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The Exeter Times, 1923-9-13, Page 1
FIFTY •FIRST, YEARNo, 2556 EXETER, -Q N Tr T]C C7 aI� 3 M ORNING'9 SEPTEMBER 13th., 1q23 .1 1ii,.:,.;f,t,.!if.i;.J3� i,tlari ii1!((i�I�l(lll((li(�iilll{Ill{ililiilliliiiiilill(lilllli{l ilil{illlllllil. �llll. lllil{�. l{iliil:. ili(illiiliiilli , E TE,,. R C°UNgr 111111060 411111001. .4,1111111/1111111 woman EXITITIR PAIL FAIR MONDAY ANTUESDAY- S TI1 1II E1t 17th t 1lD 1$thMOM oce1 Value Ladies d • . Misses • Suits, Coats and rases • 10.01.441 _ .t ;~ l it liliillllliliilisinolull,1111umiilliiiiiiiimAifi111i1tllllllllll1111� molli1 of ,. , IAIINiIiiHllilll#ill)IIiIIiIIINllllllllllliilllli�� See our, Speeial Coats at $25.00 m Burberry•and Fur -Collared Styles • A large range of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, ready •Por Fall Showing, Children's tCoats; ages'3 to 14 years at reasonable prices, ASpec a:1 Bargains for Fair Week Heavy quality white lF lannelette 36 inches wide for Fair Week oally at 2,7c,a..yard. '• Heavy.. quality 40, in. and 42 in, -Ci •cular Pillow .Cotton, only one.web, , eaeii,at 49c a yard: w , Pure Linen Dish and•Rollee Towelling, a real bargain for Fair Week only, at 22c ard a' Y r Cambric. 'and, Anderson's Scotch G inghamsall must go at ` 22c, 29c and 396,,a yard Ladies', Black Cashmerette Hosiery, 5 -dozen only'to., t a sell at 59c ;'pair Ladies Wool and Cashmere Hosiery,10 dozen only to sell, at 79c a pair: Men's:;Heavy All Wool Work Socks; very`gooc value at: 50c a pair. Our Fail; stock of underwear .for Ladies, Men and Children, Gloves Hosiery .Dressgoode; Hats Caps, Clothing;; ete., is now, complete.' BEDROOM RUGS—in Tapestries n pestries at real bargain .prices for. Fair Week. Coh1 BOYS'.—SUITS, "•MEN'S'.AND BO'i'S' Sizes`, 25 '0' 35. NEW;'' - - 0.1§ :AND• UP . OVERCOATS • SMART IDCS OXFORBOYS AND', GIR N 1 A•D�:=S'LIP1' { RS � �• .� SGTitI `L ocenes, LUX . 11.c pkg • Kellogg's Corre. Flakes 3. for "29e, Laundry Soaps' 7c :bar YEAST..... .. 5c:pkg ii air ay an very at our money -saving. pr Wash, Boards; zinc, '55c Broom Specials at 45c and 65e '• Red Salmon 22e for • Ib Tin EC IA.L� • MEN'S' STJITS v. $17 AND UP S MEN'S' STRIPE n0 YER ALLS;b1' Q• , Day,BuY9our:Groce7ies Cascade Salmon 15c for l 1b Tin • Maple Leaf 40c for 1 Iii Tin PHONE 32, • 1.16111011 11111.411210 Plain ram 1.110.11110.1 MINIM Mine a RYON IMMO AM▪ EN ;1elonday evening, Sept,: 10 1923 ;A re ula i o • � ;, ,u, sc,s zqn i the Municipal: f Council" absent Councillor Davis The Minutes ,oti,.the meeting held .:August 27th were cru•d and signed. Corre s ponwire., iiread as fbilows Cir- cular letter, froin the Ilickle Fire En- gine CompatlY, W oodsto'ck, re Fir ,Engine and other+.apparatus. Tiled A. letter fi orn eolicitoir I. R. Carl irk, re an anneal, for damages sus rained by` IJ o>iahn'h crop of, potai) s byt`1)eiangydd runto ovehisr by cows running at large. No action. The i•epiu-droll--l.ronr the Secretary of the l3`oaa d. of :Education for the -shin of eleven tiiousanii •dollars for school 'purposes', Tor the year Was ,read. Per Ellerington—Francis— That in view of the fact that •the school board showed„a big surplus in e the'Ctiuncil ask the Board of Educa- tion',to reduce this anount,by,at least one.. thousand ,'dollars. Carried, The auditor s 'report for August was read :and accepted on motion of 'Francis and ' I3o"operr Carried. The' foilov ing "accounts were read and`. ordered paid"; • Fred ,Kerr, trick and.,tile`, $70-0,2,;"- Ernest ElliottFire OPENING BUSINESS IN WINDSOR LUINDY—SHEEN Mr. Ed, Harness left Wednesday .A very pretty wedding tookp lace for Windsor where he intends open- ing g uP a retail . produce business. While Exeter regrets to lose such a worthy citizen, his many friends` wish him every success. For the present the family will remain in Exeter. SI -TOWER FOR BRIDE-TO•BE A very jolly evening was spent at. the home of Mrs. A. Sheere, Hu on St., Monday evening, the occasion be- ing the presentation of a miscellan- eous shower to Miss Corsina' Parsons a popular September bride elect.. Miss Parsons was completely taken. by surprise,•' After a couple Of in- teresting contests, a pretty decorated basket laden with gifts was brought into the 'room by Miss Jean. Sheere and Master Kenneth Hockey. Many beautiful ''and useful gifts were a- mong the , lot, Refreshments were served. About forty-five were pres- ent: the,, December report. of 1.922,” that CODIMUNICA.TION • nsu`rance; Town Hall, $15:60 • J Gen oa•, fine insurance, town hall; $7..80 Frank i\lallett, $-18:' Passed on, niotion.of Hgoper-Fianeis..Car- •i•ied. Adjournment i1y;Francis, os: `Senior, Clerk. • BOARD • OF EDUCATION. • The Board met ea Sept. 4th at the offirce of the secretary. 'lhe previous miuu'tes were approved, All present except Mr.:,Gm,eit e.. Mr, Medd' our;beha]f'ef the Teachers' —• and • ,.t �i n u Cawrses: Comm y ,.ttee. rep • ar - t ed on the le gage p ale ,,..rent of Miss Hale, as the sixth teacheriuit:thi2 High School and on the. steps taken re :lir. Mc- Quarr_e ; a] �t`,, that school' nad re -ower=: ed •;to -day kith callthe staff oreseivt and :am- otters -dente ini,• the .high school ,�, of almost 200 students. Mr. Creech; 'chairinain. in' the absence, of lib"r, Grre'4,reported the steps ,that had been taken ' to :secure the Public .•Library as a:..primary.school room and anda. the- ordering • •of; new seats necessary, also that. the thee regirsitian from the council': was , placed;'; art $7.1„000 less 'than .Tastt •year;, • Mr; Stanbu-ry ;,'repented ,. o n the changes necessary,' in th;aooms to accainmadate =the,, 1, 'g r saiainlp, r” ,:of r=' stn � s• raci(rt w th e:,. drawn itg r of scli:aol', ground — and biliitliaig;: showing also the' nee .es-• sty,' of a larger town;' drain an the MIME swam - - street. After a few changes ~,Vere ar- ranged the -Deport of tJr principal, Mr, provTVretheyed,, as to the time table, was ip- \Ir. Medd asked :that nothing be dower at present re purchase of scales - until he could secure a meetsng of - the• �repie�.entatuves Of the schaol,nurse district. ' Messrs Stanbuiry, Rowe and Haney wcra appoianted.a'spiecial coinni,iltee to} secure 'informations. se music in the public school. ,both as to teething and phonograph demonstration. A case corning under trio' Adolescent Act was discussed, and the secretary was -instructed to inform the officer that ;the provuis i oris of the act must be enforced. A few accounts were passed. The question of mare accommoda- tion, ui the wily of extensioim.of the present building or a new buildi,n;g, was discussed and the Building and Grounds Committee was instructed; to taker the matter in hand, and gel all :information, possible,• and when ready Y" to requesta'Meeting "of the ;laird to • report.. IL. lViacI'iul, Secretary. PH,NE ,32 _ ,s1M1i""4$1..a.• ' r DON'T FORGET THE DATES :ETER .FArIR SEPT. 17 & 1 White in fo tile Fair oran other time V1Sit the Big Hardware Store Specially Priced PEN KNIVES; 25c UP Boys' or Men's Knives ..... 35c up Easy Opener Ladies' Knives 35c Hobbs Gold Medal- Washers edal-Washers HOME WASHERS $19 & $20•,00` White Cap Electric ^ $115,.00 The best va,I ere in Electric Wash - BtlJLDERS' 1IARDWARE For Rouses, Barns, Etc. Big Stock to select from. Bring`in your cans for SPECIAL I'ICES ,tOlti PAIR DAYS We can ;save you money, if you need a Ilange, ' GARGOYLE ANI1-PO.hARINE MOTOR OIL Heaman'sHardware LARGE JIEN EGG Last week we were shown a large hen egg that: weighed 4 ozs. and measured 61/2x81/4 inches, . The egg was laid on the farm of Mr. John K. Cornish, of Lumley: BORN WETHEI—In' Exeter, on Sunda September 9th, to Mr," and` Mrs, E J. Wethey, a "son» • SNELL—In Exeter, ori Wednesday September 12th, to Mr: and Mrs, John C. Snell, a son. VINCENT—At St, Joseph's Hospita London, on September let, '1923 to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent, daughter, , JONES --In Stephen on Friday Sept 7th, to Mr, and Mrs: Cecil Sharp Jones, a daughter. OVERHOLT—At Sauble Line; Hay Tp., on August 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman 'Overholt, a dough- ter. a • E" DENO4LY—,At Sauble Line, Hay-- Tp. on August 31st, to. Mr, and Mrs. Armand Denomy, a son, SCHWA:RTZENTRUBER-At , Bron- son Line, ron••son;Line, Ilay Tp., on August'31st; to Mr: and ' Mrs. Chris." Schwartz- entruber, a daughter: 11IARR1 ED' HODGERT—MILLER—At the Pres byterian manse, Cromarty, on Sep teniber 5th, by Rev. G. Ritchie, Miss Mary Miller, daughter of 41r. John Miller, of Staffa,'to Mr. Janes Hodgert, of Farquhar: OM—STANLEY—At Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, by Rev, K. Mc- Goun, on Wednesday, Sept, 5th at high noon, Alice,daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Stanley, of Lucan, to J. .Archibald Toni, Son of In- spector Tom,, of Goderich, T ENGAGEMENT NT Mr, and Mrs, John Smith announce the eirgagenieii€ of their e r daughter, Beulah. • to Mr, Hilliard G. Snarling, of Walkerton, the marriag'e to take place the latter part of tlils month,. T�'1 ---STANLEY ' Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, beau- tifully decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, was .the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 5th, at high noon, when Rev. K. Mc - Goan united in rnarriage Alice, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Stanley, of Lucan; 'to J. Archibald Toni, of Stratford, son of Inspector 5, E. Toni, of Goderich. Th bride, Another statement sythich requires correction is the statement 'thiat Ex- eter School taxes are being raised ev- ry year. Last year the: Board of Ed- ucation requested and received one thousand dollars iless than in 1921 and. this year the amount required has been further ,reduced, by ,five h•un- ed dollars. A comparison of 1921 d . 1921 fax receipts will establish at i,schooi taxes were reduced one 1 In 1922 and the 1923 notices will ow the further : reduction. represent- ; the ;fine hundred dollars decrease. i;s result was attaiined jni piste, of st extensions in the school's v ,e- iiess to community and the raising the ,standar.d of ,cll'iclen,cy so that now have a real school.. of which era citizen. can, feel proud.. A.t the pre,sont time the Board is therme �in,formatit n with •curd to t7re best method of provttirng n,^edcr? coinni0dation, for a crron'ded Bondi- latoh in. public and high school., d 'ivc h ave f"uitli in the good sense. the. cit-ie,ns as we have faith in our coals that they whir, discuss the pro- m 'with cou,rag,c and intelligence and t/i a proper sense et the' r esponsio- fes we have to the fixture citizens> of E:teter and to, ,our quota opt the future cstizenhood .of Canada, Pers:rn- al1y, I b�e cvei it w11,1 `h e. good b usiin, s� ; as well is sound patriilotisiii to provJrte lar tIi present ands far''11r.‘, , tu�ture ‘h J ea cctnig a new rftgh School. l£ this Caul. be<done at cast rate- payers tus io the xa� payers 'of' Exeter of only one-fourth its contract price as has been estin7a- ted then no, one should contemplate p the underiakjn, with alarm. 'lVi,h you, for tlie'best interests .of Exetcs. J. 'G. ': TAN ''L '�'t.x;` The ri e, To The Exeter Times. • Dear Sir`s The splendid results attained ,by Exeter High Schoolin the • Depart- mental examinations," both of 1922 and 1923, have had the hoped-for recognition on the part of the people of this High School District, From, an attendance of not more than one hundred the registrations have risen to two hundred this year and the possibilities of further increase are not exhausted. Exeter occupies a central position in one of the most intelligent and well-to-do sections of Ontario . and has an area about it larger than any other High School in the county. In the past, students from this area have been attracted to other schools by reason of the i n - efficiency of Exeter School and even. the children ofr ou own town have been compelled to go elsewhere to complete their secondary education. Today Exeter is coming into her own educationally. One hundred and fiftY` Young women and young, amen from the farms and neighboring villages. arel'here.and their parents 'are e"d link- up nk 'up withExete r cornnercsbc ially; ands wr,t. ally as never before. ' h•all that' means to lite and trade of our town:' Own people are no longer: compelled to contribute ' tribute to the life and, trade of other towns by sending away their children with the consequent break- ing of home influences and the in- crease of financial burdens. I believe that every citizen of Ex- eter is proud of our schools, both Public and High, and rejoices in their efficiency and in the unntistak- ,ab'le compliment of the parents of -the'llistrict,in sending their children to. Exeter. But I find that there are a few misconceptions on the part of some which I should like to correct. We hear it stated that Exeter is pay- ing for the education of the students from the country because there are no Sees charged outsiders under present Government regulations This is not correct. Exeter rate- payers pay for: Exeter students only. The total cost -is figuered per pupil and the Counties of Perth, ` Middle- sex and Huron contribute that cost according to their contribution to the attendance. In reality the large attendance of County. pupils reduces Exeter's school expenses by reason of. the fact that it would cost more per scholar to operate a snail school for Exeter only, than the larger school for the whole District: (If who was given in marriage by her an father, was charming in a gown of ti • white chiffon taffeta, with veil and ch orange blossoms, and carried a tion- , quet of • roses and lily of the valley, 1 Miss Helen Stanley, sister of the ea bride, was maid. of honor,- in steel tul pink and Dr. Marry I. Tom, as brides- of maid in lavender,' were the bride's at- we tendants. The groom was supported e4' by Mr, 5. A. Kay, of Stratford. Ches- a^ ter Ryan and Dr. A, M. Stanley acted ' as ushers, while Mrs. H. Monroe, of ac Strath.roy, sang beautifully during t ,a the signing of the register. After ,;n the ceremony a wedding luncheon of was served at the home of the bride's set parents. Later Mr: and Mrs. Tom b1 left, from London foil Toronto to take u the St.,Lawrence and Saugenay trip. Guests were present from Goderich, Toledo, Buffalo, Stratford; Toronto, London and Listowel: Mr. Jas. Riley, of Detroit, a for- mer • si re dent of Centralia, who is re- newiiag acquaintancesin his old home village was shaking hands with. Soine old friends in, 11lxeter on llifon- flay. It is 35 years since Mr. Riley left Centralia, on Thursday, September 6th, at 10.- 30 a.m. at Syrlerihanx Methodist parsonage, Brantford, when Rev. ; J. Schofield united in marriage Mad- eline Maria Sheere; ©idest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere, 194 Terrace Hill, and Isaac Earl Lundy, son of Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Lundy, of Brantford. The bride wore a fawn canton crepe gown with hat and shoes; to. match. The attendants were Greta .Sheere. and 'Erie Lundy, After .a short honeymoon they will make` their ,home Zak Brantford. The bride., is a' granddaughter of Mrs-; M. S1ac11heen^eof andExetMi.. and .Mrs. Wm, MlIit- 0, A •quiet wedin toorc place at .tda� pe A .sl >yteriara manse, Cronaar'ttib, Wednesday of last week when , ROT. G. ` it •li' 4 ie united ` e1 i ,� n roar ' a ` rr ager, I�IIaw4 Mary /Miler, daughter of Mr. Jobs Miller, of Staffer; to Mr. James Hod- gert of Farquhar. MILLINEF y The Ladies of Exeter: and Uortt inanity are invited to ,inspeit Our .np- to -date stock of New York;, ,Modelet and latest styles in Hats and ''flim.. nzings. Miss I'assold, an ex-ocrienc», ed milliner, is with us for this'„dean son. MISS A.,,YELLANJ ONl16`lCs TO ?CTER T J. 1VJALQ Ex -Cleric of the Roman Catholic Church WILL ADDRESS A MASS MEETING IN THE JamesStreet Churc uriday, Sept. I .i 'At 8 o'clock p.m,, following the evening service. londay, Sept. 17t = 4T 8 O'CLooJi ; P.li. SHAEP A Meeting for. en ,only in the :; JAM .HURCH P. . :.a3lfn•— SILO %Cw ,r .�..pWt+•$a4.•'a+.1WY R1COLLECTION UNDER THEX AUSPICES OF ,EXETER L.O.L.NO. v 4 HOWARD DIGNAN Secreta' 4`f7TY:I1TA16il x.IIT E Y la �9 Y�I W.M. gg Demonstratjon at Exet r [+ Fair September by' Inspector Morrison, of London Assisted by t ; C. Fr Hooper, of Exeter nywerzam.Comee and See Eggs Candled and raded PRIZES 1st 2nd, Best 5 dozen Specials $3.00 2,00 Best 2 dozen Specials $2;00 1.00 (Producers Only:) Bergs to be judged by following rule: Uniform iniz i s e, q .iality; cleanliness and neatness, Weight not less than 25 oz. to the dozen. Di MK- imfa :3ilizwwrmi, Service 11lain Phone 102 TWO STORES , North Phone 47 This is bad weather for flies! We ria foot that are just dying to help y on. CLASS!raws........moszammayarronci IS CLEANSER 3 for Wile ALL LAUUNDRY, SOAPS A BAR e Poison Pads and Tangle SEEDLESS IAISINS p o MG, • PEACHES Have you been able to get good peaehea atthe right price past years? If you haven't, here's your chance—keep in toner. w'i b. us IPAIR WEEK• We buy nothing but the best, and fn sunt 'quan- tity that 5-055 are assured of special prices. • 2 -a