HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-09-12, Page 5c
"Utmost _.Gpoll Faith"
Monthly Instalments
Interest Free for
327 Josephine St., Wingham
Continued from Page
Kindergarten: John
Drummond; Chad Haggitt,
Darryl Shannon, all of Blyth;
Paul Matisz, Belgrave;
Corey Moran, Belgrave;
Chris Bromley, Blyth.
S.L.N.C.: Michael 'Craig,'
Tim McTavish, Kent
Bieman, Timmy Clark,
Craig Harkness, all of Bel -
gra ve.
Grade 1: ,Andrew Potter,
Kevin Martin, Rowan Kerr,
all of Belgrave; Henry Bos,
Joey Johns, Craig Thomp-
son, all of Blyth.
Grade 2: John Brak, Mark
Pawitch, Brian Machan,
Jerrod Button, fan Caldwell,
all of Blyth; Darryl Marks,
Grade 3: Jason Elliott,
Blyth; Brad Robinson, Bel -
grave; Michael McNichol,
Blyth; Craig Roulston,
Blyth; Richard Wattam,
Belgrave; Mark Robinson,
Grade 4: Richard McKeon,
Matthew Hussey, Steven
Guy, all of Belgrave; Jeffrey
Bailey, Blyth; Robbie
Anderson, Belgrave; Chris
Campbell, Belgrave.
Grade 5: Darrell Pletch,
Belgrave;` Tom Cull, Bel -
grave; Rick Howson, Blyth.
Grade 6: Ben Barnes,
Brad Shiell, Jordan Guy,
Steven Michie, all of Bel -
Grade 7: Graham
Glousher, Blyth; Jason
Coultes, Michael Wattam,
Jim Fenton, Dean Whitfield,
Jeff Scott, all of Belgrave.
Grade 8: Chris McIntosh,
Belgrave; Dan McDougall,
Blyth; Dean Bell, Blyth;
Robin Wellstead, Belgrave;
Melvin Hayes, Belgrave;
Joe Holmes, Blyth.
BOYS GR'. 5-8
• Bryan Ramsey, Pat Cull,
Chris Michie, Stephen White,
Corporation \
Watco rigid vinyl
windows meet the
highest standards
for quality and
*-No, costly interior or ezcterior
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* No storms necessary.
- Sashes tilt -in for cleaning. When necessary, glass
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Sashes' are double glazed with hermetically sealed
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and outside noise intrusion:
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- Tilt-imsashes open full length top to bottom. Spiral
sash balances for smooth.easy operation. Hold the
sash in any direction. •
- Specially designed weather stripping seals the win-
indow tight, preventing heat loss. '
- Decorative colonial grilles sealed between panels of
glass are available,
-' Optional triple glazing.
- Available in horizontal slider, one lites and end vent
slider models.
Aluminum and Vinyl
Just off Hwy. 86 357-1077
East of Wingham I
Jason Coultes, Steven
Michie, all of $elgrave.
Kindergarten: B, ent
Robinson, Christopher
Wattam, Manual Hussey, ali
of Belgrave; ,Jerry Mason,
Blyth; Eugene Fenton,
Blyth; Corey Moran, Bel -
S.L.N.C.: Craig Harkness,
Tim McTavish; Michael
Craig, Timmy Clark, Kent
Bierman, all of Belgrave.
Grade 1: Ray Martin, Bel -
gravel Jeff Josking, Blyth;
Kevin Martin, Belgrave;
Andrew Potter, Belgrave;
JoeyJohns, Blyth.
Grade 2: Kevin Procter,
Andrew Forrest, Greg
Colquhoun, Jason Evans,
Mark Olson, Darryl Marks,
all of Belgrave.
Grade 3: Richard Wattam;
Belgrave; Michael
McNichol, Blyth; Chris
Jamieson, Belgrave; Chris
Mason, Blyth; Robert
Johnston, Belgrave; Conrad
Bos, Blyth.
Grade 4: Richard McKeon,
Belgrave;' Steven Guy, Bel -
Kevin Souch, Blyth;
Robbie Anderson, Matthew
Hussey, Jason Campbell, all
off Belgrave.
Grade 5: Tim King, Blyth;
Darrell Pletch, Belgrave;
Rick Howson, Blyth; David
Bell, Blyth; David Hessels,
Blyth; David McKee, Bel -
Grade 6: Brad Shiell, Bel-
grave; Steven Michie, Bel -
grave; Craig Bauman,
Blyth; Ben Barnes,' Bel -
grave; Leon McDonald,
Grade 8: Michael Fraser,,
Robin Wellstead, .Melvin
Hayes, Terry Daer, Chris
Michie, Pat Cull,all of Bel -
grave. -
Grade 2: Brian Machan,
Ian Caldwell, Jerrod Button,
Mark Pawitch, Jamie
Bromley, John. Brak, all of
Grade 3: Jason Elliott,
Blyth; Miehael McNichol,
Blyth; Kyle Moran, Brad
-Robinson, Tim Coultes,
Chris Jamieson; all of. Bel-
grave. •
Grade 4: Richard McKeon,
Belgrave; Terry Lediett,
Belgrave; Jeff Bailey,
Blyth; Robbie Andersonl_,l
Belgrave;' 'Dean' Vincent,tr
Belgrave; Jason Lee, Blythe.
Grade 5: Tim King, Blyth;„
David Hessels, Blyth; Tom
Cull, Belgrave; Mark
Coultes, Belgrave; Darrell
Pletch, Belgrave; Mike
Pawitch, Blyth.
Grade 6: Scott Cronin,
Blyth; Jordan Guy, Bel -
grave; Craig Bauman,
Blyth; Mich-ael Cronyn,
Blyth; Thorsten' Muscheid,
Belgrave; Craig Snell,
Blyth. •
Grade 7: Jason Coultes;
Belgrave; Dean Whitfield,
Blyth; Jeff Pletch, Bel -
grave; Jamie MacDonald,
Blyth; Leslie Phillips, Blyth;
Stephen White, Belgrave.
Grade 8: Steven Coultes,
Belgrave; Mike Fraser, Bel -
grave; Dan McDougall,
Blyth; ,Steve Souch, Blyth;
Allen Wilson, Belgrave;
Terry Daer, Belgrave, .
' Grade 1: Ray Martin, Bel -
grave; Rowan Kerr, Bel -
grave; Henry Bos, Brad
Walsh, Chris Lee, Chris-
topher Howson, all . of Blyth.
Grade 2: Brian Machan,
Mark Pawitch, Ian Caldwell,
all o Blyth; Mark Olson,
Belgrve; Jerrod Button,
Blyth; Michael Golley, Bel -
grave. '
Grade 3: Tim Coultes,
Richard Wattam, Kyle
Moran, all of Belgrave;
Conrad Bos, Blyth; Jason
Elliott, Blyth; Brad
Robinson, Belgrave.
Grade 4: Richard McKeon,
Belgrave; Kevin Souch,
Plyth Robbie Anderson,
Tim Wellstead, Dean Vin-
cent, Steven Guy, all of Bel -
Grade 5: Tim King, Chris
Bolger, David Hessels, Troy
Chambers, Rick Howson, all
of Blyth; Mark Coultes, Bel -
Grade 6: Jordan Guy, Bel -
grave; Mike Cronyn, Blyth;
Jeff McKee, Belgrave; Scott
Cro-nin, Blyth; Brad Shiell,
Belgrave; Ben Barnes, Bel -
Grade 7: Stephen White,
Belgrave; Bruce Siertsema,
Blyth; Brent Scrimgeour, of
Blyth and Jason Coultes,
Belgrave, tied for third; Jeff
Pletch, Shawn Campbell,
Jim Fenton, all of Belgrave.
Grade 8: Mike Fraser, Pat
Cull, Steven Coultes, Chris
Michie, all of Belgrave;
Dave McClinchy, Blyth;
Steve Souch, Blyth.
Grade 3: Brad Robinson;
Belgravq; Jason Elliott,
Blyth; Chris Heard, Blyth'
Lyth; Chris Heard; . Blyth;
yle Moran, Belgrave;
Chris Jamieson, Belgrave;
Chris Mason, Blyth.
grave; Tim Wellstead, Bel -
grave; Jeff Bromley, Blyth;
Jason Campbell, Belgrave;
Jeffery Bailey, Blyth; Terry
Lediet, Belgrave.
Grade 5: Mark Coultes,
Belgrave; Rick Howson,
Blyth; Darrell Pletch, Bel -
grave; Mike Pawitch, Bel -
grave; Timothy King, Blyth;
David McKee, Belgrave.
Grade 6: Craig Bauman.,
Craig Snell, Scott Cronin,
Michael Cronyn, Michael
Kerr, Arthur Bos, all of
Grade 7: Leslie Philips,
Matthew King, . Bruce
Siertserna,'Jason Vander
Heyden, Brent Scrimgeour,
Dean Whitfield, all of Blyth.
Grade 8: Michael Henry,
Stephen Souch, Dan
McDougall, Joe Holmes, Bill
Bearss, Dean Bell, all of
Make a poster advertising
the fair: Leslie Phillips,
Dean Whitfield, Bruce
Siertsema, Brent Scrim-
geour, all of Blyth.
Committee to study
Iibrary expansion
Wingham Town Council Currie and Jack Kopas from
has decided to form an ad . the property• committee
hoc committee as the first were appointed as council's
step toward .possibly ex- representatives on the ad
panding the town library, hoc committee. Councillor
either at its present location William Crump asked to be
in the Town Hall or in new included and Mr. Kopas
quarters. promised his name would be
At its meeting last week added to the group.
council voted to establish a The Wingham , branch
committee, with two library which occupies by
members from council, two far the smallest quarters of
from the county library any of the town libraries in
board and others to be added the county, has been lob-
es needed. •
The committee's task will
et morespace and council
be to report to council on . had earlier agreed to make
current space problems at library expansion • one of its
the library and to make priorities for 1985.
recommendations "a,, t�-.ln a•relarted mgt} n at .the
lop a.tiony, ,,.reno�ratiRnisApElmeeting laisl•; }es ay`,.
rfinaneirig or' re22titistruCtiki,. e, cil.,yQted tq g§t'ab11,Sb',a
of suitable library space." library reserve fund of
Councillors James A. $20,000'in the 1985 budget.
nae•" llil>n inclAdvanee, Mines, Sept, >,0, I914—Page 5
. .
Gorrie-Personal Notes
Mr, and Mrs. Horace
Mason of Thedford visited.
last Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin
Bolander and Leroy at-
tended the 40th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gingrich held Sunday
at the Dornock Hall.'
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Colborne of Corunna..and Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Sparling of
Goderich visited recently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ferguson.
A bridal shower in honor of
Karen Hyndman was held at
the home of Mrs. William
Bennett last Saturday
evening with approximately
40 relatives attending.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Austin and Matthew of
Waterloo visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hastie of Woodbridge visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie
last Saturday: Mr. and Mrs.
Keith' Finnigan of Dor-
chester visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Strong and all
visited their mother, Mrs.
Ken Hastie, at the Fordwich
Village Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart,
Jamie, Peter and Michael,
Teddy Brophy of London,
Mrs. Oliver Stewart, Ray
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Stewart and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mayburry were
guests at the wedding of
Cheryl Mayburry and
William Kieswetter Of
Kitchener in the Formosa
Roman Catholic Church last
Saturday and the reception
,which followed at the For-
mosa Community Centre.
Is/fr. and M>bs. Hugh Miller
of Dearborn Heights, Mich.,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller,:
Vikki, Kevin and Krista of
Sudbury, and Mrs. Toleda
Beuerman of Cambridge -
Preston spent last weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Miller and all were Sunday
dinner guests of . Mr. and
Mrs. Bev Brears of Listowel.
A number of local
residents attended the Blyth
Steam Threshermen's
Reunion last Saturday.
Mrs. Hazel Murie of
Thunder Bay and Mrs.
Wilfred Reffer of Ethel were
dinner guests of Mrs. Glad
Edgar last Thursday.
Mrs. Sulo Niema and
daughter Janna of Onaping
spent last Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. James
Fudger held a combination
first birthday party and
barbecue last Saturday for
Mark. Among those -at-
tending were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Fudger and Michael;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fudger
and family and Greg Brown;
all of Harriston; Mr.. and
Mrs. Sandy Gibson, Julie
and Jaime; Mrs. Gwynne
Brown and Wayne Brown;
Dian and Tyler.. Allan of
Gorrie; Mr. and. Mrs. Ken
Noble and Melissa of Ford-
wich ; and Roseann Cherry of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Short -
reed and family of Walton
visited recently with Mrs.
Nellie King.
Confirmation and bap-
tismal services will be held
at Trinity Anglican Church,
Fordwich, next Sunday at 11
a.m. The service at St.
Stephen's in Gorrie has been
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mundell returned last week
from a tour to Salt Lake City,
the Grand and Bruce
canyons, ,Zion National Park
and Las Vegas.
A number of local
residents, attended the 50th
anniversary service at the
,Belmore Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
hying off and on for years to Smiths are honored
By Pam Williams
Autuumn programs are
underway atthe day centre
and you are 'welcome to drop
in and pick up a program
calendar for the month of
The VON foot clinics will
be held at the centre on the
following days: Sept. 18 and
Sept. 26. Both clinics Will be
held -in the afternoon from 1
to 3 p.m., but we must know
m advance if you wish to
attend.- •
Bob Marchant, rehabilita-
tion teacher from the CNIB
in London, will be our guest
speaker this Thursday. He
Whatever you've got
against being in shape
is no • g compared to
what being out of shape
has got against you.
pa 1,(.IPa(/ LOn
The Canadian movement for personal fitness.
will be demonstrating craft
ideas for those with visual
Eugene Todd, coordinator
for the Ontario Senior
Games, will be at the centre
next Wednesday,. Sept. 19.
Any area, seniors clubs are
welcome to send a
representative to find out
more about these.games.
Our next fund-raising
event will be the flea market
on Sept. 29. If you happen to
be cleaning out your cup-
boards or garage and find
some interesting item* we
would appreciate donations.
We also rent tables out to
groups or individuals on the
day of our flea market.
Bookings must be confirmed
by Friday, Sept. 21, by
calling 357-1440 or 357-1445.
A raffle will take place at
our flea market. First prize
will be a cedar -lined pine
chest made by Wes Young of
Lucknow. If you purchase a
ticket, you also will have a
chance to win a radio-
cassette player:
Here is a note to all board
members of the change of
date for the next board
meeting. It will be held next
Tuesday at 3 p.m.
With autumn just around
the corner and winter around
the next corner, it's time to
start planning what you are
going to do during those long
winter days. The seniors'
day centre is a social and
recreational centre' designed
for "homebound" in-
dividuals who do not have
access to transportation,
have a disability or cannot
get around as well as they
did previously because of
their age. If you would like
more information, please
call the centre.
on 50th .anniversa
BRUSSELBr- "Jima a ride'' Wife Nancyof the Belmore
.., Anne Snt lebr•4ted'thelp, ; ; arek ad Well `as • fbnr grand-
5btirwedgy �rn[t vel sal`y a'C "cJiilifr ii, "1Vtarni and, Jamie
an open house Sept. 2 at the Gibbings and Shaine and
Brussels United Church.. . Scott Smith.
They were married at A family dinner was held
Belmore' on Sept. 1, 1934, and the evening of Sept. 1 and
farmed for almost 40 years served by the UCW ladies at
the United Church, followed
by a social timeat the Smith'
home on Elizabeth :Street.
The next afternoon the
Smiths were greeted by
many relatives, neighbors
and iends at their open
hous and thank everyone
whomthe occasion so
The forest industry in
Canada consists of over 5 000
companies engaged in log-
ging and manufacturing
wood and paper products.
on the 16th, concession of
Grey Township, tieing a part
of the Walton community
before moving to Brussels in
Their family consists of
Ron and his wife Lil of
Harriston, Donna and her
husband Bob Gibbings of
Clinton and Gerald and his
1251823/4 %
No Fees - Rates Sub ect To Chan e
53• WEST ST., GODERICH, N7A 21(5
Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life.
WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335-3525
Thurs., Sept. 13 to Wed. Sept. 19
Thurs. Sept. 13 Dart League, Wingham Legion, 8:30 p.m.
F6..Sept. 14 Coffee Break, Sponsored by Wingham
Branch, Women's Institute, Display of
Crafts, Wingham Town Hall, 9:30 a.m. to
3:30 p.m.
Happy Gang Meeting, Wingham Seniors,
Pot Luck Luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Wingham
Sat. Sept. 15 Horseshoe Tournament, Wingham Sport-
smen Club, 1:00 p.m.
Sun. Sept. 16 Anniversary Services, Knox Presbyterian
Church, Gorrie, 11:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m.
126th Anniversary Service, Wroxeter
United Church, 11:00 a.m,
Mon. Sept. 17 Wingham Hospital Auxiliary Meeting,
Wingham & District Hosptial Board Room,
2:00 p.m.
Square Dancing, Howick Central School,
8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Tues. Sew. 18 Registration for Beavers, Cubs & Scouts,
Wingham Public School, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wed. Sept. 19 Child Health Clinic, Clinic Building,
Wingham, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Brussels Figure Skating Club, Registration,
at Fall Fair Booth, Brussels Comm. Centre,
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Parenting Course, Parents of Teenkge
Children, 10 Week Course Starts 7:00 to
9:00 p.m. at Community Psychiatric Cen-
tre, 158 Patrick St., Wtngharn, phone
Grc $ Family Entertainment
241 Josephine St.. Wingham
Phone 357-3373
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