HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-10-11, Page 6oataro 1.1478
YOUL Will v 1 e the (difference
between "Sal
"anddIust 4ea.7
the House
What sert of bed -time stories do you
; and, what sort
tell to your children
was finished, he was ready to go
are here combined. The model is com-
of an impression do they make oil the FLA/NI
will be suprised to expn.
eriece a won- I
derful feeling of freedom when you
outdistance the family patching:
4463. Filet lace and crepe de chine
fortable and pretty, and may be de
little tots? Do you sometimes wonder Hanging -basket 'plants, I have l'.
rveloped in crepe of two colors, or in
why the longer you tell your little son learned, inuet be hardy and not easily batiste with veining and hemstitching
or (laughter stories the evider awake injured by heat or temporary neglect for a finish,
they beeome? If this is the case, you The air up where they are is likely The Pattern is eut iti 4 'Sizes:
' 4 good to be much hotter than the normal .
reason for it What kind of stories living -room
. temperature, and, being
42-44; Extra Large, 46-48 inches bust
In assuming that if the child is ae- likely to be neglected, Drying out yards of 32 -inch material. For the
may be sure that there is a ver, go Small, 84-36; -Medium, 38-40; Large,
do your children ask for? One is safe above the level of the eyes, they are measure. A. Medium size requires 23/4
<painted with Little Red Riding Rood, fast they need more watering than yoke of contrasting ma.terial 1 yard
jack the Giant Killer, etc., that they pots below, and usually get less. 40 inches wide is required.
are his favorite stories. But heale you The Bermuda buttercup oxalis has Pattern mailed to any address on
allowed the child to become acquainted been about the besthanging-receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by
h tl I -enters of story -lore? basket plant I have ever grown.. Bothl the Wilson Publishing Co.,. 73 West
wit iese e lea
that the longer she told ----------- nd droop down over the sides as they weeks for receipt of pattern.,
A friend once complained to me foliage and flowers have long stems, Adelaide St. Toronto. Allow two
daughter "good -night" stories the mature. One or two bulbs will make a
wider awake she became. The more fine basket. A lai.ge fleshy root stores
the mother complained. "She wants resistant. This is the case also with
tales of ogres and giants and Indians, Asparagus sprengeri another excellent
and she won't go to sleep without them basket plant with beautiful feathery
—and she can't go to sleep with them, foliage but no worth -while bloom.
sometimes 'till ten o'clock And she Wandering Jew and weeping lantana
gets so nervous that she often cries are trailing plants often used, but
out in her sleep, either of the above I have found to
be better.—A.
Although a woman of unusual in-
telligen_ce, she did not seem to realize
that it was the sort of stories she told
•to her little daughter that caused the
sleeplessness. Suppose that she had
stories I tell her, the more, she want," moisture, which makes it drought- The City of Cloud.
When a ce'rtain farm woman -E.gur-
told the child stories of a soothing na- ed that she was traveling 114 miles
ture? You Itnow there are stories of a year, bririging water from her back
that sort --stories that have a repiti- porch into the kitchen, it did not take
tion of soft drowsy sounds that na-
turally have the effect of producing
sleepiness. Or, if she preferred, she
might have told the little one stories
that, even though they did not have
the effect of producing sleepiness, may
be told at bedtime, with perfect sofety.
In fact, any story that does not con- in your home?" was the question asked
tail], the least element of fear may be, at a home-improvemont rneeting the
safely told, But if a mother desires other -day.
that her . ehild shall sleep well, she Electric lights, electric iron, and
ShouldsrieVer tell him, or allow him to electric washer of course came in for
-----egieseteeltcr, stories that frighten him, Such their due share of praise; but many
stories are also poor brain -developers, I of the things mentioned were -within
Only a few evenings ago our little the limits of even the slenderest
'brother, seven years old, began after [ pocketbook, and some of these things
require no outlay of money whatever,
only a little thought and ingenuity.
"A high stool in the kitchen," said
one woman.
"Hooks to hang utensils where they
are needed," said another.
"A chamois skin for washing win-
dows and mirrors," volunteered a
Other things found helpful were
drop shelves to supply extra room,
wire dish cloth, dustless dust mop, oil
'Tt was with difficulty that I interested cloth on shelves, travelingtable, and
the child in a simple little na.ture oil stove.
Just read this over again, and see
Perhaps the child's teacher is not to
jolaine as she is only a girl and this
Is her first school. Anyway, our little
anther took some stories to school
With him the next day—just suck —
sto' ries' as 'he _is Used to having told PATCHING NEW GARMENTS. ,
her long to persuade the men -folks to
pipe the water into the house. Facts
are stubborn and sometimes startling,
and often -the simplest changes spell
the difference between drudgery and
BY j. B, HARRIS,-131.1R.LAND , 19
CHAPTER VL—Contd.) 1 "Ol., he remembers me and Ded-
did“Onhot, sAplej:ek: 1 want , ' I "Yes, Yes - And that's why I was Problem of Excess of Citizens
"Yes, sir?" said the servant as he thal'y' eh?' "
with you both. Do YtoeulitahvienkaJtaanilet 'P'..lo'ills'Igstto°r;11.1°1 341c'eu wuPasal. Idoant'tltiblelieDve° I Will Solve Itielf in Une!c-*
she'T`Ihlefti 1daostlohtleheorr,eieidt"aAgaliic: arnepdlitehd,6, tltwrido :Ypc, °ItinAt lei
room. . 1111s wife were very fond of each
1 e said, " eating on emit
tOward a point where, just as , in
The leopulation,of London is, headed
pededly Short Time.
could come here for a minute?" ;:(1'.inTgi:tcoini,lhesitatedmbefrethe re -
elderly women entered. The cook, fat! "Did you know his wife?" asked may even begin to Show a CICCI3110.
France, It will remain stationary and.
Falcidceei,inilitlyae 11:Itiledhnadl:dahr-eiel?f1017•1101naeiddit.ewd iAtiihr s ...11.12`e`Nheoltn'verY well. But she wee a
lice 'lovely little wornan-:=--full, of life—soh, Thls- theory ja adVadeed. by (Tharles E.
closedyest,liseild?o,e,rs_aid Jane, itth'sinkhtohraritblseille iTsredleioaid'rl.,---, horrible,. to ployment and Its Solution." He 'mule
P01.1., al o1 Of "The Riddle of Damn -
"The truth must be kept.frorn, Mer- tbe statement in the course of a con -
said: "A lady came here last night." li'init°11," said the Young doctor Stern --
eyes, sir,,, said Alice, ".,and 1 dont 4Y, 'or I will 'not answer for his life. 1,500,000 rami and women out of work
ptiine:eetetehihi.,:e cohiLpriyro, grsaasyse areLgoarndaion,ing dth,ese.
Dr. Trehorn cleared his throat and
know as I've ever seen anyone I took month. And riQinbde hme°17medusftr,hmavileeraebsfoolrutae 4 , .,,,,,clirl::-'41-14
"The lady, whose name I ' do not The problem of population now is
khra:uliassbtiv'ltnued._T raSe Itlhaiere' d:ils ti7ilitlhtiainnielcd: 'made s° ihehh:7'"si.:;1.:Til.kl:deesdh:irsilleT,vreol yssembaf1i1711ii.:111:triic.Iss chair
glatonolu'd- 116.-.1*11°4611631622151Mg - —54 Isalailcill. Fyie wtdilizeicsialastsyhes:to 1:aell'atahl ettlillitsiai no.sta-4;v1aal silr Ygceot"irerd le: -
to more, seeing as she was a stranger. rest—peace of mind."
the awaY his eigaret.te an, d lit. an- Is it a dream that we are different? ptpliul:fteEd:11r°E13:enthiassliA:utartortyn, itaheevienti.--
• d ' ' t do' thing
gone back to him an is anxious o
all in her power to put things straight..° "You realize," said Ardington, after Clan it be true we are the same as mediate question of the revelations,
She threw herself upon my mercy, a, known woman, may play a syery im- Those beasts forever tearing at their si:gt:iteinpletrihte' w'reticiodvileli78 iroetgaDrudi-e''ocillea,s, till:El:it
aSshe1haamd-tgeotiankge tnoletainktee youintoeionntofidnienincee'.1 minkite of silence, "that this nn- they— 4-
aaeh here!' nthe woman 'would Provide a inoti've." our talons Mrs. morringeee Committed suictde, een'ling so sleek yet a.lways °xi the iiSli a widespread telideneY to beliave
scent? a,r
1 throw myself un ,yous,1 promised ,portant part in the tragedy." ' , prey
her that I --well, that I would keep her 'Yes, I see what you mean. If poor a .i."'-'3'''
Alice.`'Oh, sir, "Indeed,
eddo,n 'It Idiokne,ti.t at adllo," sseaenlidider:eA0d1;11_76 ifyi,Pu a lidi:ni,Vit think Tigtih 'N.:1;a! s„ illsuari; Cold- cfluinelnIsnisiinh,gideiu:IlksPableenepastatr boulorsstorina. *igi:dilletir°d'ae't bscilliese'vic'isw11,1inIgliseedits)°::jillantsetialvaeal"tlfleaaTibucpleleo.:elpiaa:nitia'dcluaaulL'Isitaiaiti:it-
secret and pretend that she had never
like encouraging wickedness."
"You must
sdherujgngstedashyiseushi jokuel,,d,erhse. wrinhagttokninsdo Novfelic,haw.p Why eivse„n I can see
, Our slender hands ean lay a s,naring
Oh, we are strange and terrible within, -Conditions in Europe.
The war came and 10,000,000 men
Trehorn. "You—who know this Mer- gile skin—
that if it is known that the lady came sharply, ,
"/- don't think it" said Aildington - • - ' and there are some 10,000,000 unem-
, , _ and women died. The war has liasswed.
said with a smile, "But I warn you mesh!
here with nF. Merrington it will proh- Ntvohgaetthyxitl‘fnEdtuhtIisit:th'saiili.kleinc,lt,Ttrawehcleoll;n::iWuoner:(1"::r!e S.1.1.1• ab heas'ts hold hushed visicms 35
theT go? ' '. ployed, while over the greater part or
ably mean a tragedy for three people ....
Take it home to
the kids
Have a Packet in
yonr pocket for an
ever -ready treat.
A delicious confec-
tion and an aid to
_the teeth, appetite',
Sealed in its
Purity Package
Europe conditions have be,c01116 almost.
encourage evil„but to prevent it. This es.. • He is my patient. I going high
. • . • ' • unsupport-able.. Peale these facs it is
—a cruel tragedy: I do not want to goie to stand by Meriington? By toiling•sweat do they stretch spires
town, lady has returned to her huSband, but to seelini through his illness. That is arg-ued that the vast European potven
is time bound to 'decline and fall':
When I a,m a -weary of people and
Aching to wring a solace from the sky
And "crying of a High White `Ming
they know!
Are wemaiere beasts and cruel as we
l'Or are we different because we dream ?
—Power Dalton.
And the fret and the worry and woe a doctor's first duty "
if all this corms VS `light she will
Of life at its best, to a little gray rock
In the heart of the meadows I go,
And there in the silence, 'sequestered
. and. sweet, -
Away from tha riotous, crowd,
My fanciful ,spirit slips, aut of the
"I think we might oblige the master,." duty
doubtless leave him again. Well, 1
e , thaernfiorusityt
of 7hesf
leave myself in your good hands. mauiistotelladny
Jane and Alice looked at each save Inc friend."
ch other.
"What do you mean bY that, Arde
said the cook, `sri
eein' as he's doin' it Iton?"
all for the best" `I mean that before I came here I
promise. I must do what my con- motored to the scene of the accident.
No one else was there and I had a
"Yes, Jane—but I won't make no
-science tells Me." good look round. You Say Merrington
"That'll be all right, sir," said the
cook. "You leave her to me."
"Thank you both ----very much," said
Trehorn quietly. "I don't ask either of
And visits the City.of Cloud: Argentina s Meteorite.
A giantnnetho 'te h f 11 ' th
was thrown into the road. Well, some -
Its domes and its minarets, turrets and one else was thrown into the hedge." w e e
territory of Chaco Argentina '-'300
silver and mother of pearl, you to make a promise. I just leave laughed. "Good man! I can .trust ye
you, Trehorn. Here's my hand. - Be- IY before 1812, has been rediscovered, " •
' to undeveloped countries, such, as the
Breast dominions is suggeeted as a.
towers "Oh, I see." Ardington paused ,and
ars ago, but which was "lost" short-
This country, and indeed the whole of'
Europe, cannot support itself, and at.
the same tinae the exportable surplus
foodstuffs from. America are' d.eolining,
while American manufacturers have
become developed to a Point tixait
makes European exports less and less
necessary, ,
The -common (tssumption is tha,t the
pesition is due to bad distribution of
population, an,d organized. migration.
remedy-, This expeclIent is to be con-
Areeds re utation—an according to explorers for the Ar
. cori, eience, w
of silk Your hands.
n to tell a"few lies for him, tine governmen,t. The mass topgora sidefre.d at the fdathcoming imperial
which unde ed:ly would
And white satin banners with fringes myself ---and this -1 y leni-' tween us .we I save old Mein gto . ,
,They left the, room arid Trehorn aren't you?" • - eto :weigh nearly sixty tons. 'Since r h
From its. spires in the azure unfurl., ate talking nonsense, Ard- 1912 sel;eralexPeditions have trie'd to ,felieye 1.3!° ,
The ,steep terrace stairs and the aye- KT a sigh of' relief. ,He had said '. "You
"Lein I?—oh, very' well. But look
locate n a reward o
it I 1873 f '12 0-00 which 511115111 allsver tha fu
Th and the alaces proud not afraid that either of them would
b t • On thinking heee " and Ardington pulled two more rapidly than i s so ices o
dl f the eventeenth century question whether mankind is g3rowfinodg
flues: broad, o hing about the police. But he was
was offered for its recovery. About
the mi cl e o e
pleasure in doing housework. e gates a P be induced to e iste . e ; ,
"What is the greatest labor saver Are of pure alabaster and ivory carved the matter over he had come to the crushed and broken red feathers'. from
resence ' of the meteo,rite was all, PPIY' ,, ..1 i h..
In the glorious City of Cloud. conclusion that police inquiries would his. pocket, "Look at them. I found the P Another siuggeo,,e,_ remedy is b rt
only -stiffen their determination to them he th-e hedge—lucky I did find first reported by Spaniards' who had
Only lilies, unclose in its gardens and back him un. They wouldnot say any- them. They never came off a suit,- been guidecrto the:spot by Vilelas in_ control, but this, as W. H. Keynes con -
he had been put to bed, to tell the
story that his teacher had read to his
class in school that doy. It was hard
to get him interested in any other
story,. The "teacher's story" had
made Such an impression on him that
it seemed he could tot get it out of
his mind. I did not get much mean-
ing from his rather incoherent version,
but I know the story was full of be-
headings, giants and ogres, and that
it was not fit for any child's mind.
if there isn't at lea.st one of these
labor savers that you need and can
have without much expenditure of
time or money.
and read to him—and the teacher. Patching new gaertents sonnds
_ _ a _.
,j0Me51., Pleas.tt tc?,..gt: -theta, and to drastic, but is much easier and ii161.5
nYd-i.7-e it, 3'ead them aloud to the class•linsrilig -ht—en Vorking on old ones
And as a result brother did not have; that are faded and out of shape.
any difficulty in keeping his mind en i Patches, like the nose on the face,
hie own good -night story when he:have a habit of coining in the same
went to bed. 1 -lis little mind was not i places, so it is a simple matter to
full of horrible, fear -instilling 1 put them on after a new garment has
thoughts, and by the time my story I been shrenk, or, if made at home,
after it has been finished. In the late
Universal Portable 8 th Tub-
' tor case some of the material can be
and Folding ; used, but if clothes are ready-made
wee or vr3thout mstanianeous water heater e0/110 similar material will do jest as
ttattied, Dermas ell bathroom comforts or ,,,,,,,11.
a millionaire in the room. 2,TO plumb- 1 1^1'1-` ,,.. , , , . . .
• ing. Equally suitable for rountry or ! The Lail of an old shut is often good
groves, thing that would get him. into trouble case, Trehorri." ians. e objecty ' ' ceded, is bound to raise burning,re-
pherne, There was a ring at the front door two red feathers—identical with the sisted meteoric iron and pure nickel
No sound ever shattere the quiet su-
Dr the'sand. Analysis 'showed that it con -
Ships snowy s•ailed float to its piers, with the Pellee• Trehorn. at once recognized the
• bell, and, a ininute later 111-r. Ardingtori two that the unknown lady' lia_d worn and cobalt. Several •
was shown into the .room. He was
No calendar. reckons the years;
a tall, slender man of fifty with rather
But alsunriseand sunset its shimmer- long iron -grey hair brushed back from
mg roofs his forehead, and a lean, cadaverous
—With splendor untold are endowed, face. Rich and able to toil just as
Then a -glitter with amethysts, rubies
and gold -
Is the beautiful City of Cloud.
I meet in the 'streets all the hopes and
the dreams
That melted ala! into air,
And young Love who died of too ar-
dent a kiss,
And Truth who, was, slain with a
And none are unhappy or sick or in
, pieces were sent
in her little_ toque.. But he was al- to rimsams,. ' Two pistols, were, made
ready learning to deceive, and • he , of all this,. Emigration may be deser-
from some •of the metal and were pre-.
merely said, "I don't know any bird
ligions, social and political questions, „
Revolutionizing these theories, Pell
now, conies fol-wa.-nd _
that the situation is really the reverse
Nvith feathers like those." -
Ardington laughed. "Some ordi-
much or as little as he pleased,. he had nary fowl," he replied; 'a white Orp-
acquired great reputation- as a, wood thigtona I dare say, or a Leghorn—
carver, and it was said that his work' some white feathers dyed that won
01010 nearly approached the perfection derful shade of scarlet. These only
and spirit of the mediaeval craftsmen grew on a vonian's hat Trehorn. And
than the work of any other man in I ,dare say she had to pay a few 'shil-
England. , Brigs apiece for them." •
"I say, this is a prettytrotten busi- He carefully replaced the feathers
nese," said Trehorn. "I was just go- in his pocket book, hiding them away
ing to send a telegram to Mrs. Mei- in a little compartment that had a
rington." flap to it.
Ardington seated himself in a chair 'I think I'd burn them if I were
and lit a cigarette. "Where is the you." said theyoung doctor.
woman?" he asked. "Not yet, Trehorn. I shall keep
"I don't lcnow. k'now notlitng them sa.fe enough. Well, you didn't
about any woman. Who told you Mer- see the lady, ehl"
rington was here?" "Of course I didn't, or I'd have said
"No one," Ardington- replied. "The se.".,
London police rang me tip last night " (To be continued.)
and I think they must have got on to 0_,
the police station here. At, any rate
the village policeman heard about the
. .
senteci to a president of the 'United
States in appreciation of his( sympathy
-with Argentine independence.
Minard's Liniment Heals Cuta.
able, but, like birth control, it is un-
necessary_ since the population al-
ready is undergoing a natural i''',heck.
he declares. . The clanger is not over-
population at all, but rather under
population. Tins seems strange ia
view of. the fact that in 1921, the lat-
Oleomargarine. est year for which fall figures are --
Belgiuin now uses about 1,600,000 available in England, there was a sur -
pounds of oleomargarine each month,
about 31/2 times the quantity a few
years ago.
There are neither a crutch Toronto '11(3.0d Exchange
shroud Limited
Or a whip or a weapon. or hunger or
In the marvelous City of Clew/. ATTE N TI N
Or a
And blOsS'eln and billow, behold! litimbal", and elnie may now be exchanged for • .
To .ey0s. that are blind to th,e beauty
of star car this morranc, and iden e
My city enchanted is. only a mass It"; 'cial;:nfreir urzhoj caliTt= • Dominion. of Canada
Of cumuli fold upon fold,
about it. Poor Merrington—gPoor 5% on
But to world. beaten hearts like m3r low—I Wish I could -see hira safely out
own it's the place of this." under the following conditions:
Where no shadow of strife is al- "But this woman, Ardington? What
do you mean?"' Holders may clip and retain interest
And ray 'spirit untrammeled may dance, "Well, the car was seen between coupons due Nov. lat, 1923 and send
here and London, and there was a wo-
with the ,sun
20 years. -
'their bonds. to be exchanged for the
man same par eralue of DOIYIINION
In the wonderful City of Cloud. . ,
"What's the evidence for that?" CANADA 570' Bonds maturing in 5 or
• „.---Minna Irving. "A policeman took , the number of
ea the car." In exchanging for DOMINION OF
CANADA 5% Bonds due 1928 they will
"I think .Merrington was driving ' receive the following amotnits in cash,
was ret,her fast. At any rate the policeman .,-?-e in addition to the same par value of
Em- took the number, and he swears there ;c:-.'-: DOMINION OF CANADA Bonds on
V"- each $100 Bond Cash $ 1.00
ski was a woman in the car." '
.4tili ?.
rth "Weil, 1 suppose Merrington was
giving her.e, lift. What was she like?" CYLlorlris,
$1,000 ,, 10.00.
$500 „ 5.00
Ardington shrugged his shoulders.
"Furs," he replied. 'Meat s all the fel-
Cculdn't Be p.o,ne In exchanging for DOMINION OF
hon- er ,
ted low saw. Dark furs." CANADA 51 J3onds due 1943 they wil)
The Reason.-
Universal 38(111 Products Company
erate iwice, .6..el: about our todoor
elbows 03' pieces large enough to come
enough to be cut into patches for the
blades in me, had DIEU' '
e.,_ i'peror An , - Ill, after Paderew
expelled fioni Russia years ago by
The story of how Pa,darewski
town borne, 80 days' trial, Mod- 1
86 Assumotlon St., Walkerville. Ont. down aye). the shoulder r- the egart, is wo
' back. Cut the patches round for thel - `-" " " '''
I telling. ,
elbows and pin or baste into place. Do
t "You are a great artist, and an
bc.t turn in the edges. Catch -stitch
or to Ruela," the Emperor is repoi
b t the ' leeve very lightly
On the Ca. arid CN.R.
-where watitycoqnts-
' Edcly matches are
served to patrons,
plus of births -over deaths .ztmounting
to 390,335. Pell argues, however,
that this excessr is temporary 'only 'and.
largely illusory.
Decline in Nation. -
He points out tha,t it Is her much.
-heavier death -rate that leaves France -
with such a small excess of births
aver deaths, but argues that this is
due because there is a much larger
proportion et old people in France now
th,an elsewhere, and England, is pass-
ing swiftly throug-h, ,the stages that.
France previously had passed through_
rather slowly.
In support of his view he points out
that when the present small propor-
tion of children iri this country grow
up there will be an exceptionally small
proportion. of people of child-bearing
age. As a result of this the popula-
tion in Di ngland will approximate in
constitution that of France, .with
The birth rate will continue to fall
inore and anore swiftly, lie believes,
while the death rate will cease declin-
ing and may even increase. Intimate-
ly the former will oveetake 'the latter
and the country face d,epOPula-
tiori: Pell claims that the birth rate
already has escaped from control and
that other sections of the Inglo-Saxon
race are in the same and even in a
worse cas,e.
When putting in double backs shape ; 'Might heye: been another ?Pan, "It's proposed to confine a11 Ile receivethesam€parvaltie of DOMINION The natrve-born population ot the
eeeleense, OF CANADA 5% Bonds in addition to United States, according to his argu-
to have said. a
t e patcho s
Mac patch like the top of the shirt, pin ard°11' YD111' ItaicstY•'' rePilea mightn's it?" ' tion's feeble-minded in men.t, is in a. condition at, least as bad
8.7 5
brolre in sharply. Mee rine; ton ha. $1,000 17.50
„ „
!teat his memory—about six or seven
irtto place. turn in the edges and hem, Pacierewsic-i' , 11)0"5,y'oduonh'tienkili1OfwFiatvcr's mo•lellrvienrgy,0°-7,.e.r• jo../It'llesreannocsitpeoropuliElt.al r stoVni,igo,';1„. write our a cas'a$,P10a0YratB1:10t:tif : Gas', $ 1.75
xt lay the pianist reee'•ved • t s• • n—`"' -
as that ot France, and probably worse.
to sleeves, shoulder acid collar seams.]
°Mei. to leave on,r1 be has I ''Thet would be no good" Trehorr ' ' . Elis simnel:Ili -up of 'ills, position is
0e-..atthed dt k - - . $500
along the following .
. eic s lower age an , ac nsincc.
to the shirt in several places so as to ----------------.
-- - -.....--_,
hold it in plaee. Knees and Seats of
new trousers will be much slower to
COme through .if re 01150100(1 in this
way while new. 'Crider -wear and pa -
The Little Things. For bonds from vvhich the Nov. 1st
there c'lan be no doubt that the Anglo -
"As fertility ie continually F,ling,
,Tea and eggs are the same class. months of it-- ie can' cou-on has not been clipped the cash
You insist an fresh eggs, and since tea what Itas happened—what he e came a little sooner balance. will be as -follows:
Posed to the air, you shonld insis
jamas', will need almost no attention. tea sealed like SALAI)A in
deteriorates even /1/01.9 rapidly if ex_ doing since last June." ------------------ Than the other felloW Obi,
4. „, "Great Heavens!" exclaimed' Ard- And stayed a little longer
: 011 09l in r,,091 { Than 'the other felloW won13.
Ignt "Well, l'm not sure thaii It in't the
best thing for him after iiill." fEe worled a little harder
, , “Do you, tiling the poii.ee will be,:i And he talked a little, less,
Ile was never really hurrie(1,
•• eg And Ile showed but litt.e sttre,ss,
in later life eechea they are patched alumitiun to keep it fresh. T)o 110Attwisa tVERYWFINPI, IN CACIADA before ShowinNlake It Snappy. u •
T' a g too inbch wear. You cop/ bulk teas of questionable age
ASIt. FOR F4181.31111S MhTCriEll
1 T know it COfact, Why— e
Farmer (to train ealler)--"Wlmt do paused, Ile bad just been about to For everY little inevenielit
say Why he dide t even recottniye 3 -Tis efticiency expressel.
you do?"
Train (;aller Gall trains" th man who was with him in the 1 -Ie saved a little nioney
Farmer- -"Virell, Inc one. In ear," but he had saved hini.selein -In a buruired Ettle wa,
hurry.' time. He ehivered at the narrow' ALTIdr barllic.ed a extra
11 ben le got a t
little aise
"Why, Isneey nothing about the
rear o re . t- d th Of course, it's little wonder that
.13.8(11( (n ()in con rime , Or a Recei:its will be sent in order of accept -
ng in he hod left Laudtou in 1 ezly. But this, 1 -fa naniniurs with a snille,
he Once rn b romovci the --_-.,,........_____
wticels and -w- ib ..i brake lini
kerosene, Ins', eeciotgas all oil and morning' wben 1 told him that he was As his dividends e°111° regular, -----
Attachments on 0 new sled enable
. , atiCe.
II PerS031 to move lilmself over snoW
grea,se Nylitcla, if -present, taltes the near Ilocibury, he thought it possible "Are the little ti worth while?" scasszsmstufgazazza=61.
or ice with 'movements sir-Iilar to row.
"bite" out or the brakes. Never oil lliat be Might have been going to s ay : — ,,, ee.e.eae..,
inv, it boat.
brake lining w'itli yoti." I Minard's Liniment to Dandruff.
I " ISSUE No, 40--'23,
For 1928 Bonds.
$100 BonL1 Cash $ 3.7.5
$500 „ „ 18.75
$1,000 ,, t,„ 37.50
For 1943 Bonds;
$100 13ond .Cash $ 4.50 ,
$500 „ „, 22.50
$1,000 „ „ 45.00
Forward your bonds by REGISTERED
MAIL to, the Toronto Bend Exchange
Limited, Dominion Bank 131dg., Toronto.
State•plainly the maturity of DOMINION
OP' CANADA BONDS you wish--
1928 or 1943 .
Saxon element in America is steadily ,
dying, out: And its the birth rate t/i.
all of the more highly civilized corm, •
tries is falling at an accelerating rano,
which ultimately nnist overtake, the
death ra,te, depopulation .15 the untl.
mate" outOorne."
From Cupid's Factory.
The young 1)1 (115 and groot
started on their wedding trip
veritable 00s190y."
"Never heard of the car. 'Who
in 11 it
in a.