HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-9-20, Page 1991 iFTY •FIRST, YEARINo 2556 AMMON 41111.0111 ..61110.1 eammeol VOINmat nolmeal • Ammao EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY WORNING SEPTEMBER 20th., 1923 LY r ,qt 1 r,t J No1vJ Ircx)'J L--7Okl;NSToN �GRO€.hRY SILO' VIER . l III Illllllllllllllllllipl�l 1 1►i .. e,i�l�{ ,►iEi�l Itli6f ii iiilillllilllllllllllllll�llllillllUilllNil9111llllillllllllll�,IIIIIIIII LI YIIINiI I / 1 aid.. W r � ..1171.1.... d _ - ,j r se See our Special Coats' at $25. in Bur- berry and Fur -Collared Styles. QA large range of Ladies' and IVIisses' Dresses,, ready for Fall Showing. Children's Coats, ages 3' to 14 years -at reasonable Prices. .; v.4 7:Zt_t V ♦ Y 4 New Frocks Call for Careful Corseting The vogue of the silhouette has caused most women togive more careful consideration to their corseting' needs. ' The figure now must be trim, smooth and straight of line. Nemo KopService Corsets are helping many to acquire the figure they want. Their obscure those little -defects which so often mar the 'draping of a'frosk. "Above the Wa$st,,' A Ciie1, et does:. for your figure above the, waist what your corset does below. When you are looking at corsets have our corsctiere, show you the new Circlet bine also. PHONE 52 Jones & ay NOME — IMMO 1.10111110. M▪ ow nee monk OW▪ NER lemon owns A quiet and pretty wedding took place,at the home of the bride's par. = ents , r. and Mas. Sarn 1 Johnston, Alvinsttr, on becncsday of last week, when 'their daughter Iva be - Caine tiie,bride;of Mr. Frank North- cott also of; ; _lvinston and a son of Mr. and' . Mrs,•' Roger Northcott, of Hay. Prior to their marriage the bride ; was rho vexed by. her many friends ;with best wishes and many useful gifts. Mr. Northcott and bride are visiting the foriner's par- ents on their. iron€Yineen. LADIES.:B,NOCliED DOWN AND AUTOS COLLIDE On Thursday of last week what alight have proven a very serious accident happened on ;Main St. Mr. Albert Etherington, of Usborne, waS driving~ north ,and Mr. John Peart was coming south. There , was a drizzling rain at the time and. blind- ed by theglare of the lights in the car he was meeting, M'r.,,Etherington did not notice "members of the Sal- vation iarny, who were standing on the,' edge of' the cement. pavement conducting an.:open air service, until he was righi on them. Mrs. Frank Mallett and Mrs. Dearing were knoc- ked. down. Mr Etherington turned out whenhe saw the woolen and his car collided with Mr. Peart's car, stricking'the fender and turning up the running board. The ladies were bruised but not seriously injured. :TORN SEERRITT EX-M.P., HIES LN BLANSIHA RD A citizen. of the finest type passed. away at his home on the 8th con: of Blanshard on Friday last in the per, son of John, Sherritt, ex-M.P.for North Middlesex. Born in Huron = County in i851, Mr,' Sherritt had spent 411- of his busy life in' this, part Of Ontario. No man within the boundaries 'of ; the three counties with which his' life work has been identified, was more highly respect eti an'cp he reciprocated to the full` the good-wil of the people by his faithftl and untiring public service. In 1900 he was elected to represent „North' ;Middlesex ' in. the House of Common's. In later years -he was- the dprovinCial. purchasing agent of meats Tor the;.:Ast:'u.tions, of the province, 'a position,;,for *Kieft his long.: exper- ience as a cattledealer fitted him. Throughout his,life- he has' been a moral force in the community and a very active church worker., retire - senting the' Methodist church for many years at the annual conference He was a strong Conservative. The deceased is survived by his widow, Roy, Aaron and Garnet, all farmers in the district,. and five daughters, Mrs.,J. L. Amos; Mrs, Archie` Webb, of Ardill, Sask.; ` Mrs. Ed. Wilson, of Snowfield, Man.; ' Miss Lydia Sherritt missionary to China and Miss Hazel, Immo =111 - PHONE: 32 — allllllillllllllmiliIitIIILIoIImilifmilliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111iIIIlAd it i Nilllilolllli11111611 miiilllllllllllltlium Seasonable Hardware Specially Priced PEN KNIVES" 25c UP Boys' or Men's Knives ..,... 35e up Easy Opener . Ladies' Knives 35c Hobbs Gold Medal Washers HOME WASHERS $19 & $20:00 White Cap Electric $115.00 The best value in Electric Wash- ers BUILDERS "IHARDWARE For -' Houses, Buns, Ete. Big StoI to er select from. SPECIAL "RICES FOR FAIR DAYS We can save you money, if you Bring inYour cans for need a Range. GARGOYLE' AND POLAAII1!'E MOTOR OIL ° 1 'if1lr tA weRemaa�r FALL FAIR DATES Bayfield Sept. 2 5-2 6 Blyth Sept. '27-28 Ilderton, Sept. 28 Kirkton, Oct. 2-3. Mitchell Sept. 25-26 Parkhill ! Sept. 25-26 private secretary to the Hon. Geo. P. Graham, now at the 'League of Na- tions conference, Geneva.; Inter- ment took place at Grand Bend. eaforth ingham Zurich ATTENDS CELEBRATION OF FIRST METHODIST CHURCH IN UPPER CANADA - AIrs. W. D. Yeo returned on Wed - Sept. 20-21 nesday last after a three weeks' va- Sept 24-25 cation. Mrs. Yeo spent a day in Sept. 27-28 Yarker with Rev, J: W. and her sis- ter Mrs, :Down, and then went with I; them" on their two weeks vacation i to Ottawa to visit their son Mr: G. A. Down and Mrs. Down, who ac- companied them as far as Ayliner, Quebec. On their return Mrs. Yeo. took a trip down through the Thous- and Islands spending a short time at Alexander Bay, N. Y. state. Mrs. Yeo also attended the Old Boys and Old Girls' re -union at Albert College SCHOOL FAIR DATES The following are the : School Fair Dates for this District:-- Dashwood istrict:-Dashwood , Sept 20 Winchelsea Sept 21 Dublin Sept: 27 Blyth " Sept. 28 ` Varna Oct. 1 Crediton Oct 2 Grand Bend Oct. 3 Mr. John Hind, chairman of the Public Utilities. Commission, Mr. H. W. Doerr, Supt:: of Utili les commis- `cion and Warden B. W. F. Beavers, addressed a meeting of the ratepay- ers at Blyth on 1Vlonday night last in• the interests of Hydro, Blyth; Brus- sels and Walton are Seeking to, have power supplied from 'the Niagara system by way of Seaforth. ALARRIED' HYNDMAN—JOHNSTON--In Triv ,itt Memorial Church,: Exeter, on Thursday, September 13th, by the Rev. A. A. Trumper, Miss M. Vic- toria Johnston, to Dr. I:1. K. Hynd- man, all of Exeter. GARDINER— PARSONS At . the James street IVtethodist parsonage, kzeter, by the Rev. W. E. Donnel- ly; on Saturday, September 15th, Miss Corsina O. Parsons, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Parsons, to Mr, William E. Gardiner, son of ,Mr. and -Mrs. M. F. Gardiner, all, of Exeter. ]DIED SHZERR/TT-- Tiff Blanchard on Sept. 14th, John Sherritt, in his 72nd year. Belleville, and also the celebration of Hay Bay church, one hundred and thirty-one years old. • This chinch was the first Methodist church built in Upper Canada. It was erected in the spring and summer of 1792 by the United Empire Loyalists under the directian of Win. Losee the first 'itinerant preacher. It was enlarged and rebuilt in 1832 and used until 1.364: In it the first winter court of Midland district was' held in Jany, 1795. On June 29, 1819, eighteen young people were crossing the Bay of Quince to attend a quartery meet- ing in the U. E. L, church when ten were drowned. Eight of them were buried side by side opposite the church, A banner hangs over the little wooden pulpit, yellow with lige and on it are the words: "The world is my parish" (Wesley). On a board over the front entrance is the follow - Mg: "United 'Enipire Loyalists erected 1792; enlarged 1532; aban- doned 1864; centennial 1892; re- p uieaseI 191,1 by Conference; re- opened -opened 1912." Lawyer Mickl.e, 0110 of the speakers at °Hay Bay stated at the closing -of his remarks that the 1J; E. L. are planning tis have a big celebration in Beile'ville'June 16 and 17th, 1924 to celebrate the founding of Upper Canada, 140 ;i*ears ago and an effort is being rade to celebrate peace as was never known. before, On Thursday of last week a very Pleasant evening was spent at the home of iV rs Sh rt occa "oil i D 4 the sr being a grocery shower for Miss Cor- ' Slim Parsons, bride -elect,' About twenty-five, ladies were present. The evening was spent in music and .a sociable time. Thepresent were hid about the sitting .-roomsand were brought from their hiding place by the guest of -honor. A dainty lunch was served at the° close. JAN]DS ST. CHURCH FILLED TO 'ILEAR MALONE' h The James street Methodist church was filled to capacity4,Sunday even- ing to hear J. J. 1Vlaloney, forme theological student of the Roman Catholic church. Mr. Maloney spoke under the auspices of the,L,O.L° He pointed out litany of thweak- nesses and shortcomings of the Ito - Ulan Church: On Monday evening he spoke to men only and a large audience was again ' present, Mi°° Maloney spoke for over three hours. A. petition was circulated urging government inspection of convents. fiYNDi'LAN--JOHNSTON The Trivia Memorial Church was the scene; of a pretty wedding on Thursday afternoon last when Miss IVI. Victoria Johnston, daughter of IVTr, and Mrs. James W. Johnston, of Toronto, was united in xrarriage "to Dr. H. K. Hyndman. The .ceremony was performed by the Rector, Rev. A. A. Tramper. The bride, is a grad- uate nurse of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Their many friends in Exeter,. will join with The Times in extend- ing congratulations. BARN A\'I) STOCK. BURNED IN BLANSIIARD The entire grain and hay crop off the 100 acre farm of Earl Evans, Blanshard Township near Prospect Hill, was destroyed by fire Sunday night -together with. a new, modern bank .barn, tractor and a,number of Figs, A simi1ni s fii a,„oeceiii i ed two years ago, burning the barn "and crop upon the site of which the present barn was built. The loss was heavy partly insured. It is thought that spontaneous '. co1nbi`istion 'was. -.the, cause of the fire. The glow of the. fire could be seen for'many miles, GARDINER—PARSONS NUPTIALS A quiet but- pretty wedding took Mace at the James St. Methodist par- sonage, on Friday morning at-niiie. o'clock, when Miss Corsina O. Par- sons, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsons, was united in marriage to Mr. William Gardiner, „son; of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner,. all of Exeter, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. E. Donnelly. The bride looked very becoming in a snit of navy'tricotine with ,a bitten' crepe blouse and hat to match. She also wore 'a 'p'ret'ty°'fox o'liokerand carried a bride's bouquet of "Sweet- heart” roses. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gardin- er motored to London where a re- ception was given at high noon at the home of Mr. andMrs. W. E. Mit- chell, uncle and aunt of the groom. As the happy couple entered the din- ing room., a wedding march was play- ed by Mr. Kenneth Taylor -and Miss Daisy Mitchell sang "O ; Promise Me." Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Par- sons accompanied the bridal party to London. Mr, and Mrs. Gardiner` left London for Chatham, Essex and De- troit. They will be "A,t Home" to. their friends in Exeter after. October, 15th. Both the -bride and groom are very ,popular .among the people of Ex- eter and their many friends will join with The Times wishing them happi- ness and prosperity through life. NEW HYDRO RATES cr." The Public Utility Commission have announced a change in rates for hydro users for Exeter. The new rates show a decrease in. Domestic and Commercial lighting and a slight increase in Power rates. The street lighting remains the same.. Follow- ing are the new rates Domestic Lighting Service Charge -3c per 100 sq. ft. floor space. 3.5c per k, w, h,; previous rate 4c, 1.75 per 1., w: h,; -previous rate 4c Commercial Lighting 7c per k, w° h. first 70 hrs. use, pre - ions rate, •8c. 3.5c per k. w. h. next 30 hrs. use, previous rate 4c, :7c per lr. w, h. for balance, previous rate .7c, Power Service Charge—$1,00 per H.P. 4,2c per k, w, h. first 50 Itis, use previous'rate, 3,9c 2,8s per k, w. h° second 50 hrs, use, previou§ rate, 2,6c. per e 15 p . h, bk wGlance , previous ious 3c rate; 15. Prompt payment discount 10%. Class "D" discount (10 hrs: restric- ter use.) 20%, previously 23 and ' one third; per cent. Class "l;" discount (18 hrs, restric- ted else) 20%,prevlousllT 25%. ,St, Lighting ,remains sarrto $20-,00 a year'per 200 w la nu), $10.00 ... ire .= pe. HE lRAIN. F9.ltS THE EXETER, FAIR Rain on Tuesday marred what promised to be one of the best fairs in the history of Exeter. The weath- er on Monday was fine and a great exhibit was gathered together in the crystal palace, Tuesday carne in fine but rain developed in the middle of the forenoon and kept up a driz- zling shower more or lessall day. In spite of it a large number carie to lawn and found their way to the grounds between the Showers. The exhibit of ladies' work was never better-, the quality being up to the usual high : standard, The ,exhibit of fruits, flowers and vegetables were also excellent. The showing by the school children was particularly ;t t- ti•active and received much favorable comment, A demonstration for cand- ling and grading eggs was conducted by Mr. C. F. Hooper and Inspector Morrison, of London. There was a splendid showing of cattle, some very line animals being among the lot. There was a large entry for baby beef, the prize animal in the class being led in by a youngster. The surprise of the afternoon came when H. H. Brown carried off the red tie- ket for best roadster foal in compe- tition with the roadster foal that won first prize at Toronto and Lon- don fairs. For the speeding events there was an. extra large entry but the trials were postponed until Wednesday af- ternoon. The gate receipts fell a- way short of the mark, There were a few more tents than usual on the Midway and all seemed to be doing pretty ,well The 'prizes were as follows: HORSES General Purpose—Brood mare, Dr. ivroir, J. Manson & Son, E. Hoist; Foal, Dr. Moir, E. Haist; 3-yr-oldE. Haist Diploma, ;l . Haist.' Agricultural—L:—Brood mare, J. Rat- cliffe 1 & t'2; Foal, J. Ratcliffe; 1 & 2; 3 -year --'old; A. H. 'Doupe; 2 Yr. old', G, McDonald, J. Luker; 1 yr old, L. Gaiser; Team, Wm. Patrick; Diploma, G. McDonald. Heavy Draught—Brood mare, Dr. Moir, Wni. McAllister & Son, 2 & 3;. Foal, Wm. McAllister & Son, 1 & 3, Dr. Moir, 21 3 -year-old, L. Gaffs er, 2 yr old, Wm, McAllister & Son; Diploma, L. Gaiser. A. B. McPhail, Galt, Judge Carriage—Brood mare Brown; Foal 1923, 3. Manson & Son,' H. H. Brown; 3 yr old, J. Manson & Son; Single carriage hoose, J. Young, B. Pringle, H.'Wortell; Lady driver, Mrs. A. Pringle, Mrs. E. Paynter; Diploma, J. Young. Roadsters—Brood mare, a. Dec- ker, Jr., H. H. Brown, 2 & 3; Foal. 1923, H. H. Brown, J. Decker, 2 & 3; Pair roadsters, Wal. Decl:e Moffatt; "Single' roadster, 1..' ineyer, R. Morrison, lr°ksey i > G. 'Wilson; Di Ionia Resta e E. Resta v r.. E. E. Phipps, r•ford, JnrlRra�" CATTLE Shorthorn.—Aged cow, A. J,,. `Yc'ddl�' H. Smith, 2 & 3; 2 yr old heifer, Iffy`= Smith 1 & 2; Heifer calf, 'V.5, Rodd;' Bull calf, Hy° Smith; Bull, Fl.. Smith., Herefords—Aged cow, J. Hooper, W. Ford, E. Hooper; 2 -yr -old• heifer? E. Hooper, 1 & 2; 1 -yr -old- beifer, E. Hooper, 1, 2 & 3; Heifer calf,` E. Hooper, 1 & 2, W. Ford; Dinh/mna* E. Hooper, Jersey =Aged cow, R. Ga,itaalil Holsteins --Aged COW, 2-y t• -o heifer, heifer calf, D. Lett. ro Grades—Aged" cow, W. Ford, 2; 1 -yr -old heifer, C. Sweet, D. Sat tiers; W. l'nrd; 2 -yr -old steer, Il.,. Hooper; F. Etherington, E. I-iooper;i; 1 -yr -old steer, 711. Hooper; Jr. calf!?, R. Mills, W. R. Brock, G. Penlaaie,�{' Sr. calf, E. Hooper, A.' -Pym, 2. & 3.Ij Diploma, R. Mills. W. E. Doughtier, Bea,msville BABY BEEF By Usbbtrne Tp,, R. 'Mills, R. 13nocT4i A. Pym. SHEh,P Shropsh.iredowns —Shearl ing .ram, Manson and Sons, A. H. Doupc; as , ;am, ditto,; iewe: and ewe lamb,'`A`°,, Doupe 1 and Z shsarling; eta e Mansogi and San's rand 2. Judges ILIN:COLNS Ram and ram lamb, G Penhale, ,Snowden ewe, T. N Snowden, G,Pen bale; shearhrig ,,ew'4, G. PenbalE aTrd, 2, :ewe lamb, T:' N. Snowden, G: Pen, hale, Luicestejr—?McAlister & Son swept list. Pen of sheep -G. Penliale, Mc.; HOG Yorkshire —Mansoni. and Soar'asvept" list. Berkshire—Soar, one -yr., T.Sn.owden!: Tamworth -j. Manson. & Son swept list', except 1 -yr sow 1'. Snowden 2nd A. Francis, judge. POULTRY. Lt. Brahanithi, cocker -i1 a,n.d.-pullet-'t, Win Lutman 1 and 2; Langshaas, c. hen, W. 'Luta-Iasi; ' S. G. Darkugs, b. and p., W. Boo'lvden, G Heywood; cockerel, G. Heywood; Buff,' Orp ng-. tons,.' teni', J', G. Raters Bar.; Rocks, c.;. h°, an,d ,p., McCullough; cockerel, i ZcCullou h, A E. L+th;eri gton.g °� O•` 17.,t,Racks,s_ McCullough all: 'the prises; Wb Wyandottes; cocl ''McCullough,, G. He5*v, ood, hen, McCulloug;b, Miss; Cockrarr,e, ckl, and pullett Heywood R. E. Pooley; other -Var. "Wyaindcttes; cock, G. Cudms re, R. E. Pooley, h',, (c, and p., G. Cutimoirei 1 and 2; S.C. Reds, c. andh., McCullough; R.C. R.I, Reds, cock, McCullough,` G. Heywood, hen 1 and 2, pullet 1, G, Heywood; (Continued on page four.) Steam APPLE y' UTTER FACTO UIII!UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Will Run Every Day Phone 115 Main St. Exeter S. J. V. , N Y !ridrn Wednesdayir .Tuesday and CT013E 2nd, 3r1,E Liberal rizes in l s s Speeding in the Ring Lady Driv,Prs, Girl Drivers, Boy Drivers GreatExhibit of Baby :et' School Parade and Dril 1) t. Marys Juvenile .Dancers will i n Attendance ►� '.1l A, '', STEPHEN, ;1 a; 9 fl 4