HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-08-29, Page 30Fag! 19 --Crossroads . -A 29, 1984
Vacation's end for houseplants
By Patrick Denton
In racy areas it's just
about roundup. time in the
houseplant Corral — time to
begin the move indoors of
those potted specimens still
presently vacationing on our
patios and balconies, and in
garden beds.
Most of our flowering
houseplants will have fat-
tened considerably in a
location with bright light and
some protection from the
afternoon sun. Kept pinched,
fed and watered during the
summer, they'll be at-
tractively bushy and ready
to begin their gradual move
toward the indoors.
Even a scraggly and
exhausted poinsettia plant
by summer's end will have
taken on new life. My own
poinsettias were given to us
last Christmas in beautiful
full red bloom — three plants
in the pot. But by winter's
end, sad to say, they were a
sorry sight indeed.
'But cut back quite severe-
ly, and repotted individually
and surtlmered outdoors,
they've exhibited a most
gratifying resurrection as
lovely bushes. Now comes
the quandary. Shall I be
happy with them as ex-
cellent, easy/care foilage
plants, or shall I give one or
all of them the special care
they need to bloom for
This care involves giving
the plants total darkness for
14 hours each night for a
period of 10 weeks beginning
Oct:" 1. And- unless you have a
room in which no light is
ever turned on from 5 p.m. to
7 a.m., this will mean setting
it in a totally dark closet or
Fall Fashions
Are Now In!
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At.. w1.Rend
by Erma frrarabarck
(ua, r.gahl mm.
covering it with a large Every years, a child who is
cardboard box every aright. ak and fixed of a mother
Once the top leaves are. shoving tklia colump into her
showing color, ou{�d . al
1, this darknessarepo. rolDeccan shouting; "Read
thisl face at 1a yowl" will write
be discontinued, as and ask why. I siways take
household light at night will the parents' point of view
no longer affect it:
a/never the child's.
To decide which route to This year's writer is from
take with your poinsettia 'Long Beach and she says,
plants, scrutinize carefully "For so long you have
the facilities in your own written about children that
home, to see how difficult 'or do things that make their
easy this dark treatment parents miserable, how
would be. _ -"- about a few measly words to
During the day, your make parents feel like
poinsettias will need to be in maybe they have done
good natural light near a something right?" Signed:
window, and protected from T. H.
dry air and all drafts, cold You're right, T. H. It must
and heat. Temperatures seem like there's no pleasing
between 50 F at night and 72 us. It's time for my yearly
F during the day are just child -appreciation tribute.
right. Parents have done
As weontinue ambling something right when they
through our houseplant ask a child to bring them a
collection, we'll find in a glass of water fromthe
similar protected spot with kitchen and the child knows
dappled shade or filtered sun where the kitchen'is.
the succulent plants such as They've done it when they
kalanchoe, Christmas cactus get a birthday present on
and orchid cactus. These are their birthday that their
among the last I begin child has bought with his own
moving indoors, because it
seems to me that a touch of
cold (no frost though)
toughens and hardens them
for good indoor bloom.
These plants also should be
receiving reduced water
now, again to harden them a
bit for their life indoors.
Kalanchoes should begin
blooming in December if
they're given no artificial
light after dark once they're
back indoors.
Christmas cactus are still
another kind of plant whose
blooms are triggered by long
nights = they need 10 weeks
of 10 -hour totally,dark.nights
to set buds, or a cool spot
around 50 F for at least a
month. Either condition. will
induce flower production.
Many houseplant buffs
think their Christmas cac-
tuses have gone crazy when
flowers appear in spring or It's a good time for parents
during the fall. But actually
they've not gone off track at when their children tell them
all; they're just revealing the truth when you're gonna
their true type. • kill e'm for it, answer their
There are actually three parents without saying,
type 'r _."Christmas" cactus "What do you want?", shut
— Thanksgi ing cac , with the door in the winter
sharp teeth : ng a e' edges because it makes their Dad
smile, or respect their
of each segm t yf stem; mother's cold as .they do
usually begins bl .ming i -
Frozen Food • Baking Supplies • Nuts
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-Sultana Raisins
With Peanuts
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Peanut. Butter
'%4 lb
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z Ib.
save $1
Whole Mustard Seed
995 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. 291-4777
Mon. -Sat. 9:30 am - 6 pm. Thurs. & Fri. Till 9 pm.
They've pulled it off when
their child .volunteers that
she dropped the camera she
borrowed 'and when the
parents ask, "Have you any
idea how much a camera like
this cost and who is going to
pay for it?" does...and will.
They'.ye raised a winner
when they point out to a son
that his pants are ripped, his
shirt is not.ironed, the sole is
coming off his shoe and his
sweater is inside out, and he
looks rotten . . and he,
agrees with them.
It's a. good day for 'any
parent when their child
speaks to them in public,
when they put gas in the car
after .they've used it, ask if
you're watching a TV show
before they flip the dial, do
dishes when it isn't their
night, and thank you for
October; Christmas :cactus theirown.
has more rounded, scalloped Good kids are like sunsets.
We take 'em for granted.
edges and blooms from
November to January; Every morning they rise.
Every evening they disap
Easter cactus blooms in
spring' and has more pear. Most parents in a
elongated stem segments single lifetime will never
that are smooth and how hard they try to
toothless. please us and how miserable
'they feel when..they think
TOWEL DRY they have failed,
'to speed drying and to Take a good look at your
prevent colors from running kids. I mean really look at
them. You've: done a lot
in a multi colored sweater, better than you think you
insert a bath towel between did. Now tell them.
layers, while . drying gar-
ment, says Clothing and COOL LOOK
Textile Specialist Margaret ' This summer "cool down"
Loewen of the Ontario -Minis- your rooms by minimizing
try of Agriculture and Food's the number of ornaments,
rural organizations and cushions and pictures in the.
services branch. room, says Home and Fam-
• END CLING ily Management Specialist
Spray the inside of blouses, Jean Riddell of the Ontario
dresses and skirts, especial- Ministry. of Agriculture and
ly those of soft clingy, Food's rural organizations
polyester fabrics with a can and services branch., Select
of anti -static product to end just a few of your treasures
static cling, says Clothing for display. Uncluttered sur -
and Textile Specialist Mar- faces give the room an open
garet Loewen of the Ontario feeling. The accessories you
Ministry of Agriculture and choose will be highlighted by
Food's rural organizations the empty " space around
and services branch, them.
By James G. McCollam
Member, Antique
Appraisers Association
of America
Q. I find the whole subject
of Mission Oak furniture
very confusing.
Why should one armchair
be priced at $10,000 and
another quite similar for
only $500? Why should any
chair made 75 years ago be
worth 510,000?
A. There were at least 10
manufacturers of Mission
Oak furniture. There were
four using the name Stickley.
Gustav Stickley was the
originator and made the
finest quality Mission Oak. It
is his furniture that brings
the highest prices. For
example, he made the arm-
chair that sold for $10,000.
Pictur&d here is a library
table made by Gustav
Stickley and the trademark
that appeared on all his.
furniture. It would probably
sell in the $2,000 to $3,000
range. -
Q. Enclosed is a picture of
my Gilbert clock. It is solid
walnut and keeps good time.
Can you tell me when it
was made and its value?
A. Your clock was made in
the late 19th century and
would probably sell in the
$175 to $225 range.
9:30 A.M.-6 P.M.
THURS. & FRI. 9:30 A.M.-9 P.M.
9:30 A.M.-6 P.M.
William L. Gilbert founded
the company in 1850. In 1964
the factory was purchased
by the Spartus Co.
Q. You frequently mention
different •Hummel
trademarks and indicate
that prices for the same
figurine with different
trademarks varies widely.
Why should one Madonna
be worth 53,000 and another
of the same be worth only
$165? �w
A. Here are copies of all
six trademarks and the
years they were used.
Would , sell in $175-$225
1 Crown
2. Full Bee
3. Stylized
4 3 Line
5 Vee -G
6. G Goebel
79 -
Hummel No. 151,
"Madonna Holding Child"
with trademark No., 1, sells
for about $3,000. The same
figurine with trademark No.
6 sells for $165. The one with
trademark No. 1 is older and
rarer than all others. Trade-
mark No. 6 is currently in
use and plentiful as tong as
Goebel continues to produce
Send your questions about
antiques with picture(s), a
detailed description, self-
addressed envelope, and $2
per item to James G. McCaot-
lam, 2006 Beverly Place,
South Bend, IN 46616. All
questions will be answered
but published pictures
cannot be returned..
Early settlers got tannin
from Hemlock tree bark.
LIBRARY TABLE . Made by Gustav Stickley.
Portraits to
delightful childhood changes
from Sears Portrait- Studio
20 color portraits for only
12 95
Includes 950$ deposit
Photographic package includes two 8x10's,
three 5x7's, fifteen wallet size color portraits.
No appointment necessary. 956 for each
additional subject. Poses our selection. Studios
located in most larger Sears retail stores.
Also available in addition to package:
Black Background & Double Feature Portraits
Instant Passport Photos
Offer for portraits taken
Mon. Aug. 27 thru. Sat. Sept. 1
your money's worth ... and more
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291-1766 364-1800 538.1223' 396-78.47
Bookcase Waterbed
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LISTOWEL 291-1760.
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