HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-11-22, Page 6hen
a loses its freshness and rtalir0
or that .e SOn .e * r .i '?• m4' in bone
murmured, and:then,' "I'm sorry, Car -
wick; I. didn't. see you were drinking
my health. Good hick to :your my
Later on they made their way into
the smoking -xoom, a `lofty but not
Over -a 2acious apartment. There were
very few men' In it. Most Of them
had either left the elub or had gone
J upstairs to the .billiards and card
`---- BY J $. HARRIS-BURLAND rooms. Sir Alexander BrzFdney wase.
sitting near the fire.
CHAPTER X.—(Cont'd,) shoes with silver buckles came fol.- "Hullo, Hemmngay;' 'he said..
;, , ward and bowed his powdered hea 1 "Haven't seen: you for quite a time."
Really, Ardington, laughed 'Tres gave . the E ye. peen. down in Dent. DA you:.
verently, Hemingway g
hoxzli� If tiva weren't such old friends order,'and when the;man had taken know Garwick—no? Well, •you. ought
" re,
know him—Bob Garwick, the corn
"It's that which' hurts me. Weeare' ` his departure,s='lid "1. don't believe to
1 , anyone drinks Noyeau here. It's not ing Lard Mayor of London. Gazvvicl
old friInds, and nth so nor played the ver wholesome you know, and we this is Sir Alexander `fradney. Look
game. I've known this—for some days. Y et him well, and you'll read the secret
, have all got to•an age when we study t . l „
Why, You fool, you drove a woman' to t'o xs Perlia s just later o� sx-ccess.
eurdi' es m } P J Y
e ury station um your car; a
. .. , .out of curiosityy� men 'have salted for it What was it yoir re Saying
to London She was wearing a sable ?„ "Lord Mayor of London eh?" he:
Dedbury that
S ' • Sir Alexander laughed as he never
night. She took a ihzst class ticket = : laugl ed in his own hoose.
about Tile Merring toii case.
coat and a sort of toque with red ', lie of it? You queried. "Well, it's a fine thing to be
feathers, in it." Oh, what di,d you n?o ' ?i" that. ' Are yell
the son of Curly Gar -
""I've made inquiries, and fortun- "H'm,yes--but was it a crime—I "Yes, six, and the governor's sent
ately 1 made then before the police mean, was it a case of murder?" me into the City. When is Lady Anne's
thought of doing so. There was only I "Looked uncommonly like it. Any- case coining on?"
one -man on duty at the station thatlway, the jury thought so." "Couldn't say, I'm sure. ;Are you
night, You know what a one -e ed "The coronerdid not let them think 'a friend of Lady Anne's?"
WITH . g Y ,
good' unwrinkled
STIMULATE DIGESTION mg a supply of g ac : it gave � • anything else m bo' : Seemed.he .. Oh ` es � aim. � 'We've ve lino�xni each
place is He ave, the woman her Y Yy
�• grocery store which had 7
t wra ins a er on h'axid: A roll was! b , over 'h woman business, T1^ids. It told her
BRAN. I pp 5 paper
,ticket, and,put her bob : in the lug- slurred : the, other shies eve lucks
bought at a gage was there ou ;know." it as rather cheek to •
ask ou to de -
One of the fist steps in analyzing
_g g van. 1 ou liad se- enough to y w y
r p?- it Inter
.. foie .niches. ni C take ;"Oh,were ou . that s Jolly fend such a pottylittle case." :
reduced to abouta e the'. box off .the car yourself and ,e Y ,
but I, ,
,wasn't there, bne smiled. esting. Well, I Sir Alexander ex Bm ad v
little cost. This dump it down. outside. The man didn't 1 d n
daaprletcv,, for very t e P
- ate are eating.,atn" "' ii .,i.. rt,
amount .of, roughage set table know who drove.the lady.to the ata- [cam.e in the train th night."Pexha s, said Lord Hen ig 5,.
was upon one end of the talo. topup. P
keep in the prime? : e you talkingso`; lexaxi ex
To dhgestrver tract i P • . � . � i ,tion, butt can pretty well guess. At "What tz ani ..What. a? ,� won't be potty when. xm,A d
under the shelves n2 the pantry u� P Y g
ads that we
"' r � demands e
of condition; Natu o
t 1 t wood blocks which r,
ie .,were ore or an old friend -of mine,you lin w" ever it was—the train that had come believe in the honesty of layers,
especially those centaming a residue.
of .
g the shaft. "If this is true,why wasn't' this through Dedbury. And when I gotHemingay?" he said. •
i od assist -in stimnulatinb, zy
These Ifoods sx /lower
_ man <<
of The' finish strip along the oA evidence-,bzou ht forward at the in- into it them,c, was a jolly pmett5,�vo T believe in human 'stairs," Ilei-
rdigestive ,juices alongg
the ciao' all d g s re- g mth Lad Anne. Once
and edge, of the overhead doors was quest. tin the caai.iabe w , y
through which itpasses „ , '
the canal th b- twice I've svoiidered:mf she was. the
moved and a calf made with azip-saw 7.he, police kept it back. But it's or twice
their clue and they're � goingto folloiu- woman. who was 'in the ear with
it ,, Y �,,
it for all they're worth, Trehorn. Of rington.
icouldn'tHeniin a shrugged his shoul-
the man at the station. Lord g Y s bg
u in the morn- deny the' existence of the woman,'or dens. "My dear chap," he said, ,"why
• and they getp + a 3.r
the left band end of the strip was that'd ' 'not suspect Lad Anne and have done
faded from their, he'd issued a ticket to her. ,The p y
ingwith the pifil r e
drawn zoge!ber so that there was a issue of the ticket could have been with it?"
k t feeding the-' some of these
our daily diet is to check' up on the.
' ' . h an y rate paid the fellow han s m re about Bob?" rets hold of it, Eh, Bradney?"
Y >,� d x U
means oftwo short « "Yon.
cls1 The night of the murder oz what', 'Sir Alexander laughed. don.
�, 1of bulb footo tell a few hes to the pollee. e s
eat. a t,00dly �supp y Y broom -handle
P H �
bored f the broom 1 an
are thus conducive of a normal elim-
ination of bodily waste.
When the family begins to get
m y ,>
two feet from one end. The strip was
replaced and after the edge of the
paper had been placed in _ this cut,
clmee s, try slight pi'essorc: on the paper at all checked at Victoria. But -well I've ]+or perhaps another two minutes thought"
good things made of ba -an, and watch ,
g t'i'es.
ingay replied,,"and I've known many
a shall case .grow' -to' a vast affair
under the touch of ,able counsel. What
do you think of the Merrington case,
Sir Alexander shrugged his shoul-
ders. "Were you in, court?" he asked.
"Yes, I was—very . inter'est}ng, I
i —1 sugar,short-
To pull the paper out for the next
tbe torn off,a notch was cut
Piece o
in size of egg, 1 1 cup sour .
ening gb,egg,for the thumb and
11. cups just large enough
{or sweet) milli, 1 cup bran, /4finger,' The`pa er tears smoothly along
flour, 1 level teaspoon soda (or 2 tea -
the wood strip. ' Whether the paper is
sweet milk is
spoons baking powder if wanted for lunches for the men in the
used), pinch of salt. Cream shorten- Nether a package is to' be
in and sugar together. Mix and sift field or w p g
"What night?" queried Bradney. '
"The night of te murder,.or what-
ever it was—the night Herrington
Ah, someone else0 going to take met with that accident. And there
poison," said'`Hemingay^ in a ,quiet was a woman—"
told you a good deal, and Pm not got
they discussed. 'the. evidence at the Sir Alexander offered no comment,
man-servantwith: "I •carne
ing to tell you any more unlessyou inquest. And; :'then. the t but Garwick burst in-
li ueur. Lady
all your cards on the table. You've brought the "coffee and the q , up in the train that night with L y
not played the game, Trehorn. You've There were three cups of coffee and
got all you can out of ane and have three little glasses filled to the brim
ivn nothing in return. We are sup- with pink Noyeau. A faint odor of
posed to be working together to save almond was wafted over the table.
old Merrington, and I'm not goingto
work in the dark. It's not fair. I
may find myself tripped up at any
moment. I'd sooner go to the police
and tell them all I know than go on
like this—blindfolded."
through the mails, paper is thus voice
dry ingredients, This .
. will make twelve
always on hand and, being located in Not even the shadow' of a smile;
large muffins:
Steamed Bran Pudding -3 table- the
her takes
it but little room flickered aeross1 the servant's face.
The arrangement might be placed in Naturally, he offered no information.
spoons beef suet or any preferred fat, Ardin ton spoke y, even And Lord Hemingaywould never have
p l d t b building device g P
cupmolasses 1: egg,1 teaspoon a less -used
apo y ui mg a
lI passionately, and Trehorn realized committed sch` an indiscretion as to
to take Tire place of the wood strip ask a uestion.
salt, 1 cup bran, ?y cup milk, 1 cup that Ardington was absolutely ''right. question.
under the pantry shelves. -D, R. V. H, And he also realized that- Ardin ton Jolly smell,",said Garwick, sipping
stoup, 1/a teaspoon soda,. cup :dates,was quite likelyto leave Merrington the contents of the little glass. "Well,
stoned and 'cut fine. Melt suet and q g
milk and eggwell
VARNISH TILE WALLPAPER. to his fate, if he, Trehorn, did not here's luck, Hemingay."
mix with molasses, n make a clean breast of everything.Lord Hemingay,did not reply. He
beaten. Sift flour, salt and soda to- Tile. wallpaper, which is widely usedhad turned •his head and saw the ser-
Add one cupof bran and for decorating bathrooms 'and kit -
told Ardington the'whole story,
gether. 'nothing and omittingnothing . vant take the third glass and the third
chens, will last twice . as longif a b g ffee to Sir Alexander Brad-'
combine wet and dry ingredients. StirAnd what he "got in return was this: cup of co
into the batter one cupof dates, ston-protecting coat of clear varnish is "Tire police," aid Ardington, "are hey.
g ,
"Must "be verybad for him'," he
ed and cut upfine, turn into buttered applied soon"after the paper is hung., looking for a tall; fair -haired -woman _
cups, having cups. half full. Steam The glazed surface of the tile paper' with blue eyes—a woman who was
one hour. If steamed in one large itself will not stand much washing, wearing a seal coney coat and a light -
mold three hours' cooking is required. but when re -enforced with a thin coat grey hat. If will Abe a long time be -
Serve with hard sauce or lemon `sauce. of good varnish, spots may be wiped fore they find her.
Bran Nut and Raisin Bread -34 o. with a -'='fit cloth withqut affecting
cup brown sugar, 1/ ci rzi
flour, 1 cup bran,o�o"'�l, cup water, 1/ condition of the wa s is es y pos 'That ie Bradney over there," said
cu English v 7;IIiut meats (cut in.sible. .? ord Hemingway in a low voice, "the
e "`molasses,2 teas oons Even when walls have been papered chap with- a big head -clean-shaven
_ sjZr,,,,,i, cup teaspoons
of baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, r/z for some length of time it pays to' go face—ugly—well not handsome any
cup raisins. Mix in the order given, over the glazed surface with a good ay.
siftingflour, .baking powder and `salt, "Sitting at a table by himself?"
g queried 'Bob .Garwick.
Add raisins and nut meats dusted "Yes—always sits by himself if he
well with flour. Pour into buttered can manage it. Doesn't like to talk
bread pan, having pan three-quarters
full. Bake slowly two hours or longer,
Nut meats may: be omitted.
Eran Doughnuts -11/a cups bran,
12 cups.flour, 1 tablespoon butter or
lard, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons of baking
powder, 1/x. cup sugar, 1� cup milk, 1
teaspoon salt. Cream butter and
sugar. Acid egg well beaten. Mix and
sift dry . ingredients and add to the
first mixture. Roll' on a floured board.
Cut with a doughnut cutter. Fry in
very hot deep fat.
ilk, 1 up the paper. Thus Ygntinued sanitary ' CHAPTER XI.
ll ;T -
varnish. It is surpri§ing how much
fresher the room willlook and how
much longer the paper will last.
Even though my little girls had a
closet all their own in -which to hang
their clothes, they quite often left
them lying around on chairs, on the
bed or even on the floor. This in spite
of my frequent reminders that untidi-
ness is a most distressing habit.
I hit upon a plan .that, has solved
the problem satisfactorily; in fact, I
never have to pick their clothes up'
now. I bought several wooden hang-
ers, a can of blue and a can of pink
enamel, a can of shellac and a . small
brush. I let the girls watch me make
those plain hangers into wonderful)
'attractive things with the enamel. 1
When they were dry I cut from old
magazines tiny heads and figures. On
the hangers for party dresses I pasted
fairy figures and butterflies. On the)
hangers for coats I pasted winter
scenes. On the ones for play dresses
I pasted appropriate figures. There
was "even a hanger for the nightie,
with the figure of the cunningest sort
of a sleeping baby pasted on.
I gave all the hangers a coat of
shellac and to one girl I gave all the
pink hangers and to the other all the
blue ones. • It's fun now for them to
hang their garments each on the
proper hanger.—'M. H. M.
A neighbor farm woman has hit
upon a novel scheme for always hav-
AW jp�i F¢ a,
Highest Prides Paid for
kunk, Coon, Mink, Fox, Deer -
Skins, k-Iides, Calfskins, &c.
Ship to
& 'Leather CO
Toronto, Ont.
at meals, you know. But if you get
hold of him in the smoking ;.room he'll
chat quite pleasantly."
Bob Garwick • glanced across the
vast dining -room of. the Chatham Club
and, saw -:Sir Alexander's head bent
over his food. He saw the face in
profile, and at itis worst.
"Looks' like a fighter," he said.
"You know Lady Anne's solicitors
have briefed him in that little case
of hers
"Yes, I know. Absurd I call it. He
probably won't turn up. Any newly
fledged barrister could polish off that 1
job for her. He'll pocket his fees and
he won't turn up."
"Doesn't look like an invalid," said
Garwick. ,
Lord Hemingway made no reply.
The dining -room was more than half
empty, and the tables near to him i
were vacant. But the atmosphere of
the club, one of the oldest and stateli-1
est in London, was such as to make
men speak in whispers. The murmur
of conversation in the great room was
scarcely audible. Dinner at the.
Chatham was not occasion for mirth
and laughter. "Like dining in a tomb,"
Bob Garwick had said at the com-
mencement of the meal. But the food
was magnificent, and the cellar was
the best in London. One could not get
into the Chatham before one was
;418$ "`� forty and able to appreciate good'
wine. No smoke 'of cigar or cigarette
ever rose up to the dull gold and buff
�r� c ofthe ceiling. That might have spoilt
the flavor of the wine.
A HOUSE DRESS "NEAT "You shall dine with me next week)
of St. John, N.B., the secretary of
the Association of Canadian' Clubs, an
organization which, keeps the Cana-
dian clubs all over the Dominion in
touch with progress being - made in
the various provinces, afld provides
means of ' securing the services of
famous speakers.
AND TRIM." at my little pot -house" said Garwick
alter a pause, during which he felt hel'..
4488. The Plouse. Dress of to -dab . had been snubbed, "You can smoke.
has a very important place in the, between the courses there if you like."
wardrobe of every woman. The model) -_Lord Hemingway, a well-groomed,
here illustratedis suitable , for the; good-looking man of forty-five, smiled,
stout and slender, figure.: Ging) arn, I "That would be jolly, Bob. What
cre,e ratineor printed cotton, as well about a liqueur 'with our coerce?
P 'n Would you like ?o try some Noyeau k'
as linen may be used for its develop- «Noyeau, eb,'' queried Garwic ,
ment. The width at the foot is 21/2 "By. Jove, that's the stuff that—by-
yards. The closing is at the left side the -by, Hemingway, I'dl 'lure to ask
in front. your opinion about something that
(To be continued.)
+r. f.
The Pictured.Gar
There's aq uiet English garden in''a
picture on my wall,
An old, old fashioned garden where
kk-the hollyhocks are tall;
The -roses romp, in riot and the sun-
flowers sway and lean;
And -a lovely little' lady walks the
grass grown paths between, `'
It's • a funny little garden `where no
flower grows by rule;
But you know the breeze that's blow-
ing is a' perfumed breeze and
cool, ,
A breeze that loves the blossoms as
a boy did long ago;
And disorder is true order where the
foxgloves bloom and blow.
The Canterbury bells are ringing
softly ,in the wind,,
Syringe, buds are blossoming for any•
one to, find,
The sun is shining softly and the grass
is, gay, and green,
Anda lovely .little lady walks the
box edged paths between.
It's a picture—just a picture -on my.
staid and stainless wall--
Of an old, old fashioned garden, and
a lady, that is all; '.
But it stabs the stilly silence, wakes
a memory like a blow
In the heart of one who loved the
two, oh, long, long ago.
She—Last night T was singing "In
Old Madrid" and—
He—Good heavens! What make
airplane did you come back on?
Mlnard's Linirnent for Dandruff.
The. Pattern is cut in 6 Sizes 34, might be connected with that case."
36, 38, 40, 42 and 44: inches bust
measure. A 38 -inch size requires 41
yards of 36 -incl, material.
Pattern nailed to any; address on
receipt of 15C` in silver or stamps, by
the Wilson Publishing Co., 7. West
Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two
weeks for receipt of pattern.
Make yourself a sheet • - and the
Wolves will eat you,
A -herd of caribou, estimated at
three million, has been seen in the
Arctic regions.
The rapidity with w'hieh the chara-
eleon strikes with its tongue at a fly-
ing insect is such that the tongue
cannot be detected With the naked eye.
`Oh, ,the Herrington-' case," said
Lord Hemingway. "Well, what about
"I'd like to try it.. • I don't remem-
ber„that I've ever' tasted the stuff.”
"No, you're too young, The real
stuff wont out before the war. But
we have, sorne, i-oth pink and white,
in the cellars. We'll try the pink."
Ile raised his left hand; and a man -
servant ---one could hardly dare, to call
him a waiter --;gloriously attired in
black livery of knee. breeches and
long-tailed coat, silk stockings and
In few 'wi. < e Positions guaranteed.
Steady eron'o;,mr nt, Write for Free
Catalogut yror r S ss',i'ILM OF COL-
LCG>s, 158 .4,<. e `.,t. E., Toronto.
l'he British `Lion. "Iso careful iii , dear. That rmri. Ile :r. nice play-
.L,, s) 3 Y1
n x en1 like' horrid bomb.
hall --hilt it loops to rue u co nm Y,a d
--From London Opinion. -7-
Take it home to
the kids
Hove a packet in
your pocketfor au
ever -ready treat.
A delicious cdnfeC-
Von and an aid to
the teeth, appetite,
Sealed in its
unity Package
The' Oyster Season.
Oyster: Well, ` I guess we'll get
tewed now
Minard s Liniment Heals Cuts.
m '
Ladybirds.r `axe systen aticall y bred
in Italy and France to produce the
larvae which 'destroy insect pests of
the vines.
Dye or' Tint Worn,
'New for 15 cents. -
The total value cit the fisheries -prep
ductipn of Canada in 1922, in both sea
and inland waters and -- comprising,
fish marls@ted : zsuniSx, fh
ccanned; curforedGot
, an11 othYpteiwni.5e respres
Pared, was:'. $41,908,070,- an increase
over the previous year of $6,976,141, •
of 19.97 per, cent. 'The value of the
sea fisheries in 1922''was ' $7,245,949, .
an increase, over the previous year of
1;11,302,030, 0, '. ,or 2 _ 4 Per cant. , and. that
Z ei .
of tile inland fisheries was $4,962;127„
a deerease from 1921 of $326,339, or
6 per cent.
'On the whole the year 1922 made a
gratifying showing in the fisheries-
dusts3 in Canada, which has Geer .
well carried into the present year
from all indications. 'Whilst the ;value,
of the 1922 -fisheries did not reach the
level 01 tho yearns 1917, '18 '19 and
'20' when 'there wa air unusual over-
sea demes �1 i01 thn ii rice
s and ' o d s
demand d z d o� 1 y P
�k 'I
prevailed it' exhibits ti'' subs tintitl eft,
increinent over .the valga; ,ron of •the
normal years prior to tlie'r'latter part',;
of `tlie' i 11 era tlhe, ,rn
):lost -ii <ii period. _
By provinces the value Ca.,; s
fisheries r ' a s'iii 1,h22 ., -w, s: 1ts� vs —
f Il t
o n,
Prince, Edward . Islaztd 81,612,599;
, ,
Nova Scotia, $10.,201.258 New :13runs-
wick 14 GS5 660,2
uebec $17105
'Ontario$2,858,122;Manitoba, $908,- ,
908 -
6, Saskatchewan, $243,337; AIklerta,
$331,239 ( British Columbia; ' $18,872,-
833 and the Yukon Territory, 10107:
, y,$
The relative positions of first`, and.
second in the industry = are still held
by British Columbia and Nova Scotia.
The only provinces . to show a redac-
tion in valuation were Ontario; 11lani-
toba, t • „-
Alberta' -and ' the Yukon: The
increase in the case, of British Colum-
bia amounted to 34,919,163. '
Salmon and Lobster. Lead.
First among the comthercial fishes
of Canada was the salmon, account-
ing• for a value of $13,619,632, follow-
ed by the lobster with 'a value of $5,-
95-6,4x0, and, occupying third place,
the cod with $5,378,540. `HI ibut' was
worth $4;342,526; .,herring, $2;067-, 1.Z—.
mackerel•' $1,500,357; white fish • 31,-
493,407; haddock $951,073; smelts
$939,427; trout $776,020; pickerel
$743,535; 'sardines $703,381, and hake
and cask' $376,953.
Though the . inland fisheries of; the
Don't wonder whether you can dye Prairie Provinces show a:`decrease in
or tint successfully, because" perfect value as compared with the previous
home dyeing ,is • guaranteed :with ,Year,, it is gratifying to notice that
"Diamond Dyes" even if you have
never dyed before. Druggists have all
colors. Directions in each package.
Christmas Gifts for,,the Kiddies
Buy now.' 21.00 brings -Dressed' Doll,
Cut-out Toy, Clockwork Model, Art
Crayons, Painting Book: ,Po,stage Paid.
Address': -Rainbow • Novelties, 873
Broadview, Toronto.
Remerabet' to ask for'
Eddy's when you eider
Santa Fe superioz _
service and scene
?plus Fred, Harvey
ane .ls-your assur-
ance of a pleasant
journey there
Pullm via Grand •
Canyon National Park
ren all the year
these' waters have been 'developed to
the' extent of • producing fish in excess
of a 'million and a half dollars value
each year. It Ls only of very recent
years that these waters have been ex-
ploited commercially, but already a
profitable'market -has been developed
in many sections of the United States
as well as Eastern Canada.
There is.'a_ total o� —g—
ves`- d sin. the 'fishing industry of
Canada. ''Of this; $25,565,208 is in
primary operations, represented in
vessels, boats, nets, traps, wharves,
etc:, in the primary operations of
catching and landing the fish. In -this
section there were last year 56,716
men employed. In fish canning and
curing establishments the investment -
was $19,141,205 and the number of
persons' employed 15,684,
Since the war period, ,when an un-
precedented demand for Canadian
fish resulted in a temporary marked
stimulus to the industry, with addi-
tional capital invested in equipment
and unusual efforts made to increase -.
output, the ` Canadian fisheries have
suffered somewhat in the reaction.
It is pleasing fo note the tendency to
return to more normal . conditions.
That great opportunities exist for the
industry is evident from Canada's
substantial importations, having no
regard to the Dominion's wide export
markets. : The industry is suffering
from undue conservatism,, which' could, ,
be remedied with considerable proflii
to the exploiters by the introduction
of capital into the secondary grocesses
of the industry.
The Inspiratan of Music.
Everybody sings. This is the sect -dc' --
of \Velsh ' musical progress. • Down
deep in the; mines, where dynamite
and strange gasses flirt with danger
and death,; the Welsh miner, excelled
by none in the world, gathers .with
his friends "and sings and shags and
singsr Wei can '.say that their far-
famed excellencein the hazardous_;
word of mining is not due in a large
measure to the good cheer and good
spirits ,which their voices carry,, with
thein'to the midnight darkness of the :.
mines, that you and I may have
warmth in -the long winter months?
However; it is ,not in the highly
drilled 'chorus' that the Welsh`= are '
most surprising.'. 'When the' entire
gathering at the Eisteddfod' arises
and pears forth. its soul in such an
,hymn as "ITuddersfield," you willhear
such a chorus as you have - never
heard before. These Welsh folic- sing
from iueniory in four parts, and the
sheer beauty of the thing Inakes one
dizzy with delight.
Thus the inspiration of music, pos-
sibly ntoro than anything oise has
carded men et Welsh blood to some
P9th?S of the, loftiest positions ever gained
F,T, HENDk/ Gea,,Mt Santa Fe 2y.
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