HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-9-13, Page 4& O SIDA`i',, S1i PTEMBEP 18, 1,'.p q I hetre Friday and Saturday September 14th and 15th "The Man Unconquerable FEATURING, JACK HOLT MONDAY and TUESDAY FRIR DRYS "The Pilgrim" 9 Fails Day Special Matinee for Children from 5 to 7 Prices 15c. Evening Prices all Seats 30c. The aeroplane may eventually a- 'boiish the automobile, but the jack- nss will never leave us. Man is known by the company he keeps, woman by the company she keeps waiting.. The girls wlio keep their eyebrows thinned out, find that it takes a lot of pluck. No matter how shiftless a man may , a_ becor>,e, he is always ready dy to give advice. Ind genous LOCALS Miss Dorrance visited at her 'home in Seaforth for the week -end. Mrs. Wm. Colitis, of Toronto, iS visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury is visiting with her son Mr, J. G. Stanbury. Miss $, McDonald is visiting at the house of Dr. and Mrs. Browning., Mrs. J. S. Mack, of Guelph, is vis- iting her sitser, Mrs. Thos. Gregory. Tire Exeter Fair willbe held on Monday. and •Tuesday of next week. Miss Connor attended a meeting of the Presbyterians in. Hensel! on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanders and son Borden, are visiting in Cleve- land. Miss Allis Eacrett, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11I. Eacrett, Mr, W. J. Beer spent a few days last week with Mr. A, E, Kuhn at Grand Bend. Miss Fassold, .of Dashwood, has. taken a position as imilliner with Miss A. Yelland. Miss Inez Tuckey has returned to London after spending her holidays at her home here.. Mrs. Fred Sanders and little son, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders. Mr. Thos. Cameron is erecting a new house on Andrew Street on the old foundry property. The L. H. & B. was •an hour late Monday evening owing, to engine trouble at Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. M. Swegler and little son, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and•Mrs, N. J. Dore. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie and 1VIr. Brooks and Miss Annie Taylor visited in London on Sunday. • Miss Margaret Wethey left on Thursday last for New Jersey for an extended visit with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westover and daughter, of Aylmer, visited this week at the James St. parsonage. Miss Stella Southcott returned on Monday evening aftervisiting in Toronto and Lake Couchiching. Mr.�Jas. Handford and daughter, Miss Annie, have returned homeaf- ter visiting for two weeks in Toron- to. Mr. M. R. Complin and family ac- companied by Messrs H. H. McArthur and D. Davis visited in Strathroy on Sunday. Mr. John M. Brod'e' ick, of Regina and Miss Allan Swayze, of London, visited with Mrs. Broderick over the week -end. The weather Probs. for Thursday are "Maderate ,'North West gales, Old Cathay -, :•< >N r•fp ar4 ft i A•^ - �c.;.l ,F.e�c 1?? is<f : i•.iJry;;n • v�.m:;•: i�:'Y%",, f"i. •::Aw':.;.`5, "�✓.i rb , i:0 i.; ''Hi:.:i::i0::• ':.j?:.:lY.:,u : r:.<. .,•.<: �.•: '. r • p (Abo,re) !long hong croni trio r'ealc, and, inset, a plcturea ae freight uannemaroatamarvarsemeonammatus rlong Kong harbor, (Right) A sunset view9 7, (.lank. {f t e) da;atial "Empress between thatof Hong Hong harbor, and below, one of the P es of Canada" in port and (;anton, palatial river steamers which pIq HEN you snake your trip to the Far East, in which China must xzrhraced; you will be 'sure to ai t Hong ,- Kong o g and Canton, for both places are renowned hi poetry and prose the world over, You can- not, very well, call at Hong Kong b without "malting your nurriher" at Canton, for the places are onlyeighty � Y Miles distant from each other, The Canadian Pacific "Empresses;' call at firing gong and from there, you can vroc;eed to Cantors by either train or river steamer. Those in the "know' usually go by train and pc. tizr•n by .eie+al,rnrn ar Vit.o versa, I3y the train you will he able to feast. /our t r n, <: 1v's rs .orti.nern China inland to r n,'t•'y t, rel v:'r t,` _,,,, t •.t . +; i ", �� er, yougo l � , t , a.r't4'$r tr.e Can n r ver, Both journeys are inter- esting; but the run on the Canton river will be more enjoyed. A num- ber of the Canton river steamers, as well as being large, fast and spaci- ous vessels, will take a lot of beating as regards accommodation, table and general service, There is at all limes ,plenty of excellent companyon hoard--- visitors like yourself, Y f, and European residents hi various ' arts z of Asim --- in whom yon will w li ds - cover charming and instructive cern- paniens•' There wilt r be` so-nzu h c to attract your attention in IIong Kong that Your heart's desire will be to "just dee every place of interest at one b time," AS your steamer glides into o the rrrag•nifscirt harbour hundreds of 1 el—q• ,,.t. tr. usl;! t pnn yl -w. , t, i ing about" and at anchor. They are all picturesqueto a degree, with their rich brown sails) peculiar ri strictly indigenous tol y 0 d Cathay--. and their hulls with an eye on the port and starboard sides of the bdw, for, as the Chinese will explain to you: "Suppose no got eye, no can n Stretched before you, as your steamer' to her ,passes , wharf is_.L owloop, the noble Praya_notxr harmed Connaught Road—or water- front. 'The denizens of Shanghai call - their waterfront, Th Part of the 1?rayae Band. ; to the, Left, is land reclaimed from the sea. Splen- did thuildings, with their tiers i ' verandahs, have been erected -Upon it, whichis that'Of the Tient-, .,g Club, C.)t.,,, of^.e of the n o t ,6t'lirtur at,o suL'al institutions hi the World. ThhE EXETER TIMES fair and cooler, ° Frost not improb- able at night, Miss RuthAnderson, daughter ofl Mr, and Mrs; Wm, Anderson left Tuesday morning for Sarnia on pro' batiou•€or a nurse. Workmen aro engaged in fencing off the postolfiice site willch' is to be used as a children's playground. The; earth has been levelled. . The Paramount picture "When. Knighthood was in, Flower" drew. good crowds to the Dome Theatre on. Friday and Saturday last. Mr. -Walter Harness is enjoying his holidays and Mr. Bruce Rivers is relieving for him in Harvey & Harvey's north.' store. Mr. and Mrs.' Cyril Tucke`3r, 'of London are holidaying'for` a week with the forMer's parents, Mr. and; Mrs: C. E. Tuckey. James St. , Mission Circle ;will have a boot.,at the,. Exeter Fair and will sell Hot. Welters, Honie-n;ade Candy, Ice Cream, Sandwiches and Tea. Mrs. J. Hubert Jones has been confined\oo her home for a week suf- fering from, • blood poison in her foot. At present she is recovering: very nicely. . Miss Mildred Wood, nurse -in - training, at the General Hospital, Sarnia is spending a t`vo week's hol- iday at the home of her father, Mr. Daniel.. Wood. Mr. Larry Barry, an aged gentle- man living near Centralia, suffered. a fracture of a bone in .one of his arms when lie was thrown' from a buggy on Sunday.. Workmen are engaged in making. some alterations and re -decorating the interior of the Jackson -Mfg. Co. It is expected' that operations will commence very. shortly. Mrs. (Dr.) Snell and son Felrnan, and Mrs. K. Gordon and daughter, June, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. T. 0. Sotrthcott over the week -end on their way to Detroit by auto... Several new houses in town are nearing completion. Mr. F. Del - bridge's new house on Andrew street is about ready to be occupied. The houss of Thos. Pryde and P. Herm on Victoia St. and the residence of Mr. Wni. Kuntz on Main St. are corning along nicely., Preparatoryservice will be held in Caven •Church. Friday evening, conducted by , Rev. A. A. Trumper. Communion Service Sunday morning At 11 •a.m. the subject of the sermon will be, Vision of •the Dying Christ." 7 p:nr., evening service, subject, "The Handing on of the Personality" r A meeting or 'fanners interested in shipping hogs aird live•:stock ' co-op- erately was held°in the Public library on Friday evening last. 'There was a fair attendance and a very interest- ing meeting ;was held. The possibil- ity of forming •a co-operative 'ship: ping 'organization was discussed and. the members were unanimous in its favor. Meetings will be held dur- ing the coming week throughout the Townships of Stephen and Usborne. Mr. Win. Dickson, of Brucefiel who lived for so many years on Gi ley street, dearly loves to visit tlr old town at every oportunity and - jusit as dearly'loves a joke. Las week when here he met an old frien enc.. told her how sorry lie was th she and the people of Exeter woui be hungry this winter. "How that?" asked the lady. "Becaus you wont have any potatoes," "Wh our potatoes are good," she said "Yes," -.said he, ``but there are,s many flowers grown in the town that there isn't room for the : pota toes." Count one for -Exeter. TROPHIES DONATED The Exeter , Bowling Club have been the recipients of three hand- some silver trophies for competition in Scotch doubles and singles.' _Ex-' Ex- tra prizes will also be awarded. RICiCE,D By FIORSE Orval Beaver, son of Mrs. 'Ida Beaver, had the 'misfortune to be kicked in the right., leg below - the knee by a horse, while preparing the land for fall wheat. He received a nasty flesh ;round' and the bone was injured. ,,, FINGER CUT Mr. Fred Wells: had the misfort- une to has v themiddle rrdd e finger•of his left hand coAne in contact o c tact with a saw . at the Ross -Taylor factory on Saturday last. 'The saw cut into the end of the finger. He will be.laid off work for a couple of weeks. GAR OVERTURNS the>old bo3,s' reunion in August" are jubilant to know that the affair was a splendid success and that the re- union did not" cost any one a cent. Not only thief, but there is a surplus of about $300 on hand after paying bills "a;ruounting. to - about:` $10,000, which will be used for a good 'put pose, EXIGTER MAN MEMBER, OF SCIENTIFIC PARTY Mrs. H. F. Johnston and little daughter Mai•y, of -Washington, D.C. are visiting at the home of Mr.:and' Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Her husband and Captain Ault, both members of the Department of Terrestrial `Mag- netism, Carnegie Institution, Wash ington; are i,p San Diego, Calif., mak ing observations in coniidctions with the solar eclipse that took, place on Monday of this week. Mr., Johnston has charge of. the observations in at- mospheric electricity and' Captain Ault in magnetism. Mr. Johnston also ,,took observations of the solar eclipse in May, 1919, in West Africa. They took about $5,000 worth of inatrninents~'with them for their wort;,. one, a new and dedicate:'in- strument that arrived in Washington from Germany the day before Free- born left for San Diego. After they reached San : Deigo, "they found tha one .of their instruments was in piec es and it took him) all one' night to put it in shape. He began' his ob- servations b- servati r o rs last Thursday ur aday ,and will conclude some time this week.. WALKER—WALKEI t: A -quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday p.ni., Sept. 8th, at the hone of the bride's parents, 146 Clinton St. Toronto, when Oneida Cora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker, wars united in marriage to Robert Bruce Walker, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Walker, of Exe- ter North, by the Rev. Mr. Cochrane of College St. Presbyterian Church. The bride, who was prettily gowned in dove blue canton trimmed with silver and carrying Ophelia roses, entered the '.drawing room on the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Hilda Murphy. During the signing of the register, Miss Mary Macjar land, of Ottawa, sang "Until," also Miss Verna Walker Walker, sister of the' groom sang, "Because." AMong the out of town guests were Miss Lillian • Hendry, of Ottawa; Mr, W. E. Walker, of London; Miss Allison Maitland, Elora; and Mr.` Barnhardt, of Ora. A dainty luncheon was, ser- ved after which the happy coupxe left for a two week's camping along Lake, Huron, 'DECORATION T ATI Oil SE • I?vVICE .BY LUCAN LODGES The` various- fraternal lodges of Lucan held a` decoration service in St. James' cemetery on Sunday. It was the first ceremony of the kind held there and attracted a crowd, estimated at 1,500. .It is likely to become an annual affair. The speak- ers were: Rev.: K. McGoun, Rev. G. C. Gifford, Rev. Daniel Johston and d, Rev. C. 0.' Phrill, the latter, of the d- Kirkton and Saintsbury Anglican e chuurehes. The brass band from Ile the Orange lodge at London, took t part. Among the lodges taking part: d in the' services were: Irving Lodge, at A. F. & A. M.; Harcourt Lodge, L. d 0. L.; Canadian' Order of Foresters; is Odd Fellows; IndePendent order of e' Foresters; Woodmen of the World, y, and Canadian Order of Chosen Friends: o �' ,IEARLY MAILING Early mailing ensures early pre- NEAR CENTR.A,LIA An accident occurred Sunday af- ternoon near Centralia,' when a touring car being driven by Capt,. Kendall, of Clinton, turned com- pletely over, pinning him under tite car. His companion, Lieut. "Fowles, was thrown clear and r'eceivednii\in- juries. When Capt. Kendall woe finally removede h� wee found to have broken two ribs and wasouirte badly bruised, He was removed Co the Clinton Hospital where he is do- .ing fine. . ligTORT,Lt a 449.FlJtilf1M. E- t 73t1sirress men,. Mitchell, , of 11�1rtarel 1, who contributes. . to �.t., tr s i cash tund of the Old Boys' 1L,'C n , 1„ have their#? tiv- - hack ttiorie.� ,,,r,l:and t?lose wife had tos..zionstiiiitty of ps.ttting ou paration of your letter or parcel for despatch and its getting away on the first available mail. Remember,; you are not the only person who some- times waits until evening, -or. near the` time your mail should . go out, whenever that is during the day. -to Post- mail matter, and when a lot of people do this, it is apt to mean, as as you may imagine, a great rush at the last moment for the post office staff in order to get the mail ready for despatch by the Proper train or courier, and -if there is too much for them to handle it in time, it may be your letter, your order' for goods, or. the .parcel which you want delivered promptly which misses' the mail and is delayed aocordingiy. In any case. since post office employees are only, human, thee is more chance of a mistake being arcade int • he handling of your letter or parcel when a rush of work :is: on. Just as you get bet "ter service in a store' during a :slack hour, so you may get better service at the post office when the staff has time to give your mail matter more careful .consideja'" Lion. Summer Astherna • Will spoil your summer and make ydur company distressing to your friends unless you get relief, Get a box of RA7-MAII today. Most people feel better from the 'fi, .. rgt'dose "rota' druggist will refund your rnoney if a4 )_box � does not bringrelief e ref. Ab- so.lutely iainnless. CGeneroussarri 1e for 4c in stamps. Tenipbctons T To- ronto. o ronto. 11 t 2 . r. r ,j iso r.,7 , is re + r I ,Ts , r , Cz � 5 t P'y,' 13 121,,.,, i, S i. OIp.g and Ir1tl.013(l�,V'TlY'" r. ," ,.�, eptember THREE . i URSES' 2:18 Trot or Pace, Purse $225.00 2:30 Trot or Pace Purse $200.00 Green Race horses never started before $150. concert . at Night "What Happened to Jones"'y4 A D eh htf u l C ornedy Presented by St. Marys' Dramatic Club Popular Prices Plan of Hall at Howey's'Drugstore Meet Your Friends at Exeter Fair B. Williams R. G. Seldon President Secretary e. •v!All :'ta' '^7anL3Ka �thCtwti, d'.Tfiak.i- •�: i The Best Way TION'T risk loss b' rth14:neai d°i+dyur coenrlesvtteisn uednt wtay . ti d your out-of-town accounts. Our Teller can )tamp,e/�'hem same cost as Post Office or WE WELCOMEE VO THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • M. R. Complin, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager Exeter Branch Crediton Branch • Dashwood Branch Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 • Over 125 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK Special Savings Department , are provided at every one of our Branches, and assure to our depositors prompt and courteous attention. Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH — - T. S. WOODS, . Manager Centralia branch open for businessdaily,: vacranomeat FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE' INSUR ' ANCE COMPANY • - Hea Head Office, , I'ar, llhak' q ,Ont. President, Wm. BROOK Vice -President, . JOIIN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN`' • SIMON DOW 1tOBT. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia Agent for Usborne -;and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Puilarton and: Logan, W. A. 'TUUR,NBULL Secretar 1'reasu_ e> ve. y Box 98 Exeter, Ontario.' GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. G. ';lr: R fFI+'Ibt3T0 h' ,, L.D.FB, D.D.S DEE,NTI S T 01f1'I oe over I. R. Carl) ' ng al Lem Croce ere rY Wednesday a�i` -.::•_.•.� � F terxxoom. DR, A. A7?b, !donorr � 61d1]1Qi.,h`ozonto d T" or '�l wvtsr- DENTIST 011lce over ,Gladraan & Stanbury' o Slee, Main 'Street, Exoter; MONEY TO LOAN We have a large arnotint of privritd, funds t0Oa 1 n on farm and villager properties, at lowest. `rates of int terest. GLADM N Ri: STA,NBU.ItY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Ltuc,+. tlomeer, Scales condecIed in any loc.' ality. Terms ` moderate, Orders Ia11 at Times Office will be promptly at4 tended to. Phone p y Phone 1.16, Klr;'stou$) Address Kirkton P. 0. TIII DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE.' Between MONTREAL TORONTO C DETI O I1 and CH -ICAO O , Unexcelled dieingr, r r+ rs•+,:r. • Sleeping cars oft ti ,s iit:.d'. Parlor ears on F r p. ;iiri•s , intorFnitt7tfro r,fl -t a � rC r� ar.i_r unratTrsn;( Ticket : Ar,elt t or t.,, ?f• i3or fag, . Iibetrirt 1)*sertge, ' A ,goat, Toronto. ', .M, DOR) it Agent, E , cter^,: