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The Exeter Times, 1923-11-8, Page 8
THE Ex ,TER•TIMES, PHONE 15 "ar Service, STEWART S Our Prices Are Lower Ladies' Fur -Collared Coats ;. $22.50 PHONE 16 For Service These are the new Coats that are being sold all over the country and in the city at from $25,00 to $30,00, our price is $22.50, These Fur -Collared Coats are made in .the new one -side effect with just enough trimming to give them a smart appearance. We alsoin elude at this price Fur -Collared and. Burberry style coatsiu'the full belted styles' suitable for any figure. Our Burberry style Coats are all made of the heavy, cloth with fancy back and are real value at $13:50 and $22.60. • Silk and Wool Stockings $1.15 :l`l lilili i)A X, SiO.TE 113lalt Sth 1.023 The popular dress Hosiery. for Fall and Winter at a real', sav- ing, Mack, Brown and Fawn, Silk and Wool mixture in. a fancy rib effect, $4'.50 value for $1.15. Pure Wool Sport Hose 75c. Warm Pure Wool Stockings with popular wide ribs in Black, ',Brown and Fawn. Be sure tosee these as you can save 25c on every pair You buy. 1 es 98ca Washable Cuff Gloves Serviceable Cbaraoisette Gloves which can be washed. They are the cuff style with two-tone strap and come in Sand and Grey. Our low price is only 9 Sc. Ladies' 11.25 and $1.00 Vests for 7c. Part of a shipment which arrived too late for Dollar Day. These Vests were made to sell at $1.25 and. $1.00,' but because they are slightly soiled we are clearing them at 75c a garment. Long, Short and No -sleeve styles in White, Cream and Natural colors -all at 75c. ti en! Men! Men. Uave.you seen the Barry -cloth Overcoat? This Coat challenges any Overcoat in Canada for appearance, warmth and wear. Every Coat carries an absolute guarantee of entire satisfaction and we have ,the sole -selling rights for this district. If you want to invest your Overcoat Money to the Lest advantage,' make certain to see this before you ;buy. Our stock ot.Men's and Boys' Overcoats in all styles is complete and our .pvices are right. Grocery Prices 3 COMFORT, GOLD, P & G`AND 'SUNLIGHT SOAP 7c bar -or 3 f('N 20c ODD WHITE CUPS 10c EACH or 6 FOR 55c STRONG CLEAR WATER GLASSES 3 FOR 25c ROYAL YEAST CAKES 5c pkg QUALITY OATMEAL 6 lbs 25a 3 - PKGS AMMONIA FOR '25e. 3-15c BOXES MATCHES 37c 7 BARS CASTILE SOAP 25c 3 PALMOLIVE SOAP for 24e LUX-LPACKAGE1 1c A .RG "E GRAPE NUTS . 17c BULK DATES 10c Ib' BEST BULK COCOA -15c Ili. SHREDDED WHEAT 12c "PING T OUR BES BULK TEA 65c Ib. STRONG LIGHT BROOMS 49e SALADA TEA 65c . PER IP. tew.r Market report -The following the report of the Exeter Market corrected even' Wednesday, Wheat 95'c Oats 45c Barley 55e Manitoba Flour $3.55 Pastry Flour $,3.05 111odel Flour $3,40 Feed Flour $1.90 Bran $1,50 Shorts $1,60 Creamery butter 42c Dairy butter 35c New Laid liggs 54c Hold, Eggs $5c Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $S,25 darn, CW CAVEx x>Rr,sBxTiaRA.N CHURCH li Y Ial I I MI IglllllliplllllllillMlll MIIIlllllllMIIHIIII IIi,IIM6IIMMI1lIlllllllillllMIIIIIII IIII lllllIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rev. James Pooto B.A. 1\linistei 0 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible,.. 11 a.m.--- lhanl,scuvtng; l)ay Y,= .7 p.m. -"Hope and Victory" tEi The Minister •,_ Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. Class. • ocr i l' LOCAL z. a 4,044,4140 ? lbere will be. a ,humorous play and aWand Drill at 'thet 1-II4ht School Coin meneeunenl on Friday Nov. era". i;1.r ' p nrffltllre Jire6tOr a fill] WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE, HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS YOTJ. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER _ SMALL. LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER. • Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CI -ER? ,HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W dF :'L'. - u uTuw' w".';C c• Y.V nbt la "'^'ay `'c4,`rM' bil ::i`.r-iSi 'cs: dui. `_ , -. "' d' °, ",. For the Christmas Season Are Arriving See. our imported Hand Painted China at 3 Pieces for $1.00; our Pauper,' Salt and Tooth Pick Seth at and below $1.00; ottr Sugar and Cream Sets from $1.00 up; Cups and Saucers at 15c up; Spoon. Trays, Fancy Plates, Salads and also Dinner and Tea Sets, Sa,t,urday's Hot Peanuts here are worth while and remember ourSalted Peanuts cannot be beat either for quality or price. POWELL'S ' J j r .&.:s AZAAR "13IG VARIETY STORE" Phone 55 ?ARMS I+'OR SAL11-A few choice farms in the ToWnships of Usbof`ne, Tueker>niith and Hibbert, Geed bilin ings and well located as to' roar- aetm riced right. Apply to Thota CamO Off,, Abet., Box 154, Exeter, 5 NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern buzrgalo Centrally' 1tl tited, Apply Gladman & St•rinbdry. JAMES STREET METHODIST CSC$, 1Rev. _ W.' E. Donnelly, E, A., Pastor' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY NEXT, NOV. 11Th. .10.15 a.n .-11lorniug Class Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m,, con=: ducted by the Pastor Special Music, Att'active Services.' 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. EVERYBOEY WELCOME Mrs. C.' F. Hooker spent ,Tuesday in London. Mr. Thos. Harlon, of London, tis f visiting in Exeter. ' Mr. 1Vm. Webster left, Tuesday morning for Windsor. Mr. Sam'l Popiestone,, of Blyth, visited in Exeter on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Kyle visited her son Her - lean at Zion during the past week,. Miss Mary Day spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. lVliller, in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of London, spent the week -end in Ex- eter. Miss Betty DeJean is visiting with Mrs. W. Snell at Dr. Hyndman's hos-. pital. Mr. and. Mrs. Percy Webber, of town, spent a few days in London last week: Mr.H-ienry Welsh was in . Godericli last week attending Supreme Court, as a juryman. itir. Archie Davis ,of Toronto, is visitinz with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Davis. Mrs. W. H. Dearing attended the funeral of. Mr. Hy, Hoist in Marlette, Mich., last week. Greta H. Lammie, A.T.C.M.' Messrs. Wel. Johns and Wan. Riv- ers left on Tuesday for Whitechurch for a couple of days' hunt. , Mrs." (Dr.) Hyndman will be At Home to the ladies. of Exeter on Fri- day,Nov. 16th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Messrs. John Hunter,' .-oim Hun - kin -and Bert Kernick left last week for Trout Creek oil a shooting trip. Mrs. (Dr.) H. T. h ac uonald, of Hollandale, Wis. visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E.. Gardiner for a few days. Messrs. S. Fitton.'and. W. 3. Beer motored, to the Bruce Peninsula Mon- day on a week's shooting expedition. Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Connor have returned to Windsor after visiting fora week with relatives in Exeter.. ?1Tts t.1. G Kerslake returned home Monday4 cyening after visiting in Stratford and "E'alinerston for a week. Messrs. Stephen Powell and his brother John Powell have retuned home after visiting for a week - in Wiarton. Mrs. Charles Dale,,. of Ft. 'Wayne,: Ind., visited,' her sister, Mrs. W. T. Achoson,.at the Central Hotel during the"Past week. A snow flurry visited Exeter last Wednesday night ' and Thursday morning, the ground was white with snow for the first time this season. Mrs. V. Mollard visited the Auxil- iaries from Zion, Sunshine and Elini- visile. at Elimville on Friday after- noon last and delivered a very -help- ful address. Rev. W. E. Donnelly was in Clin- ton Sunday evening where he deliv, erect an address at a special rally of the Men's Brotherhood in Wesley Methodist church. Exetea. H:,gh School Correnenceme,t I xerc sea. Friday, Nov. 91rh; ltr h pef House Adm:.ssvon 23c. Th re wi 1, h lit •a ttrue t:i;ve F o,: ram. • Mr. George Eliery with his bride motored to Exeter aryl Tuesday from Dereham Centre and is spending a fewday s at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Stone, Andrew St. Mrs, 13. Brown, who has been here for several weeks attending her mo. then; Mrs. John Dignan during her illness, returned to her home- in Kingsville, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson, of.. Hamilton, motored up on. Saturday, the former. returning Sunday, and.:the latter retraining for time with her- parents, Mr. and Mrs, R: Quance, .Sr, 11Irs. Alex. McFalis, Of Fdsborne who Underwent an operation in Vic- toria Hospital recently, bas so far:, recovered as to return home Tuesday Her friends will hope for ner speedy recovery. overy. CONCERT VIOLINIST 'Ieaehee of :31usic and Violin Terms very moderate ' Box 58, Exeter Phone 113W FOR SALE Connor Engine, 2 '.' H.P. just overhauled and in goodi= J 1 , . condition, also 21 foot belt. Apply' to A. E. Moore. 111.06. IMMO The Girls' Auxiliary, of the Trivitt Mein. church served hot oysters to the' Dollar ,Day shoppers in the sam- ple room of the Central Hotel Satur- day afternoon and evening and took in over $65.00. In the report of,, the death of Mr. Thomas Passmore Which appeared in The Times last week, the name of Mrs. Wm. Johns,, of Usborne, was in udvertantiy- omitted from the list of surviving .children; On Saturday,' Oct. 27tb, Mr. Chas. Sweitzer,- of Sebewaing, Mich., ' pas- sed away at the age of 90 years. 'I'he deceased was a former resident of Creditor' and eas an uncle of WI's', W. T7, Dear tt of to ..an. ELLIOTT & JOHNS Merchant Tailors As. we are just starting in the Tailoring business, we are 4oing to give to the Public a bargain, and this `is what the Bargain is going to l,e. We have a piece of Blue: Serge, giiaranteed all Wool, Fast color, Never fade, Indigo dye. This suit •- is regular $40.00,; and for TWO DOLLARS we are going to give ypu an extra Pair of Pants of the same Cloth. But this Bargain is limited. Six Suits in all. will be sold at this Price. SO DON'T DELAY. manna P110.110 11$4. en's and Youver; cam. This ` Season we are showing some snappy Models for Young 1Vlen as well as the more staple styles for older Men. We want you to see these. Our prices too are very reasonable, 1,3.10 $1S. 2S O $30.0() ens and Vomen's Underwear In the bust makes -Penman's Turnbull's and Stanfield's.. We . carry a stock of these well-known brands in Children's, Women's and Men's. We have a special in Ladies' Vests and Drawersat per garment- 75c. Rubbers and Rubber Bots A pair of good Rubbers adds greatly to the life of anyshoe. It does not pay to let your feet get wet this weather ' We sell Dominion and Miner Rubbers; Dominion Long 'Rubber, Boots sell at $5.00. Billie urkel !I a. el reSses. These celebrated Dresses are now made in Children's sizes, We haye a shipment in Misses and Ladies' sizes in - a .tine variety :of ;shades and styles at $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $11.00. sakMOSC OR Siu.LE. 6 ? di =6 a IIIIIIIIBIIIIIIillls leflllll@,IIIbllll lll ellllllllllllllllllll III@ it a I Ililllll 1IIIIII9IIIIIII- SQUARE PIANQ-Excellent shape good tone, splendid' practice piano. 2 GLASS SHOW CASES -Cheap. TABLE -8 ft long, 3 ft wide, double deck. HALL RACK -cherry, bevelled pl. mirror. GAS ENGINE-Stickney 3. H.P. Perfect condition, cheap: ONTARIO GRAIN GRINDER -10 inch, good condition. INTERNATIONAL GAS ENGINE -? I-I.P., cheap for 't hick' sale. RANGE -Coal or wood;Heater, coal, a,l. shape. SEWING MACHINE -White Rot- ary, new, half price. Knitting Machine, Hand or Power; first class • condition, Bargain. 6 @k @@@@@@ I@@II.IIIIIII @@@ l .l @@@ II@IIII@III@@@@ @ I I I The Place ` Best a e $o uv Your plate - mirror. k, Furniture is at .R. No Rowe 's • Those who have investigated' our prices .and the quality, of our goods have concluded that this is the • hest' place' to buy as we keep an up-to- date stock. R • ROWE CONDUCTOR OF' FUNERAL, SER- VICES Information re above 'articles at Phone Bis.`f20W House 203. Po7VELL' S- iiAZd .d.E,' deter, ••lllllllllllllll@Illl6llllllllllellll llsllllllli lQ@. Lr>z i ed Mayfield Brand 4 Great ry .0^•IS18 '1:!„t 94`:7 n::ik .J. 46Aql:4. I!'Se ti •' ut i . f' 1r2+'N' e 3lb,11.IN,1e. -Id-- - vercoats and Suits for -:Men and Youths YOUTH'S OVERCOATS WORTH $25.00, F,.OR $20.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS WORTH $25.00 FOR $20:00 MEN'S ' O`,TgRCOATS WORTH $3.5:00 FOR $9 MEN'S OVERCOATS WORTH, 945.00 FOR' $35.00 MEN'S SUITS WORTH .-$30.00 FOR •:$20.00 LIEN'S SUITS WORTH $35.00 FOR $2.5.00 _., \: U. D COMBINATION AND TWO-PIECE -UNDERWEAR FOR THE .,-COOL-WEATHER. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN EARLY SHIPMENT OF CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR. SOMETHING VERY NIFTY. MUFFLERS, GLOVES, " SOCKS SWEATERS; •HATS AND CAPS .EVERYTHING ,FOR THE 'DRESSY YOUNG MAN. •' arm.y. lb. va,y G. S. Atkinson, Dr. Joh Ward 0 C tin. DENT EN GR 1 Graduate of the Royal College o P C-% 1 r N E 8 @ a N NEW• © l`e1°EW PACK CHEESE PEAT CHOICE LLI.lOJ ROSE • PRUNES RICE 4( 2 Os, s. 4'$4 PURE CANE . crr • •'•® S :C CIIfIW01.'Iil9.CTOLR & OPTOMETRIST COFOKIGSING Has removed to Main St. Exeter. ri South of Y.M,C.A. PHONE 70 5ca 3 Inas.' . 29c 3 lbs 25c TRY OUR dV1)IIS JELLY BEANS ............25c ib CHOCOLATES 25c ib CREAMS 25e lb Maple Leaf Matches 2 for I'm R. ' \r/ Barrister Solicitor, &c. -EFIY ARE DELICIOUS Loins Iuveetnonts, 'Insurance, HUMBUGS - 25c Ib / SCOTCH MINTS 35c ib r5 Office, Carling BIoct, Main St, Exet er , ASS. CIIOCOLATES ....35c lb Salmon tall tin 2 for hi DC. . / •. 7 T, , ROLLED OATur ........ 6 lbs 25c 01 TIIZ C BDANS 3 lbs 25c lbs15c LIMA BEAN 3 Ibs 25c ROLLED WHEAT .... 2 S COI1rMEAL 6Ibs 29c 3EATLETS 4, ibS 2.7c ..•s '; SPECIAL BLEND TEA RICHMELLO TEA 65c. a pound 79c. a pound :, TEAT FAMOUS RED BAG CEYLON AND 'ASSAM 300 STORES IN CANADA i LOCATION CANADA'S LARGEST Main Street ILETAIL ER - I; GROC Ips A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Oi ffce--11IcDonneil's .canes ,stab➢3s on Joni St. Phone. calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w ANDY EEASTON r,,icenscd Auctioneer for- the Cottn- tyLLof Huron. Correspondence arrange - Tents for sales can be imide by can- ing up the Central Ilotel,'`Exeter. Charges moderate; satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALE -Used Tractor, in good ("ofzdition, Bargain for quick Sale. Apply to Cochrane Machine Works. Dental ;Surgeons, of Ontario and Uni reisity of Toronto. Late ;District' Dental< Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, London,: Ont., Main Office, 142a,in St.. Exeter, Out. Phone 34, Exeter; Hour's 9.00 a.m., to 5.30, p.m. 'Office hula's at ZURICH and Fri., 10.00 o'clock: a. o'clock p.m. Phone 79. Gouldi.n; A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and .The- ory, instructor of Music in the Public Schools. Box 57, TERMS MODERATE) Exeter. Vood for Sa1.e ' • We have a limited supply of good card wood for sale. CARS ,, OR IIIRI; AT ALL TIME, t , E r