HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-08-22, Page 23• PASalr4r00Sroad0-*Ug: 22, 1284 4:474:44744:4:41.074-440 40. 410-11v4i1*. go 0. OP 0110-0, (0- *ilk* • 0*• . 0 4.• 4 110 4 4 4 4 • .0,0.00 owevow, oip ••• CKVR Barrie 40 WJBK Detroit 5 OBC Torbrito 50 WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 ... WKBW Buffalo 70 WJBK Detroit 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ... CFPL London 11 ... CIICH Hamilton did 13 ... CKCO Kitchener 57 City TV Toronto 0 • • 90000 411*********4********* Weekday Mornings 5:00 News at Sunrise 5D 5:30 News 5D Jimmy Swaggart 6 5:50 Ontario Report 13 6:00 Seneca Telecollege 6, 57 20 Minute Workout 7D, 4D Sonya 5D Frightenstein 3 News This Morning 7 Yoga 11 6:30 Early Morning News 7D, 4D Canada AM 13 It Figures 11 7:00 20 Minute Workout 57; 10 Today Show 5D 100 Huntley Street 3 Secret Railroad 6 Dale Harney's Magic Palace 11 Good Morning America 7 , 7:30 Rocket Robinhood 57 Camera on Canada 11 FYI - First Edition 10 Hammy Hamster 6 7:45 Friendly Giant 8 8:00 Size Small 6 Ed Allen 8 Lynsky & Co. 11 Forest Rangers 57 Morning Exercise 3 8:30 Harrigan 8 Smith and Smith 3 Carol Burnett 10 The 700 Club 6 Rocket Robinhood 57 Klara's Korners 11 9:00 Audubon Wildlife 8 f\ Varied Programs 3 The Muppet Show 7D, 4D. Family 5D Romper Room and Friends 13 Morning Exercise 11 Ed Allen 6 Donahue 7, 57, 10 9:30 Card Sharks 7D, 4D Mad Dash 11 100 Huntley Street 6, 8 What's Cooking 13 10:00 Fitness Break 3, 10 Phil Donahue 7D, 4D Facts of Life 5D Micromagic 57 Trivia Company 13 Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 10:15 The Friendly Giant 5, 3,10 • 10:30 NOTE: Mon. Only, ' Film Special 57 Sale of the Century 5D Citypulse Tonight 57 Be My Guest 13 Bonnie Prudden 6 , Frightenstein 10' Mr. Dressup 8, 3, 5 11:00 Celebrity Family Feud Special, 7 Harrigan 3 Sesame Street 5, 8 Guess What 13 The Price Is Right 7D, 4D - ----- - Wheel of .Fortune 5D Cherington 11 Celebrity Cooks 6 11:30 Definition 13 Scrabble 5D. That's Life 6 My Three Sons 3 Mr. Dressup 10 Loving 57, 7 Thurs., Aug. 23 AFTERNOON 12:00 Cool McCool 10 Terrytunes 8 News 6, 7D, 5D, 4D, 7 Batman 57 Flintstones 13 Barbara McLeod 5 Beaver 3 12:25 Agri-Ne;ws 13 12:30 The Young and the Restless 7D, 4D Tattletales 13 Super Pay Cards 11 News 10, 8,' 3 All in the Family 5 Ryans Hope 7, 57 1:00 All My Children 7, 5, 6, 3, 10 Don Harron Show 13 Citylights 57 Let's Make, a Deal 6 Days of Our Lives 5D, 11 1:30 Galloping Gourmet 57 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 6 2:00 One Life to Live 11, 7 Laverne & Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 Wok with Yan 8, 5, 3, 10 2:30 It's Your Move 6 Capitol 7D, 4D City Life 57 Coronation Street 5 Do It for Yourself 8 Niagara Repertory 3 20 Minute Workout 10 3:00 More Real People 5D Santa Barbara 11 Quincy 57 Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 General Hospital 13, 7 'Canadian Reflections 5, 10 Three's 'Company 8 DO It For Yourself 3 3:30 All in the Family 3 Carol Burnett 8 Good Times 5D 4:00 The Young and Restless 11 Those Amazing Animals 13 Jeffersons 5D Hercules 6, Charlie's Angels 7D, 4D 20 Minute Workout 57 Do It For Yourself 5 Beverly Hillbillies 8, 3 All in the Family 10 Love Boat 7 4:30 Jeffersons 10 Green Acres 3 One Day At A Time 8 Coming Up Rosie 5 Toronto Rocks 57 Gilligan's Island 6 All in the Family 5D 5:00 Wheel of Fortune 13 Charlie's Angels 6 Family. Feud 7D, 4D Barney Miller 5D . • The Price Is Right 57, '8,10 Happy Days 5- - Three's Company 3 Eight is Enough 11 Jeffersons 5:30 Three's Company 5. W.K.R,P. .13,7 News 3, 7, 4D, 5D EVENING ' 6:00 News 13, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 5 Citypulse 57 Ripley's 3 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Love Connection 7D, 4» Joker's Wild 5D SCTV 57 One Day At A Time 10 That's Life 6 Entertainment Tonight 11 F,ame 5 Remington Steele 8 Cagney and Lacey 3 Family Feud 13 Wheel of Fortune 7 7:30 Family Feud 7 Littlest Hobo 13 " Three's Company 10 MASH 57 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D,4D 4%ts More Real People 6 Backstage 11 8:00 Gimme a Break 5D Movies "The Great Lie" 10; "Helier Skelter" (Cond.) 57 • More Real People 6 Magnum P.1. 7D, 4D The Great Debate 11 The Challenge: The ' America's Cup '83 5 Hardcastle and Mc- Cormick 8, 3 Magnum' RI. 13 20/20 7 8:30 One Day ata Time 6 Family Ties 5D 9:00 Simon and Simon 7D, 4D, 11 Wintario, 6 Cheers ,5D Hill Street 13lues 8 Live It Up 13 Remington Steele 3 Republican Conven- . tion Coverage 7 9:30 Bizarre 13 In ,Those Days It Was Glamour 5 Night Court 5D, 6 10:00 Hill Street Blues 5D, 11 Citypulse Tonight 57 Knot's Landing 7D, 4D Dick Clark Salutes Charlie Daniels 6 National 5, 8, 3,, 10 Falcon Crest 13 10:20 The Journal 3, 5, 8, 40 11:00 20 Minute Workout 57 The National Update 5 News 11, 7D, 4D, 5D, 6, 13, 8, 3, 10, 7 11 : 05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Sportsline 6 Movies "The Wreck- ing Crew" 57; "A Nightwatch" 8 Good Rockin' Tonite 5 Entertainment Tonight 3 News 7 Keep it in the Family 10 Tonight Snow 5D" Taxi 7D, 4D Family Brown 11 12:00 Movies "Murphy's War" 6; "Desperate Mission" 11; "To Kill a Cop" (Pt. 1) 13 I Love Lucy 3 Kojak 10 Mery Griffin 7 Soap 7D, 4D 12:30 Entertainment Tonight 5D Maude 7D, 4D Night Chapparral 3 Highlights 5 1:00 Eye on Hollywood 7 Marcus Welby, M.D. 7D, 4D Thicke of the Night 5D 1:30 News 7 Phil Silvers 3 2:00 Nightwatch 7D, 4D, 13 Dr, Kildare 3 Hawaii Five -0 11 2:30 Movie 'TBA" 5D 3:00 Lost in Space 3 The Dick Van Dyke Show 11 4:00 Movie "Rio Grande" 3 4:30 Lone Ranger 5D 5:00 Sergeant Preston 5D Fri., Aug. 24 AFTERNOON 12:00 -News 6;-7D-; 413, 51),-7 Batman 57 Flintstones 13 Terrytunes 10 Charlie Brown 8 Beaver 3 Barbara McLeod 5 12:25 Agri -News 13 .12:30 Tattletales 13 The Young and the Restless 7D, 41) News 10, 8, '3 Super Pay Cards 11 All' in the Family 5 Ryans Hope 57, 7 1:00 All My Children 7, 5, 8, 3, 10 Don Harron Show 13 ‘Q, Citylights 57 Let's Make a peal 6 Days of Our Lives 11,- 5D 1:30 As the World Turns 7D, 4D, 6 Galloping Gourmet 57 2:00 Laverne and Shirley 57 Another World 5D, 13 One Life to Live 11, 7 Wok with Yan 5, 8, 3, 10 2:30 City Life 57 It's Your Move 6 Capitol 7D, 4D Coronation Street 5 Do It For Yourself 8 Niagara Repertory 3 20 Minute Workout 10 3:00 More Real People 5D Guiding Light 7D, 4D, 6 Quincy 57 General Hospital 13, 7 Santa Barbara 11 Canadian Reflections 5, 10 Three's Company 8 Do It For Yourself 3 3:30 All in the Family 3 Carol Burnett 8 Good Times 5D 4:00 Those Amazing Animals 13 /Charlie's Angels 7D, Hercules 6 The Young and the . Restless 11 Jeffersons 51) 20 Minute Workout 57 _.Do It For Yourself 5 Beverly Hillbillies 8, 3 All in the Family 10 Love Boat 7 4:30 Jeffersons 10 Green Acres 3 One Day At A Time 8 The Amateur Naturalist 5 Gilligan's Island 6 All M the Family 5D Toronto Rocks 57 5:00 The Price Is - Right 57, 8, 10 Wheel of Fortune 13 Family Feud 7D, 41) Barney Miller 5D Charlie's Angels 6 Reliving the agony and anguish that Patricia Neal, through Glenda Jackson, experienced after her debilitating stroke back in the 1960s must have made everyone aware of the many gifts we take for granted, the simple joy of being able to tie one's shoes, walk without pain or tell the children a bedtime story. Last week on Channel 11, Hamilton, and Channel 2, Detroit, the story of this remarkable lady was told in a two-hour special that depicted not only the strength and determination of this fighter but the dedication and support of her family, particularly her husband, writer Roald Dahl. Patricia Neal suffered this horrible indignity while she was working on a film in Hollywood. It struck with such force that she was near death for days, lying in a coma after brain surgery. But faithful Roald was determined she would live and be 100 per cent again. He talked to her, screamed at her and slapped her, trying to shock her back to life. Almost at the end of his rope, he was reading a newspaper story about her and calling a journalist an idiot for calling him Ronald, when he saw the paper move. Beneath it, there was life in her fingers. And Roald says joyfully, "She's going to LIVE!", though the doctor adds, "I don't know whether you'll thank me." What follows are years of pure hell, stunningly por- trayed by Glenda Jackson, for although Neal was born in Tennessee it was in England that she rose to • stardom and she spoke the Queen's English beautifully. Jackson makes the audience share the agony - her first attempts at going downstairs on her posterior her frustration at getting out the word "sugar" and being denied it until she finally blurts it out with a great deal of effort.. .her tears when she falters through a bedtime story and is told by her son that he'd rather have Daddy read to him. She wanted to die. .and might have, had not this sensitive man helped her fight. Neal was a few months pregnant when she was struck by the stroke but she gave birth to a normal healthy baby. Her new son and two other stricken children, a daughter Olivia who is retarded and a son Theo who suffered brain damage as a baby when he was involved in a car ac- cident, made the actress fight more than ever. Dirk Bogarde in the role of her husband also gives an out- standing performance. His strength only becomes stronger in the face of her weakness and, cruel and unrelenting as he may seem at times, it is always for her benefit and out of love for her. In the late 60s, Neal came back to Hollywood to star in her first film since the stroke, "The Subject Was Roses", and she won an Acadamy Award for her performance. She was acted in several films since then and has founded rehabilita- tion centres around the world where she often works, helping and encouraging others who are trying to fight back. Though left with weakness on the right side, she remains the classic beauty she once was and glows with inner beauty that comes with the love of life, which she once came desperately close to losing. Happy Days 5 Three's Company 3 Eight is Enough 11 Jeffersons 7 5:30 Three's Company 5 W.K.R.P. 13, 7 News 3, 7D, 4D, 5D EVENING t :00 Citypulse 57 News 11, 6, 7, 8, 5, 10, 13 TBA 3 6:30 News 7, 7D, 4D, 5D 7:00 Love Connection 7D, 4D Joker's Wild 5D SCTV 57 One Day At A Time 10 Entertainment Tonight 11 That's Life 6 Simon & Simon 3 Happy Days 5 Trapper John M.D. 8 Family Feud 13 Wheel of Fortune 7 7:30 Family Feud 7 Circus 13 Three's Company 10 This Week in Ontario 5 MASH 57 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 11 More Real People 6 Wheel of Fortune 5D PM Magazine Detroit 7D,4D. 8:00 The Master 5D Comedy Zone 6 • ' Movie "Hail, Hero" 57 Dukes of Hazzard 7D, 4D, 13 Family Ties 11 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 5 Simon and Simon 8 .The A Team 3 T. J. Hooker 10 Benson 7 8:30- Webster 11, 7 9:00 Dallas 7D,4D, 5, 8, 3, 10 Movies "McCloud: Three Guns for New York" 6; "TBA" 11 Classics Dark and Dangerous 13 Blue Thunder 7 9:30 CFL Football • .(Hamiltonat Edmon- ton) 13 10:00 Matt Houston 7 National 5, 8, 3, 10 Citypulse Tonight 57 Falcon Crest 7D, 413 10:20 Journal 5, 8, 3, 10 11 : 00 News 7D, 4D, 5D, 6, 11, 5, 3, 8, 10, 7 20 Minute Workout 57 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:30 Family Brown 11 Entertainment Tonight 3 Taxi 7D, 4D Tonight Show 5D Movies "The Clones" 8; "The Delicate Delinquent" 10; "Adam at 6 a.m." 57 Sportsline 6 Backstage Pass 5 Nightline 7 12:00 Movies "Kelly's )Heroes" 3; "The Jerk" 11 Worldvision: Children Caughti6 in Crossfire Mery Griffin 7 D 12:30 SNoe awl) s 1D3 4 The Best of the Mid- night Specials 5 Entertainment Tonight 5D ' Maude 4D, 7D 12:50 Ontario Report 13 1:00 Marcus Welby,- M.D. 713, 4D ABC Rocks 7 4, Movie "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" 6 Thicke -of the Night -- 5D , 1:30 Movies "Abotit Mrs. Leslie" 5; "To Kill a Cor°(Pt. 2) 13 Citylimits 57 News 7 2:00 Hawaii Five -0 11 Movies "TBA" 7D, 4D 2-:30 Movie "TBA" 51) 3:00 I Spy 3 The' Dick Van..Dyke Show 11 3:30 Highlights 5 Movie "Double In- demnity" 13 4:00 Movies "TBA" 7D, 413; "Children's Hour" 3' 4:30 The Lone Ranger 5D 5:00 Sergeant Preston 5D The Waltons 13 Movies on Channel 57 Movies on Channel 7 SATURDAY, 11:30 P.M. -100 Lap WE HERO". Stars MiOhael Caine, Cliff Robertson, Henry Fonda. Briti01140M- bat pitrol, sent to destroy a Japanese radio site, finds a large cache of enemy planes and is chased by the Japan- ese through the jungle. Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"A NIGHTWATCH". Starring Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Billie Whitelaw. Mid- dle;aged woman plagued by memories of her first hus- band's infidelity takes her revenge on her second husband. FRIDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE CLONES". Starring Michael Greene, Gregory Sierra, Otis Young. A doctor is horrified to discover that a diabolical genetic scientist has created a clone, an exact duplicate of the doctor, who is designed to replace him. But the clone and the doctor attempt to save themselves by destroying the scientist first. MONDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE BOOK OF NUMBERS". Stars Raymond St. Jacques, Freda Payne, Philip Thomas. The adventures of two benevolent entrepreneurs who bring the tunnis game to the greatful population of El Dorado, Arkansas sometime during the 1930s. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"FLATFOOT". Starring Bud Spencer. An international drug ring is trying to take over the city. They are a new breed of gangsters, ruthless, cold- blooded, mercenary, pushing their wares among the city's schools. Flatfoot suspects a leak in the police department with this new underworld and takes action on his own. WEDNESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"JIGSAW". Starring Harry Cipardino, Bradford Dillman, Michael J. Pollard. Scientist and private detective join forces to discover the disappear- ance of a dead girl seen by the scientist as he recovered from a "trip" after he was slipped some LSD laced sugar cubes by an ambitious, ruthless co-worker eager to take over his job. THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M.-"HELTER SKELTER". Starring • George DiCenzo, Steve Railsback, Nancy Wolfe. The story of the brutal slaying of Sharon Tate and her four house - guests, and the investigation that followed, leading to the discovery of the Manson Cult. Conclusion. THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE WRECKING CREW". Star- ring Dean Martin, Elke Sommer, Sharon Tate. Secret agent Matt Helm is after stolen gold which has been hi- jacked and if it is not returned within 48 hours the world market will suffer. FRIDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"HAIL, HERO", Starring Michael Douglas, Arthur Kennedy, Teresa Wright. An idealistic young man, scorned by his family for his rebellious anti- war activities, surprises them when he inexplicably de- cides to join the army. FRIDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"ADAM AT 6 A.M.". Starring Michael Douglas, L'ee Purcell, Joe Don Baker. A young California college professor returns to his family roots in the Midwest to spend the summer working as a manual laborer. SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. -"IT'S A BIKINI WORLD". Starring Deborah Walley, Tommy Kirk, Bob Pickett. A conceited surfer assumes a double life as his own shy brother to get the new girl in town. SUNDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"MY DEAR FATHER". Starring Victoria Gassman. An Italian industrialist does business in Canada while his son is involved with the terrorist group the Red Brigade. MONDAY, 8:00 P.M.-"DOUX AVEUX". Starring Helene Loisoelle, Marcel Sabourin, Genevieve Bussard. The story of a widowed grandmother and her granddaughter, and their strange relationship with a grandfather and his grandson. MONDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE RED SHOES". Starring Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring. The beautiful, perceptive story of a young ballerina and a neo- phyte composer being taken under the wing of an impresa- rio. TUESDAY, 8:00 P.M, -"BELL JAR". Starring Marilyn Has- sett, Julie Harris, Anne Jackson. A seemingly well adjust- ed college student who suddenly finds the world an alien place. He withdraws from life and has a nervous break- down. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE FABULOUS DORSEYS". Starring Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey and Their Orchestras. The life of the battling Dorsey brothers, with swingdoms top musicians, and their feud and reconciliation. WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"ASH WEDNESDAY". Starring Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Fonda, Helmut Berger. An aging woman undergoes a facelift and massive body sculpture after she discovers her husband is having an affair. She re- cuperates at a posh ski resort and has an affair with young man. WEDNESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"CRY OP THE PENGUINS". Starring Hayley Mills, John Hurt. A philanderer biologist seeking -to impress a girl ventures into the wild Antarctic. Studying penguins in the ice packed desolation, he finds his true self. ' Harriston Motors Ltd. SUMMER SALE 1983 CELEBRITY 4 door, 4 cyl.., auto., only 20,000 km., super '8,950 clean 1983 'CAMARO $9,750 4 cyl.,,4 speed, tilt, nicely dressed 1983 OLDS 88 ROYALE $13,500 4 door, air, cruise, 23,000 km 1982 CUTLASS BROUGHAM $10,200 2 door, V6, auto., air, cruise 1982 CUTLASS BROUGHAM 81 0,400 4 door, V6, auto air, cruise, power seat . 1982 OLDS 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM_1 0 90-.. 2 door, sun roof, well equipped 1182. CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE 4 door, fully equipped, low mileage 9 1982 GRANADA SQUIRE WAGON $7 600 V6, auto., tilt, rear wiper 9 . 1981 GRAND LE MANS $7 600 2 dobr, buckets, console, rally wheels .-. . 9 • 1981 OLDS 88 *ROYALE' 4 door, air, cruise, power door looks . 9 1981 PARISIENNE BROUGHAM.'$8 900 4 door, air, power windows and locks 1981 BUICK LE. SABRE 4 door, air, cruise, power seat, windows and • locks • • 1981 OLDS 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM 4 door, fully equipped 1981 PARISIENNE BROUGHAM 4 door, air, cruise, AM/FM/cassette ' 1981' IMPALA WAGON Cruise 1981. DODGE ST. REGIS , • 4 door, Ideal police cruiser 1980 BEUVILLE VAN 12 passenger, air, cruise, tilt 1980 OLDS 88 ROYALE 4 door, air, power windows 1980 CITATION 4 door, auto., clean 1980 HONDA 2 door, H/B, 4 cyt.. 4 speed ..... 1980 IMPALA WAGON • Two tone, clean wagon 1980 OLDS 88 ROYALE .4 door, cruise, two tone ... 1979 OLDS 88 ROYALE 4 door ... 1979 GRANDE MAR .... 4 door 1979 BELAIR 4 door 1979 FORD LTD. 4 door, low mileage . 1979 PONTIAC 4 door 1979 CHEVETTE 4 door 1979 MARQUIS 2 doot, low mileage 1979 CARAVELLE 2 door, 6 cyl. . ... 1979 OLDS 98 REGENCY 2 door, fully equipped . .. . 1979 OLDS 88 ROYALE 4 door . .... . 1978 CAMARO 2 door, sporty number .. 1978 VOLARE 4 door, 6 cyl., economy 1978 ASPEN SE 2 door, 6 cyl., sharp 1978 PHOENIX 4 door, low mileage, V6 1977 CHEV PICKUP 8 cyl., standard solid body 1977 BUICK;REGAL 4 door 1977'. CUTLASS 'S' 4 door, air .. . - 1977, ASTRE 2 door, 4 cyl., economy ...... 1975 MALIBU 4 door, 6 cyl. 1973 PLYMOUTH WAGON Super condition, low mileage ... $15900 $7 800 ... $8,900 $9,400 $8,900 $6,500 $5,800 $8,600 $7,200 $4,600 $31900 $5,300 $6,800 $5,500 $4,500 $4,800 $4,100 $4,800 $3,650 $4,500 $4,200 $6,600 $5,500 $4,600 $2,900 $3,200 $3,600 $3,000 $2,200 2,600 $2,200 $1,900 $2,000 OLDSMOBILE 235 Elora St. Harriston Phone 338-2017