HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-07-04, Page 17Page 2--Crossroads—July 4, 1984 The Warning Signs Fred Gore Dear Mr. Gore: My son spent a great deal of time playing by himself when he was little. -He enter- tained himself very well and spent hours looking at Time - Life books which were (I thought) away over his head at that time. Since the time he started school, he never was a very good student, usually managing to pass, but with not much to spare. In the junior grades, he learned to hold his pencil in a . very awkward manner. I never believed in teaching my children to print and so on because I felt those things were things to be taught in school, and sometimes we confuse children.by different people trying to teach a dif- ferent approach. The child- ren then may become bored because they already know what is being taught in class and start daydreaming and not paying attention. As time, and grades went " on he began to fall behind and doing poorly in some subjects. We became con- cerned as he was obviously a very bright child. We had him tested and the psychol- ogist who tested him -said he had a considerably higher than average I.Q. They sent some suggestions along to his school and teacher, which were completely ig- nored. Theyseemed to re- sent that we were investi-" gating this situation ex- tensively; their attitude was if he is so smart, why isn't he passing and doing well in school? We bowed out and left the education of our son to the educators. He is now in Grade 11, fail- ing some subjects and not doing all that well in any. His Manner of holding a pen does not 'allow for speedy writing and he cannot finish an exam in the allotted time. Do you think it is too late to try to change his method of writing and what other help should we look . for and where. We would like to help our son reach his potential. We -would appreciate any help you can offer. Yours truly _._Mrs. J. R 0-0-0 Dear Mrs. J. R.: This is an all too familia i e story I'm sorry to say. Many parents like yourself believe that your child's educators know what is best and, more importantly, will do what is best. This is not necessarily true, as you are painfully aware. Your child's teacher has as many as 35 other students whereas you have but one. In other words, your child is not as important to the school system as he is to you. I am professionally em- barrassed that your son has not received the educational attention he needed in spite of your attempts to provide the teachers with learning assessment information. It was unfortunate that the assessment services were not offered by the Board and that you were forced to pay for this service out of your own pocket. In the future, I would ad- vise you and all parents not to "bow out" and leave the education of your child to the educators. Retain that responsibility and disregard any resentments that might be perceived. You have explained that, your son continues to ex- perience difficulties with written assignments. It is too late to attempt to change his way of holding a pen, but it is not too late to demand that his school allow for certain accommodations, i.e. ex- tended time allowances for tests and exams. Many high schools in this region do allow a significant number of students this flexibility and it has resulted in dramatic improvement in the student's marks. They are now able to complete the entire exam and instead of getting 40 per cent when only 60 per cent of the exam is completed, they now earn a passing grade because they are allowed the extra time. This extra time is not at the discretion of the school but rather a right that has been legislated in Bill 82. Even though the school may be reluctant to comply, do not relent: Continue to pursue the issue until your son is , granted the extra time. 1 would be pleased to assist you in any way so that your son will be able to demon- strate his potential. - Fred Gore. Fred Gore is -the director of St. Jude's Special Educa- tion Private School and Learning Assessment Clinic. He is a qualified Special Ed- ucation specialist and an ed- ucational therapist' with 14 years' teaching experience in the field of learning dis- abilities. Letters requesting information should be mail- ed to "The Warning -Signs", c -o Wingham Advance - Times, P.O. Box 390, Wing - ham, Ont. NOG 2W0. Such letters will be answered and reprinted without signatures to protect writers' identity. Lending to developing countries is high Lending to the developing countries,accounts for only 5 percent of the total lending of allf banks in the industrial countries, but it accounts for abopt twice as much of major banks' lending. Since "money -center" banks typically lend 25 to 30 times the value of their equity, loans outstanding to developing countries are equivalent to almost three times the total equity of these banks. - ADVANCE NOTICE "Auction' 8TH ANNUAL PERTH -HURON JERSEY SALE Wed. July 18 47 head Clinton Fairgrounds Sales Manager Tony VagDorp 482-9204 Mainstream Canada By/W. Roger Worth " Flea markets and discount It's little wonder Cana- shopping centres became dians are concerned about more popular. interest rates, which are ris- Indeed, those high, high ing again. rates, together with the Homeowners have already sharp increase in unemploy- been through the period Ment, changed people's buy - when 20 per cent plus inter- ing habits. Canadians be - est rates were the nor 1, and came a nation of bargain many are still paying the hunters as they .hoarded price because they signed their cash for a rainy day. five-year mortgage deals at Now, it seems, every up - those exorbitant rates. ward blip in interest rates Others simply lost their causes people to worry that homes because they couldn't rates may again reach sky - afford the rates. high levels. The same situation faced The economists and heavy the country's smallercom- thinkers tell us, we won't panies. Many lost money, so have 20 per cent interest the firms were forced to cut rates this time, at least not in staff, forget about expansion the near future. Yet, we've and try to hold on until in- become a nation of disbeliev- terest rates dropped. The ers, and who can blame us? impact was extreme. In fact, If the experts were wrong Canada's bankruptcy rate once, who's to say they won't reached near -record levels. be wrong again? For big business, those 20 The politicians may be per cent rates were also ex- correct when they say we trerne, but some of the com- have no choice but to follow panies were bailed out by America's lead in interest governments, and the bank- rates, but one thing is clear: ers allowed others to post- consumers, home buyers pone interest payments until and "smaller firms may not they were better able to pay. understand the intricacies of The fallout among con- the economy, but those 20 sumers was also extreme. per cent interest rates taught People stopped borrowing to Canadians some hard les - purchase major items. In- sons, and many are not going stead of buying new cars and' to get caught in such a'trap houses, debts were repaid. again. crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle end entertaininent section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance - Times, -The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlted distrl- butionin Aries, Arthur, Drayton, Hariaton, Moorefield, Palmerston, Bloom- ingdale, Breslau, Conestogo, Elmira, Heidelberg, Linwood, Maryhill, St. Clements, St. Jacobs. Wallensteln, Wellesley and West Montrose Display and ClaSsirled advertising' deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior to publication' ate. Advertising and Production The LIstowal Banner 1 BB Wallace Ave N , PO. Box 97, Listowel,' Ont, N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance -Times Josephine St , P.O. Box 390, Wingham, Ont NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550. The Milverton Sun 595%921 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Property, Beef Cattle, Good Lumber, J.D. Tractor, Tools, Household Effects, Misc., etc. for the Estate of THOMAS M.' McNEILL Lot 3, Con. 12, Arthur, on Arthur -Minto Townline, 3 miles southwest of Mount Forest Sat., July 7 10:00 aim. Sharp PROPERTY: Consists of 3 bedroom frame house. Located at 393 Wellington Street East, Mount Forest. Has 3 pc. bath, living room, dinette, kitchen, oil furnace, -large lot approx. 70' x 240' and 2'sheds on lot. Property will be offered by Auction from the farm at 1 p.m., TERMS ON PROPERTY: 15% down sale day. Balance due in 60 days on closing. Sells sub- ject to very low reserve bid. For information on property call Mrs.. Theresa Raftis at 343-2160 or 323-3076. CATTLE: 7 good cross -bred beef cows, some part Limousin; balance Hereford with calves at side, from 6 weeks to 400 lbs. Good Limousin cross -bred heifer, approx. 950 - 1000 lbs., running with bull; 5 good cross -bred beef heifers, approx. 500 - 650 lbs.; 2 cross -bred bull calves, approx. 700 lbs.; Limousin breeder bull, 12 months old. Above cattle in good con- dition, pregnancy and blood tested. TRACTOR: J.D. AR tractor, good cond.; Allied automatic bale stooker, good condition:, Above 2 items if not previously sold. LUMBER, I BEAMS, ETC.: Approx. 12 pcs. of pine or hemlock sills, 3", 4" x 10", 1 ', 20' all dry; 7 new ash siils 3" x 10", 18', 20'; pile of good pine lumber 2" x 8", 2" x 10", 8' etc.; pile of ash lumber 1", 2",' etc.; pile of pine lumber 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, etc.; pile of odd 2 x 4, 1", etc.;,large pile of material for barn jack- ing; 3 good pcs. 1 2" I beam 22', 2 pcs. I beam 15' x,1'3','22'; 10,good 5" steel posts 9'; pile of poles; 4 pcs. of 7" I beam approx. 20', 22'; 7 sheets of new..aspenite; pile of used cement blocks; 12 'pcs. of heavy steel panels; 16' pine wagon rack, good; approx. 40 sheets•of used steel roofing' 8', 10'. TOOLS, MISC., ETC.: Approx. 15 jacks; screw • barn jacks; old "railway jacks; jackalls, etc.; 60-80 ton hydr. jack, good cond.; approx. 10 part rolls of good cable 1/4" to 3/4"; large amount of .good rope, different sizes; approx. 10 sets of block ;and tackles; wood and steel; chain tighteners; logging chains; crow bars; shovels; 3 old leg vises; good anvil; power hack saw and motor; 12 speed drill press, good cond.; small '- gas motor; electric motors; pipe vise; part rolls of barb wire; 1/4 yd. cement mixer; small por- table cement mixer; 8' wooden step ladder; ce: ment well tile forms; 5 tarps; heavy Wooden stone boat; Rockwell Beaver 4 wood jointer with 3/4 hip. motor and stand in good cond.; old forage and blower; buzz saw blades; number of saw mantels; Beaver bench saw and motor, good; homemade bench saw and motor; heavy belt ' driven bench saw for stripping; hyd. cylinder; 2 old chain saws; good window sash; hand augers; framers boring machine; broad axe; new,axe handles; boxes of nails, tires, etc.; ext.cords; stone hammers; sledges; small hammers; baskets of bolts, .nuts, etc.; odd ladders; buggy wheels; 3 rubber tired wheel barrows; sap pans and buckets; small tools; 9 :new salt blocks; small pile of scrap; good cross -cut saws; small platform scales; • small pump and motor; small grind stone and motor; homemade cattle lifter; old dump rake; horse --cult.; drag cult.; Allied pull type bale stOoker 2 furrow plow on steel; buzz saw; ,,2 wheeled 'farm trailer; old oat roller; 12' 4" grain auger and motor; a lqt of small items not listed. • HOIJSEHOLb EFFECTS: General 21 cu. ft. deep freeze, good cond.; large airtight wood stove and fa l good cond.; Westinghouse 19" portable col •° red TV set and stand, good cond.; small fridge, working order 924" electric • stove; small antique writing desk; antique parlour table; older style chesterfield and chair; odd wooden tables; odd wooden chairs; 2 iron type beds, complete; leather sewing machine; 2 chrome type tables; small dresser and mirror; wicker clothes basket; small box stove, good cond.; odd dishes, pots and pans, etc:; other • household items not.listed. TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. only. Property terms as stated above. Lunch Booth. PLEASE NOTE SALE ORDER: Household ef- fects 10 a.m., wagon loads of tools, etc., lumber. Property at 1 p.m. Cattle sells at 3 p.m. The late Mr. McNeill worked at fixing barns for many years.. Executors, Estate or Auctioneer ndt responsi- ble for accidents, injury or loss of property sale day. Auctioneer: JOHN 6. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-40513 IRYSI SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER Trust L,Nstowel Chrysler To Repair Your Car rWE'RE EXPERTS AT REPAIRING" • Scratches • Dents and Complete Collision and Painting FREE ESTIMA Come In today and Lalli Over your repairs lwlth .. . LLOYD Mig McLAUGHLIN ..,. Body Shop Manager �Ilut,ltu 'Atou Really Matter To -Us" LISTOWEL CHRYSLER 291-4350 Mono to Fri. OPEN 8 am. to 5:30 p.m SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER 33 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Household Effects, Antiques and Many Miscellaneous Items*II be held for DR. AND MRS. F. C. BRIDGMAN Lot 19, Con. 7, Turnberry Twp., 2 miles east of Hodgin Buildall, north Wingham, just off B line on Sat., July 14 10:30 a.m. INCLUDES: Massey 35 diesel tractor; David Brown 99 tractor with loader; 3 pth. 3 furrow plow; Kongskilde cultivator; 200 gal. power sprayer; 3 pth. wood splitter as new; IHC mower; M.F. side rake; New Holland 270 baler with Model 50 bale thrower; bale elevator; wagons; 2 grain. wagons; grain elevator; Little Beaver grain grinder with 5 h.p. motor; 3 pth. scraper blade; 3 pth. post hole auger; trailer; wheel barrows; 2 garden tractors; 17 ft. house trailer; good condition; chain saws; barb wire; fencing material; electric and hand tools. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Parlor wood stove; wood cook stove; oil heaters; washer and dryer; self defrost fridge; self clean stove; 3 freezers; fil- ing cabinet; bookcase and books; lamps; hi-fi; 2 vacuum cleaners; bedroom suite; bed and dresser; floor polisher; dishes; 30 cup stainless steel coffee perculator. ANTIQUES: Gallon 'standard wine measure; hearth type frying pan; crocks; kettle; Morris chair; carved table; Dutch ladies chair and numerous articles. TERMS: Cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer: BRIAN RINTOUL ' AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects, Antiques, Dishes, Car, • Tent Trailer for HARPER ENGLISH 184 Diagonal Rod, Wingham, and • CLINTON& KATE HONEYFORD Gowanstown Sale to be held in the Kurtzville Community Centre on Wed. Evening, July 11 .6:00 p.m. APPLIANCES: G.E. refrigerator (harvest gold); small electrical appliances; Simplicity deluxe 2 cycle electric dryer; Simplicitywringer washer; - 'Kelvinator Series 900 automatic dishwasher. FURNITURE: Chesterfield and chair (gold); din- ing room suite with elm ext. table, buffet and hutch, 3 chairs and arm chair. (like new); high back swivel rocker (green velvet); component stereo with speakers; needlepoint foot stool; bedroom chair (crushed velvet); trillght table lamp; double ped. wooden desk; plant table; 2 child's rocking cribs (new); large oak double ped. secretary desk and chair; Sklar chester- field and chair (gold brocade, like new); brown vinyl lazy -boy chair; gold vinyl swivel rocker; easy chair and stool; hall table; Duncan Phyfe coffee table; rod iron kitchen table with leaves and 6 chairs; chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs; 2 step end tables; smoker stand; pole and table lamps; pictures; paintings; clothes hamper; B&W •console TV (working); card, tables; 4 wicker frame mirrors (new); wicker tray sets; bathroom set of pitcher, basin, shav- ing cup and toothbrush holder; adding machine; copper piece spdpn holder; Foley pieces; luggage; some bedding and linens. ANTIQUES: Love seat withhmatctiing fireplace bench; Doherty & Co. pump organ, Clinton,` Ont. (working); Cast base organ stool; drop leaf oval table; box., stove with chrome; coal oil lamps; 2 wash tables; dresser; chest of drawers; wicker rocking . chair; 2 wooden chairs; wooden floor lamp; flat top trunk; cop- per boiler; wash stand. • DISHES: Partial Bavarian dinner set (42 pieces); variety of good and -everyday dishes; pots and pans. CAR: 1973 Olds convertible, selling as is; Clover hardtop camper trailer with stove; ice box, awning, sleeps 6 (pop up); utility 6' x 9' trailer; trailer 4' x 6'; 5 - 20 x 10 tires (like new). MISC.: Humidifier; golf bag; portable gas barbecue; charcoal barbecue; vanity top; drafting table; tool cabinet; some power and hand tools; wheelbarrow; garden tools; plus misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Owner or auctioneer -.not responsible for loss of property sale day. Auctioneer: BOO GILMORE , 485 Victoria St, S., Listowel Phone 291-3489 AUCTION SALE Of Furniture & 'Antiques for MRS. J. GRE.ENLEY Harriston, and MABLE EURIG Mount Forest At Gray's Auction Centre, corner Hwys. 87 & 89, 1 mile west of Harriston on Sat., July 7 10:30 a.m. APPLIANCES: Simplicity spin washer; Maytag apartment size dryer; Inglis spin washer; Kirby upright vacuum cleaner; Singer portable Fashion Mate sewing machine; gas dryer; humidifier; Alder fridge; 2 B&W TV's; electric grill for restaurant; small electrical appliances. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Chrome table -and 6 chairs; round table with 2 leaves and 6 chairs; 2 good chesterfields and chairs; round maple table with 2 le1ves and 4 chairs; occasional chairs; platform rocker; 2 coffee and end tables; jam cupboard; large wardrobe; wooden record stand; card:table and 4 arm chairs; 3 pc. bedroom suite; 2- box springs and mattresses; flat to wall cupboardtwith 2 glass doors; smoke stand with light; magazine table (rough); swivel rocker; pressback child's rocker; captain's chair style high chair; cedar chest; recliner chair; record cabinet and speakers; loveseat day bed; table pole lamp; round ped. pine table; dressers and mirrors. - MISC.:, H.P. cranberry pickle cruet; cranberry pitcher;- ped. dish with lid; J. G. Meakin veg. bowl and.nappies; 2 glass horse heads; H. P. cookie jar; odd dishes; comic books; Mester- craft electric lawn mower; Iamps; crokinole board; pots end pans garden tools; sump pump; step ladder; lawn chairs; sink and toilet; knick knacks; salts and peppers; 2 wooden playpens; books; hump top trunks; restaurant dishes - plates, cups, ice cream dishes and glasses; 2 oil lamps; baby walker; baby swing; old picture album; silver chest; croquet set; violin in case; cross bow; 57 calibre shells for Snyder rifle; boat paddles; McCulloch chain saw; crocks; electric whipper snipper; jars; pic- re frames; 3' x 7' red carpet; brown carpet 6' 12', 5' x 61/2: and 3' x 12'; and other pieces of carpet; dresser dolls; 1978 Ford Fairmont station wagon, 50,000 miles, selling certified; many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash or cheques with proper I.D. day of sale. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Any announcements or , corrections given verbally day of sale. Lunch booth. Auctioneers: BARRY & KEITH GRAY • Harriston (519) 338-3722 or 343-3607 AUCTION SALE Hobby& Antique Farm Machinery, Truck, Furniture, Antiques & Misc. Items for ROY & CARL BERFELZ Listowel - Sale to be held at Carson's Sales Arena, 1 mile east of Listowel on Highway 86 Sat., July 14 10:00 a.m. TRUCKt' 1977 Ford Ranger 1/2 ton w/cap, automatic, power steering and power brakes, AM/FM radio and tape deck, radial tires, good condition, certified: HOBBY, FARM MACHINERY: Ferguson 2085 tractor, good condition; Cockshutt 3 pth. mower; Dearborn 3 pth. cultivator; Dearborn 3 pth. 2 furrow plow; Dearborn double disc; 3 - pth. V snowblower; tractor'chains; hay wagon; 4 spare tires; White lawn tractor w/34" lawn mower, new motor, good; self, drive lawn mower. ANTIQUE MAaCHINERY: 1938 Case Model C tractor good; horse scuffler; potato plow with wood beam (old); 1 furrow walking plow; 2 fur- row walking plow; turnip seeder; old implement horse tongues; cutter; McLaughlin buggy, good, new rubber; wooden harrows; oxen Yolk. ' MISC. FARM: Approx. 100 8" cement blocks; 2 dog houses; section cages; old vet clinic cages; chicken feeders; fence stretcher; steel stakes; roll chain link fencing; several rolls snow fence; farm gate; 45 gal. drums; hand gas pump; quantity of lumber. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Antique dining room suite, maple, 8 pieces, 4 leg table; pull out sofa and chair; wooden rocker and foot stool; occasional chairs;' press back chairs; chesterfield and chairs with wood trim, good condition; end Cables and coffee table; wooden dining room table; occasional tables small lamps; floor lamps; pole lamp; chrome kitchen suite with 4 chairs; % metal beds complete with mattresses; 4 feather ticks; feather pillows; mats; dresser and wash stand; chest of drawers; wood cabinet; old cupboard. APPLIANCES: Reliance portable heater; 24,. Moffat electric stove; apartment size freezer (new); wringer washer; Kresno wood stove with glass window; floor polisher; New Williams treadle sewing machine (working). MISC.: Assorted dishes and pots; glass jars; mirrors; wooden doors; clay flower pots; assorted linens and bedding; ironing boards; push lawn mower; curtains; 2 van seats; man's bicycle 24", 3 speed; bar sink and taps (stainless steel); pine house trim; quantity of wainscotting and trim; house shutters; TV tower 45. ft. w/rotor, colour head and stereo booster. , TERMS Cash or cheque clay of sale. 7 per • cent sales tax in effect. Any announcements or corrections given verbally day of sale. Owners or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Proprietors: ROY & 'CAR,. BERFELZ Listowel Auctioneer: CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE DAVID CARSON RR 3, Listowel, 519,291-2049