HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-11-22, Page 1aIFTY-FIRST, YEAR No.` 2556 EXETER, ONT.. THURSDAY 'MORNING, NOVEMBER 22nd., 1928 7 '�'� �c _ . I11iIIIfIIf111tfI1�MIi1ti��11I�tIIII1�1�11�1{6�{i{It{IIlIUIiIII�I{!IIlI�IIIII�I �..' .i �l�;llp�l�,�li�illlllill�lllllllllllll{IIII111fI��il�ifllllllilliill� I —� mpiete 0 �4 oo h.ristrnas Onlow- of Christmas ,merchandise is now nearly complete and Our stock la for •your inspection. ' We have an immense stock of useful on display Y Band- • a Neck Scarfs'for Ladies and Men, Ties gifts to select from, such s ,bags, Handkerchiefs, Bath•Robes and laimones, Fur Sets,. etc. etc. ' ome,_ complete. `.'n, .rt+,fi`..1 la,,.,,.-• „��,'..: early •while the stocl.s are }�l :. t,,,•„ , (�° t _ , I� 1,1 11 , rr Ladies and Misses Burberry Coats `• t; -19.0.0 fit' �� �� � • se "extra heavy Cloth Coats in 73urberry style, good : Laidler and Mis s ,,loring` of Heather and Lovat, etc.only a few to sell • at the very special rk, nieke',of $19,00 each. Clearing " Sale of Dresses on. sale this week a number of Ladies' and Misses' We are placing in Ser es' and Tricotines. These are odd lines good quality Cloth Dresses Serges les. To clear; at greatly reduced prices. andgods sizes but ` o y :-.. '•1:.Underwea at Men's -.� ll �Oo 1�. 50 a garrnent 7 Dozen Men's all Wool Ribbed Shirts and ewers,; sizes 3:6 to 42,: a real bargain at $1:50 a garinent.` . � Remnants at:1.00 per Yard 511k We still have a number of silk remnants;,woith!up„to •:$3,00 a yard. to clear at $1,06 a yard. ,a —R' member we are clearing all our Fur Sets .:at, exactly half price.: 1'URS e GOA 4.04 en Poplar. Overcoats 0 V • d 00 1. o is Coats; made of the.sanie cloth as the Mens, Ouir`Slna11 Boys'Lo i are low-. 5 , b ._ The` prices , .,•.� treats are linses - t w y qua , loomer its i�6✓W�� r ed -3 dozen New Styles Smart Tweed and Worsted Suits stere• Just i �-heinew style fancy back Suits, just the' kind your boy will for Boys. T :• want. PI'IONE 32. reg 0 ® Cb EXETER COUNCIL WednestlaYO Nov*, i th, 1923 9 A meeting, of the Conn tl held, in the ofL Ce•of the ellen:: with al.1 the members preslent. Preateus minutes ,approved,' A circular letter from the Canadian Good PoadJ A ss'n was o dered Similar disposalvie ' fr 1 ed. made of alet- ter freer'l)arline Brea% ,re, sewage `ejec- d s, S. A. Stoth�ers Ayr, room in t1ie tors an puinpl A• lattter frotu , e 12:ep , Clinton,� r3';uae 6.f. a j Town AA 11 for - class's” Appr'o'ved: g f the Saivatitcrn 'Arm nvt4 ted ixrx true G irrrcil, thaalkiarg ..Y,. q. e .o lrh T a 1 f s e � avvn 1 .®I �•rt�lvuit 1� �- them fol , ' 4 t1] 't the vv re securin '- auii advasans a Y, g over Southc�tC Brbs' �stope and wsltccl four tela lararcv ,af tit's .hours .�.. tlr'1t weir1., stn nits alni the LiUrary. tll,e�ll,all for any tprzrp{cr!s!e. N 2 5 fi'7 f 1913 ' d y coa d,� ed d a Ensign to:v�vera,s. o . re roi0ms• _ The --- tbat vee aarormned Mir, , Stevens gist mo ion. 'tea. o¢r. 1t�iie ntinirte' boot# pro a &. the chairs from. tl 1 d 1' d B5 tares ol. ; a as. au for ie ' n ere ag2t 't i r an given the , s'ecoad aiuc hili re• c in ; an 11tLlly' •p¢tssied. :. T1ve f°143.1-- lecarints were .•paid- , f Griibg Stationery Co.,; supplu..s, 3,20; r, sting, ru,r igators 48.31 j, ,o, E. Di'gnen, small Ivasek 65c , Mrs. Yee) pants, 45c.; J,ohr). Parao'<is,'tabor,-1500; R, E: (Davis, team lah'or 2,.50: •P..t'er Coleman; da., 24.75 ; F: W. :Bawd n, do:, 5.50' Thos. ,Coeitiell,. .labor 2.3,e0"; Thos; Sanders, lobo', 15.00; C lyric Heywood, xl..arn labor, 41,25 ; Harv,ey. ,Bros„ dos, 16",50; `Fred, Gorninh, do., 16`5 ; �d0 ; ' Thos. Houldeno,, 13.75 ; Rd tluance, labor 13.00;, W.. J. Statham; peAdals, j. '50byc. Fran- cis. os. Senor, Clerk. MOM s STEPHEN" COUNCIL TJac-Couaci1 oto the ',1'bwnsbip of Sce,phr'n met"',im•t�lre Tavvn Hall, Credi- ton, oat. Monday, Nays 5, ,at 1 p.in. 9.l1 members vv ere. Present. VI nates of brieloue meeting \vse read and adopt- Mamaed. River's butcher shop window. Mr, • '::'eluate-lelayec='liter a grant of $30 Kernick's deer which was the largest .= giving eiv°t1 to mee'tc 'expense' incurred, rel of the three arm -veal this week. The = �•` ;' err tlfe short ;canis e in Agriculture vivp-se men returned hone: Monday 'having u Axel r to .aider to instruct, 'puipnh 1from this -township and we aoutd had a great outing; of Stephen, ca Mr Preston Dearing, who recently fractured his f leg, e gr . e �. is able to be around by •the aid ofRAL crutches, His friends were pleased 1 to see him in town on Tuesday, g Brigadier -General King and 'sever- al of his staff Motored up teem Lon- ' don on Wednesday of last week, and inspected the recuits who have been Pearl bead Necklets drilling under the compared of Maj- e en sol Necklets set itl;i or 1•Ieaman. The boys were put through. a number of manoeuvres,:, Tourboline and Perls $10 and were complimented for the man- Suppe as above with Yellow Gold $8.50. I3ARGAIN in XMAS GIFTS Regular Price Sale Pr $10 ante $12 nr•e in • which they were carried out:, and also fol'" their smart appearance. Word has been received et the death of Clifford Treble, aged - 17 -years and 3' months, son of, Mr. and ales. John ;Treble, formerly of Exe- ter. The young man was thrown. from h.is • horse while rounding up cattle. on their' farm near; Fillmore, Sask., on Oct. 2lst and died :36 hours,later, never regaining consciousness. ' The w deceased is a.nephe" of Mr.` Morgan. of Exeter. The Ladies' Aid of Cavell Presby- terian church held a most successful , chicken pie supper on Thursday sy ening . o f last 'week. The ladies P ro 'aided a very sumptuous repast, the tables being. weighted down with their abundance of good things co eat A drizzling rain was falling at the time and no douht kept'a num- ber away who ;otherwise would have been present.' Tao ptuceeds were very gratifying and an>.oun:a'1 to oyer $13'5.0 0.' The three hunters who were in the north woods ':after big game were each successful in landing a deer. The shooters were John Hunter, J„ alIfin and Beyt, i tin Remick. l ck The deer shot by tlae, two former arrived. in town on Thursday, of last -week and were on exhibition for a time in Noma arms ummom .aa. VOIPIt . t I � 1EIIiiiIL1 6 � IIIII��I ,I I IIIfIIII II I t i.IIiI�II�I III�I�IIIIII�I �� I� iIIIIiIIiI , ' L.• IIIlIIIIIIIIIII6(IIIII�II.III��IiII��II��1fi ����illlli �.�; IIlIiI�IIIiIIIi�iIIIIIIII ardw G�.I11.�.g1. SHardware. • i. Leak? sse? - i• Special Roofing Prices TOR :THIS :WEEK 1 ply Roofing $1.85 per 'square 1 ply Roofing',$2.50 per square ., 2 ply Roofing $3.00 per square PariodaRoofing 4.00. n>t 25c R00 fire e : Gem , Roofing rf➢.C1�.$ 1,50. :` e G Si. Paint Roofing Plastic Cement 45c. • r,J SPECIAL SHtfRLEY AND DETRICT MAKE, GUARAN- TEED $2,00. Get your reserved seat at Howeys' Drug store for the Spinsters' Return next Wednesday night. "You will pe sorry, if you don't. The Mission Circle of Main St. 1VIethodist church will hold a Bazaar • a on.Sat'y Nov. 24th, at 3 o'clock, in l the Towit: flail. Fancy, art+cles and home-made cooking for sale: Lunch will also be served. ; reccome,nd that the • Agricultural Rep- : A heavy fog 'enveloped the come niunity. on Wednesday evening of last esentative.for Huron make• a dernancl, on the Government ;try futere' for pay:. meat ot tlea e. expenses :instead ,of ask- ing nlurucipal councils tocontribute; And that, a furthea ,grant of $10 be' made,.; to three ,Exeter Dstrnct Play-' ng Associations.-Carrued, Thefollowing orders were passed: Albert Ke s, .Coni. ,$5.3Q; Ed. Fahner, draav_'ng . gravel,''555.25 ; Dr. .,.W illiarns ac. A1ina . W hams, 519..50 ; D. MC- a•'e, Isaac, tile,•$18 i17 erred $16.66 ; A. Por - ,i, r.. Execi tae,,, .i 53 ; t3-. Eccie ton,;• taxies reLS9:S4-obt. Car,ruther-,: ut , r.i.2. 3V s gravel, •calor, o• � I�eSL , 8 acro T. week and again on Thursday even- ing, making motoringmore or less unpleasant and hazardous. u Some- , to s. me - 1 • time during Thursday -night an auto- mobile tailed to melee the turn a- bout a' mile south of Centralia and taking. 'to the ditch struck a tele- phone :pole, bieakiug'it off:"' The car crossed the small creeck and came up cyto` the road an the opposite,sicte r" itC •ourney:- and; :Gari�Linll4d 0 i, Y 5123.50;.'N. Beaver, ;ravel, .'523.25; -A-quiet '•autlilsin wedding took John Louie,':rep. drain, $1a;•.iel,'Baker place ill Stratford on. Saturday. Nov. and others, el-ad,;nee $lb, W. Rabin 10th, when Margaret Louise, daugb- e ser. 1 ri, bBoles and ". Frank thelate MY. '4V m, o s son. grav�e,i; x,1,,35,; ter•v.ot. a labor„ X23 ; H. .Apple„ton, WO -'w $ 5 _. T,Rrs. Boles, was united in marriage John Bell, trip. cuLveit, $20; Rags 1aY. to Jarues William only son of. the late toe Columber, $2.25 ;` Frank Ram'Dr. T. A. Amos 'and Mrs. Amos' of erasp, Tp. level 545.0 , U. Swett?- Exeter. The young couple will •re- er• 'le arid, labor, 584.,40 •, C. Wi.lsoq>,, cantract,;�Sh6pka dratin, abs; '5, B. side in Windsor as 1VIr. Amos is in Stotl,.eas;,grant agr. 'course, $30; Ed. the office . of .the. Forel Motor Coln- 'abapton,: grant to Lxetir.plowiag Asa.• ,pang, of ,Walkerviile; Will''s"'many, $lU Hun -t . Webb, statute" labor, $3.'friends in Exeter- will' johe with The The Couaci• t.dau ilea to me`et aga,nTones in etteildiiYg congratulations, ” dui; 'Iowa I-Iall, Dec. 3, :at 1, peat Henry Eitber, Clerk. l while• The Ladies of the Ctomai`ty W. M. S., will put on a' pageant in the Thames Road •Church -on ` Tuesday ening : November 27th, ' under the eve g,,• '.;� '1uspiceso the 'realties Road cl urch. 'Thie,”`n pageant 'eant has'been, give' ,on' , .• Z bee "w'c 1l c occasions and las it • o cos 'other c 0 .re ceided and we -.anticipate a 'pleas- ant, profitable and social evening, as we have other good numbers which includes some talent from Exeter, the' Misses Southcott and Harveye who will 'give two musical selections. Light refeshniehts will be served. yy Admission 35c and 2.Oc. Program to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. LA.RG.c AI/um—norm T.. KETTLE, LOW l 7 •, I. hICES•.['O a �:JICI SALE,' $2.75 • Grade xes $1.50 e , �•''��-vs �P17 Ci°Ji. Saws Diamond � Guaranteed 0 ! 7 ,aman A LOCALS 'Mrs. Clarise Snell, of IJsborlle, un- derwent , an operation at `Victoria hospital; London, on Monday and is getting' along nicely Mrs, Geo. ' Walker, of Stephen, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Rick'd Penhale, of Toronto, The, latter has riot been well. and is neater the doe Gents Guff Links in Velvet Case, pr. $4 Gents Watch Fobs (Gold Filled) $6 j Gemts Black PRibbon�.obs (Gold Filled Mounts) $2.75 Solid Gold Bar Pin setWith; real Pearl $6 Solid Gold Brooches With real Pearl $10 .. Sterling Silvei..Bar Pins set with ]Brilliants These Goods are GoingFast $6 $5 IA 2 $3.50 1.75 $3:56 CO $1.50 $1' Da ort nit not LooseYouro S.Fitton Registered., Optometrist Wepayspecial attention to the testing and fitting off p Children's sight. Viessre Byron Hicks, of Centralia and Alf. Paul, of Kirkton, are exhib- iting a number of choice cattle at the. Royal Winter' ,Fair, Toronto, this. week. Included in the lot are a number of baby"b-ayes.'; Mr. Robt, Rowcliffe will have charge of the animals while in. ,Toronto. He left last Friday -for` that -city_ A fire on Satiuday afternoon at 4 'o'clock destroyed the large grist unIl at Staffa., which 'has• been used for Some time by Mr. Robt. Sadler as a chopping mill. The' mill, was i fire running' at the time, and the fix e supposed to have originated_ from an oil engine, which backfired and which had been' a source of trouble since it was installed, two years,:ago. A large `stable and garage; close to the mill, • O p heatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 and 24 John arry or merica's Greatest Dramatic Aet.or in the most thrilling-' role:o1 all fiction AND ALL-STAR . CAS'lF 1N ' SHERLOCK HOLMES" Story by Sir Conan Doyle iss.' At 'A picture you must not In last the world famous Sherlock Holmes, comes to the screen in a Y th-taking drama of. brilliant g b ��� t is ' end.e- undervv�^Id. It London's� ands:alsa•'o v'ned-by l'11..,;SadlexL we? e. , ..-. . _ . ,„, r fu1 and sweep- niablylire iii -„-..5,.- 71 1. burned to the ground. Outside of the i t urs of the eat dramatic y i p Ing. insurance, the loss will be 'about Q5>Oi)0. A sudden death took -place, in 1 ter on Nov. 15Th when Mrs. Susan Elliott, widow of the late John E1- liott, passed away at the. age of 78 Years,. The deceased had been in her accustomed health and vias a- round as usual the day previous. She was' taken ill Thursday morning ,aiid died a few hours later, death being due to, apoplexy. -The ••clepeased was born in York coun'ty Tier ntaaler name was Susan Windsor. She was united in •marriage to Mr, John El On Thursday morning est vee 1 lint and: about 36 years ago the fain Mr. I3 c1. Davis was ploviriisg Reeve ily- moved to Exeter. Mr. Elliott. died Beavers' garden one of the ehorses about 19 years ago. For a nilinlaer. stepped on the covering 'of- an ' old • o f years the deceased vvas a teacher'' well which. gave way. i4h•. Davis in, the rainier $t. Snnday Sclsool. •She was endeavoring '' to miss the well i tvvo clan titers. Tviiss rs strrvived l y g wlsen the bind feet of one of the an -Laura and Mrs. John lvalper. ,:rive ilnals went throughthe covering and sisters and three brothers also sur he animal went backward.f'orturs- wive: Mrs. Geo. Snell, of town, Mrs. vnot P and the a.tely. the well vas (Jeep- a C. Lewis; Miss L. Windsor, Mrs' A. horse's head. and front feet were a Brown and hlrs. W. T. Bruit, all of hove ground. A crowd was soon on London; George'Windsor, of town, the spot and a derrick from the rear•- and paries and 'Hiram VCrindscir, of ble shop was hastily erected. After Clandeboye• The funeral. private, was held oil` Saturday, interment in the Exeter cemetery. l' f1eCTO'iil-csROOKS air. Gordon. Welts,;, returned to a couple of hours the animal \\.k1 ndsor Tuesday evening after t 1escued little the worse for its es;:- Wl `spending a few- flays with Mrs. Wells 1erlence ."" ant daughter "at the hones oi,; 13e innilti� reset r ,, lay `evening, and inf g i 5 Mrs. rs:AS D aviswill VJames es Street Church taI 'a new, ^Tie,editor, of The 'iles is rate lde1arture into a series of ve ar in: - ful toalrir, Wood for, a.tineroastteresting services. Commereiiat A. pretty atttumn • wedding took; place at the' hone o f • of .1\1r. and Mre. Arthur its. Centralia, on- Wed-; Brno of venison:.. Mr, iti4p oc1 received "a sharseven o'clock there will be fit- . nesday, Nov. lath, tli; when their eld- tine Young elect rhes ha' hag son, TJr. tteen,minutes of col`imunit;y singing est daughter, Elva Iliay vvas tt. ite cl Clare Wood, of Sudbury. as part of the service. Between the in; marriage to Mr. Andrew Proctor; Donald Gladman, . son of lesson and the regular sermon tile adopted eon of, the Iate Mr, and: Mrs. easter ` - pastor will ga brief editorial ser- Thos. Proctor Belgrave. Promptly fLo, Lon- 1 give, r• Hall o - F. Glacli Mrs. 1,. N •."anl s Ml parte took - '•l bridal at - ., the lett , Idon, undei}vent an operation in that 1 mon on some lice up to-the-nfinute at two o'ciocl v 1 last and at present issue:" The subject 00 Sunday night their place ' under l prcitt,lj decor a- j. is5 on Saturday - will be' "The Convalescence of Rus- ted arch of evergreen and maple is getting along as well as can be es petted Mr. Reg. Elliott, of Norvriefk BORN S'L7211VA111'—In' "Csborne, on Friday, Nov. lathi, to lair. and Mrs. J. E1= filer Stewart, a son. WELLS—In Exeter, on Saturday, November 1`7,tli, to MT. and., Mrs, nalordnn Wells,' ar. daughter. 1t YVtV(70D -irr Exeter, on Monday; Nov. 19111, to Mr, mid '3'rrs. Ileetor l-leywood, a son. y P1100 t. l TT -7n Exeter, on '1'hui sdaY hLL. O Nov. 15th, Susan Windsor, widow of the Late Sohn Elliott, aged .78 ycar•S. 1'>11.TON- In 1VIidland, on Nov. 16, Miss ]Martha Fulton in her 75th. Year. it ENGAGEMENT r and 'ATM Geo. Dalrymple,' of 1`ucker•sliiitll, =u nounce the engage- t of their eldest ,daughter'; Susie rlren , Christina to Mr Lenwood R. Purdy, of Tuckersrllith, The marriage to take place in December. • has been aeperanuated as manager of the Molsoias bank. at, that;,place, 'ting with relatives in• Exeter. six." For the next four Sunday leaves', to the strains of LOhel,grlri's wedding march played by alas, 2'l art Powe, of London, sister of the bride; Tile bride who was givers away by her fattier, was charmingly attired in - gown of ivory desireis satin Witt nights there will be. a special series of sermons on "The Religious Faith of Great Men,"' beginning Sunday evening with "The Faith of Giad- zs . Dlliott`and falrliiy'are moving to Stone." Mr. Sunday last was Missionary Sun - The ;.' '• The Valdictoly atich ess given by • clay in the Methodist churches of f:Ire ivrr. Wan. Lawson at the High School Exeter' Distriet. A general exchange erieeiilent b',xeVciscs is, in type, of pulpits w'as al•ra,nged by theIpast- f.,015111i ,.,., .• tri e • of interest-. ors.' Iiev. 3 i' Manning, Suwra;spt,. of rife i,olrh,, ,a nu b i vv.iii to slloi•tage of "Miitinar5 clepartnent, •n Dx inggetrteernrs, witbutt o g space; we are tillable to tntbiidi then, eterssanti spoke in° the Jaanesi 1.. church in tile morning 011(1 in Main this .wee - itre. Gen, 'Coward received word St. 1h1.ii;C1 til the evening. Ids deliV her sister "ered two ver' eloquent sermons and last week of the death of y tl ul Miss Martha 1 Fulton, who ho died at:. Presented the missionarysionary question In Midlaudon 1'ov. 10th in her 75t11 such a, vvay ss to inlpress upon his was The deceased w s a. former 'hearer's the need of more money and resident of 'Exeter leav'in�5, here abort -mare Helpers to carry oil t1i worts. ears, aro. 'Rey. f . E. Clysdale occupied the five y � �. l i inthe evening and le :: James t. pulpit t z recent_ � 1 pg rec.� It • Iter who al iVlrs: Cecil ni rr_ preached a. very it ipiring' inission- le -enc erwent an operation for appen- dicitiS at Victoria t0epitai, tendon, ary 54r11�en Donnelly has sofar recoveredaas to be able to ''was aI a :t 11;111ll for the day. Rev. G. VJ'. 11,ivers preached at Centralia, < titutiorr a cl 9s -IG. t le.ivo that ins n , .,� . � l atin Y at the home of her brother, :kir.., Iu,i . 'CV, HHiteley was at IIOliniva lo, b { L •, � );t is e� ltiev. 'Livingstone wss at Grand Bend,, t she w It ,ret,ern to Iter, I'ev. Maines vvas at I-Ietls'lll and Rev pectecl that, i Crediton. , Ewart Powe iii one on. - 1 treated �xete_ patrop:S assts,. aging, t7, - l: eats res. A11aa1 T i in fern iio,�tIie bestp e London, is showing Sherlock 'Holmes - this week. " l ., u .,5 Children Adults c Admission, tri; "Read Click! And the Y picture is you�rvs- to keep. K. 05.50 1 Brow jes , , �•t,E Z(' r`r r do We.. our g-- r' ` •t, ]v7GO �..c y vee �. xi1� U •rout iill�ls. T�r;la� s � n fry tt, Photo Stu e. son and Mrs, Cleo, David, of Clielon; carried a shower liotrrlttet of ti•iclal Mr. and ;Mrs. a7. tell. Goderi.eb ,end elle Valley, J ,The friends from Wingh- m nett' r31yt u, poses and Lily'at: . y marriage service was eonducti d by the.brideee pastor, Rev.' W. Itilewley, of .: Centralia. Derieg the signing of the register and 'while corlgratela- tions were being- offered,. Meirdel-. ssohn's wedding march was played by aI s. Powo wlto P,.180 accompanied her. slater who sang sweetly "Vol' Yon Aloue.The guests werc'iilvited to the dieing -room where a dainty lun- cheon Wasservedand the `rooa'rr'was decorated l : pink and White, prettily: de le I 14 Tr, and Mrs. Proctor? lett 'later for a 'weddingtrip to Toronto and other. in' a ' away ,pciints; the bribe going shit of navy Ftreticb triootiale with r,,, liatf,o match. The guests lurn.Lered about severity and those fr0111 e:,. clitu tairce were Mrs, Duncan Anderson, ]itiee Mar Corley',. (sister' Frerson; 5 y of the graonL) Toronto, aria Srltr.s rl.teb`'alis Simr",oe; Mr, and ;Errs, ,1 iI- ` o n'le in Stephen y _i . Sinclair was at Crediton, r oil Fi.`irla. THAMES ROAD eleasles are quite pre,vale,rtt 111 tins Vicinity: The stork s>iiited °at the liozrt::; of 1\11. and Mrs. Elmer Stew31.1t 01. Fri- day iday last and left a little, eon, We are pleased to reaert thc.1 ,las. Gardiner is r•ecevc;ting .front Ion serious fall, Mrs, L. I3•. 311l/ .wood l+,;ret; 4 a few clays with nlrs. W. h1, auve1,1r?1 in Exeter. t w .t ri Mr. Leonard. Iin�ris .posit. a tli11"5 taut n ell, with flt, nt1S :1, 1..,li- er 101r air. sand 21t's" J. .C+tt'e, ;;1tcnr. 111 cTac' Vt: rt.i Ale. tiild it£rs. 1,., l• , Rr�u,,..ldialc. `t - 1�Iar'is ha;7 irt.c:li c1nt. l.. alr:.las. 1 k recovering nicely,.