HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-9-20, Page 8'0 PHONE 16 or� Service Have You Seen STEWART's Display of New Garments and Materials PHONE 16 For Service -=* FOR - Fall and Winter Ladies' and Girl's Coats Good warm Coats of long wearing Cloths and in a variety of Styles, one of which is certain to please you. ,This year we are featuring Quality Garments at moderate prices, and we would sug- gest that you do not decide on any coat purchase, until you have seen our,diaplay. Ladies' Coats are priced as low as $15.00 -plenty of Fur Collared styles at $2'5_00 and our highest priced garments are $35.00. Come in and see them. Velour and Felt Sport Hats New shapes and new colors in the serviceable and popular Sport Hat. See our range and get our prices. New Skirts .and Skirt Lengths When you see thein you will want one of these new Skirts, or the material to make one. Pleated and plain styles in new Plaids, Checks,; Stripes and two -toned Cloths. A large display - at reason- able prices. • Materials for Dresses and Blouses Among the new materials for fall wear, we are featuring-Bro- caded eaturing-Brocaded Canton Crepe, a beautiful new cloth-F•aconne- Springtime ,Silk -diad Sole Milan. See these materials and make your own Blouses and Dresses at a fraction of the cost of ready-to-wear gar- ments. WE SELL STANDARD PATTERNS ASK FOR A FALL FASHION SHEET OUR GROCERIES ARE PRICED TO SAVE 'YOU MONEY HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR POULTRY AND PRODUCE A. Stewart THE EXETER TIME 1 Market repent -The. following 1 the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat. 95c Oats 35c Barley 48o Manitoba Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour' $3.20 Model Flour $3,60 Feed Flour $1.90 Bran $1.40 Shorts $1.60; Young chicks, 4 lbs, and, over 25c Yung chicks, 3 to 4 lbs 20c ;, Young chicks, under 3 Itis 17e Young Ducks over 43'lbs iSe Young Ducks under 412 lbs lie Old Hens over 5 lbs 16c Old Hens 4to5,lbs13c Old Hens under 4 lbs 9c Old Roosters 9c Creamery butter, 42c Dairy butter, 32c Eggs Extras 36c No. 1, 27c No. 2, 21c Flate rate 33c Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $9.00 hJ!3fliUJI3G Dealer dilif Funeral Dire6or. WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS . YOU. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY ROME'S `URNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. ,... LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, F. .y R,£CEaa. THE HOME FURNISHER. GADINE Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE' OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W ELLIOTT a JOHNS TAILORS "'R CEIPT FOR COMFORT Take a look at our samples, Then order the piece you like, Then leave your measure with -ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Then you will see that this Receipt is true. We also sell ready-made. Suits and Over Coats. ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by call- ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, ' satisfaetion guaranteed. For Dress, Suit and Coat Making, apply. to Mrs. G. H. Smith, Cor. Eliz- abeth 'and Huron. Sts., Exeter. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, "modern bungalow, centrally located. Apply Gladman & Stanbury. TEE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.60 a year. ADVER•TISIN,G RATES 101splay Advertising: Made known en application. Stray Anlanals---One Insertion 1100 three "insertions for.;$1.00 Farm or Real Estate for 'sale "1600 each insertion for One month of four insertion, litiscelianeous articles of, not snore titan flee lines, For Sale, To React, Wanted, each insertion 6 0o. Lost and found locals 25c. Locsi reading notices etc., 10c per ilia per insertion, No notice► fess an 25c, Card of Thank Ede. ,kuotinn sales $3 Cor One ihsertion ss -d$1.50 for each subsequent In, �A resrtion « under fire inches In ldngth, hegal advertising ' 10c and 6e rb Advertising Bates on Appication IIIIll{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIiillllf IIHlllllli The Best Place to Buy Your a Furor r fu e is at R. N. Rowe's Those who have investigated our prices and the quality of our goods have concluded that this is the best place to buy as we keep an up-to- date stock. s R. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER- VICES Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WANTED -.An apprentice to learn Dressmaking. Apply to Miss Tole. BICYCLE FOR SALE -Red Bird Bicycle, in good condition. Apply to Harry Lodder, Huron St. E. Leave your order for Winter Po- tatoes with J. H. Grieve.. FARMS FOR SALE 200 acres, being lots 5 and 6, con. 2, Usborne, all in first-class condi- tion, well underdrained with tile. 7 acres bosh on each place. Lot 5, all in pasture;' Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6. Abundance of water. A young orchard just starting to bear,.3 i/2 mites from Ex- eter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. Apply to Ricli'd Coates, Centralia P.O, CAVEN PlIESBYTEIlAN Rev. James Foote,, 10 u,xu,-Sunday School CHURCH' Minister and Bible 1 a.m.-- "Tlie Imortality of Influ- ence:" The Minister 7 p.m. -The Woman's Missionary Society's Anniversary Service. NOTE-Caven Anniversary Octo- ber 21st., �3ow 11) 0.0.04 4,....o cit, 304.®.O LOCAL a • 64.4100011.11 41/0.04e0 6 Miss Blanche Senior left Wednes- day last for Toronto, Mr. Bert. Gardiner has returned home from South Carolina. Mr. Jos, Bawden, of London, was a visitor in town over Fair days. Miss Helen Cambidge, of Loudon, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pilon. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie, of Cambray, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. S. Parsons during the week. Mr. Alvin Brintnell, wife and fam- ily, of Stratford, spent Fair Day with the former's parents. A white frost visited this section Saturday night last" and did some damage to garden stuff. Mrs. J. S. Mack returned to Guelph Saturday after visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. Thos. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martin, of Lon- don, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Lawson over the Fair day. Mr. Orby Kestle, of Detroit, is hol- idaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kestle, of Usborne. Miss Hilda Powe returned to her duties with J. A. Stewart on Monday after an illness of several days. Ml. Fred Kading was summoned to Ltican Monday to pay a fine for 'speeding during London Fair .week. Mrs,. ,D. Lamont, of Toronto, and Miss 'L'etiora Stevenson, of Listowel, Atli tl e ,giiests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward.,, Mr. Garnet Miners carried off; a large number of prizes with his Yorkshire hogs at the London Fain last week. IANIES STREET I&ETEODIBT CHURCH Rev. W. 1. Donnelly, D. A., Pastor' 10.15 -Morning Class 11,00 -Morning Worship Strbject-"The Secret of Happi- ,Mr. Paul Coates and Mr. R. Skin- ner returned Tuesday from the Old Country. They weremet in, London by auto. r.: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westcott, of Hamilton, are visiting for a'tew days with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo, Easterbrook. Mr. and Mrs. J. Braund leavethis week for Des Moines, Iowa, and Oma- ha, Nebraska, for a few week's visit with the latter's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sweet, of Cleveland, Ohio, motored here and visited for severaldays last week with the former's parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fletcher, and. Mr. ' and Mrs. Louis Fletcher, who motored to Croswell, Mich., to visit for a few days returned home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Monteith, Mr. Edgar Monteith, Mrs. Wiseman and little daughter and Mrs. Janet Ham- ilton motored to Ilderton- on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Preb- ble: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, of Toronto, -Mr and Mrs. A. A. Bice, of Ailsa Craig and Mrs. H. Strangways, of Tottenham,. were guests at the Hyndnian-Johnston wedding in Ex- eter on Thursday last. ' The new Ontario Minister of High- ways, Hon. Geo. S. Henry, predicts a,. reduction in the expenditure on roads this year. He says the late Govern- ment tried to expand the highways system too rapidly. ' Bruce, the three-year-old son of Mrs. W. D. Burke, was knocked down by a bicycle Monday evening and was badly bruised and cut about the face. It required several stitch- es to close the wound. ness 3 R.u.-Sunday School and Bible Classes 7.00 p.m. -"Life's Essential 'Pests"` EVERYBODY WELCOME 1_ Mrs. Vin. Westcott, wife and fam- ily, of Hamilton, left recently for San Diego, California, where they in- tend. to reside in future. They made the trip by auto. Mr. Westcott is an Exeter Old Boy, having learned his trade at The Times office. An auto accident in which a cou- ple of cars were slightly damaged, occurred on Main St. on Sunday. Mr. E. M. Quance was driving onto Main St. from Gidley St. when his car was struck by another fromh" t e ''Orth: The fenders of both cars were dam- aged. The Annual Financial . District meeting of Exeter District convenes this Thursday in the Methodist church at Clandeboye: A missionary conference will be held in connection with the District meeting, addressed by Rev. S. E. Annis returned ell i -sionary from China, and ,Rev. W. E. nlillson, Pres., of London Confor- m) se. onfer-cure. Teti UlISJM 1.Y, SEI' FE11IBER 20, 1023` W..:II niiiIII(IiiiminI1111!{IIIIIIIIIIIIII(IllllllllllllllIII(ii181((llBllllllllllll(liillllliflnuoillllHllli i N I I Ilmllllllllllllllllli(iIImiI MINIM 11.1111.1.11 NIMOMM CARD OF THANKS The L.O.L. No. 924, of Exeter, wish. to express their appreciation to. the Quarterly Board and the Pastor of James St. Methodist church for the use of the church, for Mr. Ma-, loney's address. Wm. Lutman, W.M. Miss Flory Dinney is visiting in London. Mr. Silas Reed was in London on Monday. Mr, Don Davis spent the week -end in London. Mr. Alf. Bedford, of"London spent Fair Day in town. Miss Vera Sweet, of London, spent Fair Day in Exeter. Mr. Wm. Snellshipped' a load of cattle to Montreal on Friday last. MINN ' memo OMEN Mr. Thos. Hatter, of London, vis - ited his father in town• this week. Miss May Thomas, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. ',Home is4, SOIJTHICOTT BR05, OINNOM Visit Us on Fair Day COMO We will be delighted to show y ou our new Merchandise for Fall and Winter. We believe our prices will Save you money, Colne in and. make yourself at home: Ladies' Coats We have an exceptionally fine range of New Coats. All we ask is the pleasure to show you the new models. PRONE 1*4.. Serge and Silk Dresses We can always show.. you new Styles in Silk and Serge Dresses. 0111^ prices should; interest you. Men's Fine Worsted Suit This season we are buying most of otir fine Worsted Suits with two :'pairs of trousers. We can, show' you them from $25 to $45. White V Neck Sweaters For Boys or Girls, these are very popular this fall and come in good 'weight and pure Wool, in all sizes, each $5.00. ]Men's and Boys' Overcoats ;Every Coat in our store is New The Cloths, are theverylatest ,color= ings. It will pay you to see our line. They are all new and include some very Snappy Models: SPECIALS 18c Tea .Towelling reduced to 12c 30,c Flannelette reduced to 24c 25e Roller Towling reduced to 18c 25 pair Boys' School Shoes re- duced to $1,98. $1.00 Ladies' Water Under= wear reduced ao 85c. duced to $3.95 $4.50 Heavy G-reb Work Shoe re- $1.50 and $1.75 Boys' V Neck Sweaters reduced to, 75c, Special in Men's Sweater Coats A few only at the Special Price of. $1.98. These' are extra value. Men's Work Shirts 89c. Regular $1;25 values, all sizes in this. lot. FAR DAY ONLY 89c Ilarness leas returned hMissGretta ome after hol9daying for two weeks �IllliilIllllllllli1111'lilt''ltiltilllflllllfllllllllll[IHIIIIIIII(lull(IIIIIIII(IiilIIIIIIIIIfIliilliHllllllllllllillllitIllftlllilll1I11111Afillr:Ki� in Windsor. Mrs. I. Sims is visiting' in Crediton, and Miss Sinis, of Crediton, is visit- ing her uncle -here. Mrs. Elmore Oesch, of Zurich,. spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. E. Harness. Mr. and Mrs.' Harrison, of Baal Axe, Mich., visited for a few days, with Mr. and Mrs. 5: Hardy. ree Mr. and Mrs. John Mallett and son Kenneth, of London, spent Fair bay with Mr. and Mrs. Esti Hey- wood. . Mr. Ed. Taylor and Mr. McDougall of Delhi,, motored' hex e„and spent the Week -end with'.`, the fornie 's nether in town. Misses. Pearl Sanders and Flor- ence Norry •vIvo have been holiday- ing with their parents;eher, have re- turned to Toronto. Owing to. the. shortage -of money, the Government has decided to tram. Militia at Company ' "-and Platoon Headquarters.- It is expected that the Exeter platoon will start train- ing shortly. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Uni- versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, London, Ont., Main Office, Main•St.'- Exeter, Ont. `Phone 34, Exeter; • Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30,` p.m. ,. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tues. and Fri., 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'clock. p.m. Phone 79.E '® ® R.:Goulding A. T'. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St: Methodist Church. Teacher ,of Piano; Vocal and The-,,, 'ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57; Exeter. �'R'fp-;.�f �/�..:-_\�fb .�1� "-.a\�1...���\�!./_..iN;�� J:^t�i,� ..:.ut•/a fr$ G\ . pt CA\ OMINI�:N,:S ADA'S invited . LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS„ Do You Like Good Tea? WE HAVE IT, FIGURES TALK,- EACH WEEK WE SELL OVER 7 TONS OF TEA EQUAL TO 14,000 lbs. ENOUGH' TO MAKE OVER 4,000,600 tCUPS OF TEA. RICHMELLO TEA -ENGLISH BREAKFAST 75c., a lb. 71c. a pound SPECIAL BLEND 63c. a pound MACHINE .SLICED' DOMESTIC BREAKFAST SHORTENING " BACON 35c" -lb`' Pure Cane"` Granulated N0: 3 PAIL 55c 1 z HOICE' PICNIC HAMS PER Ib 22c. '.4 R0 10, pounds S, n` Fall Suitsand Overcoats for Men and.Boy The Finest Values Money can Buy Smart Stylish Models for Men and Youhg Men Suits from $20:00 up Overcoats From $15.,00 up w Hats and Caps ll the smart new Fall shapes and 'colors: - Style and Value that will, Appeal to You Eve-ything in Gents' Furnishings g. Wethey's Condensed Mince Meat per pound 14c FA' MAPLE LEAF SALMON TALL ?PIN 40c. i/2. s TIN 22c EAGLE OR TIGER BRAND REI) 1 s TALL 22c. /2 s TIN' 13c. BRUNSWICK SARDINES , 4 TINS 25c PEANUT BUTTER Ginger Crisp Biscuits ce NORWEIGAN' SARDINES 2 TINS 25c ROLLEDT OA S .......6' lbs .25 c 11. BLUE ROSE RICE .... 3 Ibs 25c /1 PUFFED WHEAT 2 PKG 29c CREAM' OF WHEAT 23c PKG CE -RTO - PER 13OTTLE'....,.33c RUBBER JAR RINGS 3 DOZ. O . 25c -' 265, STORES Location We Sell to Main St. Exeter Ont Satisfy x5f Y YiI T A .A N Pf-t(2)NE 8x a FARMS FOR SALE ---,A few choice farms in the...Townships of Usborne, and TuckersmithHibbert. Good buildings and well Iocated as :to'mar- kets. Priced .right.' 'Apply to Thos, Cameron, Allot., Box 154, Exeter, Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. Exeter. t r. South of•Y.M.C.A. , PHONE 70 Cartage Livery. We snake trips to London each week. Leave your orders a;t our of- fice or at the Ceiital Hotel. CARS FOR HIPS AT ALL TIMES: Bagsha Easton 1R. A LAN " GBA alis Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance,, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter A. 1'i. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon eo n Office -McDonnell's "fates stables on John St. Phone calls _receive prompt attention. Phone 26ry MOH -CLASP INVESTMENTS Accountsell, C ecte d ' uranee ERNEST ELLIOTT Office, Main, F+<•rret, i',i rr si±