HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-9-6, Page 8NUM 6 UON'17 16 SP FW R SPH For S6rvLee For Service or SCHOOL CLOTHE ,REE WJTij UMW BOY'S SCHOOL 'KIT A BELT—A TIE AND A PAIR QF BRACES We have a dandy range of Boy's Suits in good Serviceable cloths and snappy styles. With, every Suit sold for School Opening, we will. give free—A Beit --A Knitted Tie and a pair of Braces. Conte in and let, us save you money. We have some good Suits as low as $5.00. School Shoes at Special Prices If your Girl or Boy needs new shoes for school; eo.me ingrid e e us. We have several odd lines of Solid Leather and Canvas Rubber Soled Shoes on which we will save you real money. Black Stockings all sizes 25c. p. These Stockings are just right for school wear. A good black in a heavy Rib or Plain. All sizes -5 to 10. ---for 250 a pair, Girls School Dresges for $1.00 For School Opening, we will sell' any Girl's Gingham Dress in the store for $1.00. Lots of good cloths and styles and every size from 5 to 74 years for $1.00. Reduced Prices on all Ginghams We have Sale Prices on all Ginghams left in the stock including Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, Good Dress Ginghams as low as a yard. ��P r Coats Lades Fall and Winter Make certain to see our display before selecting your New Coat. You will find only the newest styles on our racks and the low prices we are asking for quality garments will surprise you. of Are YouTakingAdvantage .r : Grocery Bargains Choice Seedless Raisins 15c a lb or 31,E 'Ms for 50c A large can of guaranteed Red Salmon for 25c Granulated Sugar just a little cheaper than you can buy it elsewhere '7 Bars Comfort, Gold or P & G Soap for .48c Salada Tea 65c lb Cascade Salmon .......... 15c Tb Best Coffee 55c Ib Christie's Sodas 150 Ib Royal Yeast 5c A good strong Broom for 50c HIGHEST PRICE PAD) FOR LIVE POULTRY OF ALL KINDS Stewart HE TJ bxorkxe$ report The following the report of the Exeter Market corrected e'er°Y Wednesday. Wheat" 90c Oats S5c Barley 48e Manitoba Flour $3,75. Pastry Flour $3.20 I1lodei T'lour $'3,60 Feed Flour $1,960 Bran $140 Shorts $1.60 Young Chicks 13. to. 2 lbs 17c ` Young Chicks, 2 to 3 Ibs. 19c Young Chicks, 3 to 3;34 lbs. 23c. Young` Chicks, over 3% Tbs. 25c; Old Hens 10c Young Ducks under 4r/a lbs ilc Old Ducks 100 Dairy Butter,' 30e Creamery Butter 39-400 Eggs, Extras 34c Eggs No. 1, 26c Eggs No. 2, 20a Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $10.00 mienstrangunisigninenninlininill R TIMES LOCAL Witt the Churches JABS STI>rEET M11TOOPIST CHURCH Heti. W. IE, xlvs►rtofly, '13 It, Pastor' 10,15 a.m.—Morning Class 11.0o a.m.---Morning Worship, surf ject--"A launch of Keys." Special Sermon to Boys and -Girls. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.ru,—"The Lost Crown" EVERYBODY WELCOME, Tiivw$DAY, s.?jrr1 }n)toAt, Orth a .il[l[i[[[[moillni[[[[[I[[[[[[li[ill[!19[[Iril[[i[[[ il[III[ [liil[[l[6[I111l[[[[d ll[[[ioni[Imohill[[[![[II mil[[[oii1111Nilllf iums oU ° icoT.T ,BROS. �.e .ct► G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S. D P S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and !Ju- versity. of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number` One, London,'. Ont r;iii? ii ��lAi All the business ren of town have agreted to' close their respective plac- es of business on; Fair Day, from; 2 till 4 o'clock. ;.. WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO 'GIVE YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS YOU. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER. INE. hJri1llre DaIer aid Fllfl6rI Dir6tor M. E. A Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 0I -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W _"1.^'8:.`�.afi aM4.Y••.VF'?d�rF.»gr�w?Y r.MH:.. tstStt,'ifi .,..:.., .:� . y s +;r., extl7 .ELLIOTT & JOHNS TAILORS RECEIPT FOR COMFORT Take a look at our samples, Then order the piece you like, Then leave your measure with ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Then you will see that this Receipt is true. We a1s,l sell ready-made Suits and Over Coats. FOR SALE --A comfortable brick house, good location, price reason- able. Apply. to Frank Delbridge.: 2w BOARDING' HOUSES W ANTt,D FOR STUDENTS, Those wishing to take students as hoarders please leave thcer names with "kIiss M. MacFaul at once. IUU!IIIIllMITI!IlUhIlIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Best Place to Buy' Your Furniture is at R. N. Rowe's Those who have investigated our prices and the quality of our goods have concluded that this is the best place to buy as we keep am. up-to- date stock. R. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER - ANDY EA STON VICES Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn- Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales eau be made by eaali-- n ra Hotel,Exeter. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 isl .�a .lite Ce t i P g` Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. 'Brien COLLEGES, LIMITED 361 Richmond St. Louden, Give 'individual inst:ruction. in Tel- egraphy, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, (Pitman and Gregg,) Cost Account- ing, Public Accounting and. General Orrice Work.: now for Fall Classes Registero a > � starting September dth. W. J. O'BRIEN, Cominercial Specialist., principal, SPECIAL MEETING There will be a special meeting of the Exeter Branch, 924, L.O.L„ on Friday, September 7th, to make spec- ial arrangements for the coming of J. J. Maloney, ex -clergyman of the Roman Catholic Church. Wni. Lutman, W.M, All farmers who are interested in shipping their live stock co-opera- tively, are requested to attend a meeting in the Exeter Public Library on Friday evening, September 7th, at 8.30 o'clock. Order your" counter Aleck books (rein The. Times,' Prompt service; lowest prices. Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a,m. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tires. and Fri., 10.00 o'clock a.m.' to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. FARMS FOR SALE 200 acres, being lots 5 and 6, con. 2, s 'valla -class condi- Mr, Wm. Davis spent a few days ton', underdrained with tile. in Toronto, during the past week. 7 acres bush on each place. Lot 5, Mrs. Jas. Williams, Ilton, is visiting with eter,. Mr. Ed. Davis, of Sunday and Monday here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney .are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Miss "Hazel 'Dension, of London, spent the week -end with Miss Fern of near Ham - friends in EX - Forest, at his spent home Francis. Miss Annie Day left Monday for Toronto, where she has secured a position. Mr. Silas McFalls, of Bellville, spent Sunday and Labor Day. at his home here. Miss Ila Johnston, of Seaforth, spent Sunday and Monday at her home here. Messrs. H. O. Southcott and Miss Stella .Southcott' are visiting in Tor- onto this week. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Newell, of Stratford, were .Sunday visitors in town this week. The Misses, Carling visited with their sister, Mrs. Elliott in Norwich over the holiday. Miss Iva Francis has secured a position as teacher at Harpley school near Grand Bend.• Rev. Linden C. Harvey, of Coates worth is visiting his parents, Mr: and Mrs. J. S. Harvey. Mr. and i2rs. Joseph Davis and. babe have returned to Merlin after holidaying in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sills and child, of Kitchener, visited the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs.E. Heideman. Miss Daisy Mitchell, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gar- diner, Sunday. and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe motored to Tor- onto taking in the Exhibition. Miss S. Gregory has returned to Brantford to ,resume her duties as teacher in the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott, re- turned home on Friday evening after visiting in Galt, Preston and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Reichard, of Detroit, called on relativest in town on their way to Hensall for the week- end. Mrs. Wm. 'Sinclair has returned to Ailsa Craig after visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bag- shaw. 17Y. and Mrs. •Rogers returned "to Detroit on Monday after visiting for two weeks at the home of Mr. Jas. Jeckell. " i'4iss "Vera Rowe returned home Friday evening 'after spending a month at Peterboro, Toronto and: Saginaw. . Mr. and 1\It4. Horace Pfaff and babe, of Dethoit, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Pfaff and relatives in Hay during the past week. ' Misses Jean and Irene Bloomfield have returned to their home in God l erich after visiting with Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Bloomfield in Exeter North. Miss Anna Bell is visiting in Ham- ilton for a few 'days with Mr. and Mrs. Davis and ,Miss Vina Fisher also attending the Toronto Exhibition. Misses Alberta and Mildred Hor- ton and girl friend from Toronto, spent Labor Day with the former's pare-; Mr. and Mrs. Hilliary Hor- ton. Man. Wanted for Branch Manager for Exeter. Full or Spare time, for Particulars apply Sectirity Life. In- surance Company, Stratford, Ont, r -- Look Look TO LONDON EXHIBITION FARE $1.50 Our truck will leave Central Hotel Wednesday, September 12th, Thurs- day, September 13th, at 8.30 a.m. Arrive at Exhibition Grbunds at. 10.1.5 a,rn, , BAGSATr v r f :ASTON " all_in pasture, Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6. Abundance of water. , A young orchard just starting to bear. 31/a miles from Ex- eter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. Apply to Rich.'d Coates, Centralia P.O. For Dress, Suit and Coat Making, apply to Mrs. G. H. Smith, Cor, Eliz- abeth and Huron Sts., Exeter. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern - bungalow, centrally located. Apply Gladman & Stanbury. WANTED—An apprentice to learn Dressmaking. Apply to- Miss Tom. IMMO MOOMM MO- M 1101.4. MAIMS IMMO IMMIMM MIME WOMM- O W. R. Goulding A. T,' C. M. Organist and Choirmaster „Ta St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Voval and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. • TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. es ammo Imomma gyplim 101.1.11 'MONS 1114. Showing the very newest sytlesd for Young Men as well as more con- servative styles for the older men. It will pay you to see our now cloth- ing.. The prices range from $22.50 to $35.00. Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons $i.25 About fifty Aprons and Dresses in this assortment, regular' values, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.75. We must make quick clearance of this lot. Take your choice for $1.25. White Ox€jords $2.48 Canvas Slippers 98c. Balance of this season's canvas Just the thing for around the Oxfords. Regular $3;50, splendid house, comes with rubber soles styles and good fitting lasts, clear and heels; regular $1.50. Al1. ing at per ,,pair $2.48. sizes in this lot per pair 98c. /Slew Dresses and Coats Our, 'first shipment of Ladies' New, Dresses and Coats have :arrived It is always .:a pleasure to show our goods. ' Early buyers will find an ex- cellent range of the newest Styles for the coming season. Congoleurn Rugs and Linoleums If in need of any floor covering ask to see our 'new patterns. SniithnftR,rns E nmmIImimmmninuMmmnmoui11mmimmmmmimimmim1mm11imimnnnmmonmmmnnnuiI � FARM FOR SALE—On Lot Lot 16, Con. 1, Stephen, 69 acres. more or less, a good frame house, good wells, and a large bank barn in good con- dition, and other buildings. Apply to Ardagh Rollins, R.R. No. 1, Cen- tralia, P.O. BRICK ' FOR. SALE—A quantity of Miton full „r`ange buff rugbrick, suitable for fireplace or verandah: Apply to Wm. ;Doig, Jr., Kippen. • r . pi o inion oresirt „...4, ,,, ApreiRs.',1 Limited,4 CANADA S LAR.•GEST R 1 1� ui ELL TO SATISF SUGAR olb, for VINEGAR, BLEN- DED CIDER OR SPIRIT, PER GAL. 35e CHOICE, LARGE PRUNES, 2 lbs. 25c”' RN Dominion. FLACOKES 3 MIXED PICKLING SPICE, PEP lb. 25c /. p 25c. Machine Sliced BACON 33c. a pound. Our Special Blend ° TEA ri 63c. a pound S'oapFlakes 21b 25c. SALMON MAPLE LEAF. SMALL ,TIN 0 22c TALLTIN 40c i SALAI ON EAGLE 0R TIGER BRAND `I'AALL'.TIN2,2c' SMALL: -TIN ' 13c CROWN SEALER PINTS • QUART" $.1,25 *1,35 PAROWAX 2 Ib. p. 25c. HALF GALLONS *1.85 e JarRings Rubber R n s.3 d. 25c. LO C ATIO Street aint Exeter, BEEP. ELASTIC TOP;. MILEAGE IS THE TRUE TEST Check. Up on Your Socks now Long do your socks wear? .Do theycarry you many: miles at low cost, or are the heels habttually worn thin: and the big toes ever ready for repairs? In short, do you exercise your usual buying sagacity, or do you just ask for "soots"? Urheie are good, sound, logical reasons why some socks wear .longer than others. In Circle -Bar, "the hosiery of more mileage," the tapering toe gives :Just that extra big - toe rooni which n.eans so much in extra -wear. The deeper. heel, of Circle -Bar, fits snugly, smoothly, with= SNUG out stretching. No danger here et rubbing d'NSTIGP' strereneo threads ,,thin. Double' soles add toe, ..e to length of service. • • The trim instep, the narrow, perfect -fitting ankle; the deep elastic cuff supply the "looks" and comfort thatevery man is -seeking. Say "Circle -Bar" next time you buy, a,,d check vp on your mileage.. . 4 mom:.. HEEL, 'PAPERING 4 PLY TOES }; DOUBLE —SOLE ,' REGISTERED lOSIERY'' PHONE A►` M A N 1 a • FARMS fevr SALE—A FORchoice Dice O farms in the Townships of Usborne. � Tuckersmith and Hibbert: Good � buildings,"and well located as to mar kets. Priced right. Apply to, Thos., + Cameron, Auct., Box 154; Exeter. Dr. John 'Ward: \�l CHIROPRACTOR • & OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St, Exeter. South of Y.M.C.A.. PHONE 70 t« �s artage & Livery We make trips to London each r weal . Leave , e your orders at oiys of- fice or.:at the Cental hotel. CARS FOR HIRE AT ALL TIMES Bagshaw Easlou I . e e A � ' LI . Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance: Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter A. E. TE11t11TANT Veterinary Surgeon Office—McDonnell's bates ttab1es on John St. Phone calls receiv'e •pro>uytt attention. Phone 26w fGR-l7LA.88 11 ivESTMENT8 Accoaxntts Collected Insurance ERNEST ELI3U''r r Office, Alain St,iss