HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-08-15, Page 21Crossroads—Aug. 15, 1984—Page 3 FOR SALE E VICE ECTORY LUCILLE'S ELECTROLYSIS featuring "THE BLEND" A modem, efficient form of permanent hair removal. Certified Elecfrologlst Confidential consultations at no charge. Private location. For appointment, call 3432261 ENBERRY Glass & Mirror • Glass & Mirror Cut to Size • Glass & Screen Repairs • Storm Doors & Windows • Replacement Windows • Aluminum Shutters • Sliding Mirror Doors • Thermal Insul Units • Glass Table Tops FREE ESTIMATES Calf 887-6460 Brussels When you need a special service in a hurry -giveone of these businesses a call today! FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FRESH roasting chickens, $1.25 per pound. Please call 848-6520. 15-29 RECONDITIONED appli- ances: Four 30" ranges; two automatic washers; four dryers; two dish washers; 30 -day full warranty and 90 - day, 50-50 Warranty. Phone 357-2450. Cal Burke Electric Ltd., 185 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. NEW Honey: Filling cus- tomers containers, $1 per lb. J. R. Fear Apiaries, RR 2, Wingham, phone 357-3656. 15-22 UNWANTED HAIR? Permanent hair removal by Electrolysis • Pr,Lvte Facility • Graduate Technician Free complementary con- sultation. Please call for an appoint- ment. UNISEX HAIRSTYLING 124 Davidson Ave., Listowel, Ont. Phone 291-2966 BEAM CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do•it-yourself installation • costs less than you think • 3 year warranty • Money•back guarantee DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, Hwy. 86 E. 698-2605 HITCHES INSTALLED FOR LESS while you wait at SAUDER'S CAMPING SERVICE Cedar St. W . St. Jacobs Monday to Friday 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 664-2633 B&G GENERAL CONTRACTORS • Framing , • Roofing • Sidjng • Dry Walling • Painting • Renovating Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Call 335-3362 MIXED seasoned firewood, mostly hardwood up to 16" cut. 12" 4' x 8' - $30. No de- livery, no Sunday sales. Phone 335-3763 Herman Oldengarm, RR 1, Gorrie. Aug.1-Oct.24 WEDDING supplies Pompons, plastic, available in yellow, pink, white and Tight blue; 41/2" white, silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also GUPct Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all other occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N Listowel. TF WESTEEL-ROSCO grain bins and feed tanks, aeration and unloading equipment. We will build your bin for you or supply the equipment to do it yourself. Call Huron Feeding Systems, Brussels 887-6289. 1,8,15,22 WESTSTEEL Rosco grain bins;-•aereton systems, M, dryers, grain handling systems, 3'/2" to 10" diameter utility augers. Jim Harkness Equipment Ltd., Highway 9 north, Harriston, Ont. Phone 338-2923. 12-7c CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE WORK WANTED MOTHER of one will baby- sit days in my home, Wel- lesley area. Could- arrange pickup and drop off. Please phone 699-4474. WILL DO relief milking and any type of farm work. Experienced. Call Ralph Van da Wal 343-5342 between 3 - 9:30 p.m. or 291-2074 any- time and leave message. 20,4,18,1,15 1976 FORD LTD, 2 -door, new paint, new exhaust, .certi- fied, $1600. Phone 291-2054 after 4 p.m. 1978 VOLARE wagon, power steering, power brakes, oiled yearly, excellent condition, will certify. Phone 335.6156. 1977 HONDA CVCC, 5 speed, excellent mileage, no rust, black with red trim, $1850. Phone 291-3305. 1, 8, 15 HELP WANTED RELIABLE baby sitter, starting Sept. 1, full-time for two pre-schoolers, age 2 years and 3 months. Phone Brussels, 887-6943 after 5 p.m. - PERSON wanted for hog and cash crop farm. Must be me- chancially inclined. Send resume to Double C Farms, RR 3, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1HO. 8-15 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, VANS AND 4X4e 6, 1983 Chevrolets. 18, 1980-82 Fords, Plymouths and Chevrolets. 5, 1979- 82 Fairmonls, Malibus and Volares. 5, 1978 and 79 station wagons. 2. '1979 Dodge vans. 2, 1979 Ram - charger 4x4s. 8, 1977-80 '/a, y ton pickups. 6, 1976-80 Club and Crew cabs. 9, 1970-77 4 ton dumps and cab and chas- sis. 2, 1977 4x4 pickups; 1, 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker. 1, "3500" Ford Industrial, Tractor with loader; 1, 3 -axle Tag -Along trailer. 9 van bodies, utility bodies, caps and racks. Mighton's Car Sales, 0 miles east of Hanover or 4 miles west of Durham on Hwy. 4. 1-369-3136. SERVICES PORTABLE sandblasting. We do brick, concrete, equipment, barns, etc. Removes dirt, paint and rust. Free estimates. Phone White's Sandblasting, Wrox- eter 335-3452 anytime. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MORTGAGES -nadae lhaek Authorized Soles Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton MAGNETIC SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates costly lettering Removable. when tracing or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES $4aikektwu DIAMOND CENTRE •Watches eDionnond Rings •Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China *Crystal 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 MORRY'S TRAILER Sales. Prowler, Golden Falcon, Starcraft; truck caps, campers and fifth, wheels; repairs, rentals, parts and accessories. Consignment selling. Closed Wednesday and Sunday. Highway 4 be- tween Hanover and Walker- ton, 364-3748. 11 rrb DUTCH wind• -tills. Phone 357-1403. 13rrb PUREBRED Suffolk ram; long, tall, fall -born twin and triplet rams. ROP station tested with official indexes over 100. Sired by Jedi, these handsome Jedi Masters, are ready to work for you! Marsha Boulton, 338-3347. 15-22 PUREBRED ROP tested 2 - year -old Limousin bull and one cross -bred Limousin bull. Phone (519) 656-2896. WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Greg Cowan now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 .7 p.m., Monday to Friday. WE HAVE Progressive A Euchre score cards; Court Whist tally cards; and Bridge score pads .at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. •' -TF l Thnnfrg vertarlts ,• Prescriptions tilled • Cataract prescriptions filled' ' Repairs on premises • Sunglasses • Safety lenses • Complete Optical Service • DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LATEST IN OPTICAL FASHION., No appointment needed! R. R. 1, Listowel. Hwy. 86 West, Phone 291-3089 Mon. to Fri. 9.5:30. Saturday 9. 12 STONE'S TV and Appliances Electrohom.e Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos, Freezers, Washers, Dryers Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations and Repairs GOODYEAR, MICHELIN, FISK TRUCK TIRE RETREADING THE TV MAN Sales and Service 887-9472 Prop. Jerald Hayden ••o Video. Stereo, Antennas, Audio Installations, Computers, 2 -Way Radios, Satellite Dishes - STONE'S For Rock Bottom Prices Gorrie 335-6374 TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291-2521 Located halfway b.etween Listowel and Wingham, just off Hwy. 86. ` Sideroad 10 8 1 1, Grey Twp. TRI -COUNTY Tire, RR 2, Brussels, Ont. Next to new tires, high thread, $25 per tire guaranteed. Located two miles west of Moncrieff. Phone 887-6932 or 88726968. tf RABBIT stands with cages and trays. Call 595-4245. 8-15 TWO purebred Suffolk rams born spring of '83 ROP tested with index over 100. Phone 887.-6964. 8-15 COMING EVENTS HOME HEAT A new exciting concept in Home Heating, maximum efficiency, safe, clean, com- fortable, fully automatic, even heat, easily installed, no fuel or chimney required. For more information con- tact Linwood General Store, 698-2600. 8=29 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAZEL MAY HEUGHAN Late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ont- ario, Deceased. NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIV1:N pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Hazel May Heughan are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barr- ister and Solicitor, P.Q. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, on or before the 3rd day of August, 1984, and that after such date the Execu- tors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the. claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont- ario, this 9th day of July, 1984. 26 INCH Westinghouse color consule, excellent condition; chesterfield and chair, choc- olate brown and cream color; Knetchel all wood din- ing room suite; 4 regular high back and 2 Captain chairs with seat 'covers, ex- cellent condition; owners moving soon. Phone (519) 338-2437. • Sorensen Music Centre FOR CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE Ethier Dept. Store •Fend$r - Takamini - El Degas Guitars and Banjos •Traynor - Peavey - Fender Amplifiers • Hammond Organs •Lesage -Sherlock Manning Pianos ,•Sheet Music - Music Books - Records - Tapes Piano Tuning and Repairs Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. Phone 291-3341 204 Main Street West Listowel • 15, 25 and, 40 ton hydtaullc mobile cranes reach up to 175 feet • 1'7 yard backhoe. • 1 5 years experience 357-3721 RR 2, WINGHAM Listowel 291-1660 Mt. Forest 323-1550 Wingham 357-2320 Milverton 595-8921 • Yarns • Gifts s Toys • Children's Wear • Sewing Notions • • Bulk Candy & Cookies Hours: Mon Closed Tues & Wed 9 to 6 Thurs & Fri 9 to g Sat 9 to 5 TEESWATER 392-8141 8-15 POOL sales. Leading manu- facturer yvith a limited num- ber 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package in- cludes motor; pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner fence and deck. Regularly priced at $2495, reduced $1;295. We will beat anyone's prices. Phone anytime, (519) 623- 0251. 8-12 QUALITY swine, perform- ance tested, health approved gilts and boars from a herd with very good mothering ability. QS No. 1 York . x Landrace gilts open or bred available on a regular basis. York, Landrace, Duroc, Duroc x Hamp boars, also commercial , gilts. Contact Wayne. Fear, Monoway° Farms, Brussels. Phone 887- 6477. 13tf FOR RENT MR: JOHN T. GOODALL Solicitor for the Estate of Hazel May Heughap Custom Built Homes Free Delivery Residential Building Lots 200 Miles Completely Serviced From Toronto r (lrl�lt/U The Flnest Homes of Them All • "Area Dealer" Fredrick Peters Land Development & Home Construction Ph. 986-2354 Markdale, Ont. NOC 1H0 S. GRAF'S GLASS SERVICE LARGE four bedroom :home in Wingham. References. Phone 357-2405 evenings. WANTED TO BUY All Types of Glass Available Business & Residential Picture coverings and framing, over 75 dif- ferent types and colours in stock. Glare free glass in stock. GOOD used 60' x 1.2' mobile home. Phone (416) 878-3915. 1, 8,15,22 WILL BUY used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs.. Phone 357-1049 rrb GOOD top prices paid for used furniture and appli- ances. Phone 291-3292. 8-15 FREE ESTIMATES 3 miles east of Mount Forest on Hwy. 89 323-4558 or 323-1584 VARIETY of windows and . screens. Phone 356-2302 after 6p.m. 8-22 FREE ESTIMATES APEX REFINISHING BATHTUBS, SINKS, TILES SWIMMING POOLS Leading manufacturer with a limited number of '1984 models is having a elearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regularly priced at 62,495, reduced to $1;295. We will beat anybody's prices. CaII anytime, 1-519- 623-0251. BUYING FOR CASH Gold and silver coins, jewellery, sterling silver- ware, trays, tea sets, an- tique clocks, pocket watches, old post cards, documents. All scrap gold and dental gold. WM. J. GRANT COINS 1125 King St. -E., Kit. 576-4840 8 Water St. S., Camb. 621-0430 PERSONAL HARRISTON PACKING CO. DURHAM MOBILE HOMES & PARK LTD. Wroxeter, Ont. (519) 335-6437 Long Distance Call Collect Give us a call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter Mobile Home ales New & Used 40. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BELLY GREETING Professional Belly Dancing available for Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Get -Well, Conventions, So- cial Clubs, any occasion. Call Najwa 744-1354. (tf) BUSINESS MANAGER Major new car dealership requires the services of a business manager. Key requirements include leadership as well as the ability to work in a team environment in. after market sales.. Responsibilities include increased penetration in sales of finance packages, extended service contracts and rust inhibitor protection packages. Suitable candidates should have a minimum of 3 years of experience in automobile, banking or finance. Top compensation along with benefit package available for the successful candidate. Send resume in confidence to: Box 008 c/o The Listowel Banner P.O. Box 97 Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H2 INT. 80 Combine, pick-up and straight cut heads, good condition., Phone (519) 291- 2037 CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Dry Wall Modular Housing Hogs Tues Beef Thurs 338.3330 Hwy. 6. South of Durham Douglas Si W. 380'3723 CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: Thingham Advance -Times 357-2320 Thetistowel Banner 291-11660 The Milverton Suri 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 , 15-29 JOHN Deere 55 square back combine with cab, grain head and pickup with 334-3 row cornhead, in very good condition,' $7,000. Phone 335- 3974. FOUR row Mauer bean puller: four row 570 Innes windrower; four row scuf- fled Phone 887-6457. 1,8,15 It's never too late to Hire -A -Student So call us now. Canada Employment Centre for Students 291®2922 ' * Employment and Immigration Canada ad's.