HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-10-11, Page 5Dtt
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eVe aVer
Y sumptuous and. ,arPetiz-
- ing repast was enjoyed. by the Sehol-
' = ars. At the close of the supper, the
I tables werecleared from the floor
= and the evening spent in dancing
= and friendly social intercetirae be-
tween the two Schools. Below is a
-- list of the prize winners of the day.
Ownig to the wet condition of the
diamond and the lateness of the hour
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I beseball match between tile boys of
-a- when the sports were eau off, the
the two sclioolayas poStpone'd until
pter•'alAe. n
- Girls 60 -yd race ----K. Elliott, G.
Blackwell, A. Scruton.
Boy a 100-yd—A. Sparks Gascho
(Zur.) Carmichael.
Throwing baseball, Girls—G. Sob-
ilbe, (Zur.)a. H. Whiteside, M. Mc-
•Kaig. '
Rtinning high jump—A. Sparks,
Gascho, (Zur.) Seddon.
Shotput— Carmichael, .Gascho,
(Zur.) Soiclan.
Girls relay—G. Cooper, M. Fair-
burn, K. Elliott, G. Blacitwell, Hen-
sall; H. Whiteside, A. Scruton, D.
liefferman, E. I-Iefferman.
100 -yd Girls—G. Blackwell, M.
Fairburn, K. Elliott, .
Boys relay—A. Sparks, L. White-
side, A. McKaig, J. Carmichael, Hen-
sall; Gascho, Youngblut, Schreinaie,
Gascho, Zurich.
Hop, step and jump—Gascho,'Car-
michael, D. Hoggarth.
Standing broad---Gascho, White.:
side, Sparks.
Highest , points --Boys Gascho;
Girls, G. Blackwell.
Line up for girls soft ball, 'which
was won by Zurich:
Hensall Zurich
G. Blackwell Catcher F. Diechert
M. Fairburn pitcher G. Schilbe
H. Whiteside, 1st I. Howald
M. McKaig 2nd E. Deitrick
E. Anderson 3rd G. Mellick
A. Scruton S.S. L. Leibald
M. Douglas L.F. E. Ducharme
G. Cooper C.F. R. Sararas
E. Hefferman R.F. -L. Farwell
waste time wishing yo U had a good busitieSeardilbations-asiiiitl
a splendid position, which is waiting ,to become
to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 4th, 1923,
For information write or phone
B. F. Wad, 13.A., M. Acc'tsa Principal.
- M. A. Stone, Com. Specialiat, Vic e_Principal.
Phone 198
'DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 7.0 'HENS gaLL
Graduate of Faculty. of Medicine,
McGill 'University, Montreal; Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
- Council of Canada; Post Graduate
Member of Resident Medical staff of
General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
Office, 3 doors east of Posta0ffice.
Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. -
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
Western liniversitY, London; Mem-
ber of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, of Ontario; Post Graduate
,member of Resident Staffs, of Re-
ceiving and Grace Hospitals, Detroit,
• Lor eighteen months; also Post Grad-
• oate member of Resident Staff iu
-.Midwifery, at Herman,.KieferHospi-
tal„ Detroit, for three months'.
„ ass Office over Joynt's, Block,
Phone 114 Ont.
. •
TWO doors east Of the "Maisons
Bank,. Hensall Ont.
Away W‘dnesday- afternoons.
Barristers, &c.
Office on the Square, 2nd door
from Hamilton St., Goderich.
' Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. Proudfoot, K.C. • 3. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be: in Hensall
every Friday from 9 until 6.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
ction School, Special course taken in
Itegistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm
Vales, etc. Rates in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
'wire 18-93, Zurich. -
Ortwein, of London,
spent. Sunday in town.
Mr. 'Hugh McDonald, of Clinton,
spent Sunday at his home here. ,
Mr. Wrn. „Fairburn is confined to
his heme with an attack of scarlet
fever: 0
Mr: and ,Mrs. Rowntree, of London
spent the week -end with Miss Me -
Miss Zetta Passmore visited rela-
tives near Kit:1[ton and Exeter over
the week -end,
,AnniVersary ServieeS Will be held
in the Methodist chuich here ou Sun-
day, October 21st,
. Mr. W. 0. Goddwin has been ap-
pointed choir leader of Carmel Pres-
byterian church here.
Rev. J. G. Litt, •of Zurich, will
occupy the pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday next.
Mts. John Zuefle and Master Clair
One Story Frame Dwelling, north
side King Street,'Hensall; 4 rooms,
2 •village lots, well Situated. Small
fruits and good water. Apply George
Brown, or Gladman & Stanbury.
keeper on a far in or for retired. gent-
leman. Mrs. la Runsrd, Box 206,
HAY couNam
The regular monthly session • of
the Council of the Township of Hay,
was held in, the Town Hall, Zurich,
on Monday, Oct. 1st. All members
were present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ad-
A grant of $25 was 'made toward
the Zurieli Agricultural Society, $20
to the Zurich School Fair', and $10
to the Dashwood School Fair for
Ey-Law No. 13-1923 re Stanley Mr. Roy Webber is this week mov-
Big Drain was read tne third tiane ing his household effects into the
and finally paseed. west side and upper part of, the store
'` -The -Township engineer will be he now occupies.
instructed. to make an award relat-
ing to" the diteff, leading -to and lead-'
ing away froiMathe big steel bridge,
on Cons. 4 anaa5: IS on his holidays. -
The following accounts were pas- '
The M,ethoclis't church is planning
sed: Mrs. M. Weber, re Meyers, $10; to.aiold a• fo-wl supper on Nov„einher,
T. R. Pattersoaaplans for bridges etc. Stla. Further particulars will ,be
$50; ditto plans, reports etc. re given at a later date.
are visiting the former's daughter,
Mrs. W. B. Bell, of Windsote
The annual Teacher's Convention
is being held in Exeter Thursday (to-
day) and Friday of, this week.
Mr. and.Mrs: H. Johns, of Guelph,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook
and family, the forepart of this week.
Mr. Rai McArthur ha's secured a
job driving a team for G. F. Case &
Son, the job formerly held by E. Mc-
Workmen are this week busy re-
pairing the home of Mr. E. Drum-
mond which was recently damaged
.by fire.
Mr. Edgar „McQueen has been en-
gaged by Mr. T. C. Joynt to clerk in
the grocery dept, of his department-
al store.
Mr. R. E. Cook has purchased the
dwelling on Khig St. opposite the
Town Hall, formerly owned by Mrs.
T. McKay.
WE PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En-
velopes, Letterheads, Visiting Cards,
Shipping Tags, and anything at all,
• at
The Obiseryer Printing Office, Hensall.1
Orders taken for Daily and Weekly
Paperrs. Toronto and London papers
Mr. 3. L. Tasker, of Blyth, is re-
lieving agent at the C.N.R. station
in the absence of Mr. A. L. Case who.
Schalm Drain $102; Township clerk'
by-laws etc.; re Schalm Drain, $40; An auction sale of household ef-
Alfred Taylor, cement work culvert fects will be held at'the home of Mrs.
read 15, $15.55; London ' Bridge Thos. McKay on Xing St. on. Satur-
works iron for culverts $26e C.N.R. day, October 13tIaaat 1.30 pan.
freight on iron' $2; Margaret John- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Little an.6. fam-
ston, let award Soldier's Memorial •ilY returned on Sunday from a motor
$27.50; Margaret Douglas and' -a- trip to Chambersburg, U.S.A. and re-
ward Sol. Mem.' $16.50; Hazel Thom-. port a very ..enjoyabre trip..
Nen, 3rd award. Sol. Mem. $11; N. Mr. A. L. Case, the local C.N.R.
Stanlake, comniissioner, road No. 1, agent. is at present on his holidays
$254; J. Campbell ditto $1498.30; -J. and he with Mrs. Case are visiting
Pfaff, fenceviewer fees $2., J. Eck- relativee in New York and .otlaer
stein ditto, $2; H. Steinbach, ditto, points in the U.S.A.
$2; C. L. Smith printing voaers' list Miss .Jean Elder who is a'pupil of
etc. $199; C. F. Hey, emu rd 6,825; Exeter High School,. -while taking
N. Sararas cleaning ditches $289.84; Part in. the .sports on Field Day at
C. Aldsworth, coin. rds 2, 3 and 4, Luean, on Friday last, had the tills -
1,297.10; W. Dearing com. rd 5, 'fortune to have her' ankle severely
,$144.15; Wm. Pfaff, rd work No. 5, wrenched. ' *
-$3.75; 3. Penhale ditto: ,$7.50; Zur-
ich schooLfaar, grant $20; Dashwood child, whp have spent the past few
school fair, grant $10; Zurich Agri.
months visiting. friends and relatives
Society, grant $25; W. E. Pfaff cern- kn: the British Isles, retarned herne
mit for culvert rd 1,5, $28.35; Work- on Monday of this week. :They re -
man's Compensation Board, ass't re
Port a' very 'enjoyable trip, while a-
$1.3„12; Stromberg-Carlson
Tel. Mfg. Co., supplies $46.72; Nor- • . .
• A Choral Society concert, will be
thern Electric Cp., supplies $5.42; . .
• given in the Brucefieid church on
Bell Tel. Co., toils and. Directories, ; .
• Moild.ay evening' next, October .15th,
$218.20g P. McIsaac; express, mes-
under ,the direction.' Of Mr, A. W.
senger; salary etc. $457,03; • M. G.
Anderton, of London:. Mies Ola Cook
Deitz, salary $422.50. -:
and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin will take
The council adjourned tnameet a- .
gain on' Monday, No,-vember. 5th, at part in ale. enter,tninanera, -
1.30 o'clock p.m. .
A. F. Hess, Clerk.
Ed. Miller is visiting friends
$4.75. In club with the Exeter Times in Michigan.
$6.25. Lea,ve your order at the Ob- Mrs. Sturgeon, of Bervie, visited
. .
server Office. relatives in town during the past
week. -
Mrs. J. B. 1)ennis and Sam Heitz. -
mann, of Kitchener, visited their fa-
ther, Mr. G. Holtzman recently.
1VIr. Andrew 1V(iddleholtz,' of Kit-
chener, renewed old Zurich acquain-
tanceS.,last week.
Mrs. Greb, Sr. has left for Detroit,
where site will remain for the winter.
ha Advanced
But we are still selling White Pine
dressed on both sides at $45.00 per
1x6 dressed and matched. white
pine $50.00 per M.
B.C. No. 1 XXX Shinglee
B. C. No. 1 XXXXX Shingles
Bird'a Aahplialt Twin Shinglee
•laird's Aeliphalt Roll Roofing 18 in,
wide, the heaviest made.
hone No. 12
A. J,
• The Clothing Factory,„ formerly
operated by: the jackson ma. Co,
was re -opened on Monday morning
last. The Hensall and Exeter fac-
tories, have been purchased by Mr.
S. M. Sanders of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock
visited in Sarnia oVer the week -end.
' Very successfal Harvest 'Thanks-
giving Services wete held in Grace
church on Sunday. a -The rector from
Liman being the speaker • at both
morning and evening services.
Mrs. J. B. Hodgins visited hen
daughter in Detroit recently.
Mr. Arthur Nfellin, of Detroit, and
Gordon Ulens, of Windsor, visited
friendg here on Sunday. '
naamber from here ,attended the
school fair at Corbett on Friday last
and rdport a fine time. '
Miss Luella Curts, grs. Follins
and Byron Brown are delegates to
Shipkaa'S.S. convention on Friday,
Oct. 12th. The general public is
.svelcome to. both sessions, afternoon
and evening.
Mr. Aldrick and Mr -Tine, of Lon-
don, assisted the Methodist choir on
Sunday and Mr. Aldrick sang a solo
which was much enjoyed.'
Dean Brown had his finger
crushed in his machine last
The Bazaar held by the ladies of
the Methodist church in the Town
Hall on Saturday last was d big suc-
cess; There was a florida booth,
Maple Leaf booth, Mollthal Circle
Novelty bootlo'and also Mollard Cir-
cle candy booth and a' home-made
cooking booth, in which were display-
ed a large variety of dainty and
pleasing articles which were readily
disposed of to, those who attended.
A five o'cloeit tea was served by the
the ladies and quite a nuMber ;availed
Mr. M. Brown, of Amherstburg,
theselves of the nleaaure of enjoy -
visited at the Mime of Mr. 3, Procter ing-a tastyrepast ; ' ,
last week. • ,
Mts. C. Heyrock whO spent the Phe third annual Field, Day of the
last few monthin London and at Hensall and Zurich High schools,
Grand Bend , has returned 10 ber was held on Friday last, October 5th
home here. •at the Honsall Baseball field. The
Dr. John Hagan, of Chicago, who weather proved ratnei-, disagreeable
has been visiting at tho Hagan home aor a good showing along smite lines
en the Parr Lino left an Tuesday 01 aperia but the majority of the
last for that city. • . ovente were ran oU despite the wee.-
Maa Sam's Deitz our local etnaPen- Later couditions. Mr. Milliken, Prin-
ter contractor, has just closed a deal eipal of the Zuriell school and Mr. S.
Lor a new Metal barn for Mr,' Win. Bugles, teeeher 01 Hensall Centinuaa
Taylor, of Stanley, to rept:lee the tion classes, had charge of the sports
one deetroyed by fire a few Weeka and gave all the entrants lo the var-
ago, The new structure wili bea'oea eaente a eaaa: eaaaa,,e,
Pi.e-Nuptial Party.
The Pt. Huron Times gives the fol-
lowing interesting, account of a pre-
nuptial party: "Mrs. C. D. Firestone,
Pearl street was hostess Wednesday
evening at a aiitchen shower in hon-
or of Miss Laura Love, of Sarnia,
whose marriage takes place October
15th to John Gowie, of that city.
The guests played hearts, after which
a two -course lunch was served in the
dining roonsi which was decorated
with pink and white streamers, with
bouquets of pink cosmos and other
fall flowers used throughout the
house. Friday e-vening Misses Nora
and. Ruth Glynn, of Sarnia, gave a
dinner at Patricia Inn, in honor of
Miss Love, at which time the guests
presented her with a shower of Pyrex
50x70 feet, and the thtiidc will he After the strealuelnla afternoon of
entirolY aoVered with metal. sports. the Htmattil *wheel banquetted
Mr. RoY rester/ of Kitchener is ttio visiting adaeloi itt tho Town Hall,
a-ating with relatives hare,.
E.L.C.E., ,of the Eyangelical
church held a very delightful party
at the home of Lir. and Mrs. R. A,
Goetz, on Monday night. The even -
was very pleasantly spent in games
• after which wener roaSt was enjoy-
IVIiss Pearl Kraft Izas accepted a
position with J. C. Reid & Co.
Mrs. (Rev,) A. E. Motyer, of For-
mosa, is visiting with Dr, • and Mrs,
Orme and renewing ,a.eq iqances
about tette. ad4alae,
• Senator and Mrs. Ratz, of New
Hamburg and Miss, Zwicker, of Lon-
don, are visiting with Nfr. and Mrs.
C. Zwieker.
The ladies of the • Crediton Wo-
men's Institute, "Motored to Zurich
on Thursday, Oct. 4ta, for a social
afternoon with the ladies there. A
very enjoyable time was spent by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. Gervin, of O-
klahoma, are visiting wit") Mr, and
Mrs, H. K. Either, coming from a
convention of the Rotary Club, of De-
troit. On departing they will spend
a few days with friends in Goderich
and Ludknow.
Miss Heist has ham' appointed del-
egate of the Evangelicrd Sunday
•School to the provincial convention
to be held in Stratford the latter
part of this week.
Mrs. Clayton Sims is visiting this
week with lier sister, Mrs Hillard
Sperling in Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, of Freemont
Mrs. Reynolds, of Cal. are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. G. Clark.
On Sunday last •the Crediton male
quartette.furnished the re.USIC for the
anniversary services ef the Bethel
Methodist church at Bayfield.
Mr. George Beaver, Mrs. Fleming
Mrs. Geitz have returned to their
homes in Michigan after visiting with
their father, Mr. N. Beaver for the
Past week.
Mrs. J. R. Hallman and daughter,
of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
C. Zwicker for a few days.
Mrs. Chressie Brown has returned
home afterna short visit in Zurich.
Mrs. G. Cook, of Detroit, is visit-
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D.S.
D. D. S,
At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and Saturday.
Hartleib's Block ----, Dashwood, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia,
were visitors in town over the week-
Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Otterbein have,
returned from a visit to Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McIsaac, of
Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. 0. Restameyer, Cat, K. Kuhn, Lloyd Wein, Irene
Mrs. Geo, Kellerman is visiting Flynn, Velma Guettinger, Gladys
-kith her Son in Paris. Penhale, Earl Sheardown.
Mr. Sam Oestreicher has returned White Egge—Wm. English, John
from the hospital in London, where Hedden, Thelma Sims, Lloyd Wein,
he uflcl0rwtnt an operation. ' ' Clara ThotnpsOil, Erma Fah ner ;
Rally Day services were held in Brown Eggs , G. Penhale, Ella Dear-
tho 'Evangelical Sunday School last ing, Helen Orme, Rob. Flynn, Greta
Sunday morning. A splendid pre- Dearing, Lorne Wein.
gram was given consisting 01 chorus- Dairy Calf—E. Woodall, M. Rich-
es and recitations, also selections by 'ard, G. Haist; Spring Laanb, L. Wein,
the Grand Bend quartette. The con- Lawrence Wein, Edgar Rader, S.
teat betWeeil Zurich, Crediton and Lawaen; Halter broken colt, W, Gals-
DashWood. Sunday Schools also came er, 0. Haist; Agr. Celt, W. .Gaiser,
to a elose that day, 1)ashwood being G. Haiet, .
TIPIUltS1)4tOCI'Ofillal 11 itlAt
hale; Pair bacon Hogs Beaver, 3.1 HIGH SCROOL SRO
Lacbaier, E. 'Woodall, al. Hirtzel, L.
Wein, W. Gaiser f C•Gn. -Bae0a add 1 nean
ee a Howard'
F' Beaver' (Cul) sI.)01'1 Lump. The da 1T vra,, cold
high 'schocil5 held their animal field day
Home-made lamed --Dorothy Diet- x and occasional .showers fell but a"
rie „IVIildi ett Inte, yla aist 111 'lull sportswere L of(.
Lawson, Alma Lawson; Graham latuf- , faucan staff and scholars tura:shed art
e•Silraablidela'etWli3irliF134ilit\l'e.r,N\Gr4.itPee'n111:11danleaexcciant , '111:1dle-Sd'"D?t:°:111tibiCell 1A:1:12Q'artiltehrc:3
WsonocidaC1111,r11-a'a.1.10trInTel,rtDs', 1:12tai'elt:,,l'hge°'1,c'budacsa'entinlballel)c c'°'cilietfe.q5aertirN:21tlelr''Mou
Dietrich, 13
Rasa Dearing, Salina Ra rsa to 0; bat Lucani <sat bark at the 4'
der; Dark -Layer Cake, 0. I-laist, R. iLos when they '
f)earing, Alma ytetz, W. Willis, Irene hY 37 to 7.
vwlalareollo:editelili,lia,slii.:.•-•!..DE:1611tikeritc: 1-11,c(3li
R. Dearing, I-1. Grine, S. Rader- Ap-
Rader, D. s,mlui, H. Hay, f enCs, the. stan<ling, being Luca,
'I'. Sims, R. Dearing,' aak,, White;
lionie-niade Candy, G. Penhale, Aiim
Winer, I.I. laroodall, Penhale, El-
don Smith, Laura C;lark; School
Lunch, W. Willis, S. Eilbel', Mc -
Isaac, I -I. Orme, E. Smith, S, Rader;
Pint of Raspbert.ieS, Lulu Kerr, Lyla
W Schroeder C Thorraisan
Sims, A. Winer, L. Wein, NI. Law-
son; 'beans, I. Fahne,r, M. Laveson;
patali on, cotton, A..'Wdoer, NV, 1.Valis
V. Sams, A. Waglioata Sims, T,
Sims; Wh. Ernbroi,siery, T. Sims; tea
towel, I -I. V. Sans, A. Wagliarn
A, Winer V. ,Mbiese, L. Waghorn; cr.
lace, Neeb, M. Lampert' E, Sw,eitzer
Fahner, T. Siirns, R. Dietrich; knit
.Nvash, cloth, L. Wa ghorn, B. aidaer, G.
T.)earing, Saiith, 1)caring, M.
Lawson; doll's' qu.:111., G. Dearing, A
Lam -son, S\veitzer, 'NI. Lawson,
Rader, G Becker; Boudoir cap; R
awn -Ls and Exeter 67 points,
The :individual chaanaienshaps alae
went to 1-ucan-Frank Sthyth winaing
in, the boys' eats.. and laelen S'tanley
Lli.e. girls' events.
l'ane thanks of the hg,bi seliocA are
due tales° who supplied cars to tak,s,
them to Lacart and back.
The following is the standing of
the Exeter pupils in the various
events: --Running bread jump (Sr.)
(2) L. Statham, (3) H. Dignan;
Standing iligh jump, (Sr.) (1) H. ,
Dignan, 4 feet 3 inahes, (3) L. Sta-
tham; Shot Put (open) (2) L. Jones,'
32 feet 2 inches, (3) E. Thomson;
Throwing baseball for distance,
(boys) (1) A. Alexander, (2) L.
Statham (3) Dignan; Running ,
1)road JuinP, (Jr) (2) K. Love, 15
feet 2 inches, (3) L. Joynt; Throw -
basket ball for basket (girls) (2)
E.. Medd; 220 yd -race (girls) (2) .11.
WatheY,• (3) G. Francis; a Running
Deanne:, I. Faa..ner; darnins en, wool high jump, (Sr.) (3) L. Statham;
`stock:Mg, L, Waghorn, A. *aghorn, Ga 75 -yd dash, (g,irls) G. Francis; 100 -
Dearing, Al. Lawson; apron, E. Neelaa yd dash (Jr) (2) 1VI, Hey, (3) B.
A, Win.er, P. NI. Winer, L. Staalake,
Fahrier, D. D Tuckey' 100 -yd dash, (Sr.) (3) E.
h, Sweatzer L. Heist. weed seeds E ' •
G. Dcaajna; wild flowers, E. Sweitzer (3) T. Jones; la mile relay race, ,
aetrich, K. . /Allow; na:tive. Thomson. Throwana base ball for
Sweitzer, L. F'alaner, R. Finkbeider, 1. '
Run -
woods, L Fahner, NI. La,mport, .a, ning, hop, step and jump (open) (1)
distance (girls) (3) E. Russell; Run-
Saveitzer R. Willert, K. alealock; le H. Dignan, (2) L. Statham, (3) E.
mounle,d leavesela. Finkbaliner, E.Sweit Thomson; Bicycle race (open) (1)
zar al, White, W. Willis, E. 3Dearaig V. Roulston; 1/. mile race (open)
L. Kerr; injurious insects, h.; Sweatze,r; (open) (2) Exeter team M. Ford, G.
map Huron, G. Dearing D. Fallaer, .A. . '
Lawsan, G, Periliale, A Smith, .
t,,, Hind', L. Jones, L. Statham; (3) Ex -
Schultz; map N. America; A. Larnpoit 6ter team, B. Tuckey, C. Hodgson, 7
H. Smith, G. Godbolt, NI. Penhale, W. M. Hey, H. Dignan; Girl's relay race- -,,.a
Richards, E. Dearing; map Canada, S. (3) Exeter; 220 yd race (open) (3),.. aa
Ra4Laavesr9am; e..,L, aTinhpoomrpt,soHn., S& s;
sW; h.,IEtev,eninS; B. Francs.
Obstacle race (girls)
Prayer." writing D. Law -son, E. Lam-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Haist for a
Part. J. Richard, E, Gaiser, P. Hodgins
few days. E. Rader; "Indian•Summer" G. Pen -
bale, L. Eagleson, D. Fahner, E. Lam- HARVEST HOME SERVICES:
part, W. Stanlake, R. Hedden; ,"Lead
Kandly Light" R. Finkbeiner, it. Dear- The Ladies' Aid, - of Tames; Sten 'ea
lag, G. Lewis, T. Sims, -D. Diatrinh Church, held successful Harvest
V. ;Mouse; "RecessOonal", H. Ian...Isaac
S. Rader R. Dearing, H. Sims, M. Neil
L. Stanlake; spec. of water c•olors, ID
Neil, #. Eilber, E. Sweit zaa, T. Sims,
S. Rader R. Finkbeiner; crayon sketch
E. Schultz.. E. Waerth, E. Lampert, I)
Sims, ,a. Rader, NI. Amy; monegrain
M. Neil, K alorlock, H. Sims, H. Smith
O'Sta1/4\t'iteartez,ehr STWeSitirizei'rn, Bflalluasitsrta.,t.18(}.1IRa0-1
der, al, Lampert, V. Sams, H. Sims;
beef -calf, H. Beaver, J. Fahaera. ai,
Hitazel, L. Wein., G. Heist., L. Wethi;
Liter -school singing, No. 14, No. 1
No. jr., 2, No. 4, No 6; school
parade, No. 2, 14; 4, 5 ,s,a, ,6, 3,L 5 ir.;
sto& judging, B. Christie, -E. Woodall.
GaiSer, W. Gaiser,, H. Beaver, G.
Lampora; milk steel, L. Falmer, 5.
Lochrier±.. Woodall, W. Richards, K.
Lillow; wren house, K. Liillow,-111.Scott
pace hen arairr bag, M. Lampert, E„
Chrlstie, Hedden, S. Lawson, R.
Rinkbein•er, W, Lampert; paper cutt-
ing or folding, H. Finkbeiner, D. flaw -
son, Al. Kuhn, L. Lamport, N. Fink-
beiner, .E. Wuerth ; asters, L, Wein, D.
Lawson, j. Willett, E. Smith, G. Smith
E. Beaver; 'sweet peas, M Lampert
W. Schroeder; Plidox, J. Hedden, A
Lampert, D. Fahner; Zinnias, B. Eilb,en
ID Penhale, D. Fab,ner, R. Hedden
E. Schultz, B. Haist; African Mari-
golds', H. Orme, G. Nell; Coreepsis,
K. Lawson; Ca.lenclula, R. Finkbelner,
V, •Moore G. Hoist; French Marigolds
L Palmer, it. Wuerth, C. Fadater,,E-Bil-
ber, al, Flynn, G. Beaver; Verbena, C.
F:1-alliodenginP.s.licxlgins; Cosmos, I. Lam-
bert, H: Orme, C. Mothers, C. Gaiaer
The Crediton School Fair whiph,
was held last ,Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, a-
gain proved a decided success. Wea-
ther conditions were, ideal and a
large number were in attendance.
The exhibits were quite numerous
and. well prepared. The showing of
live stock was much :better than last
year., The follewing 'schools took
part in the fair: Nes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and 14. Under the capable'manage-
Ment of• S. B. Stothers, Dist. Agr.
Representative, of Clinton, every-
thing went off. smoothly. The follow-
ing -is the result of the jusaging of ex-
hibits and competitions: tie,'
1 .qt. Wheat —Gerald-Zwicker,
Kenneth Kuhn, Luella Stanlake;
Wheat -in sheaf, Gerald Zwicker, L.
Stanlake, Kuhn; 1 qt. Oats, R,
Dearing, R. Finkbeiner, H. Fahner,
E. Woodall,' W. Gaiser; Oats in
sheaf, W. Gaiser, H. Fahner, Gerald
Rollins, R. Finkbeiner; 1 barley,
H. Hirtzel, M. Richard, C. Fahner,
Lamport; Barley in sheaf, C. Fah-
ner, M. Richard; Field corn, M.
Scott; Sweet cern, G. Penhale, V.
Moore; Irish Cobblers, I: Appleton,
L. Fahner,, E. Smith, B. Haist, T.
Sims, E. Frey; Green Mountain, D.
Fahner, llirtzel, T. Neeb, L. -1VIc-
Isaac, L. Kerr; Dooley, W. English,
M. Beaver, F. Haist, L. Wein, R. Hut -
den, R. Willert.; Mangolds—E. Ra-
der, M. Neil, L. Eagleson, E. Chris-
tie, M. Lampert, A. Becker; Turnips
L. Loaner, Arnold Becker, Jno Hed-
den, G. Haist; Beets, G. Penhale, L.
Clark, E. Fahner, 0, Martene, G.
Hedden, B. Neeb; • Carrots, le Haist,
L. Becker, al. Amy, G. Godbolt, G.
Hedden, M. Hay; Parsnips, K. Lil-
low, I. Fahner, H. Fahner, M. White,
P. al. Winer, A. Rata; Onions, Irene
Fahner G Haist; B. P. Rock cock -
, .
erel. Elsie Thomson, •Maude Willis,
Stanlake; P. 13. 'Reck pullett,
Wm. Stanlake, Wanda Willis, Elsie
Thompson, Lyle Haist, Irene 'Flynn.;
B. P. R. pen of three,Gordon Ratz;
White Leghorns, Angus Love, 'Sam
Lawson, G. Hedden, Ed. Lamporte,
D. Sims; White Wyondotaes, Doro-
thy Fainter, L. Clarke, A. Haist;
Rhode Island Reds, Sam. Lawson,
Gerald lIedden ;Barred Rocks;(home
flock), S. Lawson, Inez Feltner, Wm.
Richards, G. Haist, .111el. Lampert,
Elgin Woodhall; pair of pigeons, E.
Gaiser, Ed. Lampert, Jean. Witten.
S. Rollins, G. Godbolt, 3, Richards;
pair of rabbits, Jack Lot:haler, Roy
Willert, Edith Sweitzer, Wm, Lam-
pert, 1VIaty Neil, Mel. Lampert. •
Dog—Carrie Fainter, Bernice Ell-
ber, Gladys Lewis, Lester DacIsaac;
the victorious scbool, 'winning 1)Y Fall Pears--E..Fahner, N. Fink -
216 points. The banner which will beiner, E. Eilber, K. Kuhn, M, Pen --
be given to theni will be pregentea an hale, G. Haist; Six varieties apples,
tWO weelte by the presidents of the T. Neeb, B. Neeb, ID, Deating, G.
' Dearing, W. Gaiser, S. Rader; Pump-
kin, S.:Rader, la, Bearer, 'M. BeaVer,
E. Thompson, M. LawsOn, .M. Pen-
defea,ted schOols,
nee riniar, 01 Blake, visited with.
Mr, and aJaa. S. C. Reid.last Week.
Home services on Sunday lasts 'The- .?'4
church was beautifully decorated,
with fruits and flowers for thesoccas--
ion. Large congregations wereapresa
ent 'both morning. and evening. The"'
Pastor, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, preach,
ed a very appaonriate and insPirings
sermon in the moaning and: in the
evening the choir furnished very ex-
cellent music, Which se-
a,nthems by the choi'F,-'6,-'11-ouble
quartette, duets by Mrs. Wm. Garliin:.
er and Miss H. Snell and the Missies •
Thelma and May Ford; solo by Mr.
Walter Cutbush; two violin selec-,
tions by Miss Fuller, Of Sarnia, -.-and and an organ solo by the ada.der, ilkara'Roy, a La
Goulding. The pastor gave a short
and interesting address, on "Musina'
Collections and subscriptions were e
taken un, on behalf of the Ladies'. e,
Aid and 'amounted to over $70.
S. S. No. 1, USBORNE
Report of S.S. No. 1, Usborne, for
Sr. IV---lio`nors, Harold Horton,
82; Harvey Hyde, ,11; Helen Moir,
79. Pass, Verna Oke, 74, Maurice
Boa, 42.
Sr. III—honors, Joe. Moyeart, 80;
Kathleen Strang, 7w; Tack Horton,
78. Pass, Reta Oke, 72; Mervyn
Dunn, 65; Violet Hyde, 64; Archie
hatherington, 60; Eva Boa, 51; Geo.
Boa, 38.
Jr. III --Pearl Moir, 72; Marie
Squire, 69; Gordon Block, 48.
Sr. II—honors, Bernice Horton,
76; Alma Etherington, 75.
lst--Paul Boa, 65; Elmore, Dunn,
63; I-Iarold Cadmore, 62.
Primer—Marga ret Parsons, - 70;
Aloha' Etherington, 69; Marjory Oke
69; Ross Oke, GS; Douglas Stewart,
67.; Fern Welsh, 66.
Number enrolled, 32; Av Atten 29
M. Horton, Teacher.
.„ .„.
., ,
Many of the relatives and friends a
of the late Mr. 0. Essery, of.Palmer-
ston, were surprised. and shocked to I
learn of his passing away so com-• 1
paratively sudden in the hospital .at s
Toronto, Friday night. A
Mr. George Essery and Miss ;Waal- ,
nie and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oke .at- a
tended the funeral at Palraerston, a
on SundaY. '''
Many from bere attended the annia
versary services at Whalen last Sun- ,
day and were deligb.ted to -meet and
hear their old pastor, Rev. Mr. Findaa
ley again.
The young lady friends. of Miss
Ruth Robinson, bride -elect, held a
shower for her at the home of Mrs. S.
Hicks Monday. night. All very. much
enjoyed the evening.
Mrs. T. Willis, Mrs. Parsons, -Mrs.a
Baker and Mrs. Bowden, were out as .
a committee Monday afternoon solic-,
iting fowl for the big supper, that,
will he held here on the evening of ,
Oct. 24th. They report fine success.
Reports say that weding bells will
ring west of the village this week,
and south of the village in the near,
S. S. No, di, USBORNE
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 4, Usborne, for September, basest
on test examinations and daily work:
Jr. IV—Marjorie Westaott and
Harold Mitchell, eqtal. 74; Doreen
Westcott, 78; George Thomson, 50;
Lily Hunter, 40; Gerald Ford, 38.
„Tr. III—Mary Hunter, 52.
Sr. Il—Teart Coates, 67; lia Hun-
ter, 65; Roy Hunter, 65; Archie
Thomson, 30.
Sr. 1—Melba Noble,.80; Florence
Mitchell, 69; Bessie Coates, 68; Wil-
bert Noble; 41; Norman Minter, 33.
Jr. •I—Arneld Ford, 45.
Pr, A—Allan Weetcott, Elgin Lux -
On, Donald Noble,
Pr. Quinton.
Pr. C--a-lebert Quinton.
Nunther enrolled 22, av atten. 19.7
L. M. Davis Teacher.
Miss 'Wilkinson, of London and Mr
Robt. 'aVilkinson, Lucan, spent th,
week -end a,t the home of their par,
mats, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Winkinsenaa
Wedding laells are about to ring'
in the near future.
a, (Toe late for last week.)
The Chiselturst anniversary was
a grand success. Rev. Arthur. Sin,4"
clair preached two splendid sermonit
to large congregationa. The offerin
anionntecl to $265.
M. and Mrs. T. Harris and famil
attended the goldertawechlizig ofand 'Alta
Mr. and IDrs. ortirivii;lelse actatnhne,
Read Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Wren viSite
at Moncton Sunday anci attended a
niversary services there.
The farmers are very busy getiin),
their silos filled, T11.0 corn is veli
hai'd to handle, it being almost fie
Mrs. Woodrow- of 'Niagara Pans w
11E1,8 been visiting at the home of 1
ed. Limn°.
uncle, Mr. HenrY t'itrdn 1101 rofa
Mr. anr1 Mrs. Ei‘n
visited at Dasliweed