HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-9-13, Page 8illisimmosimms I' HONE 36 For1' Q I ir- b or Servioo, RTPI'IONE 16 °Eur Service., INVITE YOU TO VIEW A DISPLAY OF New Garments and Materials -- FOR - Fall and Winter Ladies andGirl's Coats Good warm Coats of lozxg wearing Cloths and in a variety of Styles, one of which is certain to please: you. This year we are featuring Quality Garments at moderate prices, ,and we would sug est that you do not decide on any coat purchase, until you have seen our display. Ladies' Coats are priced as low as $15.00 -plenty of Fur Collared styles at $25,00 and our highestpriced garments are $35.00. Come in and see them., Velour and Felt Sport Hats . New shapes and new'. colors in the serviceable and ••popular;;s Sport` Hat. See our range and get our prices. New Skirts and Skirt Lengths When you see them you will want one of these new Skirts, or the material to make one. Pleated and plain styles in new Plaids; Checks, Stripes and two -toned Cloths. A large display at reason- able prices. Materials for Dresses and Blouses Among the new materials for fall wear, we are featuring -Bro- caded Canton Crepe, a beautiful new cloth -F tonne- Springtime ,Silk. -and Sole Milan, Seethese materials and 'make your own Blouses and Dresses at a fraction of the cost of ready-to-wear gar-• nlents. 'WE SELL STANDARD PATTERNS ASK FOR A FALL FASHION SHEET OUR GROCERIES ARE PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR POULTRY AND PRODUCE J. A. Stewa THE EXETER TIME llrnitllr Dealer and Funeral Dlre6.tor. WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE, YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND PRICE THAT SUITS YOU. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY NOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST'DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. , THE HOME FURNISHER. EAAs sail'::.; DINER.• Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO D 9Y AND NIGHT, SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J: Night call 74W ELLIOTT & JOHNS TAILORS . i111111111IU IIlI11�1ffllfICCII1111I[Illllhllllllll The Best Place to Buy Your ?urnitu is at R. N. Rowe's RECEIPT FOR COMFORT Take a look at our samples, Then, order the piece you like, Then leave your measure with ELLIOTT AND JOHNS. Then you will see that this Receipt is true. We els, sell ready-made Suits and Over Coats. FOR SALE -A: comfortablebrick house, good location, price reason- able, Apply to Frank Delbridge. 2w SO ARD1NG HOUSES WA.vTh,D FOR STUDENTS. 'Those wishitng to -take students' as boarders please leave their names with kr ss K. MacFaul at once ANDY EASTON •• 'Licensed :Auctioneer for the. Conn- ty:of:,Huron. Correspondence arrange - merits for 'sales can be made by call ing tip the Central hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction gna€ranteed '. . O'Brien COLLEGES, LIMITED 361 Richmond St. London. Give individual instruction . n ' in Tel- eLi''r"aphy, 13oolckeeping, "Shorthand, (Pianian and Gregg,) Cost Account- ing; Public Accounting and. General Office Work. Register now for Fall Classes , :tar'ting September 4tlz, W. J. O'.BRIEN' Ce nincrci.; �l S e ,Cr° p alist, Principal: Those who have investigated our prices and the quality of our goods have bonicluded that this is the' best place to buy as we keep an up -to- date stock. R. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER. - VICES Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.80 a. year. ADVERTISING RATES( Display Advertising•• Illade known an application. Stray Aniaaaals-One insertion 60e three' insertions f for $1.00 Parma or Real Estate for sale 600 aaeh insertion for one month of four Insertion. Miscellaneous articlesof not' 'tore than live lines, For Sale, To: Rent, Wanted, each insertion 60e. Lost and Found locale 26c. Local reading notices etc., 106 ger line per insertion. No notice leer than 25e.`Card of Thanks 50e. Auction sales $3 for one 1M:tertian and $.1.50 foreach subsequent In. eertion if :ander Ave Inches in length, •Legal. 'advertieing. 10c and 6e es' than Advertising Rates on A Ica pp tzars 12tarket report -The following le the report of the , 1Fe'Yeter Market corrected every 'Wednegday; Wheat 90p Oats _ 350 Barley 48c rs, Manitoba Flour $3,75 Pastry Flour $3„20 Model F1oWD' $3.60 FeedFlour $1.i10 liras $1.40 Shorts $1,60 Young Chic* i % to 2 lbs 17c Young Chicks, 2 to 3 lbs. 19c Young Chicks, 3 to 3% lbs. 23c Young Chicks, over 34 lbs. 25c Old Hens 10c Yount; Ducks under 43/2 lbs11c Old Ducks 10e Creamery Sutter 40c Dairy, Butter 35c Eggs extras 35c No. 1, 27c No. 2, 21c Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $9.50 ••••••••4•••••.....•• ••.••••• LOCAL • 3 • m®ooaaa1l1 o •e._c All' the bu'sfness men of town have agreed to close their respective plac- es of business on Fair Day from, 2 til, 4 o'clock. Mrs. Roland Squires is quite' ill at her home in Usborne. Mr, Garnet Miners is showing JAMES STREET CHlIlltCfI Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A. Pastor' 10.15 a.m.-Morning C1ass 11-Ivforning Worship 3 p.m, -Sunday School. 7 pan. -Preaching Service Rev. - J E. Hunter, Granton, 8 pan. -Mass Meeting Addressed by F. J. Maloney, Ex -priest. EVIDRYBODY WELCOME FARMS FOR SALE i 200 acres, being lots 5. and 6, con. 2, ''Osborne, all in first-class condi, tion,'' well underdrained with tile. 7 acres bush on each place. Lot 5! all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6.. Abundance := of water. A „young orchard just, starting to bear, 3% • miles from Ex titer, : 3 miles from Centralia;. quarter ;= mile from school. r. Apply to Rieh'd Coates, Centralia P.O. ;IMMO !1'ItVIt rDAY, SEPTEMRER 13, 11043 11111111111NNININIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIANININIINNNIN111111NNII 111111111 11 I I 11 I III111III11i11I1111111NIUIIIIIICIIICI 111 III I IIII VIII! • I I, II I PHONE. 114. SOIITIICOTTHONE 44. is For Dress, Shit` and Coat Making;; apply to 11rns, G. II. Smith,, Cor. Eliz abeth and Huron Sts., Exeter. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, "ntodexn:. bungalow, centrally located. Apply, Gladman & Stanbury. WANTED -An apprentice to learn Dressmaking. Apply to : Miss Tom.' some of his Yorkshire hogs at Loudon Fair this week. BICYCLE FOR SALE -Red Bird Mrs. W. Essery and Miss Vera are Bicycle, in good condition. Apply to xHarry Lodder,Huion St. E. spending the latter part of this week with relatives in London. Mr, Oliver Davis, of Toronto, is holidaying for two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis.. Rev. M. B. Parnaby, Ph. B. of Bel- mont, was elected president of the London District Ministerial Associa- tion: Several from town are taking in the baseball finals between Galt and St, Thomas is the latter town to -day (Wednesday.) . Mr. Thos. Clarke, of Usborne, is preparing to move into the residence on James St. rcently purchased from Mrs. Jas. ', Pickard. Mr. D. Watson & Son, of Wing- ham, are opening up a grocery store in Exeter North in the old McTag- gart store on the Lake Road. Miss Vielma Caldwell and Miss Ber- nice Caldwell, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with their aunt, Mrs. R. H. Sproat -Huron Expositor. London Fair is on this week and many from this`communityare tak- ing it in.` From early morning until late • at night autos . are passing through town eitlier going or coming from London. ,e On Sunday last 'the Rev. Andi•_ew Boa, 'of Heisall; preached two Splen- did sermons in 1Vlain Street Method- ist church. He is going to college this year and hopes to finish his course in two more years. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Wood, who have been visiting in Exeter, t o -: u ests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, left on Thursday of last week for`:.Ft. Wil- liam. They will visit their daughter. in Minnesota before returning to California. Mrs. Howard Thorn and two child- ren who have been visiting with Mr.` and Mrs. Ed. Harness, have returned to their home ` in Windsor. Miss Greta Harness' accompanied them to spend- two ,week's holidays ,in' Wind sor and Detroit. In the first game of the Senior. N.W,B.A. semi-finals ,,played be- tween Wingham and Lucan in the latter town on Saturday, Wingham defeated the. Irish Nine by a score of '7 to 1. The return game will be played at Wingham Thursday. Toronto Fair drew a record crowd this year. The attendance was with- in seven thousand of a million and a half. Better/ and grander than ever was the verdict of those who were there. The presentation of "Cleo- patra" before" the grand stand was excellent. Rev. C. C. Kafue, Methoclist min- ister in Tham'esville and family, are here, visiting at the home of his bra • ther-in-law, Rev. F. E. Clysdale, pastor of Main St. Methodist church. They have returned from visiting Mrs. Clysdale's brother, Mr. Mills, who lost his barn and corp by light- ning. There was an eclipse of the sun on Monday afternoon. It was partly visible .in this coinmunity, almost half of 'the surface of ,*'le sun being obscured by the passing of the moon between theearth and Old Sol. The sun was so bright that it was impos- sible to look at it with the naked eye and smoked glass was used. The annual Exeter District Young People's Rally will be held at Grand, Bencl on Wednesday,. Sept. 26th and will take the form of a convention and get -to -tether picnic. Weather permitting an out -door service will be held in the afternoon followed by recreation and supper. A bonfire and vesper service IS being arranged' for the -evening. The many friends of Central Park, who, during , the past few months have viewed with increasing pleas- ure thei0 if' r e s that were made to increase it's beauty and acrd to the comfort and lea r d sure of citizens n and d visitors alike, are indeed grieved to find that some thoughtlessp erson last Sunday drove older the newly - prepared surface and, seriously spoi1- ed its appearance, MONO C° .101111101, Messrs. C. Wares, E, J. Christie and R. N. Creech were winners of. the Friday evening bowling tourna- ment with 3 wins plus 20. J. Pryde E.'J. Wethey and R. -N. Rowe were second with two wine plus 15. The monthly meeting of the W. 'M• S. was held in James St. church on 'Wednesday last. Some 40 mem- bers . answered tb• the roll .call. A most interesting program was given by4the ladies consisting of readings. by, Mrs. Root. Kerslake, Mrs: Powe and Mrs. Pedlar, also an instrument- al by Miss Flossie "Hunter, a duet by Mrs. Robt. Kerslake and Mrs. W. Johns and a solo by Miss Vera Es- sery. The musical, part -of the pro- gram" being very . much appreciated. Mr Donnelly, the newpastor,was y, present at theiv�, e in forthe W. S. m etr g first time and,:gave a splendid talk of encouragement and faithfulness to our church work and W.M.S. work in general. It, being the September rally •meeting''a special offering, was asked for and responded to most heartily. , hookLook TO LONDON:`lr`LHI;I3ITION .FARE $1.50 -Our; truck will leave Central Hotel Wednesday,;_Septeiuber 12th, Thurs- day,' September ::13th, at 8.30 'ani. Arrive at Exhibition Grounds at 10.15 a.m. BAGSHAW-& EASTON Visit • US 011FairD.' We will be delighted to show you our new Merchandise for and Winter. We believe our prices will"save you money. Come in make yourself at -home. Ladies' Coats We have an exceptionally fine range of New Coats., Ali,we ask is the pleasure to show you the new models. Fall and Serge and Silk. Dresses. We can always show you new Styles in Silk and Serge Dresses. Our prices sliould interest you. Men's Fine Worsted Suit This season we areu :in most b Y g ,..of our fine Worsted Suits with two pairs_ of trousers. We can show you them from $25 to $45. White V Neck Sweaters For Boys or Girls, these are very popular this fall and come in good weight and pure Wool, in all sizes, each $5.00. Men's tnd Boy -Overcoats EverCoatin r store is New The Cloths are'the ver latest; color- ,.,,. Every ourNoriY Dogs. will pay you to see our line., They are all new and include some very Snappy Models., Specials for 1 Sc Tea Towelling reduced to '12c 30c Flannelette reduced oto 24c 25c Roller 'Towliiig reduced, to 18c. 25 pair Boys', School Shoes -re- duced „to educed„to $1.98. Fair Days $1.00 Ladies' Winter,` Under- wear reduced ao, 85c: • duced to $3.95 $4.50 Heavy Greb Work Shoe re- $1.50 and $1.75 Boys' V Neck'. Sweaters reduced'to .:75'c Special in Men's Sweater Coats A few only at the Special Price of $1.98. These are extra value. .Men's Work Shirts 89c. Regular $1.25 values,' all sizes ' in this lot. FAR DAY ONLY 89c s out Cott Bros. II I II I IIiIIIIIlII11 �IIINIII I I III 118111ICIiiimiCC11111111I11111NI1I11111{111111111111111.i111I11itI11111111111111111111CI1t11t11I11i11111111111mmill G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S D • ENTAL SURGEON -- Graduate of. the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 'Uni- versity of Toronto.' Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, London, Ont., Main , Office, ' Main St. Exeter, Ont. -Phone 34, Exeter; Hours•9.00.a.m: to 5.30,p:m.- Office; :hours at ZURICH ONT., Tues. and -Fri., 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79:- W R.::Gouidin. A. T. C. M. Organist and 'Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church.:,' - Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The or In trustor of Music s us c in the' Public,. , Schools. • TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. ��'i r i� : al s , li ��F :rte �C l2 i ::- �.-c:. : Vis.: 4 0 �' �i ��i,.U.'2:.;�'�[c,�� .� � .��.�':.���: ..�:..'���i"� O.�� � ..�:�� mjt !\i • LARCsE MEATY PRUNES' y\\ \P� CANADA'S �.�STO Limited .REST RETAIL GROCERS.\. 100 lbs: 10 lbs. *10,25 *1.03 2 lbs 25c j NEW HALLOWIN DATES PER Ib.` iv CALIFORNIAN SULTANA RAISINS PER IFI. g5c BTG REDUCTION IN SALMON Sockeye>Brands tall tin 40c., 1-2's tin 22c. Choice Red Cohoe tall tin 22c., 1-2's tin 13c: Special Brand TEA 63c. a pound Machine Sliced Breakfast 4 FiAI.ON C C. ri Fall :.Suits and. Overcoats for Men and Boys The Finest Values :Money, can -Buy Smart Stylish Models for Y Meir •and Youhg Men Sits from $20.00 up Overcoats From $18.00 up • - w - env. Hats. and Caps: In the smart new Fall shapes and colors. Style and Value that will Appeal to You i -0>m ' APice _ K Everything in Gents' Furnishin See Our Exhibit at the Fair PHONE a A VINEGAR Blended Cider or Spirit - 35c. irit35c. a.gallon IVIixecl Spice . iCe 25c. per pound FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice' :4 CROWN BRAND .:. , � farms' in the Townships of Usborn®. Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good ,FRUIT JARS i buildings and well located as, to mar - i''• leets. ._Priced:ri ht. ' Apply Pints per liox.: X1,25 ��, . g pp y to rhos; carts $1.35 Cameron, Auct.. Box 154, Exeter, aa' Half Gal.1 � .85 , 1 AP CHI WHITE ONES 2 McLarens .felly Powders 3: fog.5 2. Shirriff's Marmalade rfi 4 ib, ail' 67c• � Location ®c tin 0 ifMA1 MAIN N {... TREEE' T .L1e. e ter, �.,:rF','•i ..4L r';'A% ,1�u:'vG nt. 411111,11100 r. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. - Exeter. South of Y.M.C.A. PHONE 70 Cartage & Liver y We Ina he tri,p s to London each week. Leave your orders at our of- fico or at the Cental Rotel, CARS FOR I'IIRI, AT ALL TIMES. Bagshaw & Easton RCA :LII° �GBE R Barrister, • Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, ; 1: Office, Carling Block; Main St, Exeter A. E. TENNANT 'Veterinary Surgeon Of£ice-rMcJDonnell's; ales iertab1es e John St, Phone calls receiverompt D ]A attention. Phone` 25w HIQ»•CLASS rNvE SThtl+l 1°1'19 'Aecountp nlleeteal .L+. Insurance' ERN1ST E;i,Ir,IOT!I' face, 167xadar s'E.r.