HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1984-07-04, Page 9Page 8- The•WIngham Advance -Times, July 4, 1984 LL IIII'• (11td(;IN•11. I)t)( 1;"`I1.N1 I'• 1\ \: I.) I'l)O' t ( I) 11 1)1, 0 SPECIAL NOTICE RATES sr Engagement Notices (with picture) . $5•.Qo Engagement Notices (without picture) ' $4.00 Graduation Pictures i $4.00, Anniversary Pictures. 5.5 years and over , No Charge Wedding Write Ups N.o charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is. $5.00' After Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not'be accepted -atter six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of $5 00 • Birth Announcements to our regular format. No Charge •additionel.intormation or a change in the wording, charge is $1 70 first 10 words; Bea word thereafter. fa FOR SAL,F HOME video catalogue, 300 selections. Order toll free 1- • 800-663-6555 o'r' Write On Track Vision, 13381 -'72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C., V3W 2N5. Major credit cards accepted. • MOVIES. RCA video disc, latest titles. Send for listing. Blenheim Sound, Box 340, Blenheim, Ont., NOP 1AO, • SHOPPING for a swimming pool kit? We are a whole- saler with top quality pro- ' ducts who can probably save you money. Give us a call and we will try to help, (519) 753-1460. SATELLITE television equipment by Channel Mas- ter.•Prices"`starting at $2,795; for complete systems cap- able.of receiving all sate.Mite channels. Jarvis TV, Tees - water 392-6616. YOU, a cool ,drink and a hammock. Enjoy summer in our luxury hammock and handmade casual furniture. • Waterpro if, fully guaran- teed. Sitting Pretty, RR 4, Lanark, Ont., KOG 1KO Phone (613) 259-3033. Hot days are corning. FOR SALE SWIMMING POOLS — Leading manufiacturer with a limited ntber of last year's models. -Having a clearance sale. Package in- cludes .motor, pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regularly priced at $2495, reduced to $1295. Call anytime 1-519-623-0251. 20,27,4,11,18,25 "APARTMENT sale" R i - day. and Saturday. July 6 7 (upstairs) over Chambers Hardware, Wroxeter,, (Ceasers Apt.) from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Furniture, dishes, .clothing, misc. Rain or shine, LITTLE Dutch windmills. Phone 357-1403. 2,rrb FOR SALE SWIMMING pool sale. Manufacturer is having an inventory clearance ' on all 1983 brand new above ground pools. I, c,luded is a filter, motor, ';atmp, sk�-,�'rnmer, deck an fence. Regular $2,095, naw $1,295 while supply l.r:ts. Nobody beats our price. Call 1-416-523-6467, for details. DO YOU have items to ad- -vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our, blanket classi- fied coverage of'Oritario dr specific ,areas" of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad= va•nce;Times, 357-2320. 16rrb STEEL buildings: direct factory 'clearance. Up tb 40 ,ger cent • discounts. Widths 10' to 120' .any length. Llmi4: ed quantities, act now°(:Save. Call toll *free 1-800-46127689. READY .to lay pullets, white and brown egg varieties; also laying cages. Fisher Poultry Farm Inc.; Ayton, 665-7711. FURNITURE to suit various budgets at the Godfrey Schuett showrooms at Mild may.. Over 50 livingroom suites in stock at $365 to' over $1:400 each. Many at dis- counts in price' this week. - Trade-ins accepted, also good selection of bedroom and•dinette suites. Schuetts• deliver. • waterbowls'; farrowing • 27rrb 30,6,13;20,27,4 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MATURE red beef cow and one two-year-old heifer, both due in July. Phone 357-3605. 4,11 LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates. Vaccin- ated and pregnancy tested. Israel A1brpcht, RR 1, Wing - ham. Phone 357-3495. lbrrb WEDDING invitations... Drop in and view our latest -book of' sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times; 192 Josephine St., Winghani, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. • 9rrb FARM EQUIPMENT " FOR SALE ALLIS Chalmers, row -crop 3 pth, pto hydraulic cultivator attachments in'000d working order, good rubber; 8N Ford. 3 pth pto, engine just over- hauled, new rubber and wheel rims, calcium loaded. Both units priced to self. Phone 439-6880. WANT Ei) TO EsUY DAIRY or beef calves. Phone 357-2861. 27,4,11,18,25 EXERCISE bicycle. Alone 357-1462. ' 4,11 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1977 DOD(> 'E one ton, club cab, cab and chassis, 360 engine, four speeUransmis- sion, heavy (linty sulperision, new paint, safety checked 2,600, as is $2,40Q. Call 291- 3785. 20,27,4 1975 COUGAR XR7 ,radiata, console shift,. sterno, rally rims, $1,100 certified. Phone 528-3217.. CLOSED -IN 32' bale eleva- tor, New Idea, side delivery; Mildmay threshing machine in excellent condition, size 24 cycle .and 36 body with 100'. drive° belt, 6" wide. Phone 392-6241. • McKEE .corn, cultivator 4 x 36" rows. Phone 357-3318. 4,11 ftN,EW IDEA 290 haybine; MF hey rake. P. hone ,357-3318. 4:11 • I•'I'LL RANGE OF ' ' FARM'EQU1PMENT • Bt'TLER -Ring Drive Silo Unloaders,' Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, „Volume Belt Feed ers-, • {'onvey-n-Feed 'Cattle • Feedei s, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers. FARMATIC--Blender Ham- mer Mills, "Blender Roller Mills, -Blender Mills.*'for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers. W ESTE E L-RoS•C'O—Grain Bins, 1,:350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME -Fan -Jet Ventilation - Systems. HOU'LE--Liquid Manure Pumps. Cleaners, Steel Trusses, B & L, Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER' — Liq uid Manure Spreaders. CLAY---Par.'ts • and Service for Clay Equipment: • • LS() Parts, Electric Feed carts: straw choppers: fibre - funnels: Ritchie heated howls: Hurst equipment: ,WE H.\NDLF: EVERYTIHN(;--;ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine Phone 3115-52K6 a • BERG stable equipment. Barn cleaners - manure pumps; vertical and hori- zontal; 8" to 15"PVC or SBT Ductile,cow and calf tie stalls; lose"using; bunk feeders; ventilation equip- ment;' hog confinement equipment;' Rit hie , heated TWO only, 5 hp rear engine 426" `? riding mowers, $999,; • three only; 10 hp,lawn tractor with 34" cutting deck, $1,479; • two only, lis hp 38" deluxe garden tractor. $1,777. Phone 357-2711. ADDRESS labels: gummed 210 for $2.95; presson 200 for ,$4.25; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for Clothing, 50 for $3.95. Phone The Wingham Advance - Times, 357.232(1. 16rrb MOBILE home; 12' x 60', in good condition, i9 Tees - water. si)uatt•d on a serviced lot, two • bedroom,, bath, large living room and kit- chen area" heated with pro- pane. electric fridge, pro- pane stove, all carpet. For immediate. sale, $6,500. Phone 392.6998 anytime. 27,4 crates;. weaner-decks; plas- tic slats and farm gates. C ntact Lloyd, Johnston, RR 3, yrood, Ont. Phone 395- 5390. - 22rrb ENGRAVED - signs: • door plates, mailbox plates,. -house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able,'stainproof. The Wing - ham , Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb CANOES for rent. B & M Rentals and Sales. Phone 16,rrb 357-1666. • • 'DO YOU have a favorite're- cipe, a Story ora poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends, We can do anyoquan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times 'o'ffice. Phone 357-2320. BETA and VH.S' VCR and movie rentals. New titles, Terms of Endearment,- The Right Stuff. Disney Gold Carillon Classics and many more. Specials blank tapes Beta L75n, VHS T120's.811.99. , Own your own: pre-recorded• copy of -Raiders of the Lost Ark" now only $19.95 reg. $54.95 • limited time' only! Wingham Video, 160 Park Drive 357-2233 'Monday to Friday 12 noon •tot p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Closed Satur"- ' days until August 11, 1984. • '27,4 MAGNETIC signs- many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 3572320. • • 20rrb 31:rrb 5, TWO PALOMINOS, saddle broken, $500 and $800. Phone 887 6968 4,11 Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL m• Good recorded music: fur weddings dances anniversaries parties etc P lone Brussels evenings 887-6159 NOTICE 4;11 McCREERY Auto Wreckers RR 2, W ruaxete1- on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS. USED CARS •& TRUCKS 24 -HR. TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone -LISTOWEL 29.1-41 59 • GORRIE 335-3314 . WORK WANTED NOT I C,E. LeROY JACKSON Plumbing & Heating Limited will be closed July 7 to 15 inclusive. 4.11 rCUSTOM swathing and com- hining. Phone 523-4260. 27,4,11,18 STUDENT looking for domestic work, babysitting or any odd jobs. Phone 357- 3179 or 528-2608. • • '4 4,11 WANT:D PERSONS interested in join- ing Wingham Ironmen exe- cutive please write to Box 124, Wingham, . Ont. NOG' 2W0. ATTENTION farmers. Not one nickel in taxes more than your fair share is a slogan at PBC. During the summer months you will he receiving your Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada. If yours does'not say "As De- clared" you need farm busi- ness consailtants assistance now: Serving fanners' needs 52 weeks of the year. Call toll free 1.300.205-1002. PART-TIME babysitting job for summer months. Phone 357-a733. 4,11 HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREER — Become a professional transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's Kingston • (513) 549-3914, Toronto (4.16) 251- 9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (5191 432-1726; North Bay (705 i 472 2910; Thunder • Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cam- bridge ( 519) 623-2430; Sud- bury (705) 560-3351; Member B.E.B. • 16,rrb EXPERIENCED farm hand looking for work. Phone, 357- 1436. 13„20,27,4 27,4 • PE•RSON&L • PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066; 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collebt, rrb AGRICULTURAL work training . opportunities abroad, Must have two years' practical experience, be . single and 19-28 years. European, Australian, New Zealand host families. Inter- national Agricultural Ex- change Association (403) 244- 1814. 1983 Australian and New Zealand deadline, July 16. ARE you being assaulted. physically or abused men- tally? The Huron County Crisis Centre for Women and Children can help you. Phone 482-7988.. 18rrb AUCTION SALES AUCTION sale of consign- ments of home furnishings and antiques will be held in Services Teeswater Arena ori Mon'" . day, July 16 starting at 6 p.m. Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170; ' Grant McDonald, Ripley 395- 5353. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $20,000-$30,000 groundfloor opportunity. International chemical manufacturer, ex- panding into the Ontario service market is prepared to appoint and train dealers for the profitable, exciting and unique restoration and fire retardants. We are suc- cessful in every phase of this fast growing industry and of- fer: immediate earnings, management and employee training, unlimited growth, viturally no competition. For those appointed, minimum investment of $600 is re- quired, backed by extensive training and inventory.. For complete info and interview arrangements contact Bob Jennings, The Surface Doc- tor Inc., Box 62, Station A,, Mississauga, Ont., L5A 2Z4. LARGE Eastern Ontario community newspaper ' re- quires: Junior reporter - darkroom technician for six months term position (with intention of full position). Duties will be mainly feature writing,, photography and darkroom 'work for regional weekly, circulation 26,000• and comm . ity newspaper. Ideal for raduatin jo r- naltsm st de wee transfer. '..onthct 'erry Huddleston, `' ditor by July 16, Smiths Falls, Ont., K7A 4T1. Phone (613)- 283 3182.. . • AGGRESSIVE retail/, sales help required for gazebo sales. Phone 1-800-265-6084. "Your Complete Honda Dealer" 9 SALES & SERVICE 11.53 7th Ave., Hanover. Ontario N4N 3C3 364.1010 Automobiles, Motorcycles, ATC 3 Wheelers, TRX 4 Wheelers and Power Equipment. FOR SALE 2 used so.ta beds by SINIMONS, dou- ble siz° mattresses, e' t ellent condi- tionfrom $295. Can be seen at: Middleton's Home Furnishings Wingham '357-1411 • NOW available photocopy- ing. Drop in at TheWing- ham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31 rrb- WINGHAM CHILDREN'S Centre requires' a custodian' for approximately 35 hours per. week. • Duties • to com- mence immediately. Mainly late afternoon and evening hours. Applications shall be made in writing to Wingham Children's Centre, Box 236, Wingh8,m, Applications will be accepted, until 12 .noon July 140, 1984. - CLASSIFIED , I DFAD.L,1NE . T+U I) }'\1)l l\l•. FUR (=-L S1ElED ACTION ADS IS M () NDA YS .12:00 NOON the rw,,rnac'r'ime, it Ynccn nn Monday', with the esce•l,nr,n nt :r MnncI.it .tattlmry holiday. To place one of 111 -tc .0 t *n .I,1%. 1us' drop in At, i'he Advance Times Office .,r Phr.nt.• r 557-2320. 27,4 CRAIG ( Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning., Phone 357-3641. 26rrb • $10,000 SECOND income. Be a part-time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillerss for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory. Become independent, be your own boss 'in a growing industry. Excellent possibili- ty of becoming full-time area distribtttor. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 . Brant Street, Burlington, Ont., L7R 2G6. Phbne (416) 639-0503.. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING 'BARBERING - • UNIS X, F•'iu free.'nformahnn Kitchener -Waterloo School ,pf Hairdressing • 186 VI:. ter,,, St N, K.i( honor N21H 5C6 74'5-5641 PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. ; NEIGHBORHOOD sales. Earn extra money' part-time as a Regal representative. It's easy. Write free Regal gift catalogue, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept. 632, Toronto, Ont., M4G 2L6. LOST FEMALE • Australian -blue heeler, greyish blue color, in Whitechurch area:, Reward offered. Phone 357-1687. 5rrb CUSTOM sewing, alterations and English smocking. Jean McBurney, 357-1786. 18rrb UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and•de- livery, free estimates, Quali- ty workmanship. •Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery, Blyth. Phone 523-4272. ATTENTION REGISTERED UFFI HOMEOWNERS SAVE UPTO25% ON YOUR HOME HEATING We Have The Solution! We may have the alternative.lo a complete ,removal That Is Ictallycovered by a Government Grant • •Gov't. tax free grant to cover cost up to '5.000. •No additional cost to homeowner 410 Inconvenience due to removal. •Er.ergyconservation •Humidity control. •M'akes your property more valuable— and saleable . GODERICH ENERGY SEAL INC. AIR SEAL .SPECIALISI S 27rrb CUSTOM baling of large round bales. Bill Robinson, *529-7857. - - 20,27,4,11 CUSTOM • round baling • (various sizes) and hauling ' done. Phone 392-6486. 20,27,4 M -B PAVING and sealing specializes in farm lanes, driveways and parking lots and lawn rolling. Phone Sea - forth 527-1534, Clinton 482- l539, Goderich 524-4175, Teeswater392-6820. 20,27,4,11;18,25 • EXCAVATING, paving and sealing .of, driveways and parking lots. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow, 528-3047. 25rrb °PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pia os bought and sold: Phone 351-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb #41 - MINISTRY OF A MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING HURON COUNTY ' HOUSING AUTHORITY For Janitorial Services and Snow Removal at Queen Street, .Blyth -. . (OH -1) Tenders will be received for the above until 11.00 a.m. local tinle, Wed . July 18, • 1984, by the Huron County. Housing Authority,, 48 The Square. Godench,' Ontario. N7A 1 M5 (51 9) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications 'may be obtained. quoting feterence number as 'above THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER OT NECESSA ILY ' ACCEPT D. Phono 524.2311 Collect Govt Certified. Bonded. and Approved C.0 A,No 2428.1 Teeswater Ex-Togglery RUMMAGE SALE Thursday, July 5 10 a.m. to 5 p'am• ushes anted BUYING BUSH LOTS OR SELECTED TREES Top cash (prices. Craig Hardwoods Ltd. Auburn Bill Craig 526 -7220 - Al Craig 526-751 2 MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL. AFFAIRS AND HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Public Tender Reference P.T. (H.C.) 84-2 For Exterior Painting of Ontario Housing Dgilcngs, Seaforth OH -1, Clinton OH -1 & 2 and. Goderlch FP1152, in Huron County. Tenders will be received for '.the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wed , July 18, 1984', by the Huron County Housing, Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A '1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may. be obtained, quoting reference number as above.' THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDERNOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. • NOTICE Watering of Lawns' and Garden Notice is hereby. given that the watering of`. . lawns and gardens by hose or other automatic device is now prohibited in the Town of Wingham by authority of By-law 1773(1984): Therefore, water restrictions Will -be removed by future notice in this newspaper. If you have any questions,, please contact the local Public Utilities Commission Office (357-2210). Persons contravening this By-law are subject to a fine of up to $300:^00. Wingham Public Utilities Commission AUCTION SALE Of livestock, machinery and household items JOHN RUT.t1ERF®RD • Lot 15, Gori. 10, West Wawanosh, 2 corners • south of Lucknow then 1/2 mile east of Belfast orr• Sat®, July 7. 10:00 a.m. 35 crossbred beef heifers 500-600-Ibs..sell by 'pound, weighed in l_ucknow; A.C. 1938 WF tractor: Ford 8N tractor; W.D. tactor (for parts): Allis B tractor (for parts).; Cotkshutt 60 tractor w'loader: A.C. model B,tractor; 'Case w 3" p.h'. tractor; A.C. model WF tractor; 31,H.,„. corn binders. running; 2 I.H. corn binders for parts: 5 corn cutters •'w1pipes; •-plows; discs; harrows: ,potato digger; I.H. 7' grain binder; weigh scales: 200 gal. gas tank; buzz saw; W D 45'ioader and. plow; W.D. 4.5 front end snow blower; chicken house; Manure spreader: land -roller: remote ram cylinder; dual wheel flat bed trailer; 11/2 h.p. air compressor; power washer as new; lawn bdy riding mower • with trailer, R x 50 gas weed eater; electric fan; .humidifier,. combo fan and heater; fishing and camping ear: Bxt phone; qutdodr lamp stan- dard: wheel barrow; numerous articles. For information phone 528-6744. T.N(S .Cash. Owner .or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer: , BRIAN RINTOUL