HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-10-11, Page 1FIFTYFIRST, YEAR No. 2556 I EXETER, 0 NT. , TI-I1JR$11).A.'Y MQRNING, OCTOBER 11th., 1923 a • UMMIMMHOMIMIMIIIMMIIIIMIIIN 'EXETER COUNCIL Alim. 3311°K" WHI4' — Exeter, Octal) e'r 8th, .; Mr. Win. Andrew had the mistor- 1923 A regular sessitm of. the Municipal tune to have both bones of the right = Council was held in the office ot. the arm fractured near the wrist when = Clerk. Absent Councillor Hooper. the engine from au automobile he = The minutes o1 the .4h -tooting held was craaking backfired. The, acci., , ....-, Sept 24th, were read, pad approved. dent .bappmied on Thursdayoast, The • E Per 1U'rITIC3S---Ellerington• that a ' = borrowing the nedessary sumS of eirn4gcilll'aelikh4ind'g Ita' 1 ife:r ga°ntdioXii;:Aetaija'ddrtehwe spark. —.a By -Law be prepared authorizing the =. monies up to the. am.61 amount of Five `"-- theusand dollars iron the Canadian I LEFT LEG BROKEN E Bank of Commerce, to meet neces- Mr. Preston Dearing, of Stephen, = Sary expenditure until such time as will be laid up for sonie. time .the = the .taxes to be levied therefore can result 4aof an unfortunate accident, Carried. happened on Friday last. Ivrr. — '—, ' • The By.i.Lalw as authorized• above Dearing -was driving some cattle and — was duly read the necessary number attempted to alight tron?. the buggy =„of :times and passed on motion of while it was in motion. His foot was Davis ---Franeis. The Reeve and.• ,caught in the wheel. Both bones of - Clerk were instructed- to sign the the left leg were broken between the ----"' -- • same and fix the•seal of the, corpora- ankle and the knee. -,•— tion thereto. Carried. . , =' ' Per . Francis—Davis that • the PIATE WINDOW'i3R0H-EN Council grantan appropriation aappropriation of ' BY Sr.f.'ONE I;',ROM AUTO , — '21lei i' thousand dollars for School pur- .......='ipnostehse arnadtesealtdtasx1Ttiotiol leviedbfoerthe, ;::.57: One of the plate glass windows in .s,Tnliegsay i&I,y astone tbrown by a pas May's store was broken on .—,...1 . - . . , , sing automobile. It was one 'of the MIMS •—•.° , - ' • un . Carried. . 0....., Per Francis --Davis: that • the side 'panes leading to the north en- = street watering rate he 10 centS per trance df* the store. The stone knoc- = foot and that the same frontage ked out a hole large enough to put =,...... "rate apply as in former years. •Car- a man's fist through and outside of ...... 3 ie • •a few inches around the hole, the The auditor's report for Septem. .glass was not cracked. = ber was read• and. eccepted on motion •• • = of Francis..—Davis. ',Carried. LEVELLED AND SEEDED McKenzie, & Son, sup. cemete•ry 1 - --- 3.93; Jelin Kydd, labor, 12.50; Ross -...1-71. Taylor CO., 'lumber 66.5D; Bell Tehe- = phone, Cu., cemetery phone. 4.62, 13,hs- = sett phone 6:15; Jonathan gytld, labor = 2.00; J. P, flunkin, labor and rent of = Mixer 53.50; R. E. Davis, team labor = 8.115; Clyde Hey -iv -code team IR13.01' 23.75 = ..1-r: W, Bawderi, team labor 5.50; W. T. = Gilles'pie, .draying .10,0Q; Jahn Parsons = labor 30.00; --Thos. Sanders, labor 29.00 = h. Collingwead labor 12.50; passed on = motion of Elleringtan and • Francis. = .. The rateIof, taxation for the year 1 coming- winter. CRANIKING AUTO . 1• •,•••••••• • . " ' , , INIMM , . • The pout office site south of the Bank of Commerce, wbic'h is being fitted up for a pla.yground'was level- led up and seeded to grass last week. The stones were previously raked. up and carted away. Remembering the fun many of.the children had tobog- anning 'clown the sides of the old ex- cavation on this site there is . an agitation to build a toboggan slide on the property tor the children this at 39 inilis as fo1]ows —j TEACHERS' CONVENTION .; debentures 12 ni5l,Sc.hool 14 TO MEET IN EXETER. mills. Clerk to prepare, by-law an- • , • . cooly cn main 01 Fran.cis and The forty sixth annual meeting of ^ • . , , ." " • •-• - ',>"•,;7•4• ' • " -ti,013:-4 will be held hi the Main St Davis. Jos. Senior, Cleric.. the West' Huron Teacher's Conven- -4' Another Shipment of Coats at $2 ...019.111311 MENEM We have just received anothcr shipment of Coats to retail at These are a 'very fine quality of Wool. Velour with the New Tulip style =- eter •Monday and held a demon- many timely topics in the interests of • Collars, Plain and Fur -trimmed in the straight long tube style, side fast- , stylest $95 00. , , • - , FORD. CARAVAN- VIS1TWEXETIER. -afeaMdist church on Thursday afd. Eriday of this week. Owing to lack I The; Ford travelling caravan" witli f accOmodation at the school, the „power farming machinery visited.Ex- sesions are being held in the church. stratlon on. the farm ot Russe education will be discussed by the Hedden. The' caravan consisted of 'teachers. The principal speaker of sevening. We, also have n Sine range of Burberry a • .., .. riceler hay presser, potatoe digger, 0I School. In cle,r ahlartxr oaNcvtsor,s::,:edP:aigarta.,p.ie•sr, tthiti.e_e absence.cioenveLondonnt iooifiitshNeMe rprn: ,teGas dNeVn. t lyre frt: rmd „ Fur,ISets At Half and i1 • 4 . ='•••aan4er of .it-,a:$41.11.O.4,ree'':--'1/610-11--..• Vice -President, will pre .m.111•1110 " = strations were • ,given).•11.11..". threshing, side. Tne ,sec'y-treas. is _Mr.' G. S. We are going out of, small furs, so se offer the balaneeofour •stOcIt; ' • , . • , • comprising Huclson Seal, Wolf, Fox 'Setts at exactely" 2 original prices. These are bargain prices, so act quickly. . • = silo -filling, ,potito 'diggi'ng, discing Howard. The councillors are Miss - and road:grading. A fairrerowd w.aS E','Wiggins, of Goderich; present:: In the e'Venirig inoVIng pies Culloch, Winchelsea and M. N. turet were given in front of the Ford 'Woods, Zurich. " • • • . • . • '•••• • IIIBBERT TP. MAN 'PHONE32 4, DIESDENpx .= ;su.CCESSFUL ItARy.E8,T • . • ;=-•----7), • , By the death of nip , ,Ilarvest thanksgiving service., Mena., • • ......is—iiss...•••,..04•'Chtirelt Suridaynnd , MED' ed by large congregations, 'particiil: AMY—In. Stephen; . on October 5 , th, arty in the evening. The church `intOmas 'Amy,: 'aged: 87 . years, 8 ,., was. decorated with arches, flowers montlis and 3 days. and'autumn leaves... Rt. Rev. W. D. TRIEBNER—In Hay, on October Reeve, D.D. assistant Bishop of Tor - 9t11, Gerald William, son ot Mr. onto preached two inspiring sermons. and Mrs. John Triebner, aged two Communion was held in the morning months. ' , I at, 8'.30 o'clock. The choir, assisted For Y9urFa11. Paintirig Lowe B. High Standard Paints $1.40 per qt, $2.65 per 1,6 Gal; $5.00 per Gal. Elephant Lead $4.50 per 25 lbs. • ' FOR SUNNY MONDAYS USE WHITE CAP ELECTRIC WASHERS, GUARANTEED TO PLEASE $11.5.00, BEST -MASHER AT, T.15E, MAXWELL'S .VAC: ELECTRIC .WASHER $15504). WITH 'COPPER 5TU13,,;- NOWLEDGED THE IIEST'ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION. Tubs GALV. BOILERS 81.65 - COPPER BOILERS .. .. 84.50, GALV. TUBS $1.45, 1.65, 1.85.., . , • WASH BOARDS......6'50 and 75c RANGESFROM' $40.00 UP QUEBEC D.EATERS,....$22.00 UP QUIlBEC HEATEkS WITH OVEN $38.00 UP. OIL HEATERS COAL HODS $1.00 STOVE BOARDS ..... • STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, ETC• e tau' s Har ware • evening, I- ilibeit loses one of its most respected residents. The late M]) Dalrymple had ,not been feeling "Well for a few days, but was around the house. He was reading the pa- pers on Friday afternoon for a short time. when all at once he expired. He was 63 years of age and had spent all his life in Hibbert. He had sever- al trustworthy positions and for a smumber of years represented the BORN 1 by several members of Caven Pres- i township on the , Council Board. He "DATERS—In, Hensa,11, on r Octobe - - byterian church, furnished some ex- was a member of Roy's Presbyterian 4th, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Daters, cellent music and were ably assisted church and took a great interest in by Mr. and Mrs. Mullen, of Seaforth its welfare. Besides his widow, , who rendered a duet that was very four 'sons and four daughters aur - ANNOUNCEMENT •much appreciated. vive. They are John, Harry, James and Hugh, Mrs. Freeman Mahaffy, IVlrs.J.,„Mahaffy, Mrs• J. Balfour and IVS'S Inez, at .hOme... The funeral took- place on. Tuesday 'afternoon. from his late home, .lot 5i; 'non. 12,, Hibliert,. t� Itoy' :3311.(3 tery. COLLAR .BOE AND RIBS BROKEN ; ; WHEN CAR OVE.R.TURNS • Mr. and. Mrs. D. Love announce -the engagement of their , daughter, Tur... LATE THOMAS AMY Lahr ,sen 'of .Mr.. and, Mrs., J W.-- Gowie,.-Harnia,,, the marriage to take place Monday, October 1.5th. ' . ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is announced of Miss Olive Pearl Brown, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Hensall, to Mr. John Horace Wil- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil- son, of Stratford,, the marriage to take place the latter part of October. ."-• • • The death' took' place StePheif Tp on Friday last of. --Mr. Thomas Amy, aged 87 years, 8 months and 3 clays. Mr. Amy. vasone" ..of the pioneers of Stephen Tp. and waS"a remarkable man for his years. He had been ailing for some time, but was confined to h16 bed for only a few days, the breaking down of a rugged constitution being, the cause of death. He was bolin in .Com - wall and early in life came to Canada with his parents settling near New IN MEMORIAM- Castle. The family moved to Shar: WARES—In loving memory of on when the deceased was , about 17 Trooper Ian Robertson Wares, years of age. 1 -le experienced all the Medaille d' Honeur (Avec Glavies hardships of pioneer life and helped en Bronze,) killed in action -at to hew a farm out of the bush. He Was married to ;Troiauilles, October 9th, 1918, ag- ed 19, only son of Mr. and Mrs. . Campbell. Wares, Exeter. • "He shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old, ' Age ,shall riot weaiv nor the years Susanna LaGrice, who -predeceased him about 12 years ago. Mr. ‘Amy died at -the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mawhinney and was an active member of the Mgthodist church, ' Crediton. He condemn - • is survived,by ten ehildren: Mrs.. J. At •the going 'down bf the S1111, andi Trevethick, of BrinsleY; Jhxand in the morning we Shall reniem- Moses. of Exeter; Wellington, Of her hint. -• Ilamiota, Man.; Alva and Elgin, of Outlook, Sask.; Mrs„ Mawhinney, of •• TARE NOTICE Parents or gitar,clans quarantined for measle s or ,ath er c onta,g ions dis eaS e, are hereby notified that legal action will be, taken to prosecute,all personi, disregarding the said quarantine by allow:Th] their Children to. I cave their home.; ad appear on the streets. The Precautionary means are taken, to pre- vent the spread of dti.ISICa3e, and must C. H. SANDERS be observed, Chairman Board, 'of ,Stephen; Wilbert L. of )3 ra ntf orcI ; Garnet- of Winnipeg and Miss Elia of London. Mrs. Thos. Shapton, of Exeter, is a Sister. The funeral was held Sunday afternpon, inter - Ment in the Exeter cemetery, Among those who attended the funeral of the late Thomas. AnlY, of Stephen Stephen were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Amy, of Brantford; Mr. And Mrs. G. Broderick and Mr. and Mrs: T. Ed.- , Ed - LOCALS Mrs.' Fowell visited in London en Tuesday. Mr. W. W. Taman visited his Jiro- Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Skinner ar- ier-in-law, Mr. S. Giclley, of Blyth, family and Mr. R. E. Ileoley of Wiii- • and 'Mrs. J. Braund have re- Mrs. W. G. Medd. turned home after a Pleasant visit at Dr. and Mrs. Bruce and three ohil- °Juana, ,Neb. dreii, of Kincardine, spent, tho week - Mrs. Hy. Reynolds returned horn e end with Dr, and Mrs, Roulston. FridaY last, after vtsiting with rel- Mr, C. 'Ald.tvorth, of Exeter North atives at Windsor. left last week for a short visit 'With Mrs, Win. Russel and child are his sister, Mr. (Rev.) W. 1-linde, visiting for a. week with Mr. arid•Pars, Bayfield. 11. Brand, at Alvinston. tl ' on Tue.9daY ehelsea, spent Sunday with Mr, rand Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe and Mr. ' , • and Mrs, john, . Pedlar and Mr. A. TAKE NOTICE—I will 'conimencsc. Pukion motored to --Pt. Huron last taking in Onions ThursdaY, Oet•obet • week. Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar are 'also 18th, at the old Temperance Mopsq,--, visiting in Detroit and .CarsonVille, ,at the station. No ,onielis acceptetti the others returning home Monday. on, Saturday. J. H. Grieve, Flowing . Matc Under the a,uspices of THE IDXETER DISTRICT BRANClII OF THE ONTARIO PLOWMAN'S ASSOCIATION on the farin of Duusford:Bros1, Lake 'Road ' 11•4 miles -west of 3itir:eter, on Thursday,, , Ct4o) 25th FOLLOWING LIST 0131 PRE1%IIU1%1S: PZES CLASSES IN SOD No. 1 Open Class with high cut plows. First prize. Walking plow donated by the Dominion Implement and Thresher qo No. 2 Boys under ,20 years. ... 12 No. 3 Open Class, 12 • CLASSES IN STtiniiBLE No. 4 Boys under 17 years 10 ` No. 5 Boys under 21 years . No. No. a.7 Riding ; No. 8. Tractor dQieL1tsqu 111 , • .,, Best. Crown in Sod. Best Finish in Sod. Best Crown in Stubble Best Team RULES AND REGUL 4.TNONS No. 1. Entrance fee of $1„00, excepting Classes 2 and 4, when no fee will be' charged. • No. 2. All teanis competing to• be on grounds at:9 a.n Plowing to corn- inence at 10 a.m. and be finished not later than .3.30. No. 3. Average 'depth of furrows, 6 inches. 1 3 6 7 and 8. • ° No..°t5. Selection Of land, to he by ballot. 'Sod, S/ Bet.Finish in Stubble, - PloWman ovcr 60 years_ Youngest Plowman. • 50% -'14eain and Equipment • b0 % Trained Plow Team, 10 10 8 10 8 ,10 8 6 4 - 6 After setting and removing of Stakes,•no assistance will be anew - No . • 4. • ed in Classes' , - • , No. 6. No shaping of furrows, excepting scratches •and dro NV n. No. 7. Wheels prohibited in all classei. No. 8. Decision of judges to' be Tinal. ". • No. 9, Horses and ,,harliesS need --"not be property of.one plan, nor neees- Sary for owner to be plowman. No. 10 Crown to consist of six furrows. No. 11 Gee around six rounds. • ‘immets a owe . ‘, LUNCH WILL, BE PROVIDED ON THE GROUNDS • • JOHN ALLISON, Presfdent. 'AlpFRED SHAPTON; Secretary; Mr. Lawrence D. Fulton, of the Usborne and Hibbert boundary had his collar bone and three ribs broken when his car overturned into the ditch on the Thames Road Monday morning. Mr. Fulton was bringing his three daughters to the Exeter High School, one of the girls was in the act of 'putting on a coat and Nr. Fulton was assisting her when the car took to the ditch. The accident haPPened near a culvert, - where the ditcli- was several feet deep. The car missed the railing of the Culvert and went into the ditch nose downward and turned a somersault landing on its top, the occupants of the car being pinned beneath: - The girls escaped -with some scratches and bruises and it' was a miracle that more serious injuries were not sustained. The top 'of the auto and the windshield were badly broken and the car otherwise damaged. mi.. Fulton has been run- ning in hard luck, as only a couple of weeks ago, he loSt his barn togeth- er with the seasons crop by the, caused by lightning. He is holding oti auction sale of farm stock and implements td -day (Wednesday,) The smaller the car, the more ar- rogantly the driver can toot his hornIt works in the case cf Wards, of London. men, 'also. HAVING DECIDED TO KEEP 'AN EXCLSIVELY OPTICAL STORE, AND GIVE MY WHOLE ATTENTION TO THE TESTING OF SIGHT, AND FITTING SPECTALES, I AM OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC; MY' ENTIRE STOCK OF Watches Clocks Silverware Cut Glass China Jewellery at Sacrifice 'Prices THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD, AND ARE GOING TO BE SOLI) AT BA_RGAING PRICES, MANY OF THEM' AT LESS THAN PRICE, IN OTHER WORDS, PRICE IS NO OBJECT. OUR OBJECT IS TO DISPOSE OFTHE GOODS. THE SALE IS NOW ON. COME EARLY AND HAVE THE BEST SELECTION. • S Fitton Registered Optometrist nrasts..ormmetimanecrmelitilm_ccesmeammerateme....strernoermanevoustmleettamd.musionumijo': O. K. Steam & APPLE BlYT\TI:,R FACTORY Will Run' Every: Day Pliorte 115 • Main St. Exeter r , zni 1,