HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-09-12, Page 2Pane2-1POMingkinti Advance -Times, Sept. 12,
OPTI-MRS. GARAGE SALE—Joan Pletch of the Wingham Opti -Mrs. club practised
her sales pitch on Millie Blackwell of Teeswater u'vring the Opti -Mrs. annual garage'
and bake sale, held at the Wingham Armouries last Saturday. The club uses money
from the fund-raising events for its community projects.
Mrs. G. Mundell
hosts WMS ladies
Gordon Mundell was the
hostess of last Wednesday's
meeting of the Women's
Missionary „Society' of Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Glenn Golley"opened
the meeting with a reading,
"Logic of Christian Living",
followed by the hymn, "O
Spirit of the Living God".
- Mrs. Keith Moffatt read
the scripture and asked the
ladies if they were involved
meeting on Sept. 19. The
ladies then made some
preliminary plans for their
own thankoffering, with the
'date to be set later.
Mrs. Golley also men-
tioned that the Bluevale
WMS will be 100 years old in
May of next year. '
Mrs. Mundell prepared the
topic__ _and started__ by
presenting each member
with a rock or 'a piece of
jewellry madeof stone. Then
in life and if helping others each lady was asked to
made them' happy4t .I,So ). describe, her own sample
people have ,, .i',iip, ut#0,1 ,', ,,,With attention paid to the
interest 'in ..thellb
atietess4.4 Altfkxture, cOlot and weight Of
said, and urged everyone to .each item.
Jake time to share. She. • This 'was followed by a
closed with a poem, "One- discussion on how the
Way Trip", and Mrs. Lola samples differed and the
Mann offered a prayer. - value of rocks. In the Bible,
The minutes of the last . Jacob used a ,stone for a
meeting were read by the pillow, said Mrs. Mundell.
secretary and adopted. Mrs. Other Biblical references to
Golley read the treasurer's stone include the large rock
report. The offering was at the tomb where Jesus was
received with a prayer by buried after his crucifixion
Mrs. Golley. and the Ten Commandments
The business discussion which were .written on
included announcing a work- 'tablets of rock.
shop at the Ashfield Church She pointed out that rocks
on Sept. 24, the fall rally at have no expression or food
Teeswater on Oct. 22 and the value, therefore they -are
Beim ore thankalfering worthless unless someone
Church Diredory.
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, Sept. 16
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M.Oiv.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
. Telephone:
Church • 357-2961
Manse - 357-1072
does something with them.
She also compared them to
people. Some are smooth or
gracious, while others are
strong and firm. White
stones signify forgiveness
and black stoihes mean
condemnation. A diamond
shows love and recon-
ciliation and has great en-
Remembering that rocks
bring out love, forgiveness,
purity and truth, the group
then sang "Rock of Ages",
followed 0 a prayer. Ltuich
was' served b1y the hoptop.s,,,,,
Mrs. ManifVrid Mr Meffatt.
Edward St.,
Sunday, Sept. 16
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Family worship
- Salvation Meeting
Everyone Welcome
Monday, Sept. 17
8:00 p.m. - Home League
tor Ladies
Wiggbani Pegtecostat Cburch
359 Centre Street,
Church 357-1340 - Res. 357-2865
Pastor Rev. Douglas V. Whitelaw B.A.
SUN., SEPT. 16, 1984
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
7:00 p.m. - Family Service
ho�i Fair results
. Con 'tined from Page 1
Belgrave; Renay Taylor,
Bel aye; Jane Whitemore,
B1 th; Kathi Newell; Bel -
grave; Jenny Roulston,
Grade 7: Linda Versteeg,
Belgrave; Debbie Machan,
Blyth; Gayle Campbell, Bel -
grave; Lisa Noble, Blyth;
Stacy McClinchey, Blyth;
Jacqui VanCamp, Belgrave.
Grade 8: Christina Roul-
ston, Blyth; Shannon Snell,
Blyth; Elaine Poore, Blyth;
Karen Montgomery, Bel -
grave; Angela Coultes, Bel -
grave; Michelle Aitcheson,
GIRLS: GR. 5-8
Christina Roulston, Blyth;
Linda Versteeg, Belgrave;
Elaine Poore, }Myth; Marla
Hussey, Belgrave;--- Karen
Montgomery, Belgrave;
Debbie Golley, Belgrave.
S.L.N.C.: Rosemary
Stauffer, Belgrave; Tracy
Purdon, Belgrave.
Grade 1: Sabrena Black,
Jayne Kingsbury, Sarah
McKeon, Jayne Vincent, all
of Belgrave; Tina Burk-
holder, Blyth; Melissa
Hanna, Belgrave.
Grade 2: Ann Garniss,
Chelta Vair, Anne Taylor,
Joanne Crawford, all of Bel -
grave,; ,Sarah Rouw, Blyth;
Jennifer Stadelmann, Blyth.
Grade 3: Danielle Mc-
Dougall, Blyth; Michelle
Nesbit, Blyth; Sarah Allan,
Blyth; Trisha Taylor, Bel -
grave; Cheryl Campbell,
Belgrave; Heidi Scrim-
geour, Blyth.
Grade 4: Karli Yanchus,
Blyth; Rhonda Stadelmann,
Blyth; Donna Lynn Arm-
strong, Blyth; Laura Munro,
Belgrave; Lorna Humphrey,
Belgrave; Julie Bromley,
Grade 5: Sheila Schwartz -
Blyth; Linda Versteeg, Bel -
grave; Jacqui Van Camp,
Belgrave; Stacy Mc-
Clinchey, Blyth; Lisa Noble,
Blyth; Margaret Cronyn,
Grade 8: Karen Mont-
gomery, Angela Coultes,
Barbara Wattam, Jana Vin-
cent, Marla Hussey, Debbie
Golley, all of Belgrave.
Grade 3: Heidi Scrim-
geour, Blyth; Erin Bolger,
Blyth; Tracy -Lynn Kings-
bury, Jennifer Elston,
Cheryl Campbell, Natascha
Muscheid, ,all of Belgrav,e.
Grade 4: Tammi Medd,
Blyth; Trina Leishman, Bel -
grave; Laurie Keller, Bel -
grave; Laura Munro, Bel -
grave; Lorna Humphrey,
Belgrave; Karli Yanchus,
Grade 5: Jenny Chettle-
burgh, Belgrave; Kelly
Cook, Blyth; Tabatha Mont-
gomery, Blyth; Sheila Sch-
wartzentruber, Belgrave;
Jennifer Ricker, Belgrave;
Leah Richmond, Belgrave.
Grade 6: -Melinda Hussey,
Belgrave; Julie Smuck, Bel -
grave; Kerrie McClinchey,
Blyth; Cathy McDonald,
Blyth; Kim Medd, Blyth;
Krista Bridge, Belgrave.
Grade 7: Lisa Noble,
Blyth; Linda Versteeg, Bel -
grave; Krista Kraft, Blyth;
Jody Sippel, Blyth; Stacy
McClinchey, Blyth; Heather
Morton, Belgrave.
Grade 8: Karen Mont-
gomery, Debbie Golley,
Marla Hussey, Jana Vincent,
Angela Coultes,' Barbara
Wattam, all of Belgrave.
S.L.N.C.: Rosemary
Stauffer, Belgrave; Tracy
Purdon, Belgrave.
Grade 1: Jodee Medd,
Pauline Stewart, Kimberley
Ferguson, all of Myth;
entruber, Belgrave; Kelly Jayne Vincent, Jayne Kings -
Cook, Blyth; Tamara bury, Sabrena Black, all of
Bearss, Blyth; Jenny Belgrave.
Chettleburgh, Belgrave;- Grade 2: Anne Taylor.,
Leah Richmond, Blyth; Belgrave; Ann Garniss, Bel -
Tabatha Montgomery, Bel- grave. ton, ton, Belgrave; Sarah Rouw,
Grade 6: Krista Bridge, Blyth; Jennifer Stadelmann,
Renay Taylor, Dianne Blyth; Joanne Crawford,
Black, Heather CampbelL Belgrave.
Carol ' 'Hopper, 'Patricia grade3: Cheryl Campbell,
Daer, all of ' Belgrave. Belgrave; Jennifer Elston,
:drade 7: Krista Kraft, Belgrave; Nikki Snell,
Striking red, white theme for
Leader-Nielissep ceremony
Red and white poppies and
roses, surrounding lighted
white tapers in candelabra,
provided a striking color
theme around the altar of
Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church, Wingham,
on Saturday, August 18, at
four o'clock when marriage,
vows were exchanged by
Paula -Jeannette Nielissen
and Brian Donald Leader,
'both of Wingham: Rev. Stan
Soltysik performed the
ceremony and the Sacred
Heart Folk Choir, ac-
companied by their own
guitars, sang "I Give You
Me" as a processional and
"Lead Us On" as the couple
left the church.
The bride is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nielissen
of Walkerton and parents of
the groom are Mr. and Mrs.
Don Leader, Wingham. Mr.
Nielissen gave his daughter
in marriage.
The bride chose a calf -
length sundress with
ching jacket with 'em-
broidered lace throughout.
The jacket was styled with,
elbow -length puffed sleeves
and standup collar and both
had satin ribbon at the waist
and scalloped hems. On her
head she wore a pillbox hat
with seed pearls accenting
the edge and an attached
foot -long veil. Pinned to the
inside of her dress was a
small cross belonging to her
mother, given to her by the
bride's grandfather. She
carried an arm bouquet of
red roses and stephanotis.
Charlene Nielissen of
Toronto was her sister's
maid of honor and
bridesmaids were Christine
Small and Wendy Sallows,
both of Wingham. They wore
red dacron backless dtessES,
street -length with dolman
sleeves and cummerbunds.
Each attendant carried a
single stem of white gladioli.
St. 'Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
SUNDAY SEPT. 16 c -r
Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - St. Paul's
Holy Communion
Harvest Service 11:00 a.m. Sept. 23
Special' Music
9:301.m. - Trinity, Belgrave
A good friend of the groom,
Stan Small of Wingham, was
best man and guests were
ushered by another friend,
Mark Mertz of Chatham, and
.the groom's brother, Ed
'Leader of Wingham.
'Teeswater-Culross CMn-
'munity Centre was decorat-
ed with candelabra and red
hearts for the reception
which followed. The bride's
mother wore a taupe street -
length 'dress, matching "hat
with burgundy accentS and a
corsage of burgundy tiger
lilies. The groom's mother
chose a silver grey street -
length dress with pink hat
and accents and corsage of
pink roses.
After a wedding trip to
Niagara Falls and the Po-
cono Mountains in Penn-
sylvania, the newlyweds
are residing in Wingham.
Guests attended the wedding
from Edmonton, Kingston,
Toronto, Brampton, Orange-
ville, Owen Sound, Hamilton,
London and Chatham.
The first meeting was held
at the home of Barb Graber
last Tuesday. The club is
called "Fitness Fare" and it
involves good eating habits,
weight control, exercises
and nutritious recipes. ,
The club boasts 12
members and seven of them
are first-time members. The
girls discussed food and
fitness at the meeting, the
making of a good breakfast
and determining heart rate.
A tasty breakfast of corn
bread and sausages was
demonstrated by Lori Willie,
Tracy Bradshaw and Cheryl
Bridge and it was enjoyed by
This year's officers are:
president, Leannie Arm-
strong; vice president,
Tracy Bradshaw; treasurer,
Kelly Stephenson. The
leaders are Kathy Bridge
and Mrs. Graber.
The next meeting is next
Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
at the Bridge home.
Blyth; Tammy Noble, Blyth;
Tara Newell, Belgrave;
Danielle McDougall; Blyth.
Grade 4: Karli Yanchus,
Lisa Bromley, Laurie
Wharton, Rhonda Stadel-
mann, Julie Bromley, Vicki
Glousher, all of Blyth.
Grade 5: Brenda Halhnan,
Belgrave; Sheila Schwartz-
entruber, Belgrave; Leah
Richmond, Blyth; Kelly
Cook, Blyth; Tabatha Mont-
gomery, Blyth; Jenny
Chettleburgh, Belgrave.
Grade 6: Lisa Watson,
Blyth; Sharon Romsay, Bel -
grave; Heather Campbell,
Belgrave; Patricia Daer,
Belgrave; Nicole Richmond,
Blyth; Sherri Howson, Blyth.
Grade 7: Jacqui Van
Camp, Belgrave; Heather
Morton, Belgrave; Linda
Versteeg, Belgrave; Lori
Leibold, Blyth; Margaret
Cronyn, Blyth; Lisa Noble,
Grade 8: Christina
Roulston, Blyth; Michelle
Cronin, Blyth; Karen Mont-
gomery, Belgrave; Michelle
Aitcheson, Blyth; Angela
Coultes, Belgrave; Jana
Vincent, Belgrave.
Grade 1: Pauline Stewart,
Tina Hoonard, Marie
Cronyn, all of Blyth;
Sabrena Black, Sara
McKeon, Nancy Darlow, all
of Belgrave.
Grade 2: Joanne
Crawford, Anne Taylor,
Sherry Taylor, Chelta Vair,
all of Belgrave; Melissa
Kerr, Blyth; Sarah Rouw,
Grade 3: Trisha Taylor,
Belgrave; Anita Massey,
Belgrave; Sarah Allan,
Blyth; Karen Lee, Blyth;
Jennifer Elston, Belgrave;
Heidi Scrimgeour, Blyth.
Grade 4: Karli Yanchus,
Donna Lynn Armstrong;
Lisa Bromley, Vicki
Glousher, Julie Bromley, all
of Blyth.
Grade 5: Leah Richmond,
Tamara Bearss, Tabatha
Montgomery, Kelly Cook, all
of Blyth. -
Grade 6: Lisa Brown,
Jenny Brown, Cathy Mc-
Donald,. Kim Medd, Jane
Whitmore, Sherri Howson,
all of Blyth. . •
Oracle 7:., „Stacy r,311c,
Clinchey, Margaret Cronyn,
Lisa Noble, Lori Leibold,
Krista Kraft, all of, Blyth;
Jacqui Van Camp, Belgrave.
Kindergarten: Julie Mc-
Nichol, Blyth; Tabatha
Pattison, Belgrave; Char-
lene Huzebos, Blyth; Char-
lotte Wilts, Blyth; Jackie
Matisz, Belgrave; Toni
Richmond, Blyth.
S.t.N.C.: Tracy Purdon,
Belgrave; Rosemary
Stauffer, Belgrave. -
Grade 1:' Marie Cronyn,
Blyth; Nancy Darlow, Bel -
grave; Jayne Kingsbury,
Belgrave; Jayne Vincent,
Belgrave; Sarah McKeon,
Belgrave; Erica Clark,
. Blyth'.
Grade 2: Charla Rich-
mond, Melissa Kerr, Mari -
dale Bromley, Jennifer
Stadelmann, Jackie Cald-
well, Sarah Rouw, all of
Grade 3: Sarah Allan,
Blyth; Cheryl Campbell,
Belgrave; Erin Bolger,
Blyth; Tara Newell, Bel -
grave; Michelle Nesbit,
Blyth; Anita Massey, Bel -
gra ve. •
Grade 4: Karlie Yanchus,
Blyth; Rhonda Stadelmann,
Blyth; Laurie Keller, Bel -
grave; Donna Lynn Arm-
strong, Blyth; Laura Munro,
Belgrave; Lorna Humphrey,
Grade 5: Kelly Cook,
Blyth; Jenny Chettleburgh,
Belgrave; Tamara Bearss,
Blyth; Leah ItichraOtid,
Blyth; Jennifer Ricker, BO
grave; Tabatha- Mont-
gomery, Blyth.
Grade 6: Jennifer Procter,
'Terri Wan, Sharon KeMer,
Carol Hopper, all of Bel -
grave; Kim Medd, Blyth;
Jenny Allan, Blyth.
Grade 7: Krista Kraft,
Blyth; Heather Morton, Bel -
gra ve ; Angela Cotton,
Blyth; Jacqui VanCamp,
Belgrave Linda Versteeg,
Belgrave; Margaret CronSla,
Grade 8: Karen Mon-
tgomery, Belgrave; Jana
Vincent, Belgrave; Shivon
Youngblut, Blyth; Debbie
Golley, Belgrave; Marla
Hussey, Belgrave; Christina
Roulston, Blyth.
please turn to Page 3
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alli, enmiller, Ontario and Mr, and
Mrs. John Gibson, Wroxeter, Ontario wish to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their children Janice Muriel and'
Robert Clark. The Wedding will take place on Saturday,,
September 22, 1984 at 4 p.m., Benmiller United Church.
Reception to follow at Saltford.
(Photo by James Fitzgerald)
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Ft e„pcy 1:8 titre
Fabric Softener 1.39
Welch's Frozen 12 oz.
Grape Juirei".0 N1.09
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Soft Margarine .89
Cookies - 1.99
24 x 10 oz. cans
Coca-Cola, Diet Coke or '4
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Kraft 500 gr. Smooth, or Crunchy
Peanut Butter 1.89
Schneider's Golden Basket
350 gr. Breaded
Chicken Balls 3.19
Store Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. tei9:00 p.m.
Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.