlor and Walter' Cut - evening. The platoon numbered pre Pre twenty-four. re). Mrs. D. Mack and Mrs. P. 1VIcEwen Bo . days Monday attending the 13ri Club on Tuesday eye. .Dec. 4th. hush- SPlendid addres8es 'ivere given funeral of Mrs. Wm. IViack Admission. 25c and 5c. 1)3r 'Messrs. V. .1. Snell J Pe I le , a ia _law of the foriner. The' deceased Last week mention was inade of o nib, who for a nuna- bagging and iv. Sliaptora The Miss -len. Cir- had been -• the h t ',POULTRY:31EN were added to their treasury. "er'w' years 12.a tion vras taken tip and twenty dollars a • s been wert,ing far , three deer, Messrs. J1 - only a short tainie. un ers who weie in Northern Cie provided refreshinen ES. A collec- Ontario and who were successful i visability of forming an egg Whetliel* you have or not, try to a. 1 at Dasliwood. He is ni6;ring,,, his file Live Wires ' a class of young househ 't tend either of the followin.g meetings . • . • . o et eats to that village tills • lin the Main St. Sunday 'School, week. EXETER TOI,VN I-IAI,L,' Dec , 6th met at the honie of Mr. and mrs These meetings will be addressee by T. A. 'Benson, of the Departinten \°vfheArg:ieetgigit'lairite'c'l°e ts beMern. Bstemnhs°: v b is just. fi•esh from Oxtord County Department of Agriculture, the faithful kind untiring efforts of ChaS. Aldworth, -Sexsmith, on Wed- conducted the services .1.1 , land' 0 ye el: 'a v. er.Y1'.. gsoc:abaise twf•,1116°,-'" aGli‘fd'at:ne: en, jell/1;1 yo8 vt • jolly evening, following a, bitSiness c°agregall'011- Th. ainitsenients made , up a very!, De lea 1, serInon at credi.torL tsoervtelicel, dlottiInlegliaeoannplepr1o.tv114atio,(e.r, cet/181:3..,reviiic, who has taught them for tho past si, nmuicinal pot is beginning ,to MaCEWEN—In 00 Sunday, years, An, address was r0ad by bail. Ifteve IL W., F. Bea v ers, who my, and Arrs. 1.p. i1.11 ‘hiwortb ,lias served the town so 1-',ithfullv years as councillor and se'ven yeara a son. j„ Hunkin and Bert IrernMk picture is yours to keep. Brownies $2.00 4We do our own finish- 1:rinig- us your filrn-s. Senior Photo Studio SEXSMITH 1Viessrs., J. W.. Nor thcott an.3 Earl Campbell, of Sex -smith, motored ti? London on Saturday last. .3\jr$,.„ Northcott, who had been visizipg^ London with her da.ughter, Geddes, returned with them, and Mrs. Frank Northeott of Alvinsa ton, spent the week -end with Mra and Roger Northcott. ZION The Sunday School will hold their. annual concert near Christmas. 'Mrs. R. Kerslake, of Exeter, spent the week -end \vith her dal:la/ilex Mrs. Baker and tamilY and mra. rollick spent the -week-end wit .1T Mr. A meeting of the te/ephone users \vas held in the school house op Sat- urday evening. The speakers of the veiling were Dr. Campbell and ATV. Duffs, of R:irkton. //17 /72 bey signed ip requesting- the council to faake way the men were guests of Mr. Fred Stephens, of Trout. Creek 0 near North Bay, who is ItnoNvn many in this comirittnitIP. Mr, Steph-1 ver tlie company as a municipal en - owns a saw 'mill and lond iS their! praises of the genial hospitality of their host. a.ddition tile deer, one of the alien shot and wountled bear, while' another got a shot at a A 'very interesting debate was hod in Main St. League Tuesday even- ing before a splendid gathering of Young people. Tim subject was, re- solved 'that, the Enited States has a greater futtire than Cana,cla." The affirmative was taken by Betiaon Ttickcy Menriee Ford and Ruth Lomport, and the, negative by Toni Pryde,, Geo, Beavers and Eleanor Medd. The latter won: judges being mr. 111aween, Miss 8. Apgar th Mrs. Mellard. trio 'wile sting by Ortlia 11181110k, EnOline Geiger and Geig-er accompanievd by Ma- ' bel Preetela . Lyle Stathem made THAMES ROAD an.d Mrs. and fan1 Ch. of Hensall, also Mr. Jas. Vallee und his Mr. and Mra, Kenneth Alt:Nichol were ..51.1ndi:iy 'visitors with illy. and. Mrs. Seth Simpson, of 01011n). Pleas- bid:4.1111g radio sol. 1\1r. Roy Goulding is creating 3:aile an. interest in our choir, life 'these days and his services are rauch ap- preciated by those ''',<Tho attend: Aire ti.,..tend syninO1liy .41,4% anci Mrs, Wm. Tarnli.till in 11,) loss led